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Pneumatology (Theology of the Holy Spirit)

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  • Experiencing The Holy Spirit (Reprinted)


    From the Scriptures, Andrew Murray discusses the importance and power of the Holy Spirit in the Christian’s life.

    While exploring the biblical promises relating to the Spirit, Murray explains how you can…

    *Discover God’s will for your life
    *Learn the secret of spiritual growth
    *Be led by the Holy Spirit
    *Live in victory over sin
    *Claim your inheritance in Christ
    *Strengthen your spiritual walk
    *Receive and attract God’s favor and blessings

    Discover the life-changing benefits of being filled with the Holy Spirit. As God’s divine power flows into your heart and permanently transforms your life, you will excel to new heights in your Christian maturity and experience!

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  • Holy Spirit The Bondage Breaker


    You Can Get Free–and Stay Free

    Do you have trouble breaking sinful habits or suffer from mental and emotional struggles? Do you desire to get free and stay free from the enemy’s cycles of bondage?

    David Hernandez has more than 20 years of ministry experience dedicated to the Holy Spirit, prayer, and spiritual warfare. He has seen thousands permanently set free from the enemy’s crippling attacks.

    In Holy Spirit: The Bondage Breaker, David Hernandez, evangelist and bestselling author, teaches you to break the demonic strongholds of bondage over your life through a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit’s power and biblical truth.

    You can be free of any stronghold–no matter how intense the issue or how long you’ve battled it. Holy Spirit: The Bondage Breaker shows you how.

    In this book, you will learn to…

    *Address spiritual bondage at its deceptive root
    *Partner with the Holy Spirit to experience freedom
    *Avoid the wrong approaches that just make the problem worse
    *Win the battle for your mind
    *Build your foundation of freedom on the Word of God
    *Experience lasting, sustained deliverance
    *Minister freedom to others
    *Overcome torment, addiction, sinful habits, and confusion
    *And more

    Break free of the endless, soul-crushing cycles of bondage and sin. Put into practice the biblical truths revealed here, and you will finally get free, stay free, and be equipped to take on any attacks of the enemy!

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  • Coming Of The Comforter


    A classic study on the Holy Spirit

    LeRoy E. Froom answers some of the most vital questions concerning the Holy Spirit.

    What is the difference between a prick of conscience and the promptings of the Holy Spirit?
    What are the conditions of being filled with the Spirit?
    Is regeneration the same as being filled with the Spirit?
    This book holds out a wonderful hope: that the gift of the Spirit is not reserved for a privilege. It has been put within the reach of all.

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  • Wild And Mighty Fire


    The Holy Spirit is wild and powerful and wants to be manifested in your life. In Wild and Mighty Fire: Encounter the Power of the Holy Spirit, Andre Ashby shares numerous testimonies of people whose lives were forever changed when they asked the Holy Spirit to come. If you desire more of the Lord, ask the Holy Spirit to come and get ready for an exciting adventure!

    The best way to know the heart of God is to ask Him to reveal Himself to you, and to remove anything from your heart that does not reflect His character and how He loves you. When the breaker anointing is released in the atmosphere, the Holy Spirit comes and removes barriers that separate the Spirit and the people. There is a tangible presence of the Lord experienced as the Lord moves in His fullness.

    Ashby shares of a time when the Lord directed him to release “identification repentance” or confessing the generational sins of a large group of people and repenting on their behalf, just as Daniel did. The Bible talks about encountering God’s glory and how the people who met with Him in this way were changed. In that same way, we can encounter the presence of God and His glory in our own lives.

    Ashby shares some of his “wild” encounters with the Holy Spirit, proving that the timid, boxed-in God of western Christianity is not who God actually is. His presence is wild and wonderful. Ashby tells stories about big biker angels sitting on people, supernatural weight loss, miraculous healings, and more. Once we experience a taste of the Lord’s presence, we should hunger for more and be willing to be obedient to the Lord to have more of Him.

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  • Understanding The Holy Spirit Made Easy


    See key information about the person and work of the Holy Spirit at a glance with Rose’s Understanding the Holy Spirit Made Easy!

