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Biblical Studies

  • It Is Finished


    Now available in trade paper!

    A Publishers Weekly and ECPA Bestseller

    Across forty days of vivid storytelling, It Is Finished offers you a unique and vital roadmap to trace the power and necessity of the cross throughout the Bible, from the book of Genesis all the way to your present-day reality.

    Through forty slices of the story of Calvary, master storyteller and vivid Bible teacher Charles Martin, will walk you back to the cross to look up at it from a different angle each day and ask the Father to reveal to you:

    *What exactly did he mean when the dying Jesus said, “It is finished”–what was finished at the cross?

    *When did what Jesus finish at the cross even begin?

    *What does this man’s death 2,000 years ago have to do with me today?

    *What is God offering at the cross that I so easily forget and take for granted?

    *What do I not realize about myself that the Father God has never forgotten?

    Whether it is your first, tenth, or ten thousandth time looking up at the cross of Christ, you can trust New York Times bestselling author Charles Martin, to wrap an arm around your shoulder, come alongside and walk with you as a fellow pilgrim headed in the same direction and answering the same question: “What will I do with this man, Jesus?”

    Because before we can celebrate the resurrection, we need to backtrack to where Jesus has been, how He got there, and what His presence there accomplished. And while Satan can’t change what happened on that Friday, he has been working ever since to hide what happened there. To obscure the work of the Cross. To avert our eyes. But on this 40-day pilgrimage your eyes will open wide and your heart will race as you discover the answer to the question that can change your life, Lord, why me? Why would you endure the cross and despise the shame, for me?

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  • Your Name Is Daughter Bible Study


    Experience the confidence and joy of living as a beloved daughter of God

    When it comes to being a daughter of God, you have questions.
    How does God see women? What can a woman do or not do? What does the Bible say? What does the Church say? What does the world say?

    That’s where this study comes in.

    With beloved Bible teacher Amy Seiffert as your guide, you will search Scripture to see what God’s daughters are like, how they flounder and how they fly, and how God’s love for them never fails.

    Taking you deeper into the transformative stories and teachings in Your Name Is Daughter, this six-session guide gives you practical ways to apply biblical truths to your life, empowering you to:

    *exchange fear and doubt for confidence and faith
    *stand firm in your dignity despite feeling marginalized
    *tell a story of healing and hope through your scars

    Complete with companion teaching videos, this study is perfect for personal or group use. As you dig into Scripture, you’ll see how Jesus befriended, defended, healed, and depended upon women–and will do the same for you.

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  • What The Rabbis Know That I Never Learned In Church


    What the Rabbis Know That I Never Learned in Church is an eye-opening examination of what Christians can learn about God from the ones who call Him Adonai. Author Chaim Bentorah has spent forty years talking with, learning from, and studying with rabbis in order that Christians can experience the gospel through a new lens.

    Bentorah wades through the complexities of how Jews and Christians live, breath, and digest Scripture. Rabbis taught Bentorah that there were always new insights that could be learned from Scripture and he presents these not only through Jewish tradition and customs, but also through the importance of the Hebrew and Greek languages.

    This book will constructively challenge believers to discover the roots of Christianity from a Jewish perspective providing cultural context and insights. Come with a heart and mind prepared by the Holy Spirit to learn and live anew in God.

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  • Jesus Revealed In The End Times


    Most books about the end times focus on the events described in biblical prophecy–wars, natural disasters, economic turmoil, and more–rather than the One who is revealed in those events. The result? God’s people end up fearful about what is to come rather than hopeful about Who is to come. But the Bible’s prophecies of the last days can fill us with joy and peace as we anticipate the return and reign of our beloved savior, Jesus Christ.

    In Jesus Revealed in the End Times, bestselling author Dr. Robert Jeffress takes a radically different approach to prophecy, helping you see the end times through the lens of Jesus Christ. You’ll stop fretting about future events as you start to know Jesus more deeply, see him more clearly, and praise him more joyfully.

    By the time you finish this book, you’ll not only have a greater understanding of God’s plan for the future but also have a greater sense of calm and courage in the face of what is to come because you’ve come to know the One who controls the future.

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  • Your Name Is Daughter


    Jesus befriended, defended, healed, and depended upon women–and He will do the same for you.

    From the beginning, God created women and men equal in dignity, value, and worth. But our identity as God’s daughters has been contested, both inside and outside of the church, and we’re left wondering where we belong. Sharing stories of the unsung women of the Bible, beloved author Amy Seiffert empowers you to stand firm in your dignity as a Daughter of the King, exchanging fear and doubt for confidence and faith.

    Without you, the fullness of God’s image is incomplete. And in His Kingdom, you are seen, heard, known, and commissioned to bring His redeeming love and truth to this world.

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  • Prophets Dictionary Premium Expanded Edition (Expanded)


    The Prophet’s Dictionary by Paula Price is now a premium expanded edition. The newly updated content contains over 500 new definitions of terms and phrases in addition to over 1,600 relevant definitions of terms and phrases for the prophetic realm of Christian ministry. This premium expanded edition is an essential tool for laymen, prophesiers, pastors, intercessors, and dreamers of dreams. This all-in-one dictionary and reference book will show you how to:

    *Experience the power of the gifts of prophecy
    *Understand their operation in our modern world
    *Correctly interpret and apply God’s prophetic words
    *Distinguish between true and false prophets
    *Differentiate between spiritual and natural dreams
    *Understand God-given dreams
    *Develop your spiritual gifts

    Dr. Price exposes ancient religious seductions and how they have infiltrated movies, television, and books. Prophetic visions and clues to interpreting their symbolism, imagery, and signs are also included. People from all walks of life can benefit as this book aids in the understanding of what may be expected from prophets or the prophetic ministry. Delve deeper and you will find much more.

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  • Bible Study : A One-Year Study Of The Entire Bible And How It Relates To Yo


    New Hardcover, One-Volume Edition

    Redesigned and updated to help you understand God’s Word even better, The Bible Study is your one-year roadmap through Scripture.

    * DAILY OR WEEKLY READING PLANS provide an uncomplicated, manageable way to personalize your study of the Bible and grow as a Christian.

    * THOUGHT-PROVOKING QUESTIONS AND SPACE TO WRITE help you discover what the readings mean and apply what you’re learning to your daily life.

    * OVERVIEWS AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION for each book of the Bible provide helpful context to the big and small aspects of Scripture.

    With colorful imagery and an engaging design to propel you forward, this easy-to-use study–whether self-led or done with friends–offers a transformative way to connect deeper with God.

    Join more than 500,000 others who are learning the Bible like never before!

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  • Triumph Of Love


    One Chapter. One Monumental Chapter.

    Each volume in this new book series from bestselling author John MacArthur focuses on one great chapter of the Bible.

    In The Triumph of Love, focusing on Romans 8, we see that there is nothing that shall ever “separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom 8:39).

