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Juvenile Fiction

  • Last Keeper The Dream Keeper Saga Book 5 Volume 5


    Book 5 Concludes the Dream Keeper Saga, an Adventure for Middle-Grade Readers Steeped in Magic, Mystery, and Glimmers of Hope

    After a worldwide quest to save the planet from Eymah and his nightmares, Lily is now racing to escape the dark caverns of the Realm. Joined by Keisha, Adam, and their magical friends, she fights Eymah’s monsters in an unrelenting battle of ice and fire. When she meets an elder centaur along the way, Lily learns about an ancient scroll that foretells the last keeper–one who prepares the way for the arrival of the prince. Could it really be her? In her final fight to defend the earth and the Realm, Lily relies on her faith in Pax’s promise: that he will return and make all things new.

    The thrilling conclusion to the Dream Keeper Saga takes middle-grade readers on an adventure filled with talking dragons, monsters, wizards, and more. Mixing fantasy with Christian themes, this novel invites families to reflect on and discuss God’s story of redemption.

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  • Double Cross Down Under


    Over 1 Million Sold in the Series!

    When kids step into the Imagination Station, they travel back in time and across the world with cousins Patrick and Beth. Each book is historically accurate, and readers will grow in their faith and knowledge of big historical events as they race through each unforgettable story.

    “Her knees buckled, and she started to sink. Quicksand!”

    Hot on the trail of Amelia Darling, cousins Patrick and Beth are transported to Australia where they encounter Reverend George Taplin and his friend James Unaipon, two faithful men of God serving the Aboriginal people and helping them understand the good news of the Gospel. But not every person is interested in this good news.

    In the dark of night, Patrick and his new friend, Jandamarra, are kidnapped by bushrangers who need an Aboriginal person to show them the way to a great treasure.

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  • Cristina Emprende – (Spanish)


    La protagonista del cuarto cuento de la Serie Jovencitas Valientes es Cristina, de 12 anos, cursando el septimo grado. Es bajita de estatura, su pelo es largo de color marron claro. Tiene los ojos de tono “Hazel” y usa espejuelos. Es una nia amorosa, organizada y determinada, pero su mayor reto es su miedo a quedarse sin nada. Necesita superar las distracciones, la ansiedad y el miedo. Aunque la determinacion es su mayor fortaleza, su mayor miedo es que su familia se quede sin dinero y que su tienda no funcione. Como podra Cristina superar sus temores?

    The main character of the fourth story in the Brave Young Girls Series is Cristina, 12 years old, attending the seventh grade. She is short in height, her hair is long light brown. She has hazel eyes and wears glasses. She is a loving, organized and determined girl, but her biggest challenge is her fear of being left with nothing. She needs to overcome distractions, anxiety, and fear. Although her determination is her greatest strength, her greatest fear is that her family will run out of money and their store will fail. Will Cristina be able to overcome her fears?

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  • Ofelia Crea – (Spanish)


    La tercera protagonista de la Serie Jovencitas Valientes es Ofelia, de 11 aos y cursa sexto grado. Tiene el cabello ondulado color marron, ojos azules, una amplia sonrisa y es alta. Ha tenido con reto con su valor: piensa que no tiene talento para nada, y siempre esta intentando cosas nuevas, tratando de encontrar su talento. Le gustan los retos y no le tiene miedo a intentar cosas nuevas, pero es inconstante en lo que hace porque no cree en sus posibilidades y se molesta por todo. Su miedo mas grande es no encontrar su talento, pero no se cansara de seguir intentando todo lo que se presente hasta encontrar su talento.

    The third main character in the BraveYoung Girls Series is Ofelia, 11 years old and in sixth grade. She has wavy brown hair, blue eyes, a wide smile, and is tall. She doesn’t believe she has value: she thinks she has no talent at all, and she is always trying new things in order to find her talent. She likes challenges and is not afraid to try new things, but she is fickle in what she does because she doesn’t believe in her possibilities and she gets annoyed by everything. Her biggest fear is not finding her talent, but she won’t get tired of trying everything she comes up with until she discovers it.

