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Hora Con Jesus 1 – (Spanish)
$5.45This book is designed to be an aid to those who spend time with the Lord in His hidden form in the tabernacle, or exposed in the Blessed Sacrament. It is further offered as an aid for anyone who wishes some private, quiet time with the King of Kings, be it in their own home.
This book provides an extensive segment of mediations, which also includes a prayer response. There is an additional segment devoted to a variety of prayers, and another, which offers a prepared format covering a one-hour period. It is especially suggested to those who might have difficulty with meditation.
In the fares on Gethsemane, before His Crucifixion, Jesus asked His Apostles, “Could you not keep watch with me for one hour?” Spending one-hour with Jesus this became a tradition in the Church.
Today, we are beginning to see a renewal of adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. A practice that somehow slipped away during the past twenty-five years. It is urgently needed.
The bountiful graces of Eucharistic Adoration are flowing thanks to a widespread revival of this beautiful devotion. This booklet was designed to enhance your time spent with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. It includes a prayer format
to use in Adoration with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. It includes a prayer format to use in Adoration with rosary meditations, prayer and spontaneous meditation topics.Este libro esta diseado para ser una ayuda para aquellos que pasar tiempo con el Seor en Su forma oculta en el Sagrario, o expuesto en el Santisimo Sacramento. Ademas, se ofrece como una ayuda para cualquier persona que desea algunas de las privadas, de tranquilidad con el Rey de Reyes, ya sea en su propia casa.
Este libro ofrece un amplio segmento de mediaciones, que incluye tambien una oracion de respuesta. Hay una parte dedicada a una variedad de oraciones, y otro, que ofrece un formato preparado que cubre un periodo de una hora. Se sugiere especialmente a los que podrian tener dificultades con la meditacion.
En las tarifas de Getsemani, antes de su crucifixion, Jesus les pregunto a sus apostoles, “Podria no vigilar conmigo una hora?” El gasto de una hora con Jesus se convirtio en una tradicion en la Iglesia.
Hoy en dia, estamos empezando a ver una renovacion de la adoracion del Santisimo Sacramento. Una practica que, de alguna manera fue perdiendose en los ultimos veinticinco aos. Es una necesidad urgente.
La abundante gracia de la adoracion eucaristica are fluye gracias a una reactivacion generaliRead moreOut of stock