Showing 101–150 of 355 resultsSorted by latest
Teatime Discipleship : Sharing Faith One Cup At A Time
$32.99Cultivate Friendship, Feasting, and Fellowship
As a mother, friend, and traveler, Sally Clarkson has witnessed on countless occasions how a shared cup of tea can impact a heart. These simple moments of hospitality become poignant opportunities for women to support each other in faith while drawing nearer to God.
With Teatime Discipleship, Sally invites you into her beautifully photographed home, pours you a steaming cup of tea, and shares the prayers, Scripture, stories, recipes, and traditions that are dear to her heart. You’ll experience the incredible gift of teatime as you take in eternal truths about God’s love and design while learning how you can use your own unique gifts to share with others the beauty of a life redeemed by Christ.
When the atmosphere has been set and the table has been laid, we come together to encourage and strengthen one another, welcoming each other to experience the richness of God. Teatime Discipleship will help you rediscover the joy of gathering others around you and sitting at the feet of Christ to listen together to His life-changing story!
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Spiritual Disciplines Journal
$19.99You want your Christian life to count. . .
this Spiritual Disciplines Journal will help you live out your faith and allow you to record your progress.This handsome book briefly explains the spiritual disciplines–activities such as prayer, Bible study, memorization, meditation, fellowship, service, and confession–and how to use the journal to best effect.
Simple prompts on each page–Date, Topic, My Thoughts for God–are enhanced by inspiring Bible verses and quotations, providing plenty of encouragement and space for recording your faith pursuits.
Presented in a masculine, leather-like binding, the Spiritual Disciplines Journal makes an ideal gift–for yourself or a friend!
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Gods Joy In Your Heart
$16.99The Joy of the Lord Is Strength for All Christians!
In God’s Joy in Your Heart, legendary preacher Charles Spurgeon shows how to receive joy that will remain despite the struggles, trials, and temptations of daily living. He reveals the secrets of how believers can obtain it, maintain it, and share it with others.
Enjoy a refreshing break for twenty-one days with these heartwarming devotional readings as the “Prince of Preachers” shows you how to:
*Take refuge in the safety of God’s arms
*Build a strong faith
*Know the loving comfort of the Holy Spirit
*Receive all that God has for you
*Find deliverance from heartaches and troubles
*Experience God’s ever-present helpThrough these encouraging words, you will come to know the peace that passes all understanding and find the confidence to minister God’s love to others.
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Im A Christian Now What
$16.99Where to begin when you’ve begun with Christ
If you are a new Christian, you are on a new path. But where are you going and how do you get there? As an adult convert, Aaron Armstrong had to face these questions himself. In I’m a Christian–Now What? A Guide to Your New Life With Christ, Aaron helps you take those important first steps, including:
*How to read the Bible and pray
*How to think about your favorite TV show
*How to find the right church
*How to disagree with other Christians
*How to rethink sex and marriageYou probably have a lot of questions. You might not even know which questions to ask. This practical and friendly book helps make sense of your new life with Jesus. It ends with suggestions for how you can take the next step by helping other new Christians.
I’m a Christian–Now What? is a perfect handbook for new believers and those who want to disciple them.
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Awe Of God
$29.99Do you long for an intimate relationship with your Creator, but He seems elusive? Perhaps it is because something utterly essential is missing-holy fear. Don’t let this frighten you. Fearing God is very different than being afraid of God. It’s the key to everything.
The fear of the Lord is not a topic you’ll hear much about these days. But if you want to build a faith that stands strong through troubled times, you cannot afford to ignore this book.In The Awe of God, John Bevere invites you to take a fresh look at what it means to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. This healthy, holy, and largely forgotten virtue is the uncommon path to a more fulfilled and fruitful life. In this book you will see why godly fear is the foundation of:
*Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge
*Foresight, clarity, and divine direction
*Maturity and conformity to the image of Jesus Christ
*Building an eternal legacy
*Confidence, fearlessness, and security
*Freedom from the fear of man as all lesser fears are eclipsedIf you look at the men and women in Scripture, the ones who lived and finish well all have one thing in common: they are marked by holy fear.
The Awe of God was designed to be read slowly and intentionally. At the end of each of the 42 chapters are five tools to help you deepen your understanding and apply what the Spirit of God is teaching you. Experience the intimate relationship with God that you have always longed for by unlocking this countercultural message.
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Free At Last
$20.00Does your family history or that of a loved one have a common thread of dysfunction, marital problems, sickness, or abuse that goes from generation to generation? If so, this book is for you. There are countless ways you can be affected by the hurtful patterns that have been knowingly and unknowingly passed down through the generations. But you can break free.
Here, Pastor Larry Huch reveals powerful truths from Scripture to show you how to break generational curses and begin to receive God’s blessing in every area of your life. Learn from his powerful testimony as he shares how a family curse plagued him until he turned to Jesus Christ for healing, and find your freedom.
Does your family always seem to fall into the same sins, the same harmful actions? Do you have a history of sickness or marital problems or abuse? The past does not have to determine the course of your future. Let Larry Huch teach you about generational curses and how they affect you and your family.
Learn how to…
*Break generational curses
*Regain your joy
*Experience health and prosperity
*Repair broken relationships
*Claim dominion over things you touch and places you walkFind your freedom!
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Pierced By Love
$22.99In Pierced by Love: Divine Reading with the Christian Tradition, Hans Boersma invites Christians to retrieve this ancient and meditative way of reading the Bible.
*Practice lectio divina.
*Experience an ancient but fresh way of reading the Bible.
*Learn from Augustine, Anselm of Canterbury, Bernard of Clairvaux, and others.Jesus is the point of reading the Bible. Christians read Scripture to encounter Christ and be conformed to his image. Scripture is no mere human text; it is God’s living word. So how should we read it? For Christians throughout the centuries, the answer has been lectio divina-“divine reading.” Lectio divina is a sacramental reading. It aims to take us more deeply into the life of God. Through practicing the four movements of lectio divina-attentive reading, extended meditation, prayerful reflection, and silent resting-we have a structured and simple way to focus on Christ, listen to the Spirit, and rest in God’s love. We no longer simply read the words of Scripture; instead, we read the face of God in the eternal Word.
