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Charismatic Interests

  • Gods Will Is The Holy Spirit


    Are you one of the many believers who have been taught that the infilling of the Holy Spirit was for a selected few on the Day of Pentecost? Or that you received all of the Holy Spirit when you received salvation? If so, you are being robbed of something very valuable and don’t even know it! The traditions of men have been holding you back from receiving one of God’s most precious promises.

    Through this enlightening study by Gloria Copeland, find out what the Scriptures have to say about the Holy Spirit and the power that is available to you today. Then reach out and discover for yourself that God’s Will Is the Holy Spirit!

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  • Divine Revelation Of Hell


    Heaven or hell? Over a period of forty days, God gave Mary K. Baxter visions of hell and commissioned her to tell all to choose life. Here is an account of the place and beings of hell contrasted with the glories of heaven. It is a reminder of the need each of us has for the miracle of salvation.

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  • Nothing Is Impossible With God


    20 Chapters

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    Through this book, you will experience the explosive power and excitement of the miracle services, and you will find hope to meet your needs. God is a specialist when it comes to the impossible, and He is able to do anything but fail!

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  • I Believe In Miracles


    Through incredible testimonies, Kathryn Kuhlman continues to demonstrate God’s compassion and awesome power, as she did throughout her life. Discover for yourself the keys to New Life and Victory through the miracle-working ministry of one of God’s great servants.

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  • Holy Spirit And You


    18 Chapters

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    Experience afresh the miraculous power and manifestations of the Holy Spirit. No other book has been more instrumental in helping countless individuals understand and live the Spirit-filled life than The Holy Spirit and You. Let Dennis and Rita Bennett guide you in your study of God’s supernatural gifts, and let the Holy Spirit bring renewal and deep restoration to your life.

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  • Reverse The Curse


    There are many wounded and brokenhearted people in the Body of Christ who are suffering in their minds and emotions. The battleground of Satan’s attack has been in the mental arena. Yet there has not been any practical teaching that would guide people into mental and emotional wholeness.

    This book will show you how to reverse the emotional curse and, in so doing, open the door for physical healing and miracles in believers’ lives.

    Doctors cannot reverse the curse of sickness. Only Jesus can reverse the curse and bring perfect healing and wholeness to an individual’s life.

    In the book, you will learn how to activate God’s power in your body by speaking and acting your faith upon God’s Word.

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  • Right And Wrong Thinking


    1. Right And Wrong Thinking
    2. Right And Wrong Believing
    3. Right And Wrong Confessing

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    Renew Your Mind

    Advocates of the mind science have said so much about the mind that Full Gospel people are afraid to say a word about it. And yet the Bible says much about our thinking.

    In this book rev. E. Hagin tells us, “What we believe is the result of our thinking. If we think wrong we believe wrong. The Word of God is given to us to straighten out our thinking. And if our believing is wrong, our confession will be wrong.”

    Rev. Hagin shows that because of wrong thinking and wrong believing there has been a lack of receiving in Christendom.

    Explore the Scriptures in this book to get your mind renewed and your thinking lined up with the Word of God.

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  • In Him


    IN HIM

    A spiritual law too few of us realize is: Our confession rule us. Find out what God’s word says about you and make that your confession.

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  • Believers Authority


    1. The Prayers Of Paul
    2. What Is Authority?
    3. Seated With Christ
    4. Breaking The Power Of The Devil
    5. Exercising Authority
    6. Risen With Christ
    7. The Weapons Of Our Warfare
    8. Authority Over Demon Spirits, Not Human Will

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    Do we have authority that we don’t know about – that we haven’t discovered – that we’re not using?”
    Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin asked himself this question when he was a young preacher. “I had had little glimpses of spiritual authority once in a while,” he writes in The Believer’s Authority, the reedited and expanded version of his best-selling book. “Life others I had stumbled upon it and had exercised it without knowing what I was doing.
    “As a result of my studies, I concluded that we as a Church have authority on the earth that we’ve never yet realized.
    “A few of us have barely gotten to the edge of that authority, but before Jesus comes again, ther’s going to be a whole company of believers who will rise up and with the authority that is theirs,… and they will do the work that god intended they should do.”

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  • 5 Hindrances To Growth In Grace


    This popular minibook challenges Christians to remove from their lives everything that hinders growth in grace.

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  • Why Tongues



    The infilling of the New Testament believers with the Holy Ghost should be our pattern today. Find out ten reasons every believer should speak in tongues.

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  • Handbook On Holy Spirit Baptism


    37 Chapters

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    What is the baptism in the Holy Spirit?
    What is speaking in tongue?
    Are miracles for today?
    How to receive the Holy Spirit
    Overcoming hindrances to receiving the Spirit
    How to tell a counterfeit experience
    Why should I speak in tongues?

    You will experience a new power to witness and more power in prayer as you find the Scriptures coming alive to you. Discover all of the life-changing benefits God wants to give you today!

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