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Family Concerns

  • Everyday Prayers For Patience


    Moms have their patience tested on almost a daily basis. How many times must we pull apart fighting siblings or listen to the same complaints over and over? How often do we need to encourage our kids to endure without complaining when we feel like our own patience has run out? And how do we find patience to wait for Goda(TM)s timing when it seems like wea(TM)ve been waiting forever?

    In this thirty-day devotional and reflective journal, author Brooke McGlothlin invites you to:
    consider that patience is:

    *Getting to know Jesus
    *Knowing the cost of salvation
    *Loving through the hard
    *Seeing God in all things
    *Confidence in what we cana(TM)t see
    *Waiting with expectation
    *Trusting God with the fight
    *And so much more.

    Everyday Prayers for Patience: Giving Yourself and Your Kids the Grace to Grow includes Bible verses on patience, space for journaling, and questions for deeper reflection. The prayers will help you seek Goda(TM)s heart to discover surer ways to have patience with your children and yourself. Your life and theirs can become beautiful reflections of His great patience with us.

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  • Recipes For A Sweet Child


    Practical Help for the Overwhelmed Mom

    Searching for answers to your toughest parenting problems, like how to turn your children’s grumbling into gratitude? Are you trying to navigate ongoing issues like sibling rivalry, tattling, unforgiveness, peer pressure, or bullying?

    Author Katie J. Trent combines her counseling and ministry expertise with her own parenting experiences to provide you with a creative guide to work past challenging childhood issues in a winsome way.

    Recipes for a Sweet Child will help you:

    *Teach your kids, from toddlers to teens, how to apply biblical wisdom in any situation.

    *Gain invaluable insights to help your kids overcome thirty-six of the most pressing emotional, behavioral, and relational battles that they face.

    *Discover simple tools to bring peace and joy into your home with easy, interactive activities and Bible lessons.

    *Engage the whole family in fun games and in-depth conversations.

    *Build kindness and character in your children so that they become the young ladies and gentlemen God wants them to be.

    *Enjoy making delicious recipes with your kids. Full-color photos are included.

    Katie J. Trent, a licensed clinical social worker, has over a decade of experience equipping and encouraging families through counseling and ministry. The author of Dishing Up Devotions: 36 Faith-Building Activities for Homeschooling Families, a popular blogger, and speaker, Katie loves to create resources to simplify life for busy moms by infusing faith and fun to build strong families. Katie puts the fun back into the fundamentals of family discipleship.

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  • Near To The Broken Hearted


    This book has been written to help heartbroken parents know and feel the nearness and tenderness of God when they are facing the loss of a child. It takes long, satisfying looks at truths and stories from the Bible, helping you to know and be comforted by God the Father as he walks with you through your darkest seasons.

    The authors write with honesty, experience and compassion to encourage those who are crushed in spirit to lean heavily on Jesus. They give lots of practical advice on processing and praying through grief as well as clarity on some of the difficult questions raised by this kind of suffering.

    Readers can choose whichever chapters are most relevant to their situation. There is something here for those who have just heard the news that their child is very ill, and for those who lost a child some time ago; for those who are asking painful questions, and for those seeking practical advice; for mothers carrying a pregnancy that will likely end in loss, and for family members wondering how to help their loved ones in their grief.

    Every situation is different, but our Lord Jesus is always the same–and he has a special, tender nearness to the broken-hearted.

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  • Como Ayudar A Tus Hijos A Limp – (Spanish)


    Esta es una guia para que los padres puedan apoyar la salud mental de sus hijos.

    Cada vez mas, los nios de 3 a 10 aos luchan contra la ansiedad, la depresion y los problemas de salud mental. Estos pueden ser provocados por muchos factores (estres en el hogar, cambios en la sociedad, interrupciones en la rutina, aislamiento de los amigos, intimidacion o presion social) y, si no se abordan, siguen a los nios hasta la adolescencia y la edad adulta, lo que les provoca trastornos mentales y emocionales, y problemas relacionales que les robaran la paz y la alegria.

    Pero hay esperanza. La autora de exitos de ventas, la Dra. Caroline Leaf, le ayuda a ensearles a sus hijos a:

    *reconocer los sentimientos negativos y responder de manera saludable

    *navegar por un mundo que puede resultar aterrador y abrumador

    *manejar situaciones incomodas o desafiantes

    *reemplazar los pensamientos toxicos con practicas de desarrollo cerebral que producen mejores resultados

    *desarrollar resiliencia y fortaleza emocional

    Basado en investigaciones actualizadas, claramente ilustrado con estudios de casos y aplicado de manera practica a los problemas que enfrentan los nios hoy en dia, Como ayudar a su hijo a limpiar su desorden mental es lo que los padres, cuidadores, maestros y consejeros han estado esperando. La Dra. Leaf comparte un plan claro y efectivo de cinco pasos para ensearle a su hijo como manejar su mente, para que pueda vivir una vida con mayor resiliencia, salud y felicidad.

    Every Parent’s Guide to Supporting Their Child’s Mental Health

    Increasingly, children ages three to ten are struggling with anxiety, depression, and mental health challenges. These can be brought on by many factors, such as stress at home, upheavals in society, breaks in routine, isolation from friends, bullying, or social pressure. If left unaddressed, they follow kids into their teens and adulthood, causing mental, emotional, and relational problems that will steal their peace and joy.

    But there is hope. Bestselling author Dr. Caroline Leaf helps you teach your kids how to:

    *Recognize negative feelings and respond in a healthy way
    *Navigate a world that can feel scary and overwhelming
    *Manage uncomfortable or challenging situations
    *Replace toxic thoughts with brain-building practices that produce better outcomes
    *Develop resilience and emotional strength

    Based on up-to-date research, clearly illustrated with case studies, and practically applied to the probl

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  • Dear Future Husband


    Love letters spark within our hearts a sense of nostalgia, tender affection, and the blooming potential of the future to come. Imagine writing love letters to the man in the future whom you will one day marry but have yet to meet.

    Dear Future Husband embarks on a journey beginning in the transitional late teen years through the roaring twenties of life. Each letter encapsulates lessons learned along the way, as well as a deep sentiment of adoration for a man who would one day be called “husband.”