    Taken from the MacArthur New Testament Commentary, this book equips believers with transforming truth by explaining how the Holy Spirit:

    *Frees us from sin and death and enables us to fulfill the law
    *Changes our nature and empowers us for victory
    *Confirms our adoption
    *Guarantees our glory
    *And more

    Our salvation was secured by God’s decree from eternity past and will be held secure by Christ’s love through all future time and throughout all eternity. In Romans 8, Paul allows absolutely no exceptions in regard to the believer’s security in Christ.

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  • 10 Men Of The Bible Updated Edition


    The men depicted in the Bible were not perfect by any means. We find story after story marked by scandal, failure, and intrigue. Yet we also find many stories of men who were able to look beyond their circumstances, completely trust in the Lord, and follow Him wherever He chose to them. Like us, these men made both good and bad decisions along the way–and experienced both good and bad consequences–and we find our struggles and hopes in the pages of the Bible that tells their stories.

    In this ten-session workbook, Max Lucado tells some of his favorite stories of these men in the Bible. Stories include:

    1. Noah: When You’re Low on Hope
    2. Job: The Most Famous Conversation in the Bible
    3. Jacob: Wrestling with the Past
    4. Moses: The Voice from the Mop Bucket
    5. David: Colossal Collapses
    6. Joseph: Unanswered Questions
    7. Matthew: Friend of Flops
    8. Peter: The Gospel of the Second Chance
    9. Lazarus: The Final Witness
    10. Paul: Don’t Write Off Anyone

    Each session includes five insights on each character and Bible study questions to help you delve into the stories and apply them to your life.

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  • Challenge Of Acts


    A new and inviting introduction to the Acts of the Apostles from New Testament scholar and theologian N. T. Wright.

    Acts is a substantial book. It sits right in the middle of the New Testament, looking back to the four Gospels and ahead to the mission of the early church. It provides a framework for our understanding of the letters; but it does more than that. Acts offers a sophisticated and nuanced view of what it means to think of the gospel of Jesus, Israel’s Messiah, going out into the world over which Israel’s Messiah claims the status of Lord.

    This Christian movement and thinking, detailed in Acts, entailed confronting the wider culture of the Greek and Roman world, as well as the culture of the Jewish world, which provides us today with an important message as we ourselves face new questions about gospel and contemporary culture.

    From the renowned author of Into the Heart of Romans, N. T. Wright brings to the book of Acts his expert’s eye on theological nuance and cultural context, distilling it down into an introductory commentary, perfect for anyone looking to take their own reading a little deeper and discover the profound (and often forgotten) potential of the church and the Way of Jesus Christ.

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  • Signs And Secrets Of The Messiah


    Now available in trade paper!

    Are you or someone you love desperate for a miracle? As witnessed through Scripture, the God who was and is and is to come has been performing miracles from the beginning of time–so you can trust that Jesus wants to do something miraculous in your life today.

    In this follow-up to his book Mysteries of the Messiah, Rabbi Jason Sobel dives deep into Scripture, biblical culture, and ancient texts to help you better understand the truths and the power behind God’s miracles, and to increase your faith that Jesus can perform miracles in your life.

    By taking a deeper look at Yeshua’s miracles, Rabbi Jason reveals promises for all Christ followers based on miracles throughout Scripture:

    *Jesus takes the ordinary and turns it into something extraordinary, because He wants you to live out of His overflow (He turned water into wine).

    *Jesus wants to renew you so that He can do something new in you (He revealed to Nicodemus the miracle of rebirth).

    *You can stop wandering aimlessly or feeling stuck in your current situation, but instead experience abundant life and healing (He healed the man at the Pool of Bethesda).

    *God wants to bless you abundantly so you, in turn, can bless others and sow into His kingdom (Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish).

    As you go on this journey with Rabbi Jason, a Messianic Jew, he is praying that God will lead you to new insights and breakthroughs in your life. And as God reveals Himself to you in a fresh and powerful way, you will be filled with a sense of His presence and shalom.

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  • Triumph Of The Rising


    New book series from bestselling author John MacArthur on the great chapters of the Bible

    Taken from the MacArthur New Testament Commentary on 1 Corinthians, this book equips believers with transforming truth by explaining Paul’s treatment of the doctrine of the resurrection. Chapters include:

    *The Evidence for Christ’s Resurrection
    *The Importance of Bodily Resurrection
    *The Resurrection Plan
    *Resurrection Incentives
    *Our Resurrection Bodies
    *Victory Over Death

    In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul delivers the most extensive treatment of the resurrection in all of Scripture. As the heart pumps life-giving blood to every part of the body, so the truth of the resurrection gives life to every area of gospel truth.

    The resurrection is the pivot on which all of Christianity turns and without which none of the other truths would much matter. Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Christianity would be mere wishful thinking, taking its place alongside all other systems of human philosophy and religious speculation. Paul, however, declares that Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, therefore all who are in Christ Jesus will also be raised to life.

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  • Heaven : 20th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


    Over 1 Million Copies Sold!

    Have you ever wondered . . . ?

    *What is Heaven really going to be like?
    *What will we look like?
    *What will we do every day?
    *Won’t Heaven get boring after a while?

    We all have questions about what Heaven will be like, and after twenty-five years of extensive research, Dr. Randy Alcorn has the answers.

    In the most comprehensive and definitive book on Heaven to date, Randy invites you to picture Heaven the way Scripture describes it-a bright, vibrant, and physical New Earth, free from sin, suffering, and death, and brimming with Christ’s presence, wondrous natural beauty, and the richness of human culture as God intended it.

    This is a book about real people with real bodies enjoying close relationships with God and each other, eating, drinking, working, playing, traveling, worshiping, and discovering on a New Earth. Earth as God created it. Earth as he intended it to be.

    The next time you hear someone say, “We can’t begin to image what Heaven will be like,” you’ll be able to tell them, “I can.”

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  • Scandal Of The Kingdom


    A major new work by Dallas Willard, the highly anticipated follow-up to his seminal work The Divine Conspiracy. In this groundbreaking book based on teachings he delivered to a church community, Willard delves into the transformative power of Jesus’s parables, revealing how they show us how to live right now in the kingdom of God.

    Drawing from his extensive teachings on spiritual formation, Willard illuminates the timeless wisdom contained within each parable, revealing their profound relevance to contemporary life. With clarity and depth, he guides readers through the subversive messages embedded within these seemingly simple stories, urging us to break free from the grip of worldly values and embrace the radical teachings of Jesus.

    The Scandal of the Kingdom is not just a book–it’s a call to action. Willard challenges readers to move beyond passive acceptance of comfortable dogmas and instead to actively engage with the values of the kingdom of God. He reminds us that the kingdom is not some distant future destination but a present reality, beckoning us, as the parables of Jesus did, to live with a new purpose and intentionality in the here and now.

