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Tony Evans

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  • Poder De Los Nombres Del Espir – (Spanish)


    Conoce al EspA-ritu a travA(C)s de sus nombres. EL AGUA VIVA, EL AYUDADOR, EL SEÑOR. Muchos creyentes anhelan una comprensión más clara del Espíritu Santo y del rol que desempeña en nuestra relación con Dios. En El poder de los nombres del Espíritu Santo, el pastor y autor de grandes exitos de ventas, el Dr. Tony Evans, examina doce de los nombres más significativos del Espíritu y lo que revelan sobre esta manifestación poderosa, presente y personal del Dios trino. A medida que leas, obtendrás una visión reveladora de cómo el Espíritu se mueve en el corazón de los creyentes y aprenderás cómo su morada en ti fortalece tu fe de una manera extraordinaria. A medida que desarrolles tu capacidad de amar, apreciar y relacionarte con la persona del Espíritu Santo, tambien desarrollarás tu capacidad de experimentar a Dios. El primer objetivo del autor al escribir este libro es identificar, explicar e ilustrar al Espíritu Santo y su obra a traves de tales descripciones y sus nombres. El segundo objetivo es mostrar a los creyentes cómo relacionarse con la persona del Espíritu Santo de una manera más personal e íntima. Y el tercer objetivo es aprender a aprovechar al máximo todas las promesas del Espíritu para nuestra vida física, nuestra vida emocional y, lo que es más importante, nuestra vida espiritual. Cuando comprendemos cómo hacerlo, podemos aprovechar al máximo su existencia para obtener un crecimiento e influencia a nivel individual y colectivo. Cuando conocemos al Espíritu podemos aprovechamos más personalmente cada una de las maneras únicas en las que Dios se revela a nosotros. Por eso, todos debemos entender que, cuanto más tomemos en serio la persona y la obra del Espíritu Santo, más experimentaremos a Dios. Know the Spirit Through His Names Living Water. Helper. Lord. Many believers long for a clearer understanding of the Holy Spirit and the role He plays in our relationship with God. The good news is, when we study the Bible, the Spirit’s specific identity and work as a member of the Trinity is made clear. In The Power of The Holy Spirit’s Names, bestselling author and pastor Dr. Tony Evans examines 12 of the Spirit’s most significant titles and what they reveal about this powerful, present, and perso

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  • Survey Of The Black Church In America


    If the Bible is allowed to be the standard by which blacks and whites determine truth, then freedom from this moral and racial malaise will be the outcome; for as Jesus taught, the truth has a unique capacity of making people free. Dr. Tony Evans

    Respected and beloved pastor Tony Evans provides an accessible overview of black church history. Evans opens the eyes of the reader to the black presence in the Scriptures and takes a focused look at the uniqueness and place of the black church. Drawing from stories and historical events, best-selling author Evans addresses the myth of black inferiority and looks at the rise of black evangelicalism. In addition, Evans faithfully interacts with movements such as Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, and the 1619 Project.

    This timely resource is for anyone seeking unity and understanding. In an age where division and confusion abound, A Survey of the Black Church in America provides a divine, clear, kingdom-focused perspective.

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  • Kingdom Authority : Exercising God’s Rule In Your Life


    Are you living with the authority God has given you?

    Many are desperate for power, but power is useless without the authority to use it. God has given His people His power and His authority to be used for His purposes. This is kingdom authority, or the divinely-authorized right and responsibility delegated to believers to act on God’s behalf in spiritually ruling over His creation under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. However, only those who are fully surrendered to Christ and aware of this gift use it.

    In this book, Dr. Tony Evans, pastor and bestselling author, will help you discove how to:

    *see God’s Kingdom initiatives more clearly

    *take on God’s perspective in your life and remember the inheritance He has given you

    *draw near to God and commit yourself to essential requirements for experiencing kingdom authority like prayer

    *be aware of the spiritual realm in which God’s people operate

    Kingdom authority can only be experienced by those who live out their days underneath the power of God. It’s by aligning our lives with Him that He allows us to share in His work.

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  • Kingdom Purpose : Discovering Your Calling In God’s Great Design


    Discover a Destiny Designed Specifically for You

    God’s endgame is for His reign to cover the earth. This overarching plan unites the lives of His people, and as you examine what Scripture reveals about God’s kingdom, you’ll become better equipped for the role He created you to fulfill.

