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Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

  • 95 The Ideas That Birthed The Reformation


    In 1517, an unknown Augustinian monk, informed by his growing belief that salvation is by faith alone, published and distributed a stark criticism of papal abuses in the Catholic Church. In doing so, Martin Luther lit the spark for what would become the Protestant Reformation.

    What became known as the “95 Theses” was a series of statements expressing concern with corruption within the Church, primarily the selling of “indulgences” to the people as a means covering them from their sins.

    For the 500th anniversary of Luther’s revolutionary writing, Whitaker House is combining each thesis with an excerpt from one of his later works to provide a convenient way to understand the ideas and concepts that became the seeds of the Protestant Reformation.

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  • No Quick Fix


    Every Christian struggles with sin and wants to be victorious in the fight.

    Higher life theology–also known as Keswick theology–offers a quick fix for this struggle. It teaches that there are two categories of Christians: those who are merely saved, and those who have really surrendered to Christ. Those who have Jesus as their Savior alone, and those who have him as their Master as well. If Christians can simply “let go and let God” they can be free of struggling with sin and brought to that higher level of spiritual life. What could be wrong with that?

    A lot, it turns out. In No Quick Fix, a shorter and more accessible version of his book Let Go and Let God?, Andy Naselli critiques higher life theology from a biblical perspective. He shows that it leads not to freedom, but to frustration, because it promises something it has no power to deliver. Along the way, he tells the story of where higher life theology came from, describes its characteristics, and compares it to what the Bible really says about how we overcome sin and become more like Christ.

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  • Pro Rege Volume 2


    The kingship of Jesus Christ resides first in the regenerated human heart, where love toward God and neighbor reign, where believers submit to Christ’s authority in a world yet fallen. This requires self-denial, cross-bearing, and a pilgrim lifestyle that lives amid the tension of the already-not yet of Christ’s cosmic rule. The spheres of church and family are examined in terms of the operation and implications of Christ’s cosmic rule in these spheres. This new translation of the second volume of Pro Rege, created in partnership with the Kuyper Translation Society and the Acton Institute, is part of a major series of new translations of Kuyper’s most important writings. The Abraham Kuyper Collected Works in Public Theology marks a historic moment in Kuyper studies, aimed at deepening and enriching the church’s development of public theology.

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  • Heretics And Orthodoxy


    Two of G. K. Chesterton’s most important and well-known works are contained in this volume: Heretics, and Orthodoxy. In the first of these, Chesterton addresses the intellectual movements of his time that he considered most prominent and destructive. Chesterton confronts relativism, individualism, neo-paganism, and other trends of the modern period, paying special attention to the artists and intellectual elite of his time. He writes in detail about events of his time that were affected by these viewpoints. Heretics begins and ends with chapters on orthodoxy, anticipating the content of his most famous book-Orthodoxy, a classic that is part memoir, part apologetic. It exhibits Chesterton at his finest-a combination of literary wit, theological acumen, and pointed cultural critique. The two works complement each other perfectly, providing an accessible entry point to the battleground of truth and falsehood. Lexham Classics are beautifully typeset new editions of classic works. Each book has been carefully transcribed from the original texts, ensuring an accurate representation of the writing as the author intended it to be read.

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  • Majesty Of Mystery


    The Majesty of Mystery encourages believers to embrace the profound mysteries at the heart of Christian faith. The Trinity, God’s purposes, the incarnation, the resurrection, God’s work and human effort in salvation–none of these are problems to be explained away or puzzles to be dismissed as irrelevant. Rather, these are grand mysteries, not contradictory but paradoxical and wonderful, ultimately leading us to worship the incomprehensible God who faithfully reveals himself to us.

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  • On The Church


    Dutch politician and Christian activist Abraham Kuyper was deeply invested in debates over the influence Christianity should have on his nation. As a pastor and theologian, he was just as concerned about the ailing Dutch church. In On the Church, the Acton Institute and the Abraham Kuyper Translation Society have partnered with Lexham Press to publish seven brand-new translations of Kuyper’s most influential essays and speeches on the relationship between Christianity and the world.

