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Christian Living

Showing 301–350 of 1218 results

  • Gods Joy In Your Heart


    The Joy of the Lord Is Strength for All Christians!

    In God’s Joy in Your Heart, legendary preacher Charles Spurgeon shows how to receive joy that will remain despite the struggles, trials, and temptations of daily living. He reveals the secrets of how believers can obtain it, maintain it, and share it with others.

    Enjoy a refreshing break for twenty-one days with these heartwarming devotional readings as the “Prince of Preachers” shows you how to:

    *Take refuge in the safety of God’s arms
    *Build a strong faith
    *Know the loving comfort of the Holy Spirit
    *Receive all that God has for you
    *Find deliverance from heartaches and troubles
    *Experience God’s ever-present help

    Through these encouraging words, you will come to know the peace that passes all understanding and find the confidence to minister God’s love to others.

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  • Im A Christian Now What


    Where to begin when you’ve begun with Christ

    If you are a new Christian, you are on a new path. But where are you going and how do you get there? As an adult convert, Aaron Armstrong had to face these questions himself. In I’m a Christian–Now What? A Guide to Your New Life With Christ, Aaron helps you take those important first steps, including:

    *How to read the Bible and pray
    *How to think about your favorite TV show
    *How to find the right church
    *How to disagree with other Christians
    *How to rethink sex and marriage

    You probably have a lot of questions. You might not even know which questions to ask. This practical and friendly book helps make sense of your new life with Jesus. It ends with suggestions for how you can take the next step by helping other new Christians.

    I’m a Christian–Now What? is a perfect handbook for new believers and those who want to disciple them.

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  • Is God Anti Gay


    A sensitive exploration of the Bible’s teaching on sexuality.

    Is it ok to be gay and Christian? Does the Bible really say that homosexuality is wrong? Is sexual orientation fundamental to identity?

    Author and speaker Sam Allberry has expanded and restructured his best-selling book, which draws on his own experience as a believer who experiences same-sex attraction. As well as exploring Bible passages that talk directly about homosexuality, this new edition frames the whole discussion with Jesus’ general teaching on sex and marriage, as well as what Jesus teaches about finding ultimate satisfaction and happiness. It also challenges the current culture narrative, which inextricably ties sexuality to personal identity, and he shows that the gospel is good news for everyone, whatever their sexual orientation.

    This sensitive exploration of the Bible’s teaching on sexuality has been written to help both Christians and non-Christians struggling with the Bible’s teaching on this issue, whether they experience same-sex attraction themselves or not.

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  • How Can I Feel Closer To God


    Sooner or later, kids ask big questions about themselves and their faith: If God is real, why doesn’t he feel real? How can I make him seem less far away? What does a relationship with Jesus actually look like? What about when going to church or reading the Bible just feels boring and pointless?

    Christian Studies teacher and school chaplain Chris Morphew has been answering big questions from kids for over a decade. In this fun and fast-paced book, he shows children how to grow in their relationship with God through the ordinary yet powerful habits of everyday discipleship: prayer, Bible reading, church community, rest and simplicity.

    Lively stories and illustrations make this book easy for 9-13s to engage with. Readers will be helped to develop a vibrant, living and life-altering faith of their own as they learn to walk with Jesus day by day.

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  • When God Seems Gone


    What do you do when it feels like God isn’t there–when the state of the world, our own suffering, or the struggles of those we know suggest that God is absent? When you’ve experienced soul-crushing silence from heaven, despite your fervent supplications?

    Using the book of Habakkuk, as well as his own personal experience of deep suffering, Adam Mabry examines the art of lament–how to cry out to God in desperation from a place of faith and hope. At the end, there are practical suggestions for what you can do to keep faith even in times of darkness and doubt.

    Readers will learn that God is big enough and good enough to handle hard questions and that his sovereign silence is filled with purpose for their lives. They will be encouraged to keep trusting God even when he seems silent, slow, unfair, different or wrong.

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  • In Jesus Name For Women


    “Whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”
    John 14:13 NIV

    Jesus said we can do all that he did in his ministry on earth and even more if we believe in him. This is no small statement! Jesus performed large displays of God’s power through miracles, signs, and wonders. We were never meant to stay small in prayer or in faith. When Jesus said whatever you ask, it included the big, bold prayers that would be impossible to accomplish on our own.

    As you read these Scriptures, short devotions, and prayers, pray in Jesus’ name with faith! Take him at his word and ask for greater things. Grow bold in the way you ask him to move in your life and in the world around you. He loves to save, heal, comfort, and amaze.

    We catch a glimpse of the glory and goodness of God through answered prayer. He has not stopped moving in power, so let’s keep asking him to show up in wonderful ways.

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  • He Gets Us


    Jesus understands our lives because he was human too. He faced the same hardships and personal struggles that we encounter on a daily basis. He felt our deepest sadness and experienced our darkest solitude. Above all, Jesus gets us.

    In Jesus’ time, communities were deeply divided by bitter differences in religious beliefs, political positions, income inequality, legal status, and ethnic differences. But where was Jesus in all of this? Did he align with the religious elites? Or did he start an uprising to overthrow them? Neither of the above.

    Instead, he went from town to town, offering hope, new life, and modeling a different way to live and to change the world. Instead of pursuing power, money, or religious authority, he shared a loving and sacrificially generous way of living–he championed a better way. But how can we understand the Jesus of the Bible today?

    Inside the pages of He Gets Us, you’ll find 14 of the most frequently asked questions about Jesus, including:

    Was Jesus ever stressed?
    Was Jesus ever lonely?
    Did Jesus ever mourn?
    Did Jesus have fun?
    How did Jesus deal with injustice?
    Was Jesus fed up with politics?
    Each chapter includes an FAQ, detailed responses from contributors of He Gets Us and selected writings from New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado, a QR code that takes you to a profound video that you can watch and share with others, and timeless Scripture verses.

    Whether you’re exploring faith for the first time, seeking answers to life’s difficult questions, or looking for a deeper relationship with Jesus, He Gets Us will be your guide every step of the way.

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  • Dignas – (Spanish)


    Que dice la Biblia acerca del valor de las mujeres? Ensea la Biblia que las mujeres son tan valiosas como los hombres o las retrata como de alguna manera mas defectuosas, mas debiles y facilmente engaadas?

