Andrew Murray
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Abide In Christ (Deluxe)
$19.99Accept God’s Invitation to Unspeakable Joy
This beautiful, hardcover edition of Andrew Murray’s classic work Abide in Christ will make a perfect gift for your loved ones or a welcome addition to your own library.
You will find thirty-one heart-searching readings that will show you how to live each day in closer communion and fellowship with our Savior.Instead of accepting God’s invitation to enter His throne room, many Christians stand alone outside the door, uncertain and ashamed. Christ beckons them to His banquet table and offers them a room in His house, but they fearfully or foolishly give up the glorious life He has offered. They come to Jesus as Redeemer but never go beyond the doorway to abide in Him and dwell with the King of Kings.
Murray discovered what it means to abide continually in God’s presence and earnestly shares his heartfelt advice with readers. His prayer was that all of God’s children would receive the rich and blessed experience of abiding in Christ. Cross the threshold now and accept God’s invitation to live joyfully with Him.
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Experiencing The Holy Spirit (Reprinted)
$14.99From the Scriptures, Andrew Murray discusses the importance and power of the Holy Spirit in the Christian’s life.
While exploring the biblical promises relating to the Spirit, Murray explains how you can…
*Discover God’s will for your life
*Learn the secret of spiritual growth
*Be led by the Holy Spirit
*Live in victory over sin
*Claim your inheritance in Christ
*Strengthen your spiritual walk
*Receive and attract God’s favor and blessingsDiscover the life-changing benefits of being filled with the Holy Spirit. As God’s divine power flows into your heart and permanently transforms your life, you will excel to new heights in your Christian maturity and experience!
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Spiritual Renewal : 90 Devotions For A Deeper Fellowship With God
$15.99The great work of the Holy Spirit is to reveal Christ in our hearts and lives as the crucified one who dwells within us. Let this be the chief aim of all your devotion: complete dependence on God and an expectation of continually receiving all goodness and salvation from Him alone. –Andrew Murray
To live a life of grace filled with God’s blessings, Christians must set aside time each day to read the Scriptures, spend time alone in prayer, and seek to draw closer to the Lord. In Spiritual Renewal: 90 Devotions for a Deeper Fellowship with God, Andrew Murray provides quiet reflections on the Bible that invite believers to enter into God’s presence and fellowship with Him daily. Murray shares his heartfelt teachings on:
*Fellowshipping with Christ on the cross
*The exceeding greatness of God’s power
*How temperance in all things brings us closer to the Lord
*The missionary messages of the apostles
*The role of the Holy Spirit in the churchThrough intimate hours spent with your Savior, you will experience the depths of God’s abiding presence, the joyful sense of peace that comes from fellowship with our heavenly Father, and the abundant life in Christ that is available to all who seek it.
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Absolute Surrender : How To Walk In Perfect Peace
$16.00Your God in heaven answers the prayers that you have offered-prayers of blessing for your own life and for others. He asks only one thing in return: Are you willing to surrender yourselves absolutely into His hands?
Legendary author and Bible teacher Andrew Murray provides wise counsel that will enable you to take a giant step closer to God as you begin your journey into perfect peace and trust.
Discover the joys of Absolute Surrender to our loving Father today.
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Abide In The Secret Place
$16.99“‘When thou prayest,’ said Jesus, ‘enter into thine inner chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret’ (Matthew 6:6). This means two things. First, shut the world out, and withdraw from all worldly thoughts and activities. Second, shut yourself in alone with God, to pray to Him in secret. Let this be your chief aim in prayer: to realize the presence of your heavenly Father. Let your watchword be, ‘Alone with God.'” –Andrew Murray
From time spent alone with in prayer, Andrew Murray discovered that every Christian can expect God to reveal Himself in intimate, powerful, and soul-restoring ways. In this collection of 120 daily devotions, Murray reveals spiritual gems of truth about the personal revelation we can access when we abide with Christ in our secret prayer spaces. Through those intimate hours spent with your Savior, you will experiencing the depths of God’s abiding presence, the joyful sense of peace that comes from fellowship with our heavenly Father, and the abundant life in Christ that is available to all who seek it. You will discover that God has already granted you everything you will ever need, and that He delights in saying “yes” to you!
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Waiting On God (Reprinted)
$15.00The “busyness” of life can often creep up and overwhelm us. But rather than having to depend on our own strength, it is our Christian privilege to enter into God’s presence. As we do, He will supply answers to our problems and give direction for our lives. In Waiting on God, Andrew Murray shares thirty-one heartfelt meditations, one for each day of the month, to help renew our vision and quicken our desire to turn to the Lord for His quiet, peaceful strength. Discover how God’s loving presence can refresh the weary heart that learns to wait on Him.
