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Character Development

  • Sharing


    Brother Bear learns a lesson about sharing in this faith-based storybook starring the Berenstain Bears!

    The Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit series celebrates the joy of faith, family, and friends–values essential to a wholesome and fulfilling life!

    This 32-page Berenstain Bears Gifts of the Spirit storybook, created by Mike Berenstain, son of Stan and Jan Berenstain, includes a soon-to-be classic story about the joy of sharing with family and friends!

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  • God Gave Me Daddy


    Who teaches us how to explore, how to giggle, and how to wipe a tear and try again? Daddy! This rhyming board book celebrates how God gave us daddies for so many wonderful reasons.

    Sweet illustrations add to the delight, showing cuddly father and child animals as they share everything from chores to adventure to nighttime prayers. Preschoolers will be comforted to think about all the ways God uses daddies to love and bless them, and they will close the book repeating, “Thank You, God, for giving me Daddy!”

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  • Kids Beach Club Season Two (DVD)


    Join the Beach Club Kids as they navigate life, explore character lessons, and have a blast playing memorable games while discovering God through the pages of His Word, the Bible.

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  • Gods Very Good Idea Board Book For Toddlers


    Using simple sentences and stunning illustrations, this board book shows toddlers that they are made by God to be the people they are. And it teaches them that God made everyone to be different (different sexes, skin colors and interests), but he values all of us equally as people made in his image.

    God’s Very Good Idea Board Book features…

    – a robust board-book format.
    – stunning illustrations by Catalina Echeverri that will delight young children.
    – simple sentences that will communicate truths in a way toddlers can understand.

    This foundational book on value and diversity makes a perfect gift for toddlers.

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  • Its A Jungle Out There


    Be Brave. Make Friends.

    Join the Lion-Heart League as they go on their first amazing mission–to find a friend for a lonely gorilla. It’s a Jungle Out There! tells the story of four lion cubs as they search for the lonely gorilla, deep in the jungle. On the way, they encounter a grumpy leopard and a scary crocodile. They also learn that making new friends can be scary, but it’s worth taking the chance. It’s worth going out on a limb (even if there’s a monkey sitting on the limb).

    This exciting, colorful adventure also includes a teaching section in the back, where parents and kids can dig deeper and talk about how to make friends.

    – How do you introduce yourself to others?
    – What do you say next?
    – What do you ask?
    – How do you share your story?

    We can all use a little help from our friends. So, meet your new friends: Matteo, Zahara, Gabriella, and Ross. They’ll show you how to be brave. They’ll teach you how to have the heart of a lion.

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  • 28 Hours : 6 Stories On Trust, Truth, And Discernment (Audio CD)


    The clock is ticking toward an explosive showdown as the crew from Whit’s End race to solve a heart-pounding mystery in this special, six-part adventure 28 Hours.

    Adventures in Odyssey audio dramas release the imagination of both young and old as listeners follow a host of characters through adventures in the town of Odyssey. Geared toward kids ages 7 and up, these high-quality audio dramas teach biblical truths and moral foundations for children to make decisions from throughout their lives. They are perfect for car rides and initiating important conversations with kids.

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  • Chosen Kids Activity Book Season Two


    This inspirational activity book, based on the second season of the global phenomenon The Chosen(R), is perfect for helping kids engage their minds and hearts as they explore the life of Jesus.

    Activities designed to expand thinking skills include word finds, mazes, codebreakers, crosswords, puzzles, and more. Best of all, the activities reinforce spiritual growth and character development as found in the epic TV series.

    Challenge your brain and stir your imagination as you spend time in this exciting activity book!

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  • Good News God Loves You


    Precious little ones will be delighted by Lizzie Walkley’s frolicking barnyard animals while learning deep truths about God’s great love for them. In gentle rhyme and rhythm best-selling author Glenys Nellist affirms the heights and depths and permanence of God’s love. Snuggle up for storytime with your little one and help them grasp just how much our God loves them using this adorable board book (for ages 1-4).

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  • Wherever You Go I Want You To Know Coloring Book


    Whether kids want to be a pilot, an artist, a builder or a chef, they can enjoy dreaming of the future with this 22-page coloring book based on Wherever You Go, I Want You to Know by Melissa Kruger.

    * Includes the words from the original storybook, helping children explore the wonderful truth that the most important thing in life is to follow Jesus

    * Based on the original illustrations by Isobel Lundie

    * Fun for every child, with both detailed pictures and larger areas to color

    * Makes an excellent companion gift to the storybook

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  • Wherever You Go I Want You To Know


    Wherever You Go, I Want You to Know_ by Melissa B. Kruger, and illustrator, Isobel Lundie, is a charming, rhyming board book that teaches little ones that no matter where they dream of going , or what they aspire to do, their greatest dream and accomplishment should be to love and follow Jesus. This beautifully illustrated rhyming book for toddlers, will also remind parents that telling their children about Jesus is more important than anything else. Board book, ages 1 to 3 years old.

