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Bible Personage

  • Grandes Personajes De La Bibli – (Spanish)


    Grandes personajes de la Biblia es un estudio de 52 lecciones de 61 personajes de la Biblia que no fueron tan diferentes a nosotros. Experimentaron batallas, sufrimiento, exitos y fracasos. Batallaron contra el temor, la duda y la preocupacion, pero tambien dieron testimonio de como la poderosa mano de Dios se movia a lo largo de los siglos estableciendo su voluntad por medio de las vidas de personas como tu y como yo.

    Dios escogio ensear sus principios espirituales por medio de los exitos y los fracasos de su pueblo. Colocarnos al lado de estos hombres y mujeres de la Biblia nos ayudara a caminar mas cerca de Dios, quien incluyo sus historias en su Palabra especialmente para ensearnos, para inspirarnos, y para guiarnos e instruirnos. Al adentrarnos en sus victorias y derrotas, descubriremos que cada persona fue escogida por Dios para cumplir un proposito. Al estudiar sus vidas, veremos como el Espiritu Santo nos equipa y capacita para un mayor servicio.

    God chose to teach His spiritual principles through the successes and failures of His people.

    Great Characters of the Bible is a 52-lesson study of 61 Bible characters who were not all that different from us. They experienced struggles, heartaches, successes, and failures. They battled fear, doubt, and worry. But they also give testimony to God’s mighty hand moving through the ages, establishing His will through the lives of people like you and me.
    Standing beside these men and women of the Bible will help you walk closer with God, who included their stories in His Word especially to teach you, to inspire you, and to guide and instruct you. As you share in their victories and defeats, you’ll discover how each person was selected by God to fulfill a purpose. By studying them, you will see how the Holy Spirit equips and empowers you for greater service.

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  • Chosen Season Four (DVD)


    Clashing kingdoms. Rival rulers. The enemies of Jesus close in while His followers struggle to keep up, leaving Him to carry the burdens alone. Threatened by the reality of Jesus’ growing influence, religious leaders do the unthinkable – ally within their Roman oppressors. As the seeds of the betrayal are planted and opposition to Jesus’ message turns violent. He’s left with no alternative but to demand His followers RISE UP.

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  • His Only Son (DVD)


    His Only Son is a remarkable cinematic portrayal of Abraham’s unwavering faith and his willingness to sacrifice his only son in obedience to God’s divine command. Now, you can own the film in the stunning DVD and Blu-ray format. Enjoy stunning visuals and crystal-clear sound as you delve into this remarkable story of faith and devotion.

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  • Women Of The Bible Timeline Pamphlet


    Enjoy having a chronological overview of 100 key women of the Bible with this full-color pamphlet! From Eve and Esther to Mary Magdalene and the Samaritan woman at the well, dive into the stories of these 100 women side by side at a glance!

    There are dozens of key women of the Bible to remember, but it can be difficult to keep track of who is who and which women lived in which era. Now you can get a solid overview using this handy foldout timeline which features more than 100 women from the Old and New Testaments alongside dozens of key biblical events. This stunning timeline is packed with:

    *Brief summaries with key information
    *Colorful illustrations
    *Scripture references
    *Key events and time periods in Bible history

    Perfect for classrooms, study reference use, and as gifts for friends!

    This Pamphlet is Filled with Fascinating Facts

    It’s never been more fun to dive into the histories of these incredible women of the Bible!
    Learn fascinating facts such as:

    *Mary, mother of Jesus, was present when Jesus turned water to wine, at his crucifixion, AND was likely present at Pentecost

    *Deborah, widely known as a prophet and a judge, also gained prominence as a wise ruler and a warrior who went into battle

    *Described as a “prophet” Noadiah attempted to stop Jeremiah from building a wall around Jerusalem

    *Following a visitation from an angel, Samson’s mother bore Samson as a result of a miracle

    Get a Solid Overview of 100 Women of the Bible

    Learn about famous women from the Bible:

    *Matriarchs of Israel, like Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Leah
    *Faithful and courageous women, like Hannah, Ruth, and Esther
    *Notorious women, like Jezebel and Herodias, who killed the prophets of God
    *Women in the Gospels whose lives were changed by Jesus, like Mary Magdalene, the
    *Samaritan woman, and sisters Mary and Martha
    *Early Christian leaders, like Lydia, Priscilla, and Phoebe

    Discover lesser known but fascinating women:

    *Jehosheba, who saved a child prince from being killed
    *Huldah the prophet, whose words to a king changed a nation
    *Shiphrah and Puah, who defied the pharaoh of Egypt
    *Five sisters who argued for their family’s right to a place in Israel
    *An Athenian named Damaris who became a believer after hearing Paul’s Mars Hill sermon

