Social Issues
Showing 1–50 of 65 resultsSorted by latest
This Light Of Mine
$14.99If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? Psalm 11:3
Followers of Christ have every right to be concerned about the troubling shifts in our culture. On nearly every front things are different. Much of what we see is a direct contradiction to divinely revealed truth and the convictions we hold dear. At times, we feel like we’ve lost the battle for what’s good and right.
The challenge for us now? To respond in ways that communicate the gospel without alienating people who need to hear about the good news of Christ’s redemptive work. Unfortunately, many of us have responded with a sense of hopelessness and despair. Others have entwined evangelicalism with political alignments. Both strategies have made our message less than attractive and have betrayed the hope we have to offer a world gone wrong.
This Light of Mine is a call to evangelicals to pivot from being consumed in a battle for our earthly kingdom and to embrace the privilege of advancing the kingdom of Christ. Drawing from the Scriptures and the life of Jesus, Joe Stowell provides a hope-filled, courageous response that empowers us to light up the darkness by living like Jesus in a non-Jesus world.
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Happy Lies : How A Movement You Probably Never Heard Of Shaped Our Self-Obs
$19.99In this groundbreaking book, popular apologist Melissa Dougherty helps us understand how our society got to be so toxically subjective, why endless positivity is inherently destructive, and how we can live with faithful truth and genuine love in these self-obsessed times.
Have you ever wondered how we ended up in a world where personal feelings could become the authority for reality? Or why so many of us are on a relentless pursuit for happiness yet somehow feel more exhausted and sadder than ever? You’re not alone.
Melissa deftly traces the roots of today’s social chaos back to a little-known (but very influential) 1800s philosophy known as New Thought. A former follower of its teachings, Melissa provides clarity and compassion mixed with a dash of loving snark as she exposes New Thought’s deceptions and its many concerning tendrils within the church and our “self-help” culture.
You’ll be shocked, grieved, and encouraged as you learn:
*How you can experience true freedom, hope, and peace instead of the world’s counterfeits
*How an anti-God ideology so easily hijacked Christian-sounding ideas
*Why thinking positively is entirely different from the unbiblical and burdensome “positive thought” movement
*Why fake “authenticity” short-circuits real redemption
*How understanding the New Thought mindset can help us share our faith more effectively
Uncover a dangerous ideology that nearly everyone has met, yet few of us can name, in order to better understand our culture and joyfully live faithful to the gospel that is so much better than our world’s Happy Lies.
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Made To Be She
$18.99What does it mean to be a woman? What makes her her? Why are there differences between men and women? What do we lose as progressive movements try to erase those differences? And where do we go from here?
With insight and passion, the founders of Girl Defined Ministries confront the confusion of our culture and the conflicting voices of the feminist movement in order to bring clarity to the biblical womanhood found in God’s Word. This book will help you sort through the noise to develop a clear understanding of who God made you to be so you can stand firm and fearless despite the shifting winds of our society.
With a discussion guide at the end of each chapter to help you dig deeper, this book makes an excellent choice for women’s book clubs and Bible study groups or the perfect read to share with a friend over coffee.
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Fight Like A Man
$18.99Win the war for purity.
In a world that seeks to destroy sexual purity, the battle for holiness has never been fiercer nor the stakes higher. Sexual immorality has devastated too many men, damaged too many families, and marred the gospel’s testimony too many times. Now is the time to prepare yourself to fight.
In Fight Like a Man, Emeal “E.Z.” Zwayne presents biblical truth for combatting the enemies of purity that seek to hold you captive in sin. Not content to just reveal your adversaries’ tactics, E.Z. also provides an arsenal of simple yet revolutionary strategies to equip you to conquer lust through the power of gospel-centered grace and the knowledge of God’s mind-blowing character. No matter your past, you can embrace the freedom available in Christ and the fullness of a life that honors God with every thought, word, and deed.
There is hope on the battlefield of purity. Fight like the man God created you to be and join the ranks of those who have fought this battle and emerged as true spiritual victors.
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Mundo Volatil – (Spanish)
$14.99El mundo en que vivimos se ha vuelto inseguro, peligroso, deprimente y, sobre todo, volatil e inestable. Atras quedo la sociedad solida de nuestros antepasados marcada por una cosmovision predecible, ordenada y con vision de futuro. La historia, la politica, la filosofia, las tradiciones, ritos y creencias que formaron nuestro universo cultural, se diluyen y desvanecen en una nueva realidad social marcada por cambios y mutaciones que suceden a un ritmo hiperacelerado y vertiginoso.
En medio de este caos, este libro busca enfrentar la marea autodestructiva en la que se ha sumergido nuestra sociedad. Como enfrentamos este panorama sombrio? A traves de pequeas fabulas e historias poderosas que contienen una profunda enseanza, Mundo volatil nos anima a encontrar verdades absolutas que nos lleven a la estabilidad mental y la paz espiritual que necesitamos en nuestra alma. El mundo es el resultado de nuestras ideas, y aun estamos a tiempo de cambiar el caos en el que se ha sumergido nuestra vida. !Usted puede convertirse en embajador de esperanza en un mundo que esta a punto de diluirse!
The world we live in has become insecure, dangerous, depressing, and above all, volatile and unstable. The solid society of our ancestors, characterized by a predictable, orderly, and forward-thinking worldview, is a thing of the past. History, politics, philosophy, traditions, rituals and beliefs which shaped our cultural universe are now dissolving and vanishing into a new social reality marked by changes and mutations that take place at a hectic and vertiginous pace.
In the midst of this chaos, this books seeks to confront the self-destructive tide into which our society is immersed. How do we face this somber panorama? Through brief tales and powerful stories containing a deep teaching. Volatile World encourages us to discover absolute truths that lead to mental stability and spiritual peace so needed in our souls. The world is the result of our ideas. We still have time to change the chaos in which our lives have plunged. You can become an ambassador of hope in a world about to dissolve!
