Showing 2401–2450 of 6869 resultsSorted by latest
Isaiah For You
$17.99Isaiah can seem intimidating. It’s a big book covering an extended timescale, full of unfamiliar names and places. You may be familiar with Isaiah’s vision of God’s holiness in chapter 6 or his description of the cross in chapter 53. But large sections can feel like alien territory.
But the book of Isaiah is full of good news. Forming a kind of bridge between the Old Testament and the New Testament, Isaiah enlarges our view of God, sharpens our understanding of salvation and illuminates our Bible reading. It points forward to Jesus and fuels our vision for the church and our mission. This is good news worth shouting about!
This expository guide by pastor and author Tim Chester takes you verse by verse through the text in a digestible and applied way. Each chapter focuses on a key text and shows how its themes play out in the surrounding passages, helping you to drill down into the details while also seeing the big picture. You’ll find ideas and challenges for application throughout, plus a helpful glossary at the back.
It is less academic than a traditional commentary and includes lots of application. It can be read from cover to cover, used in personal devotions, used to lead small group studies, or used for sermon preparation.
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Creative Glory : Embracing The Realm Of Divine Expression
$16.99Creative glory is the inspirational flow of the Holy Spirit that shines God’s life, hope, joy, provision, and wisdom into any situation you may be facing. Best-selling author Joshua Mills explains that when we are in an atmosphere of creative glory, it becomes easy to think new thoughts or receive fresh ideas because we are in the atmosphere of the Creator’s heart and mind. Wherever we allow creative glory to flow, embracing the realm of divine expression, we will supernaturally flourish.
Creative glory manifests to…
* Usher God’s ideas and creativity into your life to accomplish His plans and meet your needs.
* Bring forth what is new-what has never been seen or recognized by you before.
* Cause self-discovery and awakening, enabling you to create, to invent, and to explore new possibilities.
* Minister through spiritual “sound,” accompanied by healings, signs, and wonders..
* Pour out the pure flow of heaven’s intentions, exhibiting heavenly realities in the earthly realm and helping God’s people to get back on track with His will.
* Produce creative miracles, such as supernatural multiplication or restored or newly created limbs, organs, and more.
* Release dreams and visions from God.
* Supply supernatural provision.
* Reproduce itself in our lives and others’.As long as you are carried by creative glory, you always have hope because creative glory cannot fail. It will guide you to find the right solution to any difficulty or need. The flow of creative glory will lead you in a process of deep growth as you learn to see circumstances and problems in a new light to fulfill the present and future that God desires for you and the world around you.
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Christmas Doodle (DVD)
$12.99A lonely woman receives a golden doodle as a gift for Christmas. A single father is struggling to raise his daughter after a traumatic Christmas the year prior. In this heartwarming journey the Christmas doodle will have them cross paths for Christmas.
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Pilgrim Legacy
$14.99A story that must not be erased from America’s history or from the public squares of nations worldwide…
“In all the history of the world, as nations have arisen and fallen amid endless war and bloodshed, the founding of America was utterly unique,” writes Derek Prince. “Reaching the shores of an unknown wilderness, a small group of people planted seeds–not of military might, or wealth, or power, but seeds of faith and freedom. And those seeds took hold and grew.”
Such seeds affect the destinies of nations.
A nation participates in shaping its own destiny through the process of sowing and reaping: what nations sow, they will reap. If they seek to align themselves with God’s purposes, they will experience His favor and blessing. But if they seek to align themselves with purposes that are in opposition to God’s, they will not prosper.
Who were the Pilgrims? Why did they come to America? What difference did they make in the history of our country–and what does their legacy tell us about our country’s destiny?
The seeds sown by our Pilgrim ancestors 400 years ago continue to influence our culture and government. The basic principles by which they lived–beliefs in personal liberty, freedom of religion, and living in covenant with others–laid a strong foundation for America’s religious and political freedom. Without question, what the Pilgrims sowed, America has reaped as an abundant harvest.
Yet how long will the blessing of the Pilgrims’ influence continue? The light of this nation is still shining. But something is going wrong. Like a heavy, unanticipated fog, a spiritual darkness is gradually moving in to dim that light.
In The Pilgrim Legacy, internationally recognized Bible teacher and scholar Derek Prince discloses the biblical principles and tools at work in the lives of this small group of Christians who were, in a sense, the spiritual ancestors of the United States. It was these principles that not only helped to establish the nation but enabled America to be a stepping-stone in spreading the light of the gospel of the kingdom around the world.
By discovering and implementing the principles by which the Pilgrims lived, we can continue The Pilgrim Legacy today and preserve the spiritual destiny of our nation.
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Derriba Las Barreras Emocional – (Spanish)
$15.99Demasiados cristianos estan orando y esperando por su sanidad, pero o no dura o no llega en absoluto. Los medicos se encogen de hombros y dicen que no pueden hacer nada. Los pastores dicen que es su pecado o los ataques del diablo lo que bloquea su curacion. Esto solo deja a la gente mas desamparada, desesperada, asustada, avergonzada y aun enferma o con dolor. Craig Miller experimento su propia sanidad fisica milagrosa, y ha dedicado su vida a ayudar a otros a recibir la restauracion fisica y emocional permanente que esta disponible a traves del poder curativo de Dios. Craig ministra el espiritu y el alma para identificar las causas fundamentales que bloquean su sanidad. Presta especial atencion a los casos en los que no se puede identificar la causa de una enfermedad y que hacer cuando no se produce la sanidad. Proporciona metodos practicos paso a paso faciles de usar que son viables, disponibles, asequibles y efectivos para brindar soluciones reales al dolor y sufrimiento a largo plazo. E incluye ejemplos de la vida real de testimonios de sanacion.