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Say The Right Thing
$14.99Words are powerful. They sink deep into our minds and our spirits. They can build others up or put others down. Many of us want to “say the right thing” and make a difference to others with our words, but we don’t know how to. Others of us struggle to control our speech and want help to be more godly in this area of our lives.
This positive, constructive book delves into the Bible to show us how to overcome specific temptations, such as gossip or angry words. But it also goes much further. It shows us how we can use our speech to bring beauty, hope, truth and comfort into the lives of those around us–and to give glory to God.
Full of gracious words and practical help, this book will help readers to find out how to let the gospel shape their speech and enjoy the blessings that flow from this.
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New Kind Of Love
$15.99The two greatest forces in the world today are love and selfishness. Natural human love has failed because it is based upon selfishness.
Does God have a solution for this problem? We believe that He has. It is The New Kind of Love that has been overlooked by the church but has recently been rediscovered.
This book unveils the new kind of love that Jesus brought to the world. This love comes into a barren life and makes it blossom as a rose. It takes away the hardness and bitterness of life. There will be no empty lives, no barren lives. Every life may become a garden of delight. God has made it possible.
To walk in love is actually to live in God. It is the realm where the Word dominates, where faith functions. Faith grows in the atmosphere of love. It becomes a dominating and creative force when love really rules.
This new kind of love, agape, was born in the realm of divine revelation. It is a deep and profound sacrificial love that transcends and persists regardless of circumstances.
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Essential Christianity : The Heart Of The Gospel In Ten Words
$16.99Drawing on passages from Romans 1 to 12, J.D. Greear unpacks the essential aspects of the Christian message, showing both secular and religious people what the gospel is and how it addresses our most pertinent questions. The gospel, as he explains, is not just about life after death; it’s about reclaiming the life we’ve always yearned to live.
Whether you are exploring the core concepts of Christianity or you are a weary Christian wanting to rediscover the excitement and joy of knowing God, this warm and compelling explanation of the goodness, truth and power at the heart of the Christian faith is for you.
As J.D. says in his introduction:
“The gospel is not just the diving board off which you jump into Christianity–it’s the swimming pool in which you swim. See this book as your invitation to rediscover the goodness, the excitement, the liberation and the power of the gospel.”
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Blessing Of Taking Communion
$16.99“Do this in remembrance of Me.” A simple phrase, spoken by Jesus to His disciples in the upper room, remains some of the most meaning-filled words ever spoken. Communion. The Lord’s Supper. The body and blood of Christ. Known by many names and observed by believers for over 2000 years, it is one of the most sacred and unifying ordinances ever given to the church. Yet many believers fail to comprehend the significance to their daily lives. So much more than a box to check, a tradition to keep, or a movement to go through. It is a wonderful gift, freely given by Jesus for the benefit of the body, and it is filled with meaning, blessing, and significance. A standing invitation offered to us to spend time with Jesus, receive all supply from Heaven, and enjoy unbroken relationship with our heavenly Father. In this book, discover ten Communion encounters designed to offer greater insight and deeper understanding into one of the greatest exchanges in the history of mankind.
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Birthright : Out Of The Servant’s Quarters Into The Father’s House
$16.99If you believe your life is a cause for condemnation rather than celebration . . . If you are weighted down by the guilt of things done-and undone . . . If you are haunted by a sense of failure to please your heavenly Father . . . Let this book set you free! Come home to your Father’s warm embrace.
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Breaking The Spirit Of Delilah
$19.99A demonic spirit has placed a slumbering stranglehold on many highly anointed saints in the modern church. Its mission is to stop believers from fulfilling their destiny by seducing, enticing, and berating them so that they fall asleep, forgetting their true purpose and giving Satan an advantage over God’s people.
This is the spirit of Delilah. Although the woman named Delilah in Judges 16 was flesh and blood, a demonic spirit controlled her to bring down Samson, one of the mightiest warriors of the Bible. The spirit of Delilah is still thriving amid God’s people today, conspiring to weaken them and thwart their purpose in Christ.
Prophetic minister Andrew Towe wrote Breaking the Spirit of Delilah: Accessing God’s Power to Topple Ancient Strongholds after an encounter with the Lord in which He revealed the enemy’s agenda to entice believers into a passionless Christianity that is void of power. God commissioned Andrew to expose the spirit whose assignment is to lull God’s warriors into a deadening sleep that leaves them powerless.
Breaking the Spirit of Delilah contains explosive information concerning Christian living, spiritual warfare, prayer, and revival.
*If you believe the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not for you…
*If you believe God does not have a plan for your life…
*If you’re not sure God’s Word can be trusted…Then this book is for you! Don’t let the spirit of Delilah make you weak and powerless! Join the fight to expose this wicked spirit and advance God’s kingdom.
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Mind Battles : Root Out Mental Triggers To Release Peace
$18.99Fear is one of the driving forces of our lives, especially when times are dark and we don’t know who to trust. Our own minds can torment us when we experience emotional ailments, vain imaginations, uncontrollable thoughts, demonic attacks, or mental health issues.
“We all have a battle that triggers unproductive and unfruitful thoughts,” explains prophetic deliverance minister and author Kathy DeGraw. “Although the battle rages in our minds, the truth is we have the power within us to capture, dismiss, and change every negative thought.”
In Mind Battles: Root Out Mental Triggers to Release Peace, you will discover:
*The Bible’s arsenal of tools and weapons to uproot demonic strongholds
*How to take control of vain imaginations
*The root cause of depressing and tormenting thoughts that threaten your destiny
*Revelation and application to receive mental breakthroughs
*Practical examples and biblical insights for breaking mind-binding torment
*Step-by-step instructions and principles that will release mental peace
*Applications, prayers, and prophetic activations for deliveranceWhen you uproot the mental triggers that are trying to destroy your peace of mind, you’ll find that supernatural healing awaits.
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Gods Vision For The Church
$14.99In this compelling look at God’s vision and design for the body of Christ, internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince describes the original blueprint for the church: loved, redeemed, transformed, and called. Discover deeper meaning through the pictures of God’s church from Ephesians, including the assembly, the body of Christ, the workmanship, the family, the temple, the bride, and the army. Explore the daily lifestyle of the local church as well as the future of all God’s people. Highlights include:
*The powerful, productive New Testament life
*God’s program of transformation
*Our place in God’s exciting community
*True fellowship among believers
*Our role in fulfilling the Great CommissionWe can be infused with a new sense of power and expectation as we learn what it means to be a vital member of the body of Christ. And we can help fulfill God’s vision for the church by becoming dynamic ambassadors of His message to a lost world.
