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R. A. Torrey

  • Real Salvation


    “I believe that God is putting the question of the text to every man and woman, to every Christian, and to everyone who is not a Christian. ‘Where art thou?’ Where do you stand as regards spiritual and eternal things? Where do you stand as regards God, as regards heaven, as regards righteousness, as regards Christ, as regards eternity? ‘Where art thou?’ Every wise man will be glad to face and answer that question. Every truly intelligent man desires to know just where he is.”

    Discover why what you believe is so important. In Real Salvation, R. A. Torrey explores what God has revealed to us of the afterlife-heaven, hell, and eternity. Join him as he endeavors to answer many of the questions that are still grappled with today, such as:
    *What does it mean to be saved?
    *Who can be saved?
    *What can we expect heaven and hell to be like?
    *What are the characteristics of an effective soulwinner?
    *How can we find true rest and joy?

    In this thought-provoking book, Torrey challenges readers, even those who have not yet decided what they believe, to wrestle with age-old questions of faith, redemption, and salvation. His lucid, cogent writing is sure to compel both Christians and non-Christians to seek the truth.

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  • Real Christ


    “The representations of Christ by many poets, essayists, and preachers, while not so grossly false, are nevertheless unsatisfying,” said R. A. Torrey. Almost everyone we talk to has a different interpretation of the person of Christ-who He was and what He stood for. This prompted Torrey on a journey to discover the real Christ-the Christ that God reveals to us in His Word. Through this book, you will learn about…
    *Christ’s love for the Father
    *His love for men
    *His humility, manliness, and compassion
    *His prayerfulness

    Join R. A. Torrey on a journey to discover the real Christ, not the Christ of Western society or the one we often fabricate in our minds. Learn who the real Christ is, the Christ of God’s own appointment, whom Christ reveals to us through the written Word.

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  • Gospel For Today


    The gospel presented in these sermons is the same gospel of a crucified Christ, a Savior from the guilt of sin, and a risen Christ, a Savior from the present power of sin, that we have been preaching throughout our entire ministry as pastor, and as evangelist in all parts of the world.
    -R. A. Torrey

    From 1902-1907, R. A. Torrey went on a series of startlingly successful speaking tours to nearly every part of the English-speaking world. His preaching sparked revivals and drew crowds on multiple continents. Throughout these tours and for the rest of his ministry, he delighted in pointing out that the message he preached was changeless.

    The Gospel for Today is a collection of those sermons, as poignant and effective today as when he first preached them. It is sure to be a treasured part of any Christian book collection.

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  • How To Pray


    What is the importance of prayer? How does one pray? Learn practical pointers for intelligent, effective prayer that brings God’s answers.

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  • Presence And Work Of The Holy Spirit


    Within these pages, you will discover the importance of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life. R. A. Torrey also reveals the work of the Holy Spirit in helping to bring unbelievers into the kingdom of God. He also shows how to receive God’s favor and blessings, the way the Holy Spirit imparts life to the spiritually dead, and our need to follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance. These eternal issues–and many more–are covered in this in-depth examination of who the Holy Spirit is and His work in our lives. Followers of Christ, as well as those searching, will be permanently transformed as God’s divine power flows through their hearts.

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  • How To Witness To Anyone


    This handbook compiled by R A Torrey, is a valuable ministry tool that will teach you how to: Become a successful soul-winner Use God’s Word to answer difficult questions Show the self-righteous their need of God Help believers mature in Christ

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  • How To Pray


    How to Pray is a book on prayer “prayer so vital to our faith, it is essential that we comprehend God’s methods of hearing and answering prayer.” Torrey gives us lessons that will permanently alter your prayer life.

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