    This pamphlet’s high-gloss coating makes it a durable, convenient resource you’re sure to keep with you and use time and again. Fits in the back of most Bibles so you can take it any

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  • Chosen Season Three (Blu-ray)


    “Come to me…I will give you rest.” (Matthew 28:11) Jesus promises rest to His followers – but that doesn’t mean there won’t be trouble along the way. )

    In Season 3 of The Chosen, Jesus sends all 12 disciples on their first mission and they face new fears as well as entrenched, old ways. And each one faces his own unique burden, too: Matthew’s estrangement from family, Little James’ unhealed disability, Simon Z’s unresolved past, and Simon and Eden’s marriage crisis- just to name a few.

    Meanwhile, scores of newcomers like Veronica and Jairus desperately seek Jesus for relief from crushing crises and heavy-handed authorities, religious and Roman. Thousands ultimately converge on Jesus, first to argue then to listen. But as His preaching extends to the next day, they find themselves in a new predicament-far from home, famished, and without any food to eat.

    Until a little boy with five loaves and two fishes shows up …

    Re-engage with the can’t-stop-watching Gospel-based TV series that’s got the whole world talking about Jesus! In the emotional third season of The Chosen, Jesus delivers the most life-altering sermon in history—resulting in more followers and more enemies. When the disciples are sent out two by two, can they find courage for the daunting tasks ahead? Eight episodes, approx. 8 hours total.

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  • Chosen Season Three (DVD)


    “Come to me…I will give you rest.” (Matthew 28:11) Jesus promises rest to His followers – but that doesn’t mean there won’t be trouble along the way. )

    In Season 3 of The Chosen, Jesus sends all 12 disciples on their first mission and they face new fears as well as entrenched, old ways. And each one faces his own unique burden, too: Matthew’s estrangement from family, Little James’ unhealed disability, Simon Z’s unresolved past, and Simon and Eden’s marriage crisis- just to name a few.

    Meanwhile, scores of newcomers like Veronica and Jairus desperately seek Jesus for relief from crushing crises and heavy-handed authorities, religious and Roman. Thousands ultimately converge on Jesus, first to argue then to listen. But as His preaching extends to the next day, they find themselves in a new predicament-far from home, famished, and without any food to eat.

    Until a little boy with five loaves and two fishes shows up …

    Re-engage with the can’t-stop-watching Gospel-based TV series that’s got the whole world talking about Jesus! In the emotional third season of The Chosen, Jesus delivers the most life-altering sermon in history—resulting in more followers and more enemies. When the disciples are sent out two by two, can they find courage for the daunting tasks ahead? Eight episodes, approx. 8 hours total.

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  • Conozca Los Personajes De La B – (Spanish)


    Dios obra principalmente a traves de las personas. Sus victorias y sus errores nos sirven de ejemplo y pueden ensearnos mucho.

    Conozca los personajes de la Biblia es un librito diseado con el fin de ayudarle a explorar perfiles biograficos de personajes biblicos. Conforme usted los conozca, la historia de las Escrituras se volvera mas real y su enseanza mas clara.

    God works first and foremost through people. Their victories and their mistakes serve as an example and can teach us a great deal.

    Know the Characters of the Bible is a booklet designed to help you explore biographical profiles of biblical characters. As you get to know them, the story of Scripture will become more real, and its teaching will become more clear.

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  • Impact Of Ordinary Women In The Bible


    Ordinary Women, Extraordinary God

    In book two of Don Wilkerson’s series The Impact of Ordinary People, the names listed in each chapter are not well-known women of the Bible. But that’s the theme of this unique devotional.

    Adah, Bilhah, Jehosheba, and Huldah are just some of the ordinary women who accomplished extraordinary things for the glory of God. Scripture contains a supporting cast of men and women often overlooked in Bible study. This devotional brings thirty lesser-known women to life with short but thought-provoking lessons. Each woman deserves attention for her significant impact, but it’s God’s redemption story that is highlighted and woven through the lives of these ordinary women.

    For those seeking discipleship material for personal growth, this book will aid individual and small group Bible study.

    This devotional is also a helpful resource for pastors and Christian leaders to develop biblical lessons or one-of a-kind sermons.

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  • Chosen Season Two (DVD)


    It’s no longer hidden. The word is spreading that Jesus is the Messiah. Increased fame brings growing crowds, new disciples, and more miracles. It also brings trouble. Mary is confronted with old demons. The tension between Simon and Matthew explodes. James & John battle their prejudices and fiery tempers. But they all continue to passionately pursue the man they don’t always understand but will always follow. The Chosen Season Two includes 8 episodes of the global phenomenon that is changing tens of millions of people one episode at a time. 2 discs.

