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  • Maximized Minutes For Business


    A 90-Day Devotional That Can Revolutionize Your Business or Job…One Minute at a Time

    Each maximized minute takes…

    *30 seconds to read
    *30 seconds to reflect
    *23 hours, 59 minutes to benefit from what you read!

    Maximized Minutes for Business will inspire you each day–whether you are a business owner, a manager, an employee, or a new entrepreneur. These short, memorable statements cut right to the core of a biblical perspective on business. They will stay with you all day–and even for a lifetime.

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  • Suffering Not Power


    Overturning a popular view of the atonement

    Was Christ’s death a victory over death or a substitution for sin? Many today follow Gustav Aulen’s Christus Victor view, which portrays Christ’s death as primarily a ransom paid to the powers of evil and which, according to Aulen, reflected the beliefs of the early church. Aulen held that this ransom theory view dominated until Anselm reframed atonement as satisfaction and the Reformers reframed it as penal substitution.

    In Suffering, Not Power, Benjamin Wheaton challenges this common narrative that Christ’s work of atonement was reframed by Anselm, showing that sacrificial and substitutionary language was common well before Anselm’s Cur Deus Homo. Wheaton displays this through a careful analysis of three medieval theologians whose writings on the atonement are commonly overlooked: Caesarius of Arles, Haimo of Auxerre, and Dante Alighieri. These figures come from different times and contexts and wrote in different genres, but each spoke of Christ’s death as a sacrifice of expiation and propitiation made by God to God.

    Let history speak for itself, read the evidence, and reconsider the church’s belief in Christ’s substitutionary death for sinners.

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  • After The Revolution


    Equipping the church to recover from sexual confusion

    In After the Revolution, David J. Ayers provides the Christian heirs of the sexual revolution a resource to understand their challenges and social context to find a way forward. Drawing on social sciences and history, Ayers traces recent worldview shifts in North America and Europe. The historic Christian understanding of sex and marriage has been supplanted. And sexual confusion has infiltrated the church, especially influencing younger Christians.

    The church can uniquely and compassionately support sexual faithfulness and flourishing, but we need to reject formulas, surefire methods, and judgmentalism. Instead, we must recover a positive vision for Christian sexuality, singleness, and marriage that is firmly grounded in God’s word.

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  • Debacle : Where Failure Is Always An Option (DVD)


    Dove Approved for All Ages

    Longtime friends Vaughn (a devout hypochondriac) and Larry (a hapless and perpetually single romantic) have never met a challenge they haven’t run from. When a chance encounter with a stranger leads to their finding themselves transported to an old west town in the 1870s, they’re forced into situations where failure appears to be a foregone conclusion. Terrified by change and even the hint of danger, Vaughn and Larry are a given a task that must be completed within two weeks or risk never returning to their modern day reality. Given their built-in limitations, a hilarious series of events ensue as they work to overcome their fears, competing interests and they must do battle with an ill-tempered gunslinger in an effort to return home.

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  • To A Moral Certainty (DVD)


    To A Moral Certainty illustrates the most important decision humanity could make. Representatives of each of the faiths and non-beliefs of the world have gathered to present their arguments in the case of eternity. A jury of humans sit and evaluate the arguments of every side. A representative of the Christian faith, Tom, delivers his argument on behalf of Christ. Tom asks the jury to apply the standard of reasonable doubt to the story of the Resurrection. This way of thinking just might unlock the key to eternity for all living creatures.

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  • Caminar En Profecia Senales Y – (Spanish)


    Entra en el ambito de lo sobrenatural… ! y mira lo que Dios hara!

    Las dos palabras mas poderosas de la Biblia son estas: Y acontecio. En las Escrituras, “y acontecio”, significa que algo sucedio tal como Dios dijo que sucederia. Dios expresa Su voluntad en la Biblia o a traves de mensajes profeticos, y El siempre cumple Sus propositos.

    Caminando en profecia, seales y maravillas, escrito por la profeta Glenda Jackson, le trae un sinfin de relatos de milagros, sanidades y del poder sobrenatural de Dios para caminar en victoria y superar los grandes desafios de la vida. Es un tributo a la asombrosa obra de Dios en el pasado, un ferviente llamado a servirle fielmente en Su poderosa obra hoy, y una mirada profetica a Sus planes para el futuro.

    A traves de testimonios de milagros, enseanzas que edifican nuestra fe, y relatos apasionantes de su herencia familiar personal –incluyendo milagros en la vida de la famosa evangelista de sanidad Maria Woodworth-Etter– vera como Dios puede obrar poderosamente en su propia vida, llevando a cabo lo que El ha ordenado para usted. Descubra lo que significa ser un atalaya profetico y un instrumento para la gloria de Dios en estos dias trascendentales antes del regreso de Cristo.

    Lo que Dios quiere que pase sucede; !Sus palabras se cumplen! Sea lo que sea que necesite, deje que Dios lo haga realidad para usted y sus seres queridos mientras continua sirviendole de todo corazon. Entre en el ambito de los milagros… !y vea lo que Dios hara!

    Step into the Realm of the Supernatural…and watch what God will bring to pass!