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Bondad Del Reino – (Spanish)
$16.99El egoismo, el orgullo y la hostilidad dominan los titulares, las redes sociales y las interacciones cotidianas. Pero que pasaria si cada cristiano hiciera un simple acto de bondad cada semana? Que pasaria si ofrecerse a llevar la compra a alguien que esta pasando apuros pudiera provocar una revolucion?
Con gran aliento y conocimiento biblico, el Dr. Tony Evans muestra como, cuando dejamos que la bondad de Dios nos cambie, podemos cambiar el mundo. A traves de ejemplos de la vida real y enseanzas practicas, nos capacita a cada uno de nosotros para:
*Reemplazar el discurso hiriente con discurso util
*Elegir el honor sobre el odio
*Reconocer las oportunidades cotidianas para difundir el amor de Dios
*Descubrir el valor para dar un paso al frente con bondadLa bondad es contagiosa. Es hora de dejar que el amor de Dios encienda un movimiento contracultural que venza el mal con el bien.
Selfishness, pride, and hostility dominate the headlines, social media, and everyday interactions. But what if every Christian did one simple act of kindness each week? What if offering to carry groceries for someone who is struggling could spark a revolution?
With rousing encouragement and biblical insight, Dr. Tony Evans shows how, when God’s kindness changes us, we can change the world. Through real-life examples and practical teaching, he empowers each of us to:
*Replace hurtful speech with helpful speech
*Choose honor over hate
*Recognize everyday opportunities to spread God’s love
*Discover the courage to step out in kindnessKindness is catching. It’s time to let God’s love ignite a countercultural movement that overcomes evil with good.
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Dark Traffic : The Dangerous Intersection Of Technology, Crime, Money, Sex,
$22.99Dark Traffic is the book that ushers the public into the next phase of anti-trafficking efforts to stop what has evolved into a $150 billion industry involving a complex network of organized crime trafficking sex, labor, and human organs. As co-founder and CEO of Dark Watch, author Noel Thomas has led United States law enforcement and the judicial system into the new battleground, where high-tech data analysis is changing how criminals are caught and prosecuted. Dark Traffic arrives on a new wave of media attention and actions at the federal, state, and local government levels, and informs readers how they can play a role in identifying and helping stop trafficking that occurs in their own neighborhood. Noel’s story of how he became aware of the issue is proof. The trafficking game has changed drastically, and Dark Traffic will change all our perceptions of trafficking.
“Dark Traffic was written first, to provide information. The public desperately needs to have a clear and accurate understanding of the problem we’re facing, since it threatens people, we love. Second, Noel hopes this book makes people angry, because anger focused in the right direction is a powerful tool for change(?). We ought to be angry when young people are being destroyed. And third, he wants to dispel the myth that one person can’t do very much. Mass movements are made up of lots of “one persons” who come together to become one massive force for good.”
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End The Stalemate
$17.99When was the last time you had a real & meaningful conversation? What has happened to our society?
Differences of opinion have always been part of life. For decades, spouses, family members, co-workers, and neighbors have had spirited conversations about politics, social issues, religion, current events, and even sports. But what was different in the past is that these disagreements wouldn’t sever ties between family and friends.
Today, we live in an argument culture that has let to nearly a third of people reporting they have stopped talking to a friend or family member due to a disagreement and nearly two-thirds of people saying they stay quiet about their beliefs due to the fear of offending others. From cyberbullying to hate speech, workplace harassment, demonizing political language, verbal abuse, and intolerance, the vast majority of us–eighty-seven percent–no longer feel safe in public places to share our opinions.
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Does The Bible Affirm Same-Sex Relationships
$9.99You may have heard the claim that the Bible, when read correctly, is not against believers entering monogamous, faithful same-sex relationships. The arguments sound quite compelling. “Jesus never talked about same-sex relationships.” “Paul was only condemning exploitative relationships, not consensual ones.” “We don’t keep the Old Testament food laws, so why would we keep the ones on same-sex sex?” “If God is love, he can’t be against relationships of love.” And more. Have Christians through the ages just been getting this one wrong?
In this concise book, Rebecca McLaughlin looks at ten of the most common arguments used to claim that the Bible affirms same-sex sexual relationships. She analyzes the arguments and associated Bible passages one by one to uncover what the Bible really says.
For Rebecca, as someone with a lifelong history of same-sex attraction, this is not just an academic question. But rather than concluding that the Bible does affirm same-sex marriage, she points readers to the gospel purpose of male-female marriage, a different kind of gospel-centered love between believers of the same sex, and God’s life-and-love-filled vision for singleness.
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Checking The Boxes Only You Can Check
$12.99Most of us don’t realize how much we’re uniquely designed by God to change the world. It starts with building a list of action steps to change your world in critical ways.
In Checking the Boxes Only You can Check, Jay Payleitner outlines forty different objectives we can strive for to make the world a better place. These objectives aren’t so lofty that someone can’t reach them, but they will be challenging. These objectives will help create lasting unity, compassion, efficiency, positivity, and thoughtfulness in a needy world.
Will you be able to check the box of going above and beyond in your life or the lives of others? Can you give others or yourself a second chance in the age of cancel culture? With all the superstars and rock stars in the home and workplace, can you admit that you have limits or show humility? Can you proclaim Scripture and your faith in the face of scorn and ridicule? These are some of the questions you may ask yourself as you engage with this book.
Reading this book will take you on a journey to better steward your life and be a better caretaker of the earth and humanity. Are you ready to take on the challenge and complete your checklist?
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20 Truths That Helped Me In My Battle With Porn Addiction
$19.99In 1986, Steve Gallagher was on the brink of suicide. His addiction to pornography and illicit sex had shattered his life and destroyed his marriage. But after an experience of deep repentance, Steve began to discover powerful truths from God’s Word-truths that broke the power of his addiction, transformed his inner life and healed his marriage. In the nearly four decades since, Pastor Steve and his team at Pure Life Ministries have ministered to thousands of men in sexual sin.
This in-depth, 40-day study journal is based on Pastor Steve’s viral YouTube series, 20 Truths that Helped Me in my Battle with Porn Addiction. With over one million views on YouTube, the series has shown countless men how to begin their own life-changing journey out of porn addiction. This study will help you take the truths from each of the 20 videos to an even deeper level and apply them to your daily life.