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Good Boundaries And Goodbyes
$28.99Number-one New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst helps readers stop the dysfunction of unhealthy relationships by showing them biblical ways to set boundaries–and, when necessary, say goodbye–without losing the best of who they are.
Relationships are wonderful . . . until they’re not.
Have you ever thought, I can’t keep doing this–something has to change? Or, I’ve tried everything to fix this relationship but nothing is working–I fear I’m becoming someone I don’t even like? Or even, I love this person, but this is starting to feel impossible?
You’ve listened to all the advice. But you’re beginning to realize that if the other person doesn’t want to change what’s broken in the relationship, you can’t change it on your own. So now what?
Lysa TerKeurst understands this dance with dysfunction and wants to be your insightful, compassionate friend who will teach you that it isn’t unloving to set a boundary, and it isn’t unchristian to say goodbye. You’ll be relieved to learn that boundaries aren’t just a good idea, they’re a God idea.
This eye-opening book will be refreshingly helpful in giving you the biblical wisdom and confidence to set boundaries you can keep, communicate them, and finally see them working in your life. Good Boundaries and Goodbyes was born out of Lysa’s own personal struggles with boundaries, extensive theological research, and therapeutic experiences that transformed the way she defined and pursued healthy relationships. Lysa is now more committed than ever to loving people well without losing the best of who she is. She wants to help you do the same.
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How To Know God Exists
$17.99Three questions are etched into everyone’s subconscious: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? Josh McDowell and Thomas Williams team up to show why nothing short of God answers these questions. But the problem is that in today’s secularized culture, God has largely been banished.
How to Know God Exists explores in depth solid reasons for believing in God and restoring him to his rightful place in our lives. Josh McDowell is widely known for his powerful defenses of God based on historical and biblical evidences. In this book he and Thomas take a new direction and present often-unexplored but formidable evidences based on sheer reason, observable reality, and solid science. They show that belief in God is not the blind, unthinking, and intellectually indefensible fancy today’s secularism makes it out to be.
How to Know God Exists will:
*Offer rational defenses for the existence of God, truth, morality, meaning, and reason
*Open vistas of beauty and joy denied to readers by the sterility of secularism
*Use reason, logic, experience, and common sense to show that God offers the truth required to make sense of reality and bring meaning and joy to life
By reason and common sense, How to Know God Exists shows that meaning itself is rooted in the existence of God.
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Resolution For Women New Revised Edition (Revised)
$17.99A common thread runs through the life of those women who leave a lasting impact on others. Resolve. It doesn’t make them perfect women, just purposeful women-women who are intentional about charting the pathway of their lives in the direction of God’s promises.
Living with this kind of intentionality is what this book is all about.
Quickly a New York Times bestseller when it was first published, The Resolution for Women returns in this newly revised edition, updated with ten years’ worth of fresh insights and reflections on what it means to chart a steady course through disruptive, conflicting times.
Be part of another generation inspired to anchor each day and each part of their lives in the bedrock of biblical truth. Together, these resolutions become not only the commitments we make but the legacy we create, the treasures we strategically place in the path for others to follow.
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Out Of The Embers
$24.99Deconstruction: Trendy brand name for falling away from belief in God? Or a process essential to authentic faith?
Liberation or trauma? Prison break or exile?
It’s complicated. Just like you.
Christian history records a Great Reformation and a Great Awakening. But today’s “Great Deconstruction” will surely leave an equally profound impact.
In Out of the Embers, Bradley Jersak explores the necessity, perils, and possibilities of the Great Deconstruction-how it has the potential to either sabotage our communion with God or infuse it with the breath of life, the light and life of Christ himself.
In this collection of vulnerable memoirs, philosophical memos, and candid provocations, Jersak resists both the hand-wringing urge to corral stray sheep and the exultant desire to play the happy-clappy Ex-vangelical cheerleader. He employs the wisdom and expertise of the great deconstructionists-Christianity’s ancient influences (Moses, Plato, Paul, and the Patristics), “beloved frenemies” (from Voltaire to Nietzsche), and the masters of deconstruction (Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, and Weil)-to double down and deconstruct deconstruction itself.
Where is faith after deconstruction? The author’s heart is to engage and empathize with the bereft and disoriented, stoking the brittle ashes for live embers. In this quest for the resilient gospel of the martyrs, the marginal, and those outside the threshold…inexplicably, in this liminal space, life stirs. A Light shines through the ashes. We find, often for the first time, that living connection Jersak calls “presence in communion.”
There is a sea change occurring across the Western church and civilization. Whether we’re watching a radical course correction or a complete collapse remains to be seen, and how it pans out will likely depend on how we see what’s happening, who we are becoming, how we live in response-and, most important, where we find Christ situated in this storm.
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Grace Is Free But It Isnt Cheap
$14.99When Jesus walked the earth, rather than expressing anger toward cheating tax collectors and prostitutes, He gently urged them to walk away from their sins. Jesus saved His wrath for the hypocritical Pharisees who pretended to offer grace but only demanded adherence to their endless rules.
Today, Pastor David Tomberlin says, some preachers offer another kind of grace that’s just as damaging-a cheap, “greasy” grace that says there’s no need to repent because Jesus paid for all of our sins on the cross.
“Fake, cheap, greasy grace doesn’t transform,” he says. “It doesn’t set the captive free; it pats the captive on the back reassuringly on his road to destruction. Therefore, those ensnared in sin stay stuck while heaps of feel-good words pile on them.”
In Grace Is Free, But It Isn’t Cheap: Challenging Today’s Watered Down Version of Christianity, Tomberlin takes up the clarion call once voiced by Dietrich Bonhoeffer for believers to appreciate the high cost Christ paid for the salvation of humankind and pursue a life of following Him.
This pursuit requires a true appreciation of the cost of grace and a nuanced understanding of the dynamics of liberty and accountability.
“The greasy grace movement tries to represent God without actually knowing Him,” Tomberlin says. “True grace, lavish grace, doesn’t tell someone they are okay when they aren’t; it empowers them to overcome their sin and get truly free.”
