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Picture Books

  • Wheres My Little Love Bug


    Where’s my little love bug? Where’s my lovey best? Did God tuck him tightly in a tree or put him in a nest? In this sweet flap book, young readers will spot new parent/child bug pairs-from buzzing bees to lovely ladybugs-in each new landscape. They will have fun searching for all the hiding little love bugs, discovering them under the flaps, and saying, “Here I am!” along with each little bug. The book’s sweet artwork and rollicking, rhyming text reveals that God puts all of His creatures-including animals, bugs, and kids-right where they belong. While bunnies belong in holes, snails along streams, and spiders in webs, children belong safe and sound, wrapped tightly in their loved ones’ arms. On the last spread, young readers will find a special surprise: a mirror where they can see themselves cuddling with the adult who is reading to them.

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  • Seek And Find New Testament Bible Stories


    This beautifully illustrated Seek and Find book is packed full of all your favorite New Testament stories. It’s teeming with fun and exciting things to find–from faithful friends to scary Romans, and grumpy Pharisees to a frightened octopus!

    Children will not only love finding, counting and sorting over 450 hidden things, but they will also learn key truths about Jesus through the biblically faithful illustrations and retellings of New Testament stories. They will learn that Jesus is God’s perfect Son, who can change our hearts, and that we can always trust him.

    With over 50 things to count on each page, this book will bring you hours of fun as you seek and find!

    A perfect gift for young children.

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  • Otter B Joyful


    Otter B Joyful is the seventh in a series of children’s books that teach young children basic biblical values. In this story, Otter B doesn’t think his role as a shepherd in the Christmas play is so great. But Otter B’s disappointment vanishes as he becomes a modern-day shepherd and makes a special Christmas delivery!

    Each book includes an appropriate Bible verse and ends with a fun rhyme that reinforces the lesson:

    “Christmas joy is sharing love
    With everyone you see,
    And telling them that Jesus came!
    It’s how you Otter B!”

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  • Clever Cub Sings To God


    Clever Cub is a curious little bear who LOVES to cuddle up with the Bible and learn about God.

    “God, You are amazing!” As Clever Cub takes a walk in the forest and the fields and the mountains, he can’t help but sing praises to God for all the incredible things God has made!
    This engaging picture book:
    *Shares the worshipful words of Psalm 104.
    *Helps children ages 3-6 learn the joy of praising God with song.
    *Is a wonderful way to introduce young readers to praying and singing the psalms.
    *Includes questions about the story’s theme and ideas for learning more in the Bible.

    Clever Cub Sings to God is part of the delightful Clever Cub children’s book series. Also check out Clever Cub Welcomes Baby Jesus, Clever Cub Explores God’s Creation, and Clever Cub Gives Thanks to God.

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  • Any Time Any Place Any Prayer


    When children have something on their minds, they tend to run to their parents and caregivers. Wouldn’t it be great if they also learned that they can talk to God about anything and everything because Jesus has made that possible?

    This beautifully illustrated Bible storybook, by Risen Motherhood co-founder Laura Wifler, takes children on a journey from the start of the Bible story to the end. From Eden and God’s presence, through the fall, redemption, and the Spirit’s presence with us now, to our presence with God in the future, God has always made a way for his people to talk with him. Children will learn a biblical understanding of prayer, why it’s amazing, and that they can enjoy talking with God about anything, anytime, anywhere.

    Includes Jesus’ teaching on the Lord’s Prayer to help children know how to pray.

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  • Story Of David And Goliath


    With colorful illustrations and humorous rhythm and rhyme, The Story of David and Goliath is designed to draw young ones closer to God. The Oh, What God Will Go and Do! book series from Whitaker Playhouse features imaginative retellings of well-known Bible stories, geared toward preschoolers through early readers. The 8-by-8-inch size is perfect for parents to read to their children, or young readers to enjoy on their own.

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  • Story Of Creation


    With colorful illustrations and humorous rhythm and rhyme, The Story of Creation is designed to draw young ones closer to God. The Oh, What God Will Go and Do! book series from Whitaker Playhouse features imaginative retellings of well-known Bible stories, geared toward preschoolers through early readers. The 8-by-8-inch size is perfect for parents to read to their children, or young readers to enjoy on their own.