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  • Caminar En Profecia Senales Y – (Spanish)


    Entra en el ambito de lo sobrenatural… ! y mira lo que Dios hara!

    Las dos palabras mas poderosas de la Biblia son estas: Y acontecio. En las Escrituras, “y acontecio”, significa que algo sucedio tal como Dios dijo que sucederia. Dios expresa Su voluntad en la Biblia o a traves de mensajes profeticos, y El siempre cumple Sus propositos.

    Caminando en profecia, seales y maravillas, escrito por la profeta Glenda Jackson, le trae un sinfin de relatos de milagros, sanidades y del poder sobrenatural de Dios para caminar en victoria y superar los grandes desafios de la vida. Es un tributo a la asombrosa obra de Dios en el pasado, un ferviente llamado a servirle fielmente en Su poderosa obra hoy, y una mirada profetica a Sus planes para el futuro.

    A traves de testimonios de milagros, enseanzas que edifican nuestra fe, y relatos apasionantes de su herencia familiar personal –incluyendo milagros en la vida de la famosa evangelista de sanidad Maria Woodworth-Etter– vera como Dios puede obrar poderosamente en su propia vida, llevando a cabo lo que El ha ordenado para usted. Descubra lo que significa ser un atalaya profetico y un instrumento para la gloria de Dios en estos dias trascendentales antes del regreso de Cristo.

    Lo que Dios quiere que pase sucede; !Sus palabras se cumplen! Sea lo que sea que necesite, deje que Dios lo haga realidad para usted y sus seres queridos mientras continua sirviendole de todo corazon. Entre en el ambito de los milagros… !y vea lo que Dios hara!

    Step into the Realm of the Supernatural…and watch what God will bring to pass!

    The five most powerful words in the Bible are these: And it came to pass. In the Scriptures, “and it came to pass” means that something happened–just like God said it would! God speaks His will in the Bible or through prophetic messages–and He always fulfills His purposes.

    Walking in Prophecy, Signs, and Wonders by Prophet Glenda Jackson brings you nonstop accounts of miracles, healings, and the supernatural power of God to walk in victory and overcome life’s great challenges. It is a tribute to God’s astonishing work in the past, a fervent call to serve Him faithfully in His mighty work today, and a prophetic look at His plans for the future.

    Through miracle testimonies, faith-building teachings, and gripping accounts from her personal family heritage–including miracles in the life of noted healing evangelist Maria Woodworth-Etter–you will see how God can work powerfully in your o

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  • Mi Amigo Le Encanta La Musica – (Spanish)


    En este tercer libro de la serie Cuentos para dormir que te haran despertar, Ana Belen, Javi y su perrito Yakob viven una aventura super emocionante en un magico viaje al Mundo de la Musica.

    Los relatos y cuentos que sus papas y abuelitos van a transmitirles, los haran vibrar de emocion, aunque alguno de ellos tambien les daran un poquito de miedo: “Me habian dicho que la musica puede hacerte reir, y tambien llorar, pero ahora se que, ademas, puede hacerte temblar. !Si! Temblar de emocion… pero tambien de miedo”. Asi lo expresa Ana Belen despues de escuchar una de las historias.

    Finalmente llegan a entusiasmarse tanto con la musica que Javi quiere inscribirse en un conservatorio. La porcion biblica con la que van a familiarizarse es el Salmo 150.

    In this third book in the series Bedtime Stories that Will Wake You Up, Ana Belen, Javi and their puppy Yakob live a super exciting adventure on a magical journey to the World of Music.

    The stories that their parents and grandparents are going to transmit to them will make them tremble with emotion, although some of them will also give them a little fear: “They had told me that music can make you laugh, and also cry, but now I know that. Furthermore, it can make you shiver. Yes! Tremble with emotion…but also with fear.” This is how Ana Belen expresses it after listening to one of the stories.

    Finally they become so enthusiastic about music that Javi wants to enroll in a conservatory. The portion of the Bible that you are going to become familiar with is Psalm 150.

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  • His Grace Is Enough


    This illustrated, rhyming book will help parents explain to children the unique and wonderful Christian message of God’s grace–that Jesus offers forgiveness and allows us to move on from our mistakes.

