Mirate Bonita Mirate Feliz – (Spanish)
Con frecuencia pensamos que es muy facil responder si nos preguntan quienes somos. Sin embargo, si lo preguntamos a nosotros mismos, no podemos contestarnos a ciencia cierta. La mayoria de las personas no saben quienes son; mas bien responden a base de lo que hacen. De ahi parten las inseguridades, los miedos, la dificultad de reconocer sus talentos, tener relaciones interpersonales satisfactorias, sentirse bien con lo que son y ser felices. Sonia Luna, en este su primer libro, comparte sus profundos conocimientos sobre la mujer y el ser humano, no solo a nivel espiritual, sino sicologico y emocional. Empieza por presentarse a si misma desde nia y luego adolescente, para explicarnos el desarrollo del ser y como quienes somos es un viaje que se va desarrollando porque esta moldeado por nuestras experiencias desde que nacemos, las influencias de nuestras familias, los momentos que nos marcan y las numerosas etapas que vivimos en nuestro desarrollo como seres humanos. Nuestra autora nos invita a descubrir quienes somos, lo cual requiere nuestra principal atencion. Cuando sabemos quienes somos, logramos alcanzar la plenitud y la felicidad, y vemos lo mejor en nosotros.
We often think that it is quite easy to answer if we are asked who we are. However, if we ask ourselves that question, we cannot answer with any certainty. Most people do not know who they are; rather they respond based on what they do. Hence the insecurities, fears, and the difficulty in recognizing their talents, having satisfactory interpersonal relationships, feeling good about who they are, and being happy. In See Yourself Beautiful, See Yourself Happy, Sonia Luna shares her profound knowledge on women and human beings, not only on a spiritual level, but also on a psychological and emotional level. She begins by presenting herself as a child and later as a teenager, to explain the development of being and how finding out who we are is a journey that unfolds. This journey is shaped by our experiences since birth, the influences of our families, the moments that mark us, and the many stages that we go through in our development as human beings. Sonia invites us to discover who we are in order to achieve fulfillment and happiness, and see the best in ourselves.
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SKU (ISBN): 9781641237253
ISBN10: 1641237252
Language: Spanish
Sonia Luna
Binding: Trade Paper
Published: November 2021
Publisher: Whitaker House Publishers
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