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New Revised Standard - Updated (NRSV)

  • Gift And Award Bible


    The NRSV Award Bible is ideal for any church ministry that is celebrating a milestone in a believer’s faith and this Bible utilizes a translation with a storied history and a steady scholarship to confront a modern world.

    The growth of information makes for an ever-changing world. However, the importance of Scripture remains unchanged. To ensure the enduring value of inspired sacred texts, Friendship Press, together with the National Council of Churches and in partnership with the Society of Biblical Literature, has undertaken the careful task of updating the NRSV Edition of the Bible. We are pleased to present you with what we can in full confidence call the world_s most meticulously researched, rigorously reviewed, and faithfully accurate English-language Bible translation. You will find that this new NRSV edition is the most extensively updated English-language Bible translation available on the worldwide market to date. Recent scholarship is applied to ancient texts to help readers explore the meanings of ancient texts in light of the cultures that produced them. The NRSV Updated Edition is intended to be as literal as possible so that the meaning of scripture can be as clear as possible to the fervent lay reader as it is to the dedicated biblical scholar. As stewards of the NRSV Updated Edition, we invite you to join the journey of exploration with all the passionate attention and consideration that sacred Scriptures richly deserve.

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  • Artisan Collection Bible Comfort Print


    A Stunning NRSVue Bible that Reflects the Beauty of Scripture and Faith

    Exquisite from the inside out, the NRSVue Artisan Collection Bible invites you to journal or draw alongside Scripture while delighting in the beauty of the cover, which features a unique expressionist art piece by painter Leslie Vann. The carefully composed interior features the exclusive Zondervan NRSVue Comfort Print(R) typeface in a double-column typesetting, allowing you to carry this Bible wherever you go.

    Skillfully crafted for the New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition (NRSVue) text, Zondervan’s exclusive Comfort Print(R) typeface provides a smooth reading experience that complements the foremost Bible translation vetted by Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical, and Jewish scholars. Continuing the legacy of the NRSV, the NRSVue aims to faithfully serve the church in personal spiritual formation, in the liturgy, and in the academy. With revisions based on new textual evidence, historical insights, and linguistic precision, this updated edition delivers a translation of Scripture based on meticulous care for accuracy and readability.

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