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    • 9780310156031 Zondervan 2025 Pastors Annual

      Zondervan 2025 Pastors Annual


      Countless preachers have turned to the Zondervan Pastor’s Annual to save them time in sermon and service preparation. This tried-and-true resource makes your demanding job as a pastor a lot easier. Use its contents as is, or tailor it to fit your unique approach.

      The Zondervan 2025 Pastor’s Annual supplies you with:

      *Morning and evening services for every Sunday of the year
      *Sermon topics and texts fully indexed
      *Definitive and usable sermon outlines
      *Devotionals and Bible studies for midweek services
      *Fresh and applicable illustrations
      *Appropriate hymn selections
      *Special-day services for church and civil calendars
      *Meditations on Lord’s Supper observance
      *Wedding ceremonies and themes
      *Funeral messages and Scriptures
      *Basic pastoral ministry helps
      *Messages for children and young people
      *Offertory prayers

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    • 9781683597520 More Than A Sermon

      More Than A Sermon


      Preach with compassion and conviction

      In More than a Sermon, Douglas D. Webster highlights the prophetic and pastoral challenge of preaching today. The task is both harder and easier than we imagine, as we are called to proclaim the biblical text in a way that convicts a hostile world while encouraging our congregations to rest in Christ’s love. We need preaching that both swings the hammer that breaks hard hearts yet does not break the bruised reeds in our care.

      Offering practical insights and examples, Webster explores what it means to preach the gospel in different seasons such as:

      *Advent and Lent
      *Memorial services and weddings
      *Times of crisis or social impact

      More than a Sermon is a valuable resource for both new pastors and veteran preachers who want to proclaim the whole counsel of God with power and wisdom.

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    • 9781683593782 Finding Our Voice

      Finding Our Voice


      No one preaches in a cultural vacuum.

      The message of what God has done in Christ is good news to all, but to have the greatest impact on its hearers–or even to be understood at all–it must be culturally contextualized.

      Finding Our Voice speaks clearly to an issue that has largely been ignored: preaching to Asian North American (ANA) contexts. In addition to reworking hermeneutics, theology, and homiletics for these overlooked contexts, Kim and Wong include examples of culturally-specific sermons and instructive questions for contextualizing one’s own sermons.

      Finding Our Voice is essential reading for all who preach and teach in ANA contexts. But by examining this kind of contextualization in action, all who preach in their own unique contexts will benefit from this approach.

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    • 9781683592105 Impact Preaching : A Case For The One-Point Expository Sermon

      Impact Preaching : A Case For The One-Point Expository Sermon


      This comprehensive and engaging manual aids preachers in keeping the transformative meaning and impact of the biblical text intact through all hermeneutical and homiletical processes. While this approach applies to all sermon structures, the book focuses on the less familiar one-point expository message rather than the more common three-point sermon, or verse-by-verse approach.

      Drawing upon the strengths of their backgrounds as homiletic and biblical studies professors, the authors help the reader identify which biblical texts fit the one-point expository sermon structure, explain how to develop the sermons, and provide sermon samples that illustrate the approach.

      The authors explore the features of each major literary genre and how it helps to shape the sermon. With their shared expertise in biblical studies and homiletics, they offer a book brimming with insights and usefulness.

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    • 9781909559202 Gospel Centered Preaching

      Gospel Centered Preaching


      17 Principles Of Gospel-centered Preaching
      1: The Goals Of Preaching
      2: The Means Of Preaching
      3: The Content Of Preaching
      4: The Priorities Of Preaching
      5: The Process Of Preaching

      Additional Info
      This accessible manual on preaching unpacks the core of how a preacher must think and what they must do. And it focuses our eyes on the central message – the gospel.

      Use this resource to train yourself and others as a new preacher, to develop your thinking and skills as a growing preacher, and to encourage and sustain yourself as a seasoned preacher.

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    • 9781593830366 Preaching With Purpose And Passion

      Preaching With Purpose And Passion


      The authority to preach comes by divine appointment from God and is one of the most fulfilling aspects of a leader’s ministry and life. This book will empower and encourage all leaders to reach for a higher level of love and achievement in preaching.

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