Mark Batterson
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Million Little Miracles
$25.00Think you’ve never experienced a miracle? The New York Times bestselling author of Win the Day reminds us of the millions of miracles God performs every day and inspires us to live with a clearer sense of identity and purpose.
In our age of instant access to information, we are in danger of losing our grip on our most ancient emotion-childlike wonder. We need to cultivate a holy curiosity. For what? For everything! Too many of us are so wrapped up in our own worlds that we end up worshiping a god who looks like us, thinks like us, and votes like us. As a result of our impoverished view of God, most of us are only living at half capacity-we let anxiety keep us from purusing our dreams because we can’t see that God is far bigger than our biggest problems and close enough to help.
In response, Mark Batterson invites us to consider the miraculous work of God going on around us every day. He highlights three aspects of God that we take for granted. God is:
*Bigger than we think: our complex, interconnected universe speaks to God’s vastness. Mark Batterson shows us how to dream bigger and live more confidently in light of God’s immense power.
*Closer than we realize: God is not only bigger than your biggest problems, he is close enough to help you face them. This book will help you take inventory of what’s holding you back and a live with a greater awareness of God’s empowering presence.
*Better than we can imagine: the millions of miracles all around us speak not only to God’s power but also to his love which equips us to live out the dreams he has given us.
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Whisper : How To Hear The Voice Of God
$18.00The question isn’t whether God speaks. The question is what does He have to say to you? The New York Times bestselling author of The Circle Maker teaches readers how to listen to God.
The voice that spoke the cosmos into existence is the same voice that parted the Red Sea, and made the sun stand still in the midday sky. One day, this voice will make all things new, but it’s also speaking to you now!
That voice is God’s voice, and what we’ve learned from Scripture is that He often speaks in a whisper. Not to make it difficult to hear Him, but to draw us close.
Many people have a tough time believing God still speaks. Sure, in ancient times and in mysterious ways, God spoke to His people, but is He still speaking now?
Mark Batterson certainly believes so. And he wants to introduce you to the seven love languages of God; each of them unique and entirely divine. Some of them you might suspect but others will surprise you.
By learning to tune in to and decipher each language, you’ll be able to hear His guidance in simple as well as life-altering choices. God is actively speaking through: Scripture, Desires, Doors, Dreams, People, Promptings, and Pain. Batterson gives you the tools you need to unlock each of these languages.
God’s whisper can answer your most burning questions, calm your deepest fears, and fulfill your loftiest dreams.
Discover how simple it is to hear God’s voice in every aspect of your life!
He’s speaking, make sure you know how to listen!
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Vuelta Alrededor Del Sol – (Spanish)
$14.99If you had your life to live over again, what would you do differently? New York Times best-selling author Mark Batterson and his mentor, Richard Foth, will help you answer that question before it’s too late. In a storytelling style, Mark and Richard challenge you to take more risks, dream bigger dreams, and quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. The accumulated wisdom from their combined 117 trips around the sun radiates from every heartfelt page.
Do you want to grab life and squeeze every ounce of adventure out of it? Be inspired by this unapologetic celebration of the life Jesus died to give us.
Si vivieras tu vida otra vez, que harias de manera diferente? El autor de exitos de ventas del New York Times, Mark Batterson, y su mentor, Richard Foth, te ayudaran a responder a esa pregunta antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Narrando sus historias, Mark y Dick te desafian a correr mas riesgos, a soar cosas mas grandes, y a dejar de vivir como si el proposito de la vida fuera llegar a la muerte. Su sabiduria acumulada en sus 117 vueltas alrededor del sol, irradia de estas paginas, que fueron escritas con el corazon.
Quieres aprovechar tu vida al maximo, y exprimir de ella cada gota de aventura? Inspirate con esta franca celebracion de la vida que Jesus murio para darte.
Este libro excepcional te demostrara que:
La vida es una aventura llena de momentos que te marcan.
Es mejor dar a tus hijos experiencias que posesiones.
Cuando ves la vida como una aventura, tus sueos ya nunca estan lejos de ti.
Se critica creando.
Mientras mas sabes, mas sabes lo mucho que no sabes.
Nunca es demasiado tarde para ser quien debiste haber sido.En cada vuelta alrededor del sol, esta la inefable aventura de vivir, !Siempre escoge la aventura!
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