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  • Story Of The Good Samaritan


    With colorful illustrations and humorous rhythm and rhyme, The Story of the Good Samaritan is designed to draw young ones closer to God. The Oh, What God Will Go and Do! book series from Whitaker Playhouse features imaginative retellings of well-known Bible stories, geared toward preschoolers through early readers. The 8-by-8-inch size is perfect for parents to read to their children, or young readers to enjoy on their own.

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  • Friend Who Forgives


    Using simple sentences and stunning illustrations, this beautifully illustrated, 16-page board book points pre-schoolers to Jesus, the friend who forgave Peter and who will forgive them too. In so doing, it also introduces young children to the events of the first Easter.

    Young children will learn that Jesus is the friend who forgives–again and again and again.

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  • How BIG Is God


    A Fun and Imaginative Look at the Many Ways God is BIG, STRONG, WISE, and GOOD! This delightful, interactive lift-a-flap board book for the little ones in your life is a fantastic way to help them understand that God is bigger than they could ever possibly imagine. Each spread features fun, simple text that celebrates God’s amazing awesomeness alongside colorful illustrations and easy-to-understand New Life Version scripture selections.

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  • Amigo Que Nunca Falla – (Spanish)


    El amigo que nunca falla es el primero de una serie de libros que llevara a los nios por viajes apasionantes y los hara conocer porciones claves de la Biblia, haciendoles amar la lectura y mostrandoles que la Palabra de Dios es el volumen mas perfecto, apasionante y transformador que jamas se haya escrito. En este primer libro, el consagrado escritor Jose Luis Navajo se fundamenta en el Salmo 23, presentando el salmo en un lenguaje ameno y, a la vez, profundo, con lecciones para padres e hijos.

    La serie se titula Cuentos para dormir que les haran despertar. Te animamos a que lo uses para leer cada dia a tus hijos una historia que los enriquecera y sembrara en sus corazones importantes principios y valores positivos. Es tambien una buena herramienta para que ellos mismos practiquen la lectura si ya comenzaron a leer.

    Estos relatos nacieron al calor de un sueo: que nios y nias aprecien la Biblia y que la imagen de Jesus se forme en sus corazones.

    The Friend Who Never Fails is the first in a series of books that will take children on exciting journeys and introduce them to key portions of the Bible, making them love to read and showing them that God’s Word is the most perfect, exciting, and transforming that has ever been written. In this first book, the consecrated writer Jose Luis Navajo is based on Psalm 23, presenting the psalm in a pleasant and, at the same time, deep language, with lessons for parents and children.

    The series is titled Bedtime stories that will make you wake up. We encourage you to use it to read to your children every day a story that will enrich them and plant important principles and positive values in their hearts. It is also a good tool for them to practice reading themselves if they have already started reading.

    These stories were born in the heat of a dream: that boys and girls appreciate the Bible and that the image of Jesus is formed in their hearts.

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  • What Do You Say To A Dragon


    A young boy wakes from a nightmare about a scary dragon and comes to his parents for comfort. Instead of responding with answers that can feel dismissive to a child such as, “It isn’t real. Don’t be afraid,” his parents’ reply models for moms and dads how to have healthy, healing discussions with their children that include phrases such as, “I hear what you are telling me, and it sounds scary.” Instead of denying fear, kids will learn to face it head on and to stand up to things that scare them when appropriate.

    What Do You Say to a Dragon? is a whimsical book that empowers children to express their emotions and use their imaginations to change the power dynamic of anxiety while also giving parents a healthy approach to helping their kids face fears.

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  • Grandma Kisses And Hugs


    An expansion of the popular board book Grandma Kisses that has sold over 300,000 copies, this picture book is ideal for grandmas who live nearby or far away, as well as for any child who loves the memories and the anticipation of time with Grandma.

    Grandmas and their grandchildren will love the rhyming stanzas and gentle illustrations of all the special activities grandmas and their little ones can do together, from baking cookies to reading Bible stories together to snuggling before bed.

    Grandma Kisses and Hugs is:
    *Great for ages 4-8
    *A beautiful picture book with an embellished cover, colorful illustrations, and meaningful references to faith
    *Perfect as a gift from a grandma to a child or child to a grandma
    *A lovely way for a grandma to build bonds with grandchildren and to remind them of her love

    Grandmas and their grandkids will giggle, snuggle, and enjoy how much they love each other as they journey through a fun day of activities all the way to bedtime prayers in Grandma Kisses and Hugs.