    Comenzando desde Genesis y a traves de la historia de la Biblia, Dignas demuestra las formas significativas y si, incluso sorprendentes, en que Dios ha usado a las mujeres para lograr Sus metas del reino. Porque, como los hombres, son creadas a Su imagen y sus vidas reflejan y declaran Su valor.

    Dignas permitira y alentara tanto a hombres como a mujeres a abrazar esta vision verdadera y elevada de la creacion de Dios, Su plan y su valor ante Sus ojos. La autora de exitos de venta Elyse Fitzpatrick y el pastor Eric Schumacher invitan juntos a las mujeres a adoptar una vision transformadora y empoderadora de su Creador, de si mismas y de la iglesia.

    Pero este no es solo un libro para mujeres. Tambien es un libro para hombres, especialmente lideres, que quieren crecer en su comprension de la perspectiva de Dios sobre las mujeres, personas que normalmente constituyen la mayoria de sus congregaciones; hombres que podrian estar preguntandose si se han perdido algo en medio de los escandalos de abuso que estan sacudiendo a la iglesia. Podrian los titulares que estan leyendo hoy sobre el abuso tener sus raices en una denigracion del valor de las mujeres?

    Celebrar la importancia de las mujeres ayudara a cada lector a ver el valor, el lugar y el llamado de las mujeres a traves de preguntas de estudio y una seccion para profundizar que ayudara a hombres y mujeres a descubrir como apreciarse, valorarse y honrarse unos a otros para la gloria de Dios.

    What does the Bible say about the value of women? Does the Bible teach that women are as valuable as men or does it portray them as somehow more flawed, more suspect, or weak and easily deceived?

    Beginning from Genesis and working all the way through the storyline of the Bible, Worthy demonstrates the significant and yes, even surprising, ways that God has used women to accomplish His kingdom goals. Because, like men, they are created in His image, their lives reflect and declare His worth. Worthy will enable and encourage both men and women to embrace this true and lofty vision of God’s creation, plan, and their value in His eyes.

    Bestselling author Elyse Fitzpatrick and pastor Eric Schumacher together invite women to embrace a transformative and empowering view of their Maker, themselves, and the

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  • 100 Ways To Love Your Husband


    Couples with great marriages know one simple truth: the best marriages are made up of many everyday decisions that say “I love you” rather than those that say “I love me.” When we put the other person first, even in little ways, we find true fulfillment.

    This book offers wives powerful, practical, hands-on advice to start applying immediately. Maybe you are just entering into marriage and want to start off on the right foot. Maybe you have made some mistakes along the way and are struggling to connect. Or maybe you want your marriage to go from good to great. Wherever you currently are in your relationship, let Lisa Jacobson help you learn how to love your husband well.

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  • Power To Change


    Feeling stuck no matter how hard you try to make positive changes in your life? You can start living the life you want through the practical, biblical, and highly doable strategies in The Power to Change.

    Few things in life are more frustrating than knowing you need to change, wanting to change, and trying to change, but not changing. Craig Groeschel knows what it’s like to be caught in that demoralizing cycle. That was his own story–until he discovered practical principles for experiencing lasting change. Since then, Craig has helped countless others find true change in their relationships, habits, and thoughts.

    In The Power to Change, Craig helps you understand:

    *How God’s power, not your willpower, leads to true transformation
    *The real reasons you do what you do
    *Why falling isn’t failure
    *The power of creating small habits that lead to big change
    *How to choose what you want most over what you want now

    A powerful blend of biblical wisdom and fascinating psychology, The Power to Change includes helpful exercises, real-life stories, and life-changing spiritual insights. Whether you are trying to lose weight, breathe new life into your marriage, read the Bible more, get out of debt, or give up an addiction, Craig’s step-by-step, time-tested strategies will equip you to start living the life God wants for you.

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  • 100 Ways To Love Your Wife


    Couples with great marriages know one simple truth: the best marriages are made up of many everyday decisions that say “I love you” rather than those that say “I love me.” When we put the other person first, even in little ways, we find true fulfillment.

    This book offers husbands powerful, practical, hands-on advice to start applying immediately. Maybe you are just entering into marriage and want to start off on the right foot. Maybe you have made some mistakes along the way and are struggling to connect. Or maybe you want your marriage to go from good to great. Wherever you currently are in your relationship, let Matt Jacobson help you learn how to love your wife well.

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  • Seeing Beautiful Again Custom Edition


    In the middle of the pain you didn’t cause, the change you didn’t want, the reality you didn’t know was coming . . . your life can still be beautiful. We all have stories full of sorrow and celebration because of situations we’ve faced. But with God, there’s always more than we see being worked out behind the scenes. In Seeing Beautiful Again, New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst shares how she processed seasons of disappointment and heartbreak, while inviting you to hope again.

    Lysa assures us that the aching pain we feel is proof there’s a beautiful remaking already in process if we don’t give up. Through these 50 devotions, Scriptures, prayer prompts, and personal notes from Lysa, you will:

    *Gain healthier ways to process your pain and learn to see your situations through truth-based perspectives.

    *Disempower the lie that how you feel about your life is the full story by remembering with God there’s always something more true, lovely, and good right now.

    *Stop feeling alone in your struggles by spending guided time with God each day alongside Lysa, a friend who will bear witness to your hurts but also help you move on.

    While there’s no denying there are parts of our story we’d love to edit out, what if those circumstances are the unlikely ingredients God is using to weave together a greater good we’d never want to miss out on? Together we’ll discover the indescribable gift of our God, who breathes life into even the shattered pieces of our stories, creating something new and more beautiful than ever before.

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  • Awe Of God


    Do you long for an intimate relationship with your Creator, but He seems elusive? Perhaps it is because something utterly essential is missing-holy fear. Don’t let this frighten you. Fearing God is very different than being afraid of God. It’s the key to everything.

