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Bill Johnson

9780768457667 Open Heavens : Positioning Yourself To Encounter The God Of Revival

Open Heavens : Positioning Yourself To Encounter The God Of Revival

Experience Continuous Revival

Historically there have been seasons where God’s presence awakens revival – moving in powerful ways, saving souls, and releasing miracles. We often think of these seasons as isolated, unique outpourings of the Spirit.

But is it possible to experience revival every day, as a way of life?

Pastor Bill Johnson answers with a resounding “Yes!”

Globally recognized bestselling author, and senior leader of Bethel Church in Redding, CA, Bill Johnson is a revivalist at heart. In his time at Bethel, the church community has experienced what can only be called a perpetual, continuous outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

In this landmark book, pastor Bill teaches from his experience as the shepherd of this movement, imparting his own passion for revival along with practical wisdom for sustaining a move of God on both a personal and corporate level.

Open Heavens will activate you to…

*Upgrade your definition of “normal” Christianity to true, Biblical standards.

*Sustain the Holy Fire burning on the altar of your heart, while continuing to cry out for a greater outpouring of the Spirit.

*Witness revival’s overflow, as it spills into broader culture, producing societal reformation and creative renaissance.

*Uncover revival’s reward, and be stirred to pursue it at any cost.

*Identify common “messes” that accompany corporate revival and learn to navigate them.

*Carry revival into every sphere of influence, taking the fire of God to your school, home, or business.

If you are hungry for a fresh move of God in your life, church, or community, Open Heavens will guide you through preparing the altar, encountering the fire of God, and keeping it burning every day! Why settle for anything less?

9780768457407 Rejoice Into Joy

Rejoice Into Joy

“Rejoice in the Lord always.”

It’s a simple command that holds the key to experiencing deep and abiding joy through every circumstance.

Bestselling author and senior leader of Bethel Church, Bill Johnson is known for his teaching on how to experience Heavenly realities in everyday life. In this timely work, he addresses the often-overlooked connection between the experience of joy and the act of rejoicing.

Pastor Bill teaches that joy is not merely an emotion. It is a posture of the heart, arrived at by consistently choosing to rejoice in the present reality of our Heavenly home, regardless of earthly circumstances.

Written in short chapters, ideal for daily devotions or thoughtful meditations, Rejoice Into Joy will reveal how to…
*Enter the fullness of joy through praise and worship.
*Disarm hell with the power of thanksgiving.
*Apply the supernatural “math of joy” to trials by “counting it all joy”.

In whatever circumstance you’re in, choose to rejoice your way into joy, and discover the joy of the Lord as your strength.

9781641235945 Como Formar Vencedores De Giga - (Spanish)

Como Formar Vencedores De Giga – (Spanish)

Con honestidad, humor y perspicacia biblica, los autores de exitos de ventas, Bill y Beni Johnson lo ayudan a descubrir las claves para una crianza exitosa en el reino de Dios. “Padres, gobernamos con el proposito de proteccion, pero tambien servimos con el proposito de empoderar”, escriben. “Queremos liberar el destino para nuestros hijos, ese es el privilegio de ser padres”.

En estas paginas obtendra la sabiduria, los conceptos del reino y las herramientas practicas que necesita para ayudar a criar a sus hijos al maximo.

Descubrira como ser padre de su singularidad, dones y fortalezas, asi como tambien como puede demostrar y revelar quien es Dios para sus hijos. Los autores tambien abordan problemas apremiantes que enfrentan los padres hoy en dia, incluyendo como:

* Comprometerse plenamente a escuchar lo que el Seor esta diciendo sobre cada nio
* Mantener una relacion y disciplina
* Desarrollar el caracter
* Entrenar a tus hijos para la adoracion
* Avivar la llama de lo que Dios ha puesto en sus corazones
* y mas

No importa la edad de sus hijos, tiene una oportunidad increible de moldear sus corazones, mentes y valores. Aqui esta todo lo que necesita para ayudar a sus hijos a caminar hacia el destino de sus vidas y verlos convertirse en las personas increibles que fueron creadas para ser.