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  • Great And Small Easter


    Celebrate Easter with great and small friends! Join these adorable animal pairs in a board book that’s meant for little hands to hold and explore. Each spread features a large animal and his little friend-hiding under the flap-who are enjoying all the wonders of Easter time together. Discover different animal sounds under each flap to make the reading even more fun!

    Six pairs of great-and-small friends, six chunky flaps to lift and discover, and six ways to enjoy the arrival of Easter together!

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  • Near : Psalm 139


    From Sally Lloyd-Jones, the author of the bestselling The Jesus Storybook Bible, comes an uplifting new board book in a soft padded format that is a perfect fit for little hands. Inspired by Psalm 139-which begins, “O Lord, you have searched me and you know me”-Near’s lyrical text reminds little ones that God is with them anywhere they go in God’s wide world.

    God is my Father who made everything.And I am a little explorer of the wide world.

    He is near meAnd he protects me.

    He sees meAnd he knows me.

    He is strongAnd he looks after me.He is with me-always!

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  • God Contest : The True Stoy Of Elijah, Jesus, And The Greatest Victory


    Teach children about two extraordinary events in history when the God of the Bible proved himself to be the one true God.

    Kids today are faced with a huge range of different views on who God is (or isn’t). How can they be sure who’s got it right?

    This beautifully illustrated hardback storybook for children aged 3-6 is written by the team behind The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross. It retells two extraordinary events in history when the God of the Bible proved himself to be the one true God.

    First it takes children back to Elijah’s time and the gripping “God contest” between the God of the Bible, Yahweh, and the false god Baal. Then it fast-forwards to a different mountain and another “God contest” at an empty tomb.

    Once the evidence is examined, it invites kids, in a world of so many options, to decide with confidence to join Team Jesus.

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  • Story Of Jonah


    With colorful illustrations and humorous rhythm and rhyme, The Story of Jonah is designed to draw young ones closer to God. The Oh, What God Will Go and Do! book series from Whitaker Playhouse features imaginative retellings of well-known Bible stories, geared toward preschoolers through early readers. The 8-by-8-inch size is perfect for parents to read to their children, or young readers to enjoy on their own.

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  • Story Of The Prodigal Son


    With colorful illustrations and humorous rhythm and rhyme, The Story of Prodigal Son is designed to draw young ones closer to God. The Oh, What God Will Go and Do! book series from Whitaker Playhouse features imaginative retellings of well-known Bible stories, geared toward preschoolers through early readers. The 8-by-8-inch size is perfect for parents to read to their children, or young readers to enjoy on their own.

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  • Story Of Ruth


    With colorful illustrations and humorous rhythm and rhyme, The Story of Ruth is designed to draw young ones closer to God. The Oh, What God Will Go and Do! book series from Whitaker Playhouse features imaginative retellings of well-known Bible stories, geared toward preschoolers through early readers. The 8-by-8-inch size is perfect for parents to read to their children, or young readers to enjoy on their own.

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  • Jesus Loves The Little Children


    Abigail talks a lot. A lot. So after she met Jesus for the first time, she talked about him to every kid she can find.

    Together the children gather at Jesus’s campsite and discover that even Abi, with all her words, couldn’t have fully described the wonder and wisdom and fun they would find there.

    Based on Episode 3 from Season 1 of the groundbreaking TV show The Chosen, this book introduces little readers to Jesus-his kindness, his sense of humor, his availability, and his love for “the least of these” -through the eyes of children just like them.

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  • Berenstain Bears Love Is Kind


    In The Berenstain Bears Love is Kind, good manners have been wearing a little thin in the Bear family’s tree house. Maybe the bears just woke up on the wrong side of bed. Maybe they’re all so busy that they’re getting grouchy and cranky. Whatever the reason, it’s clear that things are on the wrong track in the politeness department. Grizzly Gran does not approve. But rather than scold, she brings the Bears a gift-a handmade sampler with a gentle reminder from 1 Corinthians about how important love and respect are. Before long, Gran’s idea works, and the whole family begins to sound more like their kind and polite selves again.

    This important addition to the popular Berenstain Bear Living Lights series-beloved by parents, grandparents, caregivers, and children alike-will quickly earn a top spot on children’s bookshelves. The kid-friendly text and easy-to-read, easy-to-remember Scripture verses teach valuable life lessons, encourage discussion, and take you down memory lane with each subsequent reading.