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  • Rebecca Suena – (Spanish)


    En el segundo cuento de la Serie Jovencitas Valientes, la protagonista es Rebecca, de 11 aos y cursa el sexto grado. Tiene los ojos grandes color cafe claro, cabello lacio de color marron claro, y largas y abundantes pestanas. Es comica, piensa creativamente y hace amigos con facilidad. Aunque es buena en el momento de resolver cambios inesperados, hay cambios que la bloquean y le afectan mucho, y tiene que aprender a seguir instrucciones y a callar un poco lo que piensa y siente. Puede liderar sin problemas, pero tiene un miedo atroz a equivocarse en publico, y que la gente se burle y se ria de ella. Tienes alguna amiga como Rebecca?

    In the second story of the Brave Young Girls Series, the main character is Rebecca, 11 years old and in sixth grade. She has large light brown eyes, straight light brown hair, and long, thick eyelashes. She is humorous, thinks creatively, and makes friends easily. Although she is good at dealing with unexpected changes, some of these block her and affect her a lot, and she has to learn to follow instructions and shut up what she thinks and feels a bit. She can lead with no problems, but she is terribly afraid of being wrong in public, and of being mocked and laughed at. Do you have any friends like Rebecca?

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  • Mariana Se Valora – (Spanish)


    Valorarse a si misma, soar, crear y emprender son etapas que cada mujer debe vivir para auto realizarse. Por eso es tan importante que las nias y jovencitas aprendan a desarrollarlas desde temprana edad. La Serie Jovencitas Valientes, nuevo proyecto de la autora Omayra Font, surge de querer cumplir ese proposito. Los personajes de esta serie fueron creados con la participacion de las cuatro hijas de la autora, junto a su propia experiencia de vida y lo que ella conoce como necesidades de las nias en la preadolescencia. Los nombres de las protagonistas aluden a las mujeres que han colaborado con ella en la realizacion de su sueo de ser escritora.

    El primer cuento de la serie es Mariana se valora. Mariana, una jovencita de 12 aos, estudiante de septimo grado, tiene cabello rizo largo y negro, ojos claros y grandes, y pecas. Aunque siempre quiere ayudar a los demas, su mayor miedo es que nadie la acepte tal cual es. Teme decir lo que piensa, se deja llevar por otros y es testaruda. Ama a las personas, las hace sentir bien, y sabe escuchar. El compararse con todo el mundo, sus amigas y hermana ha causado inseguridades en ella donde no se siente bonita, no se atreve a expresarse, y la timidez le impide hacer cosas que le gustaria hacer. Conoces alguna “Mariana”?

    Valuing herself, dreaming, creating and becoming an entrepreneur are stages that each woman must live in order to fulfill herself. That is why it is so important that girls and young women learn to develop these stages from an early age. The Brave Young Girls Series, a new project by author Omayra Font, arises from wanting to fulfill that purpose. The characters in this series were created with the participation of the author’s four daughters, along with her own life experience and what she knows as the needs of pre-teen girls. The names of her main characters allude to the women who have collaborated with her in the realization of her dream of being a writer.

    The first story in the series is Mariana values herself. Mariana, a 12-year-old seventh grader, has long black curly hair, large, light eyes, and freckles. Although she always wants to help others, her biggest fear is that no one will accept her as she is. She is afraid to say what she thinks, she gets carried away by others and is stubborn. She loves people, makes them feel good, and knows how to listen. Comparing herself to everyone, her friends and her sister has caused insecurities in her where she doesn’t feel pretty, she does

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  • Poison At The Pump


    Over 1 million sold in series!

    When kids step into the Imagination Station, they experience an unforgettable journey filled with action-packed adventure and excitement. Each book whisks readers away on the adventure with cousins Patrick and Beth to embark on a new journey around the world and back in time.

    In Poison at the Pump, Patrick and Beth travel back in time in the Imagination Station to London, England, during the cholera epidemic of 1854. The cousins join Dr. John Snow, Florence Nightingale, and Curate Henry Whitehead in a thrilling scientific adventure to discover why this disease was killing people around Broad Street. In their quest for truth, Patrick finds himself a prisoner in a workhouse. Will he escape? Can the cousins help Curate Whitehead put together the clues to keep this deadly disease from spreading?

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  • Dragon And The Stone Volume


    Even though she’s only 12 years old, Lily McKinley already feels the weight of the world’s brokenness. She’s seen it in her mother’s exhaustion, her grandmother’s illness, and the cruelty of Adam, the bully at her school. But most tragically, she experienced it two months ago when her father died in a terrible accident.

