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  • 5 Things To Pray For Your Parents


    The Bible calls us to honor our parents–and one way we can do that is by praying for them. Little children often see their mothers and fathers as the ones with all the answers. It’s not until we grow up that we realize our parents are just like us–regular people in need of prayer.

    This guide will help you to pray rich, intentional prayers for your mother or father–be they biological or adoptive, working or retired, frail or fit, married or separated, believers or unbelievers. Whatever their situation, if we want to love them well, we need to pray.

    Each of the 21 prayer themes in this book takes a passage of Scripture and suggests five things to pray for a particular area of your parents’ lives. You can use this book in any number of ways: work through it as part of your daily quiet time or pick it up whenever a particular need arises.

    The command to honor our parents comes with a beautiful promise–“that it may go well with you” (Ephesians 6 v 3). The hope of this guide is that you will reap this blessing as you come before God with prayers that change things for an older generation.

    Chelsea Stanley serves with the women’s ministry team at Crossway Community Church in Bristol, Wisconsin . She has written for Desiring God, Risen Motherhood, and The Gospel Coalition.

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  • Prayers To Share 100 Pass Along Notes For Healing


    Give hope to those who need healing by sharing a note and a prayer.

    We all know someone in need of God’s miraculous healing-whether it be from a physical ailment, broken heart, past trauma, or they are just going through a hard time. Prayers to Share: 100 Pass-Along Notes for Healing gives you 100 opportunities to give hope to people who are possibly facing the most difficult days of their lives. Each tear-out offers a caring and supportive wish of wellness, including a prayer, corresponding Scripture, inspirational quote, and space on the back for a handwritten note.

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  • Bible Promises And Prayers For Children


    Parents have the privilege and responsibility to partner with God to release their children’s divine destiny. Biblical wisdom, God’s promises, and the passionate prayers of caretakers of children are change agents in the lives of these young giant-killers.From Bethel Church leaders and parents Bill and Beni Johnson comes this practical 31-day prayer resource for those who want to receive God’s passionate heart for their children, pray daily for them, and model prayer with them.

    Each day includes:
    – an insightful, instructive reading to inspire Spirit-led parenting
    – relevant Bible promises for meditation and declaration
    – a related Scripture-based prayer
    – activations to do with your child, including a question to discuss, a short prayer to pray, a decree to declare together, and a practical action step of faith

    God places children in families for a reason–so parents can fan into flame all their children are to become. Your child has big battles to face. This book will help equip you to be the strength and encouragement your child needs.

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  • Prayers That Heal The Heart


    Have you ever prayed for healing of a heart wound and found that you experienced only partial healing, or perhaps no healing at all? If so, this book brings you hope! The heart has its own language that we must use if we want to bring healing to it. The language of the mind will not touch the deep places of the heart. And since a heart wound usually has multiple contributing causes, we need to use the right prayers to address each of these roots.

    The synergy of seven different prayers working together provides the spiritual energy necessary to release full, complete healing to the heart. This prayer counseling model has proven effective in thousands of lives. Biblical training on each of the seven prayers is given, along with worksheets which guide you easily through each prayer. These become a coach at your side. Extremely practical teaching on how to hear the voice of the Wonderful Counselor is included.

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  • Praying With Jesus And Faustina


    St. Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938) immersed herself in a vision of Christ’s Passion that became a predominant theme in her famed Diary. In Praying with Jesus and Faustina Through Lent and in Times of Suffering, award winning and best-selling author Susan Tassone presents the Diary’s words of Christ and St. Faustina on his sorrowful Passion. The book will engage you in Jesus’ horrifi c sufferings, giving you grace, light and strength to bear your own sufferings. The book opens with daily Lenten meditations featuring the words of Jesus and St. Faustina on the Passion. Each day also includes both special refl ections for times of suffering and a prayer.

    In the following chapters, St. Faustina will lead you through heartfelt prayers on theWay of the Cross, Christ’s wounds, and on the Blessed Mother’s sorrows. Susan alsomincludes chapters on unique litanies, the Divine Mercy devotion, and confession. In Praying with Jesus and Faustina Through Lent and in Times of Suffering, you will learn to more deeply:
    * Participate in St. Faustina’s vision of Christ’s passion
    * Find comfort and strength from the Crucified Christ
    * Pray the Stations of the Cross using the words of Jesus and St. Faustina
    * Join your sufferings to Christ’s sorrowful passion
    * Find refuge, consolation and mercy in Christ’s wounds
    * Unite your sorrows with the sufferings that afflicted of Our Lady’s heart

    And much more!

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  • In His Presence


    Here, at last, is a real solution to the prayer problem!

    In His Presence by E. W. Kenyon is not about who others were and what they did in prayer, but about who we are and what we can do in prayer. It lifts the curtain to the Holy of Holies and reveals our ability to enter in and stand before the presence of God.

    In this book, you will discover that God’s ability is available to every one of His children. You will be challenged to climb the heights and sound the depths of tremendous spiritual realities, including the authority of the name of Jesus and how to use it.

    In His Presence has been a challenge and blessing to countless multitudes all over the world. It removes the mist surrounding the prayer life, leading us out of spiritual mysticism into the true light of life.

    This is your invitation to open the door…enter…and stand in the Father’s presence!