?With honesty, humor, and keen biblical insight, bestselling authors Bill and Beni Johnson help you discover the keys to successful parenting in God’s kingdom. “Parents, we rule for the purpose of protection, but we also serve with the purpose of empowering,” they write. “We want to release our children into their destiny–that’s the privilege of parenting.”

In these pages you will gain the wisdom, kingdom concepts, and practical tools you need to help raise your children to their best.

You’ll discover how to parent to their uniqueness, gifts, and strengths, as well as how you can demonstrate and reveal who God is to your kids. The authors also address pressing issues parents face today, including how to:

* be fully engaged in hearing what the Lord is saying over each child
* maintain relationship and discipline
* develop character
* train your children for worship
* fan the flame of what God has put in their hearts
* and more

No matter what age your kids are, you have an incredible opportunity to shape their hearts, minds, and values. Here is everything you need to help your children walk into the destiny of their lives and see

9780768451399 Way Of Life Updated Edition

Way Of Life Updated Edition

When the Christian church was born on the Day of Pentecost, it was launched through the demonstration of signs, wonders, and miracles. The gospel of the Kingdom of God was never meant to simply be spoken through words; it was intended to be both declared and demonstrated. Naturally, the question is: Why doesn’t much of modern Christianity experience the miraculous power of God like the early church? This is not a new question. In fact, it has been asked by spiritually hungry men and women through the ages.

Many have attempted to answer this question. Unfortunately, many of the answers have caused spiritual seekers to stop short of their divine destiny because they were taught that the “age of miracles” ended with the closing of the Scriptural canon.

But while Scripture is no longer being written, the Gospel must continue to be supernaturally demonstrated through the lives and actions of every believer…including you!

Get ready to discover The Way of Life. Jesus modeled it. The early church demonstrated it. And now, the invitation is being extended to you. Learn how you can move in the signs, wonders, and supernatural power that the Bible says are available!

9780768415841 God Is Really Good

God Is Really Good

He’s Better Than You Think!

From earliest childhood, kids need to know that God is Good. In order for the next generation to walk in the supernatural power and royal identity they are destined for, it begins with laying a solid assurance of His goodness from the earliest age.

In God is Good for Kids, children will clearly learn to:
*Recognize the difference between a good God and a bad devil
*Know what God wants to do based on the Bible stories about Jesus
*Pray with confidence that a good Father wants to answer their prayers
*Trust that God is always good, even when the world can be filled with evil and sadness

This book lays a crucial foundation for a growing faith: the assurance that God is good.

9781629115474 Defining Moments : God Encounters With Ordinary People Who Changed The Worl

Defining Moments : God Encounters With Ordinary People Who Changed The Worl

Your Defining Moment Is Waiting

Defining Moments is a fascinating look at the remarkable ways in which God has used ordinary people to change history. But it is more than just history; it unveils the future. Prophetic in nature, the book reveals what God wants to do in each of our lives to fulfill His purposes today, tomorrow, and in the years to come.

The stories in this collection of God-encounters carry a prophetic anointing for all who have ears to hear. Author Bill Johnson highlights significant traits and contributions of well-known leaders like John Wesley, Charles Finney, Dwight Moody, Maria Woodworth-Etter, Carrie Judd Montgomery, Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake, Evan Roberts, Rees Howells, Aimee Semple McPherson, Kathryn Kuhlman, Randy Clark, and Heidi Baker, explaining the impact these leaders can have on us today as we respond to the life-changing truths revealed through their lives.

There is power in knowing the testimonies of others-men and women who experienced God in a defining moment and said yes to His unique call on their lives. It is a power that inspires us to hunger for God in such a way that we, too, have an encounter with Him that launches us into the world of the “impossible,” enabling us to fulfill a greater measure of our destiny.

What will be your defining moment?


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