Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)
Showing 1–50 of 135 resultsSorted by latest
En Espiritu Danto Y Fuego – (Spanish)
$22.99En Espiritu Santo y fuego es una obra exhaustiva escrita por Jorge Canto Encalada que sumerge al lector en el rico mundo teologico del movimiento pentecostal.
Este libro, fruto del profundo compromiso del autor con su tradicion, ofrece una exploracion detallada y perspicaz de temas fundamentales para el pentecostalismo, como el bautismo del Espiritu Santo, la gracia preveniente y la pneumatologia.
Con un enfoque academico solido y una pasion palpable por su tema, Canto Encalada aborda tanto las doctrinas clasicas como las tendencias contemporaneas dentro del pentecostalismo, en especial en America Latina.
Este libro ofrece una exploracion profunda y unica de la teologia del Espiritu Santo, destacandose por:
*Incorporar voces desde los Padres de la Iglesia hasta la erudicion contemporanea
*Incluir informacion pertinente tanto de la teologia medieval como de la Reforma protestante
*Extensa investigacion bibliografica cuidadosa
*Hacer un analisis teologico riguroso
*Ayudar a entender las complejidades de la doctrina pentecostal
*Ofrecer una vision equilibrada y completa de la experiencia del Espiritu Santo
Descubre un libro con una valiosa contribucion al estudio academico del pentecostalismo, que tambien sirve como recurso practico para pastores, lideres y estudiantes de teologia interesados en profundizar su comprension de la obra del Espiritu Santo en la vida y la mision de la iglesia.
Con su estilo claro y accesible, En Espiritu Santo y fuegoinvita a los lectores a reflexionar sobre su propia experiencia espiritual y a explorar las riquezas de la tradicion pentecostal en el contexto contemporaneo.
Es una obra imprescindible para aquellos que deseen comprender mejor el papel central del Espiritu Santo en la fe y la practica pentecostal, y para quienes buscan enriquecer su conocimiento teologico con una perspectiva informada y comprometida con la tradicion pentecostal. Con su combinacion de erudicion teologica y pasion por la experiencia espiritual, En Espiritu Santo y fuego se posiciona como una obra de referencia indispensable en el campo de la pneumatologia pentecostal.
In the Spirit and in Fire
In the Spirit and in Fire is a comprehensive work authored by Jorge Canto Encalada that immerses readers in the rich theological world of the Pentecostal movement.
This book, a testament to the author’s deep commitment to his tradition, offers a detailed and insightful exploration of foundational themes for Pentecosta
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Triumph Of Love
$14.99One Chapter. One Monumental Chapter.
Each volume in this new book series from bestselling author John MacArthur focuses on one great chapter of the Bible.
In The Triumph of Love, focusing on Romans 8, we see that there is nothing that shall ever “separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom 8:39).
Taken from the MacArthur New Testament Commentary, this book equips believers with transforming truth by explaining how the Holy Spirit:
*Frees us from sin and death and enables us to fulfill the law
*Changes our nature and empowers us for victory
*Confirms our adoption
*Guarantees our glory
*And moreOur salvation was secured by God’s decree from eternity past and will be held secure by Christ’s love through all future time and throughout all eternity. In Romans 8, Paul allows absolutely no exceptions in regard to the believer’s security in Christ.
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Daily Doctrine : A One-Year Guide To Systematic Theology
$32.99Learn Important Systematic Theology Topics Each Day with This Accessible One-Year Devotional
All thoughtful Christians want to better understand the Bible, its author, and its influence on their beliefs. In short-whether they recognize it or not-they want to understand theology. But many find the subject matter too academic, dense, or difficult to understand, and they lack proper study resources to help expand their knowledge of God and his written word.
Designed to make systematic theology clear and accessible for the everyday Christian, this devotional walks through the most important theology topics over the course of a year. Each month is categorized into broad themes, starting with the study of God and concluding with the end times. Written by bestselling author and associate professor of systematic theology Kevin DeYoung, each concise daily reading contains verses for meditation and application, building upon each other and easing readers into the study of systematic theology.
*Written for Thoughtful Christians: Offers pastors, ministry leaders, and everyday Christians access to a theologically rich yet accessible study
*One-Year Plan: Daily readings build off one another to help ease readers into systematic theology
*Covers Important Theological Topics: Each month covers a different broad theological topic, including mankind, salvation, the church, end times, and more
*Written by Kevin DeYoung: Pastor, bestselling author, and associate professor of systematic theology
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Church : A Guide To The People Of God
$18.99You belong to God’s family. But do you understand what that means?
The Bible tells the story of God and his people. But it is not merely history. It is our story. Abraham is our father. And Israel’s freedom from slavery is ours.
Brad East traces the story of God’s people, from father Abraham to the coming of Christ. He shows how we need the scope of the entire Bible to fully grasp the mystery of the church. The church is not a building but a body. It is not peripheral or optional in the life of faith. Rather, it is the very beating heart of God’s story, where our needs and hopes are found.
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Triumph Of The Rising
$14.99New book series from bestselling author John MacArthur on the great chapters of the Bible
Taken from the MacArthur New Testament Commentary on 1 Corinthians, this book equips believers with transforming truth by explaining Paul’s treatment of the doctrine of the resurrection. Chapters include:
*The Evidence for Christ’s Resurrection
*The Importance of Bodily Resurrection
*The Resurrection Plan
*Resurrection Incentives
*Our Resurrection Bodies
*Victory Over DeathIn 1 Corinthians 15, Paul delivers the most extensive treatment of the resurrection in all of Scripture. As the heart pumps life-giving blood to every part of the body, so the truth of the resurrection gives life to every area of gospel truth.
The resurrection is the pivot on which all of Christianity turns and without which none of the other truths would much matter. Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Christianity would be mere wishful thinking, taking its place alongside all other systems of human philosophy and religious speculation. Paul, however, declares that Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, therefore all who are in Christ Jesus will also be raised to life.
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Heaven : 20th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)
$27.99Over 1 Million Copies Sold!
