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Danny Bulanadi

  • David The Shepherd


    King David is the most beloved of the Jewish kings. Volume 1 provides the history and the setting for David’s rise to power as it tells of the prophet Samuel’s handover of power to King Saul and then King Saul’s subsequent disobedience to God. In a little shepherd boy, God finds one ready to serve Him with all his heart. David steps into world history with his historic and titanic clash with the solder giant Goliath.

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  • Elijah


    Under King Ahab and his wicked wife Queen Jezebel, the people of Israel had reached a low point morally and spiritually. The demonic god Baal was being promoted as the true God, prophets of Baal had been appointed in the land and the words and law of God were being neglected throughout the nation. But to counter this reign of wickedness, God raises up one of the most powerful and fearless prophets of the Old Testament – Elijah.

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