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Dilexit Nos – (Spanish)
$14.95In his fourth encyclical, Dilexit Nos (“He loved us”), Pope Francis writes, at a time of profound global challenges, on the human and divine love of the heart of Jesus Christ. As Pope Francis observes, “We find ourselves immersed in societies of serial consumers who live from day to day, dominated by the hectic pace and bombarded by technology, lacking in the patience needed to engage in the processes that an interior life by its very nature requires.” The Holy Father calls for a change of perspective, urging humanity to rediscover what is most essential: the heart.
In Dilexit Nos, Pope Francis invites us to reflect on aspects of the Lord’s love that could illuminate the path of ecclesial renewal and resonate meaningfully with “a world that seems to have lost its heart.” This encyclical, which includes reflections from Sacred Scripture and previous magisterial teachings, reintroduces the Church to the spiritually profound devotion to the Sacred Heart.
The encyclical’s release coincides with ongoing celebrations commemorating the 350th anniversary of the first appearance of Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque in 1673, when he revealed to her his Sacred Heart.
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Misal 2025 Ciclo C – (Spanish)
$7.95La Misa es el centro de la vida cristiana; participe activamente en ella con el Misal 2025 que contiene las Misas de los domingos y fiestas de todo el año. Con las oraciones y lecturas de la Misa Reflexiones para poner en práctica el Evangelio Intenciones generales y misionales del Santo Padre para el 2025 El rosario, con los misterios luminosos, y el viacrucis The Mass is the center of the Christian life. Participate actively in the Mass with the 2025 Missal, which contains the Sunday and Feast Day Masses for the whole year. Includes the prayers and readings of the Mass Reflections for putting the Gospel into practice General and missionary intentions of the Holy Father for 2025 The Rosary, with the Mysteries of Light and the Way of the Cross
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Que Hace Y Que Dice El Corazon – (Spanish)
$18.95San Manuel Gonzalez Garcia, renombrado Obispo del Sagrario Abandonado y aclamado como el mayor sacerdote eucaristico desde el Cura de Ars, reflexiono “Pretendo despertar la curiosidad, que en este caso verdaderamente puede llamarse santa, para comprender y descubrir lo que hace, dice y siente el Corazon de Jesus en el Sagrario.
Prometo encantadoras sorpresas, descubrimientos inestimables, horizontes inimaginables, a quienes se dejen despertar por esta curiosidad.”
A traves de estas meditaciones profundas y practicas, a veces escritas desde la perspectiva de Jesus hablandote, seras guiado a una intimidad mas profunda con nuestro Seor Eucaristico y te inspiraras para compartir su amor con los demas. A traves de esta experiencia refrescante y transformadora, descubriras:
*Por que los evangelios nos llevan al Sagrario y el Sagrario nos lleva a los Evangelios
*Como Jesus no esta inactivo ni silencioso en su Presencia Eucaristica
*La mision de los mas cercanos de Jesus en los Evangelios y como imitarlos
*Las tres formas en que el Corazon de Jesus mira a las almas y como El te mira a ti
*Mayor fervor al recibir la Sagrada Comunion y rezar en la Adoracion Eucaristica
*El secreto para tocar el Corazon de Jesus en el Santisimo Sacramento para recibir sanacionTambien hay una seccion conmovedora al final del libro sobre lo que el Corazon de Jesus en la Sagrada Eucaristia dice a los sacerdotes.
San Manuel escribio incansablemente estas reflexiones, publicadas originalmente como articulos, para “ipredicar a las almas activas la necesidad, importancia y fecundidad de permanecer en el Sagrario porque el Amor que alli habita no es amado sino abandonado!” San Manuel te mostrara como cultivar el asombro y la reverencia mientras disfrutas de la Presencia Eucaristica de nuestro Seor y dejas que su poder impregne tu vida. A medida que se profundice tu amor por el Corazon Eucaristico de Jesus, aprenderas a consolarlo como El te consuela a ti y a inflamarte para ofrecer tu vida en testimonio de tu fe.
Sobre todo, en la Sagrada Eucaristia encontraras al Amigo que siempre espera para escucharte con su Corazon y siempre habla a tu corazon. A la luz del Sagrario aprenderas a crecer en la virtud, a vencer la tentacion y a vivir sin miedo.
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Glorias De Maria – (Spanish)
$14.95Las Glorias de Maria is a translation of the first book of The Glories of Mary, the masterpiece written by St. Alphonsus Liguori, which explains the “Hail, Holy Queen,” or “Salve Regina,” a prayer of devotion to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. This book, adapted by Rev. John Duffy, C.Ss.R., is a very accessible version of the classic work about Mary’s powerful intercession and?in the words of Fr. Duffy?the “sublime position of Mary in traditional Catholic devotion.”