    It can be used to share the heart of the Christian faith with children or to remind them that Jesus is the person to run to when they mess up.

    Children will learn that God’s grace is enough to cleanse and change us every day, as the book itself says…

    My child, here’s the truth:
    From God, you can’t hide
    He sees what you’ve done
    He knows what’s inside

    But please don’t despair
    There’s good news, I say!
    Whatever you do
    God’s grace makes a way

    Yes, his grace is enough
    It’s so big and so free
    His grace is enough
    Both for you and for me

    This beautiful hardback book makes a great gift for children and even beyond.

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  • Awesome Super Fantastic Forever Party


    What will heaven be like? Answering this question for kids can be challenging, especially as it’s hard to get past the myths.

    This beautifully illustrated, biblically faithful storybook by Joni Eareckson Tada excites children with this truth–that when Jesus comes back to this world, he will bring heaven with him! There will be a new creation where we’ll have new hearts and a new body, living in a new city. And best of all, we’ll be with Jesus, forever! It will be better than we can ever imagine.

    Kids are encouraged to respond to Jesus’ invitation personally by repenting and believing. They will also be inspired to invite others, and to ask Jesus to come soon.

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  • Risky River Rescue


    The Dead Sea Squirrels are back with another fun-filled adventure! The Gomez family, Pearl, Justin, Sadie, Dusty, and Adriana continue the search for Merle through the Holy Land. But instead of finding Merle, they uncover Dr. Simon’s master plan to create the BabbleLand Animal Park: “the only zoo where cuddly creatures talk to you” and where you can engage in “small talk with the livestock.” While still stuck with Ruben, Merle meets Dave, a blue Lizard of Judah, and the two of them escape and take off along the Jordan River toward Galilee. The Gomezes succeed in catching up with and capturing Ruben, but they just miss Merle and Dave. The theme of this book is choosing to follow God’s will and pleasing God by obeying him and making right choices. Readers will learn about John the Baptist, Jesus’ baptism, and the beginning of Jesus’ ministry.

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  • Earth To Eden


    “Earth to Eden…” Dad says, grabbing little Eden’s attention long enough to share the story of the Garden…

    In this story, Eden learns of the Creator’s glory and love for His creation. Her dad shares his take on the story that inspired her name–the Garden of Eden. After imagining the beauty of the

    Garden, Eden takes the story to school with her to share with others and relate it to the class’s lesson. The wonderful story of God’s perfect garden inspires Eden to plant a garden of her own and rest in His love.

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  • Nothing : Nothing Can Separate You From Gods Love


    Discover the biblical promise of God’s unending love in this whimsically illustrated board book that assures little ones nothing can separate them from God.

    Can anything stop God’s love and God’s grace? This uplifting board book, based on Romans 8:38-39, looks at this question in the most fantastical ways. Curious children wonder if God’s love can be stopped by rumbling volcanoes, deep ocean waters, rain storms, hail storms, or even the mistakes we make. The answer is always a resounding, “No! There is nothing so powerful, nothing so strong–God’s love is too high and too deep and too long!” The engaging verse is paired with wildly imaginative illustrations, and the affirming message of God’s unstoppable love is one that parents will want to share with their little ones over and over.

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  • Llego Mi Mejor Amigo – (Spanish)


    !Bienvenidos al pais de la magia y de la fantasia! Este es el segundo ejemplar de la serie Cuentos para dormir que les haran despertar. Estas son unas breves palabras para las mamas, los papas, los abuelitos, las abuelitas… y para todos aquellos que todavia mantienen la magia de contar cuentos a losnios. Leer o contar cuentos a los nios es un habito que, lamentablemente, ha ido quedando en el pasado, con nuestros padres y abuelos; una escena deliciosa que quedo sepultada bajo el peso del televisor, telefono movil y ordenador. Hoy estamos tan agobiados que no queda tiempo para para leer un cuento antes de dormir. Pero el sencillo acto de leerles un cuento en la noche es mas que una actividad para arrullarlos: tiene grandes beneficios como fomentar la lectura, fortalecer su imaginacion, crear lazos de cario entre padres-abuelos e hijos. Con la lectura, los talentos del nio se iran desarrollando, al mismo tiempo que adquiere conocimientos eticos y valores, proporcionados por las historias narradas.Gracias por mantener esta magica costumbre y por haber elegido este libro de cuentos como herramienta para alcanzar ese fin.

