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  • Guia Rose De Los Evangelios – (Spanish)


    !Observe como todo en los Evangelios revela a Jesus como el divino Mesias, Salvador, Siervo, Sanador y Seor Resucitado! La g uia Rose de los Evangelios es su guia de referencia rapida para los libros de Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan. Con mas de 100 imagenes, tablas y lineas de tiempo, esta accesible introduccion a los cuatro Evangelios le ayudara a explorar mas de 150 personas, lugares e historias claves en la vida de Jesus. Agregele profundidad a cualquier estudio biblico con resumenes detallados de como se escribieron los Evangelios, de las personas y los eventos claves en cada uno de los cuatro libros, de por que puede confiar en ellos, de como cumplio Jesus las profecias del Antiguo Testamento y !de mucho mas! Incluye lo siguiente:

    *Una introduccion a la cultura y las costumbres judias y grecorromanas en la epoca de Jesus.

    *Un panorama de la vida de Jesus: por que vino, que hizo y por que es relevante para nosotros hoy en dia.

    *El quien, que, donde, cuando y por que de los cuatro Evangelios. Compare como estos cuatro libros son similares y como difieren.

    *Un analisis profundo de como se escribieron los Evangelios. Entendera por que los Evangelios son testimonios confiables de la vida y la obra de Jesucristo.

    Sobre la serie: Las guias Rose son guias de referencia faciles de leer que exploran las personas, los lugares y las historias de la Biblia. Con mapas a todo color, tablas y lineas de tiempo que caracterizan a Rose Publishing, las guias Rose les proveen a los lectores revelaciones claves tanto historicas como practicas para entender los libros de la Biblia y los temas biblicos que son relevantes para nuestra vida hoy en dia.

    See how everything in the Gospels reveals Jesus as the divine Messiah, Savior, Servant, Healer, and Risen Lord! Rose Guide to the Gospels is your quick-reference guide through the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. With over 100 pictures, charts, and timelines, this user-friendly introduction to the four Gospels helps you explore over 150 key people, places, and stories in the life of Jesus. Add depth to any Bible study with comprehensive summaries of how the Gospels were written, the key people and events in each of the four books, why you can trust them, how Jesus fulfilled prophecies of the Old Testament, and much more! Includes the following:

    *An introduction to the Jewish and Greco-Roman culture and customs in the time of Jesus.

    *An overview of the life of Jesus–why he came, what he did, and why

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  • Boot Camp For Christian Writers


    As a published author, experienced editor, and literary agent, L. Edward Hazelbaker has been helping Christian writers develop their books, hone their skills, and improve their writing for many years. And this book is the expression of his desire to help more writers than he can assist one on one. Now many more writers can benefit from his experience.

    This book is designed to encourage, equip, and educate Christian writers. If you’re joining or already a member of God’s army of great-commission writers, it’s time to enter Boot Camp for Christian Writers, where you’ll be inspired and challenged to be all you can be when answering God’s call to write.

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  • New Testament Commentary Guide


    An indispensable map to the often intimidating world of biblical commentaries. For many beginning students of the New Testament, looking for a commentary seems like a simple process: identify the book you’re studying, search for a commentary, and pick one. However, the reality is far from simple. With new commentaries being published every year on every book of the Bible, the student of Scripture can quickly become overwhelmed with an inexhaustible amount of resources. What is the student to do?In this short, accessible resource, Nijay Gupta helps beginning Bible students understand the various available commentaries–their strengths, unique contributions, and ultimately, how to use them. Through The New Testament Commentary Guide, readers will understand how to incorporate commentaries into their learning and be enriched in their study of the Bible.

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  • Ultimate Bible Dictionary Revised And Expanded (Expanded)


    The Ultimate Bible Dictionary is the perfect tool for those who are beginning to study the Bible. Carefully researched and accessible definitions are designed to provide a quick understanding of a term right up front and then, in many cases, go into more detail for those who want this level of description.

    The definitions are further enhanced by the large number of colorful maps, photos, and reconstructions of biblical objects placed on the same page spread as the definition they accompany. The optimal size of the Ultimate Bible Dictionary makes this resource easy-to-carry and easy-to-use in personal study or group activities.

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  • Harvest Handbook Of Key Bible Words New Testament


    Savor Each Rich Word of Scripture

    You’ve probably had times when you’ve read the same Bible passages over and over and skimmed past terms that seemed unclear or confusing-yet you know that each verse holds immeasurable value for your life.

    See God’s Word with new eyes and experience the full impact of its message! This easy-to-use resource will guide you through the rich meaning of Bible keywords in a reader-friendly format. Adapted from the classic Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words by W.E. Vine, this modern handbook focuses on 300 must-know Bible words that will help you better understand Scripture.

    For each entry, you will find a definition and an overview, as well as insightful quotes from Christian writers-all designed to help bring biblical references into present-day relevance for you.

    The New Testament is a message of hope-each word ordained to tell the story of God’s character and enduring love. Use this handbook to dive into the language of Scripture, and let His Word come alive in you.