    In Kingdom Purpose, Dr. Tony Evans leads you on a journey of embracing your value, identity, and calling as a masterpiece created by the King. This book will help you:

    *abide in a soul-satisfying relationship with Jesus, rooting your confidence in His sacrificial love

    *uncover how your passions reveal God’s direction for you-and witness how He works behind the scenes to prepare you for His purpose

    *obey God’s promptings to serve Him in different areas of your life, both inside and outside your comfort zone

    With insightful questions to spark reflection and discussion, Kingdom Purpose is a powerful guide written for both individual and group study. Get ready to experience God’s peace, provision, and promises in eye-opening ways as you follow His desire for your life.

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  • Prayers To Share 100 Pass Along Notes To Cultivate Kindness


    Dr. Tony Evans’ invites you to show kindness to the world around you through this new addition to DaySpring’s best-selling Prayers to Share series.

    Prayers to Share: 100 Pass-Along Notes to Cultivate Kindness gives you 100 opportunities to be kind to others by letting them know you are lifting them up t o God, the One who cares for them, loves them unconditionally, and longs to have a personal relationship with them. An excellent way to start changing hearts and minds through acts of radical kindness. Each share a prayer card include select Scriptures, inspirational quotes, and a QR Code that leads to an inspiring video message from Dr. Tony Evans himself. If you wish, there’s ample space on the back of each kindness note to write a personal handwritten note. These pages make it easy?just tear and share a prayer!

    Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you. EPHESIANS 4:32 NASB

    Prayers to Share Features and benefits:

    *100 opportunities to encourage, comfort, and inspire the people in your life with kindness and God’s unfailing love! Everyone could use a little reminder that they are loved. There are so many ways to spread God’s joy, hope and love to others.

    *Each perforated easy tear-out note features a heartfelt prayer, a meaningful Bible verse, and an inspirational quote with cheerful modern artwork to inspire the world around you. If you wish there is also space on the back of your prayer note for your own personal handwritten note. An encouraging note is an excellent way to brighten someone’s day.

    *Slip these prayer to share notes into your purse, bag or console of your car and you’ll be equipped to offer encouragement on any occasion, everywhere you go.

    *Fun ways to share your prayer notes: Hand-deliver it with flowers, tape it to the bathroom mirror, pop it into a loved one’s bag or briefcase, place it in a student’s backpack, insert it in a child’s lunch box, slip it under their door, leave it (along with a tip) for your server, tuck it under a windshield wiper, drop it in the mail for a friend who is far away, slide it into a locker at the gym, share it with a neighbor or co-worker.

    *DaySpring offers Christian Cards and gifts for All Occasions?Birthday, Christmas, Encouragement, Sympathy, and More?Cards to Help Encourage, Celebrate, and Connect with Others!

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  • Power Of The Holy Spirits Names


    Know the Spirit Through His Names

    Living Water. Helper. Lord. The Holy Spirit may be the least discussed member of the Trinity, yet many believers long to better understand Him and the role He plays in our relationship with God. But the good news is, when we study the Bible, we find that the Word clearly describes the Spirit’s identity and work.

    In The Power of The Holy Spirit’s Names, bestselling author and pastor Dr. Tony Evans examines 12 of the Spirit’s most significant titles and what they reveal about this powerful, present, and personal expression of the triune God. As you read, you’ll gain eye-opening insights into how the Spirit moves within the hearts of believers while learning how His indwelling of you shapes your unique faith.

    As we grow in our ability to know, love, and admire the Holy Spirit, we also grow in our capacity to experience God. This book will help you internalize profound truths about the Holy Spirit’s character and transform how you understand the Trinity.

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  • Kingdom Living : The Essentials Of Spiritual Growth


    Tired of religion? Longing for relationship?

    You’re not alone. Most Christians yearn to grow spiritually, but many don’t know how to begin. Some seek maturity through deeds or doctrine.

    But Tony Evans reminds us that flourishing faith comes from a vibrant walk with Christ.

    “If you are pursuing a relationship with Jesus Christ and are passionately committed to bringing Him glory, your spiritual life will grow at a speed you never imagined possible,” says Evans.

    In Kingdom Living: The Essentials for Spiritual Growth, Tony Evans helps us to understand God’s plan for our maturity, addressing topics like conversion, the Holy Spirit, power, and Scripture.

    You’ll discover how:

    *Knowing God better is a passion more than a process.
    *Experiencing God deeper is a matter of the heart first, then the mind.
    *Loving God more is what we do when we follow the God who first loved us.