    Through insightful analysis and practical wisdom, Willard empowers readers to transform their lives and communities by embodying the radical love, compassion, and justice exemplified in Jesus’s parables. This book is a beacon of hope for Christians seeking to deepen their faith and live more authentically in accordance with the teachings of Christ. Willard empowers us to:

    *Become more passionate about living the gospel in the full scope of Jesus’s vision for us
    *Better share the faith of Jesus with those disillusioned with Christianity
    *Unlock the excitement of living in the upside-down kingdom of God
    *Share the gospel of Jesus in the way he did

    A significant new resource for Christians worldwide, this book offers a road map for spiritual growth and renewal in an increasingly complex and challenging world. With its profound insights and transformative message, it is destined to leave a lasting impact on the hearts and minds of believers everywhere.

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  • Great Disappearance : 31 Ways To Be Rapture Ready


    Now available in trade paper!

    An Instant Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly Bestseller

    The rapture is the central event in biblical prophecy. But what does it mean for us today? How can this crucial end times event draw us nearer to God in a world that is seemingly on the brink of chaos? Political turmoil, economic uncertainty, an ideological divide that feels increasingly impassable–the signs of the times point us toward the end, and that can be disconcerting.

    But the greatest truth about the rapture is not its timing, but its reality–for blessed are all who long for His appearing.

    The Great Disappearance is a culmination of decades of Dr. Jeremiah studying end times throughout the Bible. In this definitive volume he will explain the meaning of the word rapture, the difference between the rapture and the second coming, and the joy of expecting our Savior to come at any given moment. Dr. Jeremiah will also explore key questions such as:

    *Who will be raptured?
    *When will it happen?
    *What will happen to those left behind?
    *What will believers experience when they are taken away to heaven?
    *Will non-believers still have time to repent and be saved?

    Dr. Jeremiah seeks to answer all of those questions and many more, not with sensationalism or stories ripped from the headlines but with solid, biblical truth. Because God has laid out His plan for us in His Word so that we might not be caught unaware. We may not know the exact date that the rapture will happen, but we do know it will happen. Are you ready for it?

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  • Grandes Personajes De La Bibli – (Spanish)


    Grandes personajes de la Biblia es un estudio de 52 lecciones de 61 personajes de la Biblia que no fueron tan diferentes a nosotros. Experimentaron batallas, sufrimiento, exitos y fracasos. Batallaron contra el temor, la duda y la preocupacion, pero tambien dieron testimonio de como la poderosa mano de Dios se movia a lo largo de los siglos estableciendo su voluntad por medio de las vidas de personas como tu y como yo.

    Dios escogio ensear sus principios espirituales por medio de los exitos y los fracasos de su pueblo. Colocarnos al lado de estos hombres y mujeres de la Biblia nos ayudara a caminar mas cerca de Dios, quien incluyo sus historias en su Palabra especialmente para ensearnos, para inspirarnos, y para guiarnos e instruirnos. Al adentrarnos en sus victorias y derrotas, descubriremos que cada persona fue escogida por Dios para cumplir un proposito. Al estudiar sus vidas, veremos como el Espiritu Santo nos equipa y capacita para un mayor servicio.

    God chose to teach His spiritual principles through the successes and failures of His people.

    Great Characters of the Bible is a 52-lesson study of 61 Bible characters who were not all that different from us. They experienced struggles, heartaches, successes, and failures. They battled fear, doubt, and worry. But they also give testimony to God’s mighty hand moving through the ages, establishing His will through the lives of people like you and me.
    Standing beside these men and women of the Bible will help you walk closer with God, who included their stories in His Word especially to teach you, to inspire you, and to guide and instruct you. As you share in their victories and defeats, you’ll discover how each person was selected by God to fulfill a purpose. By studying them, you will see how the Holy Spirit equips and empowers you for greater service.

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  • Grow To Love Gods Word


    Here are 150 simple and encouraging Bible studies that are doable in about 5 minutes!

    Do you find it hard to make time for Bible study? You intend to do it, but before you know it, another week has passed and you haven’t picked up God’s Word. This book provides simple tools for you to open the Bible every day and dig into God’s Word–even if you only have five minutes!

    *Minutes 1-2: Read a few verses pulled from a lengthier passage. If time allows, read the full passage listed for you in each Bible study.

    *Minute 3: Understand. Ponder thoughtful questions designed to help you apply the verses from the Bible to your own life. Consider these throughout your day as well.

    *Minute 4: Apply. Read a brief devotional based on the scripture you read. Think about what you are learning and how you can apply the scriptural truths to your own life.

    *Minute 5: Pray. A prayer starter will help you to begin a time of conversation with God.

    Grow to Love God’s Word will help you establish the discipline of consistent study of God’s Word. You will find that even five minutes focused on scripture and prayer has the power to make a huge difference in your daily life. Soon you will be making time for more!

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  • Finish Line Faith


    A Call to Finish Well

    We all want to give up sometimes. But following Christ is a marathon, not a sprint. The apostle Paul knew this better than most. In the letter we now call 2 Timothy, Paul offers timely advice to a seemingly overwhelmed disciple. These words have encouraged generations of Christians to endure despite overwhelming pressure.

    Matt Proctor, a seasoned Bible scholar and well-known college president, unpacks this important book of the Bible in Finish Line Faith, the first book in the Everyday Exposition Series from OCC Press. Proctor draws on his own experience leading churches and a deep knowledge of God’s Word to help Christians realize the biblical and practical applications of Paul’s exhortations.

    Each of the twelve chapters includes discussion questions to help individuals or groups gain a deeper understanding of this important letter and God’s work in their own stories. We all might feel overwhelmed at times, but we can endure with the reinvigorating power of Christ.

    The Everyday Exposition series by OCC Press offers books that guide readers through the Bible book by book and are great for personal or small group study. While not traditional commentaries, these concise books are faithful to the text of the Bible, highly readable, and applicable to every believer.

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  • Fallen Angels Giants Monsters And The World Before The Flood


    Do You Have Questions About the World Before the Flood?

    Does the Bible Really Explain the ‘Unexplainable’?

    Are we really living “in the days of Noah” as some prophets have said?

    How are the events of Noah’s Ark and the Flood relevant to the last days?

    Are rebellious, fallen angels masquerading as aliens and UFOs today?

    In this book, Rick Renner — historian and Bible teacher with extensive knowledge of New Testament Greek — clears up some rampant erroneous theories while uncovering brand-new revelations from the Bible. He uses archaeological findings, the writings of Church fathers, trusted historical documents, and Scripture to answer these and other questions, such as:

    *When was the first recorded rapture? What does it tell us about the rapture of the Church?

    *Are the “sons of God” in Genesis and the fallen angels the same thing?

    *Who were the watchers God assigned to guard mankind after the Fall?