Included in each day’s study:” A link to that day’s assigned video from the 20 Truths series
” A personal testimony on the transformative power of these truths
” A Bible study on key principles for gaining victory over porn addiction
” Reflection questions that will help you apply these fundamental truthsOrder your copy today, and discover how you can win this battle once and for all through the power of Jesus Christ!
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How Should We Then Die
$18.99“My times are in thy hand.”
*Explains why physician-assisted death is attractive
*Makes a case for the value of life and wrongness of killing
*Argues from general revelation and Scripture
*Helps Christians undercut the logic of euthanasiaAs more people accept the practice of physician-assisted death, Christians must decide whether to embrace or oppose it. Is it ethical for physicians to assist patients in hastening their own death? Should Christians who are facing death accept the offer of an assisted death?
In How Should We then Die?, physician Ewan Goligher draws from general revelation and Scripture to persuade and equip Christians to oppose physician-assisted death. Euthanasia presumes what it is like to be dead. But for Christians, death is not the end. Christ Jesus has destroyed death and brought life and immortality through the gospel.
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And : The Restorative Power Of Love In An Either Or World
$18.99While others often respond to the cares and concerns of our day through anger, And: The Restorative Power of Love in an Either/Or World attempts to offer a response steeped in the heartbeat of Love.
This book is an invitation to encounter the lived experience and philosophical musings of another as a human, not as a project or agenda to conquer. Without apology, it embraces humanity and all the emotions, back stories, and history that come along with who we are and who Love is inviting us to be. This book is for those who want to think more deeply, those who are asking questions of how, what, and perhaps even why, and those who want to engage in deep listening and empathy.
And: The Restorative Power of Love in an Either/Or World is an invitation to move beyond binaries, beyond hierarchy and comparison to embrace the concept of “AND,” with inclusion and generativity that allow for more than one perspective and/or way of being.
Touching on issues of race, body, motherhood, church, and wonder, these writings are from the stirrings of the author’s own soul, extending an invitation to sit with Spirit in the process of mindful meditation, to humbly sit with compassion and curiosity in ways that evoke honesty and healing so that one might move beyond either/or and discover how the restorative power and uniting thread of Love might be stitching each of us to the world and to each other.
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Speak The Unspeakable
$18.99Everyone has secrets. Elizabeth Good’s seem shocking – at first – until the room begins to shift, hands raise, tears well, and hurting hearts respond, “I thought I was the only one.”
Brave enough to lay her own story on the table, Elizabeth Good noticed, as the scales of shame and fear began to fall from her eyes, the same was happening to others in domino effect of healing. Thousands who have lived paralyzed by secrets are learning to speak up and live free through Good’s Real Talk curriculum, and the move of God is not so quietly transforming churches, business, families, and communities.
Now readers can engage with the same tools, giving them permission (often for the first time in their lives) to Speak the Unspeakable and change the trajectory of their life, discovering their purpose for impacting others, and becoming the ultimate key to unlock a Spirit of silence and brokenness threatening to tear the contemporary church apart.
Speak the Unspeakable is an invitation to transformation and a handbook for getting the job done. The world of silence in which we’ve been living, is starting to shift culturally as Good leads others (individuals and groups from kids to CEOs) through her unconventional approach to emotional healing and next-level living.
Using the language and lessons gained from her decades as a pastor, licensed psychologist, and not-for-profit activist working with sex trafficking victims, Good is uniquely equipped to guide and support readers on their journey as they “trade unspoken problems for unspeakable results.”
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5 Lies Of Our Anti Christian Age
$29.99In a prevailing culture of rapidly changing beliefs, God’s Word provides answers. Dr. Butterfield writes in memoir style, using personal stories, cultural studies, literary criticism, and theology to expose the five lies our modern society promotes concerning sexuality, spirituality, feminism, transgenderism, and modesty. Apply Scripture’s timeless truths to crucial dilemmas facing today’s church. 320 pages, hardcover from Crossway.
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No Shame : A Devotional For Survivors Of Sexual Abuse
$9.95For those who have experienced sexual abuse, No Shame is a unique devotional that contains 40 daily devotionals prayerfully written to help you in your journey to peace.
This devotional book is a gentle guide to lead you into contemplation and engagement with God in light of the abuse you’ve encountered. You may be experiencing feelings of fear, shame, anxiety, and worthlessness, but God’s Word is more powerful, and this book will help guide you toward the freedom and joy that you yearn for in Jesus.
Forty entries include a short and meaningful devotional, a specific prayer prompt, and journal space for writing your thoughts. The enemy wants you to hold on to shame and to prevent you from drawing near to God. But God is with you, and His truths will help dispel these lies and bring hope and healing to your life.
This book is intended for you to turn to not once, but many times along your healing journey. It is a supplemental tool that does not replace counseling or seeking the help of a mental health professional. Trauma of this kind most often requires a complex treatment course that this book alone cannot provide. Rather, No Shame: A Devotional for Survivors of Sexual Abuse is a compassionate, self-paced guide to help survivors of sexual abuse reengage with God.
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Is God Anti Gay
$9.99A sensitive exploration of the Bible’s teaching on sexuality.
Is it ok to be gay and Christian? Does the Bible really say that homosexuality is wrong? Is sexual orientation fundamental to identity?
Author and speaker Sam Allberry has expanded and restructured his best-selling book, which draws on his own experience as a believer who experiences same-sex attraction. As well as exploring Bible passages that talk directly about homosexuality, this new edition frames the whole discussion with Jesus’ general teaching on sex and marriage, as well as what Jesus teaches about finding ultimate satisfaction and happiness. It also challenges the current culture narrative, which inextricably ties sexuality to personal identity, and he shows that the gospel is good news for everyone, whatever their sexual orientation.
This sensitive exploration of the Bible’s teaching on sexuality has been written to help both Christians and non-Christians struggling with the Bible’s teaching on this issue, whether they experience same-sex attraction themselves or not.
