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Bible Studies

  • Gospels : An All-in-One Study On The Life Of Jesus


    Here’s the tool you need to study scripture on your own.

    Bible study always takes effort, but this book simplifies the process. Here, in one handy spiral-bound volume, are everything you need to get started:

    *Bible text
    *study outlines
    *explanatory notes
    *ample writing space

    Featuring 30 studies highlighting key passages of the Gospels, this book walks you through the “inductive” study process of Observation, Interpretation, and Application. And it also asks thoughtful questions unique to each study.

    Explanatory notes, adapted from Barbour’s popular KJV Study Bible, aid your understanding.

    With all the necessary tools in a single package and highlighting the most important passages of scripture, The Gospels: An All-in-One Study on the Life of Jesus is a powerful resource both for beginners and long-time Bible students.

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  • Colossians And Philemon


    Inductive Bible Study Helps Readers Understand Colossians and Philemon

    While confined to house arrest, the apostle Paul wrote a letter to the Colossian church and to the man who hosted the church in his house. Paul’s words brought clarity to confusion, hope where there was fear, and called for unity amid this especially diverse congregation. His letters were not only reminders for them, but also for modern readers in the church today, of the eternal impact of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.

    This addition to the Meet Me in the Bible series presents a practical 5-step framework for examining the epistles of Colossians and Philemon. Ideal for personal use and groups at any level, this inductive study helps readers observe and interpret Scripture and apply it to everyday life. Each chapter explores a section of the biblical text, expounding themes including the fruit of the gospel, the heart of the gospel, what to put off and what to put on as a Christian, and the unity that the gospel brings. Learn more about Meet Me in the Bible books and workshops at

    *The Meet Me in the Bible Series: Offers a simple 5-step framework for studying any book of the Bible, individually or in a group

    *Additional Study Tools: Each book in this series comes with a bookmark, ample space for note-taking, discussion questions, and helpful appendixes for further study

    *Unique Combination of Scripture Journal and Bible Reading Guide

    *Inductive: Helps readers observe and interpret the books of Colossians and Philemon and apply them to their everyday life

    *Spiral-Bound: Pages lie flat to make reading and writing more comfortable

    *Foreword by Jen Wilkin: Author of the bestselling books Women of the Word; None Like Him; and Ten Words to Live By

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  • Sweeter Than Honey


    Connect with God by Delighting in His Word

    Our lives feel stuffed to the brink, overrun by work and home responsibilities, overwhelmed by jam-packed schedules, and overly distracted by the siren call of our smartphones. It’s no wonder that we struggle to spend time in God’s Word, or that when we do, we don’t know where to start. Instead of a momentary delight, we need soul-satisfying sustenance from our Bible reading that fuels our deep longing to grow in godliness.

    In Sweeter than Honey, Gretchen Saffles and Maggie Combs of Well-Watered Women teach us the value of studying God’s Word while providing the tools to apply it to your life. Discover three principles that can be applied every time you open God’s Word: gather knowledge, digest the big ideas, and grow in godliness. As you develop these principles, you’ll experience the challenging but transformative work of building a deeper relationship with God through the pages of his Word.

    In this Bible study, designed for both individuals and groups, readers will:

    *Learn how to study Scripture to build trust and intimacy with God
    *Find different study methods for the various seasons of life
    *Understand the importance of context, genre, and Biblical theology
    *Grow in their love for God’s life-changing Word

    Sweeter than Honey will encourage you to cultivate both discipline and delight in God’s Word, growing your confidence to engage with Scripture in a refreshed and transformative way.

    “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” (Ps. 119:103)

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  • Conoce A Jesus Como Siervo – (Spanish)


    Cuando Jesus vino a este mundo, su vida de siervo confundio incluso a quienes estaban cerca de el. Todavia hoy hay mucho que aprender y apreciar sobre este aspecto de Cristo.

    Conoce a Jesus como Siervo, el segundo de cuatro estudios biblicos sobre los Evangelios, se centra en el libro de Marcos. Diseado para estudio individual y en grupos pequeos, presenta lecturas diarias, enseanza pasaje por pasaje, preguntas que invitan a la reflexion y espacio para escribir, desafios semanales, memorizacion de las Escrituras y segmentos de estudio personal. No solo te equipara con un mayor conocimiento, sino que tambien te ayudara a participar en practicas formativas que te lleven a una relacion mas plena con Jesus.

    El Hijo de Dios reina como Rey y Salvador, pero vino a servir. Cuanto mas sabemos esto, mas transforma la forma en que vivimos y nos relacionamos con los demas, !porque El esta donde esta el gozo!

    When Jesus came to this world, His servant-like life confounded even those close to Him. Still today, there’s much to learn and appreciate about this aspect of Christ.

    Knowing Jesus as Servant, the second of four Bible studies on the Gospels, focuses on the book of Mark. Designed for both individual and small-group study, it features daily readings, passage-by-passage teaching, thought-provoking questions and writing space, weekly challenges, Scripture memorization, and personal study segments. It will not only equip you with greater knowledge, but also help you engage in formative practices that lead to a fuller relationship with Jesus.

    The Son of God reigns as King and Savior, yet He came to serve. The deeper we know this, the more it transforms how we live and relate to others, because He’s where the joy is!

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  • Conoce A Jesus Como Rey – (Spanish)


    Jesus estaba, y esta buscando, personas que esten ansiosas por seguirlo dondequiera que El los lleve. En este estudio de diez semanas aprendera sobre el Rey Jesus: Su autoridad, Su realeza y Su trono, que durara para siempre.

    El primero de cuatro estudios biblicos sobre los Evangelios, Conoce a Jesus como Rey, se centra en el libro de Mateo a traves de lecturas diarias, enseanzas biblicas, preguntas que invitan a la reflexion, desafios semanales, memorizacion de las Escrituras y segmentos de estudio personal. No solo te equipara con un mayor conocimiento, sino que tambien te ayudara a participar en practicas formativas que te lleven a una relacion mas plena con Jesus.

