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Ray Comfort

  • 50 Years Of Open-Air Preaching


    In the midst of a godless culture, Paul did what was necessary to reach the masses with the message of everlasting life: he reasoned about Jesus “in the marketplace daily with those who happened to be there” (Acts 17:17) and he found a hill to preach on. We too are living in the midst of a godless society, and those in the streets desperately need to hear God’s Word. If we are serious about reaching this dying world, let us emulate Jesus and the apostles and preach where sinners gather. In thirty minutes, a good open-air preacher can reach more unsaved people than the average church does in a year. If you’re ready for something more exhilarating than skydiving, arguably more scary, and infinitely more productive, try peaching the gospel in public. For more than fifty years Ray Comfort has preached the gospel in the open air and witnessed one-to-one to thousands. During those years he has learned certain biblical principles that make reaching the lost so much easier.

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  • Volatile : The Nations The Bible Says Will Attack Israel In The Latter Days


    Volatile!: The Nations the Bible Says Will Attack Israel in the Latter Days by Ray Comfort is a thought-provoking book that explores the remarkable accuracy of ancient biblical prophecies. In a world grappling with ongoing conflicts and failed peace negotiations in the Middle East, this book offers a unique perspective by delving into prophecies made over 2,500 years ago.

    With careful analysis, Ray Comfort reveals the Bible’s prediction of the specific nations that would rise against Israel in the last days. Seamlessly weaving together historical context and contemporary events, Comfort sheds light on the astonishing accuracy of these prophecies, providing compelling evidence for those seeking a deeper understanding of the Middle East conflict.

    Volatile! challenges readers to reevaluate their preconceptions and take a closer look at biblical prophecies unfolding before their very eyes. In an era of uncertainty and geopolitical tensions, this book encourages a second look at the Bible’s insights into world events, raising important questions about the role of faith and prophecy in shaping our understanding of the present and the future.

    Whether you are a believer seeking to strengthen your faith, or a curious skeptic in search of historical and spiritual truths, Volatile! offers a captivating journey that will leave you with a fresh perspective on the Middle East and the enduring relevance of ancient biblical prophecies.

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  • Why Jesus : Answering Life’s Most Important Question


    Jesus is our hope.

    The world offers countless choices for how to live and who to follow. With each conflicting option, we’re often left uncertain and confused in our search for truth and meaning.

    Ray Comfort has spent decades pointing people to Jesus. Now he describes how you, too, can share the truth and love of the Lord with confidence to a world that needs hope. Taking you step-by-step through real-life evangelistic conversations, Why Jesus? will help you:

    *recognize Jesus as the only path to everlasting life,
    *identify lies that distort humanity’s view of God, and
    *use the Bible to highlight our need of the Savior.

    Surrender your fears and trust God’s faithfulness to transform lives as you share the good news with those around you.

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  • Defender Of The Faith


    The Coronation, a momentous occasion. Gold, velvet, rare stones all on display for the public, a representation of royalty and pride. Have you ever looked a little deeper into the imagery? During Charles’ coronation, the king is handed a pearl-studded sceptre, finished with a diamond-encrusted orb. What is the meaning of this? Three swords are carried before him-one of which is blunt, what does this represent?

    Did you know special oil is poured onto his head in a private ceremony? Or, that the king wears six robes during the ceremony? What do the four crosses on the king’s crown represent?

    In these short but fascinating chapters, you will learn ten interesting facts that will unravel a deeper insight into unspoken traditions of the coronation.

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  • Jakes Fortune : A Novel


    After witnessing the cold-blooded murder of his father, Jake’s life would never be the same. Step back to the nineteenth century Wild West as he wrestles through suspense and intrigue to unravel the mystery. Will the saloon girl with the golden eyes be the key? A compelling novel of mystery and romance that breathes with greed over gold, overwhelming bitterness, abiding faith, romantic love, abuse, blackmail, secrecy, and intense personal struggles. Will Jake find his fortune after all?

