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  • Summoning The Demon


    Confront Satan’s End-Time Deceptions Head-On!

    In this era of unparalleled technological advances, as Artificial Intelligence reshapes our world, believers are faced with urgent, soul-stirring questions: Is there a trace of AI in Biblical prophecy? Could the Antichrist manipulate this technology to dominate our era? Above all, how should the Church, armed with ancient wisdom, respond to this modern revolution?

    Asking these same questions, Alan DiDio, a formidable apostolic and prophetic leader, and the dynamic force behind the Encounter Today YouTube channel, embarked on a quest for truth. Through extensive research and revelatory interviews, he brings to light a balanced narrative, juxtaposing the potentials of AI against the unchanging truths of Biblical prophecies and the unfolding of global events.

    The devil is the author of confusion. He seeks to muddle your mind, making you doubt God’s sovereignty over technology. By discerning his end-time playbook, you can step fully into your God-ordained role and purpose, standing tall against the tide of societal deception.

    Prepare to dive deep with prophetic precision and groundbreaking research. Alan DiDio offers profound, scriptural insights into contemporary issues, allowing you to:

    *Uncover the shocking parallels between AI and the Tower of Babel.
    *Discover AI’s prophesied role in Scripture.
    *Unveil the truth behind UFOs: angelic visitations or demonic deceptions?
    *Explore the resurgence of Nephilim in the digital age.
    *Learn to identify the antichrist spirit lurking in technology.
    *Unmask Satan’s devious End-Time strategy.

    Armed with this prophetic insight, you are called to rise, unshakable in your crucial end-time role. In a time veiled by technological deceit and spiritual turmoil, seize your destiny and light the way in this revolutionary age of Artificial Intelligence and spiritual warfare!

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  • Are We Living In The End Times


    End-Times Prophecy Does Not Need to Be Complicated Or Confusing…

    “Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.” –Matthew 24:42

    The words of Jesus remind Christians that–even though we do not know the date when He will return–we need to have our finger on the pulse of what is happening morally, spiritually, and politically in our world. And with the increasing chaos, division, and war happening today, it is right to ask, “Are we living in the end times now?” In this book, Dr. Robert Jeffress provides biblical answers to seven frequently asked questions about the future:

    1. What Does the Bible Mean by the End Times?
    2. What Role Does Israel Play in the End Times?
    3. What News Events Signal the End Times?
    4. What Are the Major Events of the End Times?
    5. What’s the Difference between the Rapture and the Second Coming in the End Times?
    6. Why Has God Delayed the End Times?
    7. How Do I Prepare for the End Times?

    Getting answers to these questions–and understanding the phenomenal events that are going to happen before the revelation of the King of kings and Lord of lords–helps believers face the future with hope and confidence.

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  • Apocalipsis – (Spanish)


    Conoce de cerca las profecias escatologicas para entender su significado de una manera sencilla y practica y, sobre todo, para saber identificar en que momento profetico nos encontramos en estos tiempos para el regreso del Seor Jesus.

    En este libro, el reconocido Pastor Jahaziel Rodriguez examina lo que Apocalipsis da a conocer sobre el final de los tiempos y las seales del regreso de Jesus. Guiado por una enseanza accesible que deja que las Escrituras hablen por si mismas, usted aprendera mas de:

    *La cronologia de las profecias que el Seor Jesus le mostro al apostol Juan.

    *El conocimiento para identificar las seales que nos ayudaran a saber en que momento de las profecias biblicas estamos viviendo.

    *Los estimulos, desafios y advertencias que Jesus mismo dio con el fin de prepararnos para Su regreso.

    *Lo que dice la Biblia sobre la importancia de velar por los tiempos y las seales del regreso del Mesias.

    Por que nos daria Dios en su palabra tantos avisos y profecias acerca del tiempo del fin? El quiere que estemos listos. Se encuentra usted preparado para lo que esta por venir?


    Get to know, closely, the eschatological prophecies to understand their meaning, and above all, to know how to identify our current prophetic moment in relation to the return of the Lord Jesus.

    The renowned Pastor Jahaziel Rodriguez examines what Revelation reveals about the end times and the signs of the return of Jesus. Guided by accessible teaching that lets the Scriptures speak for themselves, you will learn:

    Chronology of the prophecies the Lord Jesus showed the apostle John.

    *How to identify the signs that will help us to know in which moment of biblical prophecy we are experiencing.

    *Encouragement, challenges and warnings that Jesus Himself gave us to prepare for His return.

    *What the Bible says about the importance of watching for the times and signs of the
    Messiah’s return.

