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  • Mundo Que Cambia – (Spanish)


    An Agustin Agency Title

    El 26 de diciembre 1991, tuvo lugar un hecho de extraordinaria importancia en la Historia universal. Se trato de la disolucion de la Union Sovietica, un acontecimiento de enormes repercusiones que pocos habian previsto. A decir verdad, solo el historiador Andrei Amalrik y el premio Nobel Alexander Solzhenitsyn , disidentes rusos, habian tenido el valor y la vision para anunciar que semejante seismo tendria lugar. Aunque es indiscutible que la Guerra fria concluyo, no son pocos los que pretenden seguir analizando la situacion actual del globo desde la perspectiva de un periodo historico que termino hace cuatro decadas. Pretender comprender el presente con paradigmas de la Guerra fria – incluso con los de izquierdas y derechas – constituye una equivocacion de consecuencias perjudiciales. La Historia ha seguido avanzando y al igual que habria constituido una necedad pretender comprender la Europa de finales del siglo XIX sobre lo que fue la vida de Napoleon, destronado definitivamente en 1815, es absurdo, e incluso ridiculo, entender nuestro mundo sobre la base de la Guerra fria. Nuestro mundo ha seguido cambiando desde 1991 y lo que resulta aun mas relevante es que ese conjunto de cambios es constante e implica desafios colosales con los que nunca antes ha tenido que enfrentarse el genero humano. Lejos de ser la democracia y la libertad realidades que se imponen de manera casi natural, lo cierto es que se encuentran mas amenazadas que nunca y que esa amenaza no solo es externa sino, en buena medida, tambien interna. Un mundo que cambia es un intento de explicar que es verdaderamente la democracia y su fragilidad, y que es la agenda globalista, la cual amenaza a el patriotismo y la continuidad de la misma democracia.

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  • Sobrevivira Estados Unidos – (Spanish)


    This new book by New York Times best-selling author and pastor, John Hagee, says the United States is heading into a “Perfect Storm.” Titanic. John F. Kennedy’s assassination. 9/11. John Hagee maintains that these American tragedies all have one element in common: they were unthinkable. And in the opening pages of his newest book, Can America Survive? Hagee uses these tragedies to prove two points: that the unthinkable can happen and, given the right conditions, the unthinkable can quickly become the inevitable.

    In Can America Survive? Hagee asserts that the seeds for tragedy are once again being sown, evidenced by the disturbing economic, geopolitical, and religious trends that now threaten to dismantle the very nation itself. “Think it can’t happen?” Hagee asks in a theme repeated throughout the book. “Think again.” Indeed, Hagee presents alarming examples of recent events, current research, scientific evidence, and biblical prophecy that are gathering to create a “perfect storm” that could bring down the “unsinkable” United States of America including:
    *The U.S.’s negligent handling of Israel, and history’s evidence of the danger to any nation that challenges Israel’s God-mandated right to exist
    *The dangerous belittling of Iran’s nuclear threat by careless spy agencies-and the super-weapon that could stop the U.S. in its tracks instantly
    *The chilling biblical prophecy that confirms Iran as one of six countries that will form an Islamic military force “as a cloud to cover the land”
    *The real $2.5 trillion price tag of healthcare reform, the international currency shifts, and the national economic trends that are poised to bring about the death of the American dollar
    *The criminalization of Christianity around the world

    Can America Survive? is not just a warning. It is a wake-up call and a rallying cry to Christian citizens everywhere to prevent the next unthinkable American disaster. After all, as Hagee points out, “those who do not remember the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them in the future.” Think it can’t happen? Think again.

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