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  • By All Means


    When Ray Comfort scooped up his tired dog Sam as it ran beside his bike, the animal loved it. So he built a platform on his bike, sat him on it, added a seatbelt, and put sunglasses on the dog. To his surprise people came out from their homes to take photos. Women called out “How cute!” Drivers gave a thumbs up. Sam suddenly became a wonderful way to meet strangers. In this book you will find ways, which you never thought possible, to connect with strangers and fulfill the Great Commission.

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  • Ultimate Health Foods


    Many have surmised about the foods Jesus of Nazareth may have eaten. But this book is specific. It points to nine foods in Scripture that Jesus either consumed Himself, recommended as being good food, or approved of by strong inference.

    But what are the credentials of a lowly carpenter who lived 2,000 years ago? In speaking of Jesus, the Scriptures say, “All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made” (John 1:3). His credentials pass the test. Therefore, we will take note of each of these nine foods if we know what’s good for us.

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  • Gospel Of John


    New King James Version, Scripture Portions, Ray Comfort

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    The world’s most valuable message packaged to appeal to the lost.

    This unique, conveniently sized Gospel of John uses a very eye-catching cover to stir curiosity. Designed after Ray Comfort’s best-selling gospel tract, with over 60 million in print, it’s a sure way to get the world’s attention.

    This creative approach makes it easy to share the gospel and conveys a message far more valuable than a mere one million dollars: how to find the riches of everlasting life.

    Includes a gospel presentation as well as “The Uniqueness of Jesus” – a 14-page summary of Jesus’ unprecedented words and unparalleled works.

    Ideal for personal witnessing, church outreach, and evangelism events. For bulk distribution, see “The Vault,” which contains 100 copies of the “million dollar” Gospel of John.

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  • Bibles Four Gospels


    “I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people” (Luke 2:10).

    The word “gospel” means “good news”–and who couldn’t use some good news these days? The first four books of the New Testament, called the Gospels, contain the very best news ever heard: the message of how you can have eternal life.

    1. Introduction by Ray Comfort
    2. Why Christianity?
    3. Common Questions About the Christian Faith
    4. Principles for Growth
    5. Understanding the Biblical Gospel

    With commentary adapted from The Evidence Study Bible (a finalist for the Gold Medallion Book Award), this pocket-sized edition is designed to carry in your pocket or purse to give to an unsaved person.

    In addition to the eyewitness accounts of the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth–the greatest Person who ever lived–skeptics can find answers to commonly asked questions such as:

    * How do you know God exists?
    * Who made God?
    * Why do bad things happen?
    * How do you know the Bible is true?
    * How could a loving God create Hell, and more.

    With a thorough gospel presentation and suggestions for Christian growth, this publication will help readers to understand why the gospel is indeed the very best news ever and how to grow in their new faith.

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  • Counting The Days


    How can we know if the Bible’s promise of everlasting life is true? One word: prophecy. One prophecy (among many) says that troubled times would come, with “men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth.” These certainly are troubled times. The CDC reported that in June 2020, a massive 30 million Americans seriously considered committing suicide.

    However, among its fearful predictions, the Bible also gives wonderful hope to those who will listen. Only God knows the future, and thanks to the Scriptures, so can we.

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  • How To Overcome Lifes Endless Trials


    Diamonds, gold, and precious pearls don’t lie on the earth’s surface. We have to search for them. And so it is with the precious gems of the Bible. We have to dig for them. They have been hidden from the eyes those who fail to “search the Scriptures.” The life of Joseph in particular is filled with enigmatic meaning and biblical types that are easily missed by a superficial reading of the wonderful story. From his initial strange dreams, to the continual attempts to seduce him by Potiphar’s unfaithful wife, to being thrown in jail as an accused sexual predator, to his divinely assisted interpretations of the bizarre dreams of the butler, the baker, and Pharaoh-all carry amazing truths that will comfort, encourage, and thrill the godly soul.

    And how we need comfort, because almost every day has a fresh curveball-the unexpected job loss, bills that come from nowhere, sickness, the neighbor’s barking dog, and the car that breaks down. It seems that the whole world has conspired to make our short life miserable. And it certainly would be, if we missed the great lessons from a young man whose life was as colorful as his famous coat.