Far too many Christians are waiting, hoping, and praying for healing, but either it doesn’t last, or it doesn’t come at all. Doctors shrug and say there is nothing they can do. Pastors say it is your sin or an attack of the devil that blocks your healing. This only leaves people feeling more helpless, hopeless, afraid, ashamed, and still sick or in pain. Craig Miller experienced his own miraculous physical healing, and he has dedicated his life to helping others receive the permanent emotional and physical restoration that is available through the healing power of God. Craig ministers to the spirit and soul to identify root causes that block your healing. He lends particular focus to cases in which no cause of an illness can be identified and what to do when healing does not occur. In Breaking Emotional Barriers to Healing, Craig provides easy-to-use, step-by-step practical methods that are viable, available, affordable, and effective at bringing real solutions to long-term pain and suffering. He also includes real-life examples of healing testimonies.
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Mirate Bonita Mirate Feliz – (Spanish)
$14.99Con frecuencia pensamos que es muy facil responder si nos preguntan quienes somos. Sin embargo, si lo preguntamos a nosotros mismos, no podemos contestarnos a ciencia cierta. La mayoria de las personas no saben quienes son; mas bien responden a base de lo que hacen. De ahi parten las inseguridades, los miedos, la dificultad de reconocer sus talentos, tener relaciones interpersonales satisfactorias, sentirse bien con lo que son y ser felices. Sonia Luna, en este su primer libro, comparte sus profundos conocimientos sobre la mujer y el ser humano, no solo a nivel espiritual, sino sicologico y emocional. Empieza por presentarse a si misma desde nia y luego adolescente, para explicarnos el desarrollo del ser y como quienes somos es un viaje que se va desarrollando porque esta moldeado por nuestras experiencias desde que nacemos, las influencias de nuestras familias, los momentos que nos marcan y las numerosas etapas que vivimos en nuestro desarrollo como seres humanos. Nuestra autora nos invita a descubrir quienes somos, lo cual requiere nuestra principal atencion. Cuando sabemos quienes somos, logramos alcanzar la plenitud y la felicidad, y vemos lo mejor en nosotros.
We often think that it is quite easy to answer if we are asked who we are. However, if we ask ourselves that question, we cannot answer with any certainty. Most people do not know who they are; rather they respond based on what they do. Hence the insecurities, fears, and the difficulty in recognizing their talents, having satisfactory interpersonal relationships, feeling good about who they are, and being happy. In See Yourself Beautiful, See Yourself Happy, Sonia Luna shares her profound knowledge on women and human beings, not only on a spiritual level, but also on a psychological and emotional level. She begins by presenting herself as a child and later as a teenager, to explain the development of being and how finding out who we are is a journey that unfolds. This journey is shaped by our experiences since birth, the influences of our families, the moments that mark us, and the many stages that we go through in our development as human beings. Sonia invites us to discover who we are in order to achieve fulfillment and happiness, and see the best in ourselves.
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Spiritual Renewal : 90 Devotions For A Deeper Fellowship With God
$15.99The great work of the Holy Spirit is to reveal Christ in our hearts and lives as the crucified one who dwells within us. Let this be the chief aim of all your devotion: complete dependence on God and an expectation of continually receiving all goodness and salvation from Him alone. –Andrew Murray
To live a life of grace filled with God’s blessings, Christians must set aside time each day to read the Scriptures, spend time alone in prayer, and seek to draw closer to the Lord. In Spiritual Renewal: 90 Devotions for a Deeper Fellowship with God, Andrew Murray provides quiet reflections on the Bible that invite believers to enter into God’s presence and fellowship with Him daily. Murray shares his heartfelt teachings on:
*Fellowshipping with Christ on the cross
*The exceeding greatness of God’s power
*How temperance in all things brings us closer to the Lord
*The missionary messages of the apostles
*The role of the Holy Spirit in the churchThrough intimate hours spent with your Savior, you will experience the depths of God’s abiding presence, the joyful sense of peace that comes from fellowship with our heavenly Father, and the abundant life in Christ that is available to all who seek it.
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Illustrated Devotional For Women
$9.99Let the Illustrated Devotional for Woman take you on a journey through the pages of Scripture to discover what the Bible says about your worth and value! Take time to discover who you are in Jesus through 90 days of creative expression and thoughtful devotions.
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Canyon Quest
$14.99The Exciting Start of the Last Chance Detectives!
A dry, forsaken blip on the edge of civilization. That’s what Mike Fowler thinks of the little town of Ambrosia in the Arizona desert. He has no friends, no fun, and no answers to the agonizing disappearance of his dad in a top-secret military mission. But that could all change after Mike stumbles onto his dad’s puzzling journal in the old B-17 out back.
The mysterious coded entries in the journal lead him to a hidden canyon rimmed with strange lights in the sky, muffled voices, and a knife he’s sure belongs to his dad! Something big-maybe a covert military operation-is going on in that secluded canyon. And Mike is sure if he just follows the clues, he’ll find his dad. But with each new discovery, he and his daring companions-Ben, Spence, and Winnie-land in more and more danger.
It’s the case of their young lives. Now if only they only live to escape it!