    Why would God give us so many warnings and prophecies in His Word about the time of the end? He wants us to be ready. Are you prepared for what is to come?

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  • Great Disappearance : 31 Ways To Be Rapture Ready


    The rapture is the central event in biblical prophecy. But what does it mean for us today? How can this crucial end times event draw us nearer to God in a world that is seemingly on the brink of chaos? Political turmoil, economic uncertainty, an ideological divide that feels increasingly impassable–the signs of the times point us toward the end, and that can be disconcerting.

    But the greatest truth about the rapture is not its timing, but its reality–for blessed are all who long for His appearing.

    The Great Disappearance is a culmination of decades of Dr. Jeremiah studying end times throughout the Bible. In this definitive volume he will explain the meaning of the word rapture, the difference between the rapture and the second coming, and the joy of expecting our Savior to come at any given moment. Dr. Jeremiah will also explore key questions such as:

    *Who will be raptured?
    *When will it happen?
    *What will happen to those left behind?
    *What will believers experience when they are taken away to heaven?
    *Will non-believers still have time to repent and be saved?

    Dr. Jeremiah seeks to answer all of those questions and many more, not with sensationalism or stories ripped from the headlines but with solid, biblical truth. Because God has laid out His plan for us in His Word so that we might not be caught unaware. We may not know the exact date that the rapture will happen, but we do know it will happen. Are you ready for it?

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  • 50 Final Events In World History


    How much do you know about the end of the world?

    In The 50 Final Events in World History, beloved and respected pastor Robert J. Morgan takes readers on a journey through end-times prophecy, walking step-by-step through the end of the world to the dawn of the new kingdom of heaven.

    Heard of worldwide pandemics? Weapons of mass destruction flashing through the air? Global water and air contamination? The nation of Israel restored after 2,000 years, encircled by hostile nations and buffered by the nation of Jordan? Air evacuations with machines having two wings? Threats from Russia and Asia? Extremism in Turkey? Clamor for globalization? Hand implants for commerce and security? The gospel penetrating unreached places? Violent persecution? Cascading wickedness? The world falling apart?
    All of this is predicted in the book of Revelation.

    If you find yourself baffled and maybe even a little intimidated by end times and the book of Revelation, The 50 Final Events in World History will be a:

    *comprehensive yet easy-to-understand overview of the book of Revelation,
    *resource you can turn to again and again,
    *helpful tool that translates the events of Revelation both literally and sequentially, and
    *guide to interpret present circumstances as well as future events.

    Revelation is the Bible’s final words on the world’s last days. The key is understanding its simple sequence of events-one after another, clearly laid out­-the fifty final events in world history.

    This is information we need to know now since we might soon be on the doorstep of event #1.

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  • After The Rapture


    What if you or someone you loved missed out on the Rapture? What happens to those who are left behind? Trusted and beloved Bible teacher Dr. David Jeremiah shares the help and hope people will need as they face unfolding events during the End Times.

    From one of the world’s most beloved Bible teachers comes a timely, easy-to-understand guidebook about the Rapture and End Times and how to prepare yourself and your loved ones.

    In After the Rapture Dr. David Jeremiah equips you to understand End-Times theology and Bible prophecy. Many people want to understand how the Rapture unfolds, and this is the perfect handbook to share with your unsaved friends and loved ones so they can prepare themselves before or cope with the challenges they’ll face after the Rapture. With trusted biblical insight, this book will provide the hope and confidence you need and can share with your loved ones.

    This life-changing book includes:
    *End Times, Rapture, Judgment Day, and Great Tribulation sections
    *Guidance for preparing your heart
    *How to share with loved ones
    *Life application to strengthen understanding
    *Highlighted questions and answers
    *Relevant Scripture verses

    An epic and vital guide to life after the Rapture, this book is a must-have resource for you to buy for those you fear might be left behind. Help your loved ones understand the End Times and guide them to accept Christ as their Savior.

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  • Day Approaching : An Israeli’s Message Of Warning And Hope For The Last Day


    Are You Noticing the Signs of the Times?

    When Jesus spoke about the last days, He said that certain signs would make it clear His return is near.

    What are those signs? And are they evident today?

    As a Jewish native Israeli who is a Christian, Amir Tsarfati has a distinct perspective that weaves biblical history, current events, and Bible prophecy together to shine light on the mysteries about the end times. From his vantage point at the epicenter of today’s religious conflict and through careful Bible study, Tsarfati points to Scripture passages that inform us the return of the Lord is imminent.

