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Bible Dictionaries

  • Practical Bible Dictionary


    This new Bible dictionary provides the most helpful and up-to-date study experience-plus a concordance of key terms covering both the King James Version and Barbour’s Simplified KJV. Featuring approximately 3,000 entries on people, places, things, and ideas of scripture, the Practical Bible Dictionary offers concise definitions to enhance your scriptural understanding.

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  • 1 Minute Bible Guide


    Want a better grasp of scripture?

    The 1-Minute Bible Guide offers just that!

    This easy-to-read guide covers more than 1,250 of the most important elements of God’s
    Word, within seven overall categories:
    *Names of God
    *Figures of Speech

    Each entry includes
    *a representative verse
    *a concise description you can read and digest in 60 seconds or less
    *and, as a bonus, additional references if you want to dig deeper!

    You’ll learn why each person, place, thing, or idea plays an important role in the larger story of the Bible–the ultimate story of God’s love for humanity.

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  • Ultimate Bible Dictionary Revised And Expanded (Expanded)


    The Ultimate Bible Dictionary is the perfect tool for those who are beginning to study the Bible. Carefully researched and accessible definitions are designed to provide a quick understanding of a term right up front and then, in many cases, go into more detail for those who want this level of description.

    The definitions are further enhanced by the large number of colorful maps, photos, and reconstructions of biblical objects placed on the same page spread as the definition they accompany. The optimal size of the Ultimate Bible Dictionary makes this resource easy-to-carry and easy-to-use in personal study or group activities.

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  • Harvest Handbook Of Key Bible Words New Testament


    Savor Each Rich Word of Scripture

    You’ve probably had times when you’ve read the same Bible passages over and over and skimmed past terms that seemed unclear or confusing-yet you know that each verse holds immeasurable value for your life.

    See God’s Word with new eyes and experience the full impact of its message! This easy-to-use resource will guide you through the rich meaning of Bible keywords in a reader-friendly format. Adapted from the classic Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words by W.E. Vine, this modern handbook focuses on 300 must-know Bible words that will help you better understand Scripture.

    For each entry, you will find a definition and an overview, as well as insightful quotes from Christian writers-all designed to help bring biblical references into present-day relevance for you.

    The New Testament is a message of hope-each word ordained to tell the story of God’s character and enduring love. Use this handbook to dive into the language of Scripture, and let His Word come alive in you.

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  • Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary


    For 25 years the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary has been the go-to Bible reference resource for lay Bible students, teachers, pastors, academic courses, and libraries. Those who have used it have praised its comprehensiveness, conciseness, and clarity. Over 6,500 articles from Aaron to Zuzite are written so as to equip the reader for greater competence in understanding and interpreting the Scriptures. Each article is structured to begin with a concise definition followed by a thorough development of the topic. Some 700 full-color photos, maps, reconstructions, and charts enrich the experience of those who use the Dictionary for personal study, academic work, and preparation for teaching and preaching the Bible.

    Contemporary Bible readers are separated from the original documents by 2,000 to 3,500 years. Bridging this chasm requires linguistic, literary, geographical, historical, and cultural information that the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary provides. This third edition of the Dictionary makes available up-to-date archaeological information that illuminates the biblical text.

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  • Nuevo Diccionario Ilustrado De – (Spanish)


    7000 Paginas

    Additional Info
    Mas de 500 fotos a todo color, indice de mapas.

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