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Program Resources

  • Proverbios Estudio Biblico En – (Spanish)


    Durante los ultimos treinta aos, el autor y pastor Vance Pitman ha leido un capitulo de Proverbios cada dia. Sus decadas de experiencia empapandose de la sabiduria de la Palabra de Dios han dado lugar a este estudio biblico. A lo largo de cuatro sesiones, nos guiara en un viaje de un mes por los 31 capitulos de Proverbios.

    Este estudio no solo nos dara una apreciacion de este popular y aplicable libro de la Biblia, sino que tambien nos ayudara a comenzar a desarrollar el habito diario de buscar la sabiduria de la Palabra de Dios. Ademas de los videos de las cuatro sesiones, tendras acceso a un video corto de enseanza diaria para cada proverbio, todo incluido en el precio de compra de este libro de estudio biblico.


    *Cuatro sesiones para grupos pequeos
    *Cuatro videos de enseanza de 13 a 15 minutos
    *31 videos cortos adicionales con el autor Vance Pitman
    *Un plan de lectura guiada de 31 dias a traves de todo el libro de Proverbios
    *Texto de Proverbios impreso en el libro
    *Oportunidades de estudio personal para un crecimiento espiritual continuo
    *Contenido promocional, incluido un video promocional

    For the last thirty years author and pastor Vance Pitman has read a chapter of Proverbs every day. His decades of experience steeping himself in the wisdom of God’s Word has led to this Bible study. Across four sessions, he will guide you through a month-long journey of all 31 chapters of Proverbs.

    This study will not only give you an appreciation for this popular and applicable book of the Bible, you’ll also begin to develop a daily habit of seeking wisdom from God’s Word. In addition to the four session videos, you get access to a short, daily teaching video for each proverb, all included in the purchase price of this Bible Study eBook.


    *Four small group sessions
    *Four 13- to 15-minute teaching videos
    *An additional 31 short videos featuring author Vance Pitman
    *A 31-day guided reading plan through the entire book of Proverbs
    *Text of Proverbs printed in the book
    *Personal study opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth
    *Promotional content, including promotional video

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  • Sirve A Tu Ciudad 15 Ideas – (Spanish)


    An ARC Resources Title

    This companion piece to Serve Your City includes 15 practical ideas to serve as an inspiration for those wanting to explore a range of options on how they can best serve people in their neighborhoods and communities.

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  • Sirve A Tu Ciudad – (Spanish)


    An ARC Resources Title

    Through the pages of the Gospels, we see Jesus model a “show and tell” life and ministry to His followers- He “showed” them how to serve by healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and caring for the poor-and while He was demonstrating compassion, He taught them, “telling” them of God’s immense love. This is the way to show God’s heart of compassion for the people in our cities and towns, and this is the way to break down barriers so people will listen to the life-changing message of the gospel of grace. In this book, you’ll sense Dino’s heart, be inspired by his stories and learn from his experiences, as well as many ARC churches that are serving their cities with a Jesus-style no-strings-attached kind of love. This is at the core of who ARC is – a deep passion to see churches thrive as part of the cities they serve.

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  • Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)


    El Espiritu Santo le acompaa fielmente en todos las luchas y alegrias de su vida. Fue enviado para revelar a Jesus y empoderar a todo el Cuerpo de Cristo.

    Sin embargo, una de las figuras mas malentendidas por la Iglesia es el Espiritu Santo. Se pretende entender Su obra y Su poder, sin conocerlo primeramente como una Persona. Y es, ante todo, una Persona que ha prometido no dejarnos ni desampararnos jamas, porque somos Su pasion y deleite.

    Las explicaciones claras y directas de este libro interactivo le llevaran a:
    *Desarrollar una relacion de amistad intima con el Espiritu Santo.
    *Hablarle, preguntarle, escucharle.
    *Recibir su empoderamiento.
    *Entender la llenura del Espiritu Santo y buscarla.
    *Pedirle y recibir su guia, su consuelo y su revelacion.
    *Distinguir entre los dones y los frutos del Espiritu Santo.
    *Conocer las diferentes lenguas, y discernir para orar en el Espiritu.
    *Buscar Su presencia.

    Sin el Espiritu Santo, no hay vida cristiana, vision, revelacion, paz ni libertad. !Dediquese a conocer y a depender de su Compaero Fiel para toda la vida!

    The Holy Spirit keeps your company in every battle and in moments of joy. He was sent to reveal Jesus and empower the Body of Christ.

    However, He has been misunderstood by church and His people. They pretend to understand His works and His power, without knowing him as a Person. And the Holy Spirit is, first of all, a Person who has promised never to leave us nor forsake us, because we are His passion and delight.

    The straightforward facts in this interactive book will take you to:
    *Develop and keep a close friendship with the Holy Spirit.
    *Talk to Him, ask Him and listen to Him.
    *Receive His empowerment.
    *Understand the Holy Spirit’s fulfillment and pursue it.
    *Ask Him and receive His guidance, his relief and His revelation.
    *Understand the difference between the gifts and the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
    *Get to recognize the different tongues, and have discernment to pray in the Spirit.
    *Pursue His presence.

    Without the Holy Spirit, there is no Christian life, vision, revelation, peace or freedom. Devote yourself to know Him, and rely on your Faithful Companion forever!

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