    The fear of the Lord is not a topic you’ll hear much about these days. But if you want to build a faith that stands strong through troubled times, you cannot afford to ignore this book.In The Awe of God, John Bevere invites you to take a fresh look at what it means to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. This healthy, holy, and largely forgotten virtue is the uncommon path to a more fulfilled and fruitful life. In this book you will see why godly fear is the foundation of:

    *Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge
    *Foresight, clarity, and divine direction
    *Maturity and conformity to the image of Jesus Christ
    *Building an eternal legacy
    *Confidence, fearlessness, and security
    *Freedom from the fear of man as all lesser fears are eclipsed

    If you look at the men and women in Scripture, the ones who lived and finish well all have one thing in common: they are marked by holy fear.

    The Awe of God was designed to be read slowly and intentionally. At the end of each of the 42 chapters are five tools to help you deepen your understanding and apply what the Spirit of God is teaching you. Experience the intimate relationship with God that you have always longed for by unlocking this countercultural message.

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  • Pierced By Love


    In Pierced by Love: Divine Reading with the Christian Tradition, Hans Boersma invites Christians to retrieve this ancient and meditative way of reading the Bible.

    *Practice lectio divina.
    *Experience an ancient but fresh way of reading the Bible.
    *Learn from Augustine, Anselm of Canterbury, Bernard of Clairvaux, and others.

    Jesus is the point of reading the Bible. Christians read Scripture to encounter Christ and be conformed to his image. Scripture is no mere human text; it is God’s living word. So how should we read it? For Christians throughout the centuries, the answer has been lectio divina-“divine reading.” Lectio divina is a sacramental reading. It aims to take us more deeply into the life of God. Through practicing the four movements of lectio divina-attentive reading, extended meditation, prayerful reflection, and silent resting-we have a structured and simple way to focus on Christ, listen to the Spirit, and rest in God’s love. We no longer simply read the words of Scripture; instead, we read the face of God in the eternal Word.

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  • Oracion Con Proposito Y Poder – (Spanish)


    Aprenda a orar, y cambie el mundo
    Basado en su libro mas popular , Entendiendo el Proposito y el Poder de la Oracion, este devocional del Dr. Myles Munroe, autor de exitos de ventas, ofrece animo y estimulo biblicos para desarrollar una vida de oracion diaria y eficaz. La perspectiva unica del Dr. Munroe sobre este tema a menudo malinterpretado, saca de la oracion el misterio, presentando respuestas practicas para preguntas dificiles acerca de la comunicacion con Dios.

    Oracion con Proposito y Poder: Un devocional de 90 dias le ayudara a entender el proposito y la prioridad de la oracion, como prepararse para la oracion, importantes principios de la oracion, y el poder de la oracion. El devocional de cada dia presenta enseanza e inspiracion, un pensamiento motivador para el dia, y una lectura de un pasaje biblico. Se incluyen doce pasos de accion especificos para la oracion.

    Mediante la oracion, Dios ha dado a la humanidad la capacidad de traer el cielo a la tierra, cambiando asi el mundo. Cuando El dijo: “Gobierne la humanidad sobre toda la tierra”, estaba ordenando el dominio del mundo de modo que fuera esencial una colaboracion con los seres humanos para el cumplimiento de sus propositos. Mediante la oracion, usted tiene a su disposicion todo lo que necesita para cumplir su proposito en la tierra.

    Los principios con base biblica y testados por el tiempo que se presentan en este devocional prenderan y transformaran el modo en que usted ora. Preparese para entrar en una nueva dimension de fe, una revelacion mas profunda del amor de Dios, y un entendimiento renovado sabiendo que sus oraciones pueden mover verdaderamente la mano de Dios.

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  • Destruye Lo Que Roba Tu Fuerza – (Spanish)


    Tu puedes destruir lo que roba tu fuerza. Puedes saltar sobre cualquier obstaculo y derrotar a todos los enemigos. Los seguidores de Cristo tienen la habilidad sobrenatural para conquistar los desafios que enfrentamos, pero nuestro problema es que el pecado roba nuestra fuerza.

    Este libro responde por que tantos de nosotros somos incapaces de experimentar la fuerza divina que era evidente entre los cristianos del primer siglo. En Destruye lo que roba tu fuerza, John Bevere revela por que el pecado compromete comunidades, y como liberarte de su atadura.

    No apto para los debiles de corazon, Destruye lo que roba tu fuerza es todo menos un “alza en azucar” espiritual. Esta es verdad seria para cualquier seguidor de Cristo que anhela abrazar el desafiante, pero gratificante camino de la transformacion.

    You can destroy what steals your strength. You can jump over any obstacle and defeat all enemies. Followers of Christ have the supernatural ability to conquer the challenges we face, but our problem is that sin robs us of our strength.

    This book answers why so many of us are unable to experience the divine force that was evident among first-century Christians. In Destruye lo que roba tu fuerza, John Bevere reveals why sin binds communities, and how to free yourself from its bondage.

    Not for the faint of heart, Destruye lo que roba tu fuerza is anything but a spiritual “sugar boost”. This is serious truth for any Christ-follower who longs to embrace the challenging, yet rewarding path of transformation.

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  • Say The Right Thing


    Words are powerful. They sink deep into our minds and our spirits. They can build others up or put others down. Many of us want to “say the right thing” and make a difference to others with our words, but we don’t know how to. Others of us struggle to control our speech and want help to be more godly in this area of our lives.

    This positive, constructive book delves into the Bible to show us how to overcome specific temptations, such as gossip or angry words. But it also goes much further. It shows us how we can use our speech to bring beauty, hope, truth and comfort into the lives of those around us–and to give glory to God.

    Full of gracious words and practical help, this book will help readers to find out how to let the gospel shape their speech and enjoy the blessings that flow from this.

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  • Siempre Ahi – (Spanish)


    Dios no nos creo y lo hizo todo para luego dejarnos a la suerte. Dios esta con nosotros cada dia de nuestras vidas. Lo vemos? Lo experimentamos? Discernimos su presencia? A traves de los Salmos en cada capitulo de este libro, Bernardo Stamateas trae a tu atencion la presencia de Dios en tu vida diaria, en todas sus expresiones de acuerdo con tus necesidades: como guia, en actos de bondad, como maestro cuando debes aprender algo, como fuente de provision, consuelo, paz, gracia, y hasta en aquellos milagros cotidianos que no puedes explicar. Lo sabe todo sobre ti, te consuela y aclara tus confusiones. !Aprende a ver al Dios que siempre esta ahi!