    Parents, grandparents, and caregivers looking for a Bible-based, read-aloud story that helps children understand the importance of being kind and showing good manners need look no further than another soon-to-be classic in the Living Lights series-The Berenstain Bears Love is Kind!

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  • Wherever You Go I Want You To Know


    Tells children that whatever they do and wherever they go, your greatest hope is that they will love and follow Jesus.

    Kids love to dream about what they might do when they grow up: jobs they might have, places they might go, people they might meet. And parents and carers love to encourage and support them. But for Christian parents and carers, their greatest hope for their children, their dream of all dreams, is that whatever their kids do and wherever they go, they will love and follow Jesus.

    As children embark on life’s journey with all their potential and aspirations, express to them your biggest dream with this beautiful illustrated rhyming children’s book.

    As well as teaching children about the only thing that really matters in life, this book also reminds parents that telling their kids about Jesus is more important than anything else.

    Makes a wonderful gift for a wide range of children-from 3 year olds to 8 year olds and even beyond-for birthdays, Christmas or graduation.

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  • Prisoners The Earthquake And The Midnight Song


    Teach children about Jesus’ ongoing power to save through the proclamation of the gospel and through the presence of the Holy Spirit.

    Based on Acts 16, this is a fun and compelling retelling of how a Philippian jailer and his family learned the wonderful truth about Jesus Christ.

    The ascended Jesus’ ongoing power to save through the proclamation of the gospel and through the presence of the Holy Spirit is imaginatively and powerfully brought to life by Bob Hartman.

    Bob is a compelling storyteller and author of the Lion Storyteller Bible, which has sold over 130,000 copies in the UK and has been translated into 11 languages, and of YouVersion’s Bible App for Kids.

    Children will discover…
    * Jesus’ ongoing power to save through the proclamation of the gospel and through the presence of the Holy Spirit.
    * The powerful witness of Paul and Silas, who sung while they were held captive and refused to break free when an earthquake destroyed the prison they were trapped in.
    * How they can tell others the good news of Jesus Christ.
    * How to imagine the sights and sounds of a Bible story.

    Ideal for children aged 3-6.

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  • Seek And Find Old Testament Bible Stories


    This beautifully illustrated “Seek and Find” book is packed full of all your favorite Old Testament characters. It’s teeming with fun and exciting things to find-from snappy crocodiles, hungry lions and golden palaces to a baby in the bulrushes!

    Children will not only love finding, counting and sorting over 450 hidden things, but they will also learn key truths about the character of our amazing God through the biblically faithful illustrations and retellings of Old Testament stories. They will learn that God is our Creator, our Rescuer, our Provider, and the Real King of everyone and everything.

    With over 50 things to count on each page, this book will bring you hours of fun as you seek and find!

    A perfect gift for young children.

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  • Kings Way Of Life


    Prince is in line to be king, but when the time comes, will he have the courage to take on this role? And how will he know how to make wise decisions? His Father, the king, left him with everything he needs for the task, including a compass to show him the way. Will he accept this kingly mantle, or walk away? Prince’s destiny awaits!

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  • Jesus And The Very Big Surprise


    This beautifully illustrated hardback book by well-known singer and TV presenter Randall Goodgame is based on the parable in Luke 12:35-38.

    It teaches children that Jesus will return and when he does there will be an amazing party where…SURPRISE!…he will serve his faithful servants! Jesus didn’t tell us when that party will be, but we can make sure that we’re ready for it by loving him and loving his people while we wait.

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  • God Gave Us Easter


    A delightful illustrated picture book for readers ages 3 and up, God Gave Us Easter features the adorable polar bear Little Cub, talking with her father and learning about God’s design for the Easter season and what it really means. “God loved us so much he wanted us to always be with him too. That’s why God knew he’d need to give us Easter.

    As Little Cub celebrates Easter with Papa, Mama, and her brother and sister, she begins to ask her papa questions about this very special day of the year.

    Papa lovingly explains God’s plans for his children, while taking Little Cub on a memorable walk through her stunning Arctic world, and he shares how Easter came about in clear, simple terms that even the littlest cubs can understand.

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  • Just In Case You Ever Wonder


    This book assures children of God’s love through all their experiences-including during hard times such as being afraid of the dark or being bullied-and gives assurance that the parent was there when they were first born and will be with them even in heaven.

