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Bible Studies

  • Moving In Glory Realms Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    A Blueprint for Revival!

    Many believers today yearn for an encounter with the supernatural. They hunger to experience the glory of God they’ve only read about in the Bible.

    In this companion study guide to Moving in Glory Realms, Joshua Mills reveals that all Christians are intended to live, move, and operate within what he calls “glory realms.” Joshua opens up God’s glory by explaining the different realms, spheres, and dimensions of the kingdom. He systematically builds a faith framework in which the reader can begin to move into the glory of God with ease.

    Joshua breaks down our understanding of God’s glory into three parts: first, moving in the Spirit, which is about understanding the different dynamics of faith, anointing, and God’s glory; second, moving in the supernatural by recalibrating ourselves to heaven’s frequency, working with angels, and accessing the highest power of God’s glory so that the miraculous dimension begins to manifest; and third, moving in the heavenlies, dealing with spiritual travel and prophetic encounters, manifesting divine abundance, and living in heavenly revelation. Throughout, Joshua shares many unusual and extraordinary testimonies of God’s glory working through uncommon signs and wonders, heavenly experiences, angelic appearances, and other manifestations of the miraculous, Through this dynamic companion study guide, Joshua will not only help you understand God’s glory, he’ll also guide you into experiencing and walking in the glory every day. Suitable for groups or individual study.

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  • John 1-12 Part 1


    We all long for a full, rich, satisfying life. But how do we fill up the empty places in our souls? How can we quench our thirst for something deeper, more lasting, more meaningful?

    In this thirteen-session LifeGuide (R) Bible Study on the first half of John, Douglas Connelly urges you to take a fresh look at Jesus. Here is the opportunity to establish–or renew–your faith in the One who offers true meaning, true belonging and true life. LifeGuide Bible Studies feature questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection. Also included are leader’s notes with information on study preparation, leading small group discussion, and additional insights into specific Bible passages. Presented in a convenient workbook format and featuring the inductive Bible study approach, LifeGuides are proven and popular guides for digging into Scripture on your own or with a group.

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  • 2 Corinthians : The Gospel In All Of Life – 8 Studies


    Eight accessible and flexible Bible-studies in 2 Corinthians by Gary Millar.

    Like the church in Corinth, we sometimes need to hear the hard truths that Paul sets out in this deeply personal letter. But we also need to know Paul’s heart for Christ’s wayward children that this letter reveals–one filled with the true love of Christ.

    The challenges and encouragements in this letter are great to study in small groups.

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  • Kings Choir : Singing The Psalms With Jesus


    Christopher Ash takes us through examples from all five books of the psalter in these seven Bible studies for small groups. He shows us how they were sung by Jesus and fulfilled by Jesus.

    This transforms how we read them, enjoy them and sing them ourselves, as we join the King’s choir.

    Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application, and questions that really open up discussion.

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  • Invited To Know God


    “Goodness like a fetter.”

    The hymn “Come Thou Fount” reminds us that God’s laws were created to draw us closer to him. But reading the law is intimidating. Deuteronomy is a long and ancient book full of speeches and laws for a wandering people on the cusp of entering a land filled with hostile nations. What could Deuteronomy have to say for modern readers who face vastly different issues?

    Invited to Know God shows that Deuteronomy is simply about knowing God. The book is a divine portal, drawing people into the ancient presence of God. To understand God better, we need to understand Deuteronomy better. Rather than being a dusty book of ancient laws, Deuteronomy calls those who love God to know Him better, choose the path to life, and flourish under His loving wisdom and guidance.

    God’s laws bind our wandering hearts to him.

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  • Insights On The Book Of Isaiah


    For more than four decades, Alan Stringfellow’s Bible studies have brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Now, the author of Through the Bible in One Year and Great Characters of the Bible leads readers on a chapter-by-chapter study of the book of Isaiah. Stringfellow’s in-depth teaching will bring clarity and understanding to one of the most prophetic books in Scripture. With this study, readers will learn…
    *How to identify the major themes
    *All the major doctrines and truths of Isaiah
    *The importance and relevance of prophecy
    *Important context and background for the little-known Isaiah
    *The role Isaiah plays in the coming of the Messiah

    By embarking on this journey, believers will learn to better understand and appreciate the role of the prophet–to foretell the future, but also to speak truth to a lost and sinful generation. Stringfellow makes powerful connections between the wealth and plenty of Isaiah’s time and the abundance and decadence of our present world. The true value of this prophecy is that it occupies us with a person, and not merely with events–the Person of our Lord Jesus Christ, who comes to suffer and returns to reign. All of this is foretold by a great poetic genius whose gripping words and imagery could only have been inspired by the hand of God.

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  • Analisis Profundo Del Libro De – (Spanish)


    Durante mas de cuatro decadas, los estudios biblicos de Alan Stringfellow han aportado a miles de creyentes una mayor perspectiva de la Palabra de Dios. El autor de A traves de La Biblia en un ao y Grandes personajes de La Biblia guia a los lectores en un estudio capitulo por capitulo del libro de Isaias. La enseanza en profundidad de Stringfellow aportara claridad y comprension a uno de los libros mas profeticos en las Escrituras.

