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Mini Books

  • Anxiety : Calming The Fearful Heart


    The fearful unknowns, unending what-ifs, sleepless nights, and nervousness lead to a sense of impending doom. Then muscles tense, thoughts race, hearts pound, and breath is shortened. It’s anxiety. Anxiety is complex and multifaceted, affecting every area of life. The good news is that God invites you to bring your anxiety to him. Discover how God’s word can help calm the fearful, anxious heart.

    *What causes anxiety?
    *What are anxiety disorders?
    *The connection between anxiety, stress, and depression.
    *Myths and misconceptions about anxiety.
    *How to control your thoughts.
    *How to calm your body.

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  • Boundaries : How To Set Them How To Keep Them


    Do you feel guilty when saying no? Are you afraid of the anger of others and therefore feel compelled to always give in–and be a “peace at all cost” type of person? In Boundaries: How to Set Them–How to Keep Them, discover: how burdens are lifted with boundaries, biblical guidelines for setting boundaries, how to identify and reestablish broken boundaries, and more!

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  • God Is My Source


    Take the God Is My Source challenge! Many people are faced with overwhelming financial challenges. When they compare their paycheck to their needs, they wonder…How are we going to pay for this? Where will the money come from? What are we going to do? When we look to the Word of God, scripture after scripture proves that God is THE SOURCE of everything we need. In this little book, Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons will help you renew your mind to become fully persuaded that God is your Source. Now, heres the challenge: Read the seventy God Is My Source scriptures every day. Read each scripture, and SAY IT out loud! Follow the WRITE IT assignments. Log every financial and provisional miracle that you receive. When you SEE IT work, it will encourage your faith.

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  • Calling Things That Are Not


    The principle of calling things that are not as though they were is the spiritual principle through which everything physical becomes manifest. God created the light by calling for “light” when only darkness was there. Jesus used this same method, calling the lepers clean, and the dead to life, and peace to the storm.

    You must call for what you desire. if you want your dog to come, you call the dog, not the cat. You call for what is not there. Whatever you call in the natural will come. Call what does not exist and continue to call until it manifests.

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  • Chronic Illness And Disability


    You feel insignificant, deprived, even resentful-these are the side effects of chronic illness your doctor failed to mention. Although you try to see the bright side, your outlook is often overcast by the chronic nature of your condition. While others appear to enjoy good health and vitality, you struggle for sensible answers.

    Have you asked…

    *Why is this happening to me?
    *How can I help others when I can’t even help myself?
    *Is God punishing me?
    *Has my sin brought on this condition?
    *If I have enough faith, will God heal me?
    Even with a chronic health concern, you can experience the soothing balm of God’s peace as you apply the biblical prescription for victorious living. And as you do, you can bring encouragement and hope to others who also need God’s peace in the midst of pain.

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  • Critical Spirit : Confronting The Heart Of A Critic


    When turbulent trials blow across the sunny skies of your life, how do you respond?

    Do you stew and fret, searching for solutions? Instead, realize that the presence of trials in your life reveals that God may be trying to get a message through to you. Trials are tests of your faith, patience or endurance through the process of suffering-providing the quality or worth of something or someone.

    Amidst trials, recognize if you…

    *Have a tendency to deny the facts
    *Always have reasons to blame other people
    *Are prone to sink into self-pity
    Read June Hunt’s book, Trials: God’s Refining Fire, to understand that the Spirit of Christ is living in you and gives you power to live above the winds of any adversity.

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  • Procrastination : Preenting The Decay Of Delay


    I can always do it tomorrow!” Are you caught in the tomorrow trap? Have you noticed how the decay of delay has affected various areas of your life? If allowed to continue, the pursuit of the trivial will preoccupy your attention and paralyze your progress.

    When you procrastinate, you will…

    *Miss deadlines, miss appointments, and miss opportunities
    *Frustrate the efforts of others who depend on you to do your part
    *Major on minor things, and minor on major things
    *Demonstrate an irresponsible lack of concern for your obligations
    *Put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today
    If you are plagued with procrastination, with God’s help you can rearrange your priorities and complete your tasks on time. Productivity can replace your tendency toward procrastination when guided by the biblical principles of good time management. Be assured, you can defeat procrastination, finish tasks on time, and enjoy the process.

