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Program Resources

  • All In One Sunday School Volume 4 (Revised)


    Be Ready No Matter Who Shows Up!

    Formerly Sunday School Specials 4, this revised and updated volume includes original and creative programs designed for ministries with mixed-age classes of children ages 4 through 12! With 13 lessons, this book will work in any ministry, but it’s especially great for smaller churches that combine classes every Sunday. Also good for large churches that combine ages during summer and for any other multi-age class setting.

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  • Transformed Into His Likeness (Workbook)


    This workbook contains over 100 common problems facing Christians today along with biblical solutions for each. It explains the biblical process of change, helps identify where personal change is needed and provides Scripture references for problem areas. Practical worksheet will help implement biblical change in your life. This is an excellent resource for Putting Off sin and Putting On the righteousness of Jesus Christ.

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  • Boyds Recititation And Dialogue


    Plays and programs for special days, including Bible Day, Children’s Day, Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, Thanksgiving Day and Valentine’s Day. Also includes welcomes and responses. Every church has those significant days and special events which relate to its history and its ongoing opportunities to celebrate pivotal events in society.

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