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Super Giant Print Bible
$49.99This King James Version Super Giant Print Bible is bound to become your chair or bedside companion. With an easy to read 17pt type in a double-column format and footnote cross-reference guide, concordance and topical verse finder, you’ll find it purposeful for study and readable without strain. The words of Christ are printed in red ink and there are 8 full-color annotated biblical maps. The edition includes the Epistle Dedicatory.
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Spiritual Warfare And The Armor Of God
$16.00Armor Up! Take Your Stand in the Word of God…The Battle Belongs to the Lord!
Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. (Ephesians 6:11)
Have you recognized the spiritual warfare that surrounds us as Christians and as a nation? We are in times that we have never known before. These are not the days for casual Christianity, for we are in an unseen war! If we do not recognize our enemy, we will misunderstand where the anger, bitterness, relational issues, despair, and fear are coming from. Those who are not paying attention to the battle will be deceived in the fight!
God has given us His weapons to fight this spiritual war. In The Armor of God: The BattleIs Real…The Victory Is Sure, you will discover that putting on the armor of God is putting on Jesus. Satan is a liar and a deceiver, and he is well-trained in lies and deceit. Being clothed in God’s armor keeps the battle where it belongs…in the hands of our powerful God.
We can’t fight a spiritual war with emotions or the flesh, or we will quickly become casualties. We must let our enemy know that we choose to stand our ground against his onslaught and to walk in Christ’s victory every day!
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199 Encouraging Prayers For Difficult Times
$5.99199 Prayers That Will Help you Pray Confidently during Life’s Hardest Challenges
Here’s a practical and encouraging book containing 199 short prayer starters that will help you pray, even when you don’t know where to start. From illness and death to divorce and job loss, dozens of topics are covered. Great as a ministry resource, thoughtful gift, or personal pick-me-up, 199 Prayers for Difficult Times is perfect for anyone searching for a stronger prayer life.
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Bilingual Bible NLT NTV
$27.99The Bilingual Bible NLT/NTV provides the texts of the New Living Translation in English and the Nueva Traduccion Viviente in Spanish in a parallel format. These two wonderful translations present God’s Word accurately and faithfully in warm, inviting, and easy-to-understand language that will speak straight to your heart. Now completely revised and updated.
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I Couldnt Love You More
$7.99In the same manner as touching picture books like bestsellers Let Me Hold You Longer and Love You Forever, I Couldn’t Love You More tells a sweet, loving, yet powerful message: I couldn’t love you more, but there is someone who does. Through the unique relationship of adorable animals, the book shares that Christ is always with you and he loves you more than you can imagine. This engaging picture book combines lovable and irresistible images with the lyrics from the song (co-written by Jason Ingram and Matt Hammitt).
Matt is lead vocalist for Sanctus Real, a Grammy-nominated Christian rock band. The song is on Hammitt’s latest album, Every Fallen Tear. When Matt and his wife, Sarah, were halfway through her pregnancy, they discovered their son would be born with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS), a rare congenital defect. Matt and Sarah’s son, Bowen, was born on 9/9/10 and received a huge following through the Hammitt’s blog (, K-LOVE, and ABC News. A portion of the proceeds from the book goes to the foundation the Hammitts’ have started to help parents with children who have this heart condition.
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Life Application Study Bible Third Edition Large Print
$94.99Trusted and treasured by millions of readers over 30 years, the Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition is today’s #1-bestselling study Bible. Perhaps the most complete single-volume Bible ever compiled, this study Bible helps readers of all ages understand the language of the Bible and gives advice on how to apply its teachings to the ups and downs of everyday life. It has been thoroughly updated and expanded, offering even more relevant insights.
With a fresh, two-color interior design and updated study notes and features, this Bible will help you understand God’s Word better than ever. It answers the real-life questions that you have and provides you with practical yet powerful ways to apply the Bible to your everyday life. This edition includes the full text of the revered King James Version of the Bible. The words of Jesus are in red.
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Life Application Study Bible Third Edition Large Print
$84.99Trusted and treasured by millions of readers over 30 years, the Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition is today’s #1-bestselling study Bible. Perhaps the most complete single-volume Bible ever compiled, this study Bible helps readers of all ages understand the language of the Bible and gives advice on how to apply its teachings to the ups and downs of everyday life. It has been thoroughly updated and expanded, offering even more relevant insights.
With a fresh, two-color interior design and updated study notes and features, this Bible will help you understand God’s Word better than ever. It answers the real-life questions that you have and provides you with practical yet powerful ways to apply the Bible to your everyday life. This edition includes the full text of the revered King James Version of the Bible. The words of Jesus are in red.
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Life Application Study Bible Third Edition Large Print
$74.99Trusted and treasured by millions of readers over 30 years, the Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition is today’s #1-bestselling study Bible. Perhaps the most complete single-volume Bible ever compiled, this study Bible helps readers of all ages understand the language of the Bible and gives advice on how to apply its teachings to the ups and downs of everyday life. It has been thoroughly updated and expanded, offering even more relevant insights.
With a fresh, two-color interior design and updated study notes and features, this Bible will help you understand God’s Word better than ever. It answers the real-life questions that you have and provides you with practical yet powerful ways to apply the Bible to your everyday life. This edition includes the full text of the revered King James Version of the Bible. The words of Jesus are in red.
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Life Application Study Bible Third Edition
$84.99Trusted and treasured by millions of readers over 30 years, the Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition is today’s #1-bestselling study Bible. Perhaps the most complete single-volume Bible ever compiled, this study Bible helps readers of all ages understand the language of the Bible and gives advice on how to apply its teachings to the ups and downs of everyday life. It has been thoroughly updated and expanded, offering even more relevant insights.
