Showing 1–50 of 60 resultsSorted by latest
Story Of Jesus
$6.30Outreach Edition of the Gospel of John Draws in Readers with an Inviting Layout, Thoughtful Introductions, and Reflection Questions
The New Testament book of John beautifully captures the gospel, explaining the eternal Word of God, Jesus’ ministry and miracles, and the sacrificial love of the Savior. The Story of Jesus shares this message in an inviting, book-like format that’s accessible for nonbelievers and new Christians. Each section of Scripture opens with a gospel-rich devotion that summarizes the passage and helps readers take to heart its truth. Short reflection questions invite readers to engage further with the text.
Available in case quantities of 50, The Story of Jesus is designed for churches to use during evangelism and outreach events to help readers understand who Jesus is so they may believe and have life in his name (John 20:31).
*Outreach Edition of the Gospel of John: Features engaging devotions throughout that orient readers to what they are about to learn
*Inviting Layout: Single-column, book-like style with small verse numbers, no footnotes, and large, 11-point type
*Accessible for Nonbelievers: Uses clear, nontechnical language
*Additional Resources: Includes “To Be a Christian” by J. I. Packer, a list of key verses within the Gospel of John, and a simple glossary specific to the Gospel of John
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Its Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
$3.99What makes Christmas feel special for you? Fairy lights? Familiar Christmas movies? Seeing friends and family?
There’s so much to love about Christmas, but what if you’re missing out on the best thing of all?
In this engaging, thoughtful and winsome book, Andrew Wilson takes us to the first Christmas to show that what can make our Christmases truly special is Jesus, the light of the world. Andrew Wilson explains how Jesus makes a difference to the darkness of this world-and how he can make a difference to our lives too.
This short and warmly-written book is perfect for giving away to family, friends and neighbors, as well as giving away at Christmas services and Christmas outreach events.
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50 Years Of Open-Air Preaching
$16.99In the midst of a godless culture, Paul did what was necessary to reach the masses with the message of everlasting life: he reasoned about Jesus “in the marketplace daily with those who happened to be there” (Acts 17:17) and he found a hill to preach on. We too are living in the midst of a godless society, and those in the streets desperately need to hear God’s Word. If we are serious about reaching this dying world, let us emulate Jesus and the apostles and preach where sinners gather. In thirty minutes, a good open-air preacher can reach more unsaved people than the average church does in a year. If you’re ready for something more exhilarating than skydiving, arguably more scary, and infinitely more productive, try peaching the gospel in public. For more than fifty years Ray Comfort has preached the gospel in the open air and witnessed one-to-one to thousands. During those years he has learned certain biblical principles that make reaching the lost so much easier.
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Each One Reach One
$19.99This energizing, highly interactive book from Grammy-nominated recording artist and two-time Dove Award-winner Babbie Mason inspires us to share our God story with confidence.
Many of us want to talk about our faith with others, but we feel unprepared and uncomfortable. Written for Christians who long to live with more boldness and purpose,
Each One Reach One equips us to:*Find our own unique style of talking about Jesus.
*Approach evangelism with enthusiasm rather than a sense of obligation.
*Anticipate opportunities for telling others about Christianity.
*Use Scripture and reflection questions to draw closer to God’s heart.
*Experience the joy of seeing others as Christ sees us.Sharing our story of Jesus doesn’t have anything to do with rote lines, preachy words, or guilty feelings. As Babbie shows us, it has everything to do with listening well, practicing compassion, and demonstrating Christ’s joy.
Includes free streaming access to bonus videos.
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Soul Winning Church
$16.99Your church’s sermons often include a call to evangelize. You’ve held evangelism training events. You give out invites to your Christmas and Easter services. So… where are all the new Christians? Is your church actually reaching the lost with the gospel?
For many of us, despite having the best intentions, our churches struggle to reach out with the gospel effectively. J.A. Medders and Dr. Doug Logan, Jr. have decades of experience in leading churches and mentoring pastors, and here they outline six principles for cultivating a genuine evangelistic culture throughout your church.
Includes case studies from a variety of different cultures and contexts to give you practical ideas for implementing these six principles.
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Gospeler : Turning Darkness Into Light One Conversation At A Time
$19.99Do you want to share your faith more easily and naturally? Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty says that if you can tell someone about your spouse, kids, friends, school, pets, and hobbies, you know how to talk about the most important thing in your life, your Lord!