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  • Overeating : Freedom From Food Fixation


    SKU (ISBN): 9781596369467ISBN10: 1596369469June HuntBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2014Hope For The HeartPublisher: Aspire Press – Hendrickson Publishing Group

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  • Financial Freedom : How To Manage Your Money Wisely


    SKU (ISBN): 9781596369412ISBN10: 1596369418June HuntBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2014Hope For The HeartPublisher: Aspire Press – Hendrickson Publishing Group

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  • Dysfunctional Families : Making Peace With Your Past


    SKU (ISBN): 9781596369368ISBN10: 1596369361June HuntBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2014Hope For The HeartPublisher: Aspire Press – Hendrickson Publishing Group

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  • Singleness : How To Be Single And Satisfied


    Some Christian singles are perfectly content while others are not. Many feel like they are missing out because they re missing marriage, wondering: Is there something wrong with me? When is it my turn? What if I never find someone? In Singleness: How to be Single and Satisfied, June Hunt reveals how to be happy being single, how to uproot common causes of discontentment, and how to find joy in knowing that God is our ultimate need-meeter for love, significance, and security.

    Whether you are single for a season or single again, discover biblical truths about how God wants to use your singleness to fulfill His purpose and plan for your life. Perfect resources for anyone who is single and Christian (including single Christian women, single moms, single Christian men, etc.)

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  • Stress : How To Cope At The End Of Your Rope


    Stress: Running on Empty will help you to discover how to balance stress, how to find peace in the midst of chaotic circumstances, and how to avoid becoming a mess because of stress.

    Are the effects of a crazy busy schedule weighing you down? Do you feel that if you have just one more pressure added to your life, you will break? If we re not careful, stress can come between us and our relationship with others and with God.

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  • Sexual Integrity : Balancing Your Passion With Purity


    What happens when the temptation to give in to having sex is stronger than your will to stop? How can you stay pure when overwhelmed by passion? Everyone wants closeness and love, but is joining yourself with someone you’re not married to really giving you the kind of love you long for? This handy mini-book, Sexual Integrity: Balancing Your Passion with Purity, helps you find God’s guidance and strength as you pursue sexual purity.

    Doesn’t he see that, since we live in a different age than when the Bible was written, it’s harder to remain sexually pure? What’s important to remember is that there are several examples of people in the Bible, like David, who suffered greatly because he did not have sexual integrity. Human tendencies are the same, and God is the same now than he was when David had sex with Bathsheba, a woman that was not his wife. It was when David surrendered his plans, his mistakes, and his life to God that he experienced freedom from his sin. Let this Christian mini-book guide your steps to having healthy relationships before marriage. Author June Hunt’s insight and Biblical advice will encourage you to live your life the way God intended so that you can experience sexually intimacy within marriage to the fullest.

    Be equipped with knowledge on:
    *12 Reasons for giving in to sex and how to talk yourself out of it
    *3 subtle seduction “hooks” to avoid
    *5 Bible verses you should know
    *Where to draw the line: How far is too far?
    *The #1 root cause for not maintaining sexual integrity
    *7 myths about sex
    *Sexually transmitted diseases

    You can have God’s power for purity when you trust that his commands will bring you the most joy and satisfaction. It’s hard to abstain from sexual intimacy, but it is worth it.

    Hope for Those Who
    Are Trapped by Guilt

    Though God wants you to wait to have sex within the covenant of marriage, there is forgiveness if you’ve crossed the line. Sexual Integrity will help you know how and what to pray and what Scripture to memorize to help you have the assurance that God offers grace to all who love him. God can empower you to have victory over the past.

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  • Domestic Violence : Assault On A Womans Worth


    God designed the marriage relationship to benefit one another. He intended married couples to love, honor, and cherish each other all the days of their lives, but life doesn’t always turn out that way. In some relationships, cruelty has replaced the sacred relationship defined by God. The Domestic Violence mini-book outlines a Christian approach to help you identify and stop physical and emotional abuse.