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  • Let Them Hear Moses


    Join best-selling author Ray Comfort on an exploration of the book of Exodus as we discover how the achievements and principles of Moses can be applied into our daily lives today. What does the life of Moses have to teach us today? How does this great deliverer, through whom God gave the Law, help us to be evangelistically effective and live faithfully in our day and age? Just as Moses was used by God to lead the Israelites out of slavery into the promised land, God calls us to do the same in our generation. The same powerful resources He gave to Moses are available for our use today.

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  • School Of Biblical Evangelism 101 Lessons


    In this School of Biblical Evangelism study course, you will learn how to share your faith simply, effectively, and biblically–the way Jesus did. Discover the God-given evangelistic tools that will enable you to confidently talk about your Lord and Savior.

    With 101 lessons, this course will help you to prove the authenticity of the bible, provide ample evidence for creation, understand the beliefs of cults and other religions, and learn how to reach both friends and strangers with the Gospel. Tremendous witnessing tool for individuals and for church evangelism classes.

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  • Banana Man


    The true story of how a demeaning nickname opened amazing doors for the gospel–and how you can overcome your own fears in sharing your faith.

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  • World Religions In A Nutshell


    This concise guide not only clearly explains the difference between Christianity and the other major religions, but will arm you with all the ammunition you need to go out into the battle with confidence.

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  • Susanna Wesley Her Remarkable Life


    The life of Susanna Wesley 1669-1742 is both intriguing and illuminating to explore. This book presents her life in ways that will astound the modern reader. Susanna was brought up in a Puritan home as the youngest of twenty-five children. As a teenager, she became a member of the Church of England. She became the wife of a chronically debt-ridden parish rector in an English village. She said, I have had a large experience of what the world calls adverse fortune. Nonetheless, Susanna managed to pass down to her children Christian principles that stayed with them.
    Ray Comfort and Trish Ramos quote from Susanna’s many letters and other sources to reveal a true woman of faith, who strongly endured the trials of life. Susanna Wesley: Her Remarkable Life gives readers a generous glimpse into the life of this exemplary wife and mother.

    In addition, the authors provide us with contemporary illustrations and faith-building stories that parallel Susanna’s experiences of walking out her faith.

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  • How To Know God Exists


    With the recent wave of books on atheism becoming New York Times best-sellers, the God debate is heating up. Because of the implications, it’s the most significant qustions of all time: Is there a God, or isn’t there? In this compelling book, Ray Comfort argues the case
    with simple logic and common sense. If there is a God, surely He has made His presence known so that anyone, young or old, scholar or schoolchild, can find Him. By applying basic logic to three clear evidences for the existence of God, Comfort will help you to:
    *Examine the case for evolution and see what top scientists are really saying about the theory
    *Explore the facts that led the world’s most notorious atheist to acknowledge a Creator
    *Investigate the evidence to discover who God is through 100% proof you can know God exists.

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  • Way Of The Master


    The Way of the Master is the flagship work of Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron’s organization. It anchors their television program, radio program, and website. Considered by many to be the definitive text in evangelism, this book is coming to Bridge-Logos to be updated, expanded, and illustrated with photographs for spring 2006 release.

    It’s anecdotal, loaded with commentary and remarks that are more conversational than academic. It’s an easy read with a hard message that has already changed the face of sharing faith.
    Comes with a free audio download

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  • Overcoming Panic Attacks


    Practical help for those who suffer from panic attacks and irrational fears. This balanced book is credible from a medical standpoint, and invaluable from a spiritual one. Drawing on personal experience and that of countless people he has counseled, Ray Comfort takes you by the hand and walks you through a panic attack and right back out of one. Biblically based.

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  • Hells Best Kept Secret With Questions And Answers


    Discover the crucial key needed to unlock the unbeliever’s heart. If you are experiencing evangelical frustration over lost souls, unrepentant sinners, and backslidden “believers,” then look no further. This radical approach could be the missing dimension needed to win our generation to Christ.

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