Have you ever wondered . . . ?
*What is Heaven really going to be like?
*What will we look like?
*What will we do every day?
*Won’t Heaven get boring after a while?We all have questions about what Heaven will be like, and after twenty-five years of extensive research, Dr. Randy Alcorn has the answers.
In the most comprehensive and definitive book on Heaven to date, Randy invites you to picture Heaven the way Scripture describes it-a bright, vibrant, and physical New Earth, free from sin, suffering, and death, and brimming with Christ’s presence, wondrous natural beauty, and the richness of human culture as God intended it.
This is a book about real people with real bodies enjoying close relationships with God and each other, eating, drinking, working, playing, traveling, worshiping, and discovering on a New Earth. Earth as God created it. Earth as he intended it to be.
The next time you hear someone say, “We can’t begin to image what Heaven will be like,” you’ll be able to tell them, “I can.”
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God Has A Name
$29.99What you believe about God sets the foundation of the person you will become.
In God Has a Name, pastor and New York Times bestselling author John Mark Comer invites you to rethink many of the prevalent myths and misconceptions about God and weigh them against what God actually tells us about himself. After all, what you believe about God will ultimately shape the type of person you become.
We all live at the mercy of our ideas, and nowhere is this more true than our ideas about God. The problem is many of our ideas about God are wrong. Not all wrong, but wrong enough to form our souls in detrimental and disheartening ways.
God Has a Name is a simple yet profound guide to understanding God in a new light–focusing on what God says about himself in the Bible. This one shift has the potential to radically alter how you relate to God, not as a doctrine, but as a relational being who responds to you in an elastic, back-and-forth way.
John Mark Comer takes you line by line through Exodus 34:6-8–Yahweh’s self-revelation on Mount Sinai, one of the most quoted passages in the Bible. Along the way, Comer addresses some of the most profound questions he came across as he studied these noted lines in Exodus, including:
*Why do we feel this gap between us and God?
*Could it be that a lot of what we think about God is wrong? Not all wrong, but wrong enough to mess up how we relate to him?
*What if our “God” is really a projection of our own identity, ideas, and desires?
*What if the real God is different, but far better than we could ever imagine?
No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, God Has a Name invites you to step into a fresh and biblically rooted vision of who God is that has the potential to alter your life with God and shape who you become.
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Short Guide To Church
$14.99A common claim in modern American Christianity is that you don’t have to go to church to be a Christian. The writers of the New Testament, however, would find a Christian faith separate from the church to be unrecognizable. Dean Inserra has often said to his congregation, “There is more to being a Christian than going to church, but there certainly isn’t less.” Belonging to a local church is not something made up by a Christian subculture. The local church was God’s design. It is his grand idea to display his glory and provide the avenue for his people to flourish as his missionaries to the world. When one begins to see the church as God’s plan, the mindset shifts from going to church in order to claim Christianity to seeing oneself as a participant in what God has given his people as a gift.
There is a purpose, design, and reason for why the church functions in the manner she does. Consistent practices that may seem as merely tradition upon first glance, are prescribed by God for his people to practice together until Christ returns. The local church, congregated together, is the Lord’s primary plan for discipleship, fellowship, and mission for the Christian life. A Short Guide to Church is not a technical treatment of ecclesiology, but rather a book to put in the hands of every prospective and current church member, to help the body of Christ, expressed locally, to see the purposes and plan of the local church for their life of faith, and why it truly is the best thing going.
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Crisis Of Civil Law
$22.99How should Christians think about law?
In every age, this is one of the most difficult questions faced by followers of Christ. Within the modern church, there is little unity on how Scripture addresses issues like gun control, abortion, and disobedience of an unjust law. In The Crisis of Civil Law, legal scholar Benjamin B. Saunders draws from Scripture and Christian tradition to provide valuable guidance on contemporary legal questions and the role of civil government. We can gain greater clarity by wisely applying the moral law found in Scripture–as well as the universal standards of the natural law–to the changing circumstances of human societies.
The Crisis of Civil Law includes detailed discussion of the biblical material on law as well as practical case studies that contextualize scriptural principles in modern Western society.
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Giver Of Life
$36.99God’s Spirit unites believers to Christ, conforms them to his image, and equips them for witness and ministry. In The Giver of Life, J. V. Fesko reflects on the person and work of the Holy Spirit in the application of Christ’s work for the salvation of sinners. Through a combination of biblical, historical, and theological study, Fesko illuminates the blessing of God’s presence with his people.
Written from a confessionally Reformed perspective in dialogue with the great creeds of the church, The Giver of Life provides a thorough and trustworthy guide to the Holy Spirit’s role in salvation.
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Understanding My Brother
$19.99Why is there such endless strife between the Muslim and the Christian world, despite the Quaran endorsing Jesus Christ, His immaculate conception by the Holy Spirit and expecting Muslims to believe His message?
Today the Muslim world fails to recognize what exactly is the message of Jesus Christ and His role in securing eternity for mankind.
Both Muslims and Christians are largely ignorant what the other believes and why there is still relentless tension on the earth.
This book focuses on the fundamental irreconcilable differences between the Christian and Islamic faiths, that are rooted in the texts of the Quran and Bible, and is written from experience in both faiths.
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1 God One Way Christ Or Muhammad
$24.99The promise and importance of God’s Messiah is undisputedly acknowledged by the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims.
Who is this Messiah?
The Bible and the Quran both recognizes Christ Jesus as the promised Messiah and directs their followers to accept the Gospel brought to mankind through Him. However, while the Quran commands to recognize the teachings of Jesus, an average Muslim remains unknowledgable to Christ’s proclamation and promises.
The big divide is that Jesus claims to be divine and the Bible declares Him to be God incarnate. However, Islam is only willing to credit Christ as a mortal man, a prophet with a message from God (Allah) but not God himself.
This book unravels the Islamic precepts pertaining to Jesus in the Quran itself, while bluntly showcases the bold statements of divinity and the offering of one singular path to man’s eternal salvation made by Christ Jesus.