    Kuyper believed that Christians must neither hide from the world behind the walls of physical church buildings nor engage the world solely through earthly institutions. The closing essay by Ad de Bruijne discusses how Kuyper’s incisive view of the church still can–and must–apply today, just as it did at the turn of the 20th century.

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  • Whats So Important About The Cross


    We know that Jesus’ death on the cross is a historic fact, but does it have any true meaning and value to us today?

    Legendary Bible teacher Derek Prince explains that the cross not only provides forgiveness from sin-it also makes everything else work in our lives. The cross continues to be the ultimate demonstration of God’s love and the source of ongoing supernatural grace for us. It is also the basis of healings and miracles today and the foundation of Satan’s total defeat. It is even the door to God’s secret wisdom as it allows us access the mind and heart of our heavenly Father.

    By recognizing to the centrality of the cross, personally applying it our lives, we enter into the totality of God’s power and provision for us.

    The cross: not just a historical event but forgiveness, victory, abundance. Today.

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  • Rapture Of The Saints


    If you knew that within the next twenty-four hours Christ would return, according to His promise, are there any circumstances you would immediately change in the light of such a glorious event? Or are you living in such harmony with His will and purpose that no change of lifestyle would be necessary?

    Legendary Bible teacher Herbert Lockyer examines what Scripture has to say about the Second Coming of the Lord, with an emphasis on the body of Christ being ready for Him when He returns. The saints must live their lives in readiness to meet the Lord at any moment. The question we should all ask is, “How am I going to live the rest of my time before Jesus comes?”

    Lockyer address what both the Bible and scholars have to say about this event, and what it means for our lives today.

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  • Unseen Realm A Question And Answer Companion


    In The Unseen Realm, Dr. Michael S. Heiser unpacked fifteen years of research while exploring what the Bible really says about the supernatural world.

    Now, Douglas Van Dorn helps you further explore The Unseen Realm with a fresh perspective and an easy-to-follow format. Van Dorn summarizes key concepts and themes and includes questions aimed at helping you gain a deeper understanding of the biblical author’s supernatural worldview. Use your copy of The Unseen Realm: A Question & Answer Companion for personal study or for leading discussion with a small group.

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  • Shining Like The Sun



    1. Adam And Eve: Face To Face With God In The Garden Of Eden

    2 Jacob: Face To Face With God At The River Jabbok

    3. Moses: Face To Face With God At Mount Sinai

    4. Face To Face With God In The Wilderness

    5. Face To Face With God In The Time Of The Judges

    6. Face To Face In The Psalms

    7. Face To Face With God In The Exile

    8. Face To Face With God In Jesus Christ

    9. Face To Face With God At The Mount Of Transfiguration

    10. Face To Face With God In The New Covenant Community

    11. Face To Face With God In The New Heavens And The New Earth

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    The smile of God thrills the soul. Shining Like the Sun examines all the key passages in the Bible that tell of favorable encounters with God and how they produce life-changing, stirring results, both internally and externally.

    This is the first sustained, whole-Bible treatment on the theme of meeting God face to face. Starting with Genesis and ending with Revelation, the author systematically covers the major events in salvation history, all of which reveal the beauty of encountering God’s grace in abundance.

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  • Common Grace Volume1


    In Common Grace Abraham Kuyper presents a constructive public theology of cultural engagement rooted in the humanity Christians share with the rest of the world. He addresses a gap in the development of Reformed teaching on divine grace, and he articulates a Reformed understanding of God’s gifts that are common to all people after the fall into sin. This first volume contains Kuyper’s demonstration of common grace in its origin and operation.

    This new translation of Common Grace, created in partnership with the Kuyper Translation Society and the Acton Institute, is part of a major series of new translations of Kuyper’s most important writings. The Abraham Kuyper Collected Works in Public Theology marks a historic moment in Kuyper studies, aimed at deepening and enriching the church’s development of public theology.