    Welcome to the land of magic and fantasy! This is the second issue of the series Bedtime Stories That Will Make You Wake Up. These are a few short tales for moms, dads, grandparents, grandmothers … and for all those who still maintain the magic of telling stories to children. Reading or telling stories to children is a habit that, unfortunately, is uncommon in our day among parents and grandparents, a delicious scene that was buried under the weight of the television, mobile phones, and computers. Today we are so overwhelmed that there is no time to read a bedtime story. But the simple act of reading a story to children at night is more than an activity to lull them: it has great benefits such as encouraging reading, strengthening their imagination, and creating bonds of affection between parents and children, or grandparents and grandchildren. With reading, the child’s talents will develop, while he acquires ethical knowledge and values provided by the stories being told. Thank you for maintaining this magical custom and for choosing this storybook as a tool to achieve that end.

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  • Jingle Squirrels


    Merle and Pearl are still missing! Ruben has them hidden away in Israel, so Michael, Justin, Sadie, Jane, and Mr. and Mrs. Gomez take off on a rescue mission to get them back once and for all. In the meantime, Dusty finds himself trapped in a donkey retirement community alongside a quirky alpaca named Adriana, who just happens to be an expert lock picker! Adriana’s skills come in handy when she and Dusty find Merle and Pearl locked in the birdcage Ruben is using to transport them.

    More silliness, chase scenes, and unexpected twists unfold as the squirrels try to evade recapture by Ruben. Eventually, Pearl, Dusty, and Adriana find themselves part of a live Nativity display, but where is Merle? Jingle Squirrels is a continuation of the Dead Sea Squirrels story, but it also tells the Christmas story of Christ’s birth. Readers will learn that God is our Rescuer and Redeemer. Key Verse is John 3:16.

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  • Slippery Slope : 6 Stories Of Faith, Friendship And Imagination (Audio CD)


    Adventures in Odyssey audio dramas release the imagination of both young and old as listeners follow a host of characters through adventures in the town of Odyssey. Geared towards kids ages 8 and up, these audio dramas teach biblical truths and moral foundations for children to make decisions from throughout their lives. Perfect for car rides and initiating important conversations with kids.

    In A Slippery Slope, album #71 of the series, a girl loses her faith and walks through the process of seeing if she can ever find it again. Each of the six episodes conveys a strong moral theme:

    1. “The Team”-Teamwork
    2. “Please Adjust Your Frequency”-Pride
    3. “Higher than Our Ways”-Grief
    4. “Triple-Decker Sundae”-Faith
    5. “Set a Watchman”-Friendship
    6. “Worth It”-God’s Way

    Recently winning the “Radio Program of the Year” from the National Religious Broadcasters Association, the team that creates these audio dramas continues to deliver content children love and adults can trust.

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  • Clever Cub Gives Thanks To God


    Clever Cub is a curious little bear who LOVES to cuddle up with the Bible and learn about God.

    Clever Cub wants to give thanks to God but doesn’t know how. So Mama Bear tells the story of Peter and John healing a man-a man who then gave thanks to God in a wonderful way!
    This engaging picture book:
    *Teaches children ages 3-6 the joy of showing gratitude to God.
    *Uses fun storytelling and colorful images to tell the story of God’s healing in Acts 3.
    *Includes questions about the story’s theme and ideas for learning more in the Bible.

    Clever Cub Gives Thanks to God is part of the delightful Clever Cub children’s book series. Also check out Clever Cub Welcomes Baby Jesus, Clever Cub Explores God’s Creation, and Clever Cub Sings to God.

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  • Clever Cub Sings To God


    Clever Cub is a curious little bear who LOVES to cuddle up with the Bible and learn about God.

    “God, You are amazing!” As Clever Cub takes a walk in the forest and the fields and the mountains, he can’t help but sing praises to God for all the incredible things God has made!
    This engaging picture book:
    *Shares the worshipful words of Psalm 104.
    *Helps children ages 3-6 learn the joy of praising God with song.
    *Is a wonderful way to introduce young readers to praying and singing the psalms.
    *Includes questions about the story’s theme and ideas for learning more in the Bible.

    Clever Cub Sings to God is part of the delightful Clever Cub children’s book series. Also check out Clever Cub Welcomes Baby Jesus, Clever Cub Explores God’s Creation, and Clever Cub Gives Thanks to God.

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  • Clever Cub Explores Gods Creation


    Clever Cub is a curious little bear who LOVES to cuddle up with the Bible and learn about God.

    Clever Cub snuggles up with Mama Bear on a dark night as she tells him how God filled the empty world with life. Follow along as Clever Cub learns about how God created sky, water, mountains, beaches-and clever cubs like him!

    This engaging picture book:
    *Celebrates the story of Creation in Genesis 1.
    *Helps children ages 3-6 enjoy the wonder and purpose of God’s design.
    *Includes questions about the story’s theme and ideas for learning more in the Bible.