    As an artistic daydreamer, Lily has a brilliant imagination to help her cope, but that imagination often gets her into trouble. One day, it transports her to a fantasy world called the Somnium Realm, where her father’s secret history embroils her in an epic quest. With the help of a dragon guide named Cedric, Lily battles evil shrouds, harpies, and other creatures to find her way through grief, rescue the world from evil, and discover the power of redemption.

    This thrilling novel by Kathryn Butler mixes fantasy with Christian themes, taking middle-grade readers on a quest through castles, forests, and caverns to help a young girl find hope and usher in restoration.

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  • Prince Warriors


    The battle is real.

    As brothers, Xavier and Evan are used to battling each other. But now they’re discovering that there is a much bigger battle going on all around them. And it’s their turn to fight. The Prince Warriors is the first book in Priscilla Shirer’s epic new series that brings to life the invisible struggle ensuing in the spiritual realm. Xavier, Evan, and their friends have typical lives until they enter a mysterious land called Ahoratos. There they meet their guide, Ruwach, who offers wisdom and direction as the kids’ initial adventure begins–an adventure filled with armor and danger and a very real enemy.

    Written by New York Times Best-Selling author Priscilla Shirer, The Prince Warriors series was created for middle-grade readers and will include the fiction trilogy as well as Unseen: The 365 Prince Warriors Devotional and the Unseen app.

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  • Expect The Unexpected (Unabridged) (Audio CD)


    Join the Odyssey gang and learn about fame, friendship, family, and more! Zoe and Olivia choose jelly bean-lover Jay Smouse as their talk show guest. David finds an unusual opportunity at a picnic. Morrie discovers whether Olivia will keep her promise. And Buck and the Meltsners face a sudden dilemma. Six adventures in all! Two CDs, approx. 2.5 hours total.

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  • Up In The Air (Audio CD)


    Things are definitely up in the air in Odyssey! First, Wooton Bassett returns from his honeymoon with two problems-Penny is missing and he’s lost his memory! While Whit, Connie, and Jason try to help Wooton find Penny, Buck Oliver rescues Jules from a crash course of disaster. And a mystery is solved only after Emily and Matthew’s friendship is threatened. You’ll learn the meaning of true friendship and integrity in six episodes of heart-changing, risk-taking adventure!

    Adventures in Odyssey has provided high quality, character-building entertainment through audio drama for nearly thirty years. With over two hours of entertainment, these episodes find the folks of Odyssey learning about relationships, friendship, and compassion.

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  • Lets Put On A Show (Audio CD)


    Adventures in Odyssey has provided high-quality, character-building entertainment through audio drama for nearly thirty years. Your entire family will love the next installment as the town of Odyssey gets ready to put on a show! With over two hours of entertainment, these episodes find the folks of Odyssey learning about relationships, friendship, and compassion. Jules Kendall feels like she’s in the spotlight and has to live up to everyone’s expectations. Buck Oliver pretends to understand Eugene and Katrina’s faith. A mysterious visitor to the antique shop isn’t all he seems as he searches for a clue to a father’s final words. And a group of traveling singers put on the rootin-est, tootin-est, Wild Westiest musical extravaganza Odyssey has ever seen! Sit back and enjoy the show!

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  • Without A Hitch (Audio CD)


    Adventures in Odyssey is approaching its 30th anniversary of entertaining families with enthralling storylines that teach biblical values disguised in humor. Young and old alike will be delighted to meet all the characters of Odyssey and follow them on their adventures.

    In this Adventures in Odyssey volume, wedding bells are finally ringing for Penny Wise and Wooton Bassett, but the journey to the altar takes several unexpected side roads. Meanwhile, the Jones and Parker Detective Agency faces its most perplexing case yet, Olivia and Matthew compete against each other for student body president, and Whit finds himself in the middle of a feud between two warring clans. Celebrate marriage, family, and friends in Odyssey with this hilarious six-episode collection!

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  • Head Over Heels (Audio CD)


    Love me . . . love me not?