    Experts estimate that 1-in-3 women suffer from some form of violence from a husband, boyfriend, or relative. In too many homes around the world, the marriage bond has become bondage-shared lives have become shattered by abuse. Husbands berate, belittle, and betray their wives. Yet these secret assaults stay hidden from the outside world. One mate harming the other has undermined the sacred relationship created by God.

    Any form of abuse is a flagrant violation of the marriage vows, To have and to hold from this day forward,”to love and to cherish, ’til death do us part.” And although such abuse is too frequently behind closed doors, it is blatantly in the open before the eyes of the Lord.

    Included in the mini-book Domestic Violence: Assault on a Woman’s Worth are abuse checklists with a list of behaviors that you may have observed or experienced. God has a heart for those who are victims of domestic violence. He wants you to know that he hears your cries; he thinks you are worthy of love without violence, and he holds you in the palm of his hand. Learn the causes of violent behavior and the reasons many women won’t leave abusive relationships.

    In the section titled, “Steps to Solution,” June Hunt gives many tools:
    *How to answer a person who claims that violence is justified.
    *How to know whether the abuser has really changed
    *How to build healthy boundaries
    *How to prepare a safety plan
    *How to use the law in the United States
    *And much more.

    This mini-book is a quick overview and is easy-to-understand. It focuses on the key issues and is perfect for the busy person who needs instant advice.

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  • Considering Marriage : Are You Fit To Be Tied


    What does the Bible say about Christian marriage? Should we get married now or wait? Are we really ready? When is the timing right? What if one of us is unsure? This 96-page mini-book, Considering Marriage, provides premarriage counseling that will help you on your journey of making the decision and preparations before you say, I do.” Marriage is a beautiful covenant made between a man and a woman, so how do you know when it’s right to get married? Includes Christian marriage counseling and premarital counseling questions, such as Will his quirks drive you insane? Will her weird habits become a daily annoyance? Are you becoming more confident in your direction, or less?

    Included in this easy-to-read marriage counseling handbook are dozens of exercises that are excellent tools for opening the door to meaningful communication. Learn what each partner’s definition of love is, or their concept of the role and responsibilities of a wife and husband. These marriage quizzes will help you and your significant other maneuver through potentially tough and thought-provoking questions with ease.

    Get biblical answers from a Christian counselor to questions like:
    *Is it important to be romantically attracted to the person I want to marry?
    *When does age difference matter?
    *What is the root causes for marrying the wrong person?
    *What if my non-Christian parents disapprove of my Christian fiance?
    *Will God stop a marriage if it’s not His will?
    *And many more.

    Knowing why marriage was created and what a Christian marriage is will make life after the wedding so much more fruitful and satisfying.

    This christian marriage counseling guide covers the basics: More than just “tying the knot,” Christians need to know-
    *The biblical requirements for faithfulness within marriage
    *Why marrying someone who is an unbeliever is a problem
    *What the Lord says about marriage between a Christian and a non-Christian.

    Learn the secrets to a Christian marriage, and the ups and downs to expect as you travel through the reality of marriage after the honeymoon. Includes a checklist of unrealistic expectations about marriage, such as:
    *Myth: Romance will sustains a marriage forever
    *Myth: Engaging in premarital sex will have no effect on a marriage, or the far other extreme myth: Premarital sex is the unforgiveable sin.
    *Myth: My spouse will always make me feel loved.
    *Myth: We will never have serious disagreements.
    *Myth: Religious differences will be insignificant

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  • Decision Making : Discerning The Will Of God


    Plenty of people are putting in their two cents, but it’s all adding up to a lot of confusion! You have an important decision to make, and in the midst of swirling opinions, you’re left scratching your head about what to do. Your best friend says one thing and your spouse says another, but have you considered–what does God want? God delights in helping you navigate your way through the big and little decisions in life. He desires His best for you in all things as He unfolds His perfect plan. Doing things God’s way also leads to blessings and deters you from decision-making methods that can prove to be harmful to you and to others!