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Reformed Covenant Theology
$49.99“Perkins is an expert in his field and very much a pastor. … You will not be disappointed.” –From the foreword by Ligon Duncan
*See Christ and his work more clearly.
*Learn the biblical basis for the Reformed confessions.
*Understand the role of grace and works in your salvation.Covenant shapes our life with God. In Reformed Covenant Theology: A Systematic Introduction, Harrison Perkins shows how Christ and his work are the heart of that covenant relationship. Since God lives in covenant with his redeemed people, covenant theology provides a framework for Christians to grow in their life with God, to read the Bible, and to love the church.
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How Should We Then Die
$18.99“My times are in thy hand.”
*Explains why physician-assisted death is attractive
*Makes a case for the value of life and wrongness of killing
*Argues from general revelation and Scripture
*Helps Christians undercut the logic of euthanasiaAs more people accept the practice of physician-assisted death, Christians must decide whether to embrace or oppose it. Is it ethical for physicians to assist patients in hastening their own death? Should Christians who are facing death accept the offer of an assisted death?
In How Should We then Die?, physician Ewan Goligher draws from general revelation and Scripture to persuade and equip Christians to oppose physician-assisted death. Euthanasia presumes what it is like to be dead. But for Christians, death is not the end. Christ Jesus has destroyed death and brought life and immortality through the gospel.
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Fundamentalists In The Public Square
$29.99A myth-busting work on fundamentalists and culture
The Scopes Trial of 1925 is often regarded as a turning point in the history of American fundamentalism and evangelicalism. It is claimed that Scopes was a public relations defeat that sent fundamentalism into retreat from mainstream culture.
In Fundamentalists in the Public Square: Evolution, Alcohol, and the Culture Wars after the Scopes Trial, Madison Trammel argues that such a characterization is misguided. Using documentary evidence from newspapers in the 1920s and 1930s, Trammel shows that fundamentalists remained fully active in seeking to transform the culture for Christ, and they remained so through the rise of Billy Graham’s ministry.
Grounded in historical evidence, Fundamentalists in the Public Square offers a fresh take on the relationship between fundamentalism, evangelicalism, and the public square.
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Teologia Concisa Para Todos – (Spanish)
$14.99Una introduccion concisa a la doctrina biblica
La teologia es importante para la vida cristiana. Y aunque la teologia biblica esta marcada por muchos terminos y doctrinas complejos, aun existe lo que J. I. Packer, uno de los principales teologos del cristianismo, llama “los fundamentos permanentes del cristianismo”. Si es cierto que las Escrituras son la predicacion y enseanza de Dios mismo, el primer distintivo de la buena teologia es que busca hacerse eco de la Palabra divina con toda la fidelidad posible. Esta introduccion concisa a doctrinas esenciales destila verdades teologicas para que tanto el estudiante comprometido como el creyente laico puedan llegar a atesorar los pilares inmutables de la fe cristiana. Cada uno de los noventa y cuatro capitulos explora una doctrina diferente de una manera facil de entender, sin sacrificar la profundidad, y arraigada en la enseanza reformada historica. Organizado con esmero y refrescantemente legible, se trata de un libro que merece su lugar en el estante de todo cristiano.
Para la fe cristiana, es fundamental que los creyentes reciban y entiendan las enseanzas biblicas como instrucciones dadas por Dios. Este libro expone de manera breve la esencia permanente del cristianismo, como un sistema de creencias y una forma de vida. La teologia es para la doxologia y la consagracion; esto es, para alabar a Dios y practicar la santidad. Por consiguiente, la teologia debe presentarse de tal forma que nos haga conscientes de la presencia divina, y esta en su estado mas sano cuando se halla conscientemente bajo la mirada del Dios, de quien habla, y cuando canta para su gloria. Dividido en cuatro partes, el libro destaca a Dios como Creador, Redentor, Seor de la gracia y Seor del destino. A medida que aprendas mas acerca de las enseanzas fundamentales de la fe, creceras en el conocimiento de Dios y lo adoraras como tu Creador, Redentor y Seor soberano.
A Concise Introduction to Biblical Doctrine
“Theology is for doxology and devotion?that is, the praise of God and the practice of godliness.”
Theology is important for the Christian life. And though it is marked by many complex terms and doctrines, there is yet what J. I. Packer calls “the permanent essentials of Christianity.”
This concise introduction to these essential doctrines distills theological truths so both scholar and layperson alike can grow to treasure the unchanging pillars of the Christian faith. Each of the ninety-four chapters explores a difRead moreOut of stock
Christ The Center
$32.99Scripture is a beautiful mosaic of Christ.
The earliest Christians expressed their faith with creativity through symbols and summaries. In Christ the Center, Tomas Bokedal explores the relationship of the rule of faith, the nomina sacra, and numerical patterns with Scripture. The nomina sacra scribal reverence for divine names within Scripture displays remarkable intentionality and theological reflection. The nomina sacra in turn directed the emerging rule of faith. These scribal practices reveal early devotional and theological preoccupation and guided the text’s shape and interpretation in the early centuries after Christ.
Christ the Center showcases early Christian reverence for Scripture and especially for the One of whom Scripture speaks.
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Ordinary Splendor : Living In God’s Creation
$18.99The Christian life is grounded in God’s act of creation.
*How we pray
*How we relate to others
*How we worship
*How we restIn Ordinary Splendor: Living in God’s Creation, Lydia Jaeger presents the doctrine of creation in all its practical necessity. She unfolds the majesty of God’s creative work and explores how it shapes and informs everything–from our relationships and the way we pray to how we think about human dignity.
Through her engagement with theologians, Greek mythology, philosophers, and other creation stories from the ancient Near East, Jaeger offers a rich reading of biblical creation passages that provides wisdom for our daily lives.
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Theos Starter Pack
$24.98Recovering…Timeless Truths
Like an online starter pack meme, Theos Starter Pack: Toward a Recovery of Essential Christianity is designed to provoke a response.
