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Church History

  • Grace From Heaven


    “Raise our minds heavenward and upward to think on your true glory.”

    *Pray with the Protestant Reformers
    *Find prayers for your need and season
    *Gain inspiration from great Christians of the past

    The elegant linen-over-board cover and gold gilding makes this stand out as an ideal gift.

    Includes prayers by:

    *Marguerite de Navarre
    *John Wycliffe
    *William Tyndale
    *John Knox
    *Martin Luther
    *John Calvin
    *Heinrich Bullinger
    *Huldrych Zwingli

    The Reformation was an extraordinary time of profound spiritual fervor. Grace from Heaven collects prayers from influential Protestant voices of the Reformation that express deep longings, theological richness, and a burning desire for God’s grace. The prayers are arranged by topic and time–from praise to petition, morning to evening–so that your prayer life can be interwoven with the rich tapestry of prayers of faithful Christians from the past. By praying along with Martin Luther, John Calvin, Marguerite de Navarre, William Tyndale, and many others, we join the chorus of Reformation believers in prayer and contemplation.

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  • Zwingli The Pastor


    The Reformer at war

    In Zwingli the Pastor, Stephen Brett Eccher tells the story of Huldrych Zwingli (1484-1531), embattled pastor and reformer. Zwingli’s ministry in Zurich was characterized by conflict–conflict that fueled him. It influenced his theological development, inspired his commitment to bring reform, and compelled his devotion to the congregation he led through the tumult of the Reformation. Eccher reveals a complex Zwingli, whose life and legacy continue to influence Protestantism today.

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  • Survey Of The Black Church In America


    If the Bible is allowed to be the standard by which blacks and whites determine truth, then freedom from this moral and racial malaise will be the outcome; for as Jesus taught, the truth has a unique capacity of making people free. Dr. Tony Evans

    Respected and beloved pastor Tony Evans provides an accessible overview of black church history. Evans opens the eyes of the reader to the black presence in the Scriptures and takes a focused look at the uniqueness and place of the black church. Drawing from stories and historical events, best-selling author Evans addresses the myth of black inferiority and looks at the rise of black evangelicalism. In addition, Evans faithfully interacts with movements such as Black Lives Matter, Critical Race Theory, and the 1619 Project.

    This timely resource is for anyone seeking unity and understanding. In an age where division and confusion abound, A Survey of the Black Church in America provides a divine, clear, kingdom-focused perspective.

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  • William J Seymour


    William J. Seymour: Pentecostal Trailblazer and Revered Pastor of the Azusa Street Revival? is a rich and thorough account of the life and ministry of William J. Seymour. Seymour, the son of former slaves rose to prominence within the Pentecostal movement as the pastor of the Azusa Street Revival.

    Dr. Larry Martin’s extensive research and knowledge of William J. Seymour provides a solid framework for the telling of Seymour’s life, ministry, and the history of the Azusa Street Revival. Martin’s work not only provides details on Seymour’s life and ministry but also recounts the racism and discrimination that Seymour faced in everyday life and within the church.

    Seymour followed God’s call to Los Angeles and in 1906 the Azusa Street Revival began ushering in a new era of Pentecostal revival in Los Angeles and spreading throughout the country and around the world. While the revival’s prominence over the year’s waned due to ongoing prejudice, divergent ministry objectives and attempted takeovers the worldwide Pentecostal movement remains unbowed and strong over a century later.

    Dr. Martin is part of the Pentecostal legacy and has over fifty years devoted to ministry as a pastor, educator, and evangelist. He is the author of several books on the Azusa Street Revival, the history of early Pentecostals, and the Pentecostal Church of God.
    Includes photos of Seymour’s life and ministry.

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  • Fundamentalists In The Public Square


    A myth-busting work on fundamentalists and culture

    The Scopes Trial of 1925 is often regarded as a turning point in the history of American fundamentalism and evangelicalism. It is claimed that Scopes was a public relations defeat that sent fundamentalism into retreat from mainstream culture.

    In Fundamentalists in the Public Square: Evolution, Alcohol, and the Culture Wars after the Scopes Trial, Madison Trammel argues that such a characterization is misguided. Using documentary evidence from newspapers in the 1920s and 1930s, Trammel shows that fundamentalists remained fully active in seeking to transform the culture for Christ, and they remained so through the rise of Billy Graham’s ministry.