    The Holy Spirit is mentioned 264 times in the New Testament alone, yet many believers are often confused about the role of the Third Person of the Trinity.

    Featuring charts, short summaries, overviews, and dozens of Scriptures, this quick guide addresses questions on the Holy Spirit in an easy-to-understand way. This pocket guide is filled with fascinating facts and insights about the Spirit’s role in your life.

    * Who is the Holy Spirit, and what is the Spirit’s role?
    * Names, symbols, and attributes of the Holy Spirit
    * Fruit of the Spirit
    * Gifts of the Spirit
    * And more!

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  • Purpose And Power Of The Holy Spirit


    Is Heaven on Earth Really Possible?

    When we struggle with defeat and discouragement, the Holy Spirit is the key to victory and peace. Best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe shows how to bring order to the chaos in your life, receive God’s power to heal and deliver, fulfill your true purpose with joy, be a leader in your sphere of influence, and be part of God’s government on earth. We have access to the unseen world of the Spirit and can bring heavenly influence to earth. When you receive God’s Spirit into your life, you will find that His gifts are your birthright. Receive the fullness of God’s Spirit and start living in the spiritual power that God has promised you. “It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you” (John 16:7 NKJV).

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  • Who On Earth Is The Holy Spirit


    1. The Spirit Of Life
    2. The Spirit Of God
    3. The Spirit Of Love
    4. The Spirit Of Truth
    5. The Spirit Of Power

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    Many people find it easy to understand about God and Jesus, but struggle to understand quite how and where the Holy Spirit fits into the picture. Who exactly is he? And how does he work in our lives?

    These short, simple books are designed to help Christians understand what God has said about these questions and many more in the Bible.

    Suitable for all Christians – especially those who are struggling with questions about who the Holy Spirit is.

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  • Forgotten God : Reversing Our Tragic Neglect Of The Holy Spirit


    A follow up to the profound message of Crazy Love, Pastor Francis Chan offers a compelling invitation to understand, embrace, and follow the Holy Spirit’s direction in our lives.

    In the name of the Father, the Son, and … the Holy Spirit. We pray in the name of all three, but how often do we live with an awareness of only the first two? As Jesus ascended into heaven, He promised to send the Holy Spirit-the Helper-so that we could be true and living witnesses for Christ. Unfortunately, today’s church has admired the gift but neglected to open it.

    Breakthrough author Francis Chan rips away paper and bows to get at the true source of the church’s power-the Holy Spirit. Chan contends that we’ve ignored the Spirit for far too long, and we are reaping the disastrous results. Thorough scriptural support and compelling narrative form Chan’s invitation to stop and remember the One we’ve forgotten, the Spirit of the living God.

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  • Names Of The Holy Spirit Pamphlet


    32 Names of the Holy Spirit and where they occur in the Bible are included in this pamphlet with their meanings and applications. Studying the names of the Spirit will help you get a fuller, well-rounded idea of who he is and how he operates and so allow you to worship and serve God in a fuller and richer capacity. Other articles included are: The Trinity, the Spirit and Prayer, the Fruit of the Spirit, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the Gifts of the Holy spirit.

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  • Gifts Of The Spirit


    The nine gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians 12 are demonstrations of
    God’s matchless grace at work in the world, as well as evidence of His powerful
    presence in the midst of His church. They are manifestations of the sovereignty
    and provision of God that people can actually see, hear, and experience with their
    senses. And they testify to the crucial truth that Jesus Christ is the Lord and
    Savior of the world.

    All Christians can receive and exercise these gifts of the Holy Spirit. Acclaimed
    Bible teacher Derek Prince shows how to discover and live in the spiritual gifts
    God has given you, so you may…

    * Experience God’s power personally.
    * Demonstrate distinct manifestations of the Spirit in your life.
    * Increase your effectiveness in the body of Christ.
    * Become a conduit of God’s grace.
    * Defeat satanic powers.
    * Do miracles in the name of Jesus.
    * Strengthen and encourage your fellow believers.
    * Live in God’s will.
    * Bring deliverance, healing, and hope to the world.