    The five most powerful words in the Bible are these: And it came to pass. In the Scriptures, “and it came to pass” means that something happened–just like God said it would! God speaks His will in the Bible or through prophetic messages–and He always fulfills His purposes.

    Walking in Prophecy, Signs, and Wonders by Prophet Glenda Jackson brings you nonstop accounts of miracles, healings, and the supernatural power of God to walk in victory and overcome life’s great challenges. It is a tribute to God’s astonishing work in the past, a fervent call to serve Him faithfully in His mighty work today, and a prophetic look at His plans for the future.

    Through miracle testimonies, faith-building teachings, and gripping accounts from her personal family heritage–including miracles in the life of noted healing evangelist Maria Woodworth-Etter–you will see how God can work powerfully in your o

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  • History Of The Devil Ancient And Modern


    The History of the Devil is a classic historical and religious book universally considered one of Daniel Defoe’s greatest works of non-fiction. The book was first published in 1726 and made an immediate impact on English literature, society and the ecclesiastical community in the early 18th century and continues to enrich humanity as a faithful source of historical and biblical truth and wisdom.

    The History of the Devil cleverly unfolds the actions, devices, and evil nature of Satan and his host of devils against God and mankind throughout the history of the world. Defoe divides the book into two parts: Ancient, or the time from before the creation of the universe to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ; and Modern, or from the time of Christ and establishment of the Christian Church to the present day. His style is one that uniquely blends serious biblical principles and history with lighter satirical narrative, especially when dealing with mankind’s many false presuppositions about the Devil, and clearly delineates when each, or both, is applicable to the subject of discussion.

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  • Everything I Am (DVD)


    NATHANIEL, an 18-year-old Filipino man is homeless in the city of Sydney, Australia. He walks around the streets at night, looking in bins for food, and trying to fall asleep in different areas. He appears incredibly distressed and scared, roaming around the night city. Early morning the next day, he walks into the suburbs area arriving at his mother’s house. He knocks on the back door and his mum answers. Nathaniel asks his mum if he can stay there but his mum says it’s not safe and shuts the door. Distressed, Nathaniel goes to a soup kitchen to get some free food. While collecting his food he sees a man, MARK, helping to chop up food in the kitchen. Nathaniel sits to eat and sees a homeless women, MARIA, who is also eating there.

    Dove Approved for All Ages

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  • He Will Be Enough


    Life doesn’t always go the way we hoped, and sometimes God doesn’t answer our prayers the way we’d like. Challenging circumstances, especially ones with no immediate end in sight, can cause us to question God’s character, his purpose and his ways.

    Each of these 20 biblical reflections examines a truth about God and shows how it provides an anchor for the soul in hard times. Author Katie Faris writes with warmth and compassion, weaving in stories of her own family’s struggles with complex medical conditions. She encourages readers to entrust their confusing circumstances and unanswered questions to the Lord and place their hope in his promises. In so doing, they will be sustained in their suffering and enabled to live joyfully and fruitfully, loving and serving God and others, in the midst of their struggles.

    This beautiful hardback book will help you if you are going through hard times, or walking alongside those who are. It is also a great gift for a brother or sister in Christ who is struggling.

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  • Meeting God At Every Corner Devotional


    Meeting God at Every Corner is an exciting new 365-day daily devotional based entirely on the teachings of Jamie Buckingham, one of the best-known and best-loved Christian leaders of his time. Jamie was known for his unique ability to teach God’s Word with grace, insight, transparency, and humor. Always relatable and accessible, Jamie sought to be Spirit-led in everything he said and did–and to encourage his fellow believers to do the same.

    A decade in the making, this 365-day devotional is the compilation and capstone of Jamie’s teachings, adapted from sermons recorded over a 30-year period. Each devotion is written to give you a fresh glimpse into the multi-faceted heart of God and to challenge and inspire you to be led by His Spirit.

    Jamie’s teaching is as relevant today as ever–and maybe more so, given the unique hour in which we live. Allow him to take you on this year-long, Spirit-led, Spirit-filled journey. Deepen your understanding of what it means to live each day as Jamie did, knowing that God is always there, ready and waiting to meet you at every corner.

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  • Honest To God (DVD)


    “Honest to God” is about a successful small-town middle-aged insurance salesman and family man named Daniel Adams (Burke Sage), who lives in the quaint town of Bethany, IL with his wife Becca (Polly Cassiday Doyle) and his two fully grown children, Dylan (Tyler Burke) and Chloe (Brooke Galvan). Daniel also has a childhood friend name Benji (Steve Parks), who happens to be bipolar and has had many difficult and unfortunate turns in his lifetime. After experiencing repeated chest pains over a period of time, Becca talks Daniel into an appointment with Dr. Hajia (Larry Thomas), a famous celebrity doctor who just opened up a new office in town. Much to his surprise, the quirky doctor gives Daniel only three weeks to live. Scared to death and faced with his own mortality, Daniel, a somewhat nominal Christian, says a prayer to God promising he’ll be a better Christian if He would heal him. However, after starting down the path of his own self-projected redemption, Daniel finds out he’s actually not suffering from a terminal illness and has been misdiagnosed. Yet, the promises he made to God still remain, and as time goes on and as the consequences of Daniel’s behavior unfolds, he is somewhat forcibly and reluctantly met head-on with the dilemma and decision of whether or not to still make good on the promises he made to God. As a result, Daniel is comically and yet deeply confronted with his own faith, or lack thereof, and what a promise to God truly means.