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  • Manipulation : Cutting The Strings Of Control


    Manipulation is the Number One guilt game. This means manipulative people try to make you feel guilty to get their own way, regardless of what’s good for you. They’ll accuse you of insensitivity or disloyalty or a lack of Christian kindness, in order to pressure you into giving your time, your money, or even yourself into doing what they want-even though you are not being led by the Lord to do so. In this mini-book on manipulation, you will learn what tactics are used, why you have been manipulated, and how to stop being manipulated. In other words, this Hope for the Heart mini-book, Manipulation, gives Christians the confidence to say no to people so they can say yes to God.

    Did you know that there are several verbal and non-verbal types of manipulation? Spiritual manipulation is not often talked about, but very present in the Bible, and is very common today. Learn all 16 types of manipulation, and how manipulators use words, seductive gestures, power, and spite to get what they want.

    In the section titled, Steps to Solution,” June Hunt gives you practical advice on:
    *The first 4 steps away from manipulation
    *How to discover your own manipulative maneuvers
    *9 ways to say “No” to manipulators
    *How to answer common questions on manipulation
    *And much more.

    To stop being manipulated, you must sometimes say no to people so you can say yes to God. Manipulative traits are often passed on from generation to generation, but you have the power to stop the abuse and start the healing. Manipulation and deceit started all the way back in the garden of Eden when Satan convinced Adam and Eve to sin. The root cause is our own selfish desires, but they can be stopped with God’s help, and you can walk once again on the path to wholeness.

    This mini-book is a quick overview and is easy-to-understand. It focuses on the key issues and is perfect for the busy person who needs instant advice.

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  • Guilt : Living Guilt Free


    SKU (ISBN): 9781596366961ISBN10: 1596366966June HuntBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2013Hope For The HeartPublisher: Aspire Press – Hendrickson Publishing Group

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  • Alcohol And Drug Abuse


    Many people who have an alcohol or drug abuse problem deny it, saying they can stop any time they want. But family and close friends suspect it might be something more. Do you often wonder, “Is it really an addiction?” And if so, do you know how to help your loved one to break free? Can a person be set free permanently from a chemical dependency? The mini-book Alcohol and Drug Abuse gives you the answers you need from a Christian perspective.

    The answer is YES-there is hope! Christian recovery and healing can take place, and June Hunt, author of Alcohol and Drug Abuse: Breaking Free & Staying Free offers sound biblical and practical advice for helping your loved one quit the cycle of drug and alcohol abuse for good! The Lord wants to heal those struggling with addictions. It’s never too late to ask God for a renewed soul, free from whatever weighs them down.

    In just 96 pages, this mini-book will give you a good overview of the causes and signs of drug and alcohol abuse, and will give you the next steps to take. Getting educated is one of the steps. Learn the helpful definitions that clarify the difference between drug use, substance abuse, and dependency. Knowing these definitions will help you understand what type of addiction your loved one is dealing with. Other definitions include:
    *Four major drug classifications
    *Three leading indicators of addiction
    *Codependency: both a relationship addiction and a substance addiction?
    *How a person with an addiction can continue their destructive patterns.

    June Hunt gives you practical advice on the symptoms of an alcoholic or drug addiction. Does your loved one have a chemical dependency? Find out in the 19-question checklist on drug or alcohol addiction provided in this book

    The section titled “Steps to Solutions” is filled with Christian recovery advice including Scripture and practical steps that point to:
    *Deliverance from dependency
    *7 don’ts for being freed from an addiction
    *10 spiritual tips for recovery
    *How to conduct a crisis intervention
    *And much more

    This mini-book is a quick overview and is easy-to-understand. It focuses on the key issues and is perfect for the busy person who needs instant advice.

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  • Rejection : Healing A Wounded Heart


    How do you cope when a deep or tragic loss leaves you feeling empty, angry, or alone? Healing is a journey, and while there are no shortcuts through the process of grief, God promises not to leave you in the valley of despair. Through this Christian book, learn what the causes of feeling rejected are, like abandonment, adoptions, childhood sexual abuse, disapproval, divorce, domestic violence, and how to overcome those painful experiences.