    Si bien otras identidades personales pueden traer felicidad temporal, la vida como discipulo del Rey Jesus es el unico camino hacia una vida abundante ahora y por la eternidad. !El esta donde esta la alegria!

    Jesus was and is looking for people who are eager to follow Him wherever He leads. In this ten-week study you’ll learn about King Jesus–His authority, His royalty, and His throne, which will last forever.

    The first of four Bible studies on the Gospels, Knowing Jesus as King focuses on the book of Matthew through daily readings, biblical teachings, thought-provoking questions, weekly challenges, Scripture memorization, and personal study segments. It will not only equip you with greater knowledge, but also help you engage in formative practices that lead to a fuller relationship with Jesus.

    While other personal identities may bring temporary happiness, life as a disciple of King Jesus is the only path to an abundant life now and for eternity. He’s where the joy is!

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  • 10 Women Of The Bible Updated Edition (Student/Study Guide)


    Do you ever feel like a second-class citizen in this world?

    Do you wonder how God could possibly use you to change lives?

    For women in Bible times, these weren’t even questions they thought about. Being overlooked, marginalized, having your contributions discounted because you’re a woman… it’s just the way things were. In this ten-lesson workbook, Max Lucado tells some of his favorite accounts of women in Scripture and the remarkable way God broke down cultural barriers to use them in the unfolding of His story.

    You will discover…

    *Sarah, the woman whom God promised would give birth to a nation, but who tried to rush things when God’s promises didn’t seem to be coming to pass.

    *Rahab, a prostitute in the Canaanite city of Jericho, who would save herself and her family through her faith in the one true God of the Israelites.

    *Abigail, a woman forced to play peacemaker by the barbaric behavior of her husband.

    *Esther, a young queen whom God placed in the Persian court for “such a time as this” to prevent the genocide of the Jewish people.

    *Mary, the young virgin pledged to Joseph, whom God would choose to give birth to Jesus, the promised Messiah who would save the world.

    *The Samaritan Woman, who would meet this Messiah at a well one day. His words would forever after change her life.

    *The Canaanite Woman, who made God smile with her wit and faith, and who received from Jesus an answer to her prayer.

    *Mary of Bethany, a friend of Jesus who witnessed the resurrection of her brother, Lazarus, and then anointed Christ in anticipation of his death and resurrection.

    *Mary Magdalene, who followed Jesus despite the injustice of a world that judged her for her past and said she would always be considered a failure.

    *Sapphira, a woman in the early church who, along with her husband, made the unfortunate (and deadly) decision to lie to the Holy Spirit.

    These stories show us there is a God who sees us where we are and loves us for who we are. He is the one who hovers over all the pages of the Bible, shaping lives, rescuing hearts, healing sicknesses, raising what was dead to life, and passing out high callings to those who choose to follow him and have faith in him.

    Each lesson includes:

    *Five daily in-depth Bible studies to help you explore the stories in Scripture
    *Daily points to remember to help you summarize the key points
    *Daily prayers to help you focus your thoughts and move into your quiet time
    *Weekly m

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  • Knowing Jesus As God


    Grow Your Knowledge of God, as Revealed in Jesus

    Jesus is God. This is revealed throughout Scripture, but no book makes this truth clearer than the gospel of John. The entire book is a revelation of God’s character as witnessed by the man he was closest to. Knowing Jesus as God, the final Bible study in this series on the four Gospels, is designed to walk individuals or small groups through John.


    *Daily study sessions that don’t overwhelm
    *Passage-by-passage teaching
    *Thought-provoking questions and writing space
    *Weekly challenges to help you live out what you’re learning
    *Scripture memorization

    Whether it’s your first time studying John or your hundredth, the simplicity and complexity of this gospel account make it a never-ending source of encouragement. Written “so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God” (John 20:31), the book of John demonstrates page after page that He’s where the joy is!

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  • Jesus Calling Practicing Thankfulness


    Each of us has a choice in the type of “lens” we use to view our lives. Some of us view our lives through a lens of “lack.” We keep a mental inventory of everything we don’t have and worry there won’t be enough for us in the future. Others among us view our lives through a lens of “abundance.” We notice everything that we do have, thank God for providing those things for us, and then choose to live our days depending and trusting in him to keep on providing for us in the future.

    In Practicing Thankfulness, based on the bestselling book Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, you will explore how you can switch your perspective to view your life more through the lens of abundance than of lack. You will explore what the Bible has to say about the many ways that God provides for you, learn why you should give thanks to him (in every situation) for this abundance, and discover how to truly make thankfulness a part of your daily life. This Bible
    Study includes:

    *6 in-depth sessions
    *devotional readings from Jesus Calling(R)
    *selected passages of Scripture for reflection
    *Bible study questions
    *bonus questions to help you apply the material
    *and beautiful 2-color interiors to highlight the sessions.

    This study can be used for personal reflection and Bible study or in a small-group setting.

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  • Knowing Jesus As Savior


    Offering a rich, in-depth study series, the team behind the bestselling The Bible Recap takes your study of God’s Word to the next level. Continuing with the book of Luke, the Knowing Jesus series dives deep into the transformative truths found in the four gospels.

    Perfect for small groups or individual study, this comprehensive, 10-week Bible study explains and connects the story of Scripture in the gospel of Luke. Through daily readings, biblical teachings, thought-provoking questions, weekly challenges, Scripture memorization, and personal study segments, you will:

    *learn how to dig deep into God’s Word
    *discover how Jesus’s character as Savior is revealed throughout Scripture
    *understand how to relate to Him
    *apply the truths of who He is to your everyday life

    The Gospels offer us a fourfold telling of Jesus’s story, and Luke, drawing on Jesus’s humanity, emphasizes Jesus as Savior of mankind. How you understand and live out this matchless gift will be changed through this encouraging study.