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  • Prayer Journal For Women


    Prayer Journal for Women: 52 Weeks Scripture, Devotional, & Guided Prayer Journal includes Scripture verses, reflections on the Word, and journaling prompts to guide your walk with God and strengthen your faith. Verses are organized thematically:

    Love & Inner Beauty – Provision & Faithfulness – God’s Love – Adversity & Trials – Awe & Sovereignty – Strength Through Faith – Fear – Grace & Forgiveness

    A perfect companion for individual worship or for group Bible study, this 12-month journal features:
    *A generous 8 x 10 trim size with plenty of space to write
    *Four full pages for each week of the year
    *Original illustrations on each page by author and artist Shannon Roberts

    Each week includes:
    *Scripture – An inspiring Bible verse to reflect and meditate on throughout your week, giving you time to memorize the verse and ingrain it into your heart and soul.

    *Reflect – A “Reflect” page with thoughts and questions prompted by the weekly Scripture verse, along with space to record your own thoughts and responses.

    *Journal – Two full pages to journal your praise for God, your prayer requests, the things on your heart, and how you wish to be taught and guided, as well as a Bible verse about the power of prayer.

    *Answered Prayers – A tracker with space to record your prayers, so you can see how God moves in your life throughout the course of a year.

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  • 21 Days Of Deeper Prayer


    He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” -John 7:38

    Do you wish your Christianity had a little more of that kind of power in it? Jesus told His followers that those who believe in Him will have rivers of living water flowing from the depths of their beings. These rivers come from the presence of the Holy Spirit.

    When we receive Jesus, God’s Spirit takes up residence within us to be our Teacher, Guide, Ruler, and Comforter. But have you consistently experienced an intimate relationship with Him, where He moves with awesome power, flowing through you into the lives of the people around you? Would you like to know Him in this way?

    God wants you to experience Him more fully than you ever have in your life! What if I told you that if you spend the next twenty-one days reading this little book and joining in interactive prayer, then genuine rivers of the Holy Spirit will burst through your life? Would you do it?
    If you are willing, God Himself will shower you with His presence. You will learn how to pray to a heavenly Father who hears and answers you. You will experience moments with Him that will transform you from the inside out and take you to the next level in your Christian walk. God will change you right in front of the people who you know you best. They will clearly see that you have been changed, that you have something you didn’t have before, and they will want what you have. You will know, see, taste, and feel the potency of the Holy Spirit in prayer as you bring others before God.

    Jim Maxim is not a preacher or a pastor. He calls himself “a regular Christian guy who is a businessman.” Yet, he has experienced all this and wants others to experience it too! Prepare to discover an extraordinary life in God!

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  • Prayers To Bless Your Heart


    When you struggle to find the words to pray, open the Prayers To Bless Your Heart Gift Book for inspiration. This little book holds a collection of Scripture and well-loved prayers, curated to help you develop your prayer life.

    The sturdy, heavyweight cardstock front cover is decorated with a single pink flower and an arrangement of leaves some accented in pink foil. UV spot varnishing adds dimension to the design. The title is foiled in pink and gold.

    Prayers to Bless Your Heart

    Inside you will find a presentation page to complete when you give this book as a gift, and a Table of Contents that lists prayers according to topic:

    *Spiritual Intimacy
    *Times of Trouble
    *Spiritual Growth

    You are sure to find a prayer that applies to your situation. The short prayers are filled with wisdom from Scripture and the fellow believers that went before us.

    The Prayers to Bless Your Heart Gift Book is part of a range of small inspirational books, called Words of Hope. This range includes Proverbs For Your Daily Path, Promises For Every Day, and Psalms For Joyful Living.

    Add the Prayers to Bless Your Heart Gift Book to your own Bible Study routine, or share it with a friend who needs spiritual guidance and comfort, then repeat the words of the prayers and rest assured that God’s Word is not returning to him empty.

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  • 365 Days Of Prayer For Grief And Loss


    Whether you have made prayer a habit for many years or this is your first prayer devotional, inspiration and comfort is waiting for you in the daily prayers written here.

    Prayer is a conversation with God. You don’t need to use fancy words or recite long passages of Scripture. Just talk to God. Open your heart. Tell him about your depth of loss and express your grief in whatever way you need to in this moment.

    God is the best source of comfort you will find. He knows your heart and he is full of compassion for you. Let his strength be yours as you cry out to him. He is listening to every word you say.

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  • 200 Nighttime Prayers For Teen Girls


    200 Nighttime Prayers. . .Just for You!

    What better way to end the day than in quiet conversation with the One who loves you most!

    These 200 comforting prayers will soothe your tired soul and usher in peaceful relaxation at bedtime. Hushing worrisome thoughts, stopping negativity in its tracks, and encouraging complete focus on the heavenly Creator who promises peaceful sleep, each prayer is the perfect way for you to draw closer to the Rest-Giver and hand all of the worries and cares of your day over to Him.

    Want the promise of sweet, peaceful sleep? Quiet your heart and spend time in His heavenly presence tonight.You will not be afraid when you lie down. When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.Proverbs 3:24 NLV

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  • Hear Gods Voice


    Imagine a life in which you clearly hear God’s voice and follow His will daily.

    Do you long for God to speak to you, bringing guidance, strength, and comfort? Perhaps you have been praying for a word from God, but the heavens seem silent. Nothing is more important than knowing how to hear from God because our spiritual life depends on it. Without it, we can’t know and obey His will for us, and we may go down the wrong path or miss His plans for us.