    *Was Methuselah’s life a prophetic demonstration of God’s longsuffering that preceded judgment?

    *What did God’s promise of “120 years” really mean?

    *Where is Noah’s Ark today? And why did God save only Noah and his family?

    *Are there any consequences of unholy living today?

    Using photos from his own expeditions in the lower Ararat mountains — along with other empirical evidence of the Ark’s location — Rick captivates readers in this book and brings the Bible to life concerning this favorite childhood story. Containing hundreds of photos, illustrations, and endnotes, Fallen Angels, Giants, Monsters, and the World Before the Flood is “a museum in a book” and a must-have edition to refreshand refire your walk with God!

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  • Names Of God Devotional Study With Video Access


    Get refreshed and equipped with seven powerful names of God in this highly engaging and interactive devotional study (with FREE guided video content from the author) ! Packed with fresh insights, word studies, cultural context, thought-provoking reflections, and practical action steps, these studies will give you a solid understanding of God’s character so you can find peace and hope amidst life’s toughest moments.

    Our world is a scary place. Focusing on the chaos can paralyze us with fear, but instead, we can anchor ourselves in the truth of who God is, and live unafraid. The Living Unafraid devotional study will help you build an unshakeable foundation of trust in God by empowering you with God’s character as revealed through his names in Scripture. Each of the seven chapters in this devotional study book explores:

    *A powerful name of God (including pronunciation, scripture reference, translation, prayer, and a word study)

    *FREE accompanying video insights, accessible online (optional)

    *Key background information, in-depth overviews, and cultural context

    *Fresh insights, practical action steps, and eye-opening reflections questions

    *And so much more!

    How to Use the Names of God Living Unafraid Book & Video Study

    Whether you’re looking to refresh and energize your faith or seeking support and hope in a season of suffering, Living Unafraid has something for everyone within its rich studies.

    *Read this book, with a small group or a book club, or by inviting a friend to study with you one-on-one.

    *Read one session per sitting and then complete the study questions.

    *Dive into the FREE (optional) author insights video included in each chapter.

    *Meet with your group, share an ‘aha moment’ you experienced while reading the session, and then learn from one another’s insights as you share answers to the questions.

    Each session also ends with a prayer you can speak aloud so that its life-giving words nourish your soul. Then expect God to answer.

    Unpacking Seven of God’s Names in Living Unafraid

    God’s names describe who he is, revealing his holy nature, steadfast promises, unwavering protection, and fierce love. Living Unafraid equips you with the meanings behind seven of God’s names to help you overcome fears and life’s challenges:

    *Yahweh–“I am who I am.” God is self-existent and yet desires relationship.
    *Yahweh Tzidkenu–The Lord Is Our Righteousness. Jesus has redeemed us.
    *Yahweh Rohi–The Lord Is My Shepherd

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  • Exploring The Mind Of God


    God’s Thoughts Toward You Are Filled with Love

    Exploring the Mind of God reveals the thoughts and plans of our Creator-Father as revealed in the deeper meanings of Hebrew words in Scripture, with reflections on related Greek and Aramaic terms as well.

    Hebrew teacher Chaim Bentorah highlights both Old and New Testament passages that reveal the loving nature of God, as opposed to the vindictive nature that is commonly portrayed.

    Chaim says, “The foremost thought that expresses the mind of God toward humanity is His love for us in Christ Jesus.”

    Each of the sixty devotional readings features a specific passage of Scripture, followed by an investigation of key words in the original languages, all pointing to the eternal purposes of our loving heavenly Father. Use as an inspiring daily devotional that will draw you closer to the Lord, a deeper word study into biblical Hebrew, or both.

    You don’t even have to be familiar with a word of Hebrew to be greatly blessed by these insights. Chaim opens up the biblical passages while ultimately pointing us to enter more fully into a loving relationship with our Lord.

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  • Navigating Tough Texts Volume 2


    A guide for reading and understanding difficult New Testament verses

    *Does Matthew 5:34 say that oath-taking is wrong?
    *What does 1 Corinthians 10:23 mean by “everything is permissible”?
    *Who were the angels that “abandoned their role” in Jude 6?
    *What are the thousand years of Revelation 20:4?

    While the core message of the New Testament is clear, we often encounter puzzling, alarming, or confusing sections when we get into the details. In this second volume of Navigating Tough Texts, Murray J. Harris concisely considers more than eighty tricky passages in the New Testament. He shows how these texts offer insights with implications for theology, apologetics, mission, and the Christian life.

    Navigating Tough Texts, Volume 2 is a sure guide for pastors, students, and curious Christians who want to be better readers of the tough passages in the Bible.

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  • Conquerors Not Captives


    *Discover good news for the Christian life
    *Understand how Christ has defeated sin’s power
    *Identify the “wretch” in Romans 7

    Is the Christian battle against sin a long defeat?

    In Conquerors, Not Captives, Joseph R. Dodson and Mattie Mae Motl challenge the popular view that Romans 7:14-25 describes the typical Christian battle against sin. The “wretched man” of Romans 7 seems unable to do what God’s law demands and, for many Christians, his inner conflict and turmoil seem all too relatable. But are we impotent before sin and powerless to do good? When we reexamine Romans 7 in light of Paul’s writings elsewhere and his interpreters throughout church history, we encounter better news.

    Conquerors, Not Captives is an accessible and thoughtful study that rebukes our gloomy expectations and invites us to take seriously the Bible’s assurances that the Holy Spirit frees us from sin’s power.

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  • Discovering Daniel : Finding Our Hope In God’s Prophetic Plan Amid Global C


    Our Lives and the Future Are in His Hands

    While the world appears to be in dire straits, the book of Daniel paints a vivid picture of the many ways God guides our lives and world events, providing us with great reason to hope.

    Using the same deep but easy-to-understand style found in his standout seller Revealing Revelation, bestselling author Amir Tsarfati reveals how Daniel’s prophecies–and his unwavering faith amid a contentious culture–provide vital insights for living out these last days with hope and wisdom. As you explore the deep connection between Daniel and Revelation, you will learn how:

    *2,500 years of future history unfolded exactly the way God said it would, demonstrating how all things are in His hands

    *prophetic mysteries in Daniel reveal crucial insights into the signs, timeline, and events of the last days

    *God’s ability to use Daniel’s faith in powerful ways shows how He can work through us too

    Discovering Daniel reveals how the words, actions, and visions of the prophet Daniel can provide you with purpose and hope in today’s chaotic world, encouraging you to live with confidence in God’s supreme sovereignty and love in the time we have left on this earth.