    Grounded in historical evidence, Fundamentalists in the Public Square offers a fresh take on the relationship between fundamentalism, evangelicalism, and the public square.

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  • Book That Conquered Time


    Everyone is familiar with the Biblea”after all, ita(TM)s still the best-selling book in the world. But just exactly how did we get the collection of sixty-six books that make up Goda(TM)s Word?

    The Book that Conquered Time: How the Bible Came to Be tells the sometimes dramatic, always fascinating, and ultimately faith-building story of the Bible. It traces its history from ancient parchments to the modern work of translating the Word into everyday language.

    You will discover:

    *The differences and similarities between the Jewish holy books and the Christian Bible

    *How the New Testament writings were copied and collected, including the apocryphal gospels and letters

    *The church leaders who succeeded the apostles, what they wrote, and what they thought of the writings they inherited

    *The church councils, controversies, and disputes that boiled over in the 300s

    *Why certain writings were removed from the Bible, even though they might be helpful if not essential for our faith

    *The purposes of modern Bible translations and the differences between them

    *The Book that Conquered Time provides fresh insights on why the Bible continues to be the most powerful book of all time.

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  • Great Is Thy Faithfulness


    From basement Bible study to leading evangelical institution

    Starting from humble beginnings in the late nineteenth century, the story of Trinity International University and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School is one of faithfulness.

    In Great Is Thy Faithfulness, scholars John D. Woodbridge, David M. Gustafson, Scott M. Manetsch, and Bradley J. Gundlach trace the journey of Trinity International University and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. In order to tell the story of evangelicalism in America, one must know the story of Trinity International University. Great Is Thy Faithfulness is an essential resource for understanding an institution that has been at the center of evangelical theological life for decades. Readers will be encouraged by God’s faithfulness to his people.

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  • Fount Of Heaven


    You are the fountain of life, light, and all grace and truth

    The hearts of the first Christians beat with praise for Christ. The strength of their devotion is remarkable, considering the times of uncertainty and persecution in which they lived. Despite all of this, the early church flourished, sustained by the God to whom they prayed.

    Christians today have a lot to learn from the devotional life of the early church. In Fount of Heaven, a collection of carefully selected prayers from the first six centuries of the church, we can pray with our spiritual forefathers. Prayers from luminaries such as Clement of Rome, Irenaeus, and Augustine are arranged by theme to reveal the right prayer for the moment. The prayers have been slightly updated to read more easily, but they retain their joy and mystery. As we turn to the prayers of the first Christians, we can return to the foundations of our own faith.

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  • Suffering Not Power


    Overturning a popular view of the atonement

    Was Christ’s death a victory over death or a substitution for sin? Many today follow Gustav Aulen’s Christus Victor view, which portrays Christ’s death as primarily a ransom paid to the powers of evil and which, according to Aulen, reflected the beliefs of the early church. Aulen held that this ransom theory view dominated until Anselm reframed atonement as satisfaction and the Reformers reframed it as penal substitution.

    In Suffering, Not Power, Benjamin Wheaton challenges this common narrative that Christ’s work of atonement was reframed by Anselm, showing that sacrificial and substitutionary language was common well before Anselm’s Cur Deus Homo. Wheaton displays this through a careful analysis of three medieval theologians whose writings on the atonement are commonly overlooked: Caesarius of Arles, Haimo of Auxerre, and Dante Alighieri. These figures come from different times and contexts and wrote in different genres, but each spoke of Christ’s death as a sacrifice of expiation and propitiation made by God to God.

    Let history speak for itself, read the evidence, and reconsider the church’s belief in Christ’s substitutionary death for sinners.

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  • Klaas Schilder Reader


    Recovering a forgotten theologian.

    Klaas Schilder (1890-1952) was a prominent Dutch Reformed theologian in the early twentieth century, first as a pastor and then as a professor. While his fame spread to North America in the 1940s, he is mostly forgotten today. In Schilder Reader: The Essential Theological Writings, readers will rediscover this important Dutch theologian.