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$6.99Climate change and other environmental issues dominate the media. How should Christians respond?
This short, thought-provoking book helps readers to think about the key issues surrounding the environment and climate change through the lens of Scripture.
Author Dave Gobbett traces the role of the planet in the Bible’s big story, from creation to new creation, and explores what it means to care for the environment as bearers of God’s image and followers of Jesus. He suggests a range of practical responses that Christians can consider.
Perfect for churches to read together in the run-up to the COP27 conference.
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Letter To The American Church
$24.20In an earnest and searing wake-up call, the author of the bestseller Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy warns of the haunting similarities between today’s American church and the German church of the 1930s. Echoing Bonhoeffer’s prophetic call, Eric Metaxas exhorts his fellow Christians to repent of their silence in the face of evil before it is too late.
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.
God will not hold us guiltless.”Can it really be God’s will that His children be silent at a time like this? Decrying the cowardice that masquerades as godly meekness, Eric Metaxas summons the Church to battle.
The author of a bestselling biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Metaxas reveals the haunting similarities between today’s American Church and the German Church of the 1930s. Echoing the German martyr’s prophetic call, he exhorts his fellow Christians to repent of their silence in the face of evil.
An attenuated and unbiblical “faith” based on what Bonhoeffer called “cheap grace” has sapped the spiritual vitality of millions of Americans. Paying lip service to an insipid “evangelism,” they shrink from combating the evils of our time. Metaxas refutes the pernicious lie that fighting evil politicizes Christianity. As Bonhoeffer and other heroes of the faith insisted, the Church has an irreplaceable role in the culture of a nation. It is our duty to fight the powers of darkness, especially on behalf of the weak and vulnerable.
Silence is not an option. God calls us to defend the unborn, to confront the lies of cultural Marxism, and to battle the globalist tyranny that crushes human freedom. Confident that this is His fight, the Church must overcome fear and enter the fray, armed with the spiritual weapons of prayer, self-sacrifice, and love.
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$5.00Fentanyl is the first booklet in Dr. Mark E. Shaw’s The Transformation Series. Addressing the dangers of fentanyl use and its affect on our relationship with God, Mark uses Scripture and his vast experience in biblical counseling to bring forth the truth of the Bible: God wants to transform the addicted into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. Included in this booklet are many listed resources to help guide counselors, the addicted and family/friends of the addicted.
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Jesus And Gender
$24.99Loving one another as sisters and brothers in Jesus
Many Christian women and men carry heavy burdens. Much teaching on gender relations, roles, and rules binds the conscience beyond what Scripture actually teaches. Gender has become a battleground for power. But God created men and women not to compete for glory but to cooperate for his glory.
In Jesus and Gender, Elyse Fitzpatrick and Eric Schumacher paint a new vision for gender-Christ’s gentle and lowly heart. The centrality of the gospel has been lost in gender debates. Our ultimate example is Jesus, our humble king, who used his power to serve others. So we must rethink our identities, roles, and relationships around him. Christ transformed enemies into family. Men and women are allies in God’s mission.
Drawing from Scripture and experience, Fitzpatrick and Schumacher show how Jesus’s example speaks to all areas of our lives as men and women, including vocation, marriage, parenting, friendships, and relating to each other as sisters and brothers in Christ. Real–life testimonies from a variety of Christians-including Christine Caine, Justin Holcomb, Karen Swallow Prior, and others-show a variety of men and women freed to pursue their gifts for God’s glory.
Fitzpatrick and Schumacher’s perspective untangles what God has said about gender from what he hasn’t. By coming to Jesus, women and men can find rest.
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Stewards Of The Earth
$22.99Fifty years of evangelical thought on creation care
Evangelicals have a complex relationship with environmentalism. Some lament the church’s apparent disinterest in humanity’s negative impact upon the earth. Others denounce environmentalism as a distraction from the church’s mission. In the face of polarization over the issue, how should evangelicals steward creation well?
Stewards of the Earth collects five decades of articles from Christianity Today that display the diversity and development of evangelical perspectives on creation care. Some articles address the concerns evangelicals have over cooperating with the broader environmentalist movement or lay out positive ways to navigate or overcome these hesitations. Other articles present constructive approaches to creation care. Readers will gain a nuanced view of evangelical thought over the decades.
With a new introduction by Loren Wilkinson and contributions from writers like Bill McKibben, Ronald Sider, Leslie Leyland Fields, and Andy Crouch, these essays preserve the wisdom of the past to provide insight for the future.
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How Should We Think About Gender And Identity
$14.99Speak with biblical clarity on gender and identity.
Can someone be born with the wrong body? This question raises moral, social, and legal implications. Do you have a biblical response?
In How Should We Think About Gender and Identity?, Robert S. Smith recognizes that to properly respond, we must first understand. Smith first defines terms and outlines the history and current debates around transgender. God’s word is brought to bear, including its perspective on creation and sin, sex and gender, and body and soul. Learn how you can thoughtfully engage the debate with conviction and display the love of Jesus to your transgender neighbor.
The Questions for Restless Minds series applies God’s word to today’s issues. Each short book faces tough questions honestly and clearly, so you can think wisely, act with conviction, and become more like Christ.
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Making Faith Magnetic
$16.99As followers of Jesus, we know that the good news is deeply attractive. But we often fear that to those on the outside, it comes across as irrelevant or even repellent. Sometimes the Christian worldview feels so out of step with everything else going on that we don’t know how to share our faith.
However, author Daniel Strange wants to show you that the connections are there–in fact, the longings that our culture cannot help but express are the very ones that Jesus fulfils.
Building on the work of theologian J.H. Bavinck, Dan reveals five recurring themes that our culture can’t stop talking about, or, as he puts it, the “five permanent ‘itches’ that in our work, rest, and play, we have to vigorously scratch.” From TV to books to social media, these are the questions we can’t stop asking and the tensions we can’t stop wrestling with–and Jesus speaks powerfully into each one.
This book will help you to spot these connections in our culture, excite you about how Jesus makes sense of humankind’s deepest questions and longings, and equip you to speak of him to others in a way that is truly magnetic.