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  • Leadership Power : Beyond Smoke And Mirrors


    Peter J. Daniels has been in a leadership role for the last 58 years and has used that experience to write this hand book for both those who want to lead. Leadership Power explores the life and strategies used by leaders. It is an exploration of their methods and the desperation quotient they all must possess, as well as the adjustments needed at times to lead.

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  • Surviving And Thriving In Seminary


    Seminary can give you a great foundation for future success in ministry, but it can also come with its share of challenges. Without proper preparation, it is possible to struggle in your studies or maintain a healthy personal and spiritual life. Surviving and Thriving in Seminary is designed to prepare current and future seminary students for what’s ahead. In it, two seminary professors (and former seminary students) tell you what they tell their students, and what they wish they’d known. This book aims to teach you skills that will help you thrive in the areas of your personal life, time management, and study practices. While seminary is always a rigorous experience, you don’t have to struggle through it. You can thrive.

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  • Star Book For Ministers (Revised)


    Twenty years have passed since the last revision of this best-selling resource for pastors. This third revised edition features everything ministers love about the classic, with some valuable updates for twenty-first century ministry.

    Key features:

    Restores the beloved Episcopal funeral service-back by popular demand!
    Honors the familiar and indispensable wedding and funeral service materials.
    Offers a rich selection of Scriptures from the beautiful King James Version for diverse occasions of pastoral care.
    New additions feature a cremation service and a service for the interment of ashes.
    Includes a new preface from Rev. Dr. Aidsand Wright-Riggins III, Executive Director of the American Baptist Home Mission Societies and CEO of Judson Press.

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  • Gospel Centered Preaching


    17 Principles Of Gospel-centered Preaching
    1: The Goals Of Preaching
    2: The Means Of Preaching
    3: The Content Of Preaching
    4: The Priorities Of Preaching
    5: The Process Of Preaching

    Additional Info
    This accessible manual on preaching unpacks the core of how a preacher must think and what they must do. And it focuses our eyes on the central message – the gospel.

    Use this resource to train yourself and others as a new preacher, to develop your thinking and skills as a growing preacher, and to encourage and sustain yourself as a seasoned preacher.

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  • Prophets Handbook : A Guide To Prophecy And Its Operation


    Discover God’s divine plan for the prophetic gifts and how they are meant to benefit the body of Christ. This handbook details the role and duties of the prophetic in the church, clearly explaining its necessity. No church leader should be without this indispensable reference. Dr. Paula Price’s years of research and ministry have yielded the ultimate guide to prophecy in the local church. You will learn how God awakens and prepares excellent prophets, understand the difference between prophets and psychics, and recognize and train budding prophets. Don’t let lack of knowledge keep you from utilizing one of God’s extraordinary gifts to the church.

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  • Small Group Leaders Handbook


    The Small Group Leaders Handbook provides a solid scriptural foundation upon which to build your small group ministry. By combining biblical teaching with practical guidelines, the Small Group Leaders Handbook provides a balanced and thorough exploration of small group ministry in the twenty-first century.

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  • Resucitado De Entre Los Muerto – (Spanish) (VHS)


    This is the remarkable story of a Nigerian pastor, Daniel Ekechukwu, who was fatally injured in a car accident near the town of Onitsha, Nigeria, Africa on November 30th, 2001. During a dramatic journey to a hospital in Owerri, Nigeria, he lost all life signs and was later pronounced dead by two different medical staff in two different hospitals. The latter wrote a Medical report and commissioned the corpse to the mortuary. But Daniels wife remembered a verse in Scripture from Hebrews 11:
    “Women received their dead raised to life again.”
    She heard about a meeting where Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke was going to preach, and proceeded by bringing Daniels body in his coffin. What follows is a story you will never forget.

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  • Manual Del Ministro (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


    This best-selling manual is for all ministers who perform marriages, funerals and other ceremonies.

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  • With The Word


    With the Word, a conversational survey of the Bible, guides you through each book, chapter by chapter, and encourages you to: Discover rich, life-changing applications fromthe Scriptures, Develop your own personal Bible reading program, Meditate on the Scriptures – seeking the truths God has for you, and to Apply the spiritual truths you discover. It is a fresh approach to learning and applying the truths God’s Word has for your life.

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  • Broadman Ministers Manual


    9 Chapters

    Additional Info
    The Broadman Minister’s Manual is meant to be used as a companion to the Bible and the Hymnbook. It alone may be adequate for use in certain services, such as in some weddings and funerals, but is not meant to be a substitute which may be read from the Bible itself.

    The book is outline by sections so that the materials desire may be easily located. It’s purpose is to provide aid for ministers and others responsible for leading in worship, administering church ordinances, and for a general visitation ministry and counseling.

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  • Pastors Manual


    The role of pastor hasn’t changed very much over the years. Originally published in 1940, this reprinted classic is a testimony to just that! Packed with timeless wisdom, it features a variety of Scripture-based funeral, wedding, and communion services that are as appropriate today as they were 50 years ago

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