    From New York Times bestselling author Max Lucado comes Just in Case You Ever Wonder, the classic children’s book that has made its way into hearts and story times around the world. This award-winning book about the love between a parent and child:
    *has sold 1.7 million copies, touching lives for more than 25 years;
    *now includes new, breathtaking art from Eve Tharlet;
    *reminds children of Jesus’ unconditional love.

    Whether you have treasured this classic book for years or are reading it for the first time with your little ones, this timeless reminder of the love between a parent and a child-and ultimately, between God the Father and us-will come to hold a special place in your heart and home. Children long to hear they’re special and loved. Just in Case You Ever Wonder assures them that as they grow and change, in both good and bad times, you-and their heavenly Father-will always be on their side . . . just in case they ever wonder.

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  • Good News God Made Me


    Good News! God Made Me! is a whimsical introduction to God as our Creator. Written by Glenys Nellist, the best-selling and award-winning author of Love Letters from God, the simple, skilled rhythm of the text makes it an ideal read-aloud experience for both parent and child. With back-and-forth questions and answers of a curious child, this book helps you to show your children how they are fearfully and wonderfully made.

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  • Otter B Trustworthy


    Otter B Trustworthy is the sixth in a series of six children’s books that are intended to teach young children basic biblical character traits. In this book, when Otter doesn’t put back his parents’ things like he promised, they get wet in the rain. He learns what it means to be trustworthy.

    Each book includes an appropriate Bible verse, and Otter B Trustworthy ends with this rhyme about the lesson:

    “When you keep your promises, then others soon will see
    that they can put their trust in you.
    It’s how you Otter Be!”

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  • Otter B Taking Turns


    Otter B Taking Turns is the fifth in a series of six children’s books that are intended to teach young children basic biblical character traits. In this book, Otter learns to take turns with his friends at the playground.

    Each book includes an appropriate Bible verse, and Otter B Taking Turns ends with this rhyme about the lesson:

    “When it’s time to play with friends, whether one, or two, or three,
    show God’s love by taking turns.
    It’s how you Otter Be!”

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  • Otter B Helpful


    Otter B Helpful is the fourth in a series of six children’s books that teach young children basic biblical character traits. In this book, Otter learns to be helpful when his grandparents come for a visit.

    Each book includes an appropriate Bible verse, and Otter B Helpful ends with this rhyme about the lesson:

    “There’s always lots of work to do in every family.
    God says that helping out is best.
    It’s how you Otter Be!”

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  • How Much Is A Little Girl Worth


    You’re beautiful, worthy, and you should be loved
    Because of all that you are.
    Different from anything else in the world,
    You are precious beyond the stars.

    How Much Is a Little Girl Worth? is Rachael Denhollander’s tender-hearted anthem to little girls everywhere, teaching them that they have immeasurable worth because they are made in the image of God. Armed with this understanding, girls will develop confidence in their own value and blossom into women who can face any challenge life puts in their path.

    This powerful message, paired with vivid, glowing illustrations, will make you want to snuggle up with your little girl and remind her of how precious and treasured she is.

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  • My God Loves Me Bible


    Through popular Bible stories, My God Loves Me Bible unpacks the wonderful truth that each child is loved by God—and underscores exactly how. Each of the 18 Bible stories chosen speaks uniquely about God’s love, backed by additional Scripture references that emphasize the specific truth found in the reading. Together with heartwarming illustrations, these retellings give children a firm understanding of the Bible message: that God’s love for the world and everyone in it led Him to send Christ to save us.

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  • Jesus And The Lions Den


    The story of Daniel and the Lions’ Den teaches children many things… It teaches them about praying; it teaches them about Daniel’s faithfulness to God, and God’s faithfulness to Daniel; and it teaches them that God is the real king of everyone everywhere.

    But if you peel back another layer, you’ll see that like the rest of the Old Testament, it also points to Jesus.

    This stunningly-illustrated retelling of Daniel and the lions’ den helps children to see Jesus in the story of Daniel. It challenges children to spot the ‘Jesus moments’ by looking out for the hidden lion symbols. It goes on to explain the parallels between Jesus and Daniel, so that children can see the gospel heart of the whole Bible.

    A great gift for children aged 3-6.