    Through the span of over a decade these letters mark milestones in the journey of a single woman who is still waiting for her future husband, but who finds the greatest love of all is that of knowing her Creator deeply and truly.

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  • Raising Confident Kids In A Confusing World


    As kids grow up, they hear many conflicting messages about how they can define themselves. For example, they are told that they can define themselves by their achievements, popularity, sexuality, morality or gender, or by how they feel.

    This warm, realistic and sympathetic book, written by father of three and founder of Faith in Kids, Ed Drew, provides much needed biblical help for parents on this topic. It shows parents how to encourage their kids to find their identity in the fact that they are made and loved by Jesus, and it explores the implications and applications of this truth.

    Whether they are happy or anxious, whether they have messed up or achieved great things, children will gain a positive and realistic view of themselves, based on God’s amazing love for them, giving them confidence to live by faith in a secular world.

    The foundational principles in this book mean it is ideal to read in advance of or during the early stages of parenting, but it is a useful resource at any stage of a child’s life.

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  • So God Made A Mother


    When God made a mother, he had you in mind.Are you a mother?Do you have a mother?Do you know a mother?If the answer to any of these questions is yes, So God Made a Mother is for you.Built around essays submitted by women of all ages and stages, So God Made a Mother utilizes the power of storytelling to speak straight to the heart. Leslie Means founded the popular website Her View From Home around the same idea: the world needs your story, no matter who you are. She uses her trademark conversational writing style to weave together a collection of emotional essays from Her View From Home contributors that will make you laugh, cry, nod along and leave you wanting to call your mom.Motherhood is defined by the way it remains utterly undefinable. No two mothers are alike. No two mothers’ experiences mirror one another. Essays within the pages of this book could stand alone, to be sure but something powerful happens when they come together: they speak love, worth, value, and beauty. They highlight tenderness, sorrow, joy, and faith. They take the undefinable experience of motherhood and give it shape and substance and strength.Whether you are a mother, you have a mother, or you know a mother, So God Made a Mother promises to show you the incomparable heart of a mother . . . a mother just like you.

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  • Warrior Mother : Equipping Your Heart To Fight For Your Family’s Faith


    Whether it’s a battle of wills with their kids, a spiritual battle for their hearts, or a battle to wake up and take on another day of parenting, moms are faced with challenges every day. But what does it really look like to become a warrior for Christ, fully relying on his strength? How can moms find the energy to even step onto the field?

    Victoria Riollano is determined to challenge and empower every mother who needs motivation. It isn’t about new tricks to manage a child’s behavior; it’s about seeking spiritual transformation for mom! Warrior Mother offers an intellectual and spiritual deep dive that’s practical and authentic, meeting mothers right where they are.

    Warrior Mother is the playbook moms need to move from defeated to defender. It’s packed with biblical insights to encourage, reminders of mothers in Scripture who are examples of faithful trust, encouragement to connect with our Commander through prayer, and reflection questions about past battles and reframing strategies for the future. Join Victoria and equip your heart for victorious parenting!

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  • Praying The Scriptures For Your Marriage


    Praying the Scriptures for Your Marriage equips you with powerful and life-changing prayers that will strengthen your marriage and help you discover the peace, provision, and joy that comes from trusting God with your most important relationship.

    God has good things planned for your marriage. He wants to fill you with joy in his presence. And he invites you to partner with him, through your prayers, to experience his richest blessings.

    Whether you’re newly engaged or celebrating a golden anniversary, navigating an exciting new season or just barely hanging on, brand new to prayer or have been talking to God your whole life, Praying the Scriptures for Your Marriage helps you find ways to pray for every part of your most important relationship. From praying through a health crisis, parenting issues, job loss, a move, or simply daily love and communication, bestselling author Jodie Berndt covers some of the most common marriage struggles in this helpful, powerful, and thoughtful guide.

    Jodie vulnerably shares stories from her own marriage of almost forty years, as well as wisdom gleaned from teaching marriage courses and mentoring other couples, to guide you to:

    *Pray specifically and powerfully for the top struggles married couples face
    *Approach crisis situations with God’s promises and perspective
    *Discover simple and natural ways to support and pray with your spouse
    *Develop a more loving, joyful, and deeply connected marriage through scriptural prayers personalized for your own relationship

    Praying the Scriptures for Your Marriage is the latest addition to the bestselling Praying the Scriptures series. With short, easy-to-read chapters, this book invites you to read, reflect, and respond as you pray the Scriptures over every part of your marriage–whether you choose to do it individually or together with your spouse. Discover the provision and peace of God as you pray his Word over your marriage.

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  • 5 Minute Bible Study For Moms


    Do you find it hard to make time for Bible study, Mom?

    You intend to do it, but before you know it, another week has passed and you haven’t picked up God’s Word. This book provides simple tools for you to open the Bible regularly and dig into God’s Word-even if you only have five minutes!

    *Minutes 1-2: Read a few verses pulled from a lengthier passage. If time allows, read the full passage listed for you in each Bible study.

    *Minute 3: Understand. Ponder thoughtful questions designed to help you apply the verses from the Bible to your own life.

    *Minute 4: Apply. Read a brief devotional based on the scripture you read.

    *Minute 5: Pray. A prayer starter will help you to begin a time of conversation with God.

    The 5-Minute Bible Study for Moms will help you establish the discipline of consistent study of God’s Word. You will find that even five minutes focused on scripture and prayer has the power to make a huge difference in your daily life. Soon you will be making time for more!

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  • Moments With God For Couples


    Strengthen your marriage with this 100-day devotional that guides you and your spouse through everyday moments of pride, misunderstandings, and life circumstances. Couples will learn to make space to reflect Christ in their relationship through relatable stories, relevant Bible verses, and practical applications. Whether it’s been one year or fifty, draw closer to God and each other. 

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  • Secrets Of Sex And Marriage


    Let’s Talk about Sex

    Most people are curious about sex and would love a few answers. “Are we normal?” “Why isn’t my spouse as interested in sex as I am?” “I don’t want to feel pressured, but don’t want to disappoint my spouse either–what do I do?” “How do we handle the impact of medication, menopause, porn, ED, pain . . . ?”

    Most importantly: “How can we get on the same page and create a thriving intimate life?”

    Sex is one of the most common marriage issues (for example, almost 80% of couples are mismatched in how often they want it), but it doesn’t have to be that way.