    God did not create us and did everything to leave us to chance. God is with us every day of our lives. Do we see Him? Do we experience Him? Do we discern His presence? Through the Psalms in each chapter of this book, Bernardo Stamateas brings to your attention the presence of God in your daily life, in all its expressions according to your needs: as a guide, in acts of kindness, as a teacher when you must learn something, as a source of provision, consolation, peace, grace, and even in those daily miracles that you cannot explain. He knows everything about you, He comforts you and clears up your confusions. Learn to see the God who is always there for you!

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  • Somos Uno – (Spanish)


    El hombre y la mujer no fueron creados para competir, sino para complementarse.

    Este libro, con la narrativa unica que caracteriza a los autores, de una manera divertida, sencilla y honesta, llevara al lector en un viaje excepcional descubriendo principios practicos para lograr un matrimonio fuerte e hijos felices. El resultado? !Una familia unida!

    Cuantos hombres y mujeres desean comprender totalmente a su pareja? !Parece imposible! Pero en Somos uno, usted aprendera que si es posible comprenderse, comunicarse y complementarse.

    Sin importar la etapa por la cual su matrimonio este pasando, Somos Uno es la valiosa ayuda que usted esta buscando. Si siente que su matrimonio se esta cayendo a pedazos, en este libro recibira esperanzas y encontrara soluciones.

    Si cree que todo esta bien, aprendera como llevar su matrimonio hacia la excelencia y disfrutar de su conyuge a plenitud. En verdad desea mejorar su matrimonio? Lea Somos uno y disfrute a traves de sus paginas, como lo han hecho miles de personas.

    Men and women were not created to compete, but to complement each other.
    With the unique narrative that characterizes the authors, in a fun, simple and honest way, this book will take the reader on an exceptional journey discovering practical principles for a strong marriage and happy children. The result? A united family!

    How many men and women want to fully understand their partner? It seems impossible! But in Somos Uno, you will learn that it is possible to understand, communicate and complement each other.

    Regardless of the stage your marriage is going through, Somos Uno is the valuable help you are looking for. If you feel like your marriage is falling apart, this book will give you hope and solutions.

    If you believe that everything is fine, you will learn how to lead your marriage to excellence and enjoy your spouse to the fullest. Do you really want to improve your marriage? Read Somos Uno and enjoy through its pages, as thousands of people have done.

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  • New Kind Of Love


    The two greatest forces in the world today are love and selfishness. Natural human love has failed because it is based upon selfishness.

    Does God have a solution for this problem? We believe that He has. It is The New Kind of Love that has been overlooked by the church but has recently been rediscovered.

    This book unveils the new kind of love that Jesus brought to the world. This love comes into a barren life and makes it blossom as a rose. It takes away the hardness and bitterness of life. There will be no empty lives, no barren lives. Every life may become a garden of delight. God has made it possible.

    To walk in love is actually to live in God. It is the realm where the Word dominates, where faith functions. Faith grows in the atmosphere of love. It becomes a dominating and creative force when love really rules.

    This new kind of love, agape, was born in the realm of divine revelation. It is a deep and profound sacrificial love that transcends and persists regardless of circumstances.

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  • Essential Christianity : The Heart Of The Gospel In Ten Words


    Drawing on passages from Romans 1 to 12, J.D. Greear unpacks the essential aspects of the Christian message, showing both secular and religious people what the gospel is and how it addresses our most pertinent questions. The gospel, as he explains, is not just about life after death; it’s about reclaiming the life we’ve always yearned to live.

    Whether you are exploring the core concepts of Christianity or you are a weary Christian wanting to rediscover the excitement and joy of knowing God, this warm and compelling explanation of the goodness, truth and power at the heart of the Christian faith is for you.

    As J.D. says in his introduction:

    “The gospel is not just the diving board off which you jump into Christianity–it’s the swimming pool in which you swim. See this book as your invitation to rediscover the goodness, the excitement, the liberation and the power of the gospel.”

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  • Gift Of Love


    This beautifully designed booklet invites you to savor words of love from Scripture. Slow down with them. Let them speak to you about God’s love in ways you haven’t experienced before. Or give them to someone needing encouragement. Write a personalized note on the presentation page and uplift someone special with this thoughtful gift.

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  • 3 Minute Power Prayers To Start Your Day


    Got 3 minutes? . . .

    You’re guaranteed to discover the perfect start to your mornings in 3-Minute Prayers to Start Your Day. These encouraging prayers pack a powerful dose of inspiration into 3 short minutes.

    Minute 1: scripture to meditate on
    Minute 2: a just-right-sized power prayer
    Minute 3: a question for further reflection

    Each of the more than 180 prayers meets you right where you are and is a great way for you to begin your day with the power of God’s Word.

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  • What Every Christian Should Know


    We live in a time when believing in anything or nothing is considered equally “truthful.” Many people don’t identify with a specific religion, preferring to think of themselves as “spiritual” to avoid seeming intolerant of other beliefs. This has led to some squishy ideas about right and wrong, as well as false teachings infiltrating our churches.

    More than ever, we must stand firm on the clear teaching of God’s Word. In What Every Christian Should Know, Dr. Robert Jeffress equips you to understand ten core doctrines of Christianity so you can be confident that your faith is built on solid ground and stand strong against false teaching. Each chapter illuminates a core belief of the Christian faith, such as God’s Word, the Trinity, angels and demons, sin, salvation, future things, and more.

    Nothing is more hopeful and beneficial in our trying times than good theology. With vivid illustrations, clear explanations, and practical applications for believers today, this book will help you ground your faith in capital T truth.

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  • 31 Days Of Prayer For My Wife


    Jesus is praying for your wife, and He invites you to join Him!

    Your wife is a gift from God! Recall an image of Jesus you’ve likely seen on His knees, praying. Imagine leaning in and hearing Him speak your wife’s name. Experience His heart for your wife as you claim Bible promises for her future, know and cherish her as God does, and release your faith for her continued spiritual growth and kingdom impact.

    31 Days of Prayer for My Wife shares:

    *True stories from husbands to help you understand common challenges and opportunities for women.

    *A powerful, Scripture-based prayer strategy for both you and your wife to better love the Lord, live God’s Word, love people, and live His mission.

    *Scriptures, prayers, and promises to declare over yourself and your wife.