    The Bible teaches and guides us in essential matters, but instruction for God’s specific, daily purposes for our lives comes from His Holy Spirit, who lives within us. Being able to hear from God is a growing, deepening process that leads us into His perfect plans. Through his extensive study of the Scriptures and personal life experiences, internationally renowned Bible teacher Derek Prince explains the practical steps you can take to hear from God, develop a close relationship with Him, remove obstacles to recognizing His voice, and understand the ways in which He communicates.

    Hearing God enables us to follow Him more confidently, love Him more deeply, and serve Him more completely. As you cultivate the practice of hearing God’s voice, you will receive the fresh, daily bread that nourishes you spiritually and find divine direction and strength for your ongoing walk with Him.

    This is the lifestyle you have been waiting for: hearing God’s voice and following Him each day, each step of the way.

    “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).

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  • Praying The Scriptures For Your Children 20th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


    This expanded edition of the bestseller features updated content on issues like technology and identity, and comes with new material designed to invite children into the family prayer circle.

    There is not a need we will face in parenting–or that our kids will confront in their lives–that God has not already thought of, and provided for, in his Word. And there can be no greater privilege than partnering with him, through our prayers, to accomplish his best purposes in the lives of the people we love.

    But where to begin?

    In this updated and expanded edition celebrating the 20th anniversary of a modern classic, you will discover how using the Bible to shape your desires and requests opens the door to God’s provision–and frees us from things like worry and fear in our parenting!

    It teaches you how and what to pray for your child(ren) in the following areas:


    Plus, all-new material includes sections on praying for a child’s sense of identity, praying for their use of technology, and building a prayer legacy with specific strategies and a collection of child-friendly Bible verses designed to help children anchor their hope in God’s Word.

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  • Abide In The Secret Place


    “‘When thou prayest,’ said Jesus, ‘enter into thine inner chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret’ (Matthew 6:6). This means two things. First, shut the world out, and withdraw from all worldly thoughts and activities. Second, shut yourself in alone with God, to pray to Him in secret. Let this be your chief aim in prayer: to realize the presence of your heavenly Father. Let your watchword be, ‘Alone with God.'” –Andrew Murray

    From time spent alone with in prayer, Andrew Murray discovered that every Christian can expect God to reveal Himself in intimate, powerful, and soul-restoring ways. In this collection of 120 daily devotions, Murray reveals spiritual gems of truth about the personal revelation we can access when we abide with Christ in our secret prayer spaces. Through those intimate hours spent with your Savior, you will experiencing the depths of God’s abiding presence, the joyful sense of peace that comes from fellowship with our heavenly Father, and the abundant life in Christ that is available to all who seek it. You will discover that God has already granted you everything you will ever need, and that He delights in saying “yes” to you!

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  • Serenity Prayers For A Womans Soul


    “God, grant me serenity in my relationships, my work, my church. . .my life!”

    What happens when we live God’s way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard-things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity.
    Galatians 5:22 MSG

    Serenity Prayers for a Woman’s Soul will help you invite refreshing serenity–that comes only through an intimate relationship with the heavenly Father–into every area of your life. 180 prayer starters will gently guide you into meaningful, purposeful, honest conversation with your Creator; and the accompanying scripture selections will encourage you to meditate and reflect on God’s Word while quieting your heart before entering into His presence in peaceful expectation. You’ll discover the comfort, healing, and calm your soul is craving with Serenity Prayers for a Woman’s Soul.

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  • Global Prayer Journal


    VOM’s Global Prayer Journal includes the same country summaries found in VOM’s Global Prayer Guide, along with additional ruled pages that you can use to write out your prayers or make note of others’ prayer needs. The ruled pages, which include Bible verses, can also be used to take notes during Sunday sermons or for journaling during your devotional time with the Lord. With an embossed cover and full-color photos, this journal makes a great gift for anyone with a burden to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.

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  • Fear Not : Prayers And Promises For Difficult Times


    Everyone experiences difficult seasons in life. Loss, pain, anxiety, and frustration can lead to discouragement and sometimes a feeling of hopelessness.

    Fear Not: Prayers & Promises for Difficult Times incorporates more than 70 themes to help you find the assurance you need in the promises of God’s Word. Uplifting prayers offer an opportunity for deeper reflection and connection with your heavenly Father.

    By staying connected to God, and believing the promises of his Word, you can live a fulfilling, blessed life in spite of your challenging circumstances.

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  • Talking To Our Father


    Seven studies examining the Lord’s Prayer in detail and how it should shape our prayers and lives today.

    In these studies, Tim Chester helps small groups to examine the Lord’s Prayer line by line, exploring other passages in Matthew’s Gospel along the way.

    As we learn more about the prayer Jesus taught us, we’ll get to know God better and seek to live according to his purposes.

    Each study is designed to last between 1 and 1.5 hours, but can alternatively be split into two sessions. Contains ideas for starter discussions and for personal and group prayer as well as a focus on practical application. Substantial leader’s guide included.

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  • Prayers To Share 100 Pass Along Notes For Peace


    Trouble falls on us all, and sometimes at the most inopportune times. It happens not just to our loved ones, but to strangers we may never see again, yet who God wants us to lift up nevertheless: waiters, cab drivers, a fellow student at a coffeehouse, the widower sitting next to us in the waiting room, a stressed mom with kids in the checkout line, someone at the gym. It’s not always easy to know what to say in those “divine encounters,” but Prayers to Share: 100 Pass-Along Notes for Peace provides something that anyone can do. Each tear-out offers a personal touch of God’s peace, including a prayer, corresponding Scripture, inspirational quote, and space on the back for a handwritten note-ideal for reaching out with a little care and concern to encourage someone’s day.