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  • Our Program : A Christian Political Manifesto


    Lexham Press is pleased to announce the publication of a major series of new translations of Kuyper’s most important writings. Created in partnership with the Kuyper Translation Society and the Acton Institute, the Abraham Kuyper Collected Works in Public Theology will mark a historic moment in Kuyper studies, and we hope it will deepen and enrich the church’s development of public theology.

    In Our Program, Kuyper makes a comprehensive effort to engage the secular politics of his day with a Christian alternative. In an era where the church usually either controlled or was controlled by the state, Kuyper showed that it was possible to frame a political program where church and state engage each other but remain separate. Though bound to its time, Our Program is timely for Christians looking for examples of faith working in the political sphere.

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  • Ology : Ancient Truths, Ever New


    Truth is for kids, not just for adults! SoThe Ologygives kids of all ages a beginners theology book to help them understand who God is and how we, as his children, relate to him. Arranged within a traditional systematic theological framework, each truth inThe Ologyis also connected to the larger redemptive story of Scripture. The doctrine of God, for example, is presented in the larger framework of creation, where the attributes of God are on display and easier to understand.Designed for six-year-olds through preteens, this flexible resource includes built-in adaptations for use with younger or older children, so that entire families can enjoy it together.

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  • Unseen Realm : Recovering The Supernatural Worldview Of The Bible


    Start with a Skeptical, naturalistic culture. Add the Church’s tendancy to avoid or gloss over difficult supernatural Bible passages. The result most Christians miss the supernatural worldview

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  • Passion : How Christs Final Day Changes Your Every Day


    1. The Cup
    2. Betrayal And Denial
    3. The Mockery
    4. Three Kings
    5. Give Us Barabbas!
    6. The Long Walk
    7. Father, Forgive
    8. Two Criminals
    9. Climax
    10. Another Day

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    Some people see Jesus’ death as a historical footnote, buried in the past. Christians understand it is much more than that, and know it has transformed their future.

    But often we don’t realise how much Jesus’ last day should change our present, too.

    Walking readers through Luke’s Gospel, US pastor and well-known author Mike McKinley looks at the events of the last day of Jesus’ earthly life. At each point, he pauses to marvel at the love Christ has for His people; and shows how Jesus’ people can learn from His passion, His care, and His integrity.

    This unique book is perfect for both new and mature Christians. While great for reading at any time in the year, it’s particularly helpful to read during Lent or Holy Week.

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  • Free Will Vs Predestination Pamphlet


    Do people have free will or does God predestine them to be saved? If God elects us, is there any reason to spread the Gospel? Can a person lose his salvation? This easy-to-understand pamphlet compares the teachings of Arminianism with Calvinism and gives the key Bible verses you need to understand this important topic.

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  • Time For Mercy (DVD)


    This award-winning film, narrated by Joe Campanella, explores signs of God’s mercy in our time. It takes an unflinching look at the biblical witness of God’s judgement and mercy, the offer of God’s mercy in Christ, and the troubles of today’s world -from recurring natural disasters and environmental threats to the growing list of human tragedies. Learn the startling messages of Jesus Christ to St. Faustina and why this is indeed a Time for Mercy.

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  • Essential Doctrine Made Easy Pamphlet


    This handy pamphlet is perfect for anyone who wants to know the basic doctrines of the Christian faith. These key beliefs of Christianity are embraced by Christians around the world. Today’s churches are filled with people who are passionate about being Christians, but who may not know what exactly they believe. The author is Dr. Norman Geisler, Professor of Theology and Apologetics and co-founder of Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, NC. For more info, go to

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  • Tozer Mystery Of The Holy Spirit


    A follow-up to the groundbreaking Fellowship of the Burning Heart. Snyder has compiled some of Tozer’s greatest works on the Holy Spirit, including a free audio CD of Tozer’s sermons.

