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Gates Of Hell
$29.99The gates of hell shall not prevail.
Decimated by war, revolution, and famine, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia was in critical condition in 1921. In The Gates of Hell, Matthew Heise recounts the bravery and suffering of German–Russian Lutherans during the period between the two great world wars. These stories tell of ordinary Christians who remained faithful to death in the face of state persecution.
Christians in Russia had dark days characterized by defeat, but God preserved his church. Against all human odds, the church would outlast the man–made sandcastles of communist utopianism. The Gates of Hell is a wonderful testimony to the enduring power of God’s word, Christ’s church, and the Spirit’s faithfulness.
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Pilgrim Legacy
$14.99A story that must not be erased from America’s history or from the public squares of nations worldwide…
“In all the history of the world, as nations have arisen and fallen amid endless war and bloodshed, the founding of America was utterly unique,” writes Derek Prince. “Reaching the shores of an unknown wilderness, a small group of people planted seeds–not of military might, or wealth, or power, but seeds of faith and freedom. And those seeds took hold and grew.”
Such seeds affect the destinies of nations.
A nation participates in shaping its own destiny through the process of sowing and reaping: what nations sow, they will reap. If they seek to align themselves with God’s purposes, they will experience His favor and blessing. But if they seek to align themselves with purposes that are in opposition to God’s, they will not prosper.
Who were the Pilgrims? Why did they come to America? What difference did they make in the history of our country–and what does their legacy tell us about our country’s destiny?
The seeds sown by our Pilgrim ancestors 400 years ago continue to influence our culture and government. The basic principles by which they lived–beliefs in personal liberty, freedom of religion, and living in covenant with others–laid a strong foundation for America’s religious and political freedom. Without question, what the Pilgrims sowed, America has reaped as an abundant harvest.
Yet how long will the blessing of the Pilgrims’ influence continue? The light of this nation is still shining. But something is going wrong. Like a heavy, unanticipated fog, a spiritual darkness is gradually moving in to dim that light.
In The Pilgrim Legacy, internationally recognized Bible teacher and scholar Derek Prince discloses the biblical principles and tools at work in the lives of this small group of Christians who were, in a sense, the spiritual ancestors of the United States. It was these principles that not only helped to establish the nation but enabled America to be a stepping-stone in spreading the light of the gospel of the kingdom around the world.
By discovering and implementing the principles by which the Pilgrims lived, we can continue The Pilgrim Legacy today and preserve the spiritual destiny of our nation.
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American Heritage Series Episodes 1-26 (DVD)
$49.95Discover the forgotten and astonishing story of our nation’s foundation in The American Heritage Series. For centuries, Americans were taught a view of history that recognized the godly heroes and moral foundation upon which America was founded. However, in recent years, a secular version of history has re-written the moral and spiritual fiber of our nation and neglected many of those early teachings.
From the separation of church and state to the civil rights movement, from the heroism of our founding fathers to the building of our nation’s monuments, this Christian documentary series inspires Americans to reclaim the godly history of our nation. Containing all 26 episodes on three DVDs, The American Heritage Series follows historian David Barton as he experiences the untold, true story of our nation’s history. America, this is your heritage!
This DVD set includes:
*Episodes 1-3: “Why History Matters & Unearthing America’s Christian Foundations”
*Episodes 4-5: “The Faith of Our Founding Fathers”
*Episodes 6-8: “The Ideas that Birthed Our Nation, Our Biblical Constitution, & Is America a ‘Christian Nation’?”
*Episodes 9-10: “Church, State, & the Real First Amendment”
*Episodes 11-13: “Influence of the Bible in America & How Pastors Shaped Our Independence”
*Episodes 14-16: “When Religion Was Culture, Faith in Our Early Courts, & Myths of the Judiciary”
*Episodes 17-19: “Evidence of America’s Spiritual Heritage”
*Episodes 20-21: “Four Centuries of American Education”
*Episodes 22-24: “Great Black Patriots, From Bondage to the Halls of Congress, & The Civil Rights Movement”
*Episodes 25-26: “The Assault on Judeo-Christian Values & The Duty of a Free Citizen”Read moreOut of stock
American Heritage Collection 7 Session Set (DVD)
$49.95Explore America’s godly heritage and the Bible’s profound influence on American life and culture over the past four centuries with this eye-opening series from Christian historian David Barton. Including a private tour of the Capitol that reveals the spiritual significance of the building’s statues and artwork, this set also discusses the principles for a successful government and how Christians can act upon their convictions to impact our nation today. Over 10 hours long, this set from WallBuilders includes seven volumes.
