Joan Hunter
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Supernatural Provision : Living In Financial Freedom
$16.99Unlock the Windows of Heaven God heals believers not only physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but financially, as well. Speaking from personal experience with overcoming financial hardships, best-selling author Joan Hunter shares biblical wisdom and shows you how to: *See miraculous breakthroughs *Overcome poverty and loss *Become debt-free *Prosper in the midst of adversity *Have all your needs met *Apply wealth-building secrets *Thrive in uncertain timesYou can walk in God’s abundant blessings.
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Miracles For Veterans
$16.99Military veterans experience stress and trauma that civilians cannot even begin to imagine. No matter what branch they were in, whether they saw combat or not, their service left an indelible mark on their bodies, hearts, and minds, souls and spirits. Even those who have not suffered external injuries can be affected by post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, anger, and other issues. They need healing on multiple levels. Joan Hunter tackles all of the problems that veterans face in her new book, Miracles for Veterans. She covers some of the root causes; the positive aspects of service, such as growth and maturity, as well as the negative effects, including physical, emotional, and spiritual injury; and the consequences of service on general and cellular memory. Joan offers guidance to those ministering to veterans, healing prayers, and insights on prevention. Among the testimonials included in Joan’s book is that of Auston O’Neill, 71, who travels throughout the United States to play “Taps” on his bugle for any deceased veteran whose family requests it as a member of Bugles Across America. Auston is battling terminal cancer that has spread to his lymph nodes, but his faith is strong. “You know, I believe in God for my healing,” he says. “I’m getting stronger as the days go by. I’m not getting weaker.” Joan notes God is limitless and His Word is true. He is ever ready to heal us if we only will believe.
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Power Of Prophetic Vision
$16.99Translate dreams into destiny!
All of us have been called to something bigger than ourselves–a dream or a vision that only God can help us fulfill. But often, the gap between promise and reality seems insurmountable.
Healing minister and bestselling author, Joan Hunter, is fulfilling a prophetic vision of seeing nations transformed by the power of God. This was the result of practicing simple, but revelatory principles–even in the midst of crisis. Through it all, the Lord taught Joan how to redeem pain, embrace process, and advance forward!
In The Power of Prophetic Vision, Joan mentors you through these same simple steps.
Discover how to:
*Speak resurrection life back into your dreams
*Identify and remove blockages to your dream
*Break agreement with lies that war against your destiny
*Overcome failures, setbacks and mistakes
*Confidently stand in the calling of God for your life
*Partner with the Holy Spirit to walk out the process step by stepNow is your time! Wake up to your Dreams!
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Love Again Live Again
$16.99Everyone gets their feelings hurt in life. As these wounds fester and compound throughout life, they become scars that affect our current relationships. Anyone suffering from a wounded heart feels a sense of separation from people, but the separation it creates from our heavenly Father is far worse for our mind, body and soul. “Broken Heart Syndrome” is a recognized medical condition. Tests show that the pain caused by relational stress or trauma releases stress hormones to circulate through the body. This causes the inner layers of the heart to shred, damaging the cardiac muscle and its capacity to pump blood throughout the body. The chest pain this can cause resembles a serious heart attack. Stents or angioplasty can treat blocked vessels, but modern medicine still has no quick fix for a broken heart. Joan Hunter reveals how to heal your heart from past hurts. To do this, you must be set free from the trauma of past relationships that prevent you from giving of yourself to those most important to you today. In doing so, you will also restore your most important relationship–the one with your heavenly Father.
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Daily Declarations Of Faith
$17.99Inside every believer in Jesus there is a hunger to draw close to God. There is only one way to accomplish this heavenly desire within us: to read the Word of God and declare it at all times. When we hear and speak the Word of God, our faith is renewed and we discover afresh his wonderful promises for each of us.