    Clever Cub Explores God’s Creation is part of the delightful Clever Cub children’s book series. Also check out Clever Cub Welcomes Baby Jesus, Clever Cub Sings to God, and Clever Cub Gives Thanks to God.

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  • Blessing Of You


    Through engaging rhyme, pastor and bestselling author Mark Batterson and his daughter encourage young children to discover the joys of both counting their blessings and being a blessing to others.

    If you’ll open your eyes to the joys all around, / so many blessings wait to be found.

    As they absorb the truths woven into this picture book, even the youngest readers can learn to walk through the world with their eyes open for signs of God’s love and blessing, from the smell of cookies baking in the oven to the fun of giggling with a favorite cousin. And as they make a practice of counting their blessings, two by two, children will also discover how being a blessing to others doubles their fun. This delightful picture book nurtures the habits of gratitude and kindness that make life more enjoyable for everyone.

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  • Any Time Any Place Any Prayer


    When children have something on their minds, they tend to run to their parents and caregivers. Wouldn’t it be great if they also learned that they can talk to God about anything and everything because Jesus has made that possible?

    This beautifully illustrated Bible storybook, by Risen Motherhood co-founder Laura Wifler, takes children on a journey from the start of the Bible story to the end. From Eden and God’s presence, through the fall, redemption, and the Spirit’s presence with us now, to our presence with God in the future, God has always made a way for his people to talk with him. Children will learn a biblical understanding of prayer, why it’s amazing, and that they can enjoy talking with God about anything, anytime, anywhere.

    Includes Jesus’ teaching on the Lord’s Prayer to help children know how to pray.

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  • Hockey Every Day Every Way


    Hockey Every Day, Every Way, the third book in the Drop the Cup series, is inspired by Lila, a real-life hockey player with cerebral palsy who also happens to be one of the fastest skaters on ice. When her family moves to Hockeytown, USA, right before Valentine’s Day, she’s afraid she won’t fit in, but her fellow hockey players make her feel right at home.

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  • Hooray For Hockey Day


    Hooray for Hockey Day continues the story of brothers Blaine and Cullen, and their love of ice hockey, while introducing new characters like Ann, who also has Down syndrome like Blaine, and Aiden, a hockey player with one leg. The kids decide to write to their governor to make Hockey Day a state holiday–and succeed beyond their wildest dreams.

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  • Its Hockey Season


    It’s Hockey Season tells the tale of two brothers, Blaine and Cullen, who love ice hockey and each other. Cullen is the all-star team captain and his brother Blaine, who has Down syndrome, is the team manager. Blaine is clearly the unsung hero of the team; his leadership and unselfish actions speak louder than words. Young readers are able to learn respect and a better understanding for the challenges individuals with special needs face on a daily basis.

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  • Chosen Kids Activity Book Season One


    Perfect for helping kids actively engage their thinking skills, this fun, inspirational activity book, based on the first season of the global phenomenon The Chosen, will keep them entertained for hours.

    Activities include word finds, mazes, break-the code puzzles, spot the difference games, crosswords, and more. Best of all, the activities reinforce spiritual growth and character development as found in the epic video series.

    Have fun and be filled with wisdom as you spend time in this exciting activity book for kids!

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  • Little Pilgrims Progress Illustrated Edition


    A classic work of literature, adapted for children and beautifully illustrated.

    Perceiving the need for a simpler version of a timeless classic, Helen Taylor faithfully adapted John Bunyan’s allegory of the Christian life, The Pilgrim’s Progress, for young readers-hoping to bring its treasury of wisdom nearer to children’s hearts and minds. That version has sold over 800,000 copies! It preserves the original plotlines of Bunyan’s classic while telling the story of Little Christian and Christiana in a way that kids can understand.

    In this fresh, imaginative new edition, award-winning illustrator Joe Sutphin portrays the characters of Bunyan’s tale as furry creatures living in a woodland realm. Children will delight in the lavish illustrations, reading alongside their parents or interacting on their own with the timeless words and beautiful imagery that they discover on every page.

    This book will help children see the trials and triumphs of faithfulness with fresh eyes, leading them to declare along with Christian, “I am going to the King!”

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  • Incredible Power Of Gods Word


    Young readers will discover just how powerful God’s Word is in this hardcover collection of Scripture and encouragement, newly adapted from #1 New York Times best-selling author Joyce Meyer’s The Secret Power of Speaking God’s Word

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  • How BIG Is God


    A Fun and Imaginative Look at the Many Ways God is BIG, STRONG, WISE, and GOOD! This delightful, interactive lift-a-flap board book for the little ones in your life is a fantastic way to help them understand that God is bigger than they could ever possibly imagine. Each spread features fun, simple text that celebrates God’s amazing awesomeness alongside colorful illustrations and easy-to-understand New Life Version scripture selections.