    Con este estudio, los lectores aprenderan:
    *Como identificar los temas principales
    *Todas las principales doctrinas y verdades de Isaias
    *La importancia y relevancia de la profecia
    *Contexto importante y los antecedentes acerca del Isaias poco conocido
    *El papel que juega Isaias en la venida del Mesias

    Al embarcarse en este viaje, los creyentes aprenderan a comprender y apreciar mejor el papel del profeta, a predecir el futuro, y a hablar la verdad a una generacion perdida y pecadora. Stringfellow hace conexiones poderosas entre la riqueza y abundancia del tiempo de Isaias, y la abundancia y decadencia de nuestro mundo actual. El verdadero valor de esta profecia es que nos ocupa con una persona, y no solo con los eventos: la Persona de nuestro Seor Jesucristo, que viene a sufrir y vuelve a reinar. Todo esto esta predicho por un gran genio poetico cuyas palabras e imagenes apasionantes solo podian haber sido inspiradas por la mano de Dios.

    For more than four decades, Alan Stringfellow’s Bible studies have brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Now, the author of Through the Bible in One Year and Great Characters of the Bible leads readers on a chapter-by-chapter study of the book of Isaiah. Stringfellow’s in-depth teaching will bring clarity and understanding to one of the most prophetic books in Scripture.

    With this study, readers will learn…
    *How to identify the major themes
    *All the major doctrines and truths of Isaiah
    *The importance and relevance of prophecy
    *Important context and background for the little-known Isaiah
    *The role Isaiah plays in the coming of the Messiah

    By embarking on this journey, believers will learn to better understand and appreciate the role of the prophet–to foretell the future, but also to speak truth to a lost and sinful generation. Stringfellow makes powerful connections between the wealth and plenty of Isaiah’s time and the abundance and decadence of our present world. The true value of this prophecy is that it occupies us with a person,

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  • Fearless : Ordinary Women Of The Bible Who Dared To Do Extraordinary Things


    What do Jochebed, Rahab, Abigail, the woman at the well, the woman with the issue of blood, and Priscilla have in common? Find Your Fearless in Their Stories.

    It’s not easy to find our voice in a loud world. We wrestle with nagging questions that chip away at our worth, uncertain if we’re up to the challenges around us. It’s exhausting carrying pain from the past, pressure from the present, and fear of the future. Is it possible to rise above the doubts that kill our courage and move forward into God’s call on our lives? We might just be surprised to hear what these women have to say about the complex dilemmas we face today.

    You’re invited to discover what happens when uncommon faith has an unexpected encounter with an extraordinary God. Stop the cycle of comparison and overcome the barriers to fearless living as you ground your worth in the Word instead of the world.

    This 6-Session Bible Study will help you to:
    *Stand Up: Develop God-confidence to step into your unique calling
    *Stand Out: Seize God-moments to make culture-shaping choices
    *Stand Strong: Embrace God-sized dreams to become a catalyst for change

    Whether you’re longing to realize your purpose, fighting for a God-given cause, or kicking fear to the curb, you will find your fearless in the inspiring stories of ordinary women of the Bible who dared to do extraordinary things.

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  • Acts 13-28 : The Church Multiplies


    Albert Mohler guides groups through the second half of the book of Acts, showing how the missionary journeys of Paul, and his arrest, trials, and journey to Rome shape our lives and witness today.

    Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application, and questions that really open up discussion. Plus a comprehensive guide for leaders in the back.

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  • John 13-21 : The Place Of Greatest Glory – 8 Studies


    Where is God’s glory most clearly seen? And how are we changed by glimpsing that glory?
    In these eight Bible studies for small groups, Josh Moody brings groups to gaze at the place of greatest glory?”???”the wooden cross and the empty tomb.

    Featuring close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application and questions that really open up discussion. Plus a comprehensive guide for leaders in the back.

    There is an accompanying Expository Guide available to help you lead these eight studies in John.

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  • Zeal : A Bible Study On Titus For Woman


    This 9-week study covers the entire book of Titus, and is ideal for personal or group use. Meant to be written in extensively, they have extra white space and are spiral-bound for ease of use.

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  • Mission Your Place In Gods Plan For The Nations


    These seven studies chart the unfolding of God’s plan for mission in the Scriptures. See God’s loving concern for a lost world, align your priorities with his, and get ready to play your part in God’s exciting plan for the nations.
    Featuring close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application and questions that really open up discussion. Plus a comprehensive guide for leaders in the back.

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  • 1-2 Timothy : Guard The Gospel (Student/Study Guide)


    Why Study 1 & 2 Timothy?
    1. Positive And Negative (1 Tim 1:1-18)
    2. The Church Of The Mediator (2:1 – 3:13)
    3. The Mystery Of Godliness (3:14 – 4:16)
    4. The Great Gain Of Godliness (5:1 – 6:21)
    5. Guard The Good Deposit (2 Tim 1:1 – 2:13)
    6. Work And Life In The Last Days (2:14 – 3:17)
    7. I Charge You… (4:1-22)
    Leader’s Guide

    Additional Info
    Phillip Jensen takes us through Paul’s letters to Timothy in these seven bible studies for small groups.

    Listen to the apostle, nearing the end of his life, exhort and equip his protege to continue the gospel work. In every generation, we need to heed this call to guard, live out and pass on the gospel.

    Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application, and questions that really open up discussion.

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  • Revelation : Heavens Perspective (Student/Study Guide)


    1. The Lord Who Reveals (chapter 1)
    2. Seven Dangers Facing Your Church (2 – 3)
    3. A Higher Throne (4 – 5)
    4. The Chaos Of History (6 – 11)
    5. Who Do You Worship? (12 – 16)
    6. The Justice Of The Lamb (17 – 20)
    7. The Reign Of The Lamb (21 – 22)

    Additional Info
    Many Christians are confused by the book of Revelation. And yet the message of the final book of the Bible is both clear and simple.