    Relationship researcher Shaunti Feldhahn and renowned sex therapist Dr. Michael Sytsma have identified eight simple, transformational factors to help you move from disconnection to delight. This is knowledge you can trust, based on vast clinical experience and their breakthrough research, including the largest nationally representative study ever conducted with married couples about sex. This book is not a “sex manual”; it is a fascinating, practical field guide that will help you intimately understand your spouse and create the marriage you’ve always wanted.

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  • Somos Uno – (Spanish)


    El hombre y la mujer no fueron creados para competir, sino para complementarse.

    Este libro, con la narrativa unica que caracteriza a los autores, de una manera divertida, sencilla y honesta, llevara al lector en un viaje excepcional descubriendo principios practicos para lograr un matrimonio fuerte e hijos felices. El resultado? !Una familia unida!

    Cuantos hombres y mujeres desean comprender totalmente a su pareja? !Parece imposible! Pero en Somos uno, usted aprendera que si es posible comprenderse, comunicarse y complementarse.

    Sin importar la etapa por la cual su matrimonio este pasando, Somos Uno es la valiosa ayuda que usted esta buscando. Si siente que su matrimonio se esta cayendo a pedazos, en este libro recibira esperanzas y encontrara soluciones.

    Si cree que todo esta bien, aprendera como llevar su matrimonio hacia la excelencia y disfrutar de su conyuge a plenitud. En verdad desea mejorar su matrimonio? Lea Somos uno y disfrute a traves de sus paginas, como lo han hecho miles de personas.

    Men and women were not created to compete, but to complement each other.
    With the unique narrative that characterizes the authors, in a fun, simple and honest way, this book will take the reader on an exceptional journey discovering practical principles for a strong marriage and happy children. The result? A united family!

    How many men and women want to fully understand their partner? It seems impossible! But in Somos Uno, you will learn that it is possible to understand, communicate and complement each other.

    Regardless of the stage your marriage is going through, Somos Uno is the valuable help you are looking for. If you feel like your marriage is falling apart, this book will give you hope and solutions.

    If you believe that everything is fine, you will learn how to lead your marriage to excellence and enjoy your spouse to the fullest. Do you really want to improve your marriage? Read Somos Uno and enjoy through its pages, as thousands of people have done.

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  • 101 Prayers For Mr And Mrs


    Spending time together with God in prayer is vital to a strong and happy marriage, and 101 Prayers for Mr. & Mrs. Gold Faux Leather Prayer Book pairs rich passages of Scripture with unique prayers to encourage every Christ-centered marriage.

    The prayer book is covered in soft gold-toned faux leather that is slightly textured. The gold-foiled title on the front page is sandwiched between two ornate filigree designs.

    101 Prayers for Mr. & Mrs.

    The title also appears on the spine in gold-foiled lettering. Topstitching along the edges and gilt-edged pages create a crisp and finished look, and a gold-toned satin ribbon marker is included to mark your progress through the book.

    The interior pages are printed in two colors. An encouraging Scripture verse complements each prayer to help guide couples into a deeper relationship with God and each other. Prayer themes include faithful love, God’s comfort, forgiving each other, mutual respect, peace and patience, unity in marriage, sharing God’s blessings, together in faith, and more.

    The 101 Prayers for Mr. & Mrs. Gold Faux Leather Prayer Book is part of the Mr. & Mrs. Collection designed to celebrate couples young and old. This collection includes faux leather devotionals, a hardcover devotional couple’s pen set, and a faux leather guest book.

    Best-selling husband and wife team Rob and Joanna Teigen have been married for over 30 years and are the parents of five kids. They founded Growing Home Together to create resources that help families grow closer to God and each other.

    Give the 101 Prayers for Mr. & Mrs. Gold Faux Leather Prayer Book as a first-anniversary gift to your children, or wrap a copy of the 101 Prayers for Mr. & Mrs. Gold Faux Leather Prayer Book as an anniversary gift for your grandparents. The 101 Prayers for Mr. & Mrs. Gold Faux Leather Prayer Book will help any couple grow closer through prayer.

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  • WWJR When Will Jesus Return (DVD)


    W.W.J.R. is a faith-based comedy of biblical proportions, where Jesus returns to Earth and befriends Tulsan Laz Young. Laz is an out-of-work social media consultant and web designer who has a platform idea that could spread goodwill and faith in ways that have never been done before. But to fulfill his destiny, he must first overcome doubts planted by his ex-girlfriend Chloe. In their recent breakup, Chloe’s skepticism of Laz’s ability to be a provider has left him needing confidence and guidance to fulfill his destiny. With no greater friend than Jesus to step up and help with his platform, Faith Book, can Laz overcome doubt to unlock his potential, save the church he grew up in, and create an app that will join believers everywhere?

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  • Elige Sabiamente En El Amor – (Spanish)


    El amor es un arte que se aprende, de manera que un noviazgo no puede nacer de un encuentro casual, porque no debe ser solo una emocion pasajera. Debe guiarnos a una amistad que podria conducirnos al matrimonio y, por lo tanto, debe verse como el fundamento de una relacion para toda la vida. En el amor no se improvisa, ni tampoco nos aventuramos a una experiencia a ciegas. El amor crece cuando nos damos el espacio necesario para conocernos. En su nuevo libro, Sixto Porras analiza el desarrollo apropiado de una relacion amorosa conducente al noviazgo y luego al matrimonio, explicando las etapas que esta relacion necesita tener, y las conductas recomendadas y no permisibles en cada etapa. La obra resulta ser una guia para evaluar nuestras posibles relaciones con objetividad, y elegir la pareja que en realidad nos conviene.

    Love is an art that is learned, so that a courtship cannot be born from a casual encounter, because it should not be just a passing emotion. It should lead us to a friendship that could lead to marriage, and should therefore be seen as the foundation of a lifelong relationship. In love we do not improvise, nor do we venture into an experience blindly. Love grows when we give each other the necessary space to get to know each other. In his new book, Sixto Porras analyzes the appropriate development of a love relationship leading to dating and then marriage, explaining the stages that this relationship needs to have, and the recommended and not permissible behaviors at each stage. The work turns out to be a guide to evaluate our possible relationships objectively, and choose the partner who really suits us.

