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U. S. Catholic Church

  • Catechism De La Iglesia Catoli – (Spanish)


    Esta presentacion practica del Catecismo de la Iglesia Catolica es ideal para ser usado en grupos de oracion, clases de confirmacion, reuniones del RICA, grupos juveniles, etc. Esta presentacion de bolsillo tiene un indice tematico.

    Four centuries in the making, a monumental undertaking and a magnificent achievement, the first definitive Catholic Catechism since the Council of Trent in 1566 details doctrine, dogma, and the basic tenets of the Church.

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  • Catechism Of The Catholic Church (Revised)


    Here it is – the first new Catechism of the Catholic Church in more than 400 years, a complete summary of what Catholics throughout the world believe in common. The Catechism draws on the Bible, the Mass, the sacraments, Church tradition and teaching, and the lives of the saints. It comes with a complete index, footnotes and cross-references for a fuller understanding of every subject. Using the tradition of explaining what the Church believes, what she celebrates, what she lives and what she prays, the Catechism of the Catholic Chruch offers challenges for believers and answers for all those interested in learning about the mystery of the Catholic faith. Here is a positive, coherent and contemporary map for our spiritual journey toward transformation.

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