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  • Gospel Of God Volume 1


    In The Gospel of God: A Bible Study on Romans for Women (Vol 1), wise and helpful questions guide you deep into the text using the three basic steps of all sound Bible study: Observe, Interpret, Apply.

    *This is an 18-week inductive study guide for women
    *Each week’s chapter is divided into sections for 5 days of study
    *Volume 1 covers Romans 1:1-8:39
    *Ideal for small groups, individuals, or 1-on-1 mentoring
    *Lots of extra white space for journaling
    *Spiral-bound for lay-flat ease of writing

    When we study the Bible inductively we want to know what the author meant when he wrote to his original audience. This involves reading Bible passages in context and asking questions about the text. The goal is to find the meaning and significance from the text itself.

    We do this automatically every day when we read news, social media, or even recipes! Not surprisingly, it is also the best way to study God’s word.

    At the beginning of this study you’ll find a brief, helpful introduction, including optional Notes for Leaders. This is followed by clear, simple questions that will help you to Observe what is being said, Interpret what Paul was communicating to his original readers, and Apply the book of Romans in your own life.

    The Gospel of God: A Bible Study on Romans for Women (Vol 1) is part of the Delighting in the Word series by Keri Folmar, from Cruciform Press. Each study in the series will impress the truths of Scripture upon your heart and strengthen your Bible study skills. Come delight in God’s word, and be encouraged to live more effectively for Jesus and his gospel!

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  • Psalms : An All-in-One Study On God’s Song Book


    Here’s the tool you need to study scripture on your own.

    Bible study always takes effort, but this book simplifies the process. Here, in one handy spiral-bound volume, is everything you need to get started:

    *Bible text
    *study outlines
    *explanatory notes
    *ample writing space

    Featuring 30 studies highlighting key Psalms, this book walks you through the “inductive” study process of Observation, Interpretation, and Application. And it also includes thoughtful questions unique to each study.

    Explanatory notes, adapted from Barbour’s popular KJV Study Bible, aid your understanding.

    With all the necessary tools in a single package and highlighting the most important passages of scripture, Psalms: An All-in-One Study on God’s Song Book is a powerful resource both for beginners and longtime Bible students.

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  • Armor Of God


    Every day, an unseen battle is going on around us in the spiritual realm.

    God has provided everything we need to stand firm and resist evil, but we are called to be actively aware of both the struggle and the resources available.

    In Ephesians 6 the apostle Paul gives us the clearest description anywhere in Scripture of believers’ resources for the spiritual battle. He vividly describes them as armor, which we must repeatedly take up in prayerful reliance on God.

    In this eight-session LifeGuide(R) Bible Study, Douglas Connelly unpacks each element of the armor of God, from the belt of truth to the sword of the Spirit. Readers will explore the context of the Ephesians 6 passage along with additional texts that help them dig deeper into each theme. This guide features questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, plus leader’s notes to help facilitate discussion.

    For over three decades LifeGuide Bible Studies have provided solid biblical content and raised thought-provoking questions-making for a one-of-a-kind Bible study experience for individuals and groups. This series has more than 130 titles on Old and New Testament books, character studies, and topical studies.

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  • Experiencing The Heart Of Jesus Revised And Updated


    Encounter a Deeper Experience of the Person and Character of Jesus–All Year Long

    Although Jesus is familiar, and we know details of his life, could we consider him a companion or dear friend? Do his mannerisms and habits rub off on us because we spend so much time with him? Experiencing the Heart of Jesus for 52 Weeks is about walking with Jesus so closely that we become like him, that we imitate him.

    Based on Experiencing the Heart of Jesus and Experiencing the Words of Jesus, two bestselling books by Max Lucado, this unique Bible study helps you build a bond and a deep relationship with our Savior. You will step into Jesus’s presence over the course of a year and experience the grace, forgiveness, power, love, and prayer of Jesus.

    This study includes:

    *Explorations of 11 characteristics of Jesus.
    *Prayers and memory verses to help you draw closer to Jesus throughout the week.
    *”The Heart of the Matter” sections that provide the key takeaways of each unit.
    *Questions for personal or group study.
    *”The Heart of Jesus” sections intended to lead to deeper reflection.

    This 52-week study on the person of Jesus will help you experience him in fresh and deeper ways, drawing you into the company of your Lord. This study encourages you to interact with God. All you need to do is call on him, spend time with him. And you will be changed into the image of Christ.

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  • Nuevo Testamento Facil De Apre – (Spanish)


    Mucha gente quiere crecer en su fe, pero no sabe por donde empezar. Estudiar la Biblia puede ser abrumador, y los recursos diseados para ayudarnos pueden ser demasiado complicados, lo que hace que muchos duden en siquiera empezar. Con un enfoque simple y agil, el autor y maestro biblico Zach Windahl te explica en 60 dias cada uno de los libros del Nuevo Testamento, en un formato facil de seguir. A traves de un desglose diario de contenido para leer, una descripcion general del texto, puntos reflexivos de enseanza y preguntas de aplicacion personal para ayudar a asimilar el contenido, lograras:

    *ver la historia completa de toda la Biblia
    *aumentar tu conocimiento del Nuevo Testamento
    *interactuar con las Escrituras con confianza
    *cultivar una relacion mas profunda con Dios

    No solo obtendras una mejor comprension del Padre, de su Palabra y de su corazon, sino tambien descubriras un mejor sentido del significado y el proposito para tu vida.

    Too many people want to grow in their faith but don’t know where to start. Studying the Bible can be overwhelming, and even the resources designed to help can be too complicated, leaving many hesitant to even start. Offering a simple, streamlined approach, author and Bible teacher Zach Windahl takes you through each book of the New Testament in 60 days in an easy-to-follow framework. Through a daily breakdown of content to read, an overview of the text, thoughtful teaching points, and personal application questions to help the content sink in, you will:

    *See the big picture story of the entire Bible
    *Increase your knowledge of the New Testament
    *Engage with Scripture confidently
    *Cultivate a deeper relationship with God

    Not only will you come away with a better understanding of the Father, his Word, and his heart, but you will also discover a better sense of meaning and purpose for your life.