With a fresh, two-color interior design and updated study notes and features, this Bible will help you understand God’s Word better than ever. It answers the real-life questions that you have and provides you with practical yet powerful ways to apply the Bible to your everyday life. This edition includes the full text of the revered King James Version of the Bible. The words of Jesus are in red.
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Life Application Study Bible Third Edition
$49.99Trusted and treasured by millions of readers over 30 years, the Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition is today’s #1-bestselling study Bible. Perhaps the most complete single-volume Bible ever compiled, this study Bible helps readers of all ages understand the language of the Bible and gives advice on how to apply its teachings to the ups and downs of everyday life. It has been thoroughly updated and expanded, offering even more relevant insights.
With a fresh, two-color interior design and updated study notes and features, this Bible will help you understand God’s Word better than ever. It answers the real-life questions that you have and provides you with practical yet powerful ways to apply the Bible to your everyday life. This edition includes the full text of the revered King James Version of the Bible. The words of Jesus are in red.
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She Reads Truth Bible
$59.99The CSB She Reads Truth Bible aims to live at the intersection of beauty, goodness, and Truth. Featuring She Reads Truth devotionals and Scripture reading plans that include supplemental passages for deeper understanding, this Bible invites every woman to count themselves among the She Reads Truth community of “Women in the Word of God every day.” FEATURESNearly 200 devotionals66 key verses artfully lettered to aid in Scripture memorization35 full-color timelines20 full-color maps11 full-color chartsReading plans for every book of the Bible and one-year Bible reading planDetailed book introductionsKey verse listTopical indexSmyth-sewn bindingTwo colored ribbon markersWide margins for journaling and notetakingThe CSB She Reads Truth Bible features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others.
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Tony Evans Study Bible
$69.99The CSB Tony Evans Study Bible includes extensive study notes, commentary, sermons, and writings crafted and curated by Dr. Tony Evans. Including over 150 videos via QR code, these features are strategically placed alongside the biblical text to explain God’s Word in a fresh way, guiding readers into a deeper understanding of Scripture. With tools for application, this Bible is designed to inspire readers to live and share the values of the kingdom of God. FEATURESStudy notes crafted from Tony Evans sermons and writings More than 150 videos of sermons, devotionals, and teaching from Dr. Evans accessible via QR codes40 inspirational articles50 “Kingdom Living Lessons”60 “Questions & Answers”140 “Hope Words”Special back matter section with key definitions, theological and doctrinal charts, and other study helpsPage-edge cross-reference systemElegant two-color designTwo-column formatBlack-letter text9-point type size Topical subject headings Smyth-sewn binding with ribbon marker ConcordanceBible reading planPresentation page and special introductory front matterFull-color mapsDr. Tony Evans is one of the most influential church leaders of our time and has been faithful in his proclamation of the gospel for over fifty years. He serves as senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas, and is the founder of The Urban Alternative, a ministry that promotes a kingdom-agenda philosophy designed to enable people to live all of life under the rule of God. The CSB Tony Evans Study Bible features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others.
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Student Study Bible
$59.99The CSB Study Bible for Students is designed to be a catalyst for lifelong discipleship. Discover student-centered resources and tools to help you understand and engage with the life-changinga- a-message of God’s Word. Features include:High-quality smyth-sewn binding that will lie open whether you are reading Genesis 1 or Revelation 22Study tools, articles, and commentary placed alongside the corresponding biblical text, including 40 articles/essays, 30 character profiles, 99 “Essential Truths” of the Christian faith, 10 “Know Your Faith Q&A,” and 99 foundational memory versesFull-color visuals to help you see the structure and context of Scripture come alive, including over 100 maps, illustrations/reconstructions, charts, and book-specific timelines Introductions and outlines for each book, including background information, theological themes, and insights into the unique contribution of each bookEasy-to-read layout with two columns of text, words of Christ in red, page-edge cross-references, and three columns of study notes found at the bottom of each pageThe CSB Study Bible for Students features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others.
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Dios Esta El Ahi – (Spanish)
$4.99Mez McConnell es el pastor de Niddrie Community Church, una iglesia en las afueras de Edimburgo, Escocia. Tambien sirve como el Director de 20schemes, un ministerio dedicado a revitalizar y plantar iglesias enfocadas en el evangelio en las comunidades mas empobrecidas de Escocia. Previo a este rol, Mez fue misionero a los nios en las calles de Brasil. Mez esta casado y tiene dos hijos.
Mez McConnell is the pastor for Niddrie Community Church, near Edinburgh. He is also the Director of 20schemes, which is dedicated to revitalizing and planting gospel churches in Scotland’s poorest communities. Previously he was a missionary to street kids in Brazil. He is married and has two children.
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Dios – (Spanish)
$8.99Cada libro en la serie de Teologia grande presenta una idea grande de la Biblia con definiciones concisas e ilustraciones cautivadoras que ayudaran a las mentes jovenes a obtener un entendimiento fundamental de la Palabra de Dios. Cada volumen esta escrito para complementar a los demas y esta diseado para ayudar a los nios a desarrollar un marco teologico cohesivo que incluya a Dios, Jesus, la creacion, la humanidad y el evangelio. Esto te permitira comenzar a tener conversaciones cruciales con tus hijos a la edad mas temprana posible.