    Despite everything that is going wrong with our world, God remains in control. And when we see history, our present, and our future from heaven’s perspective, it will encourage us to trust God and remain faithful to the end.

    These seven insightful studies will help ordinary Christians see how John’s message is just as relevant and applicable to our lives today as it was 2000 years ago. Perfect for use in small group Bible studies.

    Accompanying expository guide available to help you lead small groups.

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  • Insights On The Book Of Revelation


    For more than four decades, Alan Stringfellow’s Bible studies have brought greater insight into God’s Word to thousands of believers. Now, the author of Through the Bible in One Year and Great Characters of the Bible leads readers on a 25-lesson, verse-by-verse study of the book of Revelation. Stringfellow’s in-depth teaching will bring clarity and understanding to one of the most misunderstood books in Scripture. With this study, readers will learn…
    -How to identify the major themes
    -How to memorize key verses
    -How to recognize God’s central message
    -An overview of various interpretations of the book’s imagery
    -The role Revelation plays in the entire Bible story

    By embarking on this journey, believers will recognize how the entire Bible narrative that begins in Genesis finds its concluding climax in John’s miraculous vision. Even though Revelation may seem largely focused on the future, knowledge of its themes and central message have great importance for our present lives, leaving us better prepared to meet life’s daily challenges.

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  • Finding Joy When Life Is Out Of Focus


    We all walk through seasons when joy plays an unwelcome game of Hide and Seek. Disappointment, worry, and adversity blur our lens on life, sabotaging our ability to develop the meaningful relationships we long for and realize our worth in Christ.

    Finding Joy When Life is Out of Focus will help you choose contentment regardless of circumstance, transform faulty thought patterns through the truth of God’s Word, and persevere when life is unraveling.

    Experienced individually or in small groups, this Study of Philippians for Joy-Thirsty Women includes dynamic teaching, inspiring personal stories, opportunities for life-growth, and a guide for leaders.

    Joy-thirsty women, are you ready to pull your joy out of hiding? Start looking through the grace-crafted lens of God’s perspective – you’ll love the life you see!

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  • Discover 12 : Bible Notes For Young People (Student/Study Guide)


    Book 12 Contains:
    * 1 Samuel 23-31
    * 2 Samuel 1-24
    * Nehemiah 1-12
    * Luke 22-24

    Additional Info
    Discover Bible notes have been helping young people understand and apply the Bible for over a decade. Now, we’re turning these popular devotions into a collection of 12 that covers the major Bible books, events and characters. Discover encourages a daily routine of Bible study and prayer, which will help young people set a pattern for the rest of their lives.

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  • Cultures In Conflict Video Study (DVD)


    How do you live in a culture where the worldview conflicts with Christianity? Learn from Paul as he settled among the Greco-Romans of Corinth, who valued wealth and class, worship of multiple gods, and decadent pleasure seeking above all else. In this sixteenth volume of That The World May Know, discover how to live in your own Corinth-a dechristianized Western world-in a way that glorifies God.

    Filmed on location in Israel and Greece, sessions include:
    *Engaging the Mind-Paul in the Stoa of Athens (Athens, 30:30)
    *Engaging the Heart (Athens, 28:00)
    *Turning Weakness into Strength (Timnah, Corinth, 32:00)
    *The Lord’s Supper-Discerning the Body (Corinth, Delos, 35:00)
    *Transforming the Chaos (Corinth, 33:00)

    GO BEYOND THE FILMS! Want to dig deeper with more great content including maps, discussion questions, and teaching? Use the Cultures in Conflict Discovery Guide (9780310085904, sold separately) with a group or on your own and see the Bible come alive.

    THAT THE WORLD MAY KNOW Join renowned teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan as he guides you through the land of the Bible. In each lesson, Vander Laan illuminates the historical, geographical, and cultural context of the sacred Scriptures. Filmed on location in the Middle East and elsewhere, the That the World May Know film series will transform your understanding of God and challenge you to be a true follower of Jesus.

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  • Armor Of God


    This study provides historically accurate background of a Roman centurion’s armor, then draws vital correlations to the spiritual armor God gives his children: the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, Feet Prepared with the Gospel of Peace, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit. Helps those you teach learn to “stand firm in the faith.” Capitalizing on the recognized excellence of Rose’s visual elements, Rose Visual Bible Studies are packed with charts, graphs, images, and fascinating facts. These Bible studies are easy enough that the new believer understands, but in-depth enough that the longtime churchgoer still comes away learning something new.

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  • Son Of God Volume 2


    This Bible study workbook is designed to assist you in examining

    the second half of the Gospel of Mark in an inductive way. Inductive study means to read the passage in context and ask

    questions of the text with the purpose of deriving the meaning and

    significance from the text itself. We do this automatically every day

    when we read the newspaper, blogs, or even recipes. When we study the Bible inductively we are after the author’s original intent; i.e., what the author meant when he wrote the passage to his original audience. In this workbook, you will unpack the meaning by answering a series of questions about the text, paying close attention to the words and context of the passage. After discovering the meaning of the text, there will be questions to help you apply it to your life.