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  • Gods Goodness For The Chosen


    God’s Goodness for the Chosen is an eight-lesson Bible study for individuals or groups that follows each episode of season 4 of The Chosen.

    This study teaches readers how to reframe their hardships and see them as fertile soil for God’s goodness to grow in their lives.

    We see it over and over again in the Bible: God brings good things out of bad things for the sake of His people and for His glory. But truth be told, when we personally experience suffering, we have a difficult time actually believing it. Yet, life is challenging even for the followers of Jesus, and hardship in the twenty-first century is no exception. God’s Goodness for the Chosen takes readers through eight lessons which reveal how God uses suffering to bring about good things in the lives of those He loves.

    You’ll see:

    – Death is eclipsed by life
    – Grief is eclipsed by praise
    – Questions are eclipsed by resolve
    – Confusion is eclipsed by grace
    – Temporary things are eclipsed by eternal things
    – Heartbreak is eclipsed by love
    – Sin is eclipsed by obedience
    – Pain is eclipsed by the fullness of God’s plan

    Indeed, readers will be challenged to embrace the hard things of life, to experience more of the goodness God offers on the other side.

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  • Get Used To Different Student Guide


    Get Used to Different is a nine-week devotional Bible study for students who long to know more about who they are in Christ, how to follow Him in light of that knowledge, and how to let Jesus lead them in their interactions with those around them.

    Every new generation asks the same fundamental questions… Who am I? Where do I fit in? How do I find meaning, belonging, and acceptance? Jesus answered all these questions in a radically simple way: “Follow me.”

    In this nine-week study, students will dive into Scripture alongside The Chosen series to:

    *Discover who Jesus says they really are
    *Understand what it means to follow Him
    *Learn how to surrender in both good and bad times
    *Find what their hearts are truly longing for

    With reflection questions and discussion guides, along with QR codes that link directly to clips from the show, students will begin to understand the freedom that comes from knowing none of us have life totally figured out–but Jesus does. Through Scripture, the show, and this book, students will learn how to get used to different.

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  • 5 Minute Bible Study For Men


    Let the Wisdom of Scripture Empower Your Day. . .in Just 5 Minutes!

    Do you find it hard to make time for Bible study?

    You intend to do it, but before you know it, another week has passed and you haven’t picked up God’s Word. This book provides simple tools for you to open the Bible regularly and dig into God’s Word–even if you only have five minutes!

    *Minutes 1-2: Read a few verses pulled from a lengthier passage. If time allows, read the full passage listed for you in each Bible study.

    *Minute 3: Understand. Consider thoughtful questions designed to help you apply the verses from the Bible to your own life. Consider these throughout your day as well.

    *Minute 4: Apply. Read a brief devotional based on the scripture you read. Think about what you are learning and how you can apply the scriptural truths to your own life.

    *Minute 5: Pray. A prayer starter will help you to begin a time of conversation with God.

    The 5-Minute Bible Study for Men: Seeking God’s Wisdom will help you establish the discipline of consistent study of God’s Word. You will find that even five minutes focused on scripture and prayer has the power to make a huge difference in your daily life. Soon you will be making time for more!

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  • 1st Steps For The New Christian


    The Bible likens the Christian life to a marathon. The apostle Paul said, “Run in such a way that you may win.” Following God” First Steps for the New Christian will help you start out on the right foot and stay there with practical studies designed to get new runners in shape to finish the race. As a new or maturing Christian, you probably have many questions about your faith and are struggling to find the answers. Don’t feel alone! In this book, Eddie Rasnake vividly recalls his own early struggles and insecurities. He felt compelled to write this book in an effort to encourage new believers in their faith. Designed as a twelve-week study course, each lesson has been prepared to ground you in an essential stepping-stone of the faith.

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  • She Belongs An Interactive Bible Study


    Katy McCown knows how it feels to try to handle life all on your own. Through her struggles to keep up and catch up, she’s discovered that our quest to keep it together will eventually cause us to fall apart.

    This six-session Bible study with included videos shows us the key to keeping it together is coming together in the body of Christ.

    Find a true sense of belonging by:

    *Shifting our identity from our scars to our Savior

    *Pressing into the body of Christ instead of pulling away from it-especially when life falls apart

    *Understanding that we’re never safer isolated

    *Cultivating conditions that move us from “fine” to flourishing

    Diving deep into God’s Word, She Belongs includes practical illustrations, companion videos, and questions for individual or group study.

    Find the peace, security, and purpose Jesus promises when we engage with other believers. This is the way to a life of belonging.

    Presented by Esther Press: Books for Courageous Women

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  • 1 And 2 Thessalonians


    We’ve been saved by Jesus…so what’s next? How do we discern good teaching from bad, what does it look like to grow in holiness, and what should our expectations be for the future? Find answers to those questions in the warm, instructive letters Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church.

    Pastor and professor Ligon Duncan unpacks these two letters verse by verse, teaching us about Christ’s future return and showing us what it means to live in the light of that, whether we’re new Christians, seasoned ministers of the gospel or somewhere in between.

    With thoughtful questions that help group members examine the text closely and apply it to their own lives, plus a substantial leader’s guide, this is a great resource for small-group Bible studies.

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  • 1 And 2 Thessalonians For You


    We’ve been saved by Jesus… so what’s next? How do we discern good teaching from bad, what does it look like to grow in holiness, and what should our expectations be for the future? Find answers to those questions in the warm, instructive letters Paul wrote to the Thessalonian church.