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  • Leamos Los Evangelios – (Spanish)


    La autora mas vendida del New York Times, Annie F. Downs, sabe por experiencia personal que cuando empiezas a leer los Evangelios, ellos empiezan a cambiar tu vida. Como un experimento, leyo los cuatro evangelios: Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan, en 30 dias. Cuando termino, tomo otra traduccion de la Biblia e hizo lo mismo, una y otra vez. De repente se dio cuenta de que no podia guardarse esta experiencia para ella y nacio el podcast “Let’s Read the Gospels” (Leamos los Evangelios). Annie quiere que tengas el mismo cambio de vida al experimentar la lectura de los Evangelios como ella lo hizo. Esta guia diaria te lo facilita porque:

    *te muestra que leer ese dia
    *ofrece preguntas para pensar y escribir un diario
    *puedes utilizarlo una y otra vez, tantas veces como quieras

    Unete a esta creciente comunidad de personas que estan viendo cambiar sus vidas, actitudes y relaciones a medida que se sumergen en la historia de Jesus.

    New York Times bestselling author Annie F. Downs knows from personal experience that when you start to read the Gospels, they start to change your life. As an experiment, she read all four Gospels–Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John–in 30 days. When she finished, she picked up another translation of the Bible and did it again. And again. Suddenly she realized she couldn’t keep this experience to herself, and the “Let’s Read the Gospels” podcast was born. Annie wants you to have the same life-changing experience reading the Gospels as she has, and with this guided journal, she makes it even easier. Each of the 30 entries:

    *Shows you what to read on that day
    *Offers questions to think about and journal through
    *Can be used again and again, as many times as you go through the Gospels

    Join this growing community of people who are seeing their lives, attitudes, and relationships change as they immerse themselves in the story of Jesus.

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  • Knowing El Kanna Our Jealous God


    In Knowing El Kanna: Our Jealous God, renowned author Charles Simpson explores the lesser-known name of God, El Kanna, translated as The Jealous God.

    While the notion of jealousy is often associated with sin, Simpson reveals how God’s jealousy over His people can be a righteous and transformative force. Drawing from biblical teachings, Simpson unravels the connection between idol worship and the jealousy of God. He highlights how idolatry, which extends beyond physical objects to encompass desires that supersede our devotion to God, grieves His heart. As the New Testament expands the definition of idolatry to include covetousness, Simpson empowers readers to identify and overcome the idols that hinder their relationship with the Almighty.

    Knowing El Kanna not only exposes the idols in our lives but also provides practical guidance on how to free ourselves from their grip once and for all. With a deeply personal touch, Simpson parallels his own journey of overcoming idols with the nation of Israel’s historical struggles, taking readers on a transformative exploration from Genesis through Revelation.

    Rooted in the timeless truths of God’s Word, this book offers hope and encouragement to those seeking to align their lives with His heart. By viewing their lives through the lens of Scripture, readers will discover the freedom and fulfillment that come from a life liberated from idols.

    If you are yearning to become a person after God’s own heart and are willing to embark on a life-changing journey, Knowing El Kanna: Our Jealous God is an invaluable resource. Prepare to be inspired, challenged, and equipped to walk an idol-free path, experiencing the fullness of a restored relationship with the One who loves you unconditionally.

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  • God Cares Enough


    In God Cares Enough: The Message of Jonah, author L. Edward Hazelbaker delves into the central theme of God’s boundless care for both His followers and His enemies, extending to all of Creation.

    Through the story of Jonah, Hazelbaker explores the depth of God’s love and His relentless pursuit of reconciliation. Jonah, a man who had previously experienced a close relationship with God and had been an instrument of His will, is called to a new and challenging task by the Lord. Reluctant and resistant, Jonah chooses to reject this divine calling, setting in motion a captivating series of events.

    Hazelbaker highlights the fascinating dynamic between God’s response to Jonah’s disobedience and his misconceptions and ungodly attitudes. Through Jonah’s story, readers gain insight into the fact that even God’s chosen and redeemed children can possess flawed understandings, emotions, and beliefs that deviate from His will.

    This book powerfully demonstrates that God goes to great lengths to address and transform these ungodly attitudes in His people. Within the pages of God Cares Enough readers not only witness the Lord’s dealings with Jonah but also uncover God’s genuine emotions and His intentions for His followers and the future of the world.

    Through Jonah’s journey, the author provides profound lessons that remind us of God’s compassion, mercy, and the transformative power of obedience. If you desire to discover the depths of God’s care and uncover the profound messages embedded in the story of Jonah, this book is an essential read. Prepare to be challenged, inspired, and transformed as you embark on this captivating exploration of God’s unwavering love for His creation.

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  • Promised Davidic King


    Reading psalms in context

    The Psalter is a carefully edited work, skillfully arranged to communicate a theological message. The Promised Davidic King is a case study of how a single psalm shapes-and is shaped by-its context in the Psalter. Wyatt A. Graham argues that Psalm 108 plays a guiding role in Book V (Pss 107-150). Following Israel’s return from exile in Psalm 107, Psalm 108 introduces the eschatological King and kingdom further developed in Psalms 109-110. Psalm 108 repurposes Psalms 57 and 60, which in this location, take on renewed meaning in the Psalter’s unfolding story of redemption.

    Graham’s study of Psalm 108 gives insight into the meaning of the Psalms and displays the benefits of reading psalms in their context.

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  • In This Way We Came To Rome


    Reconstructing Paul’s journey to Rome, day by day

    In This Way We Came to Rome: With Paul on the Appian Way guides readers along Paul’s 150-mile journey to face trial before the Roman emperor (Acts 28). Authors Glen L. Thompson and Mark Wilson draw from both ancient records and modern research to offer the most complete account available of Paul’s journey along the ancient world’s most famous road–the Appian Way. In addition to geographical and historical insights, the authors provide numerous images, maps, and GPS coordinates, allowing the reader to experience Paul’s journey and better understand the ancient world in which he spread the gospel.

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  • New Song : Biblical Hebrew Poetry As Jewish And Christian Scripture


    The fresh riches of biblical poetry for communities of faith

    A New Song includes nine essays on the hidden intricacies of poetry in the Hebrew Bible, ten original poems in dialogue with biblical poetry, and three reflective responses.

    *On Reading Genesis 49: How Hebrew Poetry Communicates Then and Now (John Goldingay)

    *Shirat Ha-Yam (the Song of the Sea) in Jewish and Christian Liturgical Tradition (C.T.R. Hayward)

    *Hannah’s Prayer (1 Samuel 2:1-10): On the Interface of Poetics and Ethics in an Embedded Poem (David G. Firth)

    *Bending the Silence: Reading Psalms through the Arts (Ellen F. Davis)

    *Psalms “Translated” for Life in the 21st Century – A South African perspective (June F. Dickie)

    *Prosody and Preaching: Poetic Form and Religious Function in Biblical Verse (Benjamin D. Sommer)

    *”With Fists Flailing at the Gates of Heaven” Wrestling with Psalm 88, A Psalm for Chronic Illness (Shai Held)

    *Truth and Hidden Things: Reading Isaiah 45:9-25 as Scripture (Katie M. Heffelfinger)

    *The Dynamic Relationship between God and Man in the Book of Hosea: A Dynamic – Synchronic Reading (Yisca Zimran)

    *Original poems by Maria Apichella, Kilby Austin, Edward Clarke, Jacqueline Osherow, Micheal O’Siadhail, Richard G. Rohlfing Jr., and Jock Stein.