Each book in the Big Theology for Little Hearts series introduces a big idea from the Bible with concise definitions and engaging illustrations to help young minds gain a foundational understanding of God’s word. With each volume written to complement all the others, this series is designed to help children develop a cohesive framework of theology that includes God, creation, humanity, Jesus, and the gospel-allowing you to start having crucial conversations with your children as early as possible.
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Season On The Wind
$16.99Ben Zook had only two loves in his life: books and birds. In a stroke of good fortune, he’d stumbled onto a way to cobble together those two loves into a career, writing books about rare birds. He was as free as a bird–until a chase for a rare White-winged Tern takes him to the one place on earth he planned to never return: his Amish home in Stoney Ridge.
Desperate for photographs of the elusive tern, Ben hires a local field guide, Micah Weaver, and boards at Micah’s farm, planning to “bag the bird” and leave Stoney Ridge before anyone recognizes him. But he neglected to plan for Micah’s sister, Penny. One long-ago summer, Penny had introduced Ben to birding, even sharing with him a hidden eagle aerie. That eagle became his spark bird–the one that inspired his lifelong love.Ben. He was Penny’s spark bird. That was when she knew true love. She’d always hoped Ben would come back to Stoney Ridge. Back to his Amish roots. Back to her. The only problem? Ben has absolutely no memory of Penny.
Bestselling author Suzanne Woods Fisher welcomes her readers to the Amish community at Stoney Ridge in this engaging story of discovering just who the rare birds are in life.
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Dont Mom Alone
$16.99Being a good mom isn’t about doing everything right to create a set of perfect trophy children–though every mom has felt the pressure to do just that and to do it all on her own. To ask for help feels like defeat. Yet when we try to do it all by our own strength, we end up depleted, lonely, and ineffective.
Heather MacFadyen wants you to know that you are not meant to go it alone. Sharing her most vulnerable, hard mom moments, she shows how moms can be empowered by God, supported by others, and connected with their children. With encouragement and insight, she helps you foster the key relationships you need to be the mom you want to be.
Whether you work or stay home, whether you have teenagers or babes in arms, you’ll find here a compassionate friend who wants the best–not just for your kids but for you.
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When Change Finds You
$18.99When difficult or unwanted change enters our lives, it can cause fear, anxiety, and anger to bubble up from within. We want to quiet that simmering stress, but how do we do that, especially when we know our circumstances aren’t going to calm down any time soon? By regularly meeting with God and exchanging our worries and fears for his assurances that he is using our difficult change for us, not against us.
Easier said than done? Not if you have Kristen Strong alongside you as your understanding guide. Offering thoughtful, humorous anecdotes and powerful prayers to recite, Strong invites you to think and feel differently about change on the inside so you can live and love differently on the outside. As the tender companion she is, Kristen will show you how not to get over difficult change but rather to get through it. She’ll help you acknowledge your change, give your anxieties over to God, and abide well in the days to come–no matter what transitions life brings.
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Dog Who Came To Christmas
$20.00Christmas is a time for joyful anticipation and celebration. Does any creature manifest these attitudes better than a dog? Their wagging tails and goofy smiles seem made for the season. Add in breakable decorations, extra sweets in the house, and maybe a little bit of snow and you’ve got a recipe for fun, laughter, and togetherness. And that’s just what you get with The Dog Who Came to Christmas.
This collection of true, feel-good holiday stories celebrates the gift of dogs. It’s the perfect companion for those magical Christmas evenings in front of the fireplace with your favorite canine companion. It also makes a heartfelt gift for dog-loving friends. Contributors include Lauraine Snelling, Melody Carlson, Amy Shojai, and many more.
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Deep Divide
$15.99After being kidnapped as a child, heiress Emma Grace McMurray has seen firsthand the devastation that greed causes in the world, and she wants nothing to do with it–including her father’s offering her hand in a business deal. She sneaks away to be a Harvey Girl at the El Tovar Grand Canyon Hotel, planning to stay hidden even if it means always looking over her shoulder.
Ray Watkins arrives at the hotel wanting to impress his father by finding success on his own. Then maybe he can take on more of the family business and do something good with the profits.
Ray immediately admires Emma Grace, and though a friendship forms, she’s afraid he’s just like every other wealthy man she’s known. Then art and jewels go missing from El Tovar and the nearby Hopi House, a mystery that pulls them in and stirs up their worst fears. When shocking revelations come to light, they’ll have to question all they thought to be true.
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Waiting On Love
$15.99Elise Wright loves her Great Lakes life onboard her father’s ship, the Mary Elise. As cook, Elise can keep an eye on her father and the grief he bears, fulfilling a promise to her late mother. But in doing so, she may forfeit love and a family of her own.
Trying to forget his own guilt over a wrong decision while captaining another ship, Nick Clark hires on as the Mary Elise’s first mate, quickly bonding with the attractive cook over their common struggles.
When a rough new sailor makes an inappropriate pass at Elise, her father believes it was a misunderstanding and offers a second chance. But other odd behavior raises Nick’s suspicions. Just as clues to the sailor’s unsavory past start to stack up, an even more immediate danger swells up around them. Forced to confront their greatest fears, Nick and Elise will have to rely on their faith and each other to see them through.
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Mama Bear Apologetics Guide To Sexuality
$16.99Raise Them to Value God’s Design
Starting at a young age, kids are being fed damaging misinformation about sexuality, gender identity, and human biology. As a parent, it’s up to you to help your children understand God’s truth about these integral concepts in the face of the candy-coated lies that saturate today’s world.
