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Tracts and Booklets

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  • Usted Es Especial 25 Pack – (Spanish)


    Everyone is special to God, and he loves and desires to know each of us personally. This all-time bestselling tract, redesigned and translated into Spanish, reveals Christ’s loving and merciful heart for those who place their identity in him.

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  • 4 Cosas Que Dios Quieree Que U – (Spanish)


    This redesigned and translated tract explains the plan of salvation in 4 easy-to-understand statements, with Scripture references and clear steps to receive salvation.

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  • Doce Tribus De Israel Folleto – (Spanish)


    Este sencillo panorama general de las doce tribus de Israel pone a su alcance el simbolo, el significado, la historia, la ubicacion y otros hechos fascinantes de cada tribu. Profundice el estudio de personajes biblicos desde Moises (de la tribuo de Levi) hasta el apostol Pablo (de la tribu de Benjamin) y haga conexiones en cuanto a su ascendencia. Descubra las batallas, las controversias y los escandalos que impactaron a cada tribu. Aprenda que personajes importantes de la Biblia provienen de cada tribu de Israel.

    El resumen de cada tribu incluye:

    *Panorama general de su historia familiar, tamao, ubicacion y hechos importantes
    *Imagen del simbolo de la tribu y su significado
    *Resumen sencillo de la bendicion de Jacob, la bendicion de Moises y otros eventos clave relacionados con cada tribu

    Repleto de ayudas visuales para ayudarle a ver informacion clave en un vistazo:

    *Linea de tiempo que muestra eventos clave, comenzando con la jornada de Abraham desde Haran

    *Mapa a color que muestra como la Tierra Prometida fue dividida entre las doce tribus segun su herencia

    *Arbol familiar de Jacob (Israel)

    *Diagrama del tabernaculo que muestra donde acampaba cada tribu alrededor del tabernaculo

    This simple overview of the twelve tribes of Israel shows each tribe’s symbol, meaning, history, location, and other fascinating facts at a glance. Enrich any study of people in the Bible from Moses (from the tribe of Levi) to the Apostle Paul (from the tribe of Benjamin) and make the “backstory” connections to their ancestry. Find out the major battles, controversies, and scandals that impacted each tribe. Learn which important Bible people came from each tribe of Israel.

    Each tribe’s summary includes:

    *Quick overview of family history, size, location, and notable facts
    *Picture of the tribe’s symbol and its meaning
    *Simple summary of Jacob’s blessing, Moses’ blessing, and other key events related to each tribe

    Packed with visual aids to help you see key information at a glance:

    *Timeline showing key events starting with Abraham’s journey from Haran

    *Color-coded map showing how the Promised Land was divided among the twelve tribes according to their inheritance

    *Family tree of Jacob (Israel)

    *Tabernacle diagram showing where each of the twelve tribes encamped around the tabernacle

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  • 52 Historias Biblicas Clave Fo – (Spanish)


    La Biblia contiene muchas historias, pero no es una coleccion al azar. Cada historia individual es parte de una historia mas grande: el registro del trato de Dios con la humanidad. 52 historias biblicas clave resume muchas de las historias conocidas en la Biblia para proveer un panorama general de la amplia historia del amor y la misericorida de Dios.

    La historia de la Biblia tiene un principio y un final claro. Comienza en el momento mismo de la creacion: Dios es el creador y dueo de todo lo que existe. El pecado corrompe su creacion, asi que Dios comienza una historia de salvacion. Dios quiere redimir a toda su creacion y salvar a la humanidad del pecado, la muerte y la condenacion. Jesus es la respuesta al problema del pecado y de la maldad. El es el salvador de la humanidad y el redentor de la creacion. El fin de la historia tambien queda claro: Jesus volvera como Rey victorioso para juzgar a todas las personas. El creara un nuevo cielo y una nueva tierra donde no tendran lugar la muerte y la maldad. Cuando uno entiende las historias en la Biblia, obtiene mayor revelacion de como obra Dios en la vida de su pueblo hoy en dia.
    Cada historia biblica contiene un resumen, temas clave y una invitacion a aprender mas con referencias biblicas relacionadas.

    The Bible contains many stories-but it is not a random collection. Each individual story is part of one large story: the record of God’s dealings with humanity. 52 Key Bible Stories summarizes many of the well-known stories that make up the Bible for a birds-eye view of the larger story of God’s love and mercy.