    Have you walked the lonely road of rejection? If so, you know the silent cry for acceptance, that inner need for intimacy, the deep craving for closeness. Jesus, too, dealt with rejection. Your identity is in the Lord because of your relationship with Him. He holds you in His compassionate hands, and you are accepted.

    Discover how to:
    *Know whether or not you are controlled by the fear of rejection
    *Identify the outer signs of rejection often seen and felt by others
    *Stop the cycle of rejection
    *Replace rejection by reaching out to others

    Learn how to overcome rejection in the section titled, “Steps to Solution,” where June Hunt walks you through:
    *The 4 things you need to know about God’s character
    *4 keys to God’s acceptance
    *7 Facts to know about your rejection
    *Questions and answers to help you break through feelings of rejection
    *And much more.

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  • Self Worth : Discover Your God Given Worth


    Invisible. Insignificant. Deep down, have you always felt this way but never understood why? Generally, negative self-perceptions develop as a result of being treated in ways that cause us to feel devalued by significant people in our lives. Therefore the true solution to low self-worth is to apply the healing balm of truth to the wound in your soul in order that your mind will be transformed and your life changed.

    If you look anywhere other than to God,the God who created you with a purpose and a plan,your view of your own value is in grave danger of being distorted. Before you were ever born, God established your real worth by knowing you, by choosing you, and ultimately by dying for you! In the Characteristics section of Self-Worth, June Hunt defines:
    *What low self-worth looks like
    *What can sabotage true spiritual growth
    *The impact of having rejecting parents
    *How rejection from others can rule you
    *Why comparing yourself to others is costly

    In the section titled, “Steps to Solution,” June Hunt gives you practical advice on:
    *Getting rid of your guilt
    *How to resist being a prisoner of poor parenting
    *How to have a heart of forgiveness
    *7 steps to self-acceptance
    *How to answer 7 self-defeating statements
    *And much more

    Learn to leave behind feelings of worthlessness, and experience your true worth,the worth you have in the eyes of your heavenly Father.

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  • Fear : No Longer Afraid


    Do you long to find freedom from fear? God never assumes that we will live without fear, but there are forms of fear such as anxiety that can ultimately lead to panic attacks, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other things that God does not desire for us. Learn how fear relates to perceived threats to security, significance, and love,and how perception directly affects the degree of fear you experience.

    June Hunt answers tough questions on fear, like:
    *How can I overcome my irrational fear of death?
    *How can I overcome the fear that my children or spouse might die?

    Things like former fear-producing experiences or an emotional overload can cause fear to take hold in your life. What should you do if your fear causes you to avoid any threatening situation?
    *You can face your fear
    *Allow change to happen
    *Resist negative thought patterns
    *Keep your imagination in check and don’t let it run away
    *Believe that God has control
    *Counter your fears with facts

    Discover how to move from fear to faith,”from panic to peace,”through a deepened understanding of the love and power of Christ in your life. Jesus can set you free as you turn to Him for strength and help in each and every fearful situation. Discover that when you acknowledge you are weak and inadequate, God’s strength and adequacy can prevail within you!

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  • Grief : Living At Peace With Loss


    How do you cope when a deep or tragic loss leaves you feeling empty, angry, or alone? Healing is a journey, and while there are no shortcuts through the process of grief, God promises not to leave you in the valley of despair. June Hunt has counseled those who grieve for over 25 years, and this book will gently and truthfully lead you through the mourning process and into joy once again.

    There are all types of grief; from the normal expression you feel when something tragic and unexpected happens, to chronic grief and repressed grief. This Christian book will help you determine what may have caused grief in your life and help you on the steps to recovery. Learn what ,”grief work,” is and how it can help you commit to working through difficult grief and the stress that goes along with it. The effects of not experiencing healthy grief work may result in becoming isolated, insulated, inverted, immortalized, and denying your grief altogether.