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  • God Of Amazing Gifts


    As you wrap, give and receive gifts over Advent and Christmas, use this devotional to focus your whole family on the reason behind it all-the generous and gracious character of God and the goodness of his greatest gift, Jesus.

    These 25 devotions use Scripture to explore the other amazing gifts we receive through faith in Jesus and how we can be generous too.

    This step-by-step guide is perfect for families who want to dig deeper into the Bible this Advent. It includes study and application questions for children and teens at various ages and stages of faith, simple prayers and extra creative ideas

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  • Bible Study For Kids


    “NEW! Ideal for kids 6-12 years old. An overview of the whole Bible, designed to be read weekly as a family.

    Each of the 52 key stories features:
    *A brief family devotional
    *Full-color illustration
    *Activity page
    *Coloring page

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  • Write It On Their Hearts


    Family life is often very busy! There are so many things competing for time and attention. Kids are also influenced by many different things. How can we make sure that we are making the most of our time with our children to lead them spiritually? And what is the best approach?

    This practical guide gives parents a systematic approach to discipleship that goes beyond rote memorization. Author Chris Swain applies to the family context the principles of discipleship that Jesus teaches in Scripture to help you make the most of the time you have with your kids, to both lead them to Jesus and to encourage them to be like Jesus.

    “Discipleship happens when we spend intentional time with our children. It is in these moments that God writes his word on their hearts. He does the writing, but we help create the atmosphere for this to take place.” (From the introduction to Write It On Their Hearts.)

    Write It On Their Hearts features:
    * a model of discipleship developed by Replicate Ministries that is based on Jesus’ encounters with his disciples
    * a discipleship plan that you can tailor to each child
    * practical help and advice for Christian parents on how to disciple their kids

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  • Everyday Prayers For The School Year


    Moms know all too well that God doesn’t promise an easy road for us–or our kids. As much as we’d love to protect them from heartaches, it just isn’t possible. This is especially true during the school year, when they are introduced to new teachers, new classmates, new concepts, and maybe even a new school that seems big and frightening.

    Jesus tells us, “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). With this reassurance, we try to reassure our children that no matter what, God is there and He’s on their side.

    And we pray.

    In Everyday Prayers for the School Year, author Tara L. Cole offers devotional readings and opportunities for mothers to pray for many issues concerning their children, such as:

    *Are they making godly friends?
    *Are their teachers kind and caring?
    *Can they make wise choices in bad situations?
    *Will they commit to studying?
    *Are they being targeted by bullies?
    *If they are unprepared for a test, will they trust God or cheat?

    No matter what our kids are facing during the school year, we can’t go wrong when we pray and teach them to pray too.

    Our prayer is that they ultimately trust Him for their salvation, but even after they become Christians, they have the daily choice to trust God when they feel like they are standing alone and the circumstances look impossible.

    Tara says, “My hope for this journal is that it will help moms turn their worry about their children’s school year into hope, that they take their concerns to God and walk away confident that He loves our kids more than we do. And He is in control.”

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  • Como Criar A Los Varones – (Spanish)


    Aqui tenemos consejos sensatos y aliento solidario por la autoridad mas confiable en la crianza de los hijos, el Dr. James Dobson, para criar a los varones.

    Con tanta confusion sobre el papel de los hombres en nuestra sociedad, no es de extraar que tengamos preguntas sobre como educar a los varones. Por que hay tantos varones en crisis? Que cualidades debemos tratar de inculcar en los hombres jovenes? Nuestra cultura ha vilipendiado la masculinidad y, como resultado, una generacion entera de nios varones crece sin una idea clara de lo que significa ser hombre.

    En el exito de venta Como criar a los varones, el Dr. Dobson se basa tanto en su experiencia en psicologia infantil y consejeria familiar como en investigaciones extensas para ofrecerle consejos y aliento basados en un firme cimiento de principios biblicos.

    Here’s sensible advice and caring encouragement on raising boys from the nation’s most trusted parenting authority, Dr. James Dobson.

    With so much confusion about the role of men in our society, it’s no wonder so many parents and teachers are asking questions about how to bring up boys. Why are so many boys in crisis? What qualities should we be trying to instill in young males? Our culture has vilified masculinity and, as a result, an entire generation of boys is growing up without a clear idea of what it means to be a man.

    In the runaway bestseller Bringing Up Boys, Dr. Dobson draws from his experience as a child psychologist and family counselor, as well as extensive research, to offer advice and encouragement based on a firm foundation of biblical principles.

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  • Maximized Minutes For Fathers


    A 90-Day Devotional That Can Revolutionize Your Life…One Minute at a Time

    Each maximized minute takes…

    *30 seconds to read
    *30 seconds to reflect
    *23 hours, 59 minutes to benefit from what you read!

    Maximized Minutes for Fathers will inspire you each day–whether you are a new father or have been a father for decades; whether you had a great dad or no father figure at all. These short, memorable statements cut right to the core of biblical fatherhood. They will stay with you all day–and even for a lifetime

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  • Famous At Home


    No one wakes up and decides, “I’m planning to ruin my marriage, neglect my kids, and cause mistrust in my family.” Yet our personal pursuits and busyness can lead us there. In this book, marriage and leadership coaches Dr. Josh and Christi Straub show how seven core decisions can help us put what’s most important center stage in our lives.

    Famous at Home is Josh and Christi’s realistic, grace-filled look at the struggles families face in a culture that competes for their time, attention, and identity. Whether you’ve found yourself putting more effort into becoming famous on stages outside the home, or your stage is the home, Famous at Home offers guidance and inspiration to help you give your family the best version of you instead of your leftovers.

    Famous at Home will help you and your spouse:
    *Be on the same team–fighting for each other and not against each other
    *Stay emotionally connected even if work, distance, or busyness are in the way
    *Deeply invest in the emotional lives of your children

    You really can be famous at home, showing up in intentional and meaningful ways for your biggest fans. All it takes is realizing that the greatest red carpet you’ll ever walk is through your front door.

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  • Why Marriage Counseling Fails


    Like life itself, marriage has moments of joy…and sorrow. As difficult as marriage can be, many who have said “I do” try to stick it out when problems arise because the alternative–being alone–is not very appealing. If the couple truly wants to save their marriage, they usually turn to counseling.