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  • Maximized Minutes For Fathers


    A 90-Day Devotional That Can Revolutionize Your Life…One Minute at a Time

    Each maximized minute takes…

    *30 seconds to read
    *30 seconds to reflect
    *23 hours, 59 minutes to benefit from what you read!

    Maximized Minutes for Fathers will inspire you each day–whether you are a new father or have been a father for decades; whether you had a great dad or no father figure at all. These short, memorable statements cut right to the core of biblical fatherhood. They will stay with you all day–and even for a lifetime

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  • Mans Guide To The Maximized Life


    A Six-Week Devotional for Developing Christlike Character

    The practical, uncompromising, timeless teaching of Ed Cole’s best-selling Maximized Manhood (over a million copies sold) is available for the first time in a six-week devotional format. Each day includes a key insight from Dr. Cole, inspiring and challenging thoughts about developing your full potential in Christ, concise wisdom on the day’s theme in bullet-point form, and a key Scripture.

    Considered “the father of the Christian men’s movement,” Ed Cole was not afraid to tackle the tough topics that affect men today, including media addiction, pornography, and adultery. Some of the Christlike qualities of the maximized man that Cole highlights include: strong, faithful, courageous, mature, decisive, tough and tender, responsible, loving, and forgiving.

    Putting into practice the principles in this devotional will revolutionize your life, helping to transform you into all that God designed you to be.

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  • 12 Things God Cant Do


    What’s the secret to truly trusting God so that we can rest easy at night? How can we have the same faith and confidence as David who said: “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety” (Ps 4:8)?

    The answer lies in focusing on God’s greatness. When we consider God’s greatness, we usually tend to think about what God can do. However, this book explores 12 things that God can’t do. They all express aspects of his nature and character which we can embrace with relief, celebrate with joy and worship with awe. You will marvel both at God’s otherness and at how he became one of us in the person of Jesus.

    Read this book to grow in faith, live with confidence and rest easy at night, trusting in the God who never sleeps.

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  • Psalms : The Prayer Book Of The Bible


    Jesus died with a psalm on his lips. For millennia, humans have been shaped by the Psalms. And before the Nazis banned him from publishing, German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer published this book on the Psalms.

    What comfort is found in the Psalter? What praise, and what challenge? What threat? In the pages of Psalms: The Prayer Book of the Bible, discover the richness this book of Scripture held for Bonhoeffer, and learn to pray psalms along with Christ.

    First published in 1940, this classic reveals how the Psalms are essential to the life of the believer and offers Bonhoeffer’s reflections on psalms of thanksgiving, suffering, guilt, praise, and lament. Now with an introduction by Walter Brueggemann and excerpts from the Psalms, Bonhoeffer’s timeless work offers contemporary readers ancient wisdom and resources for the living of these days. Includes a biographical sketch of Bonhoeffer written by his friend and biographer Eberhard Bethge.

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  • Slimline Reference Bible Large Print


    La Edicion de referencia ultrafina, letra grande de la NTV ha sido una Biblia muy popular por varios aos. Ofrece una experiencia de lectura muy confortable para todos aquellos que prefieren una Biblia de letra grande.

    The NTV Edicion de referencia ultrafina, letra grande [Slimline Reference Edition, Large Print] has been a very popular Bible for many years. It offers a comfortable reading experience for those who prefer large print.

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  • Thinline Bible


    SKU (ISBN): 9781087767666ISBN10: 1087767660Translation: Christian Standand Bible (CSB)Language: EnglishColors: Black and BrownBinding: Duo-ToneFont size: 9Words of Jesus Christ in Red LettersPresentation BiblePublished: May 2022Publisher: B and H Publishing Group

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  • Now What


    The hosts of the top-rated Pantsuit Politics podcast offer an invitation and insights into building connection and community despite our differences, finding shared values and ways to constructively engage in creating a better world together.

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  • Personal Size Reference Bible Sovereign Collection Comfort Print


    The New King James Version in the Sovereign Collection reflects the legacy and majesty of the King James Version Bible produced more than 400 years ago, but in language updated for today. This beautiful Bible, which contains design flourishes that pay tribute to the Bible produced in 1611, comes in a convenient portable size with essential study tools and traditional red-letter text for the Words of Christ.

    The Sovereign Collection continues Thomas Nelson’s long history and stewardship publishing Bibles, featuring elegant letter illustrations leading into each chapter combined with clear and readable Comfort Print(R), connects you to the legacy of faith, and inspires your time in the Word to be enjoyable and fruitful.

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  • Power Of A Praying Girl Coloring Book


    This fun and faith-filled coloring book for eight- to twelve-year-old girls features short prayers and affirmations from the Power of a Praying(R) Girl by bestselling author Stormie Omartian.

    Stormie Omartian has helped millions of women pray powerfully for their families. Now she wants to train up the next generation of prayer warriors.

    Stormie invites girls to grab their crayons, markers, or colored pencils and make mini masterpieces that encourage them to pray every day. Girls will learn about their true identities as daughters of the King, God’s amazing love for them, and how they can talk to Him about anything–anytime and anywhere.