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  • Book Of Enoch


    R. H. Charles provides a definitive translation of one of the most noted apocalyptic works still in existence. Often described as the lost book of the Bible, The Book of Enoch seems to have been written in Palestine by several different authors in the first and second centuries B.C. For hundreds of years it was accepted by the early church fathers, but it was rejected by the council of Laodicea in A.D. 364. Today, it remains a written remnant of the Apocalypse — an ardent testament to hope and the triumph of good over evil in the dawning of a world to come. Rife with concepts of original sin, fallen angels, demonology, resurrection, and the last judgment, it is a vital document to the origins of Christianity.

    The Book of Enoch is comprised of various monumental works: The Book of Enoch, The Parables, The Book of the Courses of the Heavenly Luminaries, The Dream Visions, The Concluding Section, and The Noah Fragments. Each work is independent, but all the works are bound by a common theme: the punishment of the wicked and the blessedness of the righteous. This edition, complete with analysis and notes, is an indispensable resource for the study and understanding of both the Old and New Testaments.

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  • Presence And Work Of The Holy Spirit


    Within these pages, you will discover the importance of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life. R. A. Torrey also reveals the work of the Holy Spirit in helping to bring unbelievers into the kingdom of God. He also shows how to receive God’s favor and blessings, the way the Holy Spirit imparts life to the spiritually dead, and our need to follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance. These eternal issues–and many more–are covered in this in-depth examination of who the Holy Spirit is and His work in our lives. Followers of Christ, as well as those searching, will be permanently transformed as God’s divine power flows through their hearts.

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  • Divine Revelation Of Angels


    Angels are everywhere—in magazines and greeting cards, on television and jewelry. But do they really exist . . . and what are they like? Claiming to have encountered such celestial beings through dreams, visions, and revelations from God, Baxter recounts what she’s learned about these warrior messengers and the power of Christ.

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  • All Of Grace


    In All of Grace, C.H. Spurgeon outlines the love of God in such clear, simple language that everyone can understand and be drawn to the Father. Any attempt to please God based upon our own works brings self-righteousness and coldness of heart. It is free grace and mercy of God that makes the heart glow with warmth and thankfulness for God’s love. The heartfelt goal of this dynamic classis is summed up in Spurgeon’s final cry to the reader, “Meet me in heaven!”

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  • Grace The Power To Change


    Christians everywhere have been missing the truth about grace–and living in defeat as a result. Grace is God’s ability working in you to do what you cannot. It is the power to change. Take to heart the principles in this book, and discover the dimension of Christian living that Jesus called “easy and light.” Jesus has finished the work, so relax and let His grace change your heart!

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  • Am I Being Deceived


    Get rid of the shackles that may be holding you back from truly worshipping! Rediscover your First Love and soar to new spiritual heights, as you find freedom-maybe for the first time. The Virklers’ give poignant definition to false religions and capture the essence of true Christianity in their scripturally grounded work, Am I Being Deceived?. Do you know where the boundaries are? Do you know the distinguishing traits of true Christianity, Phariseeism, and the New Age Movement? You will. Set your borders straight, your vision high, and your passion at full steam ahead.

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  • 2 Kinds Of Knowledge


    All the knowledge that is taught in our schools, colleges and universities has been gained through our five senses. It is what we call “Sense Knowledge”. Man has never been able to know God through the five senses of his physical body. Sense Knowledge cannot give us the Reason for Creation, the source of Light, of Life, of Motion, of Gravitation, has been unable to explain the obvious design of Creation. When man reaches the limits of this Sense Knowledge, he turns philosopher or guesser. Natural man cannot understand spiritual things. Sense Knowledge cannot find God, can never know Him, but there stands by the side of everyone a Guide to lead him into the new kind of knowledge, the new kind of life. This book shows the contrast between Sense Knowledge and The Revelation Knowledge which we receive only from the Word of God. Sense Knowledge faith is in what man is, and can do, and has done. Revelation faith is in the Word of God, “That liveth and abideth forever.”