This cherished gift or personal devotional offers:
*Several prayers to Our Lady by St. Alphonsus
*Evocative illustrations that introduce each of the 10 chapters
*Color inserts with timeless representations of Our Lady
*The Rosary and Stations of the Cross in full colorRead moreOut of stock
Misal Romano – (Spanish)
$125.00The compact Chapel Edition includes all of the enhancements that celebrants have come to know and trust. Features include easy-to-read type for both text and music; printed, gold-stamped end papers; durable tabs that respect functional page turns; a sturdy Roxite cover; and 5 satin ribbon markers. As with the Altar Edition, this volume features specially produced acid-neutral cream paper with the highest opacity without adding unnecessary bulk and weight. The sturdy 80 lb. paper used for the Order of Mass provides extra strength to withstand everyday use.
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Consolando Corazon De Jesus – (Spanish)
$19.95Consoling the Heart of Jesus by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, is a do-it-yourself retreat combining the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius with the teachings of Sts. Therese of Lisieux, Faustina Kowalska, and Louis de Montfort. Father Gaitley has a remarkable gift for inspiring little souls to trust in Jesus, The Divine Mercy. As Danielle Bean, publisher and editor-in-chief of Catholic Digest, puts it, “The voice of Christ in these pages is one that even this hopelessly distracted wife and mother of eight could hear and respond to.”
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Recemos El Sant Rosario (Expanded) – (Spanish) (Expanded)
$4.95This newly translated expanded version of the ever-popular Pray the Rosary provides the traditional shorter devotion as well as a longer devotion, which includes Scriptual texts that give a fuller context within which to pray the Mysteries of our Blessed Mother and her Son. The Additional or Alternative Text for each Mystery is a deeper reminder of what is being celebrated.
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Cada Dia Es Un Don – (Spanish)
$10.95With Cada Dia es un Don Catholic Book Publishing presents a Spanish edition of the popular daily devotional Every Day Is a Gift. Each of the daily meditations in Cada Dia es un Don features a text from Sacred Scripture, a quotation from the writings of a saint, and a meaningful prayer. An introduction by Rev. Frederick Schroeder tells of the power of prayer. Cada Dia es un Don from Catholic Book Publishing is attractively illustrated and printed in two colors and includes a handy ribbon marker to assist in keeping one’s place. Contiene meditaciones para cada d
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33 Dias Hacia Un Glorioso Aman – (Spanish)
$16.95Father Michael masterfully summarizes their teaching, making it easy to grasp and simple enough to put into practice. More specifically, he weaves their thought into a user-friendly, do-it-yourself retreat that will bless even the busiest of people. So, if you’ve been thinking about entrusting yourself to Mary for the first time or if you’re simply looking to deepen and renew your devotion to her, 33 Days to Morning Glory is the right book to read and the perfect retreat to make.
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Padre Pio – (Spanish)
$21.99Translated from the Italian, here is a wonderful collection of 365 letters written by Padre Pio, providing spiritual wisdom and advice to both laypeople and priests. Some of the letters are also between Padre Pio and his own spiritual directors, providing a unique window into the spiritual life and struggles of this beloved contemporary saint. For anyone who is seeking to grow in faith and devotion to God, this is a book to use throughout the year.
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Libro De Bolsillo De Oraciones – (Spanish)
The Mass-Our Greatest Prayer
Daily Prayers
Morning Prayers
Night Prayers
Confession Prayers
Prayers Before Communion
Prayers After Communion
Prayers For Every Day Of The Week
Prayers For The Liturgical Seasons
*Advent Season
*Christmas Season
*Season Of Lent
*Easter Season
*Ordinary Time
Prayers To Our Blessed Mother
Prayers From The Psalms
Prayers From The Gospels
Prayers From The EpistlesAdditional Info
New beautiful booklets that contain the most loved Novenas, Catholic Prayers, and Essential Devotions for every Catholic in pocket book form.Read moreOut of stock
Catecismo Ilustrado – (Spanish)
Criaturas Racionales
El Espiritu Santo
La Iglesia
Final Del Hombre
Nuestra Vida En La Tierra
Los Diez Mandamientos
Los Mandamientos De La Iglesia
Las Virtudes Sobrenaturales
Los Santos Sacramentos
Oraciones Principales
Los Misterios Del RosarioAdditional Info
Essential Catholic Teachings. This booklet will give to parents, children, teachers – in fact, all who are really concerned – the right answers about the essentials of the Catholic Faith.Read moreOut of stock
Catechism De La Iglesia Catoli – (Spanish)
$13.00Esta presentacion practica del Catecismo de la Iglesia Catolica es ideal para ser usado en grupos de oracion, clases de confirmacion, reuniones del RICA, grupos juveniles, etc. Esta presentacion de bolsillo tiene un indice tematico.
Four centuries in the making, a monumental undertaking and a magnificent achievement, the first definitive Catholic Catechism since the Council of Trent in 1566 details doctrine, dogma, and the basic tenets of the Church.
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