    In the world of Odyssey, life’s issues rarely come together without a hitch. For Penny and Wooton, the answer to a marriage proposal leads to even more questions. Will Wooton meet with Penny’s family’s approval? And will Penny believe the best about Wooton even after the evidence seems to pile up against him? Meanwhile, others in town are asking questions of their own: The Parker family wonders if Mom will ever learn how to ride a bike, Whit unexpectedly questions whether his daughter should move to town, and Emily wonders how an unknown hero is thwarting the robberies across town. Throw caution to the wind and find the answers as the folks in Odyssey jump head over heels into the path of truth and discernment.

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  • Great Carp Escape


    Tadpoles, clams, and minnows?wow! For siblings Beth and Paul, growing up on a lake is fun… until they’re startled by a “fishy” find along the shoreline. When they discover the scaly, moustached carp, they become afraid.

    Seasons pass, and Beth and Paul avoid the swampy reeds at all costs?until a flood brings about a life-or-death situation for the creepy looking carp, right in their own backyard!

    With guidance from their father, will Beth and Paul be able to overcome their apprehensions about the carp and help save them before it’s too late?

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  • Isabelle The Giraffe


    When Isabelle loses her grandfather in a serious car accident, she turns to her friends to figure out how to cope with the loss. Watch as Isabelle and her friends learn what it is like to experience death for the first time and begin to understand the value of life.

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  • Marsalis The Monkey


    Marsalis quickly becomes the target for Green Leaf Public School’s newest bully: Walter the Walrus. After enduring an awful week of everything from having his milk cartons stolen at lunch to being called hurtful names, Marsalis decides to take things into his own hands–and lands both of them in the principal’s office! Can Walter learn to change his bullying ways? Will Walter and Marsalis reconcile and become friends after all? Read on to find out more! About the Author As a child, Hannah loved being read to, but was not a fan of reading on her own. One day, Hannah’s father read her a story about a little polar bear which sparked her love for them. Fast forward to 15 years later and Betty the Polar Bear was born. Hannah is delighted to share this unique series with you that addresses real-life situations that children go through. She guarantees you will fall in love with each of the characters and will want to read these stories over and over again.

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  • Blackgaard Chronicles : The Battle Between Good And Evil Comes Home (Audio CD)


    Evil has a name and it’s Dr. Regis Blackgaard! The small town of Odyssey will never be the same! When a man named Dr. Regis Blackgaard arrives to build an “amusement house for kids,” chaos and danger follow him. A top-secret government computer program is unleashed at Whit’s End. Tom Riley’s barn burns to the ground. And that’s just the beginning of the schemes that Dr. Blackgaard has planned for Odyssey and John Avery Whittaker.

    Follow the ever-twisting story in The Blackgaard Chronicles, a collection of thirty episodes following Whit’s greatest nemesis. Along the way, the folks in Odyssey learn lessons about God’s protection, sacrifice, forgiveness, salvation, and more. Once you start the story with “A Bite of Applesauce,” you won’t want to stop listening until you hear the dramatic conclusion.

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  • Voyage With The Vikings


    The first in the new Imagination Station historical fiction series for early readers takes kids on an adventure to Greenland in the year 1000.

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  • Just In Time (Audio CD)


    It’s a race against the clock! Can Curt and Traci solve the case of the missing train car? Will Robyn Jacobs stop being late for everything? Will the Barclay kids get their story straight about how the TV caught fire? Hurry to find the answers, and the important lessons on this classic “Gold Audio” album!

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  • Cooper Kids Adventure Series Set


    Set Includes:
    The Door In The Dragon’s Throat
    Escape From The Island Of Aquarius
    The Tombs Of Anak
    Trapped At The Bottom Of The Sea

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    Frank E. Peretti’s popular fiction series for young adults in now available in a boxed set. This collection of four novels has been redesigned for today’s young readers.

    Poisonous snakes and angry terrorists. Close calls and nerve-wracking rescues. Earthquakes. Traps. Plane crashes. Typical teen years, right?

    Jay and Lila Cooper are teenagers who travel all over the world with their archaeologist dad. Their adventures take them to some remote corners of the earth, where they encounter mysterious characters and dark secrets. They must find ways to uncover the truth – no matter how dangerous the search. By trusting in God to keep them safe in the most perilous situations, Jay and Lila have some amazing adventures.

    Now a new generation of readers can immerse themselves in the exciting world of the Cooper kids with this boxed set. All four books have been redesigned, giving the series a fresh new look.

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