    Unfortunately, most marriage counseling ends with the couple dropping out and then, more often than not, ending their relationship. In some cases, the problem is not the couple but their choice of counselor. One who is poorly trained, disinterested, or obviously biased can destroy a marriage.

    Why Marriage Counseling Fails explores different scenarios that cause problems for couples as well as the different types of counselors who can help or harm a marriage. Dr. David B. Hawkins has more than forty-five years of experience as a marriage counselor and has helped thousands of couples save their marriages.

    “Sadly, when it comes to reaching out for help for marriage counseling, few have a sense of trust and confidence in their counselor,” he says. “Stories abound about how they came out of a counseling session worse than when they went in.”

    Dr. Hawkins defines the “five I’s” of a qualified marriage counselor as one who:

    *Offers wise instruction
    *Takes an active interest in the couple
    *Offers insight into why problems recur
    *Is willing to work intensively
    *Works in-depth to help the couple find long-term solutions

    Why Marriage Counseling Fails offers insights into marital issues, the brokenness of the counseling system, how to find good help, and how to insist upon effective help when turning to a counselor.

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  • Power Of A Praying Parent Box Of Blessings


    Cover your children in prayer when you pray through the prayers contained in The Power of a Praying Parent Box of Blessings. 50 prayers will petition God to pour out his love and protection over your children.

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  • Prayers For Prodigals


    When you’re the parent of a prodigal, you know you can never pray enough.

    But how do you persevere when you’re tired and discouraged? Prayers for Prodigals offers encouragement for parents to “come boldly before the throne of grace” and intercede daily for their children through a series of inspirational prayers. The book also includes fourteen brief meditations, which are drawn from Scripture and the writer’s and others’ personal experiences with prodigal children, such as Ruth and Billy Graham and Monica, the mother of Augustine. This unique book inspires parents in a sustained, daily prayer effort for their prodigal children.

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  • May His Face Shine Upon You


    Blessings for You and Your Children

    We see blessings in the Bible–Abraham blessed Isaac, Elizabeth blessed Mary, and Jesus blessed the children who came to him. But how does a mom of today bless her children? What does that look like and what words should we use?

    Trusted and godly mother Susie Larson provides a beautifully designed collection of 90 of her most beloved blessings–now adapted for both mother and child. Each blessing and related Scripture takes only moments to read but is filled with hope and biblical truth to fortify you and your sons and daughters. Let your spirit be empowered to impart promises of Scripture to your children in a language they understand. Susie helps you:

    – Receive strength and nourishment for your soul
    – Confidently speak blessings and Scriptures over your children in everyday life
    – Gain practical understanding and biblical background for blessings

    This book includes an index of topics, such as blessings for children who are worried, need forgiveness, or are being bullied.

    Begin a legacy of blessing in your family. Speak life into your children, sowing God’s Word into their hearts and minds as you too are rooted in the promises of God.

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  • 5 Things To Pray For Your Spouse


    A happy and healthy marriage is one of God’s sweetest gifts to us. And one of the best ways to nurture that is through the power of prayer.

    This guide will help you to pray bold, Scripture-based prayers for your husband or wife that will strengthen and enrich your marriage. It covers 21 prayer themes, with each one including five prayer prompts from a particular passage of Scripture. You’ll be equipped to pray deep and effective prayers for your spouse’s character and spiritual walk, for your life together as a couple and through challenging seasons.

    You can use this book to help you to pray on your own or as a couple, and it makes a great wedding, anniversary or Valentines Day gift.

    As Nancy Guthrie says in her foreword:
    There is a great deal we can do for our spouses. But there is so much that only God can do, so much that only he can develop, and so much that only he can provide. So we pray. And as we pray instead of worry, pray instead of complain, pray instead of strategize, we find that God is not only doing a work in our spouse; he’s doing a work in us too.

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  • Daily Prayers For My Wife


    Whether you’ve been married months or since the last millennium, the daily readings in this book will add spiritual depth to your marriage. Daily Prayers for My Wife taps into the deeper love you have for your wife and the greatest love God has for each of you.

    Perhaps your marriage is currently picket fence picturesque or you are deep in the trenches of an emotional struggle-wherever you and your wife are in this moment, this book will raise you up as a couple, encourage you, and enable you to love the world around you side by side.

    Each devotion includes Scripture, a thought for the day, and a prayer for your wife. This exceptional marriage tool, which can be read in tandem with Daily Prayers for My Husband, will draw you closer to your wife, encourage you to care for her, and guide you in lifting her up to the Lord.

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  • Things I Wish Id Known Before My Child Became A Teenager


    Help your child navigate the teenage years and become a mature adult.

    The transition from childhood to adulthood is hard for everyone. Physical changes–on the inside as well as the outside–make for a lot of ups and downs. The teenage years are turbulent, no question about it. But if you’re a parent or caregiver, don’t despair. There’s a way through!

    Gary Chapman, beloved author of the 5 Love Languages(R), has raised two kids of his own, so he knows what it’s like to ride the roller coaster of parenting teens. Now he combines the hard-earned wisdom of a parent with the expertise of a counselor to help you know what to look out for. You’ll learn:

    -That teens are still developing the ability to think logically
    -That teens need to learn how to apologize and forgive
    -And most importantly, that a parent’s example is more important that their words

    Though the years ahead will be demanding, you don’t have to feel helpless. Let Gary Chapman point the way you as you guide your child through this challenging yet rewarding new stage of life.

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  • Dont Mom Alone


    Being a good mom isn’t about doing everything right to create a set of perfect trophy children–though every mom has felt the pressure to do just that and to do it all on her own. To ask for help feels like defeat. Yet when we try to do it all by our own strength, we end up depleted, lonely, and ineffective.

    Heather MacFadyen wants you to know that you are not meant to go it alone. Sharing her most vulnerable, hard mom moments, she shows how moms can be empowered by God, supported by others, and connected with their children. With encouragement and insight, she helps you foster the key relationships you need to be the mom you want to be.

    Whether you work or stay home, whether you have teenagers or babes in arms, you’ll find here a compassionate friend who wants the best–not just for your kids but for you.

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  • 52 Weekly Devotions For Family Prayer


    Packed with stories of contemporary families, hands-on activities that help children understand basic principles of prayer, and discussions that encourage you to dig into what happens when we pray.