    Edited by Stephen D. Campbell, Richard G. Rohlfing Jr., and Richard S. Briggs, A New Song brings together a diverse roster of Jewish and Christian scholars to explore biblical Hebrew poetic texts within the context–and for the benefit–of communities of faith. These thoughtful essays and poems encourage readers to join in the singing of the old songs anew.

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  • Rediscovering Israel : A Fresh Look At God’s Story In Its Historical And Cu


    See the Bible through a New Lens, from Beginning to End

    In Rediscovering Israel, you will experience the living God and His Word as never before! Bestselling author and professor Kristi McLelland invites you to explore the biblical narrative in the historical, cultural, geographic, and linguistic contexts in which it was written. As you do so, you will:

    *experience Scripture as a timeless, transformational Story demonstrating God’s love and faithfulness

    *string biblical pearls to encounter the Bible as one cohesive storyline rather than a book of stand-alone accounts

    *celebrate the richness of Scripture while discovering unique cultural idioms and customs

    *share in the joys, curiosities, and insights gained through Kristi’s adventures in Israel

    Whether you are preparing for pilgrimage to Israel or you desire to experience a fresh encounter with Scripture, Rediscovering Israel offers a welcome blend of biblical truth, faithful research, and personal reflections that will enrich your interactions with God’s Word.

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  • Old Testament Handbook Charcoal


    Immerse yourself in the Old Testament Handbook, an elegant, full-color Bible handbook that includes robust summary content, charts, maps, word studies, illustrations, and more for every Old Testament book of the Bible. Constructed with high-quality cloth cover materials and a sewn binding, the Old Testament Handbook is designed to last a lifetime as a valuable companion resource for Bible study, teaching, and ongoing discipleship.

    *High-quality, foil-stamped cloth cover materials and sewn binding meant to last a lifetime
    *Elegant full-color interior design, including maps, charts, illustrations, and other visual helps for every book of the Old Testament

    *More than 75 in-depth Word Studies of key words found in each Old Testament book

    *Two ribbon markers for easy referencing between pages during study, teaching, or sharing

    The Old Testament Handbook features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible(R) (CSB). The CSB captures the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others.

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  • Great Disappearance : 31 Ways To Be Rapture Ready


    The rapture is the central event in biblical prophecy. But what does it mean for us today? How can this crucial end times event draw us nearer to God in a world that is seemingly on the brink of chaos? Political turmoil, economic uncertainty, an ideological divide that feels increasingly impassable–the signs of the times point us toward the end, and that can be disconcerting.

    But the greatest truth about the rapture is not its timing, but its reality–for blessed are all who long for His appearing.

    The Great Disappearance is a culmination of decades of Dr. Jeremiah studying end times throughout the Bible. In this definitive volume he will explain the meaning of the word rapture, the difference between the rapture and the second coming, and the joy of expecting our Savior to come at any given moment. Dr. Jeremiah will also explore key questions such as:

    *Who will be raptured?
    *When will it happen?
    *What will happen to those left behind?
    *What will believers experience when they are taken away to heaven?
    *Will non-believers still have time to repent and be saved?

    Dr. Jeremiah seeks to answer all of those questions and many more, not with sensationalism or stories ripped from the headlines but with solid, biblical truth. Because God has laid out His plan for us in His Word so that we might not be caught unaware. We may not know the exact date that the rapture will happen, but we do know it will happen. Are you ready for it?

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  • Doce Tribus De Israel Folleto – (Spanish)


    Este sencillo panorama general de las doce tribus de Israel pone a su alcance el simbolo, el significado, la historia, la ubicacion y otros hechos fascinantes de cada tribu. Profundice el estudio de personajes biblicos desde Moises (de la tribuo de Levi) hasta el apostol Pablo (de la tribu de Benjamin) y haga conexiones en cuanto a su ascendencia. Descubra las batallas, las controversias y los escandalos que impactaron a cada tribu. Aprenda que personajes importantes de la Biblia provienen de cada tribu de Israel.

    El resumen de cada tribu incluye:

    *Panorama general de su historia familiar, tamao, ubicacion y hechos importantes
    *Imagen del simbolo de la tribu y su significado
    *Resumen sencillo de la bendicion de Jacob, la bendicion de Moises y otros eventos clave relacionados con cada tribu

    Repleto de ayudas visuales para ayudarle a ver informacion clave en un vistazo:

    *Linea de tiempo que muestra eventos clave, comenzando con la jornada de Abraham desde Haran

    *Mapa a color que muestra como la Tierra Prometida fue dividida entre las doce tribus segun su herencia

    *Arbol familiar de Jacob (Israel)

    *Diagrama del tabernaculo que muestra donde acampaba cada tribu alrededor del tabernaculo

    This simple overview of the twelve tribes of Israel shows each tribe’s symbol, meaning, history, location, and other fascinating facts at a glance. Enrich any study of people in the Bible from Moses (from the tribe of Levi) to the Apostle Paul (from the tribe of Benjamin) and make the “backstory” connections to their ancestry. Find out the major battles, controversies, and scandals that impacted each tribe. Learn which important Bible people came from each tribe of Israel.

    Each tribe’s summary includes:

    *Quick overview of family history, size, location, and notable facts
    *Picture of the tribe’s symbol and its meaning
    *Simple summary of Jacob’s blessing, Moses’ blessing, and other key events related to each tribe

    Packed with visual aids to help you see key information at a glance:

    *Timeline showing key events starting with Abraham’s journey from Haran

    *Color-coded map showing how the Promised Land was divided among the twelve tribes according to their inheritance

    *Family tree of Jacob (Israel)

    *Tabernacle diagram showing where each of the twelve tribes encamped around the tabernacle

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  • Can I Borrow A Cup Of Hope


    When the pain and problems of life barge in, hopes and dreams run out. In these uncertain seasons of personal crisis, national chaos, and global catastrophe, it’s easy to wonder if life will ever be anything but sorrow and despair.

    The apostle Peter knows exactly what it’s like when hope is gone. He watched as the Messiah was arrested, crucified, and buried. And Peter himself failed almost every test of his faith, even with Christ right in front of him. But he also knows that God is faithful and true, carrying us through our harshest suffering and redeeming our heaviest regrets. Bible teacher, author, and speaker Amy Lively dives into Peter’s first epistle, a short letter with a lot of power, to light the way for today’s struggling Christian. In this daily Bible study, she guides readers through the beautiful story of Peter and shows how he embodies the way to set our hope fully in Christ alone. With gentle honesty and a touch of helpful humor, Amy helps readers understand that when it feels like the end of the world to them, it’s just the beginning of the power of Jesus.