Volume List:
*America’s Godly Heritage
*The Influence of the Bible
*Keys to Good Government & Foundations of American Government
*Four Centuries of American Education
*The Role of Pastors and Christians in Civil Government
*A Spiritual Tour of the U.S. Capitol
*Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black and WhiteRead moreOut of stock
Building On The American Heritage Set (DVD)
$49.95Historian David Barton is back with the second installment of the popular American Heritage Series. Accompanied by former legislator Rick Green, Barton traces America’s history back to the source and navigates our nation’s unique religious, moral, and constitutional heritage. In this three DVD set, the renowned Christian scholar uncovers forgotten stories and answers the questions Americans are asking today. As he invites us to examine our nation’s founding documents and discover the original intent of our founding fathers firsthand, Barton also encourages viewers to learn the truth of America’s past in order to shape its future.
Three DVD Set Includes:
Episode 1: Preserving America’s Heritage
Episode 2: Foundations of American Government
Episode 3: The Role of Government
Episode 4: Demystifying the Judicial System
Episode 5: America’s Lost Heroes: African American Patriots
Episode 6: Remarkable Young Americans
Episode 7: Civil Stewardship: Duty vs. Right
Episode 8: The Truth of American Exceptionalism
Episode 9: Changing a State and a Generation
Episode 10: Revival and Reformation
Episode 11: Social Justice
Episode 12: Politics in the Pulpit
Episode 13: Christians in the Civil ArenaRead moreOut of stock
Battle Of Bunker Hill (DVD)
$19.95On the morning of June 17, 1775 Colonial Patriots await a battle in the heights above Boston Harbor. approaching are the English Redcoats, the most feared fighting force in the world! Low on water and ammunition, the ragged band of farmers-turned-militiamen face a daunting task. Can they protect the freedom of a new nation? Would their faith and courage be enough? In this epic and educational DocuDrama, Producer/Director Tony Malanowski brings THE BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL to life and launches Light a Candle Films’ groundbreaking series, AMERICA: HER PEOPLE, HER STORIES. Join the courageous defenders as you and your family take part in the first major conflict of the American Revolution, The Battle of Bunker Hill.
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All For Liberty (DVD)
$7.99Renews Interest in The Forgotten Hero
Based on a previously untold story, All for Liberty depicts the true events of Captain Henry Felder, a backcountry hero of the American Revolution. A Swiss-German immigrant farmer in Orangeburg, South Carolina, Felder is convinced to respond to British tyranny by writing an Articles of Separation from the English king and raising his own militia, including a female tavern owner who gathers a patriot spy ring. In the ensuing struggle against the British Empire and community loyalists, including his old comrade, Bill Jenkins, Felder and his family find the cost of freedom. A multi-award winning independent feature film, All for Liberty stars film and TV actor Clarence Felder, the sixth-generation great-grandson of Captain Henry Felder.
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Discovering Americas Founders (DVD)
$7.99Ride along with host Dave Stotts as he takes a fast-paced drive through American history in Focus On The Family’s award winning series, with three special episodes created for The National Day Of Prayer.
Drive Thru History: Discovering America’s Founders – based on the work of Christian historian David Barton – takes you to Washington, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Virginia to learn about the life and times of John, Abigail and John Quincy Adams and other great patriots – including Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and Noah Webster.
Come along for the ride to discover how faith and commitment to God and country contributed to the founding of our great nation.
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New Complete Works Of Josephus (Revised)
$29.99The primary extrabiblical resource on the first century is now even more enlightening! Renowned scholar Paul Maier provides introductions and 50 pages of new commentary to The New Complete Works of Josephus, translated by William Whiston. Every paragraph is cross-referenced to the standard Loeb Classical Library edition Greek text. Destined to become the standard in English for referencing Josephus’s collected writings.
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