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  • 5 Things To Pray In A Global Crisis


    The coronavirus pandemic has left most of us feeling unsettled, concerned and very aware of human frailty. It has driven many of us to our knees, but it is such an overwhelming problem that many of us are unsure how to pray, or what for.

    This little book has been written specifically to help Christians in this season. Each spread takes a passage of Scripture and suggests 5 things to pray from it so that we can pray in line with God’s will. When we pray in line with God’s priorities, we know that our prayers will be powerful-they really will change things.

    These prayer prompts will help you to pray for such things as comfort in loneliness, peace in anxiousness, patience in frustration, wisdom in uncertainty and hope in grief. They will also help you to pray for family who you cannot visit, those who are sick and those looking after them, the vulnerable members of your community, your church, your government and the opportunities that this crisis presents for God’s kingdom to grow.

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  • Father Friend And Judge


    Discover Prayer as a Supernatural Portal to Spiritual Dimensions!

    Many believers’ prayers go unanswered because they never fully enter the spiritual realms that their prayers unlock!

    Apostolic leader and author, Robert Henderson, is world-renowned for his bestselling series on The Courts of Heaven. In this new work on prayer, Robert provides Biblical strategies for every believer to unleash the full power of their prayers, and see them answered!

    God gave us prayer as more than a religious ritual. In fact, prayer is a supernatural portal through which we encounter God in multiple spiritual dimensions!

    In the Gospels, Jesus presented three different dimensions of prayer. Each one is connected to a specific identity of God:
    *Father: We encounter God the Father in the Secret Place and Throne of Grace.
    *Friend: We take our place as Friends of God when we operate as intercessors.
    *Judge: We come before the Judge when we are dealing with an adversary who resists our breakthrough.

    When Christians learn how to operate in each of these spiritual dimensions, they can align their prayers with God’s will, and release His power for miraculous results!

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  • Jesus Next Door


    How Would Life Get Better for the People Around You If Jesus Were Their Neighbor?

    When a man asked Jesus to pinpoint what matters most in life, Jesus cut straight to the heart of it. He said the most important thing in life is to love God with the entirety of who you are and to love your neighbor as much as you love yourself (Matt. 22:37-39). In short, he said that love matters most.

    Even though Jesus’ words are crystal clear, most followers of Jesus are quick to admit that they struggle to love God-and those around them-practically speaking.

    Jesus Next Door is a focused thirty-day prayer guide that helps you move from simply knowing the great commandments to actually living them out-wherever you live, work, and play. For each of the thirty days, receive guidance as you:

    *Focus on a key Bible verse
    *Consider a short devotional thought
    *Read a selected Scripture passage
    *Reflect on key questions
    *Pray for yourself and others

    This guide will help you pray for the people around you and learn to practically love them.

    Do you long for God to bless the people around you-through you?

    Then this prayer journey is for you! Written as a companion to Revival Starts Here, this resource provides boots-on-the-ground prayers and practices to move you from inspiration to application. Dave Clayton offers this month-long guided journey for those who want to pray for and practically love those around them.

    Take a walk with God and learn to love the people around you as Jesus
    would-if he moved into your neighborhood.

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  • Prayers For My Baby Girl


    Cover your precious baby boy with God’s promises, wisdom and favor through prayer with Prayers for my Baby Boy,a collection of more than 40 beautiful and comforting prayers to guide mothers as they rest their precious baby boy’s life in the loving hands of God.

    Prayers for My Baby Boy features prayers for moms to pray over their baby boys. The prayers and Scripture promises in Prayers for My Baby Boy will guide moms in covering their baby boy with God’s faithful promises, protection, and blessing.

    96 full-color pages filled with adorable animal designs will warm any new mother’s heart. Gilt-edging on the pages and foiled accents on the padded hardcover qualifies this little gift book as an item to save for your children’s children. Add this little book full of heartwarming prayers to your baby shower gift registry or add one to a baby shower gift basket.

    *96 Gilt-edged Pages
    *Full-color Interior
    *Padded Hardcover
    *Foiled Accents on Cover
    *Size: 7.2″ x 4.8″ x 0.6″ (183 x 122 x 15 mm)

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  • Prayers For My Baby Girl


    Draw closer to God and your baby girl with Prayers for my Baby Girl, a collection of more than 40 prayers to guide mothers as they rest their precious baby girl s life in the loving hands of Creator God.

    Prayers for My Baby Girl features sweet prayers for moms to pray over their baby girls. The prayers and Scripture promises in Prayers for My Baby Girll will guide mothers as they pray specifically and expectantly for God’s loving care, protection and blessing in their baby daughters’ lives.

    96 full-color pages filled with adorable Bambi-like designs will warm any new mother’s heart. Gilt-edging on the pages and foiled accents on the padded hardcover qualifies this little gift book as an item to save for your daughter’s daughter. Add this little book full of heartwarming prayers to your baby shower gift registry or add one to a baby shower gift basket.

    *96 Gilt-edged Pages
    *Full-color Interior
    *Padded Hardcover
    *Foiled Accents on Cover
    *Size: 7.2″ x 4.8″ x 0.6″ (183 x 122 x 15 mm)

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  • Life Of Prayer


    A collection of classic teachings on A Life of Prayer from some of the greatest Christian minds in history. Includes the writings of:
    *R. A. Torrey
    *Charles Spurgeon
    *E. M. Bounds
    *George Mueller
    *Andrew Murray
    *Charles Finney
    *D. L. Moody

    Together, they cover a range of topics that include: prayer and devotion, the results of prayer, the problems of prayer, thanksgiving, proper petitioning prayer, and the condition of prevailing prayer. This treasured collection of faithful wisdom is a must-read for both the new believer and the mature Christian.