    Imagine what would happen if Christian families really took time to pray together and did it with knowledge of how to pray. Yours can be one of those families! Develop your family’s prayer life the easy way. These 52 weekly devotions will equip your family to pray together as you explore various aspects of prayer. The ideas are practical and easy for busy families to use, choosing what best fits their schedule. Contemporary stories based on true stories show how families respond to tragedy, rejoice with God, and persist in prayer during hard times.

    Use 52 Week Devotions for Family Prayer before bedtime. Around the dinner table. Wherever and whenever you choose to have your family devotional time, 52 Weekly Devotions for Family Prayer fits perfectly into your on-the-go schedule and lifestyle. Throughout the book you’ll read what happens when Bible characters pray, praise, and live their faith:

    *Nehemiah leaned on God to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem while helping the people trust God against enemy threats

    *Hannah wept before God and her prayer was heard

    *Jesus shared what’s most important in prayer

    *Elijah heard God whisper

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  • Mr And Mrs 365 Devotions For Couples


    The Mr. & Mrs. 366 Devotions for Couples White Faux Leather Devotional is a great starting point for a new marriage and the perfect way to get into the habit of sharing your devotional time as a couple.

    Husband and wife team Rob and Joanna Teigen draw from their own experience to bring you 366 devotions to move you into a deeper relationship with God on a personal level but also as a couple.

    This beautiful pearlized white cover faux leather devotional for couples is heat-debossed with a delicate floral design and gold foiled lettering sandwiched between two ornate filigree accents.

    366 Devotions for Couples

    Mr & Mrs

    The back cover features gold foiled flourishes and is beautifully inscribed and gold foiled with a verse from the Song of Songs.

    I have found the one that my soul loves. Song of Songs 3:4

    The small size of the devotional makes it easy to pack in a bag for the honeymoon, leave out on a nightstand, or store on a coffee table. The text is printed in dark blue and accented in gold, and a satin ribbon marker is included for your convenience. Gilt-edged pages add a final touch of elegance to the design.

    Each daily reading offers a Scripture verse, a short inspiring devotion, and a powerful prayer. Whether it’s 5 or 30 minutes, the Mr. & Mrs. Devotions for Couples will give you a chance to grow in your faith and to draw from the LORD’s strength.

    The Mr. & Mrs. 366 Devotions for Couples White Faux Leather Devotional is part of the Mr. & Mrs. – Better Together Collection designed to celebrate the union of a new couple and includes decorative throw pillows, a trinket tray set, a two-piece mug set, a three-piece acacia wood spoon set, a photo frame, and a wall plaque.

    The Mr. & Mrs. 366 Devotions for Couples White Faux Leather Devotional will be a blessing to a newly married couple but will also bless a mature couple as an anniversary gift. The Mr. & Mrs. 366 Devotions for Couples White Faux Leather Devotional will draw its readers into greater intimacy with each other and God.

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  • Adventure Of Christmas


    These simple 10-minute family devotions for Advent, with graphic-novel-style illustrations, explore the Gospel accounts of the first Christmas in an engaging way, and will help families keep Christ at the heart of their celebrations.

    With all the Bible passages and questions already laid out, you can lead these devotions without needing any extra time to prepare, making family devotional time an achievable joy, not an unrealistic burden. There are different sets of questions for 3-4s, 5-7s, 7-12s, teens and even parents, so the whole family can enjoy looking at the Bible together.

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  • Dishing Up Devotions


    Homeschooling is a challenging journey that’s often misunderstood. The thirty-six weeks that parents have to educate their homeschooled children don’t just come together magically. There are lessons to plan and oversee, records to keep, routines to follow, and kids to motivate. It can feel overwhelming as the teaching parent–usually Mom–tries to tackle both the educational and spiritual aspects of the children’s lives while also keeping up with household tasks such as cooking and laundry.

    Dishing Up Devotions: 36 Activities for Homeschooling Families infuses faith and fun to strengthen family relationships while nourishing the teaching parent’s soul.

    It features thirty-six weekly devotions, faith-building activities for the whole family, and baking recipes connected to the weekly character theme.

    Author Katie Trent’s goal is to take the stress out of homeschooling with a devotional that the whole family will love through:

    *Encouragement from other homeschooling parents
    *Biblical lessons even toddlers can understand
    *Interactive family activities
    *Delicious baking recipes related to the weekly theme

    Homeschooling just got easier–and deliciously fun!

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  • Dating With Discernment


    Done with dating? Don’t know where to start? Wondering if your date is the one to marry? Pastor-scholar Sam Andreades brings single Christians in that vulnerable life moment the practical, theological help to make the dangerous decision confidently. Bringing the Bible’s wisdom on relationships to bear on the dating scene, he helps you lay a foundation for a love that lasts.

    This book will teach you how to:

    *Confidently say good-bye to ill-suited suitors

    *Deepen your relationship with God as you date

    *Find, and make a lifelong commitment to, a worthy, compatible mate

    *Understand the role of gender in developing intimacy

    *Form a strong foundation for marriage in your dating as you grow into what marriage is about

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  • Oh Baby Devotions For New Parents


    An inspirational devotional that brings peace and joy to new parents.

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  • 5 Things To Pray For Your Parents


    The Bible calls us to honor our parents–and one way we can do that is by praying for them. Little children often see their mothers and fathers as the ones with all the answers. It’s not until we grow up that we realize our parents are just like us–regular people in need of prayer.

    This guide will help you to pray rich, intentional prayers for your mother or father–be they biological or adoptive, working or retired, frail or fit, married or separated, believers or unbelievers. Whatever their situation, if we want to love them well, we need to pray.

    Each of the 21 prayer themes in this book takes a passage of Scripture and suggests five things to pray for a particular area of your parents’ lives. You can use this book in any number of ways: work through it as part of your daily quiet time or pick it up whenever a particular need arises.

    The command to honor our parents comes with a beautiful promise–“that it may go well with you” (Ephesians 6 v 3). The hope of this guide is that you will reap this blessing as you come before God with prayers that change things for an older generation.

    Chelsea Stanley serves with the women’s ministry team at Crossway Community Church in Bristol, Wisconsin . She has written for Desiring God, Risen Motherhood, and The Gospel Coalition.