    Working in the tradition of Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck, Schilder applies Dutch Neo–Calvinism to the twentieth century. This includes secularism, the rise and influence of Karl Barth, opposition to Nazism, and the relation between the church and society. Schilder Reader contextualizes his work and furthers the neo–Calvinist tradition.

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  • How The Church Fathers Read The Bible


    Read the Scriptures with the insight of our forebears

    Christians live in the house built by the church fathers. The fathers’ reading of the Scriptures shaped key doctrines that are essential to Christianity. But appreciating how the fathers read the Bible is not just for the historically curious, as if it were only a matter of literary archaeology. Nor should it be intimidating. Rather, the fathers gleaned insights from Scripture that continue to be relevant to all Christians.

    How the Church Fathers Read the Bible is an accessible introduction to help you read Scripture with the early church. With a clear and simple style, Gerald Bray explains the distinctives of early Christian interpretation and shows how the fathers interpreted key Bible passages from Genesis to Revelation. Their unique perspective is summed up in seven principles that can inspire our Bible reading today. With Bray as your guide, you can reclaim the rich insights of the fathers with reverence and discernment.

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  • Charles Fox Parham


    Charles Fox Parham is an absorbing and perhaps controversial biography of the founder of modern Pentecostalism. Parham was a deeply flawed individual who nevertheless was used by God to initiate and establish one of the greatest spiritual movements of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, helping to restore the power of Pentecost to the church and being a catalyst for numerous healings and conversions. Author Dr. Larry Martin is a lifelong Pentecostal with decades of ministry as a pastor, educator, and evangelist. He researched the life of this complicated and contradictory figure for over twenty-five years before writing this book-with a certain degree of hesitancy. By disclosing the whole truth about Parham’s life-which has never fully been done before-would it give excessive ammunition to the critics of the Pentecostal and charismatic movements? Martin uncompromisingly exposes Parham’s weaknesses, faulty thinking, and transgressions while disassociating his behavior from the movement as a whole, writing with an inside understanding of Pentecostalism and a thoughtful analysis of Parham’s life that goes beyond the acknowledgment of human frailty to reveal the work of a sovereign God. If we don’t confront the faults of our spiritual fathers, Martin says, we will fail to address the truth in the way the Bible lays bare the faults of some of our greatest biblical heroes of the faith. We must recognize and learn from the weaknesses of others, as well as their achievements. The author of several books on the Asuza Street Revival, the history of early Pentecostals, and the Pentecostal Church of God, Martin presents a much-needed exploration of the life of one of the most influential religious figures of the twentieth century, whose impact is still widely felt today. Includes photos of Parham’s life and ministry.

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  • 16th Century Mission


    Did the Reformers lack a vision for missions?

    In Sixteenth-Century Mission, a diverse cast of contributors explores the wide-reaching practice and theology of mission during this era. Rather than a century bereft of cross-cultural outreach, we find both Reformers and Roman Catholics preaching the gospel and establishing the church in all the world. This overlooked yet rich history reveals themes and insights relevant to the practice of mission today.

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  • Great Azusa Street Revival


    As fascinating collection of the words and teachings of William Seymour in the years leading up to and including the historic Azusa Street Revival, which began in Los Angeles in 1906 before spreading across the country and creating the modern-day Pentecostal movement. Includes historic accounts, eyewitness testimonies to the power of God, and photos capturing the multicultural, worldwide appeal of Seymour and his ministry, including his stirring sermons, which covered a wide range of topics that are still relevant to believers today. Complied by Roberts Liardon, author of the bestselling God’s Generals series.

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  • Voices Of The Martyrs Graphic Novel Anthology AD 34-AD 203


    Voices of the Martyrs, A.D. 34 – A.D. 203 covers the earliest period of church history. Though we will never know how many have given their lives for following Jesus Christ, this volume contains the stories of the first, and best known. Men and women who were faithful to their Savior, regardless the cost.

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  • Gloss And The Text


    Scripture opens itself up by its own words and interpretation.

    William Perkins is the father of Puritanism, often remembered for his preaching manual, The Art of Prophesying. Much attention has been given to the Puritan movement, especially in its later forms, but comparatively little has been given to Perkins.