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Divine Healing
$14.99After an illness interrupted his ministry for more than two years, Andrew Murray received a miraculous restoration of health through the prayers of God’s people. Divine Healing is the classic work resulting from Murray’s deep study of Scripture on this topic, and the sermons that resulted from that study. In it, he unpacks the promise of James 5, that the prayer of faith will heal the sick. He writes about the prerequisites for healing, which is repentance from sin and the sanctification of the body by fully giving it over to God. Murray addresses such questions as:
-Why are some people healed while others are not?
-What roll do doctors play in miraculous healing?
-Why do many Christians doubt the gifts of healing?
-Is it God’s will to heal the sick?
-Does sickness come from God or from Satan?Andrew Murray’s personal testimony and biblical teaching will serve as inspiration for readers to trust in God’s healing touch in their areas of deepest need.
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Prayer Life
$17.00In 1912, only few years before he passed away, Andrew Murray gathered with other pastors at a conference about the low state of spiritual affairs in the South African churches. The Prayer Life was borne out of the soul searching and repentance that transpired at that conference. In it, Murray addresses the problem of prayerlessness, a condition that knows no generational boundaries. Murray cuts to the heart of the problem, offering suggestions which, if followed, will have a serious impact on the life of the earnest reader. Murray explains that since prayer is an outgrowth of abiding in Christ, prayerlessness is fundamentally a lack of abiding rather than simply a lack of prayer. The Prayer Life is a challenging call to a deeper Christian experience, out of which will naturally flow a life of prayer. Much more than a book on how to pray, this is a book on how to have a deeper and more effective spiritual walk with God.
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Holiest Of All
$49.99It is only the full and perfect knowledge of who Christ is and what He does for us that can bring us to a complete Christian life. In this verse-by-verse study of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Andrew Murray explains the power of Christ’s finished work on the cross, His present intercession for believers, and how to enter into the rest of Christ. Murray expounds upon our relationship with God in the Holy of Holies, and with Jesus and the grace lavished on us through the blood of the eternal covenant. The one cure for all human frailty is to look to Jesus on the throne of heaven and confidently claim the heavenly life He waits to impart to us.
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Andrew Murray Collected Works On Prayer
$49.99Experiencing God Through Prayer
You can have an exciting relationship of intimate communion with Christ! In these dynamic pages, Andrew Murray explains biblical guidelines for effective communication with God. Discover essential keys to developing a vibrant prayer life, including how to…
*Abide in Christ
*Be victorious in prayer
*Petition God courageously
*Intercede for others effectively
*Receive clear direction from God
*Experience God’s continual protection
*Overcome discouragement and temptation
*See your unsaved loved ones come to ChristEvery Christian can reap the benefits of learning how to pray. Through Murray’s writings, you will find out how your devotions can be transformed so that you can realize the fullness of God’s love, peace, and divine power operating in your daily walk. Lovingly explained, the principles presented here will permanently alter your prayer life!
Books by Andrew Murray included in this collection are:
Abide in Christ
The Prayer Life
Waiting on God
With Christ in the School of Prayer
The Ministry of Intercession
The Secret of Intercession
Prayer GuideRead moreOut of stock
Working For God
$16.00God has exciting plans for you that will give your life purpose and joy. God’s desire is that everyone should find new life and destiny in Him. He has given you specific gifts to accomplish His purposes. This thought-provoking and inspiring book will show you:
*How to find and live out your true calling
*How to discover your spiritual gifts
*The excitement of working for God
*How to lead many to salvation
*How to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit“There is a treasury of good works God has prepared for us to do,” writes Andrew Murray. In this book, you will capture a new vision of your mission in life. You will discover that you were created to do great things for God and learn to walk in immense power from Him to fulfill His calling in your life!