Claim your inheritance as a beloved child of the King, and discover what it really means to follow Christ.
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Enneagram Life : Personal, Relational, And Biblical Insights For All Season
$16.99Just when you think you have the Enneagram figured out, there’s another facet to it that brings you to a level of deeper understanding. Although you may want to deconstruct it to the point of oversimplified stereotypes and wide sweeping platitudes, it remains complicated.
“When people are considering their typing, the Enneagram stereotypes can feel limiting,” says author and Enneagram coach Elisabeth Bennett. “That’s why I wanted to give a much broader look at what personality is, how it changes, and the different faucets that impact it at different stages.”
Enneagram Life: Personal, Relational, and Biblical Insights for All Seasons guides you through the seasons of life-from childhood to the golden years-and explains the varied ways in which your Enneagram type plays a role in everything from your selection of a career to your parenting style and decision-making process.
Elisabeth gives you insights into your own life and the lives of those around you, all from a biblical perspective. She explores the big questions of how personality and your everyday past, present, and future intersect and are answered within the wisdom of how God formed you.
Enneagram Life can to serve as a field guide to how this fascinating typology plays out practically throughout life. Elisabeth proves that rather than being “too sacred for mere mortals” or “just another personality quiz,” the Enneagram is a useful tool for discovering why you respond in different ways to both triumphs and tragedies as you age.
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Courage To Heal
$16.99Can you really start over again and have a meaningful life?
After experiencing deep emotional hurts?
After struggling with ingrained dysfunctional habits?
After falling into addiction?
After making destructive choices that alienate your family and friends?
Can guilt, shame, and regret ever be healed?
Many people feel that once they’ve made mistakes or bad decisions, or once they’ve been damaged by others, they can never set their life on a positive course again. If you feel this way, the real answer is that you can.
Author Tracy Strawberry, wife of baseball great Darryl Strawberry, says it starts with who you are. Both she and her husband have been in that hopeless place and successfully moved past it. Tracy knows what it takes to get free and to stay free in multiple areas of life, and for twenty years, she has helped numerous people do the same. She knows how hard it is to face the daily challenges of moving forward from the past and the consequences it brings. She understands that it takes step-by-step direction, faith, and encouragement to achieve it, and you will find all of that in abundance in these pages.
This book presents proven, practical, systematic steps for attaining healing from past pain, addictions, and dysfunctional patterns of living. Tracy explains that God does not just evacuate us out of our struggles. It requires a process of change where we learn to make positive and creative new choices. You can live a victorious life by relying on the transformative power of God and actively engaging in the process of change, one choice at a time.
Your struggles are not who you are-they are what you are overcoming. No matter where you are in life, you have permission to hope and dream again. To dare to image yourself in a better place with a good future. To have The Courage to Heal.
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Your Divine Invitation
$14.99After years of discontent, feeling a lack of the Holy Spirit’s power and believing for healings and miracles, Frankie Mazzapica was fighting insomnia one night when he decided to look for a book that would put him to sleep.
He downloaded Power from on High: What It Is and How to Obtain It by Charles Finney for his e-book reader. However, rather than sleeping, he stayed up and kept reading until he finished the book early the next morning.
Frankie says Finney’s book made him realize that “power from on high” is something that God wants for every believer. He decided to write Your Divine Invitation: Access the Holy Spirit to Complete Your Assignment to help Christians everywhere discover that power.
“The belief that only a small few are selected to receive supernatural power is a fallacy. God knows that before we have anything to offer, we must have His power,” Frankie says. “We have the same assignment the disciples did. If they needed power then, we need power now.”
Frankie’s mission statement is, “I live to walk with the Lord and share His love and His power.”
His conviction is that Jesus’ three-year ministry, where teaching and miracles attracted seekers and built disciples, is the model for today’s church. Believers should not rest until the same power displayed in the life of the Lord’s disciples is present in their lives.
Your Divine Invitation includes practical steps every believer can take to position themselves to receive God’s promised endowment of power.
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Miracle Of The Oil
$16.99This beautiful hardcover book, suitable for gifting, describes the miraculous power of God’s anointing-represented by oil-flowing through the life of the believer. The central theme is the anointing oil recipe that God gave to Moses, focusing on each ingredient and what it prophetically represents in our personal lives:
*liquid myrrh
*sweet-scented cinnamon
*fragrant cane
*olive oilThe Miracle of the Oil also includes historical and contemporary testimonies of God’s anointing oil brimming with miracles, including the oil of the original Hanukkah menorah and what it signifies for us today.
God is Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord our Provider. There is abundant provision in His realms of glory for all our needs to be met according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Let God’s supernatural, heavenly oil flow into your life to meet every area of need
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29:11 The Jeremiah Code
$10.99“For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11
This is one of the most well-known promises of God. A promise given to the Prophet directly from the Lord.
This promise is for everyone, it gives believers encouragement and non-believers a reason to come to know the Lord.
Pastor Don Wilkerson endeavors to unwrap the meaning of 29:11 in greater depth, not just for those who may have relapsed, but for all who know the verse, and for those hearing it for the first time.
This book will bring to life the passage and will give those who have relapsed back into alcoholism and drug addiction, after a period of recover, a new hope.
29:11 is one of the most powerful promises that restoration is possible for everyone. God said it is so!
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Unexpected Jesus : How The Resurrected Christ Finds Us, Meets Us, Heals Us
$16.99“When I needed him, God showed up.”
Jesus shows up where we least expect him–to Mary Magdalene in the garden, to the disciples on the road to Emmaus, to Thomas when he is full of insecurity. Just as the resurrected Jesus surprised his disciples, he also surprises us today, showing up in the midst of our sorrows, uncertainties, and joys.
In Unexpected Jesus, pastor Eric Rivera examines Jesus’s appearances after his resurrection to show us how Jesus meets us today. Eric shares his own stories of God showing up amid financial uncertainty, pregnancy loss, a grim medical diagnosis within his family, and the unrest and uncertainty of 2020. Eric’s insights will encourage readers as they look to meet God in their own times of uncertainty.
The same Jesus who was present with his followers meets us in our mess today. When we feel confused or abandoned, Jesus finds us. When he arrives, the master teacher meets us with questions and guides us into a revelation of who he is. And as we walk with him, he heals us and is faithful in his promise to be with us always.