In the footsteps of the bestselling Mama Bear Apologetics comes this invaluable guide to training your kids to know and respect God’s design in a world that has rejected it. This book will equip you to;
*understand God’s design for gender, sex, marriage, and family as a beautiful portrait that reveals the nature of God Himself
*identify the tactics being used to trick children into adopting an unbiblical view of sexuality under the guise of Christian-sounding words like love, identity, tolerance, and justice
*teach your kids to treat those who hold different beliefs with gentle, Christlike compassion without compromising biblical values
As society continues to blur the lines of what is good, true, and acceptable, God’s standards remain clear and unchanging. This book will give you the wisdom to confidently raise your children to understand sex and gender through a biblical lens.
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$17.99This simply delightful story from watercolor artist Emily Lex encourages children (ages 4-8) to become exactly who God created them to be, living freely and lightly for Him.
“The birds sang their songs and the bees buzzed and the sweet scent of wildflowers filled the air. And Audrey and her friends twirled with all their hearts, freely and lightly, just the way God made them.”
Each of us have been exquisitely designed by God to receive his love and reflect it in our own one-of-a-kind, never-ever-to-be-duplicated way. Help your children celebrate their specialness as you share this sweet story about a girl who discovers the truth of who God made her to be, with a little help from her adorable animal friends.
Featuring original writing and watercolors from popular author and artist Emily Lex, Twirl is sure to become a family reading time favorite and a great way to dive in to deeper conversations with your kids about their unique place in God’s creation.
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Comprehensive Guide To Science And Faith
$30.99Science Can–and Should–Support Your Faith
Science and Christianity are often presented as mutually exclusive to each other, when in fact the ordered nature of the universe serves as powerful evidence for the mind and majesty of its Creator. With this comprehensive resource that includes the very latest research, you’ll witness how the findings of scientists provide compelling reasons to give glory to God.
Featuring more than 40 entries authored by more than 30 qualified experts, you’ll better understand…
*how the concepts of intelligent design and creationism can fit into a scientific worldview
*the scientific findings that support the history and accounts found in the Bible
*the biases that lead to scientific information being presented as a challenge to Christianity–rather than a compliment
Whether you’re looking for answers to your own questions or seeking to explain the scientific evidence for your faith to others, The Popular Handbook of Science and Faith is an invaluable apologetic tool that will help you explore and analyze scientific findings in light of the truths found in the Bible.
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Thinline Bible Large Print Passaggio Setting1995 Text Comfort Print
$54.99Elegantly Uniting Single and Double Columns in One BiblePassaggio Setting Bibles elegantly shift between the visual beauty and clarity of a highly readable single-column text for prose and a clean double-column text for poetry. The term passaggio comes from the world of classical singing, describing the shift a performer makes between vocal registers.Vocalists who can skillfully move from one register to another have mastered passaggio singing.Bibles that can skillfully move from single-column to double-column are in a Passaggio Setting.Passaggio Setting Bibles allow the literary structure of each passage to determine the way you see Scripture on the page. This unique use of columns enhances natural readability while also allowing for more efficient use of the page.Universally recognized as the gold standard among word-for-word translations, the beloved New American Standard Bible, 1995 Edition, is now easier to read with Zondervan’s exclusive NASB Comfort Print typeface. The NASB Thinline Large Print Bible, Passaggio Setting gives you the translation celebrated for faithfulness to the original biblical languages while also providing a smooth reading experience. Features:The full text of the New American Standard Bible, 1995 TextPassaggio Setting skillfully unites single and double columns into one clear, beautiful arrangementPresentation pageDesign concept developed in partnership with 2K/DENMARKParagraph formatLine-matched Bible text minimizes see-throughWords of Christ in redTwo satin ribbon markersExclusive Zondervan NASB Comfort Print typeface11-point print size
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Thinline Bible Large Print Passaggio Setting1995 Text Comfort Print
$54.99Elegantly Uniting Single and Double Columns in One BiblePassaggio Setting Bibles elegantly shift between the visual beauty and clarity of a highly readable single-column text for prose and a clean double-column text for poetry. The term passaggio comes from the world of classical singing, describing the shift a performer makes between vocal registers.Vocalists who can skillfully move from one register to another have mastered passaggio singing.Bibles that can skillfully move from single-column to double-column are in a Passaggio Setting.Passaggio Setting Bibles allow the literary structure of each passage to determine the way you see Scripture on the page. This unique use of columns enhances natural readability while also allowing for more efficient use of the page.Universally recognized as the gold standard among word-for-word translations, the beloved New American Standard Bible, 1995 Edition, is now easier to read with Zondervan’s exclusive NASB Comfort Print typeface. The NASB Thinline Large Print Bible, Passaggio Setting gives you the translation celebrated for faithfulness to the original biblical languages while also providing a smooth reading experience. Features:The full text of the New American Standard Bible, 1995 TextPassaggio Setting skillfully unites single and double columns into one clear, beautiful arrangementPresentation pageDesign concept developed in partnership with 2K/DENMARKParagraph formatLine-matched Bible text minimizes see-throughWords of Christ in redTwo satin ribbon markersExclusive Zondervan NASB Comfort Print typeface11-point print size
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Thinline Bible Passaggio Setting Comfort Print
$44.99Elegantly Uniting Single and Double Columns in One BiblePassaggio Setting Bibles elegantly shift between the visual beauty and clarity of a highly readable single-column text for prose and a clean double-column text for poetry. The term passaggio comes from the world of classical singing, describing the shift a performer makes between vocal registers.Vocalists who can skillfully move from one register to another have mastered passaggio singing.Bibles that can skillfully move from single-column to double-column are in Passaggio Setting.Passaggio Setting Bibles allow the literary structure of each passage to determine the way you see Scripture on the page. This unique use of columns enhances natural readability while also allowing for more efficient use of the page.This NIV Thinline Bible, Passaggio Setting, is typeset in Zondervan’s exclusive NIV Comfort Print typeface, delivering a smooth reading experience that complements the most widely read contemporary-English Bible translation. Features:Complete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)Passaggio Setting skillfully unites single and double columns into one clear, beautiful arrangementPresentation pageDesign concept developed in partnership with 2K/DENMARKWords of Jesus in redTwo satin ribbon markersExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface9-point print size
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$11.99SKU (UPC): 602438277674Artist: NewsboysMedia: CDReleased: October 2021Capitol Christian Music Group Songs1. Magnetic2. Aint It Like Jesus3. I Still Believe Youre Good4. STAND5. Clean6. Wont Be Afraid7. Come Through8. Blessings On Blessings9. No Doubt10. Never Too Far Away
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Prayers And Promises For Women Box Of Blessings
$4.99Grow your faith when you study the Scripture promises in the Prayers & Promises for Women Box of Blessings. Take time to ponder these promises one by one and allow them to steep in your soul and flavor your outlook on life.