Could you share the gospel with another person? Would you know where to start? Do you even know what the gospel is? It’s the Good News of Jesus, and a gospeler is simply someone who shares it with others.
Willie Robertson writes about his story of faith, which came about in large part because a stranger went out of his way–as well as his comfort zone–to have a spiritual conversation with Willie’s father, Phil. And from that story, he tells readers how they, too, can talk about Jesus with their family, friends, neighbors, and even people they meet along the way. Gospeler will help readers:
*Celebrate the gospel genealogy that led to their faith and be inspired to grow their spiritual family tree.
*Understand that sharing the gospel is not preaching but having a conversation.
*Keep sharing the gospel with someone, knowing that Jesus never gives up on us.
*Focus on what’s truly important (Jesus) instead of what’s not (religion).
Being a gospeler is not complicated. And the more you share Jesus, the easier it gets. Maybe you believe other people are better at sharing their faith and it is not your gift. Maybe you think you don’t know the Bible well enough. Or you might say you haven’t figured it all out yourself, so you aren’t equipped to help anyone else. Whatever may be holding you back will be covered in this book, giving you the inspiration, guidance, and encouragement you need.
When the gospel is heard, accepted, and responded to, it’s not just a cool story, it is a game-changer. And it can spread across the world–starting with one conversation you have with another. In addition to this book, an accompanying 64-page booklet is available to share with others.
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Sharing Jesus With Confidence
$4.69Do you want to share your faith more easily and naturally? This companion booklet to Gospeler by Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty is a practical guide for Christ followers to read and give to those seeking God’s truth and love.
Could you share the gospel with another person? Would you know where to start? Do you even know what the gospel is? It’s the Good News of Jesus, and a gospeler is simply someone who shares it with others. Willie Robertson says that if you can tell someone about your spouse, kids, friends, school, pets, and hobbies, you know how to talk about the most important thing in your life, your Lord!
This 64-page booklet is a companion to the trade book Gospeler, in which Willie writes about his story of faith that came about in large part because a stranger went out of his way–as well as his comfort zone–to have a spiritual conversation with his father, Phil. This booklet will provide readers with:
*Inspiration and encouragement to follow Jesus more faithfully.
*Scriptures pointing to salvation found in Jesus alone.
*Step-by-step guidance in understanding and responding to Christ’s calling.
*Guidance on sharing the Good News of Jesus effectively, whether a new believer or a Christian for decades.
*Counsel on how to stay focused on what’s truly important (Jesus) instead of what’s not (religion)
When the gospel is heard, accepted, and responded to, it’s not just a cool story, it is a game-changer. And it can spread across the world–starting with a simple conversation you have with someone.
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Why Jesus : Answering Life’s Most Important Question
$17.99Jesus is our hope.
The world offers countless choices for how to live and who to follow. With each conflicting option, we’re often left uncertain and confused in our search for truth and meaning.
Ray Comfort has spent decades pointing people to Jesus. Now he describes how you, too, can share the truth and love of the Lord with confidence to a world that needs hope. Taking you step-by-step through real-life evangelistic conversations, Why Jesus? will help you:
*recognize Jesus as the only path to everlasting life,
*identify lies that distort humanity’s view of God, and
*use the Bible to highlight our need of the Savior.Surrender your fears and trust God’s faithfulness to transform lives as you share the good news with those around you.
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Usted Es Especial 25 Pack – (Spanish)
$4.47Everyone is special to God, and he loves and desires to know each of us personally. This all-time bestselling tract, redesigned and translated into Spanish, reveals Christ’s loving and merciful heart for those who place their identity in him.
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Christmas Uncut : What Really Happened And Why It Really Matters
$3.99The nativity story is often seen as cute and cuddly and for kids. But that’s because some of what really happened at the first Christmas has been edited out! The full, unabridged, uncut story is full of twists and turns, controversy and mystery.
This best-selling book, now revised and updated, tells readers what really happened all those years ago, and why it really matters for our lives and futures today.
Warm and witty, short and easy to read, Christmas Uncut is perfect for giving out at Christmas services and events, or to nonbelieving family and friends.