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Dream Small : The Secret Power Of The Ordinary Christian Life
$14.99We are all looking for significance and meaning in our lives. The world tells us that this comes from dreaming big, achieving personal success and making a big impact. But the Bible says that self-worth is found in knowing our Creator, and contentment is found in discovering his purpose for our lives.
This book reminds us that when we know Jesus, we are free from the world’s definition of success. We can listen to God’s word and direct our dreams towards the things that he says matter most, even if they are small and unimpressive in the world’s eyes.
Celebrate the dreams God has for us: serving others, investing in individuals and living faithfully. Although these things seem small, their impact will be bigger, and their rewards will be better, than anything we could dream for ourselves.
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Draw Near : Your Creative Spiritual Journal
$16.99This 365-day devotional journal brings a unique combination of creativity, reflection and structure into your daily walk with God.
Just like a bullet journal, it includes monthly, weekly and daily sections, creative prompts, space for sermon notes and doodling, habit trackers and blank dot pages for extra journalling, lists or notes.
The first six months of Bible-based creative prompts cover Psalm 103, an amazing psalm full of imagery describing God’s vastness, character and loving care. The second six months look at Ephesians 1:1-14, which explores what happens to us when we are united to this great, vast, loving God through Jesus. These prompts will help you to meditate and reflect on God’s word and find new delight in Jesus.
This spiritual journal will also help you to:
* connect your creativity with your faith
* maintain consistent habits of Bible-reading and prayer
* remember what you learned in sermons or quiet times
* reflect more actively on your personal journey with the LordSo use this innovative resource to be creative, organized and intentional in your spiritual life. Makes a beautiful gift.
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Revival Breakthrough : Preparing For Seasons Of Glory, Awakening, And Great
$16.99A Powerful Supernatural Journey
Revival Breakthrough: Preparing for Seasons of Glory, Awakening, and Great Harves t takes you on a powerful supernatural journey that will lead to an unprecedented outpouring of God’s Spirit.
The times of deep darkness we are facing on earth today are a backdrop for a great saturation of God’s light and an imminent display of His glory. We are seeing the beginnings of the spiritual fulfillment of the biblical Feast of Trumpets and the Feast of Ingathering. We are headed into seasons, not just days, of unprecedented shaking and unprecedented revival running side by side.
Best-selling author James Goll highlights moves of the Holy Spirit in both Scripture and church history that teach us significant lessons for today. He also provides abundant scriptural references regarding the significance of prayer, the prophetic, and God’s presence for Holy Spirit outpouring. And he presents choice prophetic words from “generals” in the body of Christ regarding the coming great harvest.
The next move of God will produce the greatest harvest in the history of the church. God is giving us new wineskins that can receive the new wine of His Spirit. Many believers who formerly walked with the Lord will be restored to the Father’s house, and multitudes who never knew Him will be welcomed into His kingdom.
We can partner with the Holy Spirit to create an opening for God’s presence, revival, and harvest in this world. Then the Spirit and the bride will cry out in complete unity, “Come, Lord Jesus!”
Let’s believe big! Let’s prepare for God’s glory to be restored to His church and the world.
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Gateway To A Supernatural Life
$14.99An Experience That Transforms You and Lifts You into Partnership with God
Many people are curious about the baptism in the Holy Spirit but are confused or cautious about what it involves. They ask themselves the following: “Is the baptism in the Holy Spirit really necessary for believers?” “Is it available to everyone?” “Is it as relevant today as it was in Bible times?”
Written in an accessible style and incorporating a solid biblical foundation, this book clearly shows how to receive the ministry of the Holy Spirit, whom God has sent to help, guide, and empower you. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is truly the gateway to a supernatural life! Author Jeff Leake addresses these essential questions and more:
*What is the baptism in the Holy Spirit?
*What is the real purpose of speaking in tongues?
*Can every believer see supernatural answers to prayer?
*How does the Holy Spirit heal people from hurt, loss, and feelings of inadequacy?
*Can the Holy Spirit help overcome addictive patterns?The baptism in the Holy Spirit is an experience that transforms you and lifts you into partnership with God. Through this book, you will come to grips with the supernatural potential of the Holy Spirit in your life. Read it with a hunger to see God do all that He wants to do through you!
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Winks From Scripture
$16.99God isn’t a firefly that we can catch in a jar. We can’t capture His ways. There’s no catching up to the One who created existence. No controlling the One holds the world in his Hands. Our sovereign God evades our figuring out.
When we spot Him, it’s only because He chose to make Himself known for that moment in time. Then He hides. He leaves us wondering where He’ll show up next.
The journey of faith is the catching of flickers. Like the dancing of fireflies in the midnight summer sky: God shows up, then He’s gone.In Winks from Scripture, Chris Palmer takes you through New Testament narratives, pointing out ambiguities and uncertainties that resist clarity or answers. If we dig a little deeper, God just might surprise us with a wink.
John’s Gospel, for example, opens by declaring, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Throughout John, however, people stubbornly insist He is just a man. Jesus plainly tells the Samaritan woman at the well that He is the Messiah, yet she runs and tells her village, “Come, see a man…”
God winks and winks. In the end, John circles back to the beginning of his gospel: “These are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God…”
These brief, luminous winks of radiance into our lives leave us with a sense of awe, anticipating the next wink that will signal that God is out there somewhere. He is watching and letting us know He is at work among us.
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Resilient : Restoring Your Weary Soul In These Turbulent Times
$29.99New York Times bestselling author John Eldredge gives readers who are drained from the madness of modern life the tools they need to follow Jesus’ path of supernatural resilience so they can recover their joy, strengthen their hearts, and thrive through the storm.
The human soul has a built-in yearning for joy and beauty and all good things. But that craving for life has taken a real beating in recent years. Between false promises of ease and comfort on one side and the sheer trauma of global disease and disasters on the other, people today are facing a shortage of peace, happiness, and strength.