    Pastor and professor Ligon Duncan unpacks these two letters verse by verse, teaching us about Christ’s future return and showing us what it means to live in the light of that, whether we’re new Christians, seasoned ministers of the gospel, or somewhere in between. Along the way we see why Scripture is so important; learn to find reasons for thankfulness; clarify our beliefs about death, judgment, and eternity; and witness Paul’s deeply pastoral attitude toward his readers.

    This accessible, absorbing expository guide is less academic and more applied than a traditional commentary. This makes it a great resource for personal devotion, as well as useful for leading small-group studies or for sermon preparation.

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  • 5 Minute Bible Study For Men Pursuing God


    Do you find it hard to make time for Bible study?

    You intend to do it, but before you know it, another week has passed and you haven’t picked up God’s Word. This book provides simple tools for you to open the Bible regularly and dig into God’s Word–even if you only have five minutes!

    *Minutes 1-2: Read a few verses pulled from a lengthier passage. If time allows, read the full passage listed for you in each Bible study.

    *Minute 3: Understand. Consider thoughtful questions designed to help you apply the verses from the Bible to your own life. Consider these throughout your day as well.

    *Minute 4: Apply. Read a brief devotional based on the scripture you read. Think about what you are learning and how you can apply the scriptural truths to your own life.

    *Minute 5: Pray. A prayer starter will help you to begin a time of conversation with God.

    The 5-Minute Bible Study for Men: Pursuing God will help you establish the discipline of consistent study of God’s Word. You will find that even five minutes focused on scripture and prayer has the power to make a huge difference in your daily life. Soon you will be making time for more!

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  • 5 Minute Bible Study For Moms


    Do you find it hard to make time for Bible study, Mom?

    You intend to do it, but before you know it, another week has passed and you haven’t picked up God’s Word. This book provides simple tools for you to open the Bible regularly and dig into God’s Word-even if you only have five minutes!

    *Minutes 1-2: Read a few verses pulled from a lengthier passage. If time allows, read the full passage listed for you in each Bible study.

    *Minute 3: Understand. Ponder thoughtful questions designed to help you apply the verses from the Bible to your own life.

    *Minute 4: Apply. Read a brief devotional based on the scripture you read.

    *Minute 5: Pray. A prayer starter will help you to begin a time of conversation with God.

    The 5-Minute Bible Study for Moms will help you establish the discipline of consistent study of God’s Word. You will find that even five minutes focused on scripture and prayer has the power to make a huge difference in your daily life. Soon you will be making time for more!

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  • Way Of The Chosen


    Discover what it means to belong to and be blessed by God.

    We all have to choose: the wide road that leads to destruction or the narrow path that leads to life. The third season of the groundbreaking television show, The Chosen, picks up with how Jesus’ followers apply His teaching to their lives.

    The Way of the Chosen is an eight-lesson interactive Bible study for individuals or small groups that works in tandem with each episode of the show. In modeling “the narrow road that leads to life” it includes:

    *Forgiving the way Jesus does
    *Going when and where He says to go
    *Grieving what He grieves
    *Standing firm on His words and character
    *Delighting in the things that please Him
    *Asking because He says to
    *Welcoming those He welcomes
    *Trusting His will and way

    Readers will be challenged to move from knowing who Jesus is to living out their faith by going the way of the Chosen.

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  • Self Study Bible Course On Romans


    Romans is one of the most beloved and important books in the Bible for understanding how to be established in Christ’s righteousness, walk in faith, and grow in grace.

    Self-Study Bible Course on Romans is based on the acclaimed teachings of international Bible teacher Derek Prince. As Derek explains, this journey through Romans “will take you through the darkest depths of human depravity and then onto the glistening heights of God’s grace and glory. Romans is a unique combination of the spiritual and intellectual without parallel in human literature. It unfolds the most sublime spiritual truths in terms of the most flawless logic.”

    Through this Bible course, you will progress step-by-step through the chapters and major themes of Romans, including “The Roman Pilgrimage,” “The Destiny of Israel and the Church,” and “Walking Out Your Faith Under Pressure.”

    Each absorbing study includes an introduction, memorization features, and study questions by which Derek guides you into deeper revelation of the righteousness of God and the life of faith as unfolded by the apostle Paul. You will experience personal transformation through a systematic exposure to the Word of God and the illumination of the Holy Spirit.

    Move beyond head knowledge to understand your salvation experientially. Truly, you are no longer under any condemnation because you are in Christ Jesus. All things work together for your good because you love God and have been called according to His purpose.

    Begin your pilgrimage in Romans today!

    Includes detachable Scripture memorization cards.

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  • Estudio Biblico – (Spanish)


    Leer la Biblia puede ser abrumador. La Biblia de estudio le ayuda en su jornada, a traves de la Palabra, de manera que !relacione y memorice las Escrituras como nunca antes!

    UN ESTUDIO DE UN AO: Este estudio simplifica la Palabra y permite que descubra lo que significa para usted. Ademas, ofrece un enfoque interesante y motivador que le hara sumergirse en la Palabra de Dios de una manera directa, util e impactante. Ha ayudado a mas de 300.000 personas a acercarse al mensaje de Dios y a comprender lo que significa para ellas.

    CON DOS LIBROS HERMOSOS: Estos libros cubren el Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento. Cada uno de ellos le brinda un mapa en cuanto a que leer y como desglosar Su Palabra con poderosas preguntas que le llevaran a una relacion mas profunda con Dios. !Estas coloridas paginas estan llenas de citas inspiradoras que le mantendran motivado y animado a lo largo del trayecto!

    ORIENTACION DIARIA Y SEMANAL: Ambos libros, incluidos en el estudio, le ofrecen un marco claro para estudiar la Palabra de Dios cada semana, asi como una guia diaria para ayudarle a simplificarla, crecer como cristiano y transformar su corazon y su mente en el proceso.