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How To Talk About Jesus Without Looking Like An Idiot
$17.99Have natural conversations with your friends and family about your faith. Discover four key questions that invite people into engaging discussions about what matters most in life.
Why is it so difficult to talk to our closest friends about what’s most important to us? Our true identity? Our hopes and dreams? Our true purpose and faith? Andy Bannister struggled with that question himself. As a twentysomething, he operated as an Undercover Christian at his job. He knew it didn’t make sense, and he spent the following decades helping countless people find easy, natural ways to discuss the fundamental questions of life with the ones they love. How to Talk about Jesus without Looking like an Idiot explores:
*why you don’t need to be afraid or uncomfortable,
*the four questions that help people open up,
*the five steps to respond to tough questions,and
*how to effortlessly bring faith into a conversation.It doesn’t need to be awkward. Let Andy help you find easy ways to talk about the true meaning of life with your friends and family.
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Fulfilling Our Mission
$16.99Fulfilling our Mission by noted international evangelist Reinhard Bonnke explores truths, stories, and principles from the Bible that show how to effectively reach out to others with the love of God and the salvation of Jesus Christ. This book builds upon Bonnke’s previous book, Hell Empty, Heaven Full, demonstrating God’s great compassion for the world.
Tens of millions of people came to know Christ through Bonnke’s ministry. As he explains, in evangelism, there is no “right” way of doing things but only right principles, principles that can be drawn from the New Testament.
In Scripture, God equipped the least likely individuals for His providential purposes. He wants each one of us to participate in reaching the world because He deeply loves all people. Where the Holy Spirit provides the tiniest spark, a start can be made. You cannot learn to play the piano better by hearing more lectures about piano-playing techniques. You have to put your fingers on the keys. Evangelism is not a sit-down-and-learn topic alone. It is a hands-on activity, a demand, a challenge, a commission, and a consuming passion!
From biblical times to today, believers have claimed God’s promises and moved forward in faith. The Word, not some subjective impulse, is our authority for action and will bring about success in outreach that causes men, women, and children to know Christ and be brought into the eternal kingdom of God.
Today, Jesus calls us to go into all the world and make disciples. How will we respond? God not only accompanies those who are go-getters, but He also makes and equips them. With the Word as our guide, let us begin a serious and determined effort to fulfill the commission Jesus us gave to reach everyone in the world with the message of His salvation and usher in His return!
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Hell Empty Heaven Full
$16.99Every day, millions of people who don’t know Jesus Christ as their Savior move farther down the dark road to destruction. But as international evangelist Reinhard Bonnke says, hell was never designed for people, and heaven is expecting them! Tens of millions of people have come to know Christ through Reinhard’s ministry. In this book, he shares his contagious passion for bringing the gospel to the lost.
Each chapter in Hell Empty, Heaven Full discusses biblical stories that highlight how God’s priority is saving people and how He wants us to join Him in that process. As Reinhard says, “Our calling is to put a kind hand on the shoulder of the world and turn it round to see God. It will adore Him. The Lord is the Savior…. He loves because to love gives Him joy. He loves beyond all the parameters of human affection and makes even the assault of the cross an expression of His love. His pain asserts it. He finds satisfaction in giving, pouring Himself out to us, surrounding us with wonders, making His redeemed the garden of delight in which He walks. To proclaim the gospel is to move for Him, act with Him, love in Him, and delight in His joy as the privilege, meaning and purpose of all life.”
Filled with vivid illustrations, this book is designed to show you how to reach the lost as Jesus did: with the passion and compassion of the heavenly Father.
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Never Ashamed : Stories Of Sharing Faith With Scoffers And Skeptics
$14.99Most books on evangelism deal primarily with different approaches to sharing the good news. From street ministry to personal witnessing, books abound on how to present the gospel in a variety of ways and situations.
But Never Ashamed isn’t a book about how. Rather, it’s a book about why. Author Avi Snyder explains:
*Why we mustn’t be ashamed of sharing the good news in an open and direct fashion.
*Why believers find it difficult to share the good news of salvation, despite the variety of fruit that always abounds.
*Why non-believers often choose to walk away from the claims of the Messiah, even when they know or at least suspect in their hearts that His claims are true.
*Why the early church felt compelled to proclaim His message, regardless of the risks and costs.
More than this, however, Never Ashamed is a book of stories:
*The man who told Avi he wouldn’t stop him from jumping out a window.