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  • Son Of God Volume 1


    This Bible study workbook is to assist you in studying the first

    half of the Gospel of Mark in an inductive way. Inductive study is

    reading the passage in context and asking questions of the text

    with the purpose of deriving the meaning and significance from

    the text itself. We do this automatically every day when we read

    the newspaper, blogs, or even recipes. When we study the Bible

    inductively we are after the author’s original intent; i.e., what the

    author meant when he wrote the passage to his original audience. In this workbook, you will figure out the meaning by answering a series of questions about the text, paying close attention to the words and context of the passage. After figuring out the meaning of the text, there will be questions to help you apply it to your life

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  • Discipleship Explored Leaders Handbook (Teacher’s Guide)


    Section 1 – How To Run Discipleship Explored
    * Getting Started
    * Introducing Philippians
    * Being A Discipleship Explored Leader
    * Before Discipleship Explored
    * During Discipleship Explored
    * After Discipleship Explored
    Section 2 – Handbook Questions And Answers
    * Questions About Christian Belief
    * Questions About Philippians
    * Film Scripts

    Additional Info
    What’s the best love you’ve ever known?

    Discipleship Explored is for anyone who wants to make the most of their Christian lives, but especially for people who have recently completed an evangelistic course and decided to follow Christ.

    The Discipleship Explored Leader’s Handbook contains everything you need to lead this eight-session course. It includes comprehensive training material and advise, and answers to all the questions from the course.

    Each session starts with a Bible study from Philippians, followed by a short talk or video (from the accompanying DVD or available to download), after which the group discusses what they have heard or watched.

    Follow Up material is included to help course participants follow up each theme during the week.

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  • Discipleship Explored Leaders Kit


    1 X Discipleship Explored DVD
    1 X Discipleship Explored Leader’s Handbook
    1 X Discipleship Explored Handbook
    1 X Quick Start Guide
    1 X Video Download Card
    Publicity Samples

    Additional Info
    What’s the best love you’ve ever known?

    Discipleship Explored is an 8-week journey through Philippians where participants will discover how good it is to be a follower of Christ and how he calls his disciples to live for him today.

    This new Leader’s Kit features a stunning new design and contains a comprehensive Leader’s Handbook, a guest Handbook, a DVD and a code to download digital copies of the video sessions.

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  • Discipleship Explored Handbook (Student/Study Guide)


    1. Confident In Christ (Philippians 1:1-11)
    2. Living In Christ (Philippians 1:12-26)
    3. Standing Together In Christ (Philippians 1:27 – 2:11)
    4. Transformed By Christ (Philippians 2:12-30)
    5. Righteous In Christ (Philippians 3:1-9)
    6. Knowing Christ (Philippians 3:10 – 4:1)
    7. Rejoicing In Christ (Philippians 4:2-9)
    8. Content In Christ (Philippians 4:10-23)
    Extras: Map And Background To Philippians

    Additional Info
    What’s the best love you’ve ever known?

    Discipleship Explored is for anyone who wants to make the most of their Christian lives, but especially for people who have recently completed an evangelistic course and decided to follow Christ.

    The Handbook contains everything a guest needs to take part in this eight-session course.
    Each session starts with a Bible study from Philippians, followed by a short talk or a video (from the accompanying DVD or download), after which the group discusses what they have heard or watched.

    Follow Up material is included to help course participants follow up each theme during the week.
    Product details

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  • Discover 10 : Bible Notes For Young People (Student/Study Guide)


    Book 10 Contains:
    * Judges 1-16
    * Psalms (various)
    * Luke 10-15
    * Romans 7-8

    Additional Info
    Discover Bible notes have been helping young people understand and apply the Bible for over a decade. Now, we’re turning these popular devotions into a collection of 12 books that covers the major Bible books, events and characters.

    Discover encourages a daily routine of Bible study and prayer, which will help young people set a pattern for the rest of their lives.

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  • Acts 1-12 : The Church Is Born (Student/Study Guide)


    Why Study Acts 1-12?
    1. Promises (Acts 1)
    2. The Spirit-fueled Church (Acts 2-3)
    3. Persecution And Problems (Acts 4-5)
    4. I See The Heavens Opened (Acts 6-7)
    5. Beyond Jerusalem (Acts 8)
    6. Conversion Of A Murderer (Acts 9)
    7. To The Gentiles (Acts 10-11)
    8. The Apostle, The Angel And The King (Acts 12)
    Leader’s Guide

    Additional Info
    Albert Mohler guides groups through the first half of the book of Acts, showing how the ascension of Christ, the coming of the Spirit, and the birth and growth of the church shapes our lives and mission today.

    Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application, and questions that really open up discussion. Plus a comprehensive guide for leaders in the back.

    There is an accompanying Expository Guide available to help you lead these eight studies in Acts.

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  • Finding God In The Margins


    The ancient book of Ruth speaks into today’s world with astonishing relevance.

    In four short episodes, readers encounter refugees, undocumented immigrants, poverty, hunger, women’s rights, male power and privilege, discrimination, and injustice.

    In Finding God in the Margins, Carolyn Custis James reveals how the book of Ruth is about God, the questions that surface when life falls apart, and how God reaches into the margins and chooses two totally marginalized women who, in the eyes of the patriarchal culture, are zeros.

    Against the backdrop of disturbing issues in today’s world, this bracing narrative puts on display a radical gospel way of living together as human beings that shouts the Kingdom of God, foreshadows Jesus’ gospel, and raises the bar for men and women, then and now.