    After girls finish adding their artistic touches to each page, they can tear out their colorful creations and display them, so they can see and be reminded that God is waiting to hear from them.

    Join Stormie in helping girls unlock the life-changing power of prayer.

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  • Ultimate Bible For Girls Faithgirlz Edition


    This beautiful Bible shows every tween girl she’s totally unique and special.Packed with exciting features that help tween girls better understand themselves and Scripture, the NIV Ultimate Bible for Girls* teaches girls that the Bible is real, relevant, and, best of all, that the story of God and his people is also their story. This feature-filled Bible from the popular Faithgirlz brand is especially designed to speak to the hearts of tween girls everywhere.Features include:Book introductions-Read about the who, when, where, and what of each book.Dream Girl-Use your imagination to put yourself in the story.Bring It On!-Take quizzes to really get to know yourself.Is There a Little (Eve, Ruth, Isaiah) in You?-See for yourself what you have in common.Words to Live By-Check out these Bible verses that are great for memorizing.What Happens Next?-Create a list of events to tell a Bible story in your own words.Oh, I Get It!-Find answers to Bible questions you’ve wondered about.The complete New International Version (NIV) translationVibrant, two-color interiorBeautiful cover girls will loveRibbon marker to easily hold your placeThumb indexed with fun, brightly colored tabs to make it easier to find each book of the BibleFeatures written by bestselling author and tween expert Nancy Rue9.3-point type sizeUsing the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV) text makes the Bible accessible and easy-to-read for kids. The NIV is the result of over 50 years of work by the Committee on Bible Translation, who oversee the efforts of many contributing scholars. Representing the spectrum of evangelicalism, the translators come from a wide range of denominations and various countries and continually review new research to ensure the NIV remains at the forefront of accessibility, relevance, and authority. Every NIV Bible that is purchased helps Biblica translate and give Bibles to people in need around the world.*Formerly known as the NIV Faithgirlz Bible.

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  • Super Giant Print Reference Bible Comfort Print


    Clearly Study ScriptureFeaturing the largest print size available in an NIV Bible and Zondervan’s exclusive NIV Comfort PrintA(R) typeface, the NIV Super Giant Print Reference Bible provides a clear, smooth, and easy reading experience for readers of all ages and visual abilities. Combined with the extra-large print size, this Bible uses the New International Version (NIV), which is the most widely read Bible translation in contemporary English and is trusted for its combination of accuracy, readability, and beauty.Ideal for pulpit use, as well as for anyone looking for a Bible that is gentle on the eyes, the NIV Super Giant Print Reference Bible offers easy reading in a Bible that reduces eye strain and is still a reasonable size to carry. This NIV Bible also includes several tools for easy reference, including a dictionary and concordance.Features:Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)End-of-paragraph referencesNIV dictionary/concordanceWords of Jesus in redThumb indexed to make finding the books of the Bible easierLeathersofta cover lies flat when openExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort PrintA(R) typeface16.5-point print size

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  • Super Giant Print Reference Bible Comfort Print


    Clearly Study ScriptureFeaturing the largest print size available in an NIV Bible and Zondervan’s exclusive NIV Comfort PrintA(R) typeface, the NIV Super Giant Print Reference Bible provides a clear, smooth, and easy reading experience for readers of all ages and visual abilities. Combined with the extra-large print size, this Bible uses the New International Version (NIV), which is the most widely read Bible translation in contemporary English and is trusted for its combination of accuracy, readability, and beauty.Ideal for pulpit use, as well as for anyone looking for a Bible that is gentle on the eyes, the NIV Super Giant Print Reference Bible offers easy reading in a Bible that reduces eye strain and is still a reasonable size to carry. This NIV Bible also includes several tools for easy reference, including a dictionary and concordance.Features:Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)End-of-paragraph referencesNIV dictionary/concordanceWords of Jesus in redThumb indexed to make finding the books of the Bible easierLeathersofta cover lies flat when openExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort PrintA(R) typeface16.5-point print size

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  • Super Giant Print Reference Bible Comfort Print


    Clearly Study ScriptureFeaturing the largest print size available in an NIV Bible and Zondervan’s exclusive NIV Comfort PrintA(R) typeface, the NIV Super Giant Print Reference Bible provides a clear, smooth, and easy reading experience for readers of all ages and visual abilities. Combined with the extra-large print size, this Bible uses the New International Version (NIV), which is the most widely read Bible translation in contemporary English and is trusted for its combination of accuracy, readability, and beauty.Ideal for pulpit use, as well as for anyone looking for a Bible that is gentle on the eyes, the NIV Super Giant Print Reference Bible offers easy reading in a Bible that reduces eye strain and is still a reasonable size to carry. This NIV Bible also includes several tools for easy reference, including a dictionary and concordance.Features:Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)End-of-paragraph referencesNIV dictionary/concordanceWords of Jesus in redThumb indexed to make finding the books of the Bible easierLeathersofta cover lies flat when openExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort PrintA(R) typeface16.5-point print size

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  • Ready Set Know Your Bible


    Timeless Biblical Truths for Little Readers Ages 5 to 8!