    PREGUNTAS QUE INSTAN A LA REFLEXION: A medida que se sumerja en la Biblia, tambien tendra preguntas que le ayudaran a aprender lo que significa para usted, de modo que pueda aplicarlo en su vida diaria, fortaleciendo asi su relacion con Dios, con los demas y consigo mismo.

    COLORIDAS Y ATRACTIVAS PAGINAS: Para atraerle, entusiasmarle e impulsarle a avanzar en la jornada de un ao de estudio de la Biblia y tener una conexion mas profunda con Dios.

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  • Finding Your Fearless Journal



    What do Jochebed, Rahab, Abigail, the woman at the well, the woman with the issue of blood, and Priscilla have in common? They lived fearlessly. My prayer for you is to find your fearless strength within their stories.

    It’s not easy to find our voice in a loud world. We wrestle with nagging questions that chip away at our worth, uncertain if we’re up to the challenges around us. It’s exhausting carrying pain from the past, pressure from the present, and fear of the future. Is it possible to rise above the doubts that kill our courage and move forward into God’s call on our lives? We might just be surprised to hear what these women have to say about the complex dilemmas we face today.

    You’re invited to discover what happens when uncommon faith has an unexpected encounter with an extraordinary God. Stop the cycle of comparison and overcome the barriers to live fearlessly as you ground your worth in the Word of God instead of the world.

    The Finding Your Fearless Journal enhances your experience and includes:
    *30 Ways to Find Your Fearless
    ?*Journal Pages-Capture what God has placed on your heart.
    ?*Key Takeaways from Fearless

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  • Mark : Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus – 10 Studies


    These ten Bible studies explore the book of Mark, encouraging us to turn our eyes fully on Jesus.

    Jason Meyer unpacks this fast-paced Gospel section by section, helping us to see the structure of Mark and how the key themes fit together. As you study, let this stunning portrayal of Jesus challenge your perception of him and of yourself. Turn your eyes to Jesus, and be transformed.

    Thoughtful questions and a guide for those leading the studies make this a great resource for small-group Bible studies.

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  • Mark For You


    Mark’s fast-paced, action-packed Gospel portrays Jesus in a way that is stunningly compelling-and deeply challenging too.

    Join Bible teacher Jason Meyer as he unpacks Mark verse by verse. He unveils how the book fits together, marvels at important details, and highlights key themes. Most of all, he helps you to turn your eyes to Jesus-his power, his wisdom, and his compassionate heart.

    This accessible, absorbing expository guide is more applied than a typical commentary, making it a great resource for personal devotion, as well as useful for leading small-group studies or for sermon preparation. Contains foreword by Thomas R. Schreiner.

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  • Nehemiah : God’s Building Project – 8 Studies


    Nehemiah is the story of a key moment in the history of God’s people: the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. But it also has a great deal to say to us about what it means to be part of God’s mission. Dr. Eric Mason helps groups to unpack this rich book section by section–inspiring us to get involved in God’s work to build his kingdom.

    Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application and questions that really open up discussion. Plus a comprehensive guide for leaders in the back.

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  • Nehemiah For You


    The book of Nehemiah chronicles a key moment in the history of God’s people: the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem after the return from exile.

    Understanding this book doesn’t just mean knowing about a rebuilt wall. Nehemiah helps us think through any type of rebuilding we might do for God–from our homes and families to our local church, our communities and our world. It teaches us, ultimately, about Jesus and his mission.

    A pastor with decades of experience in cities, Dr. Eric Mason unpacks this rich book verse by verse. He explains the context, gives plenty of application for our lives today, and shows us what it looks like to get involved in God’s work to build his kingdom.

    This expository guide can be read as a book; used as a devotional; and utilized in teaching and preaching.

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  • Blessed Are The Chosen


    Blessed Are the Chosen is an eight-lesson interactive Bible study for individuals or small groups based on season 2 of the groundbreaking television show, The Chosen. This study brings both the Old and New Testaments to life in an approachable and conversational way.

    This study guide works in tandem with each episode of the show and includes:
    *A deeper look at God’s character, power, and promises using the framework of Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount
    *Script excerpts, quotes, and illustrations from each episode
    *Scripture to provide lesson context
    *Pictures and bios of characters for increased connection
    *Conversational features to invite Bible knowledge
    *Guiding questions for group or individual discussion or reflection

    Once we belong to Him, we’re not only given a new identity; we’re ushered into a new reality–one that is sure, powerful, and life changing.

    And so–
    *We have hope no matter our circumstances.
    *We have assurances and resources, even in life’s trials.
    *We are blessed in all things because we are chosen by Him.

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  • 2 Peter And Jude


    Make every effort to confirm your calling and election, 2 Peter 1:10 tells us. For if you do these things, you will never stumble However well we are running now, we all need to be aware of the danger of falling away–especially in today’s culture, where we are constantly bombarded by ideas contrary to the word of God. We are each responsible to hold on to the truth. The original readers of 2 Peter and Jude had come under the influence of false and immoral teachings, and these letters were written precisely to help us to stand firm in our faith.

    These letters include serious warnings but also deep hope. It is through pursuing God, the one who keeps us from stumbling, and throwing ourselves on his mercy that we will make it to the end of the race. We can look forward to being presented before his glorious throne without fault and with great joy (Jude v 24).

    These six studies take you step by step through 2 Peter and Jude, with questions that open up discussion, a focus on real-life application and ideas for prayer. The book also includes a leader’s guide.

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  • 2 Peter And Jude For You


    When friends, family members, and even respected church leaders fall away from the faith, it is deeply sad and painful. But the reality is that we are all tempted to compromise our faith in one way or another. We all need to be careful not to fall.

    Peter and Jude knew that first-hand. They wrote with a sense of urgency, showing a deep concern for the believers they were addressing. Their aim? To help their readers stand firm.

    Verse by verse, pastor Miguel Nuez unpacks these two short letters, showing how they are still utterly relevant to us today–warning us where we may be in danger of stumbling and equipping us to stand firm in our faith.