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  • Amigo Que Nunca Falla – (Spanish)


    El amigo que nunca falla es el primero de una serie de libros que llevara a los nios por viajes apasionantes y los hara conocer porciones claves de la Biblia, haciendoles amar la lectura y mostrandoles que la Palabra de Dios es el volumen mas perfecto, apasionante y transformador que jamas se haya escrito. En este primer libro, el consagrado escritor Jose Luis Navajo se fundamenta en el Salmo 23, presentando el salmo en un lenguaje ameno y, a la vez, profundo, con lecciones para padres e hijos.

    La serie se titula Cuentos para dormir que les haran despertar. Te animamos a que lo uses para leer cada dia a tus hijos una historia que los enriquecera y sembrara en sus corazones importantes principios y valores positivos. Es tambien una buena herramienta para que ellos mismos practiquen la lectura si ya comenzaron a leer.

    Estos relatos nacieron al calor de un sueo: que nios y nias aprecien la Biblia y que la imagen de Jesus se forme en sus corazones.

    The Friend Who Never Fails is the first in a series of books that will take children on exciting journeys and introduce them to key portions of the Bible, making them love to read and showing them that God’s Word is the most perfect, exciting, and transforming that has ever been written. In this first book, the consecrated writer Jose Luis Navajo is based on Psalm 23, presenting the psalm in a pleasant and, at the same time, deep language, with lessons for parents and children.

    The series is titled Bedtime stories that will make you wake up. We encourage you to use it to read to your children every day a story that will enrich them and plant important principles and positive values in their hearts. It is also a good tool for them to practice reading themselves if they have already started reading.

    These stories were born in the heat of a dream: that boys and girls appreciate the Bible and that the image of Jesus is formed in their hearts.

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  • What Do You Say To A Dragon


    A young boy wakes from a nightmare about a scary dragon and comes to his parents for comfort. Instead of responding with answers that can feel dismissive to a child such as, “It isn’t real. Don’t be afraid,” his parents’ reply models for moms and dads how to have healthy, healing discussions with their children that include phrases such as, “I hear what you are telling me, and it sounds scary.” Instead of denying fear, kids will learn to face it head on and to stand up to things that scare them when appropriate.

    What Do You Say to a Dragon? is a whimsical book that empowers children to express their emotions and use their imaginations to change the power dynamic of anxiety while also giving parents a healthy approach to helping their kids face fears.

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  • Dusty Donkey Detour


    Merle and Pearl meet . . . a talking donkey?

    Merle and Pearl are still in the clutches of their squirrelnapper. The Gomez family, along with Justin and Sadie, is in hot pursuit. After a wrong turn, they receive a hint from the most unlikely of sources.

    Meanwhile, Merle and Pearl are having their own adventure, riding a donkey from Bethlehem to Nazareth under the watchful eye of their abductor. As usual, their hijinks bring laughter and a few surprises-this time in the form of new friends who are also animals. And they can talk!

    Will Merle and Pearl finally be rescued? Everyone learns that with God, all things are possible.

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  • Merle Of Nazareth


    The Dead Sea Squirrels are back! Mike Nawrocki brings his signature humor and storytelling expertise to the newest installment in the beloved series.

    Merle and Pearl have been squirrelnapped and taken to Israel. Even though Michael, Justin, and Sadie have just started 5th grade, they convince their parents that a trip to Israel will be an educational experience, especially since Michael’s mom is a teacher and can help them keep up with their schoolwork. Nazareth is the first stop for Merle and Pearl’s squirrelnapper. The kids are able to track Merle and Pearl to Nazareth, the town where Joseph and Mary lived before the birth of Jesus. Then the squirrels learn that the black-market artifact collector will be moving them to Bethlehem and manage to leave a clue for the kids as to where they are going. Will the kids find Merle and Pearl in time, or will the squirrelnapper get away again?

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  • Indescribable For Little Ones


    Discover the wonders of God’s creation! Bestselling author and pastor Louie Giglio brings Indescribable for Little Ones, an interactive board book that will introduce the littlest readers to God’s amazing world. Young children will be awestruck as they pull tabs and turn a wheel to reveal that everything, from the ants on the ground to the stars in the sky, was made by God.