The book includes twenty essays by a motley crew of Bible geeks who are all active in church ministry and teach at TheosU, an online, nondenominational Bible college.
The focus is on recovering the roots of Christianity–recovering the way we teach, recovering the Bible’s grand narrative, recovering Christian liberty, recovering apocalyptic, and much more.
Each writer “takes into consideration the ageless tradition of Christianity that has been handed down through the centuries, resisting the cultural soup and integrating timeless thinking into an approach that works for the present day,” explains Chris Palmer, TheosU dean. This book is a lifeline “to pull yourself out of the soup.”
You may laugh. You may run to your Bible. You may reach out to one of the writers to share a few choice words. But no matter what, these essayists hope you will be inspired and come away with rich theological insights.
Theos Starter Pack recovers beautiful elements of ancient Christianity that have been lost or shoved aside in modern society. It’s food for the souls of those who long for a return to the roots of our faith.
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Defender Of The Faith
$10.99The Coronation, a momentous occasion. Gold, velvet, rare stones all on display for the public, a representation of royalty and pride. Have you ever looked a little deeper into the imagery? During Charles’ coronation, the king is handed a pearl-studded sceptre, finished with a diamond-encrusted orb. What is the meaning of this? Three swords are carried before him-one of which is blunt, what does this represent?
Did you know special oil is poured onto his head in a private ceremony? Or, that the king wears six robes during the ceremony? What do the four crosses on the king’s crown represent?
In these short but fascinating chapters, you will learn ten interesting facts that will unravel a deeper insight into unspoken traditions of the coronation.
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After Dispensationalism : Reading The Bible For The End Of The World
$29.99What God wants his people to know about the end times.
Christians’ fixation on the end times is not new. While eschatological speculation has sometimes resulted in distraction or despair, Scripture does speak about the end. So what does God most want us to know and do with prophecy?
In After Dispensationalism, Brian P. Irwin and Tim Perry sympathetically yet critically sketch the history, beliefs, and concerns of dispensationalism. Though a minority view in the sweep of church history and tradition, dispensationalism is one of the most influential end-times systems today, and there is much to learn from it. And yet, sometimes it gets sidetracked by overlooking the prophets’ main concerns.
Irwin and Perry reexamine the key texts and show that Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation primarily give a word of hope to God’s people.
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Biblical Trinity : Encountering The Father, Son, And Holy Spirit In Scriptu
$22.99The Trinity is God as revealed in the Bible.
The Bible doesn’t give us a systematic statement of the doctrine of the Trinity. But that doesn’t mean the Trinity is not biblical.
In The Biblical Trinity: Encountering the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in Scripture, Brandon D. Smith proclaims the Trinity from the Bible. The doctrine arises not from a handful of prooftexts but from the fullness of what the Bible says about God. Through short reflections on fifteen key New Testament passages in conversation with the Old Testament, Smith shows how God’s word reveals the Trinity. The book concludes with three rules for how to encounter the truth and beauty of our Triune God in all of Scripture.
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Bulwarks Of Unbelief
$32.99How modernity creates atheists–and what the church must do about it.
Millions of people in the West identify as atheists. Christians often respond to this reality with proofs of God’s existence, as though rational arguments for atheism were the root cause of unbelief. In Bulwarks of Unbelief, Joseph Minich argues that a felt absence of God, as experienced by the modern individual, offers a better explanation for the rise in atheism. Recent technological and cultural shifts in the modern West have produced a perceived challenge to God’s existence. As modern technoculture reshapes our awareness of reality and belief in the invisible, it in turn amplifies God’s apparent silence. In this new context, atheism is a natural result. And absent of meaning from without, we have turned within.
Christians cannot escape this aspect of modern life. Minich argues that we must consciously and actively return to reality. If we reattune ourselves to God’s story, reintegrate the whole person, and reinhabit the world, faith can thrive in this age of unbelief.
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Biblical Theology : A Canonical, Thematic, And Ethical Approach
$64.99A Clear, Careful Textbook to Help Bible Students Interpret Scripture
Pastors, thoughtful Christians, and students of Scripture must learn how to carefully read and understand the Bible, but it can be difficult to know where to start. In this clear, logical guide, Andreas J. Kostenberger and Gregory Goswell explain how to interpret Scripture from three effective viewpoints: canonical, thematic, and ethical.
Biblical Theology is arranged book by book from the Old Testament (using the Hebrew order) through the New Testament. For each text, Kostenberger and Goswell analyze key biblical-theological themes, discussing the book’s place in the overall storyline of Scripture. Next, they focus on the ethical component, showing how God seeks to transform the lives of his people through the inspired text. Following this technique, readers will better understand the theology of each book and its author.
*A Clearly Written Guide on Biblical Theology: Analyzes all 66 books of the Bible, with emphasis on the coherent, unified framework of Scripture
*Helps Readers Thoughtfully Interpret Scripture: Provides an essential foundation for a valid theological understanding of Scripture that informs Christian doctrine and ethics
*Ideal for Pastors, Academics, and Other Serious Students of Scripture: This clear, thoroughly researched guide can be used as a textbook in seminary classes studying biblical theology or the Old and New Testaments
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Thomas F Torrance And Evangelical Theology
$29.99Thomas F. Torrance invites evangelicals to think more Christianly
Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis brings Torrance into closer conversation with evangelical theology on a range of key theological topics.
