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  • 9781683595953 Gates Of Hell

    Gates Of Hell


    The gates of hell shall not prevail.

    Decimated by war, revolution, and famine, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia was in critical condition in 1921. In The Gates of Hell, Matthew Heise recounts the bravery and suffering of German–Russian Lutherans during the period between the two great world wars. These stories tell of ordinary Christians who remained faithful to death in the face of state persecution.

    Christians in Russia had dark days characterized by defeat, but God preserved his church. Against all human odds, the church would outlast the man–made sandcastles of communist utopianism. The Gates of Hell is a wonderful testimony to the enduring power of God’s word, Christ’s church, and the Spirit’s faithfulness.

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  • 9781641237680 Pilgrim Legacy

    Pilgrim Legacy


    A story that must not be erased from America’s history or from the public squares of nations worldwide…

    “In all the history of the world, as nations have arisen and fallen amid endless war and bloodshed, the founding of America was utterly unique,” writes Derek Prince. “Reaching the shores of an unknown wilderness, a small group of people planted seeds–not of military might, or wealth, or power, but seeds of faith and freedom. And those seeds took hold and grew.”

    Such seeds affect the destinies of nations.

    A nation participates in shaping its own destiny through the process of sowing and reaping: what nations sow, they will reap. If they seek to align themselves with God’s purposes, they will experience His favor and blessing. But if they seek to align themselves with purposes that are in opposition to God’s, they will not prosper.

    Who were the Pilgrims? Why did they come to America? What difference did they make in the history of our country–and what does their legacy tell us about our country’s destiny?

    The seeds sown by our Pilgrim ancestors 400 years ago continue to influence our culture and government. The basic principles by which they lived–beliefs in personal liberty, freedom of religion, and living in covenant with others–laid a strong foundation for America’s religious and political freedom. Without question, what the Pilgrims sowed, America has reaped as an abundant harvest.

    Yet how long will the blessing of the Pilgrims’ influence continue? The light of this nation is still shining. But something is going wrong. Like a heavy, unanticipated fog, a spiritual darkness is gradually moving in to dim that light.

    In The Pilgrim Legacy, internationally recognized Bible teacher and scholar Derek Prince discloses the biblical principles and tools at work in the lives of this small group of Christians who were, in a sense, the spiritual ancestors of the United States. It was these principles that not only helped to establish the nation but enabled America to be a stepping-stone in spreading the light of the gospel of the kingdom around the world.

    By discovering and implementing the principles by which the Pilgrims lived, we can continue The Pilgrim Legacy today and preserve the spiritual destiny of our nation.

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  • 9780825429484 New Complete Works Of Josephus (Revised)

    New Complete Works Of Josephus (Revised)


    The primary extrabiblical resource on the first century is now even more enlightening! Renowned scholar Paul Maier provides introductions and 50 pages of new commentary to The New Complete Works of Josephus, translated by William Whiston. Every paragraph is cross-referenced to the standard Loeb Classical Library edition Greek text. Destined to become the standard in English for referencing Josephus’s collected writings.

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