    In The Day Approaching, you will learn…
    *God’s plan for the world, Israel, the church, and you
    *that the signs of Christ’s return are visible all around us
    *about the smoke screen of deception that will lure people away from truth
    *how even now God is revealing Himself to people and changing their hearts
    *of the wonders that await us in Jesus’s future millennial kingdom

    As you seek hope and clarity about earth’s final days, let the Bible alone be the one resource you turn to for answers.

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  • Discernidor – (Spanish)


    “Yo quiero hacer mas que oir una palabra que venga de Dios. Yo quiero convertirme en esa palabra. Ese es el proposito supremo de la revelacion: que la Palabra se convierta en carne.” -James Goll

    Que es “la revelacion profetica” que viene de Dios? Y cual es el rol del creyente en recibirla y activarla? James Goll, autor del exito de ventas The Seer (El Vidente), explica que aunque algunos creyentes estan dotados especialmente como profetas, todo seguidor de Jesucristo recibe los dones de revelacion y discernimiento. !Y todo creyente necesita usarlos! De hecho, sin discernimiento y sensibilidad al Espiritu Santo, no podemos progresar en nuestro uso de cualquiera de los dones y llamados. Con explicaciones claras, ilustraciones escriturales e historias contemporaneas de la vida real, Goll demuestra como podemos recibir revelacion a traves de los sentidos naturales de la vista, la audicion, el toque, el olfato y el gusto, y como abrirnos a los sentidos sobrenaturales comparables por medio de los cuales Dios quiere hablar. El tambien elimina la incertidumbre sobre como discernir la revelacion y probar los espiritus, para que todo creyente pueda cumplir su proposito maximo: extender el poderoso reino de Jesus en la tierra. El Discernidor es tanto una maravillosa introduccion al estilo de vida profetico, como un llamado desafiante para aquellos que ya estan inmersos en la revelacion profetica.

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  • Discerner : Hearing Confirming And Acting On Prophetic Revelation


    “I want to do more than hear a word from God. I want to become that word.
    That is revelation’s ultimate purpose–for the Word to become flesh.”
    –James Goll

    What is “prophetic revelation” from God? And what is the believer’s role in receiving and activating it? James Goll, author of the best seller The Seer, explains that although some believers are especially gifted as prophets, every follower of Jesus receives the gifts of revelation and discernment. And every believer needs to use them! In fact, without discernment and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, we cannot progress in our use of any of the gifts and callings. With clear explanations, scriptural illustrations, and real-life contemporary stories, Goll demonstrates how we can receive revelation through the natural senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste–and how to open ourselves up to the comparable supernatural senses through which God wants to speak. He also removes uncertainty about how to discern revelation and test the spirits, so that every believer can fulfill their ultimate purpose: extending Jesus’ powerful kingdom on earth. The Discerner is both a wonderful introduction to the prophetic lifestyle and a challenging call for those already immersed in prophetic revelation.

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  • Paradigm : The Ancient Blueprint That Holds The Mystery Of Our Times


    New York Times best-selling author Jonathan Cahn who caused a stir throughout America and the world with the release of his best seller The Harbinger, now writes a book so stunning and amazing, it is certain to cause another stir around the world. The Paradigm may well be the most explosive book he has ever written.

    Is it possible that a blueprint from ancient times holds the secret of our times?
    Is it possible that this mystery lies behind current events, the rise and fall of leaders, governments, and global happenings?
    Could events that transpired almost 3,000 years ago be determining the news of modern times and with it the issues of our lives?

    Could the people who lived in this ancient template match up with and hold the mystery behind the leaders of our day and who rises to power and who does not?
    Is it possible that this ancient paradigm has determined and is determining not only the American presidency, but, the timing of current events…in some cases even down to the exact days and dates?
    Could a mystery from the ancient Middle East have foretold the course of current events more accurately than any poll or pundit?
    And what does the ancient paradigm say and portend about what is yet to come… our future?
    Could it even contain a warning critical for this hour and crucial for all to hear?

    With such chapters as The Priestess, The Warrior, and The Shadow Queen, Jonathan Cahn takes the reader on a journey from Middle-Eastern landscapes to Washington, DC, from ancient palaces to the White House, from mysterious priests and priestesses, ruthless kings and queens, secrets and scandals, gods and goddesses, prophets and holy men, signs, portents, wonders, and harbingers. In fact the mysteries of The Harbinger continue and are intertwined with the mysteries of The Paradigm.

    The revelation contained in The Paradigm is sure to stun, startle, confound, and amaze. One thing is certain, once the veil is removed, one will never see the world the same way again.