*Thomas F. Torrance and the Evangelical Tradition (Thomas A. Noble)
*Torrance, The Tacit Dimension, and The Church Fathers (Jonathan Warren P. (Pagan))
*Torrance and the Doctrine of Scripture (Andrew T. B. McGowan)
*Revelation, Rationalism, and an Evangelical Impasse (Myk Habets)
*Theology and Science in Torrance (W. Ross Hastings)
*A Complexly Relational Account of the Imago Dei in Torrance’s Vision of Humanity (Marc Cortez)
*Barth, Torrance, and Evangelicals: Critiquing and Reinvigorating the Idea of a “Personal Relationship with Jesus” (Marty Folsom)
*Torrance and Atonement (Christopher Woznicki)
*Torrance and Christ’s Assumption of Fallen Human Nature: Toward Clarification and Closure (Jerome Van Kuiken)
*Torrance, Theosis, and Evangelical Reception (Myk Habets)
*Thinking and Acting in Christ: Torrance on Spiritual Formation (Geordie W. Ziegler)
*’Seeking Love, Justice and Freedom for All’ Using the Work of T.F. and J.B. Torrance to Address Domestic and Family Violence (Jenny Richards)
*Toward a Trinitarian Theology of Work (Peter K. W. McGhee)
*Torrance and Global Evangelicalism: Some Potential Generative Exchanges with Contemporary Indian Evangelical Theology (Stavan Narendra John)
Thomas Forsyth Torrance (1913-2007) was one of the most important theologians of the twentieth century, yet his work remains relatively neglected by evangelicals.
A diverse collection of contributors engage Torrance’s pioneering and provocative thought, deriving insights from theological loci such as Scripture, Christology, and atonement, as well as from broader topics like domestic violence and science. These stimulating essays reveal how Torrance can help evangelical theologians articulate richer and deeper theology.
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On Theology : Explorations And Controversies
$29.99Reflections from a prolific and seasoned theologian
John Frame is remarkable for his ability to pair profound thought with lucid prose. On Theology: Explorations and Controversies gathers eighty concise reflections on wide-ranging matters of theology, philosophy, and ethics, divided into eight parts:
*Theological Method
*The Thomist Controversy
*Systematic Theology
*Essays from Lexham Survey of Theology
*Essays from The Gospel Coalition’s Concise Theology
*Philosophy and Apologetics
*Ethics and Politics
*Personal ReflectionsWhether considering age-old questions or current debates, Frame evokes deep thinking about Christian theology in a style that is accessible and engaging.
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NeoCalvinism : A Theological Introduction
$36.99Discover the rich theology of Neo-Calvinism.
Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck sparked a theological tradition in the Netherlands that came to be known as Neo-Calvinism. While studies in Neo-Calvinism have focused primarily on its political and philosophical insights, its theology has received less attention.
In Neo-Calvinism: A Theological Introduction, Cory C. Brock and N. Gray Sutanto present the unique dogmatic contributions of the tradition. Each chapter focuses on a distinct theological aspect, such as revelation, creation, salvation, and ecclesiology. Neo-Calvinism produced rich theological work that yields promise for contemporary dogmatics. This book invites readers into this rich theological trajectory.
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On Earth As In Heaven
$34.99The heavenly city of God resurrects the cities of men.
On Earth as in Heaven calls the church to embrace her identity and mission as one shaped by biblical theology and liturgy. The world grows increasingly polarized and politicized, but the church’s commission remains unchanged. Christians carry out Jesus’s mission by being the church. To change the world, the church needs only to be what she is–the bride of Christ–and to do what she does–teach, preach, sing, pray, break bread. Cultural and political mission and individual witness and service all spring from the church’s liturgical life. As the church proclaims God’s word and practices vibrant liturgy, she is God’s heavenly city, shining as a light to the world.
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Justification By The Word
$39.99God’s Word creates what he commands
In Justification by the Word, Jack D. Kilcrease reintroduces Martin Luther’s key doctrine. Though a linchpin of the Reformation, Luther’s view of justification is often misunderstood. For Luther, justification is an expression of God’s creative Word. To understand Luther on justification, one must grasp his doctrine of the Word. The same God who declared let there be light–and it was so–also declares your sins are forgiven. Justification is an objective reality. It is achieved in Christ’s resurrection and received through an encounter with the risen Christ in Word and sacrament. Justification turns us outward, away from our own unsteady feelings and limited understanding, to look to Christ. And the church must preach justification, lest we so easily forfeit the joy of the gospel.
Justification by the Word inspires readers to reencounter the radical doctrine of justification by faith alone.
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Faith In The New Testament
$49.99A classic study now available in English
First appearing in 1885, Schlatter’s Der Glaube im Neuen Testament ( Faith in the New Testament) is a thorough analysis of the concept of faith. Taking into account Old Testament, rabbinic, and key first-century writings, Schlatter provides an exhaustive study on the meaning and implications of faith in the New Testament. It is a philological masterpiece, making its translation into English a great contribution to New Testament theological studies. This fresh translation retains the substance and style of his original work, giving a new audience direct access to Schlatter’s work. Schlatter’s rigorous thought remains invaluable today.
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Reformed Dogmatics In Dialogue
$29.99Two Reformed giants in conversation
Jonathan Edwards and Karl Barth are widely considered to be the greatest North American and Swiss theologians, respectively. Though situated in vastly different contexts and separated by nearly two hundred years, they shared intriguing similarities. Both employed exegesis, theology, and philosophy with ease. Both reasoned with unique quality, depth, and timelessness. Both resisted liberal shifts of their day while remaining creative thinkers. And both were Reformed without uncritically assuming the tradition.
Edited by Uche Anizor and Kyle Strobel, ReformedDogmatics in Dialogue engages Edwards and Barth for constructive dogmatics. Each chapter brings these theologians into conversation on classic theological categories, such as the doctrine of God, atonement, and ecclesiology, as well as topics of particular interest to both, such as aesthetics and philosophy. As with all great theologians, Edwards and Barth continue to illuminate Christian doctrine. Readers will appreciate their rigor of thought and devotion to Christ.
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Quest To Save The Old Testament
$29.99Enlightenment attempts to save the Old Testament
Pastors and scholars today lament the Old Testament’s neglect in the West. But this is nothing new. In the eighteenth century, natural philosopher John Hutchinson witnessed the Old Testament becoming devalued as Scripture. And in his mind, the blame lay with Isaac Newton.