    The story the Bible tells has a clear beginning and ending. It begins at the very moment of creation: God is the creator and owner of all that exists. His creation is corrupted by sin, so God begins a history of salvation. God wants to redeem his whole creation and save humanity from sin, death, and condemnation. Jesus is the answer to the problem of sin and evil. He is the savior of humanity and the redeemer of creation. The ending of the story is also clear: Jesus will come back as a victorious King to judge all peoples. He will create a new heavens and earth with no place for death and evil. A good grasp of the stories in the Bible opens a window into how God works in the life of his people today.

    Each Bible story listed features a summary, key themes, and an invitation for further learning with related Bible references.

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  • Templo Folleto – (Spanish)


    Se proporcionan ilustraciones y hechos detallados siguiendo la historia del templo desde el tabernaculo en el desierto hasta el templo construido por el rey Salomon, el de Zorobabel y el templo de Herodes, el que Jesus conocia. Se explican los propositos y las funciones de los muebles requeridos por Dios y son mostrados los significados que tienen para los creyentes hoy. Como centro judio de la adoracion y el sacrificio, un estudio del templo dara una comprension mas completa o una introduccion al papel de Cristo en la vida de un creyente. 12 paneles laminados a todo color se despliegan a 33 pulgadas de largo, pero encajan dentro de la cubierta de la mayoria de las Biblias.

    The Temple has a detailed and colorful diagram of the Jewish Temple drawn to scale based on measurements from the Bible. Each of the Temple furnishings are explained in detail, as well as their functions, purposes, and the meanings they have for believers today. The Temple pamphlet also has a question-and-answer section filled with fascinating facts about the biblical Temple. The physical pamphlet version is 8 1/2 by 5 1/2 inches folded, which fits in most Bibles; it unfolds to 33 inches long. The e-book and/or digital versions can be scrolled or zoomed.

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  • Como Estudiar La Biblia Follet – (Spanish)


    La Biblia tiene 66 libros, mas de 1000 capitulos y fue escrita por alrededor de 40 autores diferentes. Cualquier persona puede emprender con confianza el estudio de la Palabra de Dios con Como estudiar la Biblia. Sea que usted no tenga experiencia en la Biblia o haya estudiado la Biblia durante largo tiempo, este folleto practico proporciona una introduccion excelente al estudio personal de la Biblia. Aprenda como permanecer arraigado en la fe aprendiendo los conceptos basicos del estudio de la Biblia.

    The Bible has 66 books, more than 1000 chapters, and was written by about 40 different authors. Anyone can learn how to dive in and dig deep into the Word of God with How to Study the Bible. Whether you have no Bible experience or have studied the Bible for a long time, this handy pamphlet provides an excellent introduction to personal Bible study. Learn how to stay grounded in the faith by learning the basics of Bible study.

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  • Muchos Rostros De Maria En Las – (Spanish)


    The Blessed Mother has been adopted by cultures the world over as the gateway to her Son. This is particularly true in the countries of North, Central, and South America. This book offers descriptions and prayers for many of the names by which Mary is celebrated in cultures that stretch all the way from the Arctic Circle to the Tierra del Fuego.

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  • Atributos De Dios Folleto – (Spanish)


    People always wonder, “Who is God?” Is He an old confused grandfather sitting in the clouds? Or is he a loving father, a righteous judge, and a merciful king? What we believe about God makes a difference in how we worship and behave. Attributes of God gives 20 key traits of God: loving, just, kind, all-knowing, all-present, all-powerful, eternal, faithful, and more. Each attribute of God comes with explanation, application, Bible references, and questions for reflection and study. 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long

    La gente siempre se pregunta quien es Dios. ¿Es acaso un abuelo confundido sentado en su trono allá en las nubes? ¿O es tal vez un padre amoroso, un juez justo y un rey misericordioso? Que creemos sobre Dios incluye en cómo lo adoramos y cómo nos comportamos. Este folleto describe 20 cualidades fundamentales de Dios: es amor, justo, bondadoso, todo lo sabe, está en todos lados, lo puede todo, es eterno, fiel, y mucho más. Para cada atributo de Dios se incluye explicación, aplicación, referencias bíblicas, y preguntas para estudio y reflexión. El folleto consta de 14 paneles, cabe en la mayoría de las Biblias, 8.5 x 8.5 pulgadas, y al desdoblarlo mide 38 plugadas (casi un metro). .   

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  • Promesas Biblicas De Esperanza – (Spanish)


    En este folleto a todo color, de facil manejo, se han reunido los versiculos mas consoladores y alentadores de las Escrituras para la vida diaria. Presenta cien de los versiculos biblicos favoritos para quienes estan experimentando tristeza, temor y desesperacion. Cada pasaje de promesa se ha escogido para reflejar el cuidado de Dios por su pueblo, y para inculcar esperanza, valor y consuelo. En los momentos dificiles, la mayor sabiduria y el consuelo se hallan en la Palabra de Dios. Reune cien de los versiculos mas consoladores y alentadores de las Escrituras para los momentos mas complicados de la vida. El formato desplegable de 14 paneles proporciona gran riqueza de informacion en una presentacion atractiva.