In Resilient, Eldredge provides skills and tools to strengthen your heart and soul–and reveals a path toward genuine recovery and resilience provided by Jesus himself. Drawing on wisdom from Scripture and Christian tradition, and illustrated throughout with powerful, true stories of grit and survival, Resilient will help readers:
*recover from the trauma of the COVID-19 pandemic;
*tap into supernatural graces like the river of life that God promises his people;
*learn to be patient with themselves–genuine recovery from spiritual and emotional trauma takes time and intentionality;
*create a plan, because resilience and victory aren’t going to come with a swipe on your home screen; and
*discover deep wells of freedom and strength through Christ who lives within us.
Thriving requires a resilient soul. This book will help readers find the resilience they need when the world has gone mad–and discover in Jesus himself the strength that prevails.
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12 Things God Cant Do
$15.99What’s the secret to truly trusting God so that we can rest easy at night? How can we have the same faith and confidence as David who said: “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety” (Ps 4:8)?
The answer lies in focusing on God’s greatness. When we consider God’s greatness, we usually tend to think about what God can do. However, this book explores 12 things that God can’t do. They all express aspects of his nature and character which we can embrace with relief, celebrate with joy and worship with awe. You will marvel both at God’s otherness and at how he became one of us in the person of Jesus.
Read this book to grow in faith, live with confidence and rest easy at night, trusting in the God who never sleeps.
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Courage : A Message From Heaven
$14.99Throughout history, all of the greatest men and women of God needed courage to fulfill their destinies. From Abraham to the men and women of the first century church who spread the gospel, all needed courage to hold fast to their faith during numerous trials and tribulations.
“We need that same courage today,” says author Branden Brim. “We live in a time of uncertainty, a time where fear is being spread, and Christians are being discouraged. But we don’t have to give in! We can be bold because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. Because of His sacrifice, we can be as bold as lions!”
In his book Courage: A Message from Heaven, Branden shares personal, modern-day, and biblical stories of courage, how it’s obtained, why it’s needed, and how standing on God’s promises can grow both courage and faith. He also shares dreams and visions he received from the Holy Spirit that have encouraged him in his own life and ministry.
“Before writing this book, the Lord showed me a vision of the importance of courage,” Branden says. “After having that vision, I knew that the only way I could accomplish the will of God in my life was to have courage, and I believe that sentiment rings true for everyone living in the world today.”
It is his hope that Courage: A Message from Heaven will make you bolder and more determined to achieve all that God has planned for you.
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Faith In The Wilderness
$16.99“If we want revival in our communities, then let us learn from those being revived.”
For many Western Christians, the experience of suffering and persecution is remote. For Chinese Christians, on the other hand, persecution is a regular aspect of the Christian life. If a Christian from the West was transported to a Chinese house church, the topic of suffering would be ever–present in preaching and conversation. With decades of persecution under the thumb of the Chinese Communist Party and a rich theology of suffering, the Chinese house church movement has much to contribute theologically to the global church.
In Faith in the Wilderness, editors Hannah Nation and Simon Liu pull together the insights of the Chinese Church for the West. These sermonic letters from Chinese Christians will awaken readers to the reality of the gospel-the ground of our hope-in the midst of darkness. Readers will be convicted, encouraged, and edified by the testimony of these Chinese Christians.
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Tinder Tattoos And Tequila
Should a Christian use Tinder…get a tattoo…or drink shots of tequila? Anyone who wants to live a life of grace needs to navigate the world’s gray lifestyle choices that may not be wrong, but could lead to sin. “The church has been plagued by two extremes when it comes to living a Christian lifestyle,” says author Bradley Truman Noel. “On one side, we have the serious folks adorned with a really impressive frown, who remind us of all the do’s and don’ts….On the other end of the spectrum are folks who play fast and loose with the rules. They typically don’t spend too much time thinking about holiness, or wondering if their actions align with biblical teaching.” Both sides, Bradley says, miss the power of God’s grace in our lives. In Tinder, Tattoos, and Tequila, you will discover:
*What’s sinful and what’s permissible
*Scriptural absolutes that apply to all believers
*Why we should be eager to be holy in this life
*How to navigate social media and video games
*Biblical principles that can guide every decision
*Ways to receive help from the Holy Spirit
*The balance between understanding the law and practicing graceDon’t let the world’s endless choices keep you from living the life of grace that God has for you!
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Men We Need
$17.99The world needs real men, real bad. And there are all sorts of conflicting ideas and messages about what a “real man” is (and is not). Is a real man one who hunts, loves sports, grills meat, fixes cars, and climbs mountains? Sure, sometimes. But that’s not really the point of being a man and it’s not the purpose for which men were made.
Into our cultural confusion, Brant Hansen paints a refreshingly specific, compelling picture of what men are made to be: “Keepers of the Garden.” Protectors and defenders. He calls for men of all interests and backgrounds (including “avid indoorsmen” like himself) to be ambitious about the right things and to see themselves as defenders of the vulnerable, with whatever resources they have.
Using short chapters loaded with must-have wisdom and Brant’s signature humor, The Men We Need explains the essence of masculinity in a fresh, thoughtful, and entertaining way that will inspire any man who dares to read it.
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Never Give Up
$18.99What if the answers to our modern crises are found in ancient truths?
This book will give you the hope and courage you need to stay firm in your faith despite the circumstances going on around you. You will keep your devotion to God and boldly share your faith.
The truth of the gospel is in great danger. Biblical beliefs are being attacked. Biblical morality is being assaulted. Christians are being insulted for holding to the ancient truths found in the Scriptures. We are in a fight to be heard and not canceled–to share our faith amidst the cancel culture. What is God’s message to us this day? What does He want from us in these troubled times? Resilience. Courage. Faithfulness. His call to us is to never give up.
*Never give up…on the infallible Word of God.
*Never give up…on the faith once delivered.In his last letter, the aged and imprisoned apostle Paul realized that his final days were approaching. So, he wrote his last legacy message for his beloved Timothy and for future generations of disciples–namely you and me.
In Never Give Up, Dr. Michael Youssef echoes the words of the apostle Paul so that we may experience encouragement–and know triumph in the midst of defeat. With a sense of urgency, we are called to the steadfast service of a certain conviction. Despite hardship and suffering, we can learn to be unwavering in our devotion. As followers of Jesus, too often we are tempted to throw in the towel, give up the fight, and give in to fear. But we must not let that be our reality. We have not been abandoned. God is here. Yet conviction is needed and service is required. No matter what comes our way, we must never give up.