    In the section titled, ,”Steps to Solution,,” June Hunt gives you practical advice on how to:
    *Navigate through the Stages of Grief
    *Resolve Grief Caused by True Guilt
    *Move from Crisis to Contentment
    *Let Go, Say Goodbye, and Find Peace
    *Encourage Others to Overcome Loss

    As you place your seasons of sorrow in God’s hands, He promises to take you from sadness to strength, from pain to peace, and from darkness to the dawn of a new day. Experience God’s peace for today and His hope for a vibrant, happy tomorrow.

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  • Codependency : Balancing An Unbalance Relationship


    You’ve heard plenty about getting hooked on drugs or alcohol or sitting at slot machines from sunup to sundown, but can you really become addicted to a person? The answer is yes-codependency is a relationship addiction. A codependent is anyone who is dependent on another person to the point of being controlled or manipulated by that person. Learn how to be released from relationship addiction and have a renewed commitment to put Christ first.

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  • Depression : Walking From Darkness Into The Dawn


    Do you feel the darkness of depression closing in on you? Can anything dispel the darkness and bring back true peace and contentment to your heart? The answer is yes! You can exchange the darkness of despair for the light of hope. Your depression can draw you closer to the Lord, so let Him lead you through the storm into the light.

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  • Verbal And Emotional Abuse


    Abuse inflicts immense pain and impedes emotional growth. We have all been wounded by hurtful words and actions of others that we often carrying with us for a lifetime; however, it is possible to stop the pain of abuse! Learn biblical truths and practical “how to’s” for stopping the pain of abuse and restoring peace in all your relationships.

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  • Forgiveness : The Freedom To Let Go


    “I forgive you.” These three little words are so simple, so complex, and yet so powerful! These words give us permission to let go of recent irritations or long-held grudges of minor offenses or festering hurts that keep us up at night. Relationships filled with resentment ultimately perish. Relationships filled with forgiveness ultimately prevail. Learn how you can be an expression of God’s grace by forgiving others and find the freedom He intended you to have.

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  • Anger : Facing The Fire Within


    Has anger ever clouded your judgment to the point that you acted rashly and then regret it later? What do you do when you’re inflamed with angry thoughts and feelings? Ultimately, you have the choice to act wisely or to react foolishly. You can learn to keep your anger under control by acting rather than reacting.

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  • How To Receive Communion


    Communion isn’t just a religious observance. Find out what Jesus meant when He said, “Do this in remembrance of Me.”

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  • Who God Is Not


    Who is God? What is He like? How can we expect Him to act? These are the questions people have been asking for thousands of years. You’ve probably asked them yourself. The answers you come up with will profoundly affect your relationship with God and the quality of your life. In this powerful little book, Mac Hammond takes you to the Word of God and shows you “who God is not,” thus bringing life-changing insights about who He is. No matter who you are, no matter how much or how little you know about God, you’ll benefit from an understanding of who God is not.

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  • Scripture Confessions For Kids


    Scripture Confessions for Kids will help your children learn God’s Word. As they start to say what God’s Word says about them, their confidence will grow. By realizing who they are in Christ, they’ll be able to stand against low self-esteem and be an example to others.

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  • Gods Creative Power For Finances


    Words are the most powerful things in the universe today. They can defeat you or they can bring you life. They can make the difference in your finances and your well-being. God created the universe by speaking it into existence and He has given you that same ability. Learn to turn your financial situation around by following the powerful principles of faith contained in this book.

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  • Gods Creative Power Will Work For You


    This best selling minibook, in English, Charles Capps shows how you can learn to release the ability of God by the words of your mouth. Includes scriptures and confessions to follow for several subjects and circumstances. Fear-filled words will defeat you, but faith-filled words will put you over! Over 3 million copies of this booklet are in print. People use this booklet to make their daily ‘Word’ confessions. Many people buy dozens of these gems and give them away, producing some great miracles in people’s lives.

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  • Gods Creative Power For Healing



    God’s Creative Power Will Work for You, by Charles Capps, first published in 1976, has sold more than 2.3 million copies! The lives of Christians around the world have been revolutionized by the powerful principles of confessing God’s Word found within its pages.

    Now God’s Creative Power for Healing is here to follow in its footsteps.

    This powerful book combines all new teaching with scripture confessions for heating. You will learn how you can release the ability of God for your healing by the words of your mouth!