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  • Book Of Revelation Made Easy


    Often considered the most complicated book in the New Testament, Revelation has proven to be an interesting challenge to scholars and lay readers alike. Its apocalyptic imagery and prophetic messages of judgment, salvation, and final redemption have captured the imagination of the church for two thousand years, giving rise to differing interpretations and confusion among Christians. Book of Revelation Made Easy presents these viewpoints in easy-to-follow charts, offering a framework for understanding how this important, final book of the canon has been historically understood. Topics include:

    *The Seven Churches: their historical context and modern-day application

    *Chart explaining four views on the book of Revelation: (1) Futurist, (2) Historicist, (3) Idealist, (4) Preterist

    *Chart exploring four views on the Millennium: (1) Dispensational Premillennialism, (2) Historical Premillennialism, (3) Amillennialism, (4) Postmillennialism

    *Helpful summaries of Revelation’s “sevens”: 7 churches, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 symbolic histories, 7 bowls, 7 judgments, 7 visions

    These helpful explanations and comparison charts will remove the guesswork for readers who want to make sense of the many perspectives on Revelation. Regardless of interpretation, however, Revelation’s message assures Christians of God’s ultimate victory over the powers of evil and death. Explore the who, what, when, and why of Revelation in an easy-to-read format that translates complexity into clarity.

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  • Apocalypse Of John Among Its Critics


    Should Christians be embarrassed by the book of Revelation?

    The Revelation of John has long confused and disturbed readers. The Apocalypse of John among Its Critics confronts the book’s difficulties. Leading experts in Revelation wrestle honestly with a question raised by critics:

    *Should John’s Apocalypse be in the canon? (Alan S. Bandy)
    *Was John intentionally confusing? (Ian Paul)
    *Was John a bully? (Alexander E. Stewart)
    *Did John delight in violence? (Dana M. Harris)
    *Was John a chauvinist? (Kulli Toniste)
    *Was John intolerant to others? (Michael Naylor)
    *Was John antisemitic? (Rob Dalrymple)
    *Did John make things up about the future? (Dave Mathewson)
    *Did John advocate political subversion? (Mark Wilson)
    *Did John misuse the Old Testament? (G.K. Beale)

    Engaging deeply with Revelation’s difficulties helps the reader understand the book’s message?and respond rightly. The book of Revelation does not need to be avoided or suppressed. It contains words of life.

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  • Gods Israel And The Israel Of God


    Paul and Jewish identity after Christ

    Paul believed Israel’s Messiah had come. But what does this mean for Israel? Debate rages over Paul and supersessionism: the question of whether–and if so, to what extent–the new covenant in Christ replaces God’s old covenant with Israel. Discussion of supersessionism carries much historical, theological, and political baggage, complicating attempts at dialogue.

    God’s Israel and the Israel of God: Paul and Supersessionism pursues fruitful discussion by listening to a variety of perspectives. Scot McKnight, Michael F. Bird, and Ben Witherington III consider supersessionism from political, biblical, and historical angles, each concluding that if Paul believed Jesus was Israel’s Messiah, then some degree of supersessionism is unavoidable. Lynn H. Cohick, David J. Rudolph, Janelle Peters, and Ronald Charles respond to the opening essays and offer their own perspectives.

    Readers of God’s Israel and the Israel of God will gain a broader understanding of the debate, its key texts, and the factors that shaped Paul’s view of Israel.

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  • 50 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know Pamphlet


    Amen! We often end our prayers with this ancient Hebrew word, but what does it really mean? Shalom, another common Hebrew word, is usually translated as “peace,” yet it infers so much more!

    50 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know is a treasure trove of information that helps readers explore the Hebrew meaning of important words in the Old Testament. Straightforward and accessible, this reference pamphlet and Bible-study aid offers the basics in each entry: English transliteration and Hebrew spelling, a key Scripture, pronunciation and definition, a short explanation, and relevant Scripture references.

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  • Conozca Los Libros De La Bibli – (Spanish)


    Conozca los libros de la Biblia es una guia concisa y facil de entender que brinda una vision general y util de cada libro de la Biblia. Lleno de revelacion prometedora, detalla el entorno, la autoria, el resumen, el esquema, la linea de tiempo, el significado, el mensaje y pensamientos sobre lo que hace que cada uno de los 66 libros sea unico. !Es un recurso fantastico para individuos de cualquier edad u origen y para ministerios!

    Get to Know the Books of the Bible is a concise and easy-to-understand guide that provides a helpful and memorable overview of each book of the Bible. Packed with promising insights, it details the setting, authorship, summary, outline, timeline, meaning, message, and thoughts on what makes all 66 books unique. It’s a fantastic resource for individuals of any age and background-and for ministries!

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  • Reading The Psalms Theologically


    Reading the Psalms Theologically presents rich biblical-theological studies on the Psalter. The essays interpret the Psalms as a carefully-composed book. Each study focuses on a biblical or theological topic, drawing insights from past interpreters and current scholarship.

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  • 40 Days Through Bible Prophecy


    A 40-Day Crash Course on One of the Bible’s Biggest Topics

    From bestselling prophecy author Ron Rhodes comes 40 Days Through Bible Prophecy: a succinct, unsensationalized survey of what God has made known through His Word about our future. No matter what your background with prophecy, this Bible study primes you to understand-or rediscover-how prophetic Scripture impacts your life today!

    As you read, you’ll learn the timeline of the key events that are to come and how you can apply this knowledge to your walk with Christ. You’ll also find:

    *all the major themes of Bible prophecy, including the rapture, the tribulation, the second coming, the millennial kingdom, and beyond

    *biographical sketches of key prophecy personalities, like the antichrist and the false prophet

    *special “Big Ideas” and “Transformational Truths” sections that help you better retain what you learn

    In the book of Revelation, God promises that studying prophecy will yield blessings to every believer! 40 Days Through Bible Prophecy is an approachable, user-friendly way to understand what Bible prophecy encompasses and how it applies to your faith.

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  • Asking Better Questions Of The Bible


    Too often when we come to the Bible, we settle for easy answers. We move quickly toward the allure of resolution. But when we ask the questions the Bible is asking, we will do these things instead:

    *understand the Eastern perspective of words, numbers, and core principles like eternal life, truth, sin, and faith

    recognize the literary devices and the reclamation of stories used in the Torah

    read the historical books both as inspiration and as cautionary tales

    interpret the distinct genres in Wisdom Literature, such as psalms and proverbs

    *decipher the unique elements of prophetic literature

    *perceive the often tongue-in-cheek nature of the Gospel accounts

    *view the New Testament letters as inspired, authoritative interpretation of the story of God

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  • Ransom For Many


    Not to be served, but to serve

    Unlike the Gospels of Luke and John, Mark’s Gospel never explicitly reveals any authorial intent. In A Ransom for Many, John J. R. Lee and Daniel Brueske identify Mark 10:45 as the heart of Mark’s Gospel. This single verse is the pivot point of Mark’s structure, themes, and message. Mark 10:45 is the key that unlocks the Gospel’s unique focus on true discipleship. Learn how Jesus’s faithfulness is both a summons and pattern for all who carry their cross and follow him.