    In The Gloss and the Text, Andrew Ballitch provides a thorough examination of the hermeneutical principles that governed Perkins’s approach to biblical interpretation. Perkins taught that the Bible was God’s word as well as the interpretation of God’s word. Interpretation is no private matter; it is a public gift of the Spirit of God for the people of God. Ballitch’s study sheds light on Perkins as a preacher, theologian, and student of Scripture.

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  • Born Again : The Evangelical Theology Of Conversion In John Wesley And Geor


    The Christian life is a life of growth.

    The gospel message is simple but not simplistic. Learning the gospel and its implications is a lifelong process, but modern evangelicals are often too focused on the moment of conversion while ignoring the ongoing work of sanctification. For John Wesley and George Whitefield, justification and sanctification were inseparable.

    In Born Again, Sean McGever maps Wesley’s and Whitefield’s theologies of conversion, reclaiming the connection between justification and sanctification. This study helps evangelicals reassess their thin understanding of conversion, leading to a rich and full picture of the ongoing work new Christians face.

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  • Inexplicable : How Christianity Spread To The Ends Of The Earth


    A Trilogy Christian Publishing Title

    The name of Jesus and his teachings captured people’s hearts and minds throughout much of the world long before Christianity was legal. Long before armies and governments protected or supported it, and then long after Emperor Constantine’s reign as many leaders misused it for their own gains or religious views. Christianity also survived brutal persecutions during many centuries, including the present. Its growth seems inexplicable.

    While there are innumerable possible explanations for this, in the final analysis there are relatively few viable answers. One leading contender is that there really is something to the mystical power of the Holy Spirit, and the life-changing message of Jesus recorded in the New Testament. Another is, at the least billions of people have held passionate beliefs in Jesus’s miraculous powers over life and death, and his eternal promises. The Pew Research Center’s recent work supports the claim that “Christianity is the only religion in the world with a major presence on every continent.”

    Inexplicable traces this remarkable spread of Jesus’s followers, including many of the heroic actions from those believing in his deity, and those horrific actions of those misusing his teachings. The Gospel’s journey is ongoing, and its story remains an engaging one. From Coptic monasteries and the Roman Colosseum to a small church in Franklin, Tennessee or mega churches in Laos or Seoul, it’s a rich narrative. Whether standing in the Sistine Chapel, looking at a Nestorian stone in China, or a Christian school in Kigali, this narrative continues and here we provide its historic context.

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  • Piercing Heaven : Prayers Of The Puritans


    “That prayer is most likely to pierce heaven which first pierces one’s own heart.”

    For the Puritans, prayer was neither casual nor dull. Their prayers were passionate affairs, from earnestly pleading for mercy to joyful praise. These rich expressions of deep Christian faith are a shining example of holy living.

    The Puritan combination of warm piety and careful intellect have fueled a renaissance of interest in their movement. This combination is on display in Piercing Heaven, a collection of carefully selected prayers from leading Puritans. The language in these prayers has been slightly updated for a modern audience while still retaining the elevated tone of the Puritans. With prayers from Richard Baxter, Thomas Brooks, John Owen, and many more, each prayer reminds us that heartfelt prayer is central to the Christian life.

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  • Challenging The Spirit Of Modernity


    God’s word illumines the darkness of society.

    Dutch politician and historian Groen van Prinsterer’s Unbelief and Revolution is a foundational work addressing the inherent tension between the church and secular society. Writing at the onset of modernity in Western culture, Groen saw with amazing clarity the dire implications of abandoning God’s created order for human life in society. Groen’s work served as an inspiration for many contemporary theologians, and he had a profound impact on Abraham Kuyper’s famous public theology.

    In Challenging the Spirit of Modernity, Harry Van Dyke places this seminal work into historical context, revealing how this vital contribution still speaks into the fractured relationship between religion and society. A deeper understanding of the roots of modern secularism and Groen’s strong, faithful response to it gives us a better grasp of the same conflict today.

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  • Engaging The World With Abraham Kuyper


    Christ declares “Mine!” over every square inch of creation.

    In his well–known quote, Abraham Kuyper expressed the defining characteristic of his public theology: Jesus’ sovereignty extends over all things. He believed Christians should engage the whole world in all of its various spheres. But what does that comprehensive calling practically look like for us today?