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  • Micah : What Does God Require Of Us


    Why Study Micah?
    1. The End Of Idolatry
    2. Oppression, Power, And Hope
    3. The Long Road To Restoration
    4. He Will Shepherd His Flock
    5. Finding Justice
    6. Who Is Like God?
    Leader’s Guide

    Additional Info
    Stephen Um takes us through the book of the prophet Micah, a book that engages with the challenge of heeding God’s call to his people to live justly, extend mercy, and use our power and influence humbly.

    Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application, and questions that really open up discussion. Plus a comprehensive guide for leaders in the back.

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  • John 1-12 : Life To The Full (Student/Study Guide)


    Why Study John 1-12?
    1. Meeting The Word
    2. Out Of The Temple, Into The Kingdom
    3. Strange Harvest And Religious Red Tape
    4. Food That Will Not Spoil
    5. Dividing Lines And Drawing In The Dust
    6. Free To See The Light
    7. The Controversial Shepherd
    8. The Resurrection And The Life
    Leader’s Guide

    Additional Info
    Josh Moody walks groups through the first half of John’s Gospel, showing how the “seven signs” give us a glimpse of the fullness of life the Word became flesh to offer.

    Featuring close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application and questions that really open up discussion. Plus a comprehensive guide for leaders in the back.

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  • Unraveling Revelation : Stepping Into Seven Rooms Of Insight


    The book of Revelation is confusing to most Christians, but it is God’s great desire to reveal its meaning to every believer. The Bible even promises blessing to all who read this book. To guide you through the dense symbolism and evocative visions of Revelation, acclaimed and beloved Bible teacher Marilyn Hickey goes chapter by chapter through this fascinating book of the Bible in her new workbook. You will be blessed by…
    *A step-by-step tour of the seven “rooms” in Revelation-the seven main events and places.
    *Hickey’s easy-to-understand teaching on the rapture, the tribulation, and the millennium.
    *Biblical answers for end-times questions on Armageddon and the Antichrist.
    *Explanation of the seven blessings for believers found in Revelation.
    *Note-taking space to answer questions and interact with Hickey’s teachings.

    This powerful book will open your eyes to future events and prepare you for what lies ahead.

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  • Luke 12-24 : The Kingdom Is Opened (Student/Study Guide)


    Why Study Luke 12-24?
    1. Get Ready And Come In (12 V 35 – 13 V 35)
    2. Free Invite From The Seeking God (14 V 1 – 15 V 32)
    3. Ins And Outs (16 V 1 – 17 V 19)
    4. The Kingdom Is Coming (17 V 20 – 19 V 44)
    5. Tension Rises (19 V 45 – 21 V 36)
    6. Betrayed And Disowned (21 V 37 – 22 V 71)
    7. The Curtain Is Torn (23 V 1-56)
    8. The Next And Never-Ending Chapter (24 V 1-53)
    Leader’s Guide

    Additional Info
    Mike McKinley takes us along the path to the cross, and through the cross, in a way that is fresh and compelling for both experienced and new readers of Luke’s Gospel.

    These eight looking at the second half of Luke’s Gospel can be used individually or in small groups. This Good Book Guide features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application and questions that really open up discussion. Plus a comprehensive guide for leaders in the back.

    Use alone or together with the accompanying expository guide, Luke 12-24 For You, also by Mike McKinley.

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  • Philippians : Shining With Joy (Student/Study Guide)


    Why Study Philippians?
    1. Finishing What He Started (1 V 1-11)
    2. To Live Is Christ, To Die Is Gain (1 V 12-30)
    3. A High Call To A Humble Life (2 V 1-11, 19-30)
    4. Sanctification 101 (2 V 12-18)
    5. The New Confidence Of A New Citizenship (3 V 1-21)
    6. Pursuing Peace (4 V 1-9)
    7. Living Above The Circumstances (4 V 10-23)
    Leader’s Guide

    Additional Info
    If you would like to be more joyful, and for your church to be more joyful, these seven studies in the book of Philippians will show you how to live with hope no matter what your circumstances. Written from a prison cell by a man with an uncertain immediate future, Philippians is a torrent of joy, with its source in the wonderful gospel. Study Philippians to discover how to shine with joy.

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  • Preparing For Baptism


    Session 1: A Sign That We Have A New Hope
    Session 2: A Sign That We Have A New Family
    Session 3: A Sign That We Have A New Life

    Additional Info
    Like a window, baptism helps us see what a Christian is and what it means to live the Christian life. Baptism expresses a Christian’s new hope, new family and new life. It’s like a funeral, naming ceremony and wedding rolled into one!

    This three-session Bible course is designed for:
    – people who have recently decided to follow Jesus
    – people who want to be baptized
    – people who want to understand the significance of their baptism

    It will help you understand the gospel and know how to begin the Christian life.

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  • These Truths Alone


    1. Sola Scriptura: By Scripture Alone
    2. Solus Christus: By Christ Alone
    3. Sola Gratia: By Grace Alone
    4. Sola Fide: By Faith Alone
    5. Soli Deo Gloria: Glory To God Alone
    6. (Summary Session)

    Additional Info
    500 years ago the Reformation transformed Europe by the rediscovery of five key Bible truths. Summarized as the Five Solas, they set the church on a renewed path of faithfulness.

    Many Christians today are once more ignorant of the Five Solas. This Good Book Guide helps us rediscover these essential Reformation teachings and connect them to our faith today.

    Special offer: receive a free poster of the Five Solas when you buy this Good Book Guide, or when you buy 90 Days in Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, Galatians – a 90-day devotional exploring God’s word with the Reformers.