    Este folleto facilita versiculos que tratan los desafios y las necesidades personales, y estimulan a quienes precisan: escoger confiar en Dios en todos sus desafios, resistir a la tentacion de adorar el problema, recuperar su gozo y su paz, y orar y dejar que Dios se ocupe de todo. Los temas abordados incluyen la soledad y la depresion, la inquietud, la impaciencia, la inseguridad, la fuerza y el valor, el consuelo, la seguridad de la salvacion, la confusion, la ayuda a la hora de tomar decisiones dificiles, y mas.

    Ademas del uso personal, es un recurso superventas perfecto para el cuidado pastoral, los ministerios de oracion, el asesoramiento laico, los devocionales personales, la labor de alcance, asi como otras muchas situaciones del ministerio.

    The most comforting and encouraging Scripture verses are brought together in this full- color, easy-to-use pamphlet for everyday life. The Bible Promises for Hope and Courage pamphlet presents 100 of the best-loved Bible verses for those experiencing sorrow, fear, and despair. Each promise passage has been chosen to reflect God’s care for His people and to instill hope, courage, and comfort. The greatest wisdom and comfort during troubled times is found in God’s Word.Bible Promises for Hope and Courage brings together 100 of the most comforting and encouraging verses of Scripture to address life’s most difficult times. The 14-panel fold-out format presents a wealth of information in an attractive manner.

    Bible Promises for Hope and Courage provides Scriptures that address personal challenges and needs, and encourages those in need to: Choose to trust God with their challenges, resist the temptation to worship the problem, regain their joy and peace, and pray and let God take care of

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  • Gran Historia Del Evangelio – (Spanish)


    Perfecto para el evangelismo internacional. Este conveniente folleto de 32 paginas toma 14 historias ?biblicas ?cuidadosamente escogidas y las combina para contar la historia del evangelio. La pagina final incluye el plan de salvacion ?y? una oracion de salvacion.

    Perfect for international outreach, this affordable, 32-page paperback takes 14 carefully chosen stories and combines them to tell the Gospel story. Final page include plan of salvation or salvation prayer.

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  • Mi Libro De Bolsillo Del Camin – (Spanish)


    With glorious full-color illustrations, this pocket-or-purse-size book offers those who wish to pray the Stations in Spanish a handy companion for this popular devotion on the Sacred Passion of Our Lord.

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  • Plan Para Leer La Biblia En Un – (Spanish)


    B&H Publishing Group ha obtenido licencia de Rose Publishing sobre otros dos populares cuadernillos, faciles de usar y compartir, y los ha traducido al espaol. Cada cuadernillo de 14 paginas a todo color tiene abundantes ilustraciones, incluye un titulo facil de entender sobre el contenido y sirve como herramienta de referencia practica para uso personal o en el campo misionero.

    B&H Publishing Group has licensed two more easy-to-use and share best-selling booklets from Rose Publishing, translating them into Spanish. Each 14-page, full-color booklet is richly illustrated, carries a self-explanatory title regarding the content, and serves as an always-ready reference tool for personal use or on the mission field.

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  • Como Encontrar Versiculos Favo – (Spanish)


    B&H Publishing Group has licensed seven more easy-to-use and share best-selling booklets from Rose Publishing, translating them into Spanish. Each fourteen-page, full-color booklet is richly illustrated, carries a self-explanatory title regarding the content, and serves as an always-ready reference tool for personal use or on the mission field. Thirty-five other booklets are already available.

    B&H Publishing Group ha obtenido licencia de Rose Publishing sobre otros siete populares cuadernillos, faciles de usar y compartir, y los ha traducido al espaol. Cada cuadernillo de catorce paginas a todo color tiene abundantes ilustraciones, incluye un titulo facil de entender sobre el contenido y sirve como herramienta de referencia practica para uso personal o en el campo misionero. Ya han salido a la venta otros 35 cuadernillos.

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  • Diez Mandamientos Folleto – (Spanish)


    B&H Publishing Group has licensed seven more easy-to-use and share best-selling booklets from Rose Publishing, translating them into Spanish. Each fourteen-page, full-color booklet is richly illustrated, carries a self-explanatory title regarding the content, and serves as an always-ready reference tool for personal use or on the mission field. Thirty-five other booklets are already available.