    In Engaging the World with Abraham Kuyper, Michael Wagenman explores the practical application of Kuyper’s public theology. Using Kuyper’s own life as an example, he shows us how the gospel can permeate all aspects of society: our identity, public discourse, education, the church, politics. Ultimately, this means engaging the world with perceptive truth that’s mindful of the dynamics at work in our time and place.

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  • Loving God And Neighbor With Samuel Pearce


    The love of God and neighbor is the heart of the Christian faith. Forgotten saint Samuel Pearce teaches us how to live a life faithful to the greatest commandment.

    Pearce was a Baptist pastor known in eighteenth-century England for his moving preaching and strong, pious character. In his short life, he supported believers in his own parish as well as in the many cities where he preached and helped send missionaries. Yet his personal faith, founded on the “holy love” of God, formed his most compelling witness to the world. By getting to know Pearce’s story, readers will learn from his example what it looks like to love God and neighbor – in good times as well as challenging and seemingly mundane ones.

    The Lived Theology series explores aspects of Christian doctrine through the eyes of the men and women who practiced it. Interweaving the contributions of notable individuals alongside their overshadowed contemporaries, we gain a much deeper understanding and appreciation of their work and the broad tapestry of Christian history. These books illuminate the vital contributions made by these figures throughout the history of the church.

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  • Christian Mission : A Concise, Global History


    A deeper understanding of the grand history of mission leads to a faithful expression of God’s mission today.

    From the beginning, God’s mission has been carried out by people sent around the world. From Abraham to Jesus, the thread that weaves its way throughout Scripture is a God who sends his people across the world, proclaiming his kingdom. As the world has evolved, Christian mission continues to be a foundational tradition in the church.

    In this one-volume textbook, Edward Smither weaves together a comprehensive history of Christian mission, from the apostles to the modern church. In each era, he focuses on the people sent by God to the ends of the earth, while also describing the cultural context they encountered. Smither highlights the continuity and development across thousands of years of global mission.

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  • Foxes Book Of Martyrs


    In 1563, John Foxe published an account of the life of Christian martyrs, beginning with Stephen, the first to die for the cause of Christ, and ending with the most recent martyrs of his day–Protestants killed during Bloody Mary’s reign. He knew that dangers lay in forgetting the martyrs–in being insensitive to their struggles. They faced torture and death in their fight of faith, willing to stand for their beliefs and the Word of God regardless of the price. The faithfulness of such historical figures as John Wycliffe, John Huss, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, and so many others has given us our rich Christian heritage. Their courage and dedication inspire us to live for Christ today.

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  • Apostolic Fathers : A New Translation


    A fresh, modern translation of key works of the apostolic fathers. These translations by Rick Brannan are perfect for use by students, scholars, and everyday Christians interested in these treasures of the early church.

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  • 95 The Ideas That Birthed The Reformation


    In 1517, an unknown Augustinian monk, informed by his growing belief that salvation is by faith alone, published and distributed a stark criticism of papal abuses in the Catholic Church. In doing so, Martin Luther lit the spark for what would become the Protestant Reformation.

    What became known as the “95 Theses” was a series of statements expressing concern with corruption within the Church, primarily the selling of “indulgences” to the people as a means covering them from their sins.

    For the 500th anniversary of Luther’s revolutionary writing, Whitaker House is combining each thesis with an excerpt from one of his later works to provide a convenient way to understand the ideas and concepts that became the seeds of the Protestant Reformation.

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  • Pentecost To Present Book 3


    Without knowing the Holy Spirit’s work in history, we cannot possibly understand what He is doing today, much less prepare for what He will do.

    In this third and final installment, the reader will learn how Charles Parham founded the modern Pentecostal baptism with speaking in tongues, how Evan Roberts gained worldwide attention through the 1904-05 Welsh revival, and how William Seymour spearheaded an international Pentecostal movement from Azusa Street in Los Angeles in 1906. The reader will learn how Pentecostalism spawned new denominations, national and international ministries, global renewal movements, and inspired innovators to take modern revivalism to a whole new level. Then when Pentecostalism penetrated American Middle-class Protestantism, many observers began speaking of a “third force” in Christianity. Meanwhile, revolutionary changes in the Catholic Church opened the door for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Then, just as the charismatic movement was beginning to subside in America, it went global, as charismatic mega churches, Bible schools, and television networks took the message of renewal to the world. The twenty-first century has witnessed a dramatic shift in Christianity to the Southern Hemisphere fueled, in part, by the global rise of Pentecostalism, with many new movements on the horizon.