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  • Luke 1-12 : The Kingdom Has Come (Student/Study Guide)


    Why Study Luke?
    1. Nothing Is Impossible – Luke 1 V 1 – 2 V 40
    2. Walking In Our Shoes – Luke 2 V 41 – 4 V 13
    3. Into The Kingdom – Luke 4 V 14 – 5 V 39
    4. How To Be Happy – Luke 6 V 1 – 7 V 50
    5. Of Soils And Storms – Luke 8 V 1-56
    6. Following The King – Luke 9 V 1-62
    7. You Know The Kingdom Has Come – Luke 10 V 1 – 11 V 36
    8. Freed From Worry – Luke 11 V 37 – 12 V 34
    Leader’s Guide

    Additional Info
    Mike McKinley brings us face to face with Jesus in a way that is fresh and compelling for both experienced and new readers of the first twelve chapters of Luke’s Gospel.

    Features close attention to the text, a focus on real-life application and questions that really open up discussion. Plus a comprehensive guide for leaders in the back.

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  • Revealing The Heart Of Prayer


    When reading the Gospel of Luke, it’s easy to get swept up into the story of the incarnation and forgot to focus on other themes. But prayer was central in Jesus’ life and in his relationship with the Father, and it should be central in our lives as well. In Revealing the Heart of Prayer, Craig G. Bartholomew unpacks this biblical book with a fresh perspective–focusing on Jesus and his example for how we should pray.

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  • Life Explored Handbook (Student/Study Guide)


    * Session 1: The Good God
    * Session 2: The Trustworthy God
    * Session 3: The Generous God
    * Session 4: The Liberating God
    * Session 5: The Fulfilling God
    * Session 6: The Life-Giving God
    * Session 7: The Joyful God

    Additional Info
    Life Explored is an exciting new way to share the gospel in today’s highly visual culture. Developed by Christianity Explored Ministries, the seven interactive sessions are based on stunning videos shot all over the globe.

    Life Explored will help people uncover what they’re really living for, and shows that the greatest pleasure in life is not enjoying the gifts God has given, but enjoying God himself. This exciting, new outreach course can be run before or after Christianity Explored or Alpha and is perfect for anyone looking for answers to life’s big questions.

    This Handbook contains everything a participant needs for the course, guiding them through the sessions with plenty of space for notes.

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  • Discover 5 : Bible Notes For Young People (Student/Study Guide)


    Book 5 Contains:
    * Exodus 1-6
    * Exodus 7-12
    * John 1-6
    * Acts 14-17

    Additional Info
    Discover Bible notes have been helping young people understand and apply the Bible for over a decade. Now, we’re turning these popular devotions into a collection of 12 books that covers the major Bible books, events and characters.

    Discover encourages a daily routine of Bible study and prayer, which will help young people set a pattern for the rest of their lives.

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  • Life Explored Leaders Kit



    1 X Life Explored DVD
    1 X Life Explored Leader’s Handbook
    1 X Life Explored Handbook
    1 X Quick Start Guide
    1 X Video Download Card

    Additional Info
    Life Explored is an exciting new way to share the gospel in today’s highly visual culture. Developed by Christianity Explored Ministries, the seven interactive sessions are based on stunning videos shot all over the globe.

    Life Explored will help people uncover what they’re really living for, and shows how, in Christ, God meets our deepest desire for happiness. Each session explores an aspect of God’s character. We see that the God of the Bible is good, trustworthy, generous, liberating, fulfilling, life-giving and joyful. And ultimately we see that the greatest pleasure in life is enjoying God himself.

    This exciting, new outreach course can be run before or after Christianity Explored or Alpha and is perfect for anyone looking for answers to life’s big questions. It will also provoke good discussions among those who know and love Jesus.

    This Leader’s Kit contains everything you need to run your course – a leader’s handbook, a guest handbook, a DVD and a code to download digital copies of the video sessions, giving you flexibility to run it one-to-one, or in larger groups; in churches, or in homes.

    The DVD features 13 subtitled languages; English SDH, Simplified Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian and Russian. We’re working with our translation partners on translating the course handbooks but these will take longer to complete. Please see our translations page for further information.

    Session 1: The Good God.
    Overture part 1: A preview of the six stories we’ll be experiencing together on Life Explored, and an introduction to the opening question: What’s the best gift God could give you?
    Overture part 2: Explores Genesis 1.

    Session 2: The Trustworthy God.
    Hotel part 1: Colonial India. A girl’s view of her best friend is changed unexpectedly, and forever. What comes to mind when you hear the word “God”?
    Hotel part 2: Explores Genesis 3.

    Session 3: The Generous God.
    Gold part 1: The Californian gold rush. A prospector risks his life in the quest for gold. What keeps you going in difficult situations? Gold part 2: Explores Genesis 12.

    Session 4: The Liberating God.
    Lawn part 1: Suburbia. A man is hooked by a late night infomercial and feels his life would be complete if only he could have the perfect garden. What’s your “if only”?
    Lawn part 2: Explores Exodus 12.

    Session 5: The Fulfilling God.
    Geisha part 1: Edo-Period Japan. A woman is drawn away from her husband

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  • Life Explored : Whats The Best Gift God Could Give You (DVD)


    1. Overture – Part 1 and Part 2
    2. Hotel – Part 1 and Part 2
    3. Gold – Part 1 and Part 2
    4. Lawn – Part 1 and Part 2
    5. Geisha – Part 1 and Part 2
    6. Celebrity – Part 1 and Part 2
    7. Space – Part 1 and Part 2

    Additional Info
    Life Explored is an exciting new way to share the gospel in today’s highly visual culture. Developed by Christianity Explored Ministries, the seven interactive sessions are based on stunning videos shot all over the globe.