    Young hearts will be inspired and encouraged as they learn all about God’s Word! With each turn of the page in this delightful devotional, kids will be challenged to run their faith race with strength and perseverance .

    For every book of the Bible, they will “READY” their hearts with an interesting scripture selection from the easy-to-understand New Life Version of the Bible.

    Then they’ll get “SET” with a brief, memorable rhyme.

    And finally they’ll “KNOW THE BIBLE!” with a relatable and understandable devotional reading just for them.

    You know that only one person gets a crown for being in a race even if many people run. You must run so you will win the crown. Everyone who runs in a race does many things so his body will be strong. He does it to get a crown that will soon be worth nothing, but we work for a crown that will last forever.
    1 Corinthians 9:24-25

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  • Thinline Bible Value Edition


    The CSB Thinline Bible, Value Edition features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible(R) (CSB). The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others.

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  • Jeremiah Study Bible


    What it says. What it means. What it means for you.The word-for-word accuracy, literary excellence, and depth of meaning found in the NKJV text alongside the teaching of Dr. David Jeremiahcreates a dynamic, easy to understand Bible that focuses on the complete biblical message and what it says, what it means, and what itmeans for you. The result is The Jeremiah Study Bible: NKJV that can be read and used by all Christians who want to grow in their faith bygoing deeper into God’s Word.

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  • Adventure Bible


    Take your kids on an adventure through God’s Word with the #1 Bible for kids!The bestselling NIV Adventure Bible will get kids excited about reading the Scriptures! Kids will be captivated with the full-color features that make reading the Bible and memorizing their favorite verses engaging and fun. Along the way they will meet all types of people, see all sorts of places, and learn all kinds of things about the Bible. Most importantly they will grow closer in their relationship with God.Over 10 million copies within the Adventure Bible brand have been sold. The Adventure Bible is recommended by more Christian schools and churches than any other Bible for kids!Features include:Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)Full-color design throughout makes learning about the people, places, and culture of the Bible even more engagingLife in Bible Times-Articles and illustrations describe what life was like in ancient daysWords to Treasure-Highlights great verses to memorizeDid You Know?-Interesting facts help kids understand God’s Word and the life of faithPeople in Bible Times-Articles offer close-up looks at amazing people of the BibleLive It!-Hands-on activities help kids apply biblical truths to their lifeTwenty special pages-Focus on topics such as famous people of the Bible, highlights of the life of Jesus, how to pray, and the love passage for kids, all with a jungle safari themeBook introductions with useful facts about each book of the BibleDictionary/concordance for looking up tricky wordsColor map section to help locate places in the BibleThumb indexed with fun, brightly colored tabs to make it easier to find each book of the BibleSatin ribbon marker8.7-point type sizeUsing the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV) text makes the Bible accessible and easy-to-read for kids. The NIV is the result of over 50 years of work by the Committee on Bible Translation, who oversee the efforts of many contributing scholars. Representing the spectrum of evangelicalism, the translators come from a wide range of denominations and various countries and continually review new research to ensure the NIV remains at the forefront of accessibility, relevance, and authority. Every NIV Bible that is purchased helps Biblica translate and give Bibles to people in need around the world.

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  • Adventure Bible For Early Readers


    Take early readers on an adventure through God’s Word with the #1 Bible for kids!The bestselling NIrV Adventure Bible for Early Readers gets kids 6-10 excited about God’s Word! They will be captivated with the full-color features that make reading Scripture and memorizing their favorite verses engaging and fun. Along the way they’ll meet all types of people, see all sorts of places, and learn all kinds of things about the Bible. Most importantly, they’ll grow closer in their relationship with God.This Bible includes the complete New International Reader’s Version (NIrV) which is written at a third-grade reading level and based on the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV). The NIrV is perfect for children learning to read and explore the Bible for the first time on their own.Over 10 million copies within the Adventure Bible brand have been sold. The Adventure Bible is recommended by more Christian schools and churches than any other Bible for kids!Features include:Complete text of the easy-to-read New International Reader’s Version (NIrV) of the BibleFull-color design throughout – Makes learning about the people, places, and culture of the Bible even more engagingLife in Bible Times – Articles and illustrations describe what life was like in ancient daysWords to Treasure – Highlights great verses to memorizeDid You Know? – Interesting facts help you understand God’s Word and the life of faithPeople in Bible Times – Articles offer close-up looks at amazing people of the BibleLive It! – Hands-on activities help you apply biblical truths to your lifeTwenty special pages – Focus on topics such as famous people of the Bible, highlights of the life of Jesus, how to pray, and the love passage for kids, all with a jungle safari themeBook introductions with useful facts about each book of the BibleDictionary/concordance for looking up tricky wordsColor map section to help locate places in the BibleThumb indexed with fun, brightly colored tabs to make it easier to find each book of the BibleSatin ribbon marker9-point font size

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  • Large Print Thinline Reference Bible


    The ESV Large Print Thinline Reference Bible combines the popular ESV Thinline Bible features with larger type and cross-references. Though the Bible text is presented in generous 10.5-point type, the ESV Large Print Thinline Reference Bible is close to one inch thin. In addition, cross-references are located in the bottom corner of each page, making this Crossway’s most affordable large-print reference edition. Features: 6.125″ x 9.125″ 10.5-point Lexicon type 1,248 pages Double-column format Concordance 80,000+ cross-references Ribbon marker Smyth-sewn binding Lifetime guarantee Packaging: Slipcase

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  • Beran Standard Bible Book Block For Rebinding No Cover


    The Berean Standard Bible represents a single tier of the Berean Bible. This Bible contains the full BSB text, footnotes, section headings, and cross references. Additional components, including translation tables, lexicons, outlines, and summaries, are free online and in a variety of apps and software.