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  • Pentecost To The Present Book 2


    Jesus once spoke of a time when men would sleep and an enemy would come and sow tares among the wheat. The Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and the Modern Age were just such a time.

    In this second installment, the reader will learn how signs and wonders played roles in the foundations of nearly every new state church, Free Church, and denomination. How Catholicism countered with its own reformation that included a revival of mysticism, a new army of spiritual soldiers, and the discovery of the New World. How restorationist movements countered the intellectual revolutions of their day with revivals of faith in the supernatural. How a decade-long prayer meeting shaped the future of revivalism affecting both England’s Wesleyan Revival and America’s First Great Awakening. How the French Revolution replaced Christianity with liberalism as the world’s dominant ideology. How many Americans countered this new revolution with a Second Great Awakening. How Phoebe Palmer began the modern Holiness movement and Jeremiah Lanphier launched a worldwide Laymen’s Prayer Revival. How many Americans reunited after the Civil War with a series of Holiness Camp Meetings, followed by a similar “Higher Life” movement in Britain, and later, a new stream of American healing ministries.

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  • Pentecost To The Present Book 1


    Contrary to popular belief, miracles did not pass away with the twelve apostles. If anything, the Pentecostal sparks that were lit by them continued to spread throughout the known world.

    In this first installment, the reader will learn how Jesus and the apostles established the concept of the Holy Spirit’s abiding presence in the church laying the groundwork for a Christian initiation that included salvation and Spirit baptism. The reader will see how spiritual gifts operated through the twelve apostles as they spread Christianity into the known world. How bold witnesses, supernatural signs, and practical love resulted in massive expansion of the early church despite extreme persecution. How Montanism tried to revive the church from moral decay through strict living and prophetical gifts before it was rejected. How Emperor Constantine I reunited the Roman Empire under a new Christian-friendly regime. How the new state-run churches, overrun with sin, caused many to flee to the wilderness resulting in another intense spiritual revival. How the Middle Ages featured the mass conversion of much of northern Europe through miracle-working missionary monks, followed by a period of great jubilation, mystical faith, and charismatic revivals, and ending with the incredible healing ministry of Vincent Ferrer.

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  • Basic Church History Time Line Pamphlet


    This visual Church History Time Line includes a Denominations Chart so you can see when various Christian churches started. This horizontal time line starts from the time of Jesus and continues to modern day. Packed with hundreds of events and people, this time line makes it easy to see:
    *Church growth
    *Christian expansion in other countries
    *History of Bible Translation
    *Martyrs, monks, and missionaries
    *Gutenberg Bible, King James Bible, and rise of modern translations.

    Size: 8.5 x 5.5 inches, full color, glossy coating. Folds out to 38 inches. Fits in a Bible cover.

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  • Awakening In Wales


    Watchman Nee called it the “greatest known revival in church history.” On October 31, 1904, Evan Roberts, a twenty-six-year-old former miner, returned home from a ministry training program, having quit at the urging of the Holy Spirit. That night, he joined sixteen other young people at a village chapel, and from that humble origin sprang a spiritual revival that roared across the hills and valleys of Wales. Thousands of souls were welcomed into God’s kingdom. Even the press could not ignore the changes occurring and eagerly reported on Roberts’ every move.

    As suddenly as he had appeared, Roberts vanished from the world stage, only to reemerge twenty years later. What happened? How did God work so miraculously?

    Jessie Penn-Lewis was well-acquainted with the revival, and with its leader, Evan Roberts. Her clear and concise history of the events of that time remains a treasure for all those who pray for revival to return in our day.

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  • William J Seymour


    William J. Seymour was a deeply spiritual man who impressed everyone who met him.