    Life Explored will help people uncover what they’re really living for, and shows how, in Christ, God meets our deepest desire for happiness. Each session explores an aspect of God’s character. We see that the God of the Bible is good, trustworthy, generous, liberating, fulfilling, life-giving and joyful. And ultimately we see that the greatest pleasure in life is not enjoying the gifts he has given, but enjoying God himself.

    This exciting, new outreach course can be run before or after Christianity Explored or Alpha and is perfect for anyone looking for answers to life’s big questions.

    This Life Explored DVD has superb production values and a warm, engaging presentation of the gospel by Rico Tice, Barry Cooper and Nate Morgan Locke. It includes two videos per session and is over 150 minutes running time. Works alongside the leader’s handbook and guest handbook.

    It features 13 subtitled languages on the same disc making it superb value. Ideal for using with an English-speaking group where one member would benefit from viewing subtitles in their mother tongue. The languages are English SDH, Simplified Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian and Russian. We’re working with our translation partners on translating the course handbooks but these will take longer to complete. Please see our translations page for further information.

    Session 1: The Good God.
    Overture part 1: A preview of the six stories we’ll be experiencing together on Life Explored, and an introduction to the opening question: What’s the best gift God could give you?
    Overture part 2: Explores Genesis 1.

    Session 2: The Trustworthy God.
    Hotel part 1: Colonial India. A girl’s view of her best friend is changed unexpectedly, and forever. What comes to mind when you hear the word “God”?
    Hotel part 2: Explores Genesis 3.

    Session 3: The Generous God.
    Gold part 1: The Californian gold rush. A prospector risks his life in the quest for gold. What keeps you going in difficult situations?
    Gold part 2: Explores Genesis 12.

    Session 4: The Liberating God.
    Lawn part 1: Suburbia. A man is hooked by a late night infomercial and feels his life would be complete if only he could have the perfect garden. Wha

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  • Life Explored Leaders Handbook (Teacher’s Guide)


    Section 1 – How To Run Life Explored
    Section 2 – Life Explored Sessions
    * Session 1: The Good God
    * Session 2: The Trustworthy God
    * Session 3: The Generous God
    * Session 4: The Liberating God
    * Session 5: The Fulfilling God
    * Session 6: The Life-Giving God
    * Session 7: The Joyful God
    Appendices – Answers To Tough Questions; Video Scripts

    Additional Info
    Life Explored is an exciting new way to share the gospel in today’s highly visual culture. Developed by Christianity Explored Ministries, the seven interactive sessions are based on stunning videos shot all over the globe.

    Life Explored will help people uncover what they’re really living for, and shows how, in Christ, God meets our deepest desire for happiness. Each session explores an aspect of God’s character. We see that the God of the Bible is good, trustworthy, generous, liberating, fulfilling, life-giving and joyful. And ultimately we see that the greatest pleasure in life is not enjoying the gifts he has given, but enjoying God himself.

    This exciting, new outreach course can be run before or after Christianity Explored or Alpha and is perfect for anyone looking for answers to life’s big questions.

    This Leader’s Handbook contains everything you need to lead a course and works alongside the Handbook and DVD. It features training material and advise and includes questions from the Handbook, complete with answers!

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  • Discover 4 : Bible Notes For Young People (Student/Study Guide)


    Book 4 Contains:
    * Genesis 37-50
    * Ruth
    * Mark 14, 15-16
    * Acts 6-13 (2)

    Additional Info
    Discover Bible notes have been helping young people understand and apply the Bible for over a decade. Now, we’re turning these popular devotions into a collection of 12 books that covers the major Bible books, events and characters.

    Discover encourages a daily routine of Bible study and prayer, which will help young people set a pattern for the rest of their lives.

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  • Mission Of Jesus Video Study (DVD)


    Join renowned teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan as he guides you through the land of the Bible.

    In each lesson, Vander Laan illuminates the historical, geographical, and cultural context of the sacred Scriptures. Filmed on location in Israel, the That the World May Know DVD series will transform your understanding of God and challenge you to be a true follower of Jesus.

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  • Exodus For You


    15 Chapters

    Additional Info
    Without Exodus, we have an impoverished understanding of the nature of God, the achievement of the cross, the triumph of the resurrection and the identity of God’s people.

    With his trademark Christ-centered clarity, Tim Chester walks readers through Exodus, making its great themes thrillingly clear to those new to the book, and unearthing wonderful new surprises for those familiar with it.

    You can read through this book as a normal book… work through it as part of your daily Bible-reading routine using the questions for reflection at the end of each chapter… or use it to help you teach this letter, whether in small groups or from the pulpit.

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  • Exodus For You (Student/Study Guide)


    1. A People And A Land
    2. What’s In A Name?
    3. When Life Gets Harder, Not Better
    4. God Vs Pharaoh
    5. Liberated For Service
    6. To The Eastern Shore
    7. Grumbling Or Gratitude?
    8. Father-in-law: Mission And Wisdom
    9. Meeting At The Mountain Of God
    10. The Law Of God And Life In Christ
    11. Finding Our Way Home
    12. The Priestly Wardrobe
    13. The Golden Calf And The God Of Mercy
    14. Show Me Your Glory
    15. A Taste Of God’s Glory

    Additional Info
    Without Exodus, we have an impoverished understanding of the nature of God, the achievement of the cross, the triumph of the resurrection and the identity of God’s people.