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  • Pauls Thorn In The Flesh


    Paul’s enigmatic “thorn in the flesh” in 2 Corinthians has baffled interpreters for centuries. Many offer suggestions as to the identity of Satan’s messenger; others despair that the puzzle is unsolvable. In Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh: New Clues for an Old Problem, Kenneth Berding reopens the case. He follows a trail of clues that includes ancient beliefs about curses, hints in Paul’s letters, similarities with Jesus’s suffering, and the attempts of the earliest Christian interpreters. Berding offers twenty criteria-some familiar, others neglected-that any proposals must explain. While the usual suspects fall short, Berding suggests a new solution-one that satisfies all the evidence and gives us a fuller view of Paul. Far from an abstract puzzle, Paul’s own suffering is relevant to Christians today, including Berding’s own health struggles.

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  • Lexham Old Testament Apocrypha


    A modern translation with introductions by David A. deSilva.

    The Lexham Old Testament Apocrypha includes:

    *Tobit (Vaticanus and Sinaiticus)


    *Greek Esther (Greek)

    *Wisdom of Solomon

    *Wisdom of Sirach


    *Letter of Jeremiah

    *the additions to Daniel (Old Greek and Theodotion), including the Prayer of Azariah, Susanna, and Bel and the Dragon

    *1-4 Maccabees

    *1-2 Esdras

    *the Prayer of Manasseh

    *Psalm 151

    *Psalms of Solomon

    *Greek 1 Enoch

    Beautifully typeset in a single-column format, the Lexham Old Testament Apocrypha provides a literal and contemporary translation for modern readers. David A. deSilva briefly introduces each book, providing context and insight. This volume includes works typically omitted from other editions of the Apocrypha, such as the Psalms of Solomon, the Greek text of Enoch, and multiple versions of Tobit and the additions to Daniel.

    The Apocrypha has been highly esteemed throughout history. While its canonical status is disputed, it has been embraced by Christians over centuries for personal study, devotion, and worship. The diverse writings in the Apocrypha contain biblical and post-biblical history, historical fiction, wisdom, and liturgy. These books shed light on Second Temple (intertestamental) Judaism and the New Testament, and they continue to inspire readers today.

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  • Father And His Family


    There are two great questions that we all must eventually ask:

    *Why were we born?
    *What must we do to inherit eternal life?

    Legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon tackles these questions head-on as he explains why God created us and what He has done to ensure our place at His side in The Father and His Family: The Story of Our Redemption.

    Mankind was never created on a whim. Instead, we were destined to be the Father’s beloved children before the foundation of the world. When we fell, God created a way to bring us back to Himself.

    “The entire plan of redemption is a revelation of the heart hunger and loneliness of the great Father God,” Kenyon says. “Christianity is not a religion; it is a family, a Father and His children.”

    God gave Adam dominion and authority over the earth, which man squandered by questioning the Lord and disobeying him. In this manner, Adam turned over his rights to Satan.

    “When he turned that vast kingdom over into the hands of Satan, it was a legal transference,” Kenyon explains. “It was so legal that God was obliged to recognize its legality, and the only way that God could meet the issue was to send His beloved Son down out of heaven to suffer the penalty of Adam’s transgression.”

    Presenting profound truths simply yet eloquently, Kenyon covers the reason for creation, man’s treason, the dominion of death, man’s need for a mediator, the family of God, and related topics.

    Gain a greater understanding of God’s Word, His love for you, and your rights as His beloved child.

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  • Reading The Book Of The 12 Minor Prophets


    The promise and peril in reading the Minor Prophets.

    Reading the Book of the Twelve Minor Prophets confronts the unique challenges presented by this daunting section of the Old Testament.

    *On Reading the Twelve Minor Prophets (David G. Firth and Brittany N. Melton)

    *Hosea: Marriage, Violence, and Yahweh’s Lament (Isabelle M. Hamley)

    *Reading Joel within and without the Book of the Twelve (Tchavdar S. Hadjiev)

    *The Use and Abuse of Technology: Habakkuk’s Ancient Critique in a Modern World (Heath A. Thomas)

    *Luther’s Lectures on Habakkuk as an Example of Participatory Exegesis (Thomas Renz)

    *Perspectives on Theodicy in Habakkuk and Malachi vis-a-vis Job (S. D. Snyman)

    *The New Covenant in the Book of the Twelve (Anthony R. Petterson)

    *Filled, Empowered, Dwelling, Trembling, and Fleeing: Mapping God’s Spirit and Presence in the Book of the Twelve (Beth M. Stovell)

    *Furry, Feathery, and Fishy Friends?and Insects?in the Book of the Twelve (Julie Woods)

    *Twelve Books, One Theology? (John Goldingay)

    Authors from a variety of perspectives consider questions about hermeneutics and composition, reception history, theodicy, metaphors and characterization, and theology. These essays provide insights from the history of interpretation and the latest in scholarship.

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  • Impact Of Ordinary Women In The Bible


    Ordinary Women, Extraordinary God

    In book two of Don Wilkerson’s series The Impact of Ordinary People, the names listed in each chapter are not well-known women of the Bible. But that’s the theme of this unique devotional.

    Adah, Bilhah, Jehosheba, and Huldah are just some of the ordinary women who accomplished extraordinary things for the glory of God. Scripture contains a supporting cast of men and women often overlooked in Bible study. This devotional brings thirty lesser-known women to life with short but thought-provoking lessons. Each woman deserves attention for her significant impact, but it’s God’s redemption story that is highlighted and woven through the lives of these ordinary women.

    For those seeking discipleship material for personal growth, this book will aid individual and small group Bible study.

    This devotional is also a helpful resource for pastors and Christian leaders to develop biblical lessons or one-of a-kind sermons.

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  • Word From The Beginning


    And the Word became flesh

    John’s Gospel famously opens with a poetic prologue about the Word. However, after these initial verses, the theme of God’s Word incarnate seems to fade.

    The silence is only apparent. In The Word from the Beginning, Bruce G. Schuchard reunites John’s prologue with the rest of his Gospel. What Jesus does in the Gospel embodies who Jesus is in the prologue. Jesus’s words and actions reveal and unfold his unique identity as the Word. Jesus is indeed God’s Word enfleshed.

    This theological reading of John’s Gospel unifies Jesus’s identity, words, and work, opening up implications for Johannine Christology.

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