*The Marxist lady trying to figure him out who eventually concluded he was a provocateur
*The woman who prayed for God to give her compassion like Him and wept when she received it
*The Soviet guard who helped Avi’s team pass out literature
These and many more encounters that Avi shares will make you laugh, cry, and be filled with joy at the winsome ways in which he brings people to Jesus.
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By All Means
$8.99When Ray Comfort scooped up his tired dog Sam as it ran beside his bike, the animal loved it. So he built a platform on his bike, sat him on it, added a seatbelt, and put sunglasses on the dog. To his surprise people came out from their homes to take photos. Women called out “How cute!” Drivers gave a thumbs up. Sam suddenly became a wonderful way to meet strangers. In this book you will find ways, which you never thought possible, to connect with strangers and fulfill the Great Commission.
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Personal Evangelism : 22 Lessons To Effectively Share The Gospel
$15.00SOUL WINNING IS OUR BUSINESS! Jesus made it clear that we are to bring others to His Father. He said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” But many Christians don’t know how to win souls for their Savior. They are too timid to speak out, don’t know what to say, or don’t want to offend anyone. Legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon offers a solution in Personal Evangelism: 22 Lessons to Effectively Share the Gospel. He takes readers through all possible scenarios of reaching the lost, from those who have false hopes to the indifferent, from the skeptical to those who have broken fellowship with the church. “Until soul winning becomes the business of our life, we will not lead many from darkness to light,” Kenyon says. “Soul winning is the art of arts. We are selling the greatest thing in the world. The joy that it gives to the one who finds Christ, the blessings that go into the home, can never be estimated. The man you lead to Christ may become a key man in some community, turning a whole section of men to Christ.” Our time is not our own, but belongs to the Lord. When we evangelize to snatch souls from the hands of the enemy, we give them strength, joy, and success, and obtain more stars in our own heavenly crown.
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Gospel Of John
$2.99New King James Version, Scripture Portions, Ray Comfort
Additional Info
The world’s most valuable message packaged to appeal to the lost.This unique, conveniently sized Gospel of John uses a very eye-catching cover to stir curiosity. Designed after Ray Comfort’s best-selling gospel tract, with over 60 million in print, it’s a sure way to get the world’s attention.
This creative approach makes it easy to share the gospel and conveys a message far more valuable than a mere one million dollars: how to find the riches of everlasting life.
Includes a gospel presentation as well as “The Uniqueness of Jesus” – a 14-page summary of Jesus’ unprecedented words and unparalleled works.
Ideal for personal witnessing, church outreach, and evangelism events. For bulk distribution, see “The Vault,” which contains 100 copies of the “million dollar” Gospel of John.
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Mere Evangelism : 10 Insights From C.S. Lewis To Help You Share Your Faith
$16.99Evangelism is an extraordinary task; it’s what God uses to bring people from death to life. But it has always been difficult.
C.S. Lewis was used by God in the conversions of countless people, from friends and acquaintances in his own lifetime to modern-day readers of books such as The Chronicles of Narnia and Mere Christianity (the most influential Christian book of the 20th century). As Tim Keller comments, “C.S. Lewis was incredibly skilled at getting Christianity across in a way that’s powerful to thoughtful people. So, if we want help with evangelism, there is much we can learn from the clarity and imagination of this hugely influential Christian writer.
You may feel inadequate to the task; after all, there is only one C.S. Lewis. But evangelist Randy Newman skillfully helps us to apply the methods Lewis used (storytelling, humor, imagery and more) in our own conversations.
You will be equipped to talk about your faith and engage with unbelievers wisely, whatever their attitude towards the Christian faith.
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Gods Team : Unleashing The Full Power Of The Church
$17.99God’s Team – Unleashing the Full Power of the Church is a call to all Christians to fulfil their role in the Body of Christ so the gospel is both preached and lived out in society. If both pastors and church members embrace this then the Church will achieve its global ministry to preach the gospel to every person.
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Searching For Christmas
$5.99Discover the awesome God at the heart of the familiar Christmas story and discover the joy, hope, purpose, and belonging we’re all searching for.
Most of us are familiar with the events of the first Christmas-the manger scene, shepherds watching sheep, angels singing their songs, and wise men arriving-but what if there’s more to the story? What if the birth of Jesus is actually the most significant event in all of history and can transform our lives?