In The Quest to Save the Old Testament, David Ney traces the battle over Scripture during the Enlightenment period. For Hutchinson, critical scholarship’s enchantment with the naturalism of Newton undermined the study of the Old Testament. As cultural forces reshaped biblical interpretation, Hutchinson spawned a movement that sought, above all, to reclaim the Old Testament as Christian Scripture. Hutchinson’s followers sought to be shaped by Scripture, not culture. Rejecting the Newtonian degradation of history, they offered a compelling figural defense of the Old Testament’s doctrinal and moral significance. The Old Testament is the voice of Providence. It is the means of discerning God’s hand at work both in nature and in history.
The Quest to Save the Old Testament is a timely retelling of fateful and faithful attempts to “save” the Old Testament.
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Virtuous Persuasion : A Theology Of Christian Mission
$29.99Christians should make disciples as disciples.
Christians who are engaged in missions regularly face ethical challenges. But the approaches and standards of modern missions often further complicate, rather than alleviate, matters. Modern missiology debates what actions constitute mission work, how to measure growth, and the difference between persuasion and coercion. In Virtuous Persuasion, Michael Niebauer casts a holistic vision for Christian mission that is rooted in theological ethics and moral philosophy. Niebauer proposes a theology of mission grounded in virtue. Becoming a skilled missionary is more about following Christ than mastering techniques. Christian mission is best understood as specific activities that develop virtue in its practitioners and move them toward their ultimate goal of partaking in the glory of God. With Virtuous Persuasion, you can rethink the essence of Jesus’s Great Commission and how we seek to fulfill it.
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Suffering Not Power
$26.99Overturning a popular view of the atonement
Was Christ’s death a victory over death or a substitution for sin? Many today follow Gustav Aulen’s Christus Victor view, which portrays Christ’s death as primarily a ransom paid to the powers of evil and which, according to Aulen, reflected the beliefs of the early church. Aulen held that this ransom theory view dominated until Anselm reframed atonement as satisfaction and the Reformers reframed it as penal substitution.
In Suffering, Not Power, Benjamin Wheaton challenges this common narrative that Christ’s work of atonement was reframed by Anselm, showing that sacrificial and substitutionary language was common well before Anselm’s Cur Deus Homo. Wheaton displays this through a careful analysis of three medieval theologians whose writings on the atonement are commonly overlooked: Caesarius of Arles, Haimo of Auxerre, and Dante Alighieri. These figures come from different times and contexts and wrote in different genres, but each spoke of Christ’s death as a sacrifice of expiation and propitiation made by God to God.
Let history speak for itself, read the evidence, and reconsider the church’s belief in Christ’s substitutionary death for sinners.
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History Of The Devil Ancient And Modern
$24.99The History of the Devil is a classic historical and religious book universally considered one of Daniel Defoe’s greatest works of non-fiction. The book was first published in 1726 and made an immediate impact on English literature, society and the ecclesiastical community in the early 18th century and continues to enrich humanity as a faithful source of historical and biblical truth and wisdom.
The History of the Devil cleverly unfolds the actions, devices, and evil nature of Satan and his host of devils against God and mankind throughout the history of the world. Defoe divides the book into two parts: Ancient, or the time from before the creation of the universe to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ; and Modern, or from the time of Christ and establishment of the Christian Church to the present day. His style is one that uniquely blends serious biblical principles and history with lighter satirical narrative, especially when dealing with mankind’s many false presuppositions about the Devil, and clearly delineates when each, or both, is applicable to the subject of discussion.
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Klaas Schilder Reader
$49.99Recovering a forgotten theologian.
Klaas Schilder (1890-1952) was a prominent Dutch Reformed theologian in the early twentieth century, first as a pastor and then as a professor. While his fame spread to North America in the 1940s, he is mostly forgotten today. In Schilder Reader: The Essential Theological Writings, readers will rediscover this important Dutch theologian.
Working in the tradition of Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck, Schilder applies Dutch Neo–Calvinism to the twentieth century. This includes secularism, the rise and influence of Karl Barth, opposition to Nazism, and the relation between the church and society. Schilder Reader contextualizes his work and furthers the neo–Calvinist tradition.
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Practical Religion : Essential Biblical Truths For Daily Christian Living
$24.99Practical Religion, by J. C. Ryle (1816-1900), was first published in 1878 and is renowned as a theological and apologetic Christian “classic”-esteemed for its clear, profound and penetrating narrative on the practice of genuine Christian living. Within its pages, Ryle masterfully unfolds practical biblical truths in a series of treatises, or “papers” as he calls them, each written to address a critical aspect of where personal faith in Christ and the practice of that faith in holy living unite and are essential for Christian growth and effective discipleship.
Ryle exposes hypocrisy and nominalism in religion, or “Churchianity” as he calls it, which was as systemic in his day as it is today. His poignant narrative appeals to the evangelical Church as well as to individuals who profess to be Christians-a call to self-examination in all things, and a return to sound Biblical truths seriously and practically applied in every aspect of life.
Ryle’s powerful, engaging style penetrates the heart and challenges the mind of its readers and is not for the faint of heart. Ryle’s design is to stir the hearts and minds of those who genuinely and humbly seek a deeper abiding, surrendered life in Christ. No wonder his equally renowned contemporary English minister, Charles Spurgeon, considered Ryle “An evangelical champion. One of the bravest and best of men.” J.I. Packer calls Practical Religion, “The manual for the practice of Christianity.”
J. C. (John Charles) Ryle was the first Bishop of Liverpool, England, and one of the most influential evangelical ministers and writers of the nineteenth century. He was renowned for his rare ability to bring the riches of Biblical truth, plainly and powerfully, to the hearts of his hearers and readers.
Practical Religion will enrich the believer’s walk with Christ and provide the Church with much needed insight for preaching and living genuine Christianity, now and in every generation!
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Christ The Way
$29.99The Son of God is the wisdom of God
Augustine’s love of wisdom drove him to Christ–and wisdom remained central to his thought. Modern biblical scholars and theologians have much to learn from one of Christianity’s most prominent and prolific theologians. Retrieval of Augustine can revive and renew thinking on wisdom.