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  • Sacred Search : What If It’s Not About Who You Marry, But Why (Revised)


    In the revised edition of his hit book The Sacred Search, author Gary Thomas helps single people of all ages make wise marital choices, in large part by rethinking what basis those choices should be made on.

    Readers are encouraged to think beyond finding their “soul mate,” an idea that has its roots in the philosophy of Plato, and instead adopt a more biblical search for a “sole mate”– someone who will walk with them on their spiritual journey.

    Thomas asks, What if we focused on why to get married more than on who to marry? What if being “in love” isn’t a good enough reason to get married? And most of all, what if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy?

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  • Bible Promises And Prayers For Children


    Parents have the privilege and responsibility to partner with God to release their children’s divine destiny. Biblical wisdom, God’s promises, and the passionate prayers of caretakers of children are change agents in the lives of these young giant-killers.From Bethel Church leaders and parents Bill and Beni Johnson comes this practical 31-day prayer resource for those who want to receive God’s passionate heart for their children, pray daily for them, and model prayer with them.

    Each day includes:
    – an insightful, instructive reading to inspire Spirit-led parenting
    – relevant Bible promises for meditation and declaration
    – a related Scripture-based prayer
    – activations to do with your child, including a question to discuss, a short prayer to pray, a decree to declare together, and a practical action step of faith

    God places children in families for a reason–so parents can fan into flame all their children are to become. Your child has big battles to face. This book will help equip you to be the strength and encouragement your child needs.

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  • Marriage : 6 Gospel Commitments Every Couple Needs To Make


    Best-Selling Author Paul David Tripp Offers 6 Practices for a Christ-Centered Marriage

    When two people say “I do,” they begin the journey of a lifetime-and they expect that journey to be perfect. Expectations of the perfect marriage are sure to fade away in the struggles of everyday life, but many are shocked when their marriage morphs into something they didn’t intend it to be. A long-term, gospel-centered marriage needs to be grounded in something sturdier than romance.

    In this rebranded edition of What Did You Expect?, popular author and pastor Paul David Tripp encourages couples to make 6 commitments to one another; commitments such as practicing forgiveness, appreciating differences, and actively working toward a relationship that is built on trust. Through each chapter, Tripp encourages readers to be motivated by grace as they strive to make Jesus Christ the center of their marriage.

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  • Rooms Of A Mothers Heart


    For thousands of years and in a myriad of cultures, women have forged identity, unconditional love, and vast purpose in the calling of motherhood. From Eve to Sarah, from Ruth to Mary, the Scriptures are filled with the accounts of the heart of a mother who was given a divine opportunity to raise the next generation for the purposes and call of the Father.

    Inside the soul of every mother lies a heart that becomes a repository of sweet memories, hard lessons, glorious victories, ordinary days, glaring failures, and God’s grace over the years of mothering. The heart of a mother becomes home to jokes around the dinner table, holiday traditions, the tears of childhood, and the love that only a mother knows. And this tender heart that has given birth to the future of mankind or has lovingly adopted the seeds of the next generation also develops rooms of unsurpassed greatness and quiet strength. These are the Rooms of a Mother’s Heart.

    With her characteristic charm, joy, and biblical teaching that she shares like a good friend over a cup of coffee, Carol McLeod examines what it means to be a mother and offers tender encouragement to all women who accept that calling.

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  • 10 Time Saving Tips For Busy Parents


    Get excited! You are about to learn how to make your life easier. No matter how hectic your schedule, there is a way to optimally arrange your time so you can be happier and more productive. None of us is perfect. There will be days when we get off track and don’t accomplish all that we would wish to. But by consistently applying these time-saving tips, your life will run much more smoothly. You will feel like your world is under control even when so much around you seems out of control. The benefits are enormous:

    * Achieve success in your home life.
    * Experience less stress.
    * Streamline your tasks.
    * Balance your job and household responsibilities.
    * Maximize your output.
    * Feel more in charge of your own time.
    * Distribute the household workload more evenly.
    * Enable your family to thrive within a pleasant structure.

    We all want to leave behind some kind of legacy. The choices we make, especially decisions about how we spend our time, determine the course of our life. We must maximize our days to impact our world. For many of us, our biggest impact is the influence we have on our spouse and children. Therefore, spending quality time with them is more than just important-it is crucial. Getting our tasks done more effectively gives us a greater opportunity to be a positive role model, share life experiences, and make memories with our loved ones.

    Here is the parent’s guide to a happier and more productive life.

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  • End Of Me


    Discover how God uses the daily struggles and sacrifices of motherhood to make us more like Christ.

    There are many books on motherhood but not many that talk about how hard it is – physically, mentally and spiritually – and what to do when you reach your limits.

    When Liz Wann became a mother, she was unprepared for how hard it would be. In this book, she writes honestly about these deeply challenging aspects of motherhood and how God works through them to make us more like his Son.

    “Coming to the end of who I was, and what motherhood was stripping me of, was a good thing that drove me to Christ and to the power that he supplies in every failure and weakness of motherhood.” Liz Wann.

    This short, easy-to-read book encourages mothers to depend on Christ when they reach the end of themselves. They will find that God will supply what they need to cope with the daily sacrifices and challenges of motherhood, and that he will use these struggles to make them more like Christ.

    Liz has been involved with the ministries of Risen Motherhood and Revive Our Hearts, writing about how God has been working in her life through the hardships of motherhood.

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  • Closer : A Realistic Book About Intimacy For Christian Marriages


    Help and direction to understand and enjoy intimacy in Christian marriage.

    Sexual intimacy in marriage is a great gift from a good God that cements couples together and brings unity and happiness.

    Nevertheless, in our broken and messed-up world we often need help and direction to understand and enjoy what it means to give ourselves to one another, and to overcome some of the difficulties and questions that every Christian husband and wife faces.

    Adrian and Celia Reynolds are straightforward and compassionate as they look at Scripture to guide couples in this area. They give six clear biblical principles relating to sex and apply them to the common questions Christian couples ask about intimacy.

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  • Meals With Jesus


    Encounter Jesus in the pages of Scripture with these easy-to-use daily devotions for families.

    These 34 family devotions in Luke’s Gospel look at nine meals that Jesus shared with people. As you read these passages, your children will be transported to the dinner table alongside Jesus. They will be able to ask their deepest questions and hear Jesus speak. Your children will see for themselves who Jesus really is and why they can trust him.

