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Karen Ehman

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  • Love Your Life Project


    If someone watched how you spend your days, would they be able to tell what your passions and priorities are? Do you know anymore?

    Offering a roadmap back to a life of purpose and passion, New York Times bestselling author Karen Ehman and blogger, podcaster, and bestselling author Ruth Schwenk help you unlock a vibrant life uniquely suited to your personality, season of life, and schedule limitations. Packed with encouragement, biblical advice, real-world help, and personal discovery, this 40-day journey includes interactive workbook components to help you:

    *discern and pursue your true passions and priorities
    *craft a personalized action plan deeply rooted in Scripture
    *manage the tension between your relationships and your responsibilities
    *cultivate a life-giving routine of rest and productivity
    *revive your dreams–and your maxed-out schedule
    *impact others for eternity through your life and gifts

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