    The gifts of the Holy Spirit are not a luxury. They are a necessity for living out the
    purposes and plans of God. As we receive the spiritual gifts God wants to give us,
    we can demonstrate His manifold grace and power everywhere we go.

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  • Gifts And Ministries Of The Holy Spirit


    The gifts of the Spirit can destroy any force the devil might use against Christians. You are a candidate for the gifts of revelation, power and inspiration. Dr. Sumrall discusses such subjects as the charismatic renewal, how you can receive the gifts, and the purpose of ministry gifts

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  • Spurgeon On The Holy Spirit


    1. The Work Of The Holy Spirit
    2. The Necessity Of The Work Of The Spirit
    3. The Chief Office Of The Holy Spirit
    4. The Personality Of The Holy Spirit
    5. The Intercession Of The Holy Spirit
    6. Adoption – The Spirit And The Cry
    7. Grieving The Holy Spirit
    8. The Holy Spirit And The One Church
    192 Pages

    Additional Info
    “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.” — Acts 1:8 NKJV

    Who can measure the ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives? When we are in the dark, He brings the Light. When our minds are perplexed, He gives the Answer. When we need an encouraging promise, He provides the Word. When we are lost, He shows the Way.
    In these pages, Charles Spurgeon clearly communicates profound truths abouth the Holy Spirit. Discover the joy of having the Spirit of Christ within you, and learn how He will. . .
    * Remind you of God’s promises
    * Guide you in your decisions
    * Intercede for your needs
    * Strengthen your faith
    * Comfort you in your sorrows
    You can experience the Spirit of God living within you, guiding and empowering you daily life.

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  • Smith Wigglesworth On The Holy Spirit


    You can be so filled with the Holy Spirit that you will know you are in the presence of God. Christ’s love, power, and joy will flow through you to others, bringing salvation, healing, and miracles, just as they did through Smith Wigglesworth. His insightful messages reveal how you can…(1) Manifest the gifts of the Spirit (2) Witness powerfully for Christ (3) Overcome all the schemes of Satan (4) Do greater works for God through Christ (5) Live in the abundance of God (6) Find true purpose for your life and (7) Be used by God to do miracles. If your heart’s desire is to see great things happen in your life, God will work mightily in you by the power of His Spirit so that you can personally experience His miracle-working power.

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  • Gifted To Serve


    God has given every believer a special ministry to fulfill and has provided spiritual gifts so that we can minister to others. T. L. Lowery explains how to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit and all the gifts that God has provided so that you can fulfill His calling on your life. Through this book, you’ll find out how to be filled with the Spirit, recognize your spiritual gifts, employ the underlying key to all the gifts, manifest the gifts of the Spirit, see miracles happen, lead others to Christ, and gain power and wisdom to serve others. You can live in this exciting realm of the Spirit and be God’s vessel to bring about the salvation, healing, and deliverance of others. Because you have been gifted by God, you can start living in the fullness of the Spirit today.

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  • Holy Spirit Power


    Spurgeon shows that the Holy Spirit wants to be our Comforter, Teacher, and mighty Helper. The mi-raculous new life the early Christians lived amazed the world and turned it upside down. You can know Him personally and experience His miracles.

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  • I Believe In Miracles


    Through incredible testimonies, Kathryn Kuhlman continues to demonstrate God’s compassion and awesome power, as she did throughout her life. Discover for yourself the keys to New Life and Victory through the miracle-working ministry of one of God’s great servants.

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  • Why Tongues



    The infilling of the New Testament believers with the Holy Ghost should be our pattern today. Find out ten reasons every believer should speak in tongues.

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  • Handbook On Holy Spirit Baptism


    37 Chapters

    Additional Info
    What is the baptism in the Holy Spirit?
    What is speaking in tongue?
    Are miracles for today?
    How to receive the Holy Spirit
    Overcoming hindrances to receiving the Spirit
    How to tell a counterfeit experience
    Why should I speak in tongues?

    You will experience a new power to witness and more power in prayer as you find the Scriptures coming alive to you. Discover all of the life-changing benefits God wants to give you today!

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