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  • Blood Moons Rising


    Has the final countdown to the end days begun? Are the heavens telling us we are nearing the end? Astronomers have noticed it is coming. Historians have noted its significance. In 2014 and 2015, there will be a phenomenon in the skies of four blood moons falling during Jewish feasts. This has only happened three times in recorded history: 1493-94, 1949-50 and 1967-68. Each time these dates have had extraordinary significance for the Israelites. From the discovery of the New World to the creation of modern-day Israel, these years of the four blood moons have truly been turning points in history. Bible prophecy describes the moon being darkened and turned to blood. What is the significance of these signs in the skies? What will the future bring? Prophecy expert Mark Hitchcock guides you through the relevant Bible passages so you can understand the times in which you live.

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  • Coming One : What The Scripture Teaches About The End Times


    Understanding God’s Plan

    Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, which was, and which is to come. Revelation 1:4

    Did the Lord Jesus Christ complete His work on earth during His first advent and leave to others the finishing of His great plan of redemption? Or did He simply accomplish the first stage of that great work? And is He coming back again in person to complete His glorious plan?

    In this Christian classic, legendary author and pastor A. B. Simpson provides a thorough teaching on a topic that has been debated and theorized throughout history: the second coming of Jesus Christ. Among the topics Simpson addresses are…

    The premillennial versus postmillennial theories
    The church age
    The world powers
    The plan for Israel
    The false prophet and the Antichrist
    The great tribulation
    The new heaven and earth
    Signs of the end times

    As time grows short, it has never been more crucial for believers to understand God’s future plan as laid out in Scripture. We must be swift to hear His voice and obey His command so that we will be ready on that glorious day.

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  • Smith Wigglesworth Prophecy And Greatest Revival Of All Time


    “You will have the privilege to see and to participate in the most glorious and mightiest sweeping revival that has ever been known in Christian history!” -Smith Wigglesworth

    This revelation was part of a prophecy given in 1936 by legendary evangelist and healing minister Smith Wigglesworth to a young man named David du Plessis. The revival Wigglesworth foresaw was a continuation of the Pentecostal movement into the charismatic renewal that continues to this day.

    Later, in 1961, God gave Rev. Tommy Hicks a vision of the continuation of that revival: a worldwide movement in which the “Awakening Giant”-the body of Christ-receives spiritual power and authority on such a scale as has not been seen since the book of Acts.

    This book retells these two amazing prophecies in their entirety and also discusses their implications for the world today. The revival of God’s church continues, but it won’t be complete until every Spirit-filled believer understands his or her unique role in its fulfillment. Study these prophecies and ask God to reveal how He would use you to bring the greatest revival in history to completion.

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  • Revelation : Drama Of The Ages


    World-renowned author Dr. Herbert Lockyer unpacks the most exciting story of all time in this fascinating study that provides a glimpse into world events-some that will occur in the future, and some that are happening right now.

    Every Christian should be aware of the biblical prophesies that are about to unfold, such as…

    * The incredible calamities of the tribulation

    * The mark of the beast

    * Who will live and who will die

    * The role of the two witnesses

    * The triumphant appearance of the warrior from heaven

    * The never-ending delights of the eternal kingdom

    Plus, many more startling and inspiring events of the coming times!

    Here is your opportunity to enjoy the greatest drama ever told, as seen through the pen of one of the truly great Bible teachers of our times.

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  • Prophets Handbook : A Guide To Prophecy And Its Operation


    Discover God’s divine plan for the prophetic gifts and how they are meant to benefit the body of Christ. This handbook details the role and duties of the prophetic in the church, clearly explaining its necessity. No church leader should be without this indispensable reference. Dr. Paula Price’s years of research and ministry have yielded the ultimate guide to prophecy in the local church. You will learn how God awakens and prepares excellent prophets, understand the difference between prophets and psychics, and recognize and train budding prophets. Don’t let lack of knowledge keep you from utilizing one of God’s extraordinary gifts to the church.

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  • Intoxicated With Babylon


    Babylon is not a place but rather the seducing spirit of Antichrist, which has quietly infiltrated the pulpits, pews, bookstores and homes of the Christian ranks. Armed with a vast array of worldly charms and enchanting indulgences, she has deceived believers into exchanging a vibrant life in God for the empty shell of powerless religion.

    Intoxicated with Babylon rips the mask off this harlot’s face and exposes how she has subtly woven her mindset into the fabric of the end-times Church. It is a sobering wake-up call to a slumbering and sensuous Church to return to holy living.

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