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  • Valores Del Reino – (Spanish)


    Inestabilidad cultural. Desintegracion familiar. Despotricando en las redes sociales. Narcisismo desenfrenado. La unica forma de luchar contra esta atmosfera toxica de nuestro mundo actual es a traves del caracter. Al vivir los valores del reino en lugar de simplemente sealar la virtud (tratar de parecer que nos preocupamos por todas las cosas correctas), podemos levantarnos y modelar lo que el mundo necesita ver.

    Pero los valores del reino no son solo algo que adoptamos para mejorar el mundo que nos rodea. Vienen con un beneficio, una bonificacion. Vienen con bendiciones. Al alinear tus pensamientos, palabras y acciones con los valores de Dios, recibiras la paz, el consuelo y el proposito que siempre has estado buscando.

    El Dr. Evans brinda ideas basadas en las virtudes biblicas que se encuentran en las Bienaventuranzas, asi como en el resto de las enseanzas de Cristo. Cuando vives la vida a la manera de Dios, demostrando sus valores a quienes te rodean, introduciras un cambio autentico no solo en los demas sino tambien en la cultura. Los valores del Reino son contagiosos. Pasalas.

    Cultural instability. Family breakdown. Social media ranting. Unchecked narcissism. The only way to fight against this toxic atmosphere of our world today is through character. By living out kingdom values rather than merely virtue signaling (trying to appear like we care about all the right things), we can rise up and model what the world needs to see.
    But kingdom values aren’t just something we embrace to improve the world around us. They come with a benefit–a bonus. They come with blessings. By aligning your thoughts, words, and actions with God’s values, you will receive the peace, comfort, and purpose you’ve been looking for all along.

    Dr. Evans provides insights based on biblical virtues found in the Beatitudes as well as throughout the rest of Christ’s teachings. When you live life God’s way, demonstrating His values to those around you, you will usher in authentic change not only in others but in the culture as well. Kingdom values are contagious. Pass them on.

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  • Kingdom Politics : Returning God To Govenment


    Christians love to talk about politics, but the current conversation is full of contentious words that divide our churches and families. Dr. Tony Evans takes a step back to find foundational Bible principles for integrating politics into our daily lives. He challenges readers to incorporate all of Scripture when addressing divisive issues, forcing us to look at political issues we’ve neglected. Learn to speak with grace when you disagree with family and friends. Maintain your political affiliations without causing divisions in your church. Take sides on moral issues while demonstrating the compassion and love of Jesus Christ. Kingdom Politics offers a biblical path through one of the most divisive issues of our time.

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  • Hombres Del Reino Se Levantan – (Spanish)


    Dios es bueno y poderoso, y quiere lo mejor para tu vida. Tiene grandes planes para ti. Crees que estas cosas son ciertas. Pero cual es tu propia responsabilidad como hombre cuando se trata de convertirte en todo lo que Dios te creo para ser? Como puedes caminar en victoria y fe y tener un impacto en otros para Dios? Los hombres del Reino se levantan desafia a los hombres a fomentar el discipulado personal y aplicar sus habilidades de discipulado y una mentalidad de liderazgo en todas las areas de la vida. El Dr. Tony Evans trae sus ideas, historias y sabios consejos de la Palabra de Dios para despejar todos los obstaculos en su camino, llevandolo a la vida abundante que ha sido llamado a vivir. A lo largo del camino, encontrara que su corazon se agita para alcanzar mas; ya no se conforma con una fe que simplemente pasa. La vida del rey David se utiliza como fundamento del libro y los temas incluyen la superacion de la tentacion, la restauracion del pecado, como discipular a otros y, finalmente, como dejar un legado de fe e influencia piadosa. Reemplace la impotencia, el aburrimiento y el arrepentimiento con vitalidad, poder y alegria. Deje que Los hombres del reino se levantan le ayude a dar el siguiente paso en su fe para convertirle en el poderoso hombre de Dios para el que fue creado.

    God is good and powerful and wants the best for your life. He has big plans for you. You believe these things are true. But what is your own responsibility as a man when it comes to becoming all God created you to be? How can you walk in victory and faith and make an impact on others for God? Kingdom Men Rising challenges men to foster personal discipleship and apply discipleship skills and a leadership mindset to all areas of life. Dr. Tony Evans brings his insights, stories, and wise counsel from God’s Word to clear all obstacles in your path, leading you to the abundant life you have been called to live. And along the way, you will find your heart stirred to reach for more, no longer settling for a faith that just goes through the motions. The life of King David is used as the book’s foundation, and topics include overcoming temptation, restoration from sin, how to disciple others, and finally how to leave a legacy of faith and godly influence. Replace helplessness, boredom, and regret with vibrancy, power, and joy. Let Kingdom Men Rising help you take the next step in your faith to become the powerful man of God you were made to be.