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  • Just In Case You Ever Wonder


    “Long, long ago God made a decision-a very important decision. One that I’m really glad He made. He made the decision to make you . . .” The opening lines of Max Lucado’s classic book, Just in Case You Ever Wonder, have made their way into hearts and story times around the world. This award-winning book about the love between a parent and child has sold 1.7 million copies, touching lives for more than 25 years. Now Lucado’s heartfelt assurances of a parent’s love are paired with Eve Tharlet’s breathtaking artwork to impact a whole new generation.

    Written especially for children ages 3-7, Just in Case You Ever Wonder is inspiring for all of us, as it reminds us of Jesus’s unconditional love no matter what: “Remember I’m here for you. On dark nights when you hear noises in your closet, call me. On hard days when kids are mean and don’t treat you like they should, come to me.” This book assures children of God’s love throughout all their experiences, such as fear of the dark, being bullied, and even assurance that their parent was with them when they were first born and will be with them in heaven.

    Whether you have treasured this classic book for years or are reading it for the first time with your little ones, this timeless reminder of the love between a parent and a child-and ultimately, between God the Father and us-will come to hold a special place in your heart and home. Children long to hear they’re special and loved. Just in Case You Ever Wonder assures them that as they grow and change, in both good and bad times, you-and their heavenly Father-will always be on their side . . . just in case they ever wonder.

    This book assures children of God’s love through their experiences such as fear of dark, being bullied, even assurance that the parent was there when they were first born and will be there with them even in heaven.

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  • God Hears When You Pray


    Featuring adorable artwork, God Hears When You Pray, will help parents introduce their little ones to the blessings of a prayer-filled life. The cute illustrations will keep children aged 3-6 engaged as they learn all about talking to God. Size: 8.8 x 8.8 x .4

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  • Grandma Prays For You


    As a grandmother, you long to show your grandchildren how much you pray for them-for their day-to-day activities, for their future, and for their spiritual lives. With the same writer and artist pair from the bestselling I Prayed for You,this sweet board book reminds even the youngest readers that you hold them in your prayers and heart.

    In this cherished story, a darling grandma bear shares special moments with her grandbabies, wrapping them in love and covering them in prayer throughout ordinary days and treasured milestones. As you read this with the little ones in your life, you’ll show them that you’re praying for them and always will.

    Whether you live near your grandchildren or have a spiritual connection with them across the miles, Grandma Prays for You is a wonderful way to pass on both your faith and your love as you remind your grandchildren that no matter what, God is with them, they are loved, and grandmas never run out of prayers.

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  • Otter B Kind


    Otter B Kind is the second in a series of six children’s books that are intended to teach young children basic biblical character traits. In this book, Otter is upset when his friend Franklin the frog can’t play with him because he’s sick. He decides to make Franklin a present to cheer him up. Each book in the series ends with a rhyme that reinforces the book’s theme:

    “Kindness doesn’t cost a thing
    And thoughtfulness is free.
    So when you have a chance, be kind.
    It’s how you Otter Be!”

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  • Otter B Honest


    Otter B Honest is the first in a series of six children’s books that are intended to teach young children basic biblical character traits. In Otter B Honest, Otter breaks his father’s watch while playing pirates with his friend. After trying to hide the broken watch from his father, he learns that honesty is best. Each book in the series ends with a rhyme that reinforces the book’s theme:

    “Sometimes you will make mistakes
    You hope no one will see.
    But always choose to tell the truth,
    It’s how you Otter Be!”

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  • Otter B Brave


    Otter B Brave is the third in a series of six children’s picture books that are intended to teach young children basic biblical character traits. In this book, Otter is afraid to do show-and-tell at school. After Otter’s dad tells him that God gives us friends to help us be less afraid, Otter decides to use his friend as his show-and-tell item. Each book in the series ends with a rhyme that reinforces the book’s theme:

    “If you are feeling nervous
    And you’re shaky in the knees,
    Try asking God to make you brave
    It’s how you Otter Be!”

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  • Never Too Little


    Some boys and girls just like you came to see Jesus.
    But someone said, “You’re too little. Jesus can’t talk to you.”

    Were they right?

    This engaging retelling of little children coming to Jesus from Mark 10 v 13-16 teaches pre-school children that you’re never too little to be God’s friend.

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  • Man Who Would Not Be Quiet


    Bartimaeus was sad.
    He could not see. His eyes did not work.

    But he could hear?]???]

