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  • Gods Not Dead A Light In Darkness (DVD)


    A church destroyed. A congregation silenced. A relationship shattered. Yet even in life’s darkest valleys, a small flame can light the way toward healing and hope. After a deadly fire rips through St. James Church, Hadleigh University leaders use the tragedy to push the congregation off campus, forcing the church to defend its rights and bringing together estranged brothers for a reunion that opens old wounds and forces them to address the issues that pulled them apart. Starring David A.R. White, Shane Harper, John Corbett, Ted McGinley, Tatum O’Neal, and Jennifer Taylor. Rated PG-13. English and Spanish subtitles. Approx. 104 minutes.

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  • American Heritage Series Episodes 1-26 (DVD)


    Discover the forgotten and astonishing story of our nation’s foundation in The American Heritage Series. For centuries, Americans were taught a view of history that recognized the godly heroes and moral foundation upon which America was founded. However, in recent years, a secular version of history has re-written the moral and spiritual fiber of our nation and neglected many of those early teachings.

    From the separation of church and state to the civil rights movement, from the heroism of our founding fathers to the building of our nation’s monuments, this Christian documentary series inspires Americans to reclaim the godly history of our nation. Containing all 26 episodes on three DVDs, The American Heritage Series follows historian David Barton as he experiences the untold, true story of our nation’s history. America, this is your heritage!

    This DVD set includes:
    *Episodes 1-3: “Why History Matters & Unearthing America’s Christian Foundations”
    *Episodes 4-5: “The Faith of Our Founding Fathers”
    *Episodes 6-8: “The Ideas that Birthed Our Nation, Our Biblical Constitution, & Is America a ‘Christian Nation’?”
    *Episodes 9-10: “Church, State, & the Real First Amendment”
    *Episodes 11-13: “Influence of the Bible in America & How Pastors Shaped Our Independence”
    *Episodes 14-16: “When Religion Was Culture, Faith in Our Early Courts, & Myths of the Judiciary”
    *Episodes 17-19: “Evidence of America’s Spiritual Heritage”
    *Episodes 20-21: “Four Centuries of American Education”
    *Episodes 22-24: “Great Black Patriots, From Bondage to the Halls of Congress, & The Civil Rights Movement”
    *Episodes 25-26: “The Assault on Judeo-Christian Values & The Duty of a Free Citizen”

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  • American Heritage Collection 7 Session Set (DVD)


    Explore America’s godly heritage and the Bible’s profound influence on American life and culture over the past four centuries with this eye-opening series from Christian historian David Barton. Including a private tour of the Capitol that reveals the spiritual significance of the building’s statues and artwork, this set also discusses the principles for a successful government and how Christians can act upon their convictions to impact our nation today. Over 10 hours long, this set from WallBuilders includes seven volumes.

    Volume List:
    *America’s Godly Heritage
    *The Influence of the Bible
    *Keys to Good Government & Foundations of American Government
    *Four Centuries of American Education
    *The Role of Pastors and Christians in Civil Government
    *A Spiritual Tour of the U.S. Capitol
    *Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black and White

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  • Liderazgo Practico – (Spanish)


    Muchos pastores y lideres tienen problemas porque les preocupa como ejercer un liderazgo lleno de incertidumbres, impreciso, donde no saben a donde se dirigen ni a donde deberian dirigirse. Sea usted lider de iglesia o de una empresa, con frecuencia se siente inseguro ante tantos retos; todo parece complicado, y se siente tentado a rendirse. Necesita soluciones claras y efectivas que le traigan resultados.

    El Dr. Samuel Chand ha propiciado el exito de miles de lideres eclesiales y empresariales alrededor del mundo, con sus tecnicas sencillas y directas, pero practicas y efectivas. Mentor de resultados, ha visto a muchos de los lideres poderosos de hoy donde usted esta ahora. Y tambien ha visto y aun ve a muchos lideres reconocidos pasar por crisis, retroceder, y ansiosos ante los retos que crecen, segun crece su organizacion. Su vasta experiencia y su pasion por ayudar han creado respuestas francas y correctas para cada una de las preguntas de pastores y lideres; respuestas que usted puede poner en marcha enseguida y con seguridad. Ahora todas las soluciones para el liderazgo estan reunidas en un solo volumen. Este es su libro de consulta para alcanzar a paso firme, el nivel de liderazgo que usted busca. Recoge Liderazgo Practico: Los mejores principios de liderazgo para pastores y lideres.

    Many pastors and leaders are concerned about exercising leadership surrounded by uncertainties, in which they don’t know where they are nor where to go. Whether you are a church leader or a business leader, you frequently feel insecure about so many challenges. Everything looks so complicated that you feel tempted to quit. You need sound, effective solutions that bring out results for your issues.

    Dr. Samuel Chand has assisted thousands of church leaders and business success through their path of success with direct techniques that are unique and simple, yet also practical and effective. A results-oriented mentor, Chand has seen many of the most powerful pastors and leaders standing where you stand right now. He has also seen powerful leaders going through growth crises, and navigating great challenges. His unparalleled experience and passion for helping leaders and pastors have provided the right answers for each and every question pastors and leaders ask themselves; answers that you can confidently put into practice right now in any situation. Now every leadership answer is available within one volume. This is the consultation book to achieve, firmly and s

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  • Message Large Print


    When the full version of The Message released, its contemporary language changed the way many people took in God’s Word. Because some consumers asked for larger type, NavPress created large-print versions.

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  • Compact Bible Value Edition


    The CSB Compact Bible, Value Edition is economically priced featuring a compact design that slips easily into a purse, briefcase, or backpack, making this Bible the perfect blend of readability and portability.   Features include: Smyth-sewn binding, Two-column text, Topical subheadings, Words of Christ in red, 6-point Type, Concordance, Presentation page, and more.   The CSB Compact Bible, Value Edition features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others.

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  • Large Print Compact Bible


    Además de tener un práctico y elegante tamaño, la Biblia tiene una letra creada especialmente para Holman Bible Publishers. Esta Biblia ofrece referencias a pie de página, concordancia, guía de lectura, y mucho más. Características – Palabras de Cristo en rojo – Concordancia temática de 82 páginas – Página de presentación – Sección de registro familiar – 8 mapas a todo color – Referencias a pie de página – Cinta marcadora – 365 citas bíblicas populares   Along with being trim and elegant, it has a font especially created for Holman Bible Publishers. This Bible also offers end-of-page references, concordance, reading guides, and much more. Features – Words of Christ in red – 82-page concordance – Presentation page – Family records section – Full-color maps (8) – End-of-page references – Ribbon marker – 365 popular Bible verses  

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  • Hand Size Giant Print Bible


    Esta Biblia esta hecha en un tamanno práctico, y presenta un texto nítido, fácil de leer y con una letra creada especialmente para Holman Bible Publishers. Con la versión Reina Valera Revisada 1960. Los lectores disfrutarán de la versatilidad de su sistema especial de referencias y herramientas adicionales que le ayudarán a leer la Palabra de Dios.Características:ConcordanciaPalabras de Cristo en Rojo.