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  • Kingdom Men Rising


    God is good and powerful and wants the best for your life. He has big plans for you. You believe these things are true. But what is your own responsibility as a man when it comes to becoming all God created you to be? How can you walk in victory and faith and make an impact on others for God?

    Kingdom Men Rising challenges men to foster personal discipleship and apply discipleship skills and a leadership mindset to all areas of life. Dr. Tony Evans brings his insights, stories, and wise counsel from God’s Word to clear all obstacles in your path, leading you to the abundant life you’ve been called to live. And along the way, you’ll find your heart stirred to reach for more, no longer settling for a faith that just goes through the motions. The life of King David is used as the book’s foundation, and topics include overcoming temptation, restoration from sin, how to disciple others, and finally how to leave a legacy of faith and godly influence.

    Replace helplessness, boredom, and regret with vibrancy, power, and joy. Let Kingdom Men Rising help you take the next step in your faith to become the powerful man of God you were made to be.

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  • Tony Evans Bible Commentary


    Tony Evans is one of the most influential church leaders of our time and has been faithful in his effective proclamation of the Gospel for over 50 years. He is senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, TX and founder of The Urban Alternative, a ministry which promotes a kingdom agenda philosophy designed to enable people to live all of life underneath the comprehensive rule of God.

    The Tony Evans Bible Commentary includes an introduction to each Bible book followed by passage-by-passage exposition of the entire Bible by Dr. Tony Evans. In addition, there is a special front matter section with introductory resources. The insights in this commentary will help explain God’s Word in a fresh way. Applying these truths will empower readers to have transformed lives that then transfer the values of the kingdom of God to others.

    The Tony Evans Bible Commentary features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible(R) (CSB). The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-changing message and to share it with others.

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  • Power Of Jesus Names


    “Who do you say I am?” Matthew 16:15

    In his insightful follow-up to the bestselling book, The Power of God’s Names, Dr. Tony Evans introduces you to Jesus in a new light. Jesus is anticipated from the very beginning of the Bible until He finally arrives on the scene in Bethlehem. During that time He isn’t called Jesus; rather, He has many names that reflect different aspects of His character, and this is true all through the New Testament as well.

    Both in-depth Scripture research and Dr. Evan’s signature storytelling style make The Power of Jesus’ Names a fascinating journey–you will get to know more about Him as:
    *Lamb of God
    *Great High Priest
    *Son of God
    *and more.

    As you study the life and character of Jesus, you will enter into a more intimate understanding of who He is and what He came to do for–and in–your life today.

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  • Kingdom Man : Every Mans Destiny Every Womans Dream


    When a man follows the principles of biblical manhood, those around him benefit from his leadership and care. Kingdom Man challenges and equips men to fully understand their position under God as well as their position over what God has given them. The biblical definition of a man is one who has learned to operate under the authority of Jesus Christ while carrying out responsible and legitimate leadership within the sphere of influence that God has placed him. Kingdom Man provides concepts men can follow that will help them to actively pursue ways to maximize and develop the character qualities of biblical manhood in their lives.

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  • Power Of Gods Names


    In his exciting new book, bestselling author Dr. Tony Evans shows that it’s through the names of God that the nature of God is revealed to us. Who is God in His fullness? How has He expressed His riches and righteousness? How can you trust His goodness?

    As you get to know the names of God and understand their meaning, God’s character will become real to you in life-changing ways.

    You will explore the depths of God as
    Elohim: The All-Powerful Creator
    Jehovah: The Self-Revealing One
    Adonai: The Owner of All
    Jehovah-Jireh: The Lord Who Provides
    El Shaddai: The Almighty Sufficient One
    El Elion: The Most High Ruler
    Jehovah Nissi: The Lord’s Banner of Victory
    Jehovah Shalom: The Lord Our Peace
    Jehovah Mekadesh: The Lord Who Sanctifies
    Jehovah Rophe: The Lord Who Heals
    Jehovah Tsikenu: The Lord My Righteousness
    Jehovah Robi: The Lord My Shepherd
    Immanuel: God With Us

    By studying and understanding the characteristics of God as revealed through His names, you will be better equipped to face hardship and victory, loss and provision, and all of the challenges life throws at you.

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