This evangelistic book goes beyond the birth of Jesus to look at what he did when he grew up and how he fulfilled the names given to him centuries beforehand by the prophet Isaiah.
In a compelling, insightful, winsome and personal way, J.D. Greear shows that if we get to know the God who lies behind the Christmas story and at the heart of the Christmas story, we’ll discover the joy, hope, purpose and belonging we’re all searching for.
Readers will see that Jesus is the Wonderful Counsellor, who can guide them in all truth; the Mighty God, who made and owns everything; the Eternal Father, who they can trust to love them for ever; and the Prince of Peace, who died in their place so that they can be forgiven and accepted eternally.
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Engaging With Mormons
$14.99A former Mormon writes an introduction to what Mormons believe and how Christians can reach out to them with the gospel.
Many people see Mormons as just another branch of the Christian church, and to be admired, perhaps, for their family life, morality and upright culture.
But the theology and spirituality of this cult are very far from an orthodox biblical understanding of true saving faith. And yet Christians are often fearful of engaging in conversations about the gospel with Mormons, knowing that there are suspicions and complex issues that lie beneath the surface.
This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches to understand more about the beliefs, mindset and motivations of those who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons), and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel.
Written at a level that everyone can understand, this book emphasizes the importance of forming loving, honest and open relationships as part of the way we engage with our Mormon friends and neighbors, and with those who may come knocking at our doors.
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Serve Your City Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)
$6.95An ARC Resources Title
This Participant’s Guide small group curriculum draws people to the heart of God, reveals their unique giftedness, and points them to practical opportunities to reach the people in their neighborhoods and communities.
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Sirve A Tu Ciudad 15 Ideas – (Spanish)
$2.99An ARC Resources Title
This companion piece to Serve Your City includes 15 practical ideas to serve as an inspiration for those wanting to explore a range of options on how they can best serve people in their neighborhoods and communities.
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Serve Your City Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)
$6.95An ARC Resources Title
In this Leader’s Guide companion to Serve Your City, we’ll take seven weeks of content to look at God’s heart of compassion, how He has equipped us to serve, and how groups can serve most effectively.
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Sirve A Tu Ciudad – (Spanish)
$17.99An ARC Resources Title
Through the pages of the Gospels, we see Jesus model a “show and tell” life and ministry to His followers- He “showed” them how to serve by healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and caring for the poor-and while He was demonstrating compassion, He taught them, “telling” them of God’s immense love. This is the way to show God’s heart of compassion for the people in our cities and towns, and this is the way to break down barriers so people will listen to the life-changing message of the gospel of grace. In this book, you’ll sense Dino’s heart, be inspired by his stories and learn from his experiences, as well as many ARC churches that are serving their cities with a Jesus-style no-strings-attached kind of love. This is at the core of who ARC is – a deep passion to see churches thrive as part of the cities they serve.
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Serve Your City
$17.99An ARC Resources Title
Through the pages of the Gospels, we see Jesus model a “show and tell” life and ministry to His followers- He “showed” them how to serve by healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and caring for the poor-and while He was demonstrating compassion, He taught them, “telling” them of God’s immense love. This is the way to show God’s heart of compassion for the people in our cities and towns, and this is the way to break down barriers so people will listen to the life-changing message of the gospel of grace. In this book, you’ll sense Dino’s heart, be inspired by his stories and learn from his experiences, as well as many ARC churches that are serving their cities with a Jesus-style no-strings-attached kind of love. This is at the core of who ARC is – a deep passion to see churches thrive as part of the cities they serve.
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Happily Ever After
$5.99We all long for “happily ever afters”. But let’s face it, life’s just not like that! Or is it?
This evangelistic book takes readers through the Easter story. Good Friday looked like a bad ending to Jesus’ story. But Easter Sunday changed everything…for everyone…for ever after!
Readers will discover how Jesus’ happy ending can be theirs too as they explore how his life, death and resurrection solve the big issues that plague humankind–sin and death.
Easter really can change your life, for good, for ever after!
This book is great to give away to non-believers at Easter.