    Faith-filled words will put you over – God’s Creative Power for Healing will work for you!

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  • Scripture Confessions For Teens


    What you say really does make a difference, and now teens can declare God’s Words of faith over their life and over their world. As they begin to say these Scripture promises, they will bring hope, favor, healing, and more! The book of Proverbs says that life and death are in the power of the tongue. What you talk about, you bring to pass. Teens can start now with the words that will set a great future in place for them and bring honor and glory to God.

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  • Scripture Confessions For Healing


    With today’s busy and demanding schedules, we all need God’s Word wherever we go!

    This little book is filled with personalized, Scripture-based confessions for health and healing and for finances. Readers can now arm themselves with the Word of God to win life’s battles.

    The Scripture Confessions Series connects the reader to the timeless passages in God’s Word that speak to the issues of most concern to them. More than just a book of prayers, the reader will find personalized confessions that will strengthen them with God’s Word to overcome every adversity.

    This unique collection of Scriptures is a must have for readers on the go. Whether at work or home, readers can access Scripture Confessions and remind themselves of God’s faithful promises, in all areas including healing, finances, protection, wisdom, and more!

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  • Scripture Confessions For Victorious Living


    The Scripture Confessions Series connects the reader to the timeless passages in God’s Word that speaks to the issues of most concern to them. More than just a book of prayers, the reader will find personalized confessions that will arm them with the Word of God for life’s battles.

    This unique collection of Scriptures is a must have for today’s busy schedules. Whether at work or home, readers can access Scripture Confessions and remind themselves of God’s faithful promises in all areas including healing, finances, protection, wisdom, and more!

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  • Real Life For Kids


    The Real Life Series is written to teach children ages 6 to 9 about the fundamentals of Christianity. These fun, scriptural messages help kids understand salvation, the Holy Spirit, and healing on their level. Each book contains 12 delightful illustrations that help illuminate these life-changing concepts. Author Rod Baker has worked in children’s ministry for the last 20 years in prominent ministries such as the 20,000-member church, Victory Christian Center and 12,000-member church, Church On the Move, both located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. With a strong demand in churches and ministries for scripturally sound, inexpensive tools to teach kids, these books are perfect as a giveaway for children to take home and read again and again.

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  • My Little Bible Navy Blue


    Gold Foiled title
    10/pkt shrinkwrapped together
    Leather-look cover

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  • My Little Bible Black


    Gold Foiled title
    10/pkt shrinkwrapped together

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  • My Little Bible Lilac


    Gold Foiled title
    10/pkt shrinkwrapped together

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  • My Little Bible Green


    Gold Foiled title
    10/pkt shrinkwrapped together

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  • My Little Bible White


    Gold Foiled title
    10/pkt shrinkwrapped together

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  • My Little Bible Maroon


    Gold Foiled title
    10/pkt shrinkwrapped together

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  • Welcome To The Family


    In this book, Kenneth Copeland shares on a one-to-one basis the steps you are to follow in joining God’s family.

    He shows what God’s Word says about receiving salvation, Baptism in the Holy Spirit and healing. Heaven wouldn’t be the same without you!

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  • Gods Will Is The Holy Spirit


    Are you one of the many believers who have been taught that the infilling of the Holy Spirit was for a selected few on the Day of Pentecost? Or that you received all of the Holy Spirit when you received salvation? If so, you are being robbed of something very valuable and don’t even know it! The traditions of men have been holding you back from receiving one of God’s most precious promises.

    Through this enlightening study by Gloria Copeland, find out what the Scriptures have to say about the Holy Spirit and the power that is available to you today. Then reach out and discover for yourself that God’s Will Is the Holy Spirit!

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  • In Him


    IN HIM

    A spiritual law too few of us realize is: Our confession rule us. Find out what God’s word says about you and make that your confession.

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  • 5 Hindrances To Growth In Grace


    This popular minibook challenges Christians to remove from their lives everything that hinders growth in grace.

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  • Why Tongues



    The infilling of the New Testament believers with the Holy Ghost should be our pattern today. Find out ten reasons every believer should speak in tongues.

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