“He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” (John 14:12)
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1. Humility: The Glory Of The Creature
2. Humility: The Secret Of Redemption
3. Humility In The Life Of Jesus
4. Humility In The Teaching Of Jesus
5. Humility In The Disciples Of Jesus
6. Humility In Daily Life
7. Humility And Holiness
8. Humility And Sin
9. Humility And Faith
10. Humility And Death To Self
11. Humility And Happiness
12. Humility And Exaltation
A Prayer For Humility
About The AuthorAdditional Info
Is your walk with God stale? Are the same old things just not working as you seek intimacy and God’s power for you life? In this classic text by faith-great Andrew Murray, you will find refreshment for your spiritual journey and learn that humble dependence on God is the basis of all genuine blessing. In Humility, you will learn to model your life after Jesus’ life, find joy in service, and add power to your witnessing. Bring your focus back to God and walk in His will as never before!Read moreOut of stock
Power Of The Blood Of Christ
$15.99In this classic exploration of the Scriptures, Andrew Murray leads the reader to a complete understanding of the significance and reality of the power of the shed blood of Christ. Astounding results can take place in your life once you have learned about the power of the blood of Jesus and how to use it in coping with life’s difficult situations. This mighty weapon of spiritual warfare holds the secret to a victorious life.
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Abide In Christ
$16.99So many Christians, instead of accepting God’s invitation to enter His throne room, stand alone outside the door, uncertain and ashamed. Christ beckons them to His banqueting table and offers them a room in His house, but they foolishly give up the glory of the life He as offered. They come to Jesus as Redeemer but never go beyond the doorway to abide in Him and experience the unspeakable joy of swelling with the King of Kings. Andrew Murray knew what it meant to be continually in the Father’s presence. Read these thirty-one heart-searching readings and learn how to live daily in closer communion and fellowship with Him. Accept God’s invitation and live in His blessing and glory instead of shuffling your feet at the gate.
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Andrew Murray On The Holy Spirit
$16.00The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father as a Comforter when you are worried or afraid, as Strength when you are weak, as Safety when you are in danger, and as Peace in the midst of confusion. Andrew Murray explores the powerful, divine life that is meant for every child of God. Discover the secret of how to live for Christ in His strength instead of your own efforts. A dynamic, joyful life that is filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit can be yours today!
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Humility : The Journey Toward Holiness (Reprinted)
$8.9912 Chapters
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The Journey Toward HolinessWhen Jesus “made himself nothing…taking the nature of a servant,” He modeled for all believers true humility. Andrew Murray calls this “our true nobility” and “the distinguishing feature of discipleship.” With insightful, penetrating clarity, Murray calls all Christians to turn from pride, empty themselves, and study the character of Christ to be filled with His grace.
Often called the best work on humility ever written, this edition has been edited for today’s reader.
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With Christ In The School Of Prayer
238 Pages In 31 Chapters
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Of all the traits Of a life like Christ, there is none higher and more glorious than conformity to Him in the work that now engages Him without ceasing in the Father’s presence: His all-powerful intercession. The more we abide in Him and grow to be like Him, the More His priestly life will work in us. Our lives will become what His is a life that continuously prays for men.The place and power of prayer in the Christian life is too little understood. As long as we view prayer simply as the means of maintaining our own Christian lives, we will not fully understand what it is really supposed to be. But when we learn to regard it as the highest part of the work entrusted to us-the root and strength of all other work-we will see that there is nothing we need to study and practice more than the art of praying.
The Father waits to hear every prayer of faith. He wants to give us whatever we ask for in Jesus’ name. God intents prayer to have an answer, and no one has yet fully conceived what God will do for the child who believes that his prayer will be heard. God hears prayer.
Many complain that they don’t have the power to pray in faith an effective prayer that accomplishes much. The blessed Jesus is waiting and longing to teach them this.
May God open our eyes to understand the holy ministry of intercession to which, as His royal priesthood, we have been set apart. May He give us a large and strong heart to believe what mighty influence our prayers can exert. And may all fear of our being able to fulfill our vocation vanish as we see Jesus, living eternally to pray, living in us to pray, and guaranteeing the results of our prayer life.
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With Christ In The School Of Prayer
$17.99Prepare yourself for one of the church’s most important ministries—intercessory prayer. Using Jesus’ teaching on prayer as a model, Murray begins at the elementary level and then leads you step-by-step deeper into the holiness of God. This special revised edition includes a timeline tracing Christian and secular history, and a brief illustrated biography of Murray.
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Blessings Of Obedience
$15.00Obedience is not the most popular word in our vocabulary. We live in a society that is constantly battling the system, fighting for what we want. We’re primarily concerned with how the rules inconvenience us, and we’re looking to see what we can get away with. Obedience is much more than following rules; it’s a state of the heart. By missing this truth, we miss the power of complete obedience. Discover how obedience to God’s plan will put you in the center of His will! Andrew Murray explores the love behind God’s demands and the grace that makes it possible for us to obey. The blessing of complete obedience is your intimate connection with a loving, protective heavenly Father who desires more than anything to give you a rich and fulfilling life!
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