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  • Super Duper Knock Knock Jokes For Kids


    Is there anything better than a knock-knock joke? How about hundreds of them? You are going to love this collection of laugh lines stupendous enough for a super duper joker. With so many, you have plenty of humor to knock-knock some silly sense into your friends, family, and anyone else who is willing to say “who’s there?”

    This is good, clean fun that will entertain you and others for hours. It’s perfect for those times when you are waiting after school or between activities or during a long Saturday afternoon.

    Knock, Knock
    Who’s there?
    Woo who?
    Woo-who these jokes are fun! Let’s have a party.

    If you or your family are getting tired staring at the TV or computer screen, it’s time to scream–with laughter. And this outrageous, hilarious jumble of jokes will make that happen instantly.

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  • Favor The Road To Success


    Bob Buess disusses how: Favor changes insecurity into self-confidence. Favor will change homes, husbands, wives, and children. You can receive God’s blessing and success in your circumstances. Included are many testimonies of God’s favor. The author combines heavenly zeal with a down to earth practicality, and you may find yourself laughing while learning!

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