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  • Prayers That Avail Much 40th Anniversary Commemorative Gift Edition


    Do you long to pray powerful prayers that impact Heaven and shake earth? Do you want to partner with God to deliver victory in challenging circumstances? Do you want to see God move powerfully in the lives of your loved ones?

    For more than 30 years, Germaine Copeland, author of the Prayers That Avail Much Series(R), has been helping millions of people pray-and get results!

    This 40th anniversary commemorative edition is an all-in-one collection of Germaine Copeland’s three bestselling works. This book will enhance your ability to pray by placing dozens of specific, powerful prayers and scriptures at your fingertips. Whether you are a seasoned prayer warrior or a novice, this foundational work will empower you to pray with confidence, and witness the amazing effects.

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  • Piercing Heaven : Prayers Of The Puritans


    “That prayer is most likely to pierce heaven which first pierces one’s own heart.”

    For the Puritans, prayer was neither casual nor dull. Their prayers were passionate affairs, from earnestly pleading for mercy to joyful praise. These rich expressions of deep Christian faith are a shining example of holy living.

    The Puritan combination of warm piety and careful intellect have fueled a renaissance of interest in their movement. This combination is on display in Piercing Heaven, a collection of carefully selected prayers from leading Puritans. The language in these prayers has been slightly updated for a modern audience while still retaining the elevated tone of the Puritans. With prayers from Richard Baxter, Thomas Brooks, John Owen, and many more, each prayer reminds us that heartfelt prayer is central to the Christian life.

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  • Praying Clear Through


    Most believers do not rise to their full privilege in prayer. Successful prayer cannot be rushed. If we want to hear from heaven, we must allow time for God’s voice to successfully break through the din of life. When we have a tremendous amount of work to be done for the day, we dare not leave out prayer. As Martin Luther observed, “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” The real danger in not taking sufficient time to commune with God and implore him for our requests is the resulting slow erosion of the Spirit’s voice, when life’s static distracts a Believer from what is truly important and necessary to a successful life.

    In Praying Clear Through, Will Harney demonstrates by examples from his own life that there are vast rewards in store for those who make prayer a top priority. Prayer should not be a chore for the growing Christian but one of the highest privileges accorded us. The author decries the fast pace of his age for crowding out the time of prayer–a century ago. He urges the believer to “pray clear through”– that is, to pray with urgency until he or she hears from heaven.

    This book has thirty-three short chapters (5-6 pages each) that bounce from prayer topic to prayer topic–including obedience, the prayer closet, not looking but trusting, and how prayer is the secret to revival. The final chapter is a short guide on how to use prayer to obtain great victories. Contains modern Introduction by Nick Harrison.

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  • Power Of Prayer


    E. M. Bounds offers 180 concise, practical and powerful devotions on prayer. In The Power of Prayer Mini Devotional, he communicates in a simple yet profound way the practical methods, the necessity, and the possibilities of prayer.

    E.M. Bounds (1835 – 1913) was a pastor in the Methodist Episcopal Church South who preached revival and restoration to civilians and soldiers during the American Civil War. To Bounds, prayer was as necessary to the Christian’s life as physical breath.

    The softcover The Power of Prayer Mini Devotional has 184 pages and a soft binding. The compact size makes it perfect for people who are always on the go and prefers to read a printed devotional. This devotional on prayer makes a thoughtful gift to those who are serving in the military or on the police force.

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  • Lords Prayer : A Guide To Praying To Our Father


    You pray it. But do you understand it?

    The Lord’s Prayer has become so familiar to us that we don’t think about what we’re praying. It’s a portrait of Jesus’ heart. And in it Christians from different times, places, and traditions have been united. We pray it, but do we actually believe it?

    When Jesus taught his followers how to pray, he emphasized how uncomplicated it should be. There’s no need for pretense or theatrics. Instead, simply ask for what you need as though you were speaking with your earthly father. This opens a window into Jesus’ prayer life and presents us with a portrait of his heart for his followers.

    Wesley Hill re-introduces the Lord’s Prayer. He shows us a God who is delighted to hear prayer. Petition by petition, in conversation with the Christian tradition, he draws out the significance of Jesus’ words for prayer today.

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  • My Prayer Journal


    Let this 120-day My Prayer Journal from the Prayer and Praise Collection be your tool to experience the power of answered prayer, write deep reflections and offer praise. This prayer guide will strengthen women in their quiet time, helping them to pray intentionally and connect with God on a deeper level. Anyone who values prayer and is excited about how God answers will appreciate this journal.

    The cover of this 120- day prayer journal is embellished with delicate blooms in soft pink hues, and even the title My Prayer Journal makes a floral statement! Inside are lessons on how to pray and space for daily entries on promises from God, confessions, things you are thankful for and requests you might have. You can also add a special verse and make a list to note your prayers for others.