In Christ, the Way, Benjamin T. Quinn recovers and evaluates Augustine’s rich writing on wisdom. While many have acknowledged sapientia (wisdom) as central in Augustine, few have offered a full treatment of his definition of wisdom and how it ordered his thought. Quinn remedies this need, tracing the development of Augustine’s thought from his earliest reflections to De Trinitate, his most systematic treatment of wisdom. For Augustine, sapientia is the incarnate Christ, who by the Spirit enlightens all God’s people to see clearly, live virtuously, and participate in God–thereby restoring his people to his image. Quinn then brings Augustine into dialogue with contemporary wisdom scholarship, displaying where his biblically rooted, Christocentric, faith–first approach holds rich insights for scholars and Christians today.
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On Charity And Justice
$49.99Kuyper on a Theological Approach to Justice
The practical outworking of Kuyper’s doctrine of common grace demanded a commitment to seeking Christ’s glory in every sphere of human life. Christians are called to witness to the lordship of Christ through sacrificial service, not domination, and such service calls us to seek charity and justice for all people.
In this anthology of articles and reflections, Kuyper articulates a Christian vision for engaging with society. Though his analysis was intended for his late–nineteenth–century Dutch context, his thoughts remain strikingly relevant for Christians living in the modern world. For Kuyper, God’s law preserved civil justice, making humane life possible. However, the law itself could not save society–only the gospel can transform the heart. But the gospel is for all of life. Kuyper elaborated a social Christian approach to politics, resulting in a distinct perspective on property, human dignity, democracy, and justice.
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Person Of Interest
$24.99Dateline featured cold-case detective and best-selling author J. Warner Wallace investigates Jesus, the most significant person in history, like one of his “missing body, cold-cases,” demonstrating why Jesus still matters today, even in a world that is skeptical of the Bible.
Detective J. Warner Wallace listened to a pastor talk about Jesus and wondered why anyone would think Jesus was a person of interest.
Wallace was skeptical of the Bible, but he’d investigated several “no-body, missing person” cases in which there was no crime scene, no physical evidence, and no victim’s body. He successfully identified and convicted the killers in these cases, even without evidence from the scene.
Could the historical life and actions of Jesus be investigated in the same way? Could the truth about Jesus be uncovered even without a body or a crime scene? In Person of Interest, Wallace describes his own personal investigative journey from atheism to Christianity, as he employs a unique investigative strategy to confirm the historicity and deity of Jesus–without relying on the New Testament manuscripts.
Imagining a scenario in which every New Testament document has been destroyed, Wallace carefully sifts through the evidence from history alone to reconstruct the identity of Jesus as the world’s most important person of interest.
Person of Interest will:
*Invite readers into the life of a cold-case detective as he uncovers the truth about Jesus, using the same approach he also employs to solve a real murder case*Teach readers how to become good detectives, using an innovative and unique “‘fuse’ and ‘fallout'” investigative strategy they can also use to examine other claims of history
*Show how Jesus changed the world and why He still matters today
*Help readers to explore common objections to Christianity
Creative, compelling, and unique in its approach, Person of Interest will strengthen the faith of believers, while engaging those who are skeptical and distrusting of the New Testament.
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Trinity And The Bible
$19.99Seeing the Trinity in Scripture
Christians affirm and worship a triune God. But how should this affect our reading of the Bible? In The Trinity and the Bible, Scott R. Swain asserts that not only does the Bible reveal the Trinity, but the Trinity illuminates our reading of the Bible. Swain reflects on method and applies a Trinitarian framework to three exegetical studies. Explorations of three genres of New Testament literature–Gospel, epistle, and apocalyptic–display the profits of theological interpretation.
Through loving attention to the Scriptures, one can understand and marvel at the singular identity and activity of the triune God.
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God Reforms Hearts
$27.99Must we be free to truly love?
Evil is a problem for all Christians. When responding to objections that both evil and God can exist, many resort to a free will defense, where God is not the creator of evil but of human freedom, by which evil is possible. This response is so pervasive that it is just as often assumed as it is defended. But is this answer biblically and philosophically defensible?
In God Reforms Hearts, Thaddeus J. Williams offers a friendly challenge to the central claim of the free will defense–that love is possible only with true (or libertarian) free will. Williams argues that much thinking on free will fails to carve out the necessary distinction between an autonomous will and an unforced will. Scripture presents a God who desires relationship and places moral requirements on his often–rebellious creatures, but does absolute free will follow? Moreover, God’s work of transforming the human heart is more thorough than libertarian freedom allows.
With clarity, precision, and charity, Williams judges the merits and shortcomings of the relational free will defense while offering a philosophically and biblically robust alternative that draws from theologians of the past to point a way forward.
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Wonderfully Made : A Protestant Theology Of The Body
$27.99Why do we have bodies?
When it comes to thinking about our bodies, confusion reigns. In our secular age, there has been a loss of the body’s goodness, purpose, and end. Many people, driven by shame and idolatry, abuse their body through self-harm or self-improvement. How can we renew our understanding and see our bodies the way God does?
In Wonderfully Made, John Kleinig forms a properly biblical theology of our bodies. Through his keen sensitivity to Scripture’s witness, Kleinig explains why bodies matter. While sin has corrupted our bodies and how we think of them, God’s creation is still good. Thus, our bodies are good gifts. The Son took on a body to redeem our bodies. Kleinig addresses issues like shame, chastity, desire, gender dysphoria, and more, by integrating them into the biblical vision of creation.
Readers of Wonderfully Made will not only be equipped to engage in current issues; they will gain a robust theology of the body and better appreciation of God’s very good creation.
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Healing The Schism
$34.99The past and future of Jewish-Christian dialogue
The history of the relationship between Judaism and Christianity is storied and tragic. However, recent decades show promise as both parties reflect upon their self–definitions and mutual contingency, and consider possible ways forward.