    *A practical resource for personal devotions, couples’ studies, small groups, and ministries.

    God blessed you with your wife for a purpose. Support her through prayer and see the benefits in your own life.

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  • Life Is 10 Percent What Happens To You And 90 Percent How You React


    Life Is 10% What Happens to You and 90% How You React is based on the popular quote by bestselling author Charles Swindoll. Everyone experiences obstacles and hardships, but your actions write your story. This isn’t your average self-help book.

    Reimagined from content found in Active Spirituality and Laugh Again, Swindoll teaches you how to:

    *find joy no matter what season you’re living through.
    *overcome life’s dilemmas and build inner resilience.
    *defuse disharmony and free yourself from drama.
    *maintain balance, extend grace to yourself, and be prosperous.
    *lean on your Christian faith and foundational views.

    Life Is 10% What Happens to You and 90% How You React is for men and women of all ages who are tired of making excuses and assigning blame for their unhappiness. Each chapter is filled with teachings, applicable Scripture, and reflection questions.

    Swindoll isn’t promising joy or endless bliss. He is offering wisdom that will equip you with the basic fundamentals to make better decisions, which will improve your mental health and overall quality of life because he knows that life isn’t what happens to you . . . it’s how you react.

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  • Power Of The Holy Spirits Names


    Know the Spirit Through His Names

    Living Water. Helper. Lord. The Holy Spirit may be the least discussed member of the Trinity, yet many believers long to better understand Him and the role He plays in our relationship with God. But the good news is, when we study the Bible, we find that the Word clearly describes the Spirit’s identity and work.

    In The Power of The Holy Spirit’s Names, bestselling author and pastor Dr. Tony Evans examines 12 of the Spirit’s most significant titles and what they reveal about this powerful, present, and personal expression of the triune God. As you read, you’ll gain eye-opening insights into how the Spirit moves within the hearts of believers while learning how His indwelling of you shapes your unique faith.

    As we grow in our ability to know, love, and admire the Holy Spirit, we also grow in our capacity to experience God. This book will help you internalize profound truths about the Holy Spirit’s character and transform how you understand the Trinity.

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  • Oraciones De 3 Minutos Para Ho – (Spanish)


    Got 3 minutes, guys? . . . You’ll find just the inspiration you need for life in 3-Minute Prayers for Men.

    This devotional prayer title packs a powerful dose of inspiration into just-right-sized readings for men of all ages and backgrounds. Each of these 180 prayers, written specifically for devotional quiet time, meets you right where you are-and is complemented by a relevant scripture and question for further thought. Addressing the vital issues of life common to all men-such as the two great commandments of loving God and loving others, having and being a friend, leaving a legacy, purity, and the thought life-3-Minute Prayers for Men will lead you step-by-step into a closer walk with God the Father and Jesus His Son.

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  • Life With Jesus


    What does Christian Discipleship look like in practice?

    This 12-session discipleship course, perfect for individuals or groups, looks at how the gospel and God’s grace can shape our attitude towards church, Bible reading, prayer, suffering, how to use our money and many other aspects of life.

    Incorporating Bible study, clear explanations and thought-provoking discussion questions, these sessions can be completed in around an hour and are designed to be used flexibly in different contexts: small groups or one-to-one.

    Includes plenty of material to engage mature Christians as well as new believers, and an emphasis on practical, real-life application to help people follow Jesus in every area of their lives.

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  • Prayer With Purpose And Power


    Learn to Pray-And Change the World

    Based on his most popular book, Understanding the Purpose and Power of Prayer, this devotional by best-selling author Dr. Myles Munroe offers biblical encouragement for developing an effective daily prayer life. Dr. Munroe’s unique perspective on this often-misunderstood subject takes the mystery out of prayer, providing practical answers for difficult questions about communicating with God.

    Prayer with Purpose and Power: A 90-Day Devotional will help you understand the purpose and priority of prayer, how to prepare for prayer, major principles of prayer, and the power of prayer. Each day’s devotion features teaching and inspiration, a motivating thought for the day, and a Scripture reading. Included are twelve specific action steps to prayer.

    Through prayer, God has given humanity the ability to bring heaven to earth, changing the world. When He said, “Let mankind rule over all the earth,” He was arranging the dominion of the world so that a partnership with human beings was essential for the accomplishment of His purposes. Everything you need to fulfill your purpose on earth is available to you through prayer.

    The biblically based, time-tested principles in this devotional will ignite and transform the way you pray. Be prepared to enter into a new dimension of faith, a deeper revelation of God’s love, and a renewed understanding that your prayers can truly move the hand of God.

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  • Abre Puertas A Tu Favor – (Spanish)


    Yader Simpson nos presenta con base biblica los grandes beneficios que recibimos cuando desarrollamos y vivimos en una cultura de honra. Al trazar esta cultura desde la creacion del mundo, aprendemos con ejemplos como la honra afirma la identidad, refuerza la confianza y produce felicidad; se cultivan relaciones solidas; se conserva la salud; recibimos el favor de Dios y de las personas que nos rodean; y la abundancia, la prosperidad y el exito reinan en nuestras vidas.

    ?Yader Simpson presents us, within a biblical basis, the great benefits that we receive when we develop and live in a culture of honor. Tracing this culture from the creation of the world, we learn by examples how honor affirms identity, builds trust, and produces happiness; strong relationships are cultivated; health is preserved; we receive the favor of God and the people around us; and abundance, prosperity and success reign in our lives.

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  • Breaking The Spirit Of Delilah


    A demonic spirit has placed a slumbering stranglehold on many highly anointed saints in the modern church. Its mission is to stop believers from fulfilling their destiny by seducing, enticing, and berating them so that they fall asleep, forgetting their true purpose and giving Satan an advantage over God’s people.

    This is the spirit of Delilah. Although the woman named Delilah in Judges 16 was flesh and blood, a demonic spirit controlled her to bring down Samson, one of the mightiest warriors of the Bible. The spirit of Delilah is still thriving amid God’s people today, conspiring to weaken them and thwart their purpose in Christ.

    Prophetic minister Andrew Towe wrote Breaking the Spirit of Delilah: Accessing God’s Power to Topple Ancient Strongholds after an encounter with the Lord in which He revealed the enemy’s agenda to entice believers into a passionless Christianity that is void of power. God commissioned Andrew to expose the spirit whose assignment is to lull God’s warriors into a deadening sleep that leaves them powerless.