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Freedom Is Costly But Priceless
$15.99The key to America’s future begins with exploring our past. In Freedom Is Costly, But Priceless, Dave Meyer shares the importance of our nation’s true history–learning about our rich, godly heritage and discovering Who and what has made this nation so great. God’s Word was an integral part of our nation’s founding, and His Word is still the key today to restoring our families, schools, churches and communities.
When it comes to the future of this nation, each one of us plays a greater role than we can possibly imagine. God has given us the ability to become an unquenchable force for good in our families, schools, churches and communities. We each have an indispensable part to play, and Dave Meyer outlines where to begin and how to take meaningful steps to make a positive change in government and society.
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Enemies And Allies
$26.99Do recent changes in the Middle East signal peace? One Arab country after another is signing historic, game-changing peace, trade, investment, and tourism deals with Israel. At the same time, Russia, Iran, and Turkey are forming a highly dangerous alliance that could threaten the Western powers. Meanwhile, the U.S. is drawing down its military forces in the Mideast and focusing on matters closer to home. Where’s it all heading?
New York Times bestselling author Joel C. Rosenberg, based in Jerusalem, skillfully and clearly explains the sometimes-encouraging, sometimes-violent, yet rapidly shifting landscape in Israel and the Arab/Muslim world. Enemies and Allies will take readers behind closed doors in the Middle East and introduce them to the very kings and crown princes, presidents and prime ministers who are leading the change.
Includes exclusive, never-before-published quotes, insights, and analysis from the author’s conversations with some of the most complex and controversial leaders in the world:
*Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS)
*Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
*Jordan’s King Abdullah II
*United Arab Emirates’ Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ)
*Israeli prime minister Benjamin NetanyahuIsraeli president Reuven RivlinRead moreOut of stock
Journey Out : How I Followed Jesus Away From Gay
$19.99You’ve been looking for Jesus.
At one time or another you have likely felt conflicted by two opposing desires: the longing to be truly seen and known, versus the drive to hide from real intimacy. This universal human experience points to one simple truth – we want to be loved, but are ashamed of our unworthiness.
Only one Person could ever meet you in this dilemma, seeing your darkest secrets without flinching, offering the power to change, and loving you without an agenda. This Person is Jesus.
Before meeting Jesus, Ken Williams describes himself as a homosexual who was tormented by shame and on the brink of committing suicide. But in the person of Jesus, Ken discovered the affirmation, love, and wholeness he had been seeking.
Since then, Ken has worked tirelessly to help others experience the same hope he found. Today, his life’s work is to cultivate a productive and compassionate environment for those bound by sexual shame, insecurity, and fear, so that they can thrive in righteousness, peace and joy!
In Changed, Ken Williams will…
*Reveal that change and freedom from same sex attraction are possible
*Demystify homosexuality and gender identity issues
*Help you to make a deep, authentic connection with Jesus
*Offer wisdom for supporters: parents, family, friends, or pastorsIf you are longing to be deeply known and unconditionally loved, your heart is crying out for Jesus. You will meet Him in the pages of Changed, and discover a new life filled with true hope and enduring joy!
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Infected : How To Stop The Global Spread Of Rage, Deception And Insanity
$14.99A spiritual virus more devastating than COVID-19 has infected the global population. It has triggered rage, offense, and murdeous attacks that have exploded in our nation and around the world. If left unchecked, this virus leads to insanity, affecting the mind and body. We see the results all around us and people have no idea it is ruling their lives.
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Gen SeXYZ : Love, Sexuality And Youth
$16.99“Corrupt the young. Get them away from religion. Encourage their interest in sex….”-Vladimir Lenin, 1921, How to Destroy the West
Going through each of the prophetic statements made by Lenin in 1921 shows why America is where it is today. Only 4 percent of Gen Z think about life through a biblical lens. To them, sexuality is more important than friends, family, or their faith.
Jeff Grenell’s goal in Gen SeXYZ: Love, Sexuality & Youth is to reach youth, youth leaders, and the church with a message that kicks the devil to the curb and restores sexuality to its God-given origins.
When the church failed to respond to the sexual revolution of the 1960s and the present one of the 21st century, its role in society crumbled. The media stopped censoring, the government redefined marriage, schools taught progressive sex education, and the list of genders grew. We’ve experienced generational loss because we’ve gotten further away from the source of our original knowledge of sexuality: the Bible.
Jeff points out that our understanding of sexuality must be anchored to the fact that God is love and the devil stole sex. He provides direct quotations from teenagers and leaders, practical knowledge, and tools to launch a spiritual revolution of love and truth that will grow the church to reach younger generations and combat the loveless, godless sexuality ethic in our culture that’s misleading them.
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She Found His Grace
$16.99When Serena Dyksen heard the news that over 2,200 babies’ remains were found on the property of abortion doctor Ulrich “George” Klopfer, her whole body went numb from shock. She began to sob tears of grief. “Is my baby one of those remains?” she questioned. Dr. Klopfer performed her abortion when she was just thirteen years old.
Just months before, Serena had decided to share her abortion story. After watching one of the last scenes in the pro-life movie Unplanned, she felt it was time to share the hope and healing God had done in her life. Serena’s story reads like a traumatic tale: a childhood of dysfunction, rape, abortion at thirteen years old, a pregnant teenager at the age of sixteen, health issues, and a devastating event that led her to alcohol and drug abuse.
But in her book, She Found His Grace: A True Story of Hope, Love and Forgiveness After Abortion, Serena reveals the transforming power of God’s healing in her life that set her completely free. She now finds comfort from Genesis 50:20 (ESV): “As for me, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.”
Serena wants everyone who reads her book to know that she walks in freedom because of the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. “Everyone needs to walk through the healing process of their past abortion, no matter what the circumstances,” she testifies. “If you don’t, you will be walking through deception, pain, and all the bondage that goes with that. But the same God who sent people to show His love for me is the same God who will redeem your life too!”
Headlines of Dr. Ulrich Klopfer’s evil highlights the horrors of the abortion industry, but Serena’s testimony overshadows that darkness with the truth of God’s word. There is forgiveness, hope, and healing for your past abortion. “God shines through my life; he can shine through yours too!”