    The Berean Bible Translation Committee has employed an open process where translation tables are freely available and all comments are welcomed and considered. These sources may also be downloaded and shared freely. Please see the Berean Bible website for a full description of the translation committee and process.

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  • Beran Standard Bible


    Bibles, Berean Standard Bible, Text Only Bibles

    Additional Info
    The Berean Standard Bible represents a single tier of the Berean Bible. This Bible contains the full BSB text, footnotes, section headings, and cross references. Additional components, including translation tables, lexicons, outlines, and summaries, are free online and in a variety of apps and software.

    The Berean Bible Translation Committee has employed an open process where translation tables are freely available, and all comments are welcomed and considered. These sources may also be downloaded and shared freely. Please see the Berean Bible website for a full description of the translation committee and process.

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  • Klaas Schilder Reader


    Recovering a forgotten theologian.

    Klaas Schilder (1890-1952) was a prominent Dutch Reformed theologian in the early twentieth century, first as a pastor and then as a professor. While his fame spread to North America in the 1940s, he is mostly forgotten today. In Schilder Reader: The Essential Theological Writings, readers will rediscover this important Dutch theologian.

    Working in the tradition of Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck, Schilder applies Dutch Neo–Calvinism to the twentieth century. This includes secularism, the rise and influence of Karl Barth, opposition to Nazism, and the relation between the church and society. Schilder Reader contextualizes his work and furthers the neo–Calvinist tradition.

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  • More Than Brave


    Boys are brave. . .and so much more!

    This delightful devotional–just for your boys–is an encouraging reminder of all God created them to be. 180 devotions and inspiring prayers, rooted in biblical truth, challenge boys to be brave, kind, wise, honest, loving, loyal, hard-working, and so much more! In each devotional reading, your brave boy will discover his value and purpose, while coming to understand God’s plan for his life. More Than Brave: Devotions and Prayers for Boys is a wonderful gift for boys 8 and up!

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  • Famous At Home


    No one wakes up and decides, “I’m planning to ruin my marriage, neglect my kids, and cause mistrust in my family.” Yet our personal pursuits and busyness can lead us there. In this book, marriage and leadership coaches Dr. Josh and Christi Straub show how seven core decisions can help us put what’s most important center stage in our lives.

    Famous at Home is Josh and Christi’s realistic, grace-filled look at the struggles families face in a culture that competes for their time, attention, and identity. Whether you’ve found yourself putting more effort into becoming famous on stages outside the home, or your stage is the home, Famous at Home offers guidance and inspiration to help you give your family the best version of you instead of your leftovers.

    Famous at Home will help you and your spouse:
    *Be on the same team–fighting for each other and not against each other
    *Stay emotionally connected even if work, distance, or busyness are in the way
    *Deeply invest in the emotional lives of your children

    You really can be famous at home, showing up in intentional and meaningful ways for your biggest fans. All it takes is realizing that the greatest red carpet you’ll ever walk is through your front door.

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  • Super Giant Print Reference Bible Comfort Print


    Clearly Study ScriptureFeaturing the largest print size available in an NIV Bible and Zondervan’s exclusive NIV Comfort PrintA(R) typeface, the NIV Super Giant Print Reference Bible provides a clear, smooth, and easy reading experience for readers of all ages and visual abilities. Combined with the extra-large print size, this Bible uses the New International Version (NIV), which is the most widely read Bible translation in contemporary English and is trusted for its combination of accuracy, readability, and beauty.Ideal for pulpit use, as well as for anyone looking for a Bible that is gentle on the eyes, the NIV Super Giant Print Reference Bible offers easy reading in a Bible that reduces eye strain and is still a reasonable size to carry. This NIV Bible also includes several tools for easy reference, including a dictionary and concordance.Features:Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)End-of-paragraph referencesNIV dictionary/concordanceWords of Jesus in redThumb indexed to make finding the books of the Bible easierLeathersofta cover lies flat when openExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort PrintA(R) typeface16.5-point print size

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  • Knowable Word : Helping Ordinary People Learn To Study The Bible (Expanded)


    Building on the foundation of the first edition of Knowable Word, released in 2014, this second edition offers further help on following an author’s argument, identifying the weightiest segment of a passage, and thereby discovering the main points more clearly. In addition, new material has been added on the topics of literary form, structure, and context.

    Knowable Word offers a foundation on why and how to study the Bible. Using a running study of the first chapter of Genesis, it illustrates how to observe, interpret, and apply the Scripture-and gives the vision behind each step. It also shows how to read each Bible passage in light of salvation history. But besides being just a how-to on Bible study, it fuels the desire to learn and grow through studying the Scriptures.