    Breaking the Spirit of Delilah contains explosive information concerning Christian living, spiritual warfare, prayer, and revival.

    *If you believe the gifts of the Holy Spirit are not for you…
    *If you believe God does not have a plan for your life…
    *If you’re not sure God’s Word can be trusted…

    Then this book is for you! Don’t let the spirit of Delilah make you weak and powerless! Join the fight to expose this wicked spirit and advance God’s kingdom.

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  • Blessing Of Taking Communion


    “Do this in remembrance of Me.” A simple phrase, spoken by Jesus to His disciples in the upper room, remains some of the most meaning-filled words ever spoken. Communion. The Lord’s Supper. The body and blood of Christ. Known by many names and observed by believers for over 2000 years, it is one of the most sacred and unifying ordinances ever given to the church. Yet many believers fail to comprehend the significance to their daily lives. So much more than a box to check, a tradition to keep, or a movement to go through. It is a wonderful gift, freely given by Jesus for the benefit of the body, and it is filled with meaning, blessing, and significance. A standing invitation offered to us to spend time with Jesus, receive all supply from Heaven, and enjoy unbroken relationship with our heavenly Father. In this book, discover ten Communion encounters designed to offer greater insight and deeper understanding into one of the greatest exchanges in the history of mankind.

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  • Mind Battles : Root Out Mental Triggers To Release Peace


    Fear is one of the driving forces of our lives, especially when times are dark and we don’t know who to trust. Our own minds can torment us when we experience emotional ailments, vain imaginations, uncontrollable thoughts, demonic attacks, or mental health issues.

    “We all have a battle that triggers unproductive and unfruitful thoughts,” explains prophetic deliverance minister and author Kathy DeGraw. “Although the battle rages in our minds, the truth is we have the power within us to capture, dismiss, and change every negative thought.”

    In Mind Battles: Root Out Mental Triggers to Release Peace, you will discover:

    *The Bible’s arsenal of tools and weapons to uproot demonic strongholds
    *How to take control of vain imaginations
    *The root cause of depressing and tormenting thoughts that threaten your destiny
    *Revelation and application to receive mental breakthroughs
    *Practical examples and biblical insights for breaking mind-binding torment
    *Step-by-step instructions and principles that will release mental peace
    *Applications, prayers, and prophetic activations for deliverance

    When you uproot the mental triggers that are trying to destroy your peace of mind, you’ll find that supernatural healing awaits.

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  • Truly Truly I Say To You


    The most precious words this world has ever heard came from the voice of Jesus. “It is I, do not be afraid”; “I am the Light of the World”; “I go to Prepare a Place for You”; “It is finished.” These are just some of the powerful, life-renewing words spoken by Jesus in the first century. As we read them in John’s Gospel, the Holy Spirit makes these same words come alive in our hearts today.

    With devotions and prayers from Adam Ramsey, along with insights from the 19th-century “Prince of Preachers,” Charles Spurgeon, you will encounter Jesus through these pages and experience the transforming power and tender comfort of his voice.

    These 40 devotions are ideal for Lent, with two extra special reflections added for Easter Sunday and Monday. They can also be used at any time through the year, to deepen your own walk with Jesus.

    As Jesus’ words of grace and truth shine a light into your heart, you’ll learn more about yourself. But more importantly, you’ll learn more about him, as you marvel at his character and find yourself captivated by his presence.

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  • Jesus : The God Who Knows Your Name


    Do you ever feel like Jesus couldn’t possibly know what you are going through? He’s the God of the universe after all! Does he really know your daily struggles? The good news is: he does.

    For thirty-three years Jesus felt everything you have ever felt: weakness, weariness, sadness, rejection. His feet got tired and his head ached. He was tempted and his strength was tested. And you know why? Because in becoming human, Jesus made it possible for us to see God. His tears, God’s tears. His voice, God’s voice. Want to know what matters to God? Find out what matters to Jesus. Want to know what in the world God is doing? Ponder the words and life of Jesus.

    For more than three decades, pastor and bestselling author Max Lucado has shown us Jesus. In this capstone book, he takes us further on the journey to know the life and character of the Savior.

    This book describes both the person Jesus was on earth and how to live in a personal relationship with him. It is divided into six sections:

    *Miracle Worker
    *Lamb of God
    *Returning King

    This compilation from Max Lucado gives readers the chance to become more familiar with the man at the center of the greatest story ever told. Max explores Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, including how Jesus interacted with his friends and his enemies, what he did with time alone, and how he acted at a party.

    Max writes, “Don’t settle for a cursory glance or a superficial understanding. Look long into the heart of Christ and you’ll see it. Grace and life. Forgiveness of sin. The defeat of death. This is the hope he gives.”

    Jesus wants you to know him. As you read these pages, may the hero of all history talk to you personally, and may you find in him the answer to your deepest needs.

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  • Gods Vision For The Church


    In this compelling look at God’s vision and design for the body of Christ, internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince describes the original blueprint for the church: loved, redeemed, transformed, and called. Discover deeper meaning through the pictures of God’s church from Ephesians, including the assembly, the body of Christ, the workmanship, the family, the temple, the bride, and the army. Explore the daily lifestyle of the local church as well as the future of all God’s people. Highlights include:

    *The powerful, productive New Testament life
    *God’s program of transformation
    *Our place in God’s exciting community
    *True fellowship among believers
    *Our role in fulfilling the Great Commission

    We can be infused with a new sense of power and expectation as we learn what it means to be a vital member of the body of Christ. And we can help fulfill God’s vision for the church by becoming dynamic ambassadors of His message to a lost world.

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  • 101 Maneras Sencillas De Reduc – (Spanish)


    Aunque muchos de nosotros priorizamos nuestra salud fisica a traves del ejercicio y una alimentacion saludable, a menudo nos olvidamos de dedicar tiempo a estimular nuestra mente, estado de animo y salud mental. Sin embargo, la mente es la fuente de todos nuestros pensamientos, palabras y acciones; cuando nuestro pensamiento no es saludable, nuestras vidas no seran saludables, incluso si vamos al gimnasio siete veces a la semana y comemos col rizada todos los dias.