    This engaging retelling of Blind Bartimaeus from Mark 10 v 46-52 teaches pre-school children that listening to Jesus can change your life forever!

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  • Best Thing To Do


    Jesus was coming to dinner, and Martha was busy, busy, busy.
    But Mary was not busy at all?]

    This engaging retelling of Mary and Martha from Luke 10 v 38-42 teaches pre-school children that listening to Jesus is always the best thing to do!

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  • Good News Its Easter


    Written by best-selling and award-winning author Glenys Nellist, Good News! It’s Easter! is a playful and joyful introduction to the gift of new life through Jesus. With its vivid imagery and stories of both nature and Jesus coming to life, this book will surely delight young readers and intrigue them to learn more about the salvation message.

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  • Goodbye To Goodbyes


    Jesus knew how scary it is when someone gets really sick. He knew how sad it is when someone dies. Jesus cried when his friend, Lazarus, died. But he did something at his friend’s tomb that changed everything. He showed that he came to give his friends life after death.

    In this vivid, moving and exciting retelling of the story of Lazarus, Lauren Chandler helps children understand how Jesus makes all the difference to death. Children will see that because Jesus rose from death, he has power over it and all who believe in him will also rise, just as Lazarus did.

    The author, Lauren Chandler, used the story of Lazarus to help her own children come to terms with her husband’s (Matt Chandler) brain tumor. Whether children are coming to terms with the illness or death of a loved one, or simply fearful of when that day might come, this book reassures them with the amazing truth that Jesus came to to say goodbye to goodbyes-forever.

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  • Jesus Loves Me


    Sing along with these inspirational songs!

    Inspires musical expression
    Encourages movement with rhythm
    Supports matching & fine motor skills

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  • God Bless You And Good Night Touch And Feel


    God Bless You and Good Night is now available as a touch-and-feel book! This beloved bedtime classic has touched more than 315,000 families, and this touch-and-feel edition offers even more fun as little ones prepare for bed.

    Bedtime can be a precious time of connection for you and your little one. Enjoy those snuggly moments together as you read this classic bedtime book while exploring all the fun touch-and-feel elements, from the polar bear’s soft fur to the elephant’s leathery skin to the silky grass of the African grasslands.

    In God Bless You and Good Night Touch and Feel, sleepy little ones are reminded of God’s blessings and how much they are loved. The delightful rhyming story takes readers through several scenes of snuggly animals who are getting ready for bed from putting on pj’s, brushing teeth, and saying good-night prayers. Now with added touch-and-feel elements, children can engage with the story even more. God Bless You and Good Night Touch and Feel will be a favorite part of the bedtime ritual for parents and children.

    Whether for a baby shower or birthday, or as a heart-melting way to surprise the grandparents-to-be, God Bless You and Good Night Touch and Feel is the perfect touch for any celebration.

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  • While You Sleep Little Love Padded


    All is well, Little Love. Good night!

    At bedtime, little ones often have a hard time letting go of the day, sometimes for fear of what they are missing while alone in bed. But this delightful board book replaces those fears with reminders that toddlers are loved and cared for throughout the night. Each spread welcomes a new Big and Little pair of matching animals. Big is calmly telling Little Love about all the things that will happen while Little Love is dreaming. . . . Most importantly, God, who never sleeps, will be ever watchful until morning and beyond.

    Go to to find this book’s Parent Connection, an easy tool to help moms and dads (or anyone else who loves kids) discuss the book’s message with their child. We’re all about connecting parents and kids to each other and to God’s Word.

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  • Friend Who Forgives


    Do you ever talk before you think? Mess up? Let others down? That’s what Peter did, again and again and again, and it led him to abandoning his best friend, Jesus.

    Peter loved Jesus. He felt terrible when he pretended not to know him. He thought all was lost when Jesus died.

    But Jesus is not like our other friends. He wants to forgive us when we are really sorry, even when we mess up again and again and again. And because Jesus died and rose again, he can. Jesus’ death took the punishment for all of Peter’s mistakes and all our mistakes, and his resurrection showed the penalty was lifted.

    After he rose from the dead, Jesus went and found Peter and forgave him, and he can do the same for us. Peter spent the rest of his life telling people that if they put their trust in Jesus, they could be forgiven too-again and again and again.

    Children know all about failing, but they don’t always experience true forgiveness. This book points them to Jesus, the Friend who will forgive them again and again and again.

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