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  • Divine Revelation Of Heaven


    Catch a glimpse of heaven—and your eternal home! After 30 nights of horrifying excursions into the depths of hell, Baxter experienced 10 rapturous trips into the realms of heaven. Here is her amazing account. As she recalls her journeys with Jesus and the angels, she realizes her destiny in Christ and receives a fresh vision for her life.

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  • Foundations Of Christian Doctrine


    Just as any building needs a strong foundation, Christians need a solid understanding of theology to soundly interpret Scripture. Here 12 of the great doctrines of faith—from God to angels, sin to atonement—are presented clearly and relevantly. An excellent tool for pastors, this readable text is also appropriate for individual study and research.

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  • Catechism Of The Catholic Church (Revised)


    Here it is – the first new Catechism of the Catholic Church in more than 400 years, a complete summary of what Catholics throughout the world believe in common. The Catechism draws on the Bible, the Mass, the sacraments, Church tradition and teaching, and the lives of the saints. It comes with a complete index, footnotes and cross-references for a fuller understanding of every subject. Using the tradition of explaining what the Church believes, what she celebrates, what she lives and what she prays, the Catechism of the Catholic Chruch offers challenges for believers and answers for all those interested in learning about the mystery of the Catholic faith. Here is a positive, coherent and contemporary map for our spiritual journey toward transformation.

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  • Cual Camino (Revised) – (Spanish) (Revised)


    This handbook satisfies two needs: that of knowing what false doctrie is so as to remain firmly in the truth, and that of learning to reclaim those who are held captive in darkness by solid arguments and large doses of love.

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  • Divine Revelation Of Hell


    Heaven or hell? Over a period of forty days, God gave Mary K. Baxter visions of hell and commissioned her to tell all to choose life. Here is an account of the place and beings of hell contrasted with the glories of heaven. It is a reminder of the need each of us has for the miracle of salvation.

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  • Believers Authority


    1. The Prayers Of Paul
    2. What Is Authority?
    3. Seated With Christ
    4. Breaking The Power Of The Devil
    5. Exercising Authority
    6. Risen With Christ
    7. The Weapons Of Our Warfare
    8. Authority Over Demon Spirits, Not Human Will

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    Do we have authority that we don’t know about – that we haven’t discovered – that we’re not using?”
    Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin asked himself this question when he was a young preacher. “I had had little glimpses of spiritual authority once in a while,” he writes in The Believer’s Authority, the reedited and expanded version of his best-selling book. “Life others I had stumbled upon it and had exercised it without knowing what I was doing.
    “As a result of my studies, I concluded that we as a Church have authority on the earth that we’ve never yet realized.
    “A few of us have barely gotten to the edge of that authority, but before Jesus comes again, ther’s going to be a whole company of believers who will rise up and with the authority that is theirs,… and they will do the work that god intended they should do.”

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  • Trustful Surrender To Divine Providence


    In His infinite love for us, Our Lord wills the salvation of every man, and in His infinite wisdom, nothing happens to us which is not of use to us for our salvation. Uniting our will to His is the surest mean of salvation.

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  • Pocket Catechism Saint Joseph Edition


    Rational Creatures
    The Holy Spirit
    The Church
    Man’s Last Ends
    Our Life On Earth
    The Ten Commandments
    The Commandments Of The Church
    The Supernatural Virtues
    The Holy Sacraments
    The Most Important Prayers
    The Mysteries Of The Rosary

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    Essential Catholic Teachings. This booklet will give to parents, children, teachers – in fact, all who are really concerned – the right answers about the essentials of the Catholic Faith.

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  • Church Members Handbook


    “This is a small book (1962) on church membership to place in the hands of members to help them know the meaning of their membership and understand the doctrines and polity of Baptists. Chapters include The Meaning of Church Membership, The Church covenant, Christian Growth, Baptist History, Baptist Doctrine, Baptists and Other Denominations, God’s Plan of Church Finance, and Baptist Churches at Work.”

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