    This book will appeal to beginners, mature Christians who want to improve their Bible study skills, and leaders who long not only to teach but also to equip.

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  • 3 Minute Bible Habit For Men


    How do you make a new habit stick?

    Commit to a plan, practice daily, and keep it simple.

    These are the guiding principles of The 3-Minute Daily Bible Habit for Men, a book that will lead readers on a transforming 90-day plan to open God’s Word every day. Readers will hear the voice of God in scripture and dig deeper through devotional thoughts and focused questions that will help them apply the Bible to their own experiences–through the blessings and stresses, challenges and celebrations of everyday life.

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  • Sowable Word : Helping Ordinary People Learn To Lead Bible Studies


    When the word of Christ falls on good soil, the results will astound. That’s why there’s a surprising glory in leading a group of ordinary people to simply open their Bibles, read what’s on the page, and discuss how God might use these words to change the world. Yet too many small group leaders hesitate to try such a method without professional guidance from a curriculum or study guide. This book will inspire and equip believers in Christ to lead fruitful and engaging small groups where God’s Word is read, discussed, and put to direct use to transform lives. This book will equip leaders to open the valve on this living water so thirsty souls can drink their fill.

    Perhaps you’ve begun to learn how to study the Bible for yourself, and you’ve wondered whether you could competently lead others in Bible study. This book provides the vision and skills you need to start a group, develop good preparation habits, conduct a persuasive discussion, and shepherd group members through what they’re learning.

    This book will serve lay leaders and Bible teachers who have any degree of experience. Some will gain confidence to lead their first Bible study that brings a neighbor to Christ. Others will learn to draw more deeply on the power of interaction, thereby overcoming their penchant for dominating conversations. All will discover the surprising glory and astounding fruit borne from leading a group of ordinary people to open their Bibles, read what’s on the page, and discuss how God might use these words to change the world.

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  • Revealing Revelation : How God’s Plans For The Future Can Change Your Life


    God Wants Us to Know How It Ends

    Revelation is the only book of the Bible that promises a blessing for its readers. It was written because God wants us to know what the future holds and how these prophetic truths provide wisdom, reassurance, and discernment for today–more so now than ever.

    From bestselling author Amir Tsarfati, Revealing Revelation examines what the Bible’s final book makes known about the end times and beyond. With accessible teaching that allows Scripture to speak for itself, you’ll take a closer look at the:

    *timeline of God’s plan for both believers and unbelievers before, during, and after the tribulation

    *process that the Lord has uniquely and intentionally prepared for Israel in the end times

    *encouragements, challenges, and warnings Jesus gave to prepare us for His return

    Revealing Revelation will inspire you to look at the days to come with hope and excitement as you realize that this final book of the Bible is Jesus’ love letter to the church. Get ready to grow stronger in your faith as you celebrate Christ’s soon return and the magnificent eternity He has promised you.

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  • All That Fills Us


    In a last-ditch effort to make something of herself, an anorexic woman sets out on foot in a cross-country pilgrimage. As she faces the forces of nature and battles her inner demons, she’ll come face-to-face with her disorder along the journey to healing, acceptance, and fulfillment.

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  • Healers Promise


    Levi Masters’s time as a British spy hasn’t ended, though his country’s war with America has. Overhearing a scout reveal a discovery that could give America an upper hand in future conflicts, Levi is sent to investigate. While trekking through the Canadian Rockies, he is convicted about his life of lies and half-truths. But just as he decides to embrace truth at any cost, warriors from a hidden mountain village take him captive. Village healer Audrey Moreau is more curious than afraid of the outsider. And she’s drawn to his commitment to honesty even at his own expense. But despite her arguments, the council decides he’s too great a risk. Compelled to help him escape, she sneaks him out of the village. But when Levi faces a life-threatening injury and the fierce mountain winter closes in, Levi and Audrey are forced to discover just how far they’ll go to ensure the safety of the other and the love growing between them.

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  • Seek And Find New Testament Bible Stories Activity Book


    This coloring and activity book includes mazes, puzzles, drawing, coloring and more to keep young children amused. It will reinforce the teaching in the New Testament Bible stories Seek and Find book.

    It features eight New Testament stories that teach children eight key truths about Jesus.

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  • Beran Standard Bible


    Bibles, Berean Standard Bible, Text Only Bibles

    Additional Info
    The Berean Standard Bible represents a single tier of the Berean Bible. This Bible contains the full BSB text, footnotes, section headings, and cross references. Additional components, including translation tables, lexicons, outlines, and summaries, are free online and in a variety of apps and software.

    The Berean Bible Translation Committee has employed an open process where translation tables are freely available, and all comments are welcomed and considered. These sources may also be downloaded and shared freely. Please see the Berean Bible website for a full description of the translation committee and process.

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  • Especialista En Personas – (Spanish)


    En el mundo ideal, la gente se ama, perdona hasta 70 veces 7 y no juzga para no ser juzgado. Mientras tanto, en el mundo real, los amigos cercanos pueden tener envidia, los miembros de la familia difunden chismes y los menos esperados nos abandonan. El mundo real muestra que el verdadero desafio es gestionar al otro. Necesitas que la gente sea feliz. Invierte en ellos, aprende a ver lo mejor de cada uno y aprende aqui como no esperar algo a cambio y aun asi encontrar satisfaccion y felicidad en tus relaciones. Comprender al otro es el primer paso para lograr grandes amistades y grandes acuerdos .