    With his trademark Christ-centered clarity, Tim Chester walks readers through Exodus, making its great themes thrillingly clear to those new to the book, and unearthing wonderful new surprises for those familiar with it.

    You can read through this book as a normal book… work through it as part of your daily Bible-reading routine using the questions for reflection at the end of each chapter… or use it to help you teach this letter, whether in small groups or from the pulpit.

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  • Exodus : Liberating Love (Student/Study Guide)


    Exodus is the story of a bush on fire that never burns up, an unarmed shepherd facing the most powerful man on earth, a nation walking through a sea, storms, earthquakes and more. But, as these eight studies show, it is supremely the story of the God who reveals himself, triumphs over his enemies, and rescues, guides, rules, forgives and lives with his people and who in all this points forward to a still greater, more thrilling act of liberation.

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  • Christianity Explored Leaders Kit (Teacher’s Guide)


    Kit Includes:
    Christianity Explored DVD
    Christianity Explored Leader’s Guide
    Christianity Explored Handbook
    Quick Start Guide
    Video Download Card

    Additional Info
    This stunning new look Christianity Explored contains the same trusted content. Christianity Explored gives people time and space to discover the best news they’ve ever heard. Over seven interactive sessions, as they explore Mark’s Gospel, people find out who Jesus is, what he achieved, and what it means for us today. The course is very flexible. You can use it one-to-one, or in larger groups, in churches, or in homes.

    This brand new Leader’s Kit contains everything you need to run your course – a revised Leader’s handbook that’s more concise and user-friendly, a guest handbook, a DVD and a code to download digital copies of the video sessions.

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  • Christianity Explored : Whats The Best News Youve Ever Heard (DVD)


    1. Good news [11:13]
    2. Identity [17:49]
    3. Sin [13:47]
    4. The Cross [17:22]
    5. Resurrection [13:37]
    6. Grace [16:58]
    Day Away part 1: The Sower [13:26]
    Day Away part 2: James and John [10:45]
    Day Away part 3: Herod [13:29]
    7. Come and Die [13:48]

    Additional Info
    This stunning new look Christianity Explored contains the same trusted content. Christianity Explored gives people time and space to discover the best news they’ve ever heard. Over seven interactive sessions, as they explore Mark’s Gospel, people find out who Jesus is, what he achieved, and what it means for us today. The course is very flexible. You can use it one-to-one, or in larger groups, in churches, or in homes.

    The fresh new look contains the same award-winning DVD presented on location by Rico Tice. It works alongside the Handbook and Leader’s Guide and has over 150 minutes running time. It also has subtitles in over 14 other languages.

    The Christianity Explored DVD has already won awards for its superb production values and warm, engaging presentation of the gospel.

    It now features 14 subtitled languages on the same disc making it more accessible than ever and superb value. Ideal for using with an English-speaking group where one member would benefit from viewing subtitles in their mother tongue.

    Languages include:

    Simplified Chinese, Spanish, French, Korean, Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, Arabic, Farsi, German, Polish, Dutch, Italian, Romanian and English for hard of hearing.

    Please note, this DVD is available in NTSC format only. The vast majority of modern DVD players can read this format but older machines may not be able to. PAL discs are available but they only contain English subtitles for the hard of hearing.

    Why only NTSC format?
    Subtitles that have been produced for NTSC format need to be totally re-timed to make them work in the PAL format. This process would have cost many thousands of pounds for so many languages. Given the fact that the vast majority of DVD players in traditionally PAL regions can now read NTSC without problem, we considered this extra expense to be an unwise use of gospel resources.
    If you find that your DVD player will not play this DVD, you may wish to consider updating your DVD player (which will cost around 30).

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  • Discovering The Real Jesus (Student/Study Guide)


    1. Profits Or Prophets? (2 V 13-25)
    2. Water For A Dry Soul (4 V 5-42)
    3. Soul Food (6 V 1-35)
    4. I Once Was Blind (9 V 1-41)
    5. Eternal Life (11 V 1-44)
    6. Death Isn’t The Last Word (19 V 1-37)
    7. The End Of Doubt (20 V 1-31)

    Additional Info
    Every Christian knows that Jesus is good news for everyone. Yet most of us struggle to share this good news with the people closest to us. Becky Pippert has spent years talking to people about Jesus and her experience shines through on each page of these seven Bible studies in John.

    Discovering the Real Jesus has been designed to make it easy for any Christian to share their faith with friends and family. The expertly crafted questions are designed to open up conversations as you look at seven encounters with Jesus from the Gospel of John.

    This flexible resource allows you to share your faith with one or more of your friends wherever they’re at spiritually and wherever you happen to meet up. All you need is a coffee and a copy of Discovering the Real Jesus for everyone. Even the Bible passages are included inside.

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  • Discover 3 : Bible Notes For Young People (Student/Study Guide)


    Book 3 Contains:
    * Genesis 25-35
    * Mark 11-13
    * Philippians 2-4
    * Acts 1-5
    * Acts 6-13 (1)

    Additional Info
    Discover Bible notes have been helping young people understand and apply the Bible for over a decade. Now, we’re turning these popular devotions into a collection of 12 books that covers the major Bible books, events and characters.

    Discover encourages a daily routine of Bible study and prayer, which will help young people set a pattern for the rest of their lives.

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