    B&H Publishing Group ha obtenido licencia de Rose Publishing sobre otros siete populares cuadernillos, faciles de usar y compartir, y los ha traducido al espaol. Cada cuadernillo de catorce paginas a todo color tiene abundantes ilustraciones, incluye un titulo facil de entender sobre el contenido y sirve como herramienta de referencia practica para uso personal o en el campo misionero. Ya han salido a la venta otros 35 cuadernillos.

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  • Como Interpretar El Libro De A – (Spanish)


    B&H Publishing Group has licensed seven more easy-to-use and share best-selling booklets from Rose Publishing, translating them into Spanish. Each fourteen-page, full-color booklet is richly illustrated, carries a self-explanatory title regarding the content, and serves as an always-ready reference tool for personal use or on the mission field. Thirty-five other booklets are already available.

    B&H Publishing Group ha obtenido licencia de Rose Publishing sobre otros siete populares cuadernillos, faciles de usar y compartir, y los ha traducido al espaol. Cada cuadernillo de catorce paginas a todo color tiene abundantes ilustraciones, incluye un titulo facil de entender sobre el contenido y sirve como herramienta de referencia practica para uso personal o en el campo misionero. Ya han salido a la venta otros 35 cuadernillos.

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  • Fin De Los Tiempos Folleto – (Spanish)


    B&H Publishing Group has licensed six more of these easy-to-use and share booklets from Rose Publishing, translating them into Spanish. Each fourteen-page, full-color booklet is richly illustrated and carries a self- explanatory title and serves as an always-ready reference tool for personal use or on the mission field.

    Four Views of the End Times pamphlet

    So what does the Bible actually say about the end times leading up to the return of Jesus Christ? Historically, four views have predominated Christianity’s understanding. Finally, those four views are explained and illustrated in simple terms.

    Each view includes a definition of the position with its main points, supporting Scriptures, the time period for the view’s main popularity, and Christian leaders supporting that view.
    Positions covered:
    – Dispensational Premillennialism
    – Amillennialism
    – Postmillennialism
    – Historic Premillennialism

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  • Divina Misericordia Mensaje Y – (Spanish)


    This bestselling booklet on Divine Mercy is perfect for a giveaway to groups and friends and is an ideal starting place for Divine Mercy with all the prayers, explanation, and devotions. In an easy-to-follow format, it provides an overview to one of the Catholic Church’s fastest growing movements. Contains all the elements of prayers of The Divine Mercy message and devotion.

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  • 10 Preguntas Respuestas Sobre – (Spanish)


    Ten questions digging into the history and theology of the Jehovah’s Witnesses cult divulge their heretical teachings, in some cases using JW teachings against themselves! Answers to JW views on the Holy Spirit and the Trinity, the veracity of their version of the Holy Bible, and analysis of their version of salvation illuminate their variance from Christianity. Tips for talking wth a Jehovah’s Witness, a glossary, a page of resources and much more included.
    Size: 8.5″ x 5.5″ unfolds to 33″ long. Full-color illustrations and photographs. Fits inside most Bibles.

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  • 100 Profecias Cumplidas Por Je – (Spanish)


    If you have an unsusual appetite for knowledge, the Themes of Faith collection provides simple easy-to-use information on a variety of topics right at your fingertips. Fully illustrated.
    Sized to fit perfectly in the back of a Bible or study notebook. A knowledge-retention booster.

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  • Tabernaculo Folleto – (Spanish)


    If you have an unsusual appetite for knowledge, the Themes of Faith collection provides simple easy-to-use information on a variety of topics right at your fingertips. Fully illustrated.
    Sized to fit perfectly in the back of a Bible or study notebook. A knowledge-retention booster.

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  • Curso Biblico : Esta Escrito – (Spanish)


    SKU (ISBN): 9780816393886ISBN10: 0816393885Language: SpanishCarlos AeschlimannBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2004Publisher: Pacific Press Publishing Association

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  • Hora Santa De Reparacion – (Spanish)


    This booklet contains all of the prayers necessary to make a holy hour of reparation before the Blessed Sacrament. A plentary indulgence is gained each time you pray this devotion under the conditions of Sacramental Confession. Eucharistic Communion, and prayers for the intention of the Holy Father.

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  • Recemos El Santo Rosario – (Spanish)


    The most popular, handy, purse-size Rosary booklet. Each mystery is gloriously illustrated in full color with appropriate text. Includes Luminous Mysteries.

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  • Dejara Pasar De Largo Su Milag – (Spanish)


    Este libro revela que aunque Jesus esta listo y dispuesto para llenar la necesidad de cada creyente, la fe persistente es esencial para recibir la sanidad.

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