    In the ideal world, people love each other, forgive up to 70 times 7 and don’t judge in order not to be judged. Meanwhile, in the real world, close friends may envy, family members spread gossip, and we’re abandoned by those we least expect to do so. The real world shows that the real challenge is managing the other. You need people to be happy. Invest in them, learn to see the best in each one, and learn how not to expect something in return and still find satisfaction and happiness in your relationships. Understanding the other person is the first step to great friendships and great deals.

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  • Gates Of Hell


    The gates of hell shall not prevail.

    Decimated by war, revolution, and famine, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Russia was in critical condition in 1921. In The Gates of Hell, Matthew Heise recounts the bravery and suffering of German–Russian Lutherans during the period between the two great world wars. These stories tell of ordinary Christians who remained faithful to death in the face of state persecution.

    Christians in Russia had dark days characterized by defeat, but God preserved his church. Against all human odds, the church would outlast the man–made sandcastles of communist utopianism. The Gates of Hell is a wonderful testimony to the enduring power of God’s word, Christ’s church, and the Spirit’s faithfulness.

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  • Derrota El Auto Sabotaje – (Spanish)


    Es cierto que la vida presenta muchos desafios, pero muchas veces el mayor obstaculo para nuestro propio exito y felicidad proviene de adentro. De hecho, somos expertos en autosabotaje. Si pudieramos apartarnos de nuestro propio camino, !imaginense lo que podriamos lograr! Eso es exactamente lo que el autor de exitos de venta John Mason te ayudara a hacer en este libro. Al concentrarte en areas de la vida en las que podrias estar interponiendote en tu propio camino, Mason te ayudara a conquistar:

    *dialogo interno negativo
    *falta de concentracion
    *problemas de confianza
    *sentirte abrumado
    *y mucho mas

    Con su entusiasta ayuda, descubriras como puedes establecer y alcanzar tus metas, mantener una actitud positiva y enfrentar cada dia con un espiritu de gratitud y posibilidad.

    It’s true that life holds many challenges, but often, the biggest obstacle to our own success and happiness comes from within. In fact, we are experts at self-sabotage. If we could just get out of our own way, imagine what we could accomplish! That’s exactly what bestselling author John Mason is going to help you do in this book. Honing in on areas of life where you might be standing in your own way, Mason will help you conquer:

    *negative self-talk
    *lack of focus
    *trust issues
    *and so much more

    With his enthusiastic help, you’ll discover how you can set and achieve your goals, maintain a positive attitude, and face each day with a spirit of gratitude and possibility.

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  • Air We Breathe


    Is Christianity history? Or is Christian history the deepest explanation of the modern world?

    Today in the west, many consider the church to be dead or dying. Christianity is seen as outdated, bigoted and responsible for many of society’s problems. This leaves many believers embarrassed about their faith and many outsiders wary of religion. But what if the Christian message is not the enemy of our modern Western values, but the very thing that makes sense of them?

    In this fascinating book, Glen Scrivener takes readers on a journey to discover how the teachings of Jesus not only turned the ancient world upside down, but continue to underpin the way we think of life, worth, and meaning. Far from being a relic from the past, the distinctive ideas of Christianity, such as freedom, kindness, progress and equality, are a crucial part of the air that we breathe. As author Glen Scrivener says in his introduction: “The extraordinary impact of Christianity is seen in the fact that we don’t notice it.

    This is a book for both believers and sceptics–giving Christians confidence to be open about their faith and showing non-Christians the ways in which the message of Jesus makes sense of their most cherished beliefs. Whoever you are, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the values you hold dear as you discover the power and profundity of Jesus and his revolution.

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  • Lazarus And Me


    Have you ever wondered what happened to Lazarus after Jesus resurrected him from death?

    Lazarus was given an extension of life and time spent on earth. Do you think Lazarus lived a drastically different life after his resurrection? Would you think and live differently if you were given such an opportunity?

    Dr. Asher Chanan-Khan, a world-renowned cancer researcher and clinical oncologist, experienced such a “Lazarus moment” in his very own life when his terminal cancer was miraculously paused, rendering him an extension of life. Now, 15 years later, Dr. Asher ponders upon his living in these “Lazarus moments.”

    Discover how you too can learn about God’s grace in the face of imminent mortality and how the author’s journey in these extended moments of life are purposefully designed to bring glory to his Creator.

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  • Queen Elizabeth 2


    Princess Elizabeth never expected to be Queen. But when she was ten, her uncle, King Edward VIII, abdicated and everything changed… Her father took over as King, but after 15 years on the throne, he died. So when she was just 25 years old, Elizabeth was crowned Queen and has become the longest-serving monarch in British history.

    This inspiring children’s biography of Queen Elizabeth II chronicles key moments in her life. It also highlights her Christian faith, in particular what she has said in her Christmas Day speeches.

    Young children will learn more about the incredible life and faith of Britain’s longest-serving monarch and they will be inspired about the great things they can do for God.

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