    The Chosen is the #1 crowdfunded media project in entertainment history and the first multi-season show about the life of Jesus Christ and His disciples.

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  • Esther And The King (DVD)


    Joan Collins stars as Esther in this melodramatic, routine Biblical story. The setting is Persia in the fourth century B.C., as Esther comes to the attention of the recently widowed King Ahasuerus. The King has been trying to stifle and defeat the campaign of hatred fomented against the Jews by his evil minister Haman (Sergio Fantoni). Before the King can pair off with Esther and defeat the villainous Haman, there are several intervening adventures and an additional, attractive woman who competes for attention.

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  • Chronology Of Israels Kings And Prophets Pamphlet


    Easily cover decades of Israel’s history at a glance with this slim line pamphlet packed with side-by-side chapter overviews and charts. This easy-to-read chronology takes you through the books of 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings, and 1 and 2 Chronicles chapter by chapter.

    This pamphlet helps Bible readers keep track of who’s who and what happened when in Israel’s history. Compare the stories of kings such as David and Solomon with the many kings of Israel and Judah, as well the ministries of prophets such as Samuel, Elijah, and Elisha.

    Glossy laminated pamphlet, ultra-slim, 14 panels, 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches.

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  • Bible Stories Moses (DVD)


    The Bible Stories: Moses follows the life and times of Moses. Through his faith and determination he becomes on the greatest leaders in history. As a baby, he is spared death when his month releases him onto the Nile River in a basket. He is found and then raised by the Pharaoh’s daughter. As an adult, Moses flees Egypt to avoid persecution, but later returns due to the command from God for him to save the Israelites from slavery. When is half brother, now the Pharaoh, refuses, God unleashes terrible plagues on the Egyptians until the Pharaoh agrees. God parts the seas for Moses and the Israelites escape. But Moses’ challenges are not over, as he has to face 40 years in the dessert and bring the ten commandments of God to the people.

    Starring: Ben Kingsley, Frank Langella, Christopher Lee and David Suchet.

    Genre: Family/Religious
    Rating: NR
    Run Time: 120 min

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  • 12 Disciples : 10 Studies For Individuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


    Getting The Most Out Of The Twelve Disciples
    1 Andrew: Bringing Others To Jesus – John 1:35-42
    2 Simon Peter: Defending (and Rebuking) The Savior – Mark 1:16-20; 8:27-38
    3 Matthew: Drawing In The Outcast – Matthew 9:9-13
    4 James: Hating Our Enemies – Luke 9:51-56; Acts 12:1-2
    5 Philip: Learning To Trust – John 6:1-13
    6 John: Seeking To Be The Greatest – Matthew 20:20-28
    7 Thomas: Leaving Doubt Behind – John 20:19-29
    8 Nathanael: Developing Spiritual Insight – John 1:43-51
    9 Judas Iscariot: Turning Away – Matthew 26:14-30, 47-50; 27:1-10
    10 Three Others: Faithful To The End – Luke 18:18-34
    Leader’s Notes

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    Ten inductive Bible studies on Jesus’ twelve disciples.

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  • Lives Of Fame And Shame


    Bible teacher Herbert Lockyer presents biographical sketches of eleven men and women in a manner that provides both inspiration from their achievements and caution from their failures:

    *David and Jonathan

    “Here are men and women of like passions as ourselves, and they appeal to the imagination of the average person today because of a similarity of experience. Like these ancient characters, we triumph by faith, as some of them did, or fail through disobedience and unbelief, as others did….The lives of men and women of old may be a continual inspiration or warning to us in these modern times.”
    -Herbert Lockyer

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  • Great Characters Of The Bible


    How God Used Ordinary People to Accomplish Extraordinary Tasks
    God chose to teach His spiritual principles through the successes and failures of His people.

    Great Characters of the Bible is a 52-lesson study of 61 Bible characters who were not all that different from us. They experienced struggles, heartaches, successes, and failures. They battled fear, doubt, and worry. But they also give testimony to God’s mighty hand moving through the ages, establishing His will through the lives of people like you and me.

    Standing beside these men and women of the Bible will help you walk closer with God, who included their stories in His Word especially to teach you, to inspire you, and to guide and instruct you. As you share in their victories and defeats, you’ll discover how each person was selected by God to fulfill a purpose. By studying them, you will see how the Holy Spirit equips and empowers you for greater service.