    Louie’s popular kids’ devotional, Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God and Science, has touched hundreds of thousands of families by sharing incredible scientific facts alongside the wonder of God’s majesty. Now this same message is made easy for little ones, focusing on four areas of creation:

    This STEM-themed board book:
    *Is perfect for little hands and motor skills development with interactive pull tabs and wheels

    *Would be a brilliant gift for baby showers, birthdays, Easter baskets, and holiday gifting

    *Includes fun facts and Bible truths

    Kids will be in awe and have fun as they discover that everything, from the ants on the ground to the stars in the sky, was made by God.

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  • 3 Minute Devotions For Courageous Girls


    Got 3 minutes, courageous girl?

    Take a few moments of your day to quiet your spirit, think on God’s amazing love for you, and make a meaningful connection with your heavenly Father with these 3-minute readings designed just for you!

    Minute 1: meditate on a scripture selection
    Minute 2: read through a devotional created just for you
    Minute 3: read a prayer designed to help jump-start your conversation with God

    In only 3 short minutes, you’ll be on your way to a beautifully courageous spirit! This delightful devotional packs a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration into dozens readings designed to meet you right where you are in life.

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  • 3 Minute Devotions For Brave Boys


    Got 3 minutes, brave boy?

    Take a few moments of your day to quiet your heart, think on God’s amazing love for you, and make a meaningful connection with your heavenly Father with these 3-minute readings designed just for you!

    Minute 1: meditate on a scripture selection
    Minute 2: read through a devotional created just for you
    Minute 3: read a prayer designed to help jump-start your conversation with God

    In only 3 short minutes, you’ll be on your way to a mighty brave spirit! This delightful devotional packs a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration into dozens readings designed to meet you right where you are in life.

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  • Best Kept Secrets (Audio CD)


    Long-held secrets are uncovered and major revelations are commonplace in Adventures in Odyssey Album 69: Best Kept Secrets. Listeners have long wondered about Morrie Rydell’s plans for the kids in Odyssey. All will be revealed and questions will be answered in these episodes. Elsewhere, Jules’s mother suddenly arrives in Odyssey to take Jules back to California, maybe for good. What will happen to Jules, her newfound musical career, and her friends back in Odyssey?

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  • Dead Sea Squirrels 3 Pack Books 1-3


    Meet Merle and Pearl, two 2,000-year-old squirrels from Bible times who were petrified in sea salt, rehydrated, snuck into the United States in a 12-year-old boy’s backpack, and now live in modern-day Tennessee with their new friend, Michael. How did that happen? Read all about how this salty couple came to be here, and follow their zany adventures in the first three books of the Dead Sea Squirrel series, together in this new set.

    Includes books 1-3:
    *Squirreled Away
    *Boy Meets Squirrels
    *Nutty Study Buddies

    You can read more about Merle and Pearl and their friends in books 4-6, available now! And, keep your eyes open for even more Dead Sea Squirrels adventures in books 7-12!

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  • Wherever You Go I Want You To Know


    Tells children that whatever they do and wherever they go, your greatest hope is that they will love and follow Jesus.

    Kids love to dream about what they might do when they grow up: jobs they might have, places they might go, people they might meet. And parents and carers love to encourage and support them. But for Christian parents and carers, their greatest hope for their children, their dream of all dreams, is that whatever their kids do and wherever they go, they will love and follow Jesus.

    As children embark on life’s journey with all their potential and aspirations, express to them your biggest dream with this beautiful illustrated rhyming children’s book.

    As well as teaching children about the only thing that really matters in life, this book also reminds parents that telling their kids about Jesus is more important than anything else.

    Makes a wonderful gift for a wide range of children-from 3 year olds to 8 year olds and even beyond-for birthdays, Christmas or graduation.

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  • Wyatts Fort Series (DVD)


    This charming and educations series, centers around Wyatt, a precocious five-year old, and his two best friends, Howsham and Desmond. This unusual trio experiences all kinds of crazy adventures within the mysterious world residing in Wyatt’s tent fort. Even though they regularly find themselves in perilous situations, they always see it through to the end with a little help from their friends in the fort and the Book of Illumination.

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  • SeaKids Integrity Kindness Fellowship (DVD)


    Helping kids build a relationship with Jesus and others! Join the Sea Kids for three fun adventures in… Integrity, Kindness, and Fellowship

    Bible Challenge – David gets a new comic book and neglects to read his Bible. He prays to Jesus for forgiveness and creates a comic notebook to help him remember what he read in his Bible. Psalm 119:10-11

    The New Babysitter – David is not happy having a new babysitter. David and Carter decide to behave badly. The new babysitter exhibits the Fruit of patience and kindness and they all enjoy a huge banana split together as a peace offering. Galatians 5:22

    Church is for Everyone! – Christian decides to play ball with his friends instead of going to church. However, Christian invites Slim, who has never been to church, and as they hear the miraculous powers of Jesus, they both learn Jesus is the true Super Hero. Matthew 18:19-20

    Approximately 40 mins.