In Healing the Schism, Jennifer M. Rosner maps the new Jewish–Christian encounter from its origins in the early twentieth–century pioneers to its current representatives. Rosner first traces the thought of Karl Barth and Franz Rosenzweig and brings them into conversation. Rosner then outlines the reassessments and developments of post–Holocaust theological architects that moved the dialogue forward and set the stage for today. She considers the recent work of Messianic Jewish theologian Mark Kinzer before considering future possibilities.
With clarity and rigor, Rosner offers a robust perspective of Judaism and Christianity that is post–supersessionist and theologically orthodox. Healing the Schism is essential reading for understanding the perils and promise of Messianic Jewish identity and Jewish–Christian theological conversation.
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Hidden And Revealed
$34.99A major contribution to ecumenical reflection on the doctrine of God.
The past century has seen renewed interest in the doctrine of God. While theological traditions disagree, their shared commitment to Nicene orthodoxy provides a common language for thinking and speaking about God. This dialogue has deepened our understanding of this shared way of thinking about God, but little has been done across ecumenical lines to explore God’s hiddenness in revelation.
In Hidden and Revealed, Dmytro Bintsarovskyi explores the hiddenness and revelation of God in two separate theological streams–Reformed and Orthodox. Bintsarovskyi shows that an understanding of both traditions reflects a deep structure of shared language, history, and commitments, while nevertheless reflecting real differences. With Herman Bavinck and John Meyendorff as his guides, Bintsarovskyi advances ecumenical dialogue on a doctrine central to our knowledge of God.
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In The Name Of Our Lord
$29.99Who is a member of the church?
Christians divide on how one enters the church body. Matters are quickly complicated once other factors are considered, such as faith, instruction, baptism, first communion, and formal membership. Who should be baptized? What role does instruction play? And what is the best order of these things?
Jonathan D. Watson’s In the Name of Our Lord provides an explanatory typology and incisive analysis for thinking through these interrelated questions. Watson’s four–model framework accounts for the major historical varieties of relationship between baptism and catechesis as initiation into the church. With this framework in place, Watson then considers each model in relation to one another.
With a guide to navigating the terrain, readers can comprehend, compare, and contrast these different theological formulations. Readers will have a sophisticated but clear system for thinking through foundational matters that are important to every pastor and congregant.
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Carl F H Henry On The Holy Spirit
$29.99Recover evangelicalism’s foundations by returning to its architect.
None doubt the influence of Carl F. H. Henry, the theological architect of contemporary evangelicalism. Through his prolific writing and editorial role in Christianity Today, Henry is known for addressing contemporary theology, individual and social ethics, and cultural criticism. But he has been critiqued for an underdeveloped pneumatology.
In Carl F. H. Henry on The Holy Spirit, Jesse M. Payne argues that Henry cannot truly be understood apart from his mature pneumatology. The Spirit plays a vital role in three major areas of Henry’s theology: revelation, ecclesiology, and ethics. These seemingly disparate topics are tied together by his view of a Spirit–inspired Bible ordering a Spirit–enlivened body composed of Spirit–filled believers.
Readers will gain a more holistic view of Henry, the role of the Spirit in his life and thought, and early neo–evangelical theology.
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Federal Theology Of Jonathan Edwards
$29.99The Christ-centered exegesis of Jonathan EdwardsJonathan Edwards is remembered for his sermons and works of theology and philosophy–but he has been overlooked as an exegete.
Gilsun Ryu’s The Federal Theology of Jonathan Edwards explores how exegesis drove Edwards’s focus on the headship of Christ as second Adam–and likewise formed a foundation for his broader theological reasoning and writing, especially on Christ and the covenants. Edwards’s distinctive emphases on exegesis, redemptive history, and the harmony of Scripture distinguish him from his Reformed forebears. Ryu’s study will help readers appreciate Edwards’s contribution as an exegetically informed Reformed theologian.
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More Christlike Word
$24.99The Scriptures are an essential aspect of the Christian faith. But we have often equated them with the living Word Himself, even elevating them above the One to whom they point. In doing so, we have distorted their central message–and our view of God. Tragically, this has caused multitudes of people unnecessary doubt, confusion, and pain in their encounters with the Scriptures.
Many people understand God as being truly loving and good. Yet, they struggle with depictions of God in Scripture as wrathful, violent, and genocidal. These “toxic texts” have caused some to set aside their Bibles as R-rated and unreliable. They have led others to completely reject their faith.
Author and theologian Bradley Jersak has wrestled deeply with such passages over many years. He has experienced the same questions, doubt, and pain. In A More Christlike Word, he offers a clarifying and freeing path forward, whether you consider yourself a believer, a doubter, or a skeptic, inviting you to a better and more ancient way to read the Scriptures. He calls this path the “Emmaus Way” because it focuses on Jesus Christ as the final Word on God. It demonstrates how all Scripture, by design, points to Jesus, revealing the true nature of the Father.
After deconstructing the modern biblicist/literalist approaches to Scripture interpretation that have failed us, Brad turns to the early church for a hermeneutic of prefigurement, treating the Bible as the grand narrative of redemption, told through a polyphony of voices and worldviews, culminating in the arrival of Christ as the eternal Word of God–what God has to say about himself.
The interpretive system of the church fathers and mothers who gathered the New Testament and preached the gospel from the Old Testament has largely been ignored or dismissed by both evangelical and liberal movements, the twin children of modernity. The patristics explain and model the apostles’ Christ-centered interpretation of the Scriptures. Brad applies their approach to “unwrath” sample passages from each genre of the Bible, showing how even the cringe-worthy texts have an important place in the christotelic saga of divine love.
Your journey on the Emmaus Way will open up to you the fullness of the Scriptures, and, most important, lead you to the God who deeply loves and welcomes you.
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16th Century Mission
$29.99Did the Reformers lack a vision for missions?
In Sixteenth-Century Mission, a diverse cast of contributors explores the wide-reaching practice and theology of mission during this era. Rather than a century bereft of cross-cultural outreach, we find both Reformers and Roman Catholics preaching the gospel and establishing the church in all the world. This overlooked yet rich history reveals themes and insights relevant to the practice of mission today.
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