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At Home In Your Heart
$19.99Where do you live-truly live? You may have a street address. You may think of your childhood home. But your real home, this side of heaven, is your heart. Your heart is home to your soul and your emotions as well as your thought life. Your attitudes, habits, and dreams are found there.At Home in Your Heart: Inviting Christ into Every Room is written for women of all ages, backgrounds, and stages of life. Each day in this ninety-day devotional by Carol Burton McLeod includes an essay on the thought for the day, a heart inspection, prayer, and words from Scripture. Topics include: Is Anybody Home?; A Knock at the Door; Fingerprints; My Heart, His Home!; A Lavish Banquet of Love; Dust Bunnies; A Magnifying Glass; Leave the Light On; and many more, all offered with Carol’s characteristic humor, love, and affection. If you are a Christian, Jesus lives in your heart with you, no matter what condition it’s in. If there are problems, however, He wants to clean until His hands bleed. Carol invites you to walk through the rooms of your heart to identify the issues that Christ is shining His light on. “Jesus wants to paint your heart the color of white snow,” she says. “He will gently move around priorities, set things out for the trash man, and replace every outdated attitude with His unconditional love and inexpressible joy. He can take a home that has been literally demolished by the storms of life and rebuild it into a palace fit for a king.”
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3 Keys To The Kingdom
$15.00Imagine how terrible it would be to find yourself a prisoner, locked behind bars with no chance of escape. The enemy has captured you with his lies and robbed you of your freedom. But a light suddenly dispels the darkness. You have a visitor! His eyes are full of compassion. “I have a key that opens all prison doors,” He tells you gently. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed.” In The 3 Keys to the Kingdom: Binding, Loosing, and Knowledge, Mary Garrison imparts the wisdom she’s gathered during her years of ministry. She shares personal experiences and testimonies of people who’ve been freed from Satan’s grasp as she covers topics such as: *How we know Christ chooses us *Using our keys to save others *Binding amiss for personal reasons *Destroying the work of the devil *Dealing with a perverse spirit *Four things from which we must abstain *God’s solution for complete freedomAnd much more! Learn about the keys you hold that Satan cannot take away.
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What We Are In Christ
The expression “in Christ” is one of the key phrases in the Epistles. However, many of us find that who we were before we found Christ so dominates our minds that we forget we are now in Him. We belittle our redemption and magnify our failures. Our weakness is ever with us. We have the “cross” religion, rather than the resurrected life of the Son of God. With love, patience, and grace, legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon explains What We Are in Christ and what this means from heaven’s point of view. God is our ally no matter what our circumstances. “We are in Him now, seated in the highest place in the universe, and all it requires is simple faith on our part to bring the power of God to bear upon our needs, whether for spirit, soul, body, finances or deliverance,” Kenyon says. No matter where you are in your faith journey, you will find reassurance and joy when you realize What We Are in Christ!
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Endure : Building Faith For The Long Run
$14.99How to run and not grow weary
Following Jesus is like running a race. But it’s a marathon, not a sprint. While we prefer to live in the immediate, our God is not after quick fixes. His ways and his timetable are better. He wants to make us like Christ, and that takes a lifetime. So how do we run the race with endurance?
In Endure, Daniel Ritchie explores how God’s people run well. Within this book, you will find direction and encouragement for how to trust God in every year, every day, and every minute. You are loved by God. And specific attitudes and habits will build your faith and connect you to God’s love. Learn how the seemingly mundane choices can be the most important–for your good and God’s glory.
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Creative Glory Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)
$19.99Creative glory is the inspirational flow of the Holy Spiri t that shines God’s life, hope, joy, provision, and wisdom into any situation you may be facing. Best-selling author Joshua Mills explains that when we are in an atmosphere of creative glory, it becomes easy to think new thoughts or receive fresh ideas because we are in the atmosphere of the Creator’s heart and mind. Wherever we allow creative glory to flow, as we embrace the realm of divine expression, we will supernaturally flourish.
Creative glory manifests to…
– Usher God’s ideas and creativity into your life to accomplish His plans and meet your needs.
– Bring forth what is new–what has never been seen or recognized by you before.
– Cause self-discovery and awakening, enabling you to create, to invent, and to explore new possibilities.
– Minister through spiritual “sound,” accompanied by healings, signs, and wonders.
– Pour out the pure flow of heaven’s intentions, exhibiting heavenly realities in the earthly realm and helping God’s people to get back on track with His will.
– Produce creative miracles, such as supernatural multiplication or restored or newly created limbs, organs, and more.
– Release dreams and visions from God.
– Supply supernatural provision.
– Reproduce itself in our lives and others’.The Creative Glory Study Guide, which can be used by either individuals or groups, contains some brand-new material to further your understanding of the realm of divine expression. The guide is also filled with key points from the book, thought questions, review questions, and supernatural activations.
As long as you are carried by creative glory, you always have hope because creative glory cannot fail. It will guide you to find the right solution to any difficulty or need. The flow of creative glory will lead you in a process of deep growth as you learn to see circumstances and problems in a new light to fulfill the present and future that God desires for you and the world around you.
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Creative Glory : Embracing The Realm Of Divine Expression
$16.99Creative glory is the inspirational flow of the Holy Spirit that shines God’s life, hope, joy, provision, and wisdom into any situation you may be facing. Best-selling author Joshua Mills explains that when we are in an atmosphere of creative glory, it becomes easy to think new thoughts or receive fresh ideas because we are in the atmosphere of the Creator’s heart and mind. Wherever we allow creative glory to flow, embracing the realm of divine expression, we will supernaturally flourish.
Creative glory manifests to…
* Usher God’s ideas and creativity into your life to accomplish His plans and meet your needs.
* Bring forth what is new-what has never been seen or recognized by you before.
* Cause self-discovery and awakening, enabling you to create, to invent, and to explore new possibilities.
* Minister through spiritual “sound,” accompanied by healings, signs, and wonders..
* Pour out the pure flow of heaven’s intentions, exhibiting heavenly realities in the earthly realm and helping God’s people to get back on track with His will.
* Produce creative miracles, such as supernatural multiplication or restored or newly created limbs, organs, and more.
* Release dreams and visions from God.
* Supply supernatural provision.