    This expository guide is less academic than a traditional commentary and includes lots of application. It can be read from cover to cover, used in personal devotions, or referred to as a resource for leading small groups or preparing sermons.

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  • Isaiah : Here Is Your God: 8 Studies


    Isaiah can seem intimidating. It’s a big book covering an extended timescale, full of unfamiliar names and places, and large sections can feel like alien territory.

    But this book is full of good news. Isaiah enlarges our view of God, sharpens our understanding of salvation and illuminates our Bible reading. It comforts our fears and sorrows, and fuels our vision for the church and its mission. All the time, it points forward to Jesus. This is good news worth shouting about!

    This Bible-study guide by pastor and author Tim Chester takes you through the book of Isaiah in a digestible and accessible way. Each study focuses on a key text, helping you to understand the shape of the book and see how its main themes work together. Includes application questions, ideas for prayer and a full leader’s guide. It can be used alongside the more detailed expository guide Isaiah For You.

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  • Isaiah For You


    Isaiah can seem intimidating. It’s a big book covering an extended timescale, full of unfamiliar names and places. You may be familiar with Isaiah’s vision of God’s holiness in chapter 6 or his description of the cross in chapter 53. But large sections can feel like alien territory.

    But the book of Isaiah is full of good news. Forming a kind of bridge between the Old Testament and the New Testament, Isaiah enlarges our view of God, sharpens our understanding of salvation and illuminates our Bible reading. It points forward to Jesus and fuels our vision for the church and our mission. This is good news worth shouting about!

    This expository guide by pastor and author Tim Chester takes you verse by verse through the text in a digestible and applied way. Each chapter focuses on a key text and shows how its themes play out in the surrounding passages, helping you to drill down into the details while also seeing the big picture. You’ll find ideas and challenges for application throughout, plus a helpful glossary at the back.

    It is less academic than a traditional commentary and includes lots of application. It can be read from cover to cover, used in personal devotions, used to lead small group studies, or used for sermon preparation.

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  • 1 Corinthians For You


    The scope of 1 Corinthians is breathtaking. Paul tackles a huge variety of subjects, and as he does so, he gives us a precious insight into what a local church is (or at least can be).

    As Andrew Wilson walks through this compelling, challenging epistle, you’ll see how grace looks in every Christian and how it can shape every church–even a church as flawed as the Corinthian one.

    This expository guide is less academic than a traditional commentary and includes lots of application. It can be read from cover to cover, used in personal devotions, used to lead small group studies, or used for sermon preparation.

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  • 1 Corinthians : The Grace-Changed Church – 8 Studies


    Andrew Wilson guides groups through the book of 1 Corinthians, showing how Paul’s encouragements and challenges to that church are to shape us as Christians today, both individually and as members of a local church.

    Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application, and questions that really open up discussion, plus a comprehensive guide for leaders in the back.

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  • Church : Enjoying Gods Masterpiece: 8 Studies


    This Bible-study guide explores the different images that the New Testament uses to describe the church, exciting every church member about what it means to be part of God’s people–his masterpiece to show his glory to the world and beyond.

    Each study is designed to last between 1 and 1.5 hours, but can alternatively be split into two sessions. It contains ideas for starter discussions and activities, optional Explore more sections that draw links with the Old Testament, and a focus on practical application. A substantial leader’s guide is included in the back.

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  • Walking In Gods Wisdom


    Get wisdom, get insight (Prov 4:5)

    The book of Proverbs is an invitation to get wisdom. But wisdom isn’t so easily defined or found. Without discernment, we can be swayed by teachers or sayings that sound wise, but true biblical wisdom is rooted in the fear of the Lord.

    In Walking with God’s Wisdom, Benjamin T. Quinn calls us to hear and obey God’s wisdom found in Proverbs. These ancient words reveal a way of life exemplified in Jesus Christ. Quinn shows how even the most ordinary aspects of life are packed with importance for wise living before God.

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  • Living In Gods True Story


    We all need a reminder of the true story at the heart of the gospel.

    In the face of false teachers and skeptics, Peter wrote his second epistle to remind his readers of God’s true story. They needed to be reoriented to the truth of their identity and status in Christ. Christians continue to experience similar challenges to our spiritual foundations today.

    In Living in God’s True Story: 2 Peter, Donald L. Morcom shows that remembering the truth is the core theme of Peter’s second letter. In the midst of false alternatives, he encourages believers to live faithful lives that demonstrate love and wisdom. Though it may be short, 2 Peter is an impactful letter that explains how we can order our lives in accordance with God’s true story.

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  • Transformed In Christ


    Is your faith countercultural?

    When he wrote his first epistle to the church in Corinth, Paul wanted to address two cultural issues that the Christians in the city were wrestling with: prosperity and entertainment. He urged the young believers struggling in the midst of Graeco–Roman society to live lives shaped by Christ. Believers today are not immune to these same worldly temptations the Corinthian church was facing.

    In Transformed in Christ: 1 Corinthians, Ron Elsdon and William Olhausen show us how Paul uses the cross to define the distinctive patterns of life and behavior which Christians are called. The transformation that comes from cross–shaped wisdom is not a singular moment in a believer’s life, but a continual process of refinement. The result is a living, countercultural faith marked by discernment, wisdom, and love.

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  • Hebrews For You


    Applied expository guide to Hebrews-a book that shows us how and why Jesus is better than anything else.

    We are all tempted to drift away from Jesus, but in the book of Hebrews God gives us an anchor: a detailed understanding of how and why Jesus is better than anything else.

    Seminary professor Michael J. Kruger unpacks this rich book verse by verse. He explains the Old Testament background, gives plenty of application for our lives today, and shows us how Jesus is the fulfilment of all God’s work on earth. He encourages us to live by faith in Jesus-the only anchor for our souls.