The tight-fitting lid of the Box of Blessings is decorated with a mauve flower and succulent design against a quaint green background. The design flows over onto the body of the box, where the mauve flowers and dusty green succulents are set against a clear white backdrop. The title is foiled in purple and centered on the design.
Prayers & Promises For WomenYour faith will be strengthened with each of the 50 double-sided cards. The front of each card features a Scripture verse featuring either a prayer or a promise straight from the Bible and is decorated with a succulent arrangement in the top right-hand corner. The back of the card is lined to add your own notes, observations, meditations, or prayers. The succulent bouquet is developed and centered at the top.
Themes covered by the cards include rejoicing, strength, blessing, surrender, thanksgiving, protection, and much more.
A Box of Blessings is a small container that holds great spiritual truth and is small enough to fit in a drawer, purse, or car glove box. Read a card each day and soak in the promises and prayers of Scripture for comfort.
The Prayers & Promises for Women Box of Blessings makes a sweet and caring gift on its own and adds a spiritual touch when added to any other gift for Mother’s Day or a birthday. The little Prayers & Promises for Women Box of Blessings will also be an encouraging gift for teacher appreciation week and is a great way to thank a Bible study leader.
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Essential Christmas Songs
$10.73SKU (UPC): 194399324424Artist: VariousMedia: CDReleased: October 2021Provident Distribution Songs1. Go Tell It On The Mountain2. Hope Of Christmas3. White Christmas4. Make Room5. Hope For Every One6. Celebrate Me Home7. O Come All Ye Faithful8. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas9. Here Comes Heaven10. What Child Is This11. Angels We Have Heard On High12. Breath Of …
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Fruits Of The Spirit Stories Patience Kindness Goodness (DVD)
$14.99Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber and the entire Veggie cast are back together putting on shows for Mr. Nezzer’s theater. Bob impatiently puts producing the shows onto the fast track, resulting in chaos and hurt feelings among his friends. Finally Pa Grape steps in with Bible stories that help everyone learn about waiting with grace, being kind and having a heart that filled with goodness. Every show is filled with hilarious onstage performances, silly songs and crazy backstage antics that both entertain and bring home a lesson in Patience, Kindness and Goodness. As part of the Bible’s Fruit of the Spirit passage – kids will be inspired to practice these truths in big and small ways every day.
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Life Application Study Bible Third Edition
$74.99Trusted and treasured by millions of readers over 30 years, the Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition is today’s #1-bestselling study Bible. Perhaps the most complete single-volume Bible ever compiled, this study Bible helps readers of all ages understand the language of the Bible and gives advice on how to apply its teachings to the ups and downs of everyday life. It has been thoroughly updated and expanded, offering even more relevant insights.
With a fresh, two-color interior design and updated study notes and features, this Bible will help you understand God’s Word better than ever. It answers the real-life questions that you have and provides you with practical yet powerful ways to apply the Bible to your everyday life. This edition includes the full text of the revered King James Version of the Bible. The words of Jesus are in red.
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Tony Evans Study Bible
$79.99The CSB Tony Evans Study Bible includes extensive study notes, commentary, sermons, and writings crafted and curated by Dr. Tony Evans. Including over 150 videos via QR code, these features are strategically placed alongside the biblical text to explain God’s Word in a fresh way, guiding readers into a deeper understanding of Scripture. With tools for application, this Bible is designed to inspire readers to live and share the values of the kingdom of God. FEATURESStudy notes crafted from Tony Evans sermons and writings More than 150 videos of sermons, devotionals, and teaching from Dr. Evans accessible via QR codes40 inspirational articles50 “Kingdom Living Lessons”60 “Questions & Answers”140 “Hope Words”Special back matter section with key definitions, theological and doctrinal charts, and other study helpsPage-edge cross-reference systemElegant two-color designTwo-column formatBlack-letter text9-point type size Topical subject headings Smyth-sewn binding with ribbon marker ConcordanceBible reading planPresentation page and special introductory front matterFull-color mapsDr. Tony Evans is one of the most influential church leaders of our time and has been faithful in his proclamation of the gospel for over fifty years. He serves as senior pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas, and is the founder of The Urban Alternative, a ministry that promotes a kingdom-agenda philosophy designed to enable people to live all of life under the rule of God. The CSB Tony Evans Study Bible features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others.