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  • God Hears When You Pray


    Featuring adorable artwork, God Hears When You Pray, will help parents introduce their little ones to the blessings of a prayer-filled life. The cute illustrations will keep children aged 3-6 engaged as they learn all about talking to God. Size: 8.8 x 8.8 x .4

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  • 3 Minute Prayers For Men


    Got 3 minutes, guys? . . . You’ll find just the inspiration you need for life in 3-Minute Prayers for Men. This devotional prayer title packs a powerful dose of inspiration into just-right-sized readings for men of all ages and backgrounds. Each of these 180 prayers, written specifically for devotional quiet time, meets you right where you are-and is complemented by a relevant scripture and question for further thought. Addressing the vital issues of life common to all men-such as the two great commandments of loving God and loving others, having and being a friend, leaving a legacy, purity, and the thought life-3-Minute Prayers for Men will lead you step-by-step into a closer walk with God the Father and Jesus His Son.

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  • Great And Small Prayers For Babies


    Thank You, God, for great and small animal friends!

    Join these adorable animal pairs in a board book that’s meant for little hands to hold and explore. Each spread features a large animal and his little friend, who is hiding under the flap. A short thank-You prayer on each spread models simple thankfulness, and the text includes animal sounds to make the reading even more fun.

    Six pairs of great-and-small friends to meet, six chunky flaps to lift and discover, and six simple prayers to pray–all to delight little hands and hearts.

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  • Pray Big : Learn To Pray Like An Apostle


    So many of us struggle with prayer. Many books have been written on the subject and there’s a reason for that. Prayer comes hard to most of us, in most seasons. And when we do pray, we often don’t know what to say. What is it that my Father loves to hear about? What are the best things I could pray for my family, my church, and myself?

    This short book by renowned Bible teacher Alistair Begg combines warmth, clarity, humor, and practicality as he examines Paul’s prayers for his friends in the church in Ephesus. Paul clearly enjoyed prayer, and was excited about it. He expected his Father in heaven to hear what he said, and to act in other people’s lives accordingly. The truths that underpin and shape his prayers will motivate us to pray and set us an example.

    So be inspired by the Apostle Paul to pray bigger and pray better as we look to our heavenly Father to do more than all we ask or imagine!

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  • 5 Things To Pray For Your Kids


    Praying That God Will…
    Save My Child
    Fill My Child With Spiritual Fruit
    Watch Over My Child
    Praying That My Child Will…
    Have Confidence In Jesus
    Experience God’s Greatness
    Delight In God’s Word
    Live In Harmony With Others
    Be Wise
    Prayerfully Seek God
    Be Content In All Things
    Love Others
    Stand Firm
    Praying That I Will…
    Share The Goodness Of God
    Create A Home Of Patience And Kindness
    Trust The Lord With My Child
    Praying For My Child When They Are…
    Suffering From Disappointment, Loss, Or Hurt
    Making Friends
    Experiencing Change, Uncertainty, Or Fear
    Making A Difficult Decision
    Grown Up

    Additional Info
    Our culture says that the most important things for children are education, good health, treats, entertainment, and material things. Yet as Christians, we know that children’s spiritual health is the most important thing. So we need to pray for them, but where do we start?

    This little guide is both deep and do-able. Melissa Kruger takes us back to the Bible to show us what God’s will for children is, so we can pray in line with it. She selects 21 key areas of spiritual growth and character development. For each one, there are five short prayer prompts drawn straight from the Bible.

    When we pray in line with God’s priorities as found in his word, our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5 v 16)-and that’s a truly thrilling prospect.

    This book can be used in any number of ways: work through it as part of your daily quiet time, or pick it up whenever a particular need arises. Either way, its worth stepping out of the busyness of daily life for five minutes to pray meaningfully for your child, grandchild, godchild, or kids in your church-from tots to teens, and every age in between.

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  • Prayers To Share 100 Pass Along Bible Promises


    Based on the best-selling devotional journal from the creative mind of Shanna Noel, thee pass-along notes are reminders of God’s Word. Add your own message, artwork or encouragement and share a reminder of God’s truth with others. Each page features a prayer that can be a personal sent or a share prayer to encourage others.

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  • Divine Healing


    After an illness interrupted his ministry for more than two years, Andrew Murray received a miraculous restoration of health through the prayers of God’s people. Divine Healing is the classic work resulting from Murray’s deep study of Scripture on this topic, and the sermons that resulted from that study. In it, he unpacks the promise of James 5, that the prayer of faith will heal the sick. He writes about the prerequisites for healing, which is repentance from sin and the sanctification of the body by fully giving it over to God. Murray addresses such questions as:
    -Why are some people healed while others are not?
    -What roll do doctors play in miraculous healing?
    -Why do many Christians doubt the gifts of healing?
    -Is it God’s will to heal the sick?
    -Does sickness come from God or from Satan?

    Andrew Murray’s personal testimony and biblical teaching will serve as inspiration for readers to trust in God’s healing touch in their areas of deepest need.

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  • Breaking Emotional Barriers To Healing


    Far too many Christians are waiting, hoping, and praying for healing, but either it doesn’t last or it doesn’t come at all. Doctors shrug and say there is nothing they can do. Pastors say it is your sin or attacks of the devil that blocks your healing. This only leaves people more helpless, hopeless, afraid, ashamed, and still sick or in pain. Craig Miller experienced his own miraculous physical healing, and he has dedicated his life to helping others receive the permanent emotional and physical restoration that is available through the healing power of God. Craig ministers to the spirit and soul to identify root causes that block your healing. He lends particular focus to cases in which no cause of an illness can be identified and what to do when healing does not occur. He provides easy-to-use, step-by-step practical methods that are viable, available, affordable, and effective at bringing real solutions to long-term pain and suffering. Includes real-life examples of healing testimonies.