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Tactics 10th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)
$22.99In a world indifferent or even opposed to Christian truth, followers of Christ must be better equipped to communicate the timeless of the Christian faith. But how do you have a conversation with someone who is intent on proving you wrong and won’t accept the Bible as a source of authority?
In Tactics, Gregory Koukl demonstrates how to artfully regain control of conversations, keeping them moving forward in constructive ways through thoughtful diplomacy. You’ll learn how to maneuver comfortably and graciously through the minefields of a challenging discussion, how to stop challengers in their tracks, and how to turn the tables on question or provocative statement. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to get people thinking about Jesus.
Drawing on extensive experience defending Christianity in the public square, Koukl shows you how to:
*Initiate conversations effortlessly
*Present the truth clearly, cleverly, and persuasively
*Graciously and effectively expose faulty thinking
*Skillfully manage the details of dialogue
*Maintain an engaging, disarming style even under attackTactics provides the game plan for communicating the compelling truth about Christianity with confidence and grace.
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Holy Ambition : To Preach Where Christ Has Not Been Named – Second Revised (Revi
$12.99This vision of, and invitation to, the work of global missions challenges Christians everywhere to cultivate a holy ambition to preach Christ where he has not yet been named.
The apostle Paul had a holy ambition: to preach the gospel to peoples who had never heard. He ached to proclaim Jesus where he had not yet been named. So today, missionaries cross cultures, learn languages, and pour out their lives in word and deed to break through thousands of years of darkness and the reign of Satan over a people who do not know the King of kings and the Savior of the world. Missionaries go to, and minister among, peoples who otherwise have little to no access to the saving news of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.
And since Jesus’s Great Commission to make disciples of all nations is still in effect–and since there are thousands of peoples today who have never heard of him–every church should pray that God would not only make all of us evangelists among our own people, but also that he would raise up from among us missionaries to take the gospel where it has never gone before.
Note to the Second Revised Edition: This book was first released in 2011. Since then, John Piper has continued to preach and write about missions. So, to prepare this Second Revised Edition, Desiring God added four chapters of new material, removed about a third of the original, and freshly edited and organized the remainder.
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School Of Biblical Evangelism 101 Lessons
$34.99In this School of Biblical Evangelism study course, you will learn how to share your faith simply, effectively, and biblically–the way Jesus did. Discover the God-given evangelistic tools that will enable you to confidently talk about your Lord and Savior.
With 101 lessons, this course will help you to prove the authenticity of the bible, provide ample evidence for creation, understand the beliefs of cults and other religions, and learn how to reach both friends and strangers with the Gospel. Tremendous witnessing tool for individuals and for church evangelism classes.
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Life Tastes Better
$3.99It’s easy to think that following Jesus would make life less fun and more limited. Drawing on his decades of introducing the real Jesus to people, founder of NewFrontiers Terry Virgo reveals the surprising truth that the Jesus who turned water into wine is ready to make every life taste better, both now and eternally. Easy-to-read, short, clear, faithful and conversational, this is a perfect book to give to an interested friend.
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Ying And Grace Kais Training For Trainers
$21.16Ying and Grace Kai’s Training for Trainers provides the most reliable resource available today for catalyzing Church Planting Movements. With personal insights and stories from around the world, this book pulls back the curtain and shows you the lives and life lessons behind the movements that have changed the world. Dr. David Garrison, Missionary Author, Church Planting Movements.
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Engaging With Jewish People
Understanding Jewish People
1. Who Are These People?
2. What They Believe
3. Why They Believe
4. What They Think Of Christians
5. What You Must Never Forget
Engaging With Jewish People
6. Establishing Friendship And Trust
7. Bringing Up Uncomfortable Topics
8. Pointing To The Scriptures
9. Answering Objections
10. Connecting With The Body Of The MessiahAdditional Info
Many Christians are fearful of engaging in conversations about their faith with Jewish people-knowing that there are complex issues and suspicions that lie deep beneath the surface. And yet there are many points of contact, and much common ground.This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches understand more about the variety of Jewish people we might work with, meet or know, and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel. Written at a level that everyone can understand, this book emphasizes the importance of forming loving, honest and open relationships as part of the way we engage with our Jewish friends.