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Pastors Bible
$49.99The KJV Pastor’s Bible is ideal for preaching, officiating special services or occasions, and personal study. Other unique features include a single-column setting, large type, wide margins, a special insert section in the middle of the Bible with outlines for officiating weddings, funerals, and other ministerial roles. This Bible provides a valuable life-long resource for Pastors. Features include:Presentation pageSmyth-sewn binding Single-column versified formatBlack-letter text10-point typeTopical page headingsFootnotesConcordanceFull-color mapsThe KJV Pastor’s Bible features the authorized version of the King James translation (KJV). For over 400 years, the King James Version has been the trusted translation for millions of Bible readers, capturing the majesty of God’s Word and shaping the worship of generations.
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Ultrathin Large Print Bible
$34.99Un Reina Valera 1960 con un hermoso diseño clásico que es portátil y fácil de llevar.Una Reina Valera 1960 con un hermoso diseño clásico que es portátil y fácil de llevar.La traducción RVR60 es la más popular en español. La Santa Biblia Reina Valera 1960 Ultrafina es ideal para llevar a la iglesia, el estudio de la Palabra y para el uso devocional.Texto completo de la RVR60Selección de mapas del Antiguo y Nuevo TestamentoFormato de doble columnaUna tabla de contenidos ampliada que ayuda a poner los libros de la Biblia en sus agrupaciones históricasTamaño de tipo legible de 10 puntosRVR60 Holy Bible Ultrathin, Large PrintA Reina Valera 1960 with a beautiful classic design that is portable and easy to carry.The RVR60 translation is the most popular Spanish language translation. The Reina Valera 1960 Santa Biblia Utrafina is a timeless and durable design, convenient for carrying to church, enjoying at home, or taking with you on the go.Features:Full text of the RVR60 translationSelection of Old Testament and New Testament mapsDouble-column formatExtended table of contents that helps put the books of the Bible in their historical groupingsReadable 10-point type size
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Psalms Photography Edition
$29.99Experience the Beauty of the Psalms with Awe-Inspiring Photography of the Irish Landscape
The Psalms invite readers to explore a wide array of metaphors, themes, and emotions through the experiences of God’s people. The ESV Psalms, Photography Edition seeks to capture the beauty of this beloved book of the Bible by featuring the text of each psalm alongside captivating photography taken of the Irish landscape. Each passage is displayed on its own page with a photograph tying into the theme of the text, capturing scenery of rolling meadows, flowing streams, and sweeping coastlines. Combining a spacious layout and generous margins with a typesetting free of verse numbers, the ESV Psalms, Photography Edition is a beautiful resource that’s ideal for personal reflection or for giving as a gift.
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Power Of A Praying Woman Box Of Blessings
$4.99Draw near to God when you pray the powerful prayers held in The Power of a Praying Woman Box of Blessings. Women are often quick to carry the needs of all those around them to God, and so forget about themselves. Use the prayers in this Box of Blessings to align your heart to the will of the Father.
A white box on the tight-fitting cornflower blue lid of the Box of Blessings features the author’s name in blue foil.
Stormie Omartian
The blue lid tops a box decorated with bright yellow flowers. The title is printed in a white frame and is foiled in blue.
The Power of a Praying Woman
50 double-sided cards will fill your heart and mind with prayers and Scripture. The front of each card features a prayer. This side is decorated with two flower patterns in opposing corners. The back of each card features a supporting Scripture verse, printed in a cornflower blue box framed by a yellow floral border.
Themes covered by the prayers include strength against evil, forgiveness, aligning your will to God’s, daily surrender, worship, joy, and much more.
A Box of Blessings is small enough to fit in a purse, a car console, your kitchen drawer, or a backpack. Read a card each day as a prayer prompt or reach for a card in the middle of the day for comfort.
The Power of a Praying Woman Box of Blessings makes a great add-on gift to a journal for Mother’s Day. It is also a quick and easy read for a new mom stressed for quiet time or a student going off to college. Share The Power of a Praying Woman Box of Blessings with a sister of a friend seeking a deeper prayer life for her birthday.
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52 Weekly Devotions For Family Prayer
$16.99Packed with stories of contemporary families, hands-on activities that help children understand basic principles of prayer, and discussions that encourage you to dig into what happens when we pray.
Imagine what would happen if Christian families really took time to pray together and did it with knowledge of how to pray. Yours can be one of those families! Develop your family’s prayer life the easy way. These 52 weekly devotions will equip your family to pray together as you explore various aspects of prayer. The ideas are practical and easy for busy families to use, choosing what best fits their schedule. Contemporary stories based on true stories show how families respond to tragedy, rejoice with God, and persist in prayer during hard times.
Use 52 Week Devotions for Family Prayer before bedtime. Around the dinner table. Wherever and whenever you choose to have your family devotional time, 52 Weekly Devotions for Family Prayer fits perfectly into your on-the-go schedule and lifestyle. Throughout the book you’ll read what happens when Bible characters pray, praise, and live their faith:
*Nehemiah leaned on God to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem while helping the people trust God against enemy threats
*Hannah wept before God and her prayer was heard
*Jesus shared what’s most important in prayer
*Elijah heard God whisper
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