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Comparative Religions

  • Christian Denominations Pamphlet


    See 11 major Christian denominations side by side in this bestselling, UPDATED fold-out comparison chart. Includes: Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, Anabaptist (Mennonite and Brethren), Anglican (Episcopal), Reformed (Presbyterian), Congregational, Baptist, Methodist, Churches of Christ, and Pentecostal churches. Whether you’re answering a question during a small group study or refreshing your memory before a presentation, this solid pamphlet can help you glean what you need to know in seconds.

    Each denomination believes in the deity of Christ and the importance of Scripture, so how are the groups different? The bestselling Christian Denominations pamphlet is a glossy, easy-to-use comparison chart that provides a side-by-side format that compares what 11 Christian denominations believe about God, the Trinity, Jesus, and other key areas. Enjoy easily comparing unique details such as:

    *What each denomination believes about God and Jesus Christ, the Bible, salvation, the afterlife, church leadership, and the sacraments (baptism and Communion)

    *When and where each denomination was founded

    *Number of adherents (worldwide and US)

    *Largest divisions and groups today

    Also includes:

    *Family tree of denominations with historical dates and modern groups
    *Current trends in the US: evangelical, mainline, nondenominational, and more
    *Concise definitions for more than 25 important church terms to know

    Key Features of the Christian Denominations Pamphlet

    *Easy to use: It’s never been easier to get a concise summary of the top 11 Christian denominations than with this slimline foldout resource.

    *Highly visual: With Rose’s popular chart format, you can get information at a glance by referencing this side-by-side comparison chart.

    *Flexible: Whether you’re using this pamphlet for individual referencing or are putting together a lesson on Christian denominations, this resource will get you reliable facts, dates, and statistics you need to know.

    *Packable: No more heavy volumes to carry! This sturdy, ultra-slimline pamphlet is laminated and easily slips into the covers/cases of most Bibles. Pack it into your backpack, purse, or bookbag for on-the-go convenience.

    This is an excellent resource for pastors and teachers who want to present denominational beliefs in an objective and focused way. This pamphlet’s glossy coating makes it durable, but still thin enough to fit in the back of a Bible.

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  • What Is Islam


    How to love your Muslim neighbor.

    Islam is the second–most popular and fastest–growing religion in the world. Islam and Christianity share some common commitments, but there are crucial differences. However, the greatest barrier to dialogue is that Christians and Muslims often misunderstand each other. Do you understand Islam?

    In What Is Islam?, Chawkat Moucarry compares the teachings of Islam and Christianity on the most essential issues, such as the Bible, God, Jesus, sin and forgiveness, Muhammad, and God’s kingdom. Moreover, Moucarry dispels the many myths and misconceptions that both religions hold about the other, paving the way for charitable discussion. Understand how the gospel is good news for everyone.

    The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.

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  • Engaging With Mormons


    A former Mormon writes an introduction to what Mormons believe and how Christians can reach out to them with the gospel.

    Many people see Mormons as just another branch of the Christian church, and to be admired, perhaps, for their family life, morality and upright culture.

    But the theology and spirituality of this cult are very far from an orthodox biblical understanding of true saving faith. And yet Christians are often fearful of engaging in conversations about the gospel with Mormons, knowing that there are suspicions and complex issues that lie beneath the surface.

    This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches to understand more about the beliefs, mindset and motivations of those who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons), and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel.

    Written at a level that everyone can understand, this book emphasizes the importance of forming loving, honest and open relationships as part of the way we engage with our Mormon friends and neighbors, and with those who may come knocking at our doors.

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  • World Religions In A Nutshell


    This concise guide not only clearly explains the difference between Christianity and the other major religions, but will arm you with all the ammunition you need to go out into the battle with confidence.

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  • Cristianismo Sectas Y Religion – (Spanish)


    If you have an unsusual appetite for knowledge, the Themes of Faith collection provides simple easy-to-use information on a variety of topics right at your fingertips. Fully illustrated.
    Sized to fit perfectly in the back of a Bible or study notebook. A knowledge-retention booster.

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  • Christianity Cults And Religions Pamphlet


    Size 8.5″ X 5.5″ – 12-14 Panels Unfolds To 33″ Long.
    High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

    Additional Info
    Compare 18 World Religions and Cults at a Glance!
    Best-seller Christianity, Cults & Religions wall chart compares the beliefs of 18 world religions and cults at a glance! Know what each group believes about God, Jesus, Salvation, and more. Researched by some of the top scholars in the field, the chart features more groups than any other side-by-side chart and contains the most up-to-date information. Includes information regarding:
    * Christianity
    * Judaism
    * Islam
    * Buddhism
    * Hinduism
    * Mormonism
    * Unification Church
    * Jehovah’s Witnesses
    * Christian Science
    * Scientology
    * Unity School of Christianity
    * New Age
    * Spiritualism
    * Hare Krishna
    * Armstrongism (latest updates)
    * Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism
    * Bahi World Faith
    * Transcendental Meditation(TM)

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