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When The Righteous Rule
$16.99It is time for every Christian to stand up, be counted, and be educated on the issues that concern the moral fiber of our country and the future of our families. In When the Righteous Rule: Bible Positions on Political Issues, Pastor Hagee gives insight and educates you on the Bible’s position of various political issues you will face in the voting booth.
It is time to do more than stand on a soap box and complain. Take a stand for righteousness. Register to vote. Vote our Christian beliefs. We must help take our nation back to the God of our fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We will not be acknowledged for the problems we recognize, but for the problems we help solve.
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World Is Changing
$24.99An Agustin Agencty Title
On December 26, 1991, an event of extraordinary importance in universal history took place.
It involved the dissolution of the Soviet Union, an event of enormous repercussions that almost no one had anticipated. In fact, only the historian Andrei Amalrík1 and Nobel laureate and writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn,2 two Russian dissidents, had enough courage and vision to forecast that such a seismic event would take place.
Although it is indisputable that the Cold War had come to an end, there are more than a few who intend to continue analyzing the current global situation from the perspective of a historical period that ended four decades ago. Claiming to understand the present with the paradigms of the Cold War-even to a large extent with those espoused by the Left and Right-is a very serious mistake with consequences that are extremely harmful. History has continued to move forward, and just as it would have been foolish to claim to understand Europe of the end of the nineteenth century on the basis of what life was like for Napoleon, who was finally dethroned in 1815; it is absurd, and even ridiculous, to try to understand our world on the basis of what the Cold War entailed.
In the first part of the present work, we will take into account the analysis of democracy as a recent and often failed regime, as well as consider the dangers that now threaten its very survival. The second part is devoted to the globalist agenda, which constitutes a real threat that seeks to destroy national sovereignty, the power of the Sates, and the democratic system itself. Finally, the third paints a global picture of how reactions are already perceived in light of this globalist agenda, although not all of them lead to a future of freedom, and, certainly, the human race runs a true and real risk of being subjected to totalitarian systems of various kinds. We invite you on this journey with The World is Changing.
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Mundo Que Cambia – (Spanish)
$17.99An Agustin Agency Title
El 26 de diciembre 1991, tuvo lugar un hecho de extraordinaria importancia en la Historia universal. Se trato de la disolucion de la Union Sovietica, un acontecimiento de enormes repercusiones que pocos habian previsto. A decir verdad, solo el historiador Andrei Amalrik y el premio Nobel Alexander Solzhenitsyn , disidentes rusos, habian tenido el valor y la vision para anunciar que semejante seismo tendria lugar. Aunque es indiscutible que la Guerra fria concluyo, no son pocos los que pretenden seguir analizando la situacion actual del globo desde la perspectiva de un periodo historico que termino hace cuatro decadas. Pretender comprender el presente con paradigmas de la Guerra fria – incluso con los de izquierdas y derechas – constituye una equivocacion de consecuencias perjudiciales. La Historia ha seguido avanzando y al igual que habria constituido una necedad pretender comprender la Europa de finales del siglo XIX sobre lo que fue la vida de Napoleon, destronado definitivamente en 1815, es absurdo, e incluso ridiculo, entender nuestro mundo sobre la base de la Guerra fria. Nuestro mundo ha seguido cambiando desde 1991 y lo que resulta aun mas relevante es que ese conjunto de cambios es constante e implica desafios colosales con los que nunca antes ha tenido que enfrentarse el genero humano. Lejos de ser la democracia y la libertad realidades que se imponen de manera casi natural, lo cierto es que se encuentran mas amenazadas que nunca y que esa amenaza no solo es externa sino, en buena medida, tambien interna. Un mundo que cambia es un intento de explicar que es verdaderamente la democracia y su fragilidad, y que es la agenda globalista, la cual amenaza a el patriotismo y la continuidad de la misma democracia.
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Stay Salt : The World Has Changed – Our Message Must Not
$16.99Helps Christians to share their faith in today’s world confidently and effectively.
The world has changed in so many ways, and many of us no longer feel confident when it comes to evangelism, especially with the rise of hostility towards Christian points of view. Keeping quiet is becoming our default position. Yet the world has not changed in one way-it still needs Jesus.
Renowned evangelist Becky Pippert draws on decades of conversations about Christianity around the world to call and equip ordinary Christians to share Jesus through their ordinary day-to-day conversations. She shows that by leaning on our extraordinary God, such conversations can, and often do, have extraordinary results. They will transform hearts, transform society, and transform the world!
Weaving Bible teaching with compelling stories, ‘Stay Salt’ is the next-generation ‘Out of the Saltshaker’ for this new era. It will give readers the confidence to share Jesus like Jesus-relevantly, thoughtfully, and effectively.
Contains discussion questions for small groups at the end of each chapter.
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Abortion : Christian Compassion, Convictions And Wisdom For Today’s Big Iss
$6.99Our culture is locked in a battle between two opposing worldviews on abortion. How should Christians advise those who are considering, or feeling the pressure to abort their child? How can we help those who are struggling with the emotional and spiritual fallout from abortion? What stance should we take in the public arena, and how should we conduct ourselves in conversations on these subjects?
In this short book, Lizzie Ling and Vaughan Roberts survey the Christian worldview and help us to think biblically, speak wisely and act compassionately as we engage with the people, the questions and the heartache surrounding abortion, in a society with very different values.
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Myth And Meaning In Jordan Peterson
$18.99Popular philosopher Jordan Peterson has captured the imagination of Western world.
For some, Peterson represents all that is wrong with patriarchal culture; for others, he is the Canadian academic prophet who has come to save civilization from dizzying confusion. Regardless of how one feels about him, his influence in North America–and beyond–is difficult to deny.