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  • Bad Girls Of The Bible


    This is the signature book that launched Higgs’s unique brand of “girlfriend theology,” now updated with a contemporary look and with study guide included. In looking at what we can learn from biblical women gone bad through her “novel approach to Bible study,” Liz brings to life ancient stories and unforgettably reveals how timeless truths of the Bible apply to today’s woman. With more than 1 million books sold in the series, this newly-repackaged edition appeals to women of all ages and stages of Christian faith.

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  • Life Of Moses Pamphlet


    Get to know the real Moses. He is known as the great Lawgiver, the leader during the Exodus and the parting of the Red Sea, the Ten Commandments, and miraculous provision of food and water for the people in the desert. But few people realize that he was a man who didn’t like the limelight. He didn’t like public speaking. He was sure no-one would listen. Find out how you can gain the confidence to follow God’s will just as Moses did. Learn how God takes weaknesses and failures and turns them into strengths. This character study gives you more. Includes maps, time lines, and comparison charts.

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  • Women Of The Bible New Testament Pamphlet


    In this concise comparison chart, we will dig out the significance of some important women in the Bible, addressing cultural and literary points of view to discover hidden meanings found in the women’s names, the ironies in their stories, and the culture of the time. Our understanding of the biblical text will increase as we see events from the perspective of the women themselves, their strengths and weaknesses.

    Featured women of the New Testament Mary, Mother of Jesus; Elizabeth, Mary Magdalene; Mary & Martha; Lydia; Priscilla; Herodias
    Unfolds to 38″ long

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  • Women Of The Bible Old Testament Pamphlet


    Unfolds to 38″ long
    Sarah and Hagar, Tamar, Miriam, Rahab, Deborah and Jael, Bathsheba, Naomi and Ruth, Esther

    In this concise comparison chart, we will dog out the significance of some important women in the Bible, addressing cultural and literary points of view to discover hidden meanings found in the women’s names, the ironies in their stories, and the culture of the time. Our understanding of the biblical text will increase as we see events from the perspective of the women themselves, their strengths and weaknesses.

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  • Hidden Power Of A Surrendered Life (Student/Study Guide)


    Having influence, making a difference and leaving a legacy is a costly privilege. Doing so is to step into a destiny filled with opportunities to yield, to lead, and to boldly go where others have not gone before. It requires quietness in the midst of turmoil and courage in the face of overwhelming odds. As you journey with Glenda Malmin through the life of Esther and those she related to in The Hidden Power Of A Surrendered Life, you will find your life woven together with the ancients and see their lives in yours. Esther and her beloved mentor Mordecai both had hesitations, concerns, opinions and deep challenges in their roles and yet remained surrendered to the will of God.

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  • Hidden Power Of A Mothers Heart (Student/Study Guide)


    In this book, the third book in Glenda Malmin’s “Hidden Power” series, mothers, grandmothers, and mothers-to-be will be encouraged and challenged as they relate to the mothering journey of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Based on biblical narrative, historical research, and anointed fiction, this book will bless the reader as it leads her through the seasons of Mary’s motherhood and applies relevant biblical principles to her own through the examples of other contemporary mothers.

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  • Hidden Power Of Undefeatable Faith (Student/Study Guide)


    The second installment in Glenda Malmin’s ‘Hidden Power’; Series. The reader will journey with the author in the remarkable story of the ancient Rizpah in The Hidden Power of Undefeatable Faith, while discovering principles of unbeatable faith, intercession, and fulfilled destiny

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  • Life Of The Apostle Paul Pamphlet


    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
    Size: 8.5″ X 5.5″ 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long

    Additional Info
    Life of the Apostle Paul pamphlet
    Here are 200 fast facts at a glance about the Apostle Paul in the Bible. Includes maps of his journeys, time line, the books of the Bible he wrote, and an overview of his life. Goes perfectly with the Paul’s Journey’s: Then and Now Bible Maps (304X).

    Road to Damascus, Paul’s Conversion, Barnabas, Silas, Earthquake in the Philippian jail, and more.

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  • 12 Disciples Pamphlet


    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet
    Unfolds To 33″ Long

    Additional Info
    The Twelve Disciples pamphlet gives descriptions and details of each of Jesus’ 12 disciples. Includes facts such as name, nickname, personality and character, key verses, relationship to Jesus, strengths and weaknesses, and stories about their life, death, and ministry. Great for discussing God’s strength and forgiveness in our lives. Pamphlet fits perfectly in most Bibles.

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  • Saint John In Exile (DVD)


    Imprisoned, John, the last living disciple of Jesus’ twelve, remains full of humor, strong in spirit and obstinately spry. Through his eyes we relive the moving events in which Jesus Christ changed the course of human history.

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