    Designed to be easy to lead (even if you only have 10 minutes), these devotions are an achievable joy, not an unrealistic burden. There are different sets of questions for 3-4s, 5-7s, 7-12s, teens and even parents!

    These studies can be enjoyed at any time of year, including during the run-up to Easter.

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  • Como Formar Vencedores De Giga – (Spanish)


    Con honestidad, humor y perspicacia biblica, los autores de exitos de ventas, Bill y Beni Johnson lo ayudan a descubrir las claves para una crianza exitosa en el reino de Dios. “Padres, gobernamos con el proposito de proteccion, pero tambien servimos con el proposito de empoderar”, escriben. “Queremos liberar el destino para nuestros hijos, ese es el privilegio de ser padres”.

    En estas paginas obtendra la sabiduria, los conceptos del reino y las herramientas practicas que necesita para ayudar a criar a sus hijos al maximo.

    Descubrira como ser padre de su singularidad, dones y fortalezas, asi como tambien como puede demostrar y revelar quien es Dios para sus hijos. Los autores tambien abordan problemas apremiantes que enfrentan los padres hoy en dia, incluyendo como:

    * Comprometerse plenamente a escuchar lo que el Seor esta diciendo sobre cada nio
    * Mantener una relacion y disciplina
    * Desarrollar el caracter
    * Entrenar a tus hijos para la adoracion
    * Avivar la llama de lo que Dios ha puesto en sus corazones
    * y mas

    No importa la edad de sus hijos, tiene una oportunidad increible de moldear sus corazones, mentes y valores. Aqui esta todo lo que necesita para ayudar a sus hijos a caminar hacia el destino de sus vidas y verlos convertirse en las personas increibles que fueron creadas para ser.

    ?With honesty, humor, and keen biblical insight, bestselling authors Bill and Beni Johnson help you discover the keys to successful parenting in God’s kingdom. “Parents, we rule for the purpose of protection, but we also serve with the purpose of empowering,” they write. “We want to release our children into their destiny–that’s the privilege of parenting.”

    In these pages you will gain the wisdom, kingdom concepts, and practical tools you need to help raise your children to their best.

    You’ll discover how to parent to their uniqueness, gifts, and strengths, as well as how you can demonstrate and reveal who God is to your kids. The authors also address pressing issues parents face today, including how to:

    * be fully engaged in hearing what the Lord is saying over each child
    * maintain relationship and discipline
    * develop character
    * train your children for worship
    * fan the flame of what God has put in their hearts
    * and more

    No matter what age your kids are, you have an incredible opportunity to shape their hearts, minds, and values. Here is everything you need to help your children walk into the destiny of their lives and see

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  • Praying The Scriptures For Your Children 20th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


    This expanded edition of the bestseller features updated content on issues like technology and identity, and comes with new material designed to invite children into the family prayer circle.

    There is not a need we will face in parenting–or that our kids will confront in their lives–that God has not already thought of, and provided for, in his Word. And there can be no greater privilege than partnering with him, through our prayers, to accomplish his best purposes in the lives of the people we love.

    But where to begin?

    In this updated and expanded edition celebrating the 20th anniversary of a modern classic, you will discover how using the Bible to shape your desires and requests opens the door to God’s provision–and frees us from things like worry and fear in our parenting!

    It teaches you how and what to pray for your child(ren) in the following areas:


    Plus, all-new material includes sections on praying for a child’s sense of identity, praying for their use of technology, and building a prayer legacy with specific strategies and a collection of child-friendly Bible verses designed to help children anchor their hope in God’s Word.

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  • New Baby Survival Guide


    A new baby is a wonderful gift from the Lord, bringing great joy–but also sleepless nights, constant laundry and, sometimes, total exhaustion. It can be hard to read your Bible and pray.

    These bite-sized Bible readings from the book of Psalms are designed for you to dip into and be refreshed by the Lord.

    Also includes real-life stories, practical help and an A-Z of mothering.

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  • Madrinas – (Spanish)


    Hay un papel exclusivo de las mujeres, que abandonamos facilmente. Vivimos cerca la una de la otra, pero no la una con la otra, ni la una para la otra. No queremos entrometernos ni juzgar y, tal vez, no queremos vernos realmente exitosas. El mundo esta feliz con este estado infeliz de las mujeres, uno que nos empuja a conformarnos a un patron de desconfianza, desconexion y competencia. No es de extraar que nos hayamos perdido, y hayamos perdido nuestro camino.

    En su libro mas personal y poderoso hasta el momento, la autora de libros de exitos de venta del New York Times, Lisa Bevere, ofrece a las mujeres una vision catalizadora y transformadora de una forma diferente de vivir, una que abraza la presencia de una madrina: las mujeres mayores y mas sabias, fuertes, a las que puedes acudir y de las que puedes aprender, que se asocian a nosotros en la vida. !Y todas necesitamos una!
    Basandose en su propia vida, las mujeres biblicas y el mundo de los cuentos de hadas, Lisa le mostrara como transformar lo que tiene en lo que Dios quiere que tenga, seguir hacia delante durante las temporadas de duda, y amarlo lo suficiente como para decir la verdad sobre la vision mas grande y expansiva de Dios en su vida. Las palabras sinceras y compasivas de Lisa son su mejor primer paso para vivir como hija de Dios, rodeada de relaciones fuertes y confianza en su llamado.

    There is a role unique to women that we abandon easily. We live near each other, but not with each other–and not for each other. We don’t want to intrude or judge and, maybe, we don’t want to see each other truly succeed. And the world is happy with this unhappy state for women–one that pushes us to conform to a pattern of distrust, disengagement, and competition. It’s no wonder we’ve lost ourselves, and our way.

    In her most personal, powerful book yet, New York Times bestselling author Lisa Bevere offers a catalytic, transformative vision for women of a different way to live–one that embraces the presence of a godmother–the older, wiser women you can go to and learn from, the strong women who partner with us through life. And everyone needs one! Drawing from her own life, biblical women, and the world of fairy tales, Lisa will show you how to transform what you have into what God wants you to have, push you forward during seasons of doubt, and love you enough to speak truth about God’s larger, expansive view of your life. Lisa’s candid, compassionate words are your best first step to living as

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