While the “Peterson phenomenon” has motivated numerous articles and responses, much of what has been written is either excessively fawning or overly critical. Little has been produced that explores Peterson’s thought–especially his immensely popular 12 Rules for Life–within the context of his overall context and scholarly output. How is one to understand the ascendency of Jordan Peterson and why he’s become so popular? Does his earlier Maps of Meaning shed light on how one might understand his worldwide bestseller, 12 Rules for Life?In Myth and Meaning in Jordan Peterson, scholars across various disciplines explore various aspects of Jordan Peterson’s thought from a Christian perspective. Both critical and charitable, sober-minded and generous, this collection of ten essays is a key resource for those looking to faithfully engage with Jordan Peterson’s thought.
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Born Again This Way
$16.99As a Christian who experiences same-sex attraction, is it possible to live a life that’s faithful and fuilfiing? Rachel Gilson wants to show you that it is. Living as a Christian with same-sex attraction is not just a case of limping to the finish line–it’s possible to run the race with joy.
In this powerful and personal book, she describes her own unexpected journey of coming out and coming to faith… and what came next. As she does so, she addresses many of the questions that Christians living with same-sex attraction are wrestling with: Am I consigned to a life of loneliness? How do I navigate my friendships? Will my desires ever change? Is there some greater purpose to all this? What comes next, and next, and next?
Drawing on insights from the Bible and the experiences of others, Born Again This Way provides assurance and encouragement for Christians with same-sex attraction, and paints a compelling picture of discipleship for every believer. Whatever your sexuality, this book is an inspiring testimony of how a life submitted to Jesus will be fulfilling and fruitful–but not always in the ways we might expect.
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Multicultural Church : Embracing Unity And Restoration
$12.99Despite the progress our country has made in Civil Rights over the past century, Sunday morning is still one of the most segregated times in America. It seems like the only people striving to lead in the area of racial reconciliation are politicians, activists, and celebrities. Pastor Dan Willis wants to know… Where is the church? What can the people of God do to become leaders again and not just be Johnny-come-lately followers? The art of bringing harmony to the masses lies in the love all should see in the church of God. If the church is to make a difference and return to relevance in this world, the only option is multicultural ministry. If leaders are not prepared to minister to this growing culture, then American Christianity is in danger of becoming nonessential to the body of believers. For years, Dan Willis has led a growing, multicuItural Christian community in the suburbs of Chicago. In The Multicultural Church, Dan shares what he has learned, the mistakes he has made, and what can be done to successfully minister to a diverse culture.
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Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With
$16.99Christians are increasingly seen as outdated, restrictive and judgmental when it comes to sex before marriage, cohabitation, homosexuality, gender identity or transgender rights. In fact for many people, this issue is one of the biggest barriers for them considering Christianity.
Sam Allberry, author of many books including Is God Anti-gay sets out God’s good design for the expression of human sexuality, showing that God himself is love and that only he can satisfy our deepest desires.
It is a great reminder of the Bible’s positive blueprint for love, sex and marriage and ideal for giving away to people who may see this as a stumbling block for belief.
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Be True To Yourself
$15.99Our culture tells us that the way to be happy is to be true to yourself. It’s posted on social media, promoted in adverts, taught in schools and, even, expressed in churches. But what does that mean, and does it actually work?
Matt Fuller explores how true happiness, wholeness and freedom can be found in embracing who God has created us to be; allowing ourselves to be shaped by who the Bible says we are, rather than our own fluctuating feelings, or the voices around us. In the process, this book draws on a broad range of fascinating research and examples to give us a fresh biblical take on some of today’s biggest hot-button issues.
By cutting through the confusion and showing us something better, this is a book to help every Christian live with confidence in today’s culture.
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10 Commandments Of Progressive Christianity
$7.99A cautionary look at ten dangerously appealing half-truths.
In 1923, J. Gresham Machen, then a professor at Princeton Seminary, wrote his classic text, Christianity and Liberalism. The book was a response to the rise of liberalism in the mainline denominations of his own day. Machen argued that the liberal understanding of Christianity was, in fact, not just a variant version of the faith, nor did it represent simply a different denominational perspective, but was an entirely different religion. Put simply, liberal Christianity is not Christianity.
What is remarkable about Machen’s book is how prescient it was. His description of liberal Christianity–a moralistic, therapeutic version of the faith that values questions over answers and being “good” over being “right”–is still around today in basically the same form. For this reason alone the book should be required reading, certainly for all seminary students, pastors, and Christian leaders.
Although its modern advocates present liberal Christianity as something new and revolutionary, it is nothing of the sort. It may have new names (e.g., “emerging” or “progressive” Christianity), but it is simply a rehash of the same well-worn system that has been around for generations.
The abiding presence of liberal Christianity struck me not long ago when I came across a daily devotional from Richard Rohr that listed ten principles he thinks modern Christianity needs to embody. These ten principles are actually drawn from Philip Gulley’s book, If the Church Were Christian: Rediscovering the Values of Jesus. In that devotional series, ironically titled “Returning to Essentials,” Rohr sets forth the ten principles as a kind of confessional statement of modern liberalism (while at the same time pretending to deplore confessional statements). They are, in effect, a Ten Commandments for progressive Christianity.
Indeed, these ten sound like they were gathered not so much on the mountaintop as in the university classroom. They are less about God revealing his desires and more about man expressing his own–less Moses, more Oprah.
But take note: each of these commandments is partially true. Indeed, that is what makes this list, and progressive Christianity as a whole, so challenging. It is a master class in half-truths that sound appealing on the surface until you dig down deeper and really explore their foundations and implications. Benjamin Franklin was right when he quipped, “Half the truth is often a
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Rest For The Justice Seeking Soul
$16.99Susan K. Williams Smith is a minister and activist who has been on the front lines of social and racial justice for many years. As she has marched shoulder-to-shoulder to resist systematic oppression, she has heard the same question over and over: “How are we going to get through this?” Rest for the Justice-Seeking Soul was birthed out of those cries.
Here is a soul-care manual for social justice-seeking believers who stand in constant vigilance against all forms of racial, class, and gender oppression. The fight for justice and equality is an exhausting daily grind–and the work is never over. That’s why it is incumbent upon all who speak and advocate for the less fortunate to practice self-care. You can’t fight when your tank is empty.