In this book, you will find 365 explosive scriptures waiting to come alive in your life. There are also dynamic faith-building declarations to go along with each scripture-a different scripture for every day-a different subject for every month, which include the Word, faith, the name of Jesus, blessings, love, freedom, the Holy Spirit, praise and thanksgiving, salvation, and more. Your faith will come alive as you declare the Word of God and experience its power and God’s presence in your life.
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Mantenimiento Milagros – (Spanish)
$12.99Con cada don que “recibe” de parte de Dios esta la responsabilidad de “mantenerlo”, pues si no, se arriesga a perder la bendicion de ese don. Aunque muchos cristianos entienden este concepto con respecto al area de la sanidad fisica, tambien se aplica a muchas otras areas de nuestra vida. Los dones pueden llegar en forma de respeto, honor, favor y oportunidades, al igual que compasion, amor, perdon, reconocimiento e instruccion. Y lo que hagamos con los dones que recibimos de Dios puede afectar a la trayectoria de nuestra vida.
La autora y maestra Joan Hunter le conducira por un viaje de revelacion a medida que usted…
Aprende la diferencia entre tomar y recibir
Edifica su confianza en la provision milagrosa de Dios
Entiende como posicionarse para recibir los dones de Dios
Es consciente de obstaculos para recibir
Descubre los secretos de mantener las bendiciones que recibeAprender a mantener los milagros que recibe afectara a cada area de su vida. Cambiara su modo de pensar, vera usted con vision renovada, y vivira con el latido del corazon de Dios.
With every gift you “receive” from God, there is the responsibility to “maintain” it, or else you risk losing the blessing of that gift. While many Christians understand this concept as it relates to the area of physical healing, it applies to so many other areas of our lives, as well. Gifts may come in the form of respect, honor, favor, and opportunities, as well as compassion, love, forgiveness, recognition, and instruction. And what we do with the gifts we receive from God can affect the trajectory of our lives.
Author and teacher Joan Hunter will lead you on a journey of revelation as you…
Learn the difference between taking and receiving
Build your confidence in God’s miraculous provision
Understand how to position yourself to receive God’s gifts
Become aware of hindrances to receiving
Discover the secrets to keeping the blessings you receiveLearning to maintain the miracles you receive will affect every area of your life. You will change the way you think, you will see with renewed vision, and you will live with the heartbeat of God.
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Miracle Maintenance : How To Receive And Keep Gods Blessings
$17.00With every gift you “receive” from God, there is the responsibility to “maintain” it, or else you risk losing the blessing of that gift. While many Christians understand this in the area of physical healing, it applies to so many other areas of our lives. Gifts may come in the form of respect, honor, favor, and opportunities, as well as compassion, love, forgiveness, recognition, and instruction. And what we do with the gifts we receive from God can affect the trajectory of our lives.
Author and teacher Joan Hunter will lead you on a journey of revelation as you…
*Learn the difference between taking and receiving
*Build your confidence in God’s miraculous provision
*Understand how to position yourself to receive God’s gifts
*Become aware of hindrances to receiving
*Discover the secrets to keeping the blessings you receiveLearning to maintain the miracles you receive will affect every area of your life. You will change the way you think, you will see with renewed vision, and you will live with the heartbeat of God.
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Freedom Beyond Comprehension
$16.99You’ve prayed for deliverance and you’ve forgiven those who have hurt or abused you and yet you’re still nursing the painful wounds of your past. Does this describe your experience? Many Christians have suffered unspeakable trauma and wonder why they aren’t experiencing the freedom God has promised. The reason is that trauma goes deeper than the mind. It infiltrates the body at the cellular level, and only a deliverance that deals with the whole mind, soul, spirit, and body will treat the trauma and set you completely free. Speaking as one who has received miraculous healing herself and also ministered it to others, Christian author and healing expert Joan Hunter demonstrates how to find true freedom through such methods as:
*Cursing cellular memory of rape and other forms of sexual abuse
*Replacing painful memories with positive thoughts
*Escaping the stress that wears you down
*Renewing your mind with the mind of Christ
*Forgiving those who have harmed you
*Learning to love yourself
*Accepting the unconditional love of your heavenly FatherAs you break free from the bondage of trauma and pain, you will walk in deliverance and discover your true identity as a beloved child of God. You can be healed and whole! Start the recovery process today.