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  • Shaping History Through Prayer And Fasting (Expanded)


    The times we are living in are scary, to say the least. The world is unstable. Global politics are volatile. The rate of change we now experience is spiraling out of control. We’re uncertain about what will happen tomorrow, and we feel helpless to do anything about it. Yet what we are facing isn’t new. In the past, there have been many wars. There have been threats and acts of terrorism. History is spotted with violent episodes of unimaginable carnage and horror. And what did people do about them? The only thing they could do: they prayed! Discover with Derek Prince how your prayers and fasting can change the world. Using experiences from his own life, he illustrates how you can make a difference. You don’t have to fight. You don’t have to hold high political position. You don’t have to be a certain age. You don’t even have to have power, money, or influence on earth. What is important is your influence in heaven. Learn to touch the heart of God through prayer–prayer that will change the world!

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  • 5 Things To Pray For Your City


    Foreword And Series Introduction
    INTRODUCTION: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
    Life In The City:
    Justice In The City:
    Economic And Social Integration
    Crime And Gangs
    Marginalized People
    Race And Integration
    Church In The City:
    A Prayerful Church
    A Holy Church
    A Global Church
    A Diverse And United Church
    A Growing Church
    Witness In The City:
    The Salvation Of The City,
    Young People
    Older People
    Heavenly City

    Additional Info
    Our cities are full of people, full of needs, and bursting with opportunity. The United Nations estimates that 60% of the world’s population will live in cities by 2030.

    Urban churches have the world on our doorstep. But if we want to see God work in our cities and through our churches, we need to pray.

    That’s where this little book is designed to help. It will enlarge your vision and equip you to pray passionately and powerfully for the salvation and renewal of your city.

    Each chapter takes a passage of Scripture and suggests 5 things to pray for an area of city life. Because when we pray in line with God’s priorities as found in his word, our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5 v 16)-and that’s a truly thrilling prospect.

    This book has been developed in partnership with London City Mission and Redeemer City to City, and is flexible enough to be used whatever your urban context.

    Use this book to:
    * Guide your prayers during your personal quiet times
    * Equip church members to pray meaningfully for your city
    * Help you prepare expressive public intercessions for church
    * Fuel your church prayer meeting
    * Initiate and take part in a city-wide prayer movement

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  • Essentials Of Prayer


    E. M. Bounds describes how every Christian can maintain a prayer life that produces significant results both personally and in the kingdom of God. He focuses on the proper mind-set believers must attain in order to have the best prayer life. He reminds readers that one must have a humble heart and undivided allegiance to God in order to pray effectively. He also believes strongly that prayer is available to all people–even for those who only come to God in times of trouble. His advice is intended for both personal and corporate prayer, and is a great help for serious meditation.

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  • Prayer Life


    In 1912, only few years before he passed away, Andrew Murray gathered with other pastors at a conference about the low state of spiritual affairs in the South African churches. The Prayer Life was borne out of the soul searching and repentance that transpired at that conference. In it, Murray addresses the problem of prayerlessness, a condition that knows no generational boundaries. Murray cuts to the heart of the problem, offering suggestions which, if followed, will have a serious impact on the life of the earnest reader. Murray explains that since prayer is an outgrowth of abiding in Christ, prayerlessness is fundamentally a lack of abiding rather than simply a lack of prayer. The Prayer Life is a challenging call to a deeper Christian experience, out of which will naturally flow a life of prayer. Much more than a book on how to pray, this is a book on how to have a deeper and more effective spiritual walk with God.

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  • Oracion De Rompimiento – (Spanish)


    La oracion no es una practica ni un ritual. Es un lugar secreto en el Espiritu. Es un lugar de encuentros divinos con nuestro Padre celestial, donde le expresamos nuestro amor y entramos en las dimensiones de Su gloria y poder. Alli es donde recibimos Su presencia, revelacion y guia para la vida; es donde somos empoderados para cumplir Sus propositos en la tierra, mientras experimentamos el derramar de Su gracia a traves de milagros, sanidades, liberacion y salvacion. Con base en las Escrituras, la conviccion de su experiencia personal y la evidencia de muchos testimonios, Guillermo Maldonado nos revela apasionadamente, como entrar en ese lugar del Espiritu y convertirnos, como cuerpo de Cristo, en “casa de oracion.” Descubra el gozo de tener una comunicacion de doble via con el Padre. Aprenda no solo a escuchar Su voz, sino tambien a oirlo y actuar de acuerdo con lo que El esta diciendo. Aprenda a generar un impulso en su vida de oracion, creando una atmosfera espiritual en la que Dios se mueva poderosamente a favor de Su pueblo. Descubra las claves esenciales para un rompimiento y como lograr que todas sus oraciones sean contestadas de acuerdo con la voluntad y la Palabra de Dios. El tiempo nunca ha sido mas vital para encontrar nuestro lugar de oracion. Vivimos tiempos en que la oposicion del enemigo aumenta a medida que se acerca la segunda venida de Cristo. Esto requiere que alcancemos un nivel mas alto de poder y autoridad espirituales, lo cual solo es posible a traves de la oracion que nos lleva a la presencia de Dios. Nada mas nos puede preparar para enfrentar los desafios que vienen. Nada mas nos puede preparar para la segunda venida de Cristo. !Este es el tiempo de estar vigilantes en el espiritu! !Este es el tiempo de velar y orar!