In response to the many calls and emails she has received from friends, clergy, and strangers who are in utter despair and even deep depression, she has created ninety daily devotions to provide a daily spoonful of hope and encouragement, a healing balm to “strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees” (Hebrews 12:12). Lift your gaze upward toward a better future by allowing God to restore harmony and focus in your soul and justice in your community. Our God is bigger than whoever is oppressing you. As the old hymn states, “Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.”
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Unborn Untold : True Stories Of Abortion And God’s Healing Grace
$14.99Confused. Scared. Pressured. Alone. That’s what so many of the women and men in these true stories felt when faced with an unexpected pregnancy. Many believed they had no alternative but to abort their child, while others made the difficult decision to choose life. All live with the consequences of that decision. And all have experienced the healing grace and mercy of God.
Their stories will touch your heart, expand your ability to offer compassion to all affected by abortion, and provide practical tools and guidance through the healing process.
The global abortion epidemic demands a response of support, encouragement, and grace from those on all sides of the issue. Only then will those in crisis pregnancy situations feel equipped and empowered to choose life. And only then can every person affected by abortion let go of the past and move forward into a future filled with healing and hope.
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Not Forsaken : A Story Of Life After Abuse – How Faith Brought One Woman Fr
$22.99Jenn Greenberg was abused by her church-going father. Yet she is still a Christian. In this courageous, compelling book, she reflects on how God brought life and hope in the darkest of situations. Jenn shows how the gospel enables survivors to navigate issues of guilt, forgiveness, love, and value. And she challenges church leaders to protect the vulnerable among their congregations.
Her reflections offer Biblical truths and gospel hope that can help survivors of abuse as well as those who walk alongside them.
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Mama Bear Apologetics
The problem with lies is they don’t often sound like lies. Their attraction is their appeal. They seem harmless, and even sound right. So what’s a Mama Bear to do to protect her children and raise them in the truth?
Mama Bear Apologetics is the book you’ve been looking for. This mom-to-mom guide will equip you to teach your kids how to form their own beliefs about what is true and what is false. Through honest storytelling and practical application, this band of Mama Bears offers tools to train your kids how to spot the lie traps intended to trip them up and the steps to take to stand strong on God’s Word.
Are you ready to answer the rallying cry, “When you mess with our kids, we will demolish your arguments”? Join the Mama Bear movement and raise your voice to protect your kids.
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Affirming Gods Image
$16.99What is a knowledgeable, faithfully biblical response to transgenderism?
In Affirming God’s Image, J. Alan Branch takes a fair, respectful, and factual tone in addressing this complex issue through a biblical lens.
You’ll learn:
*Scientific research around the transgender experience
*An Overview of the history of transgenderismImportant terminology surrounding gender issues
*Why people pursue gender reassignment surgery, and what happens after
*How to navigate conversations around this topicThe book ends with two practical chapters for families and churches, giving you guiding principles for how to address this issue in a loving, Christ–honoring way.
The first step to responding well to any situation is understanding it. Affirming God’s Image equips you with the biblical, scientific, and practical knowledge you need for a wise response.
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Who Do You See When You Look At Me
$9.99Who do you see when you look at me? Most notice my wheelchair, my voice, or my crazy hair. I am me, just me, doing my best to live each day to the fullest I can. There is more to me than you might realize. I have gifts and talents that make me unique. There are also things I do just like you- things we have in common that you might not even know. When we take the time to learn about each other, something grand happens- love and understanding. Open your mind, your soul, your heart, and you will see the real me… when you look at me.
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Reaching Your Addicted Loved One
$16.99As a teenager, Victor Torres was a gang warlord and heroin addict on New York City’s violent streets. Through the ministry of David Wilkerson and Nicky Cruz, Victor had a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ and came to realize that God had a purpose for his life. Victor has spent the last forty-five years helping tens of thousands of young men and women find freedom from drug addiction and gang life. Now, he answers your toughest questions about your addicted loved one. Without pulling punches or promising easy answers, Victor provides wisdom and expertise that can lead you toward success.
Some of the questions Victor addresses are…
-How can I know if my loved one has a substance abuse problem?
-How can I tell the difference between helping and enabling?
-What if my loved one refuses to get help?
-When should I call the police?
-What should we look for in a treatment program?
-What can I expect when my loved one comes out of treatment?
-How do I prepare for relapse?God did not create your loved one to be an addict or a loser. On the contrary, God created him or her for a better life. Although, for the moment, it may seem like you are losing your loved one, they still have a God-given destiny and a purpose. No matter how bad the picture may look now, there is always hope.
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Jesus Economy : A Biblical View Of Poverty The Currency Of Love And A Patte
$16.99You know people around the world are struggling. A homeless man holds a sign that reads, “Anything helps.” A poor child lives in a slum swarming with flies. A refugee mother is on the brink of starvation. You ask yourself, “But what can I do about such big problems?”
You’re looking for long-term solutions. John D. Barry shares incredible, and often shocking, stories about working among the impoverished and unchurched in the U.S. and abroad. And since Barry is a Bible scholar, Jesus’ Economy is also deeply rooted in the Scriptures. It is a personal, sometimes funny, often heartbreaking account that presents a revolutionary pattern for lasting change.
Jesus’ Economy is based on self-sacrifice. His currency is love. It’s called Jesus’ Economy because it’s about creating a spiritual and physical economy for those who need it most. Here is a thoroughly biblical and compassionate pattern for addressing issues of poverty and offering the hope of the gospel. Jesus’ Economy
– Shows how you as an individual can best encourage renewal in your community.
– Demonstrates how your church community or any group can alleviate poverty.
– Presents a unified plan for creating jobs, spreading the gospel, and meeting basic needs.
– Focuses on community development and sustainability– lasting change, globally and locally.Jesus’ Economy is a call to address our own spiritual poverty–as people who can too easily become distant from Christ–and it is a call to address the physical poverty all around us in a smart and sustainable way. Jesus’ teachings show that with simple, everyday choices, you can make the world a better place and create enduring change. Here’s how to live Jesus’ economy–a currency of love.
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