    Es muy importante que nos concentremos en el autocuidado mental y en reducir el estres diario, ya que la fortaleza mental y la resiliencia nos ayudaran a superar los momentos dificiles y nos ayudaran a lograr el exito en todas las areas de nuestras vidas. Usando el increible poder de nuestra mente, podemos persistir y crecer en respuesta a los desafios de la vida.

    Deje que la autora y neurocientifica de gran exito, la Dra. Caroline Leaf, le ayude a cambiar su vida cambiando su forma de pensar con 101 formas sencillas de reducir el estres. Con estrategias simples para el autocuidado mental, podemos cambiar la forma en que pensamos y vivimos nuestras vidas.

    Although many of us prioritize our physical health through exercise and healthy eating, we often forget to spend time boosting our mind, mood, and mental health. Yet the mind is the source of all our thoughts, words, and actions; when our thinking is unhealthy, our lives will be unhealthy-even if we go to the gym seven times a week and eat kale every day.

    It is so important that we focus on mental self-care and reducing daily stress, since mental toughness and resilience will get us through difficult times and help us achieve success in every area of our lives. Using the incredible power of our minds, we can persist and grow in response to life’s challenges.

    Let bestselling author and neuroscientist Dr. Caroline Leaf help you change your life by changing your mind with 101 simple ways to reduce stress. With simple strategies for mental self-care, we can change the way we think and how we live our lives.

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  • 21 Days Of Prayer To Overcome Strongholds


    No matter who you are or where you live, you are in the middle of a war. Strongholds hinder you from becoming all that God desires for you and the person you truly long to be.

    In this war, Satan has specific assignments against us that can become strongholds in our lives–issues involving anger, sex, alcohol, drugs, pornography, food, obsessive thoughts of fear or anxiety, depression, and hatred.

    In 21 Days of Prayer to Overcome Strongholds, author Jim Maxim takes you on a journey of intercessory warfare in which you will learn firsthand the truths that dominate the unseen reality of the supernatural world.

    The Bible tells us that in this battle, “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal [made of flesh and bones] but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:4).

    God’s truth and the power of intercessory prayer will enable you to wield the spiritual weapons that cast down the strongholds in your life and the lives of your loved ones.

    Knowing God–and knowing that He’s at work in you with His power and His plan–will enable you to have victory over demonic strongholds like negative emotions, addictions, compulsiveness, inferiority complex, and anything else that is out of control. All of these can be broken and defeated every time through the power of prayer, just as Jesus taught us.
    At the end of each day’s reading, you are invited to join Jim for interactive, intercessory prayer to overcome the strongholds around you.

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  • Finding Hope In A Dark Place


    “When you’re in a dark place, it is also a sacred place because God is there with you.”

    In this refreshingly candid book, author, life coach, and conference speaker Clarence Shuler shares his own story of depression and how, by God’s grace, he learned how to effectively manage it. Shuler’s story will help you receive grace in your own struggles.

    Joining Clarence is Monique Gadson (affectionately known as “Dr. Mo”), a licensed counselor who helped Clarence escape a very dark place in his life. Learn from Dr. Mo as she offers counseling insights and expertise woven throughout Clarence’s story, bringing clarity and wisdom to anyone desperate for hope. In the “Your Journey” section at the end of each chapter, you will be guided to reflect on your own walk in darkness and find ways back to joy.

    Finding Hope in a Dark Place part memoir, part mentorship, part workbook will help you recognize your own story in Clarence’s and remind you that hope is possible and worth pursuing. Even in the darkness, God is with you in that sacred space.

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  • Sanctuary : Cultivating A Quiet Heart In A Noisy And Demanding World – A 31


    Whether it’s the TV or radio continually playing in the background or the persistent pinging on our phones, the constant noise and frenetic pace of modern life can be overwhelming. The cacophony of cultural messages that permeate the air produces an inner restlessness that says, “You should be doing more, saying more, posting more and sharing more.”

    More than ever, we need sanctuary, not only as a refuge from the noise around us but also as a place where God’s truth can be clearly heard.

    This 31-day devotional explores what it means, and what it looks like in very practical ways, to lead the “quiet life” Paul speaks of in 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12. Readers will come to see that a quiet life doesn’t mean escaping from the world around them but their hearts on Christ so that they can live with a clear focus, a quiet confidence and a steady peace.

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  • Believe For It


    From the best-selling female gospel artist of all time CeCe Winans comes a heartfelt guide full of spirit, music, and faith. CeCe’s first book in over 10 years, Believe for It explores what it means to pass along wisdom and faith to generations to come.

    Believe for It: Passing on Faith to the Next Generation beautifully recounts the pivotal experiences in CeCe’s life that have shaped her faith. From her childhood in Detroit and the miracle of motherhood to her award-winning music career, CeCe brings readers along for a story full of heart, passion, and wisdom acquired from her walk with God.

    The Grammy award-winning artist shares stories of her life and career and lessons she’s learned along the way, including:

    *Growing up in a musical family with 9 siblings
    *Starting a church with her husband
    *Planting faith through the Word of God
    *Pushing through obstacles that prevent faith from being passed down
    *Fostering emotional health-mind, body, and spirit-in order to pour into others
    *What it means to be engaged in a community of faith
    *How to nurture the faith of younger generations

    Inspired by Generations-her popular show and conference-CeCe includes thoughtful questions at the end of each chapter to help readers foster their own intergenerational conversations.

    Full of heartfelt and profound teachings, Believe for It offers readers a glimpse into the life of legendary gospel singer CeCe Winans as well as an opportunity to grow in their own faith and wisdom as they pursue a closer relationship with the Lord.

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  • Daily Prayers For Grieving Hearts


    Grief has many phases, and some make it difficult for us to find the words or motivation to pray. In the moments when we need God the most but can’t seem to connect with Him, Daily Prayers for Grieving Hearts can give us language to bridge the gap. This book helps readers remember that God is close to the brokenhearted, deeply attentive to our pain, and capable of healing and restoring us.

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  • Strength For Today For Teens Girls


    You can walk in confidence when you rely on God to be your strength. Be encouraged with truth as you spend time with God, reflecting on these devotions, Scriptures, and prayers. As you spend time with him, he will fill you with peace and hope for each day.