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Empowered : Equipping Everyone For Relational Evangelism (DVD)
$24.991. Inadequacy is Compulsory
2. The Cross: The Mess and the Miracle
3. Facing our Fears
4. It’s All About Relationships
5. Cultivating Curiosity
6. The Gospel: The Content and the Response
7. Introducing the Irresistible JesusAdditional Info
So many Christians feel nervous, guilty or awkward when they think about sharing their faith with friends and family.It doesn’t have to be this way. You-whoever you are-can be empowered for evangelism that is faithful, compelling and relational. Empowered will leave ordinary Christians not only wanting to share their faith, but knowing how to talk about Jesus in their normal lives and everyday conversations.
Becky Pippert and her husband Dick have spent the past 13 years doing evangelism training in churches and at conferences on almost every continent. Empowered is the fruit of all these years of working right around the world, of motivating and equipping ordinary Christians to share their faith with those around them.
In the introduction Becky writes:
“Never has there been a greater need to share Christ with the world (starting with our own neighbors)-yet never have believers seemed more ill equipped. It is imperative that we know how to effectively communicate the gospel. We need to get beyond one-size-fits-all techniques. We need to learn to communicate the truth in a way that is also loving. Yet we need to remember, even as we seek to show Christ’s compassionate love, still to share Christ’s gospel truth.”Each session of Empowered opens with a short introduction from Becky before moving to an interactive group Bible study grounded in God’s word. This is followed by a short talk by Becky on the DVD. Becky’s warm, personable style blends timeless biblical truth with tried and tested techniques-as well as plenty of funny and encouraging real life stories. After the talk there’s time to work through the practical implications in discussion groups, before turning to prayer.
Empowered would make a great basis for a church weekend away or day conference, or can be used in home groups and small groups week by week.
All you need to assess the course and get started is the DVD Leader’s kit, which includes:
– Member’s handbook
– Leader’s guide
– Uncovering the Life of JesusRead moreOut of stock
Empowered Handbook : Equipping Everyone For Relational Evangelism
$8.991. Inadequacy Is Compulsory
2. The Cross: The Mess And The Miracle
3. Facing Our Fears
4. It’s All About Relationships
5. Cultivating Curiosity
6. The Gospel: Content And Response
7. Introducing The Irresistible JesusAdditional Info
So many Christians feel nervous, guilty or awkward when they think about sharing their faith with friends and family.It doesn’t have to be this way. You-whoever you are-can be empowered for evangelism that is faithful, compelling and relational. Empowered will leave ordinary Christians not only wanting to share their faith, but knowing how to talk about Jesus in their normal lives and everyday conversations.
Becky Pippert and her husband Dick have spent the past 13 years doing evangelism training in churches and at conferences on almost every continent. Empowered is the fruit of all these years of working right around the world, of motivating and equipping ordinary Christians to share their faith with those around them. Easy to run and combining Bible-study, talks and discussions, this course is flexible enough to be over seven weeks or on a day or weekend away.
In the introduction Becky writes:
“Never has there been a greater need to share Christ with the world (starting with our own neighbors)-yet never have believers seemed more ill equipped. It is imperative that we know how to effectively communicate the gospel. We need to get beyond one-size-fits-all techniques. We need to learn to communicate the truth in a way that is also loving. Yet we need to remember, even as we seek to show Christ’s compassionate love, still to share Christ’s gospel truth.”Each session of Empowered opens with a short introduction from Becky before moving to an interactive group Bible study grounded in God’s word. This is followed by a short talk by Becky on the DVD. Becky’s warm, personable style blends timeless biblical truth with tried and tested techniques-as well as plenty of funny and encouraging real life stories. After the talk there’s time to work through the practical implications in discussion groups, before turning to prayer.
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Empowered Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)
$12.99How To Run The Course
1. Inadequacy Is Compulsory
2. The Cross: The Mess And The Miracle
3. Facing Our Fears
4. It’s All About Relationships
5. Cultivating Curiosity
6. The Gospel: Content And Response
7. Introducing The Irresistible Jesus
Extra ResourcesAdditional Info
So many Christians feel nervous, guilty or awkward when they think about sharing their faith with friends and family.It doesn’t have to be this way. You-whoever you are-can be empowered for evangelism that is faithful, compelling and relational. Empowered will leave ordinary Christians not only wanting to share their faith, but knowing how to talk about Jesus in their normal lives and everyday conversations.