* Reproduce itself in our lives and others’.As long as you are carried by creative glory, you always have hope because creative glory cannot fail. It will guide you to find the right solution to any difficulty or need. The flow of creative glory will lead you in a process of deep growth as you learn to see circumstances and problems in a new light to fulfill the present and future that God desires for you and the world around you.
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Spiritual Warfare And The Armor Of God
$16.00Armor Up! Take Your Stand in the Word of God…The Battle Belongs to the Lord!
Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. (Ephesians 6:11)
Have you recognized the spiritual warfare that surrounds us as Christians and as a nation? We are in times that we have never known before. These are not the days for casual Christianity, for we are in an unseen war! If we do not recognize our enemy, we will misunderstand where the anger, bitterness, relational issues, despair, and fear are coming from. Those who are not paying attention to the battle will be deceived in the fight!
God has given us His weapons to fight this spiritual war. In The Armor of God: The BattleIs Real…The Victory Is Sure, you will discover that putting on the armor of God is putting on Jesus. Satan is a liar and a deceiver, and he is well-trained in lies and deceit. Being clothed in God’s armor keeps the battle where it belongs…in the hands of our powerful God.
We can’t fight a spiritual war with emotions or the flesh, or we will quickly become casualties. We must let our enemy know that we choose to stand our ground against his onslaught and to walk in Christ’s victory every day!
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Living Strong Finishing Well
$22.50Growing older is inevitable and, as we often say, it beats the alternative. But just because we age does not mean we must give in to a slow deterioration of our bodies, minds, social circles, and interests. It doesn’t mean we need to give up on our dreams, goals, or aspirations. In fact, as people live longer and healthier into old age, we need to decide what we want to do with all the extra years we’ve been given!
In Living Strong, Finishing Well, Dr. David Stoop draws upon his more than 80 years on the planet and his decades of counseling, speaking, and writing to show you how to live every moment to its fullest until you’re finally called home. He shows you how to be yourself, continue the search for meaning, stay humble, build on your friendships, develop resilience, stay teachable, and more as you learn to accept the gifts that come with growing older and wiser in a world that needs what you have to give.
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Empowered By Praise 20th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)
$18.99What if your understanding of praise in the life of a believer is completely wrong?
This book will help you recognize that praising God does more than honor the Lord; it puts you in a position to enjoy His nearness and to experience His touch in your life.
Empowered by Praise will guide you into a richer understanding of admiration for God. In learning to praise God in an abounding variety of forms, you will begin to experience God’s powerful presence in your life. And expressing glory to God will motivate and guide you in your daily decisions and relationships. Scripture assures us that God is present with us in a very real way when we praise Him. Along with His nearness comes a new level of His power operating in our lives.
When praise is practiced according to the biblical model:
*It releases us from earthly concerns
*It transports us into God’s presence
*It opens the door to God’s powerThroughout this book, Dr. Michael Youssef will grow your wisdom in praising God and energize your daily practice of praise. He will teach you new ways to give praise that will result in personal growth and spiritual transformation.
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Revolutionary Disciple : Walking Humbly With Jesus In Every Area Of Life
$24.99Is It Time for Another Revolution?
Seismic culture shifts leave Christians wondering how to effect lasting change. While the Bible calls disciples of Jesus to humility, they often display pride. Pride is the enemy of discipleship on every level, and it keeps disciples from making an impact for the kingdom.
What is the way forward?
In The Revolutionary Disciple, Jim Putman and Chad Harrington offer clear guidance for navigating cultural changes with humility. They walk readers through the Five Spheres of Discipleship and unveil their four core practices of humility along the way. A tapestry of Scripture and stories, this book uncovers the path to ultimate peace for Christians who want a cultural revolution.
Take ground for your church, your family, and the kingdom.
Bridge the gap between the call to follow Jesus and the commission to make disciples of Jesus.
Join the revolution.
Learn to walk humbly with Jesus in every area of life.
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Truth On Fire
$16.99What would it look like to genuinely love God with our head AND our heart? To have a faith marked by right thinking AND right feeling? To know God deeply AND worship him passionately? Too often, Christians act as though these things are at odds with one another. But what if God intends for us to possess a Christianity that is radically committed to biblical truth, in a way that did not diminish the life of the heart, but actually intensified it?
Adam Ramsey invites us to engage both our minds and our emotions in our walk with God as we gaze at him until our hearts sing. He sums it up like this:
“My hope in these following pages is to paint a biblical portrait of what God is actually like, so that we can gaze upon him together until our hearts can’t help but sing. To behold him in such a way that our daily experience is transformed with a deepened awareness of who it is we pray to, who it is that is with us, and who it is that we are loved by. To let God’s truth set our hearts on fire.”
If you yearn for God but desire a clearer biblical picture of this God whom you love, or if you have been walking with God for a while now, but your experience of him has become settled or dry, then this book is for you.
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Open Heavens : Positioning Yourself To Encounter The God Of Revival
$25.99Experience Continuous Revival
Historically there have been seasons where God’s presence awakens revival – moving in powerful ways, saving souls, and releasing miracles. We often think of these seasons as isolated, unique outpourings of the Spirit.
But is it possible to experience revival every day, as a way of life?
Pastor Bill Johnson answers with a resounding “Yes!”
Globally recognized bestselling author, and senior leader of Bethel Church in Redding, CA, Bill Johnson is a revivalist at heart. In his time at Bethel, the church community has experienced what can only be called a perpetual, continuous outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
In this landmark book, pastor Bill teaches from his experience as the shepherd of this movement, imparting his own passion for revival along with practical wisdom for sustaining a move of God on both a personal and corporate level.
Open Heavens will activate you to…
*Upgrade your definition of “normal” Christianity to true, Biblical standards.
*Sustain the Holy Fire burning on the altar of your heart, while continuing to cry out for a greater outpouring of the Spirit.
*Witness revival’s overflow, as it spills into broader culture, producing societal reformation and creative renaissance.
*Uncover revival’s reward, and be stirred to pursue it at any cost.
*Identify common “messes” that accompany corporate revival and learn to navigate them.
*Carry revival into every sphere of influence, taking the fire of God to your school, home, or business.
If you are hungry for a fresh move of God in your life, church, or community, Open Heavens will guide you through preparing the altar, encountering the fire of God, and keeping it burning every day! Why settle for anything less?
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