    “I do not believe that any man in modern times had a more wonderful deluge of God in his life than God gave that dear fellow, and the glory and power of a real Pentecost swept the world.” – John G. Lake

    “. . . the meekest man I ever met.” – William Durham

    Seymour was an effective leader, writer, teacher, and revivalist. His spiritual impact continues to be felt around the world today. His early work has opened the door to millions of people finding the fullness of the Holy Spirit since the Auzasa Street Revival, which both “Life” magazine and “USA Today” have listed as being one of the top 100 nation-impacting events of the 20th century.

    This book is more than the life story of William J. Seymour. It examines the historical context and sources that shaped Seymour’s theology by following his life from Louisiana to Azusa Street, provides us with his original sermons, analyses of his teachings, and the complete and original version of Seymour’s only book, Doctrine and Disciplines of the Apostolic Faith Mission of Los Angeles, originally published in 1915.

    William J. Seymour, the pioneer and messenger of Azusa Street, continues to speak to our hearts today with messages that are as timely now as when he first uttered them. His confident and steady voice calls us to holiness, repentance, faith, and racial reconciliation.

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  • How The Church Lost The Truth


    It should have been so simple. There was the Bible, God’s authoritative and complete word for mankind. His gift to us. One volume of sixty six books in all, from “In the beginning” to “amen”. One basic message. Choose Life, He said. So what did we do? We chose … denominations, 38,000 of them. One book, thousands of interpretations.

    Snake handlers in Kansas, Prosperity teachers in Washington, Liberationists in El Salvador, Gay Bishops in New Hampshire, New Age rectors in London. They all claim the Bible as their inspiration and rulebook. Once this book is opened, why is it that folk seem to see different things? One book, one message, one Babel. How come? Where can the Truth be found or has the Church lost The Truth?

    This explosive book tells the whole sad story of what actually happened to the Church over the last two thousand years and how it managed to lose its focus and take on so many ideas from Greek philosophy that Christianity has just become a melting point of truth mixed up with very strange ideas.

    If Jesus were to return today, which Church – if any – could He call his own?

    In this challenging, provocative but entertaining book the author examines what has happened to some key battlegrounds for Truth and asks, where did those ideas come from?

    *How did God kick things off?
    *How does He deal with His covenant people?
    *Who does He let into heaven?
    *What is Hell really like?
    *How is He really going to wrap things up?

    Some of the answers will astound you and you may also be prompted to ask the question, how has the Church managed to lose so much Truth?

    Prepare to be challenged to the very core of your faith.

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  • Christian History Time Line Pamphlet


    Unfolds To 33″ Long.
    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

    Additional Info
    2,000 Years of Christian History At A Glance!
    Christian History Time Line shows 2,000 years of church history at a glance. Includes brief explanations of more than 200 key people and events that all Christians should know. Special emphasis on world missions, the expansion of Christianity, and Bible translation into other languages. Pamphlet has 14 panels and fits inside a Bible cover

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  • Foxes Book Of Martyrs (Revised)


    In 1563, John Foxe began a memorial of martyrs starting with Stephen, the first to die for the cause of Christ, and ending with the most recent martyrs of his day; those killed during Bloody Mary’s reign. He knew that dangers lay in forgetting the martyrs–in being insensitive to their struggles. Martyrdom is not a thing of the past; every day the Christian church is persecuted in countries all over the world. More Christians were afflicted in the twentieth century then all the past centuries combined. If the Church is not reminded of the cost to follow Christ, she will die. Be vulnerable to the cries of the martyrs. Let their courage, their faith, their love–touch your life. This updated version includes reports on modern martyrs of the 20th and 21st century, a full color timeline of selected events and people for historical reference, and has been carefully edited into Modern American English for today’s reader.

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  • Azusa Street


    6 Chapters

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    The great Azusa Street revival of the early 1900s began in a humble, run-down mission, with its makeshift “pews” that had been fashioned from planks and empty nail kegs. From this simple setting arose a powerful move of God that swept across the country and around the world. Is it possible to experience the same kind of life-changing revival today? Discover through Frank Bartleman’s eyewitness account what brought revival then and what will bring revival now. God is still looking for obedient hearts who long for His presence. Will you be a part of the coming revival?

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