Becky Pippert and her husband Dick have spent the past 13 years doing evangelism training in churches and at conferences on almost every continent. Empowered is the fruit of all these years of working right around the world, of motivating and equipping ordinary Christians to share their faith with those around them. Easy to run and combining Bible-study, talks and discussions, this course is flexible enough to be over seven weeks or on a day or weekend away.
In the introduction Becky writes:
“Never has there been a greater need to share Christ with the world (starting with our own neighbors)-yet never have believers seemed more ill equipped. It is imperative that we know how to effectively communicate the gospel. We need to get beyond one-size-fits-all techniques. We need to learn to communicate the truth in a way that is also loving. Yet we need to remember, even as we seek to show Christ’s compassionate love, still to share Christ’s gospel truth.”Each session of Empowered opens with a short introduction from Becky before moving to an interactive group Bible study grounded in God’s word. This is followed by a short talk by Becky on the DVD. Becky’s warm, personable style blends timeless biblical truth with tried and tested techniques-as well as plenty of funny and encouraging real life stories. After the talk there’s time to work through the practical implications in discussion groups, before turning to prayer.
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Engaging With Muslims
$14.991. Who Are These Muslims We Meet Every Day?
2. Prayer
3. Presence
4. Proclamation
5. Persuasion
6. Love Your Muslim NeighborAdditional Info
Many Christians in the west are fearful of engaging in conversations about their faith with Muslims-believing that they will be hostile to Christian beliefs and discussions about the Bible.This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches understand more about the variety of Muslims there are living in the West, and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel. Written at a level that everyone can understand, this book emphasizes the the importance of forming loving relationships-something that all Christians are able to do.
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Honest Evangelism : How To Talk About Jesus Even When Its Tough
$14.991. What They Don’t Tell You
2. So Why Talk About Jesus?
3. The Other Half Of The Story
4. Why You (still) Won’t Evangelize
5. I Must Remember…
6. What Do I Say?
7. Be Yourself
8. Getting Going
9. Workers WantedAdditional Info
Hostility and hunger that’s the response to the message of Jesus. The first is painful, the second is wonderful, and Rico Tice is honest about both.Short, clear, realistic and humorous, this book will challenge you to be honest in your conversations about Jesus, help you to know how to talk about him, and thrill you that God can and will use ordinary people to change eternal destinies.
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Engaging With Hindus
$14.99A. Understanding Hindus
1. A Global Faith
2. What Do Hindus Think Of Christians And Christianity?
3. Our Approach
4. Who Is A Hindu?
5. What Do Hindus Believe And Practise?
B. Engaging With Hindus
6. Love
7. Listen And Learn
8. Present Christ Positively
9. Pray
10. Preparing For Discussion
11. Understanding Hindu Questions
12. How Should A Church Engage With Hindus?Additional Info
Hindus represent the third largest faith in the world, and yet many Christians know very little about their beliefs and lifestyle.This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches understand more about Hindus, and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel. Both practical and warm, this book shows that every Christian is able to share their faith with Hindu friends and neighbors.
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Engaging With Atheists
$14.991. Who Are The Atheists?
2. Beliefs And Practices
3. Engaging Personally
4. Engaging With The Gospel
5. Engaging With The Bible
6. How Can A Church Engage?
7. Conclusion And ResourcesAdditional Info
Many Christians are fearful of engaging in conversation with atheists-believing that they will be hostile to Christian beliefs and conversations about the Bible. How can we share God’s love with people who don’t even believe he’s there?!This short book is designed to help both Christians and whole churches understand more about the questions and issues that atheists of various kinds have about Christian faith, and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel.
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Evangelize Or Fosselize
$14.99Truly, there is nothing so tragic, so hard, and so icy as a fossilized church or Christian. Nothing can keep the Christian warm, fresh, and alive like evangelism. Soulwinning is a safeguard against a dead, barren orthodoxy. That the church’s expansion depends upon her evangelism is the testimony of the ages. Failing to save, she cannot survive. A lack of evangelism, ultimately, will lead to extinction.
Renowned Bible teacher Dr. Herbert Lockyer examines the call, the methods, the obstacles, and the challenge of bringing the gospel to a lost and hurting world. When the Holy Spirit enables men and women of God to offer their lives for the sake of the Lord Jesus and to turn the world upside down, it is the greatest adventure of all time!
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