    Prayer is not a practice or a ritual. It is a place. A secret place in the Spirit. A place of divine encounters with our heavenly Father where we express our love for Him and enter the dimensions of His glory and power. Where we welcome His presence, receive His revelation and guidance for our life, and are empowered to serve His purposes on earth while experiencing the outpouring of His grace through miracles, healings, deliverances, and salvations. With a scriptural foundation, the conviction of personal experience, and the evidence of many testimonies, Guillermo Maldonado passionately reveals how to enter this place in the Spirit so we, as the body of Christ, can become “a house of prayer.” Discover the joy of

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  • Breakthrough Prayer : Where God Always Hears And Answers


    Prayer is not a practice or a ritual. It is a place. A secret place in the Spirit. A place of divine encounters with our heavenly Father where we express our love for Him and enter the dimensions of His glory and power. Where we welcome His presence, receive His revelation and guidance for our life, and are empowered to serve His purposes on earth while experiencing the outpouring of His grace through miracles, healings, deliverances, and salvations. With a scriptural foundation, the conviction of personal experience, and the evidence of many testimonies, Guillermo Maldonado passionately reveals how to enter this place in the Spirit so we, as the body of Christ, can become “a house of prayer.” Discover the joy of two-way communication with the Father. Learn not only to hear His voice but to listen and act on what He is saying to you. See how to build momentum in your prayer life, creating a spiritual atmosphere in which God moves powerfully on behalf of His people. Discover essential keys for breakthrough–and how to have all your prayers answered according to God’s will and Word. There has never been a more vital time to find our place in prayer. We are in a period of increased opposition from the enemy as we draw closer to the day of Christ’s return. This requires us to attain a higher level of spiritual power and authority, which can only come through prayer that ushers us into God’s presence. Nothing else will prepare us to meet the challenges that are coming our way. Nothing else will prepare us for the second coming of Christ. Now is the time to be spiritually vigilant! Now is the time to watch and pray!

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  • Prayers And Promises For Boys


    Prayers & Promises for Boys incorporates more than 70 themes that will help guide your adventurous boy in how to connect with his Creator in all the different areas of his life.

    It will help him understand God’s promises about courage, trust, wisdom, worth, perseverance, and much more, while also encouraging him to pray.

    He will see that by staying connected to God, and believing the promises of his Word, he can live a fulfilling, blessed life in close relationship with his heavenly Father.

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  • 5 Things To Pray For Your Heart


    Every Christian wants to be more like Jesusand, wonderfully, that’s what God wants for us too: “It is God’s will that you should be sanctified” (1 Thessalonians 4 v 3). How will that happen? Only by asking God to transform us from the inside outbecause real heart change comes not by our own willpower, but by the Spirit’s power. Too often though our prayer lives are reduced to shopping-list-style-requests or desperate pleas to get through the day. But this little guide will help you to pray for genuine, deep and astonishing Christian growth, in your own life or somebody else’s. These are prayers your heavenly Father loves to answerbecause they’re based on his word. Each spread takes a passage of Scripture and suggests 5 things to pray for a particular area of your Christian life. Because when we pray in line with God’s priorities as found in his word, our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5 v 16)and that’s a truly thrilling prospect.

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  • Prayer Map For Girls


    What Does Prayer Look Like? . . .
    Find out in The Prayer Map for Girls.

    his unique prayer journal is a fun and creative way for the girls in your life to understand the importance and experience the power of prayer. Each page features a fun 2-color design that guides girls to write out specific thoughts, ideas, and lists. . .which then creates a specific “map” for them to follow as they talk to God. Each map includes a spot to record the date, so girls can look back on their prayers and see how God has worked in their lives. The Prayer Map for Girls will not only encourage them to spend time talking with God about the things that matter most. . .it will also help them build a healthy spiritual habit of continual prayer that will carry over into adulthood. Girls Ages 8-to-12.

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  • Prayers That Avail Much For America


    Lift your Prayers!
    When America was first established, it was founded as a “city on a hill.” Today, our nation falls far short of that aspiration. But there is hope.

    “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray… then I will hear from heaven… and will heal their land.” – 2 Chron. 7:14 (NIV)

    God still has a grand destiny for America. As Christians align their prayers with His vision, we will begin to see this broken country mended. This call is for all believers-not just “intercessors.”

    Germaine Copeland, author of the bestselling series Prayers that Avail Much, offers this timely, easy-to use guide to praying for our country.

    Christians cannot sit idly by while the nation crumbles. Lift your voice to Heaven, and petition for healing for America!

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  • 21 Days Of Breakthrough Prayer


    “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:19-20).

    Are there things in your personal life, your loved ones’ lives, or your church life that desperately need to change for the better?
    Have you been yearning for real spiritual breakthrough in the challenging situations you face?
    Have you ever considered that God is just waiting for His people to cry out to Him in prayer together?

    The prayer of agreement is one of the most powerful gifts that God has provided for victory in our Christian lives. He has promised us that He will respond to this time of focused prayer as we seek His face together.

    Join Jim and Cathy Maxim and Daniel Henderson for twenty-one days of agreeing prayer, and see how different things can be as believers go to God together to experience a time of intimacy and intercession that will forever change the way we pray, think, and act regarding the gift of prayer.

    More than just a book printed on paper, this 21-day movement is interactive. At the end of each devotional reading, you can visit and join Jim, Cathy, and Daniel for a powerful time of agreeing prayer. Enter God’s presence with them daily, praying for the power of the Holy Spirit to sweep through your circumstances with the breakthrough that you need in your life, and in the lives of those you love.

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