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Single Living

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  • After The Revolution


    Equipping the church to recover from sexual confusion

    In After the Revolution, David J. Ayers provides the Christian heirs of the sexual revolution a resource to understand their challenges and social context to find a way forward. Drawing on social sciences and history, Ayers traces recent worldview shifts in North America and Europe. The historic Christian understanding of sex and marriage has been supplanted. And sexual confusion has infiltrated the church, especially influencing younger Christians.

    The church can uniquely and compassionately support sexual faithfulness and flourishing, but we need to reject formulas, surefire methods, and judgmentalism. Instead, we must recover a positive vision for Christian sexuality, singleness, and marriage that is firmly grounded in God’s word.

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  • Manten La Calma Y Disfruta La – (Spanish)


    The secret of keeping calm is choosing a man worthy of you.

    You are a one-of-a-kind masterpiece. You don’t need to throw yourself into any man’s arms or settle for less than you deserve, only to end up telling people that he is “not that bad.” If you feel like screaming whenever someone dares to ask, “Are you still single? When are you finally getting married?”, then this book is for you.

    *You will learn…
    *how to deal with all the wrong reasons for getting married married.
    *that if you are unhappy by yourself, you’ll end up feeling miserable with a Mr. Wrong.
    *to enjoy your life while you wait.
    *to dismiss this common belief that “good men are an extinct species.”

    Do not settle for less! Keep calm. Choose Mr. Right, because you deserve it!

    El secreto de mantener la calma es escoger a un hombre a tu altura.

    Tu eres una pieza unica. No tienes que regalarte ni conformarte con el primer hombre que te diga palabras dulces, de quien tu digas que “no es tan malo”. Si eres de las mujeres que estan a punto de desfallecer si alguien mas se atreve a preguntarte: “Eres soltera?, Cuando te vas a casar?”, este libro es para ti.

    *Como enfrentar el desfile de razones erroneas por las cuales “te debes casar”
    *Que quien es infeliz solo, sera mas infeliz acompaado
    *A aprovechar tu solteria para cultivarte y disfrutar tu vida
    *” A desechar la creencia de que “ya no hay hombres buenos”

    !No te conformes con menos! Manten la calma. !Escoge al mejor porque te lo mereces!

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  • Singleness : How To Be Single And Satisfied


    Some Christian singles are perfectly content while others are not. Many feel like they are missing out because they re missing marriage, wondering: Is there something wrong with me? When is it my turn? What if I never find someone? In Singleness: How to be Single and Satisfied, June Hunt reveals how to be happy being single, how to uproot common causes of discontentment, and how to find joy in knowing that God is our ultimate need-meeter for love, significance, and security.

    Whether you are single for a season or single again, discover biblical truths about how God wants to use your singleness to fulfill His purpose and plan for your life. Perfect resources for anyone who is single and Christian (including single Christian women, single moms, single Christian men, etc.)

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