    Let your heavenly Father show you that, through him, even in your weakest moments, you are radiant, and you are strong. Take courage in God’s love for you and be ready to conquer each day!

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  • Ano Con Jesus – (Spanish)


    Este libro de 365 devocionales es parte de la serie Un Ao…. Ayudara y motivara a los lectores a enfocar su tiempo devocional en Dios y Su Palabra. Un ao con Jesus presenta un devocional para cada dia del ao, y busca ayudar al lector a profundizar su relacion con Dios al aprender implicaciones practicas de la Escritura y aplicar valores y sabiduria encontrados en ella a su vida diaria.

    This book of 365 devotions is part of the Un Ao… series. It will help and motivate readers to focus their devotional time on God and His Word. Un ao con Jesus presents a devotion for each day of the year, and each one seeks to deepen the reader’s relationship with God by drawing practical implications from Scripture and applying values and wisdom found in it to daily life.

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  • Suenos Financieros – (Spanish)


    Ivan Vindas acostumbraba orar por las finanzas de las personas en su congregacion, hasta que entendio que Dios le instruyo a ensear a su gente sobre el manejo de las finanzas, ademas de orar. Pudo ver como sus feligreses se superaron economicamente y decidio ofrecer las lecciones al publico en general. Su libro, Sueos Financieros, no solo presenta la importancia de unas finanzas estables para todo aquello que las personas suean, sino es una guia para utilizar los recursos que recibimos y tenemos de la manera mas sabia, para lograr unas finanzas saludables. Este libro es una llamada a la consciencia financiera en un lenguaje facil de entender, inspirado en enseanzas biblicas, con el proposito de provocar cambios en las finanzas personales de quien lo lea.

    Ivan Vindas used to pray for the finances of the people in his congregation, until he understood that God instructed him to teach his people about managing finances, in addition to praying. He was able to see how his parishioners outgrew themselves financially and decided to offer the lessons to the general public. His book, Financial Dreams, not only presents the importance of stable finances for everything that people dream of, but is also a guide to use the resources we receive and have in the wisest way, to achieve healthy finances. This book is a call to financial awareness in easy-to-understand language, inspired by biblical teachings, with the purpose of causing changes in the personal finances of those who read it.

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  • Good Boundaries And Goodbyes


    Number-one New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst helps readers stop the dysfunction of unhealthy relationships by showing them biblical ways to set boundaries–and, when necessary, say goodbye–without losing the best of who they are.

    Relationships are wonderful . . . until they’re not.

    Have you ever thought, I can’t keep doing this–something has to change? Or, I’ve tried everything to fix this relationship but nothing is working–I fear I’m becoming someone I don’t even like? Or even, I love this person, but this is starting to feel impossible?

    You’ve listened to all the advice. But you’re beginning to realize that if the other person doesn’t want to change what’s broken in the relationship, you can’t change it on your own. So now what?

    Lysa TerKeurst understands this dance with dysfunction and wants to be your insightful, compassionate friend who will teach you that it isn’t unloving to set a boundary, and it isn’t unchristian to say goodbye. You’ll be relieved to learn that boundaries aren’t just a good idea, they’re a God idea.

    This eye-opening book will be refreshingly helpful in giving you the biblical wisdom and confidence to set boundaries you can keep, communicate them, and finally see them working in your life. Good Boundaries and Goodbyes was born out of Lysa’s own personal struggles with boundaries, extensive theological research, and therapeutic experiences that transformed the way she defined and pursued healthy relationships. Lysa is now more committed than ever to loving people well without losing the best of who she is. She wants to help you do the same.

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  • Jesus Calling Deluxe Edition (Large Type)


    Jesus Calling was written to help people connect not only with Jesus, the living Word, but also with the Bible-the only infallible, inerrant Word of God. Sarah endeavors to keep her devotional writing consistent with that unchanging standard. Many readers have shared that Sarah’s books have helped them grow to love God’s Word. As Sarah states in the introduction to Jesus Calling, “The devotions . . . are meant to be read slowly, preferably in a quiet place with your Bible open.”

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  • Out Of The Embers


    Deconstruction: Trendy brand name for falling away from belief in God? Or a process essential to authentic faith?

    Liberation or trauma? Prison break or exile?

    It’s complicated. Just like you.

    Christian history records a Great Reformation and a Great Awakening. But today’s “Great Deconstruction” will surely leave an equally profound impact.

    In Out of the Embers, Bradley Jersak explores the necessity, perils, and possibilities of the Great Deconstruction-how it has the potential to either sabotage our communion with God or infuse it with the breath of life, the light and life of Christ himself.

    In this collection of vulnerable memoirs, philosophical memos, and candid provocations, Jersak resists both the hand-wringing urge to corral stray sheep and the exultant desire to play the happy-clappy Ex-vangelical cheerleader. He employs the wisdom and expertise of the great deconstructionists-Christianity’s ancient influences (Moses, Plato, Paul, and the Patristics), “beloved frenemies” (from Voltaire to Nietzsche), and the masters of deconstruction (Dostoevsky, Kierkegaard, and Weil)-to double down and deconstruct deconstruction itself.

    Where is faith after deconstruction? The author’s heart is to engage and empathize with the bereft and disoriented, stoking the brittle ashes for live embers. In this quest for the resilient gospel of the martyrs, the marginal, and those outside the threshold…inexplicably, in this liminal space, life stirs. A Light shines through the ashes. We find, often for the first time, that living connection Jersak calls “presence in communion.”

    There is a sea change occurring across the Western church and civilization. Whether we’re watching a radical course correction or a complete collapse remains to be seen, and how it pans out will likely depend on how we see what’s happening, who we are becoming, how we live in response-and, most important, where we find Christ situated in this storm.

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  • Gods Word : A Guide To Holy Scripture


    You read it. But do you understand it?

    While the Bible is the most famous book in history, it can be intimidating. Yet God’s word is for us and all people. It is living and active and has the power to save, give life, and heal. Do we read the Bible attuned to the power of God’s word?

    John W. Kleinig opens up the riches found in the Bible. He likens God’s word to a lavish meal that nourishes and satisfies our souls. He shows us the centrality of Scripture to Christian faith–the word through which the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit speak with one voice to believers on Earth.

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