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Provision Sobrenatural – (Spanish)
$15.99Dios sana a los creyentes no solo fisicamente, emocionalmente y espiritualmente, sino tambien financieramente. Hablando por experiencia personal en vencer las dificultades financieras, la autora de exitos de ventas Joan Hunter comparte sabiduria biblica y le muestra como:
*Ver victorias milagrosas
*Vencer la pobreza y la perdida
*Llegar a estar libre de deudas
*Prosperar en medio de la adversidad
*Tener todas sus necesidades satisfechas
*Aplicar secretos para formar riqueza
*Prosperar en tiempos de incertidumbre
*Abrir las ventanas de los cielosUsted puede caminar en las abundantes bendiciones de Dios.
God heals believers not only physically, emotionally, and spiritually, but financially, as well. Speaking from personal experience with overcoming financial hardships, best-selling author Joan Hunter shares biblical wisdom and shows you how to:
*See miraculous breakthroughs
*Overcome poverty and loss
*Become debt-free
*Prosper in the midst of adversity
*Have all your needs met
*Apply wealth-building secrets
*Thrive in uncertain times
*Unlock the windows of heavenYou can walk in God’s abundant blessings.
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Power To Heal
$16.99” [Those who believe] will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” -Mark 16:18
There are many medical options available today for healing the body and mind, but few accomplish true healing-and none bring creative restoration. Many people live in the cycle of dependency and the endless search for relief, even allowing the fear of losing their healing to take hold after a small success.
With wisdom, revelation from God, and plenty of scriptural support, Joan Hunter reveals powerful truths about healing and being whole. There is good news! God wants to heal every person. His power is limitless, His plan is great, and He will provide for everything. We simply have to accept his vision and believe.
God knows everything, including the root causes of our diseases. Sin gives the devil permission to attack our bodies with sickness. God wants you to come before him in humble repentance and receive healing. He wants you to become the person He designed you to be.
Through this powerful book, you will…
” Gain complete and utter freedom from every type of oppression.
” Experience the unmatched power of forgiveness.
” Understand why blocks to healing exist in the church.
” Become proficient in prophesying the Word over yourself and others.
” Learn to sense the constant anointing, love, and power of God.
” Break the cycle of dependency and end the constant search for relief.
” Embrace the secure authority and anointing that every believer possesses.
” Allow God to reveal to you the causes of your sickness.
” Learn how to break personal and generational curses.You are qualified simply because God has called you. He is not looking for your ability; He’s looking for your availability. God believes in miracles. Do you?
“I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.” -Ephesians 1:18-19
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Healing The Heart
$16.99For anyone who has ever been betrayed; for anyone who has ever felt lost, abused, or abandoned; for anyone who has ever suffered a broken heart- THERE IS HEALING! In this inspiring and life-changing book, Joan Hunter shares her challenging testimony of how she overcame rejection and the worst betrayal imaginable. No matter what your circumstances, God wants to minister to you through Joan’s insights and practical advice. On the cross, Jesus paid for more than your physical healing. He has also made provision for Healing the Heart.
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Healing The Whole Man Handbook
$16.99You can walk in divine health and healing. The secrets to God’s words for healing and recovery are in this comprehensive, easy-to-follow guidebook containing powerful healing prayers that cover everything from abuse to yeast infections and everything in between.
Truly anointed with the gifts of healing, Joan Hunter has over thirty years of experience praying for the sick and brokenhearted and seeing them healed and set free. By following these step-by-step instructions and claiming God’s promises, you can be healed, set free, and made totally whole-body, soul, and spirit!Read moreOut of stock