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  • Out Of The Blue (Audio CD)


    Jaws drop and eyes are opened at the surprises happening around the town of Odyssey. Everyone is finding or learning something unexpected! When Connie’s roommate Jillian sets out to find a job, the hunt takes her all over town. But whether it’s destroying a window display at Triple J Antiques, causing chaos at Odyssey General Hospital, or trying her hand at meteorology, she just can’t catch a break. Will she ever find the perfect fit for her unique skills? Meanwhile, Penny and Wooton have a wonderful surprise to share when her parents come for a visit-if they can ever find the right time to tell them. And Wyatt resorts to using extraordinary methods when he uses a lie detector to show his sister Bridget how much he misses hanging out with her. But the biggest surprises won’t be revealed until you listen to these six adventures. Don’t miss a single twist, turn, or bombshell in Odyssey!

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  • Pulverizing The Plans Of The Prince Of Pride (DVD)


    Join Bibleman on an all-new adventure!
    Pulverizing the Plans of the Prince of Pride (An Adventure in Humility)

    With his latest invention, the Ego Boost Ray, the Prince of Pride and his dull henchman are turning middle-school champion mathlete Becky Thomas into a painfully proud person. Can the Bibleteam reverse the effect by using their Containment Protocol Jericho? It’s a battle-royal! Bible story: Sit in a lower seat. Key verse: Luke 14:11

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  • Kings Way Of Life


    Prince is in line to be king, but when the time comes, will he have the courage to take on this role? And how will he know how to make wise decisions? His Father, the king, left him with everything he needs for the task, including a compass to show him the way. Will he accept this kingly mantle, or walk away? Prince’s destiny awaits!

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  • Berenstain Bears Go Christmas Caroling


    In The Berenstain Bears Go Christmas Caroling, the whole Bear family is invited by the Bear Country Carolers for a round of Christmas Eve celebrations. Join Mama, Papa, Brother, Sister and Honey as they venture together in the snowy, cold night to travel from door to door singing Christmas classics.

    This fun new book in the popular Zonderkidz Living Lights series–beloved by parents, grandparents, children, and grandchildren alike–will earn a quick spot on your child’s bookshelf. Your child will want to read (and sing) along with you again and again as the kid-friendly text and easy-to-read, easy-to-remember song lyrics teach valuable life lessons, encourage discussion, and take you down memory lane with each subsequent reading. Also includes 8 punch-out postcards and a festive holiday door hanger!

    Parents and grandparents looking for a Bible-based, read aloud story that encourages faith in Jesus and instills a love of reading in their children and grandchildren need look no further than the newest book in the Living Lights series–The Berenstain Bears Go Christmas Caroling.

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  • God Is With Us


    Little ones are sure to find comfort that God is always with them in this charming holiday-themed book in a brand-new series by bestselling author Amy Parker.

    God Is With Us provides young children with the comfort of knowing God is never far away in this charming, sweet, and heartfelt book. With warm, rhyming verse, bestselling author Amy Parker reassures young hearts by introducing them to the awesome characteristics of an Almighty God.

    With a soft-focus on Christmas, Parker’s book offers reminders of how God is present during this very special season while also hinting that He’s close by year-round. Part of a series, God Is With Us is sure to be read and cherished all year long

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  • Merry Christmas Nighty Night


    It’s so hard to fall asleep on Christmas Eve! Lucky for Cole and his sister, Rose, the Nighty Nights–created by Grammy winner Michael W. Smith and co-creator of VeggieTales Mike Nawrocki–have a special Christmas song to have them dreaming and sleeping in no time.

    Merry Christmas, Nighty Night follows the familiar rhythm of the classic Clement Moore poem “The Night Before Christmas” to tell this gentle, musical, and heart-warming story that captures the wonder of Christmas Eve while helping little ones settle in for a cozy “Silent Night.”

    Founded by Michael W. Smith, Nurturing StepsTM is an infant and toddler series of children’s music and books with a simple mission to enliven a child’s journey with hope and faith through music and storytelling.

    This holiday padded board book sparkles with glitter.

    On the night before Christmas, Cole asked from his bed,
    “May I wait by the tree for my presents instead?”
    “No, Cole,” his mom answered, as she handed him Bear.
    Then she kissed him goodnight and helped him say prayers.

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