    This expository guide can be read as a book; used as a devotional; and utilized in teaching and preaching.

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  • Hebrews And Anchor For The Soul


    Eight Bible studies which explore the book of Hebrews, stirring us to live by faith in Jesus.

    Michael J. Kruger helps groups to unpack the rich book of Hebrews, section by section. He shows us how Jesus is the fulfilment of all God’s work on earth, encouraging us to live by faith in him-the only anchor for our souls.

    Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application.

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  • What Does It Mean To Be Chosen


    This eight-week Bible study is the official complement to season 1 of the Chosen, the groundbreaking series about the life of Jesus. What Does It Mean to Be Chosen? works in tandem with every episode of the show, bringing the Bible to life in a brand-new way.

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  • Freed To Be Gods Family


    Family provides community, identity, and shared values.

    In the book of Exodus, God frees Israel from slavery to Egypt. But they are not left as orphans. Rather, the redeemed are made into a new family–God’s family. In Freed to be God’s Family, Mark R. Glanville argues that the central motif of Exodus is community. God wants a healthy, dynamic relationship with the redeemed. As family members, Israel is called to learn God’s ways and reflect God’s character to the world.

    Freed to be God’s Family is a concise and accessible guide to the message and themes of Exodus. Each chapter keeps the big picture central and provides probing questions for reflection and discussion.

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  • Insights On The Book Of Daniel


    For more than four decades, Alan Stringfellow’s Bible studies have brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Now, the author of Through the Bible in One Year and Great Characters of the Bible leads readers on a 12-lesson, verse-by-verse study of the book of Daniel. Stringfellow’s in-depth teaching will bring clarity and understanding to one of the most misunderstood books in Scripture. With this study, readers will learn…

    *How to identify the major themes

    *How to memorize key verses

    *How to recognize God’s central message

    *An overview of various interpretations of the book’s imagery

    *The role Daniel’s prophesies play in the entire biblical story

    By embarking on this journey, believers will discover the influence that Daniel had on the life and literature of the Jewish people throughout the biblical period and all the way to the writers of the New Testament, including Jesus Christ Himself, who often quoted from it. But nowhere is that influence seen as thoroughly as in the writings of the apostle John and parallels that exist with the book of Revelation. As in John’s prophetic work, the book of Daniel describes in beautiful and marvelous language the glorious coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Like John, Daniel was sure and certain about the final triumph of the kingdom of God.

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  • Analisis Profundo Del Libro De – (Spanish)


    Durante mas de cuatro decadas, los estudios biblicos de Alan Stringfellow han aportado una mayor comprension de la Palabra de Dios a miles de creyentes. Ahora, el autor de A traves de la Biblia en un ao y Grandes personajes de la Biblia guia a los lectores en un estudio de 12 lecciones, verso por verso, del libro de Daniel. La enseanza profunda de Stringfellow aportara claridad y entendimiento a uno de los libros mas incomprendidos de las Escrituras. Con este estudio, los lectores aprenderan…

    *Como identificar los temas principales

    *Como memorizar versos clave

    *Como reconocer el mensaje central de Dios

    *Una vision general de varias interpretaciones de las imagenes del libro

    *El papel que juegan las profecias de Daniel en toda la historia biblica

    Al embarcarse en este viaje, los creyentes descubriran la influencia que Daniel tuvo en la vida y la literatura del pueblo judio a lo largo del periodo biblico y hasta los escritores del Nuevo Testamento, incluido Jesucristo mismo, que a menudo lo citaba. Pero en ninguna parte se ve esa influencia tan a fondo como en los escritos del apostol Juan y los paralelos que existen con el libro de Apocalipsis. Al igual que en la obra profetica de Juan, el libro de Daniel describe en un lenguaje hermoso y maravilloso la gloriosa venida de nuestro Seor Jesucristo. Al igual que Juan, Daniel estaba seguro sobre el triunfo final del reino de Dios.

    For more than four decades, Alan Stringfellow’s Bible studies have brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Now, the author of Through the Bible in One Year and Great Characters of the Bible leads readers on a 12-lesson, verse-by-verse study of the book of Daniel. Stringfellow’s in-depth teaching will bring clarity and understanding to one of the most misunderstood books in Scripture. With this study, readers will learn…

    *How to identify the major themes

    *How to memorize key verses

    *How to recognize God’s central message

    *An overview of various interpretations of the book’s imagery

    *The role Daniel’s prophesies play in the entire biblical story

    By embarking on this journey, believers will discover the influence that Daniel had on the life and literature of the Jewish people throughout the biblical period and all the way to the writers of the New Testament, including Jesus Christ Himself, who often quoted from it. But nowhere is that influence seen as thoroughly as in the writings of the apostle John and parallels th

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  • Ruth : The Lord Provides


    Seven studies for small groups to explore the book of Ruth together and learn how God provides for his people.

    Ruth is one of the best short stories ever written. We are drawn to the characters: grieving Naomi, loyal Ruth, and compassionate Boaz. The setting is also intriguing, as it takes place during the time of the judges.

    The plot is a story of redemption which is part of the grand story of redemption. And at the heart of the resolution is Boaz, a figure who points to David’s greatest son, Jesus.

    Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application, and questions that really open up discussion.

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  • Ruth For You


    Applied expository guide on the book of Ruth: a story of redemption that points us to Jesus.
    The book of Ruth is a love story. Like all love stories it has twists and turns, tension and resolution, and a happy ending.

    But it’s far more than that because it reveals to us a God who is deeply committed to caring for his people. In Boaz, God provides Ruth with a loving husband to free and provide for her, pointing us to the Bible’s grand story of redemption and David’s greatest son, Jesus.

    Tony Merida’s compelling story-telling and Christ-centered insights make this both an accessible and absorbing expository guide to the book of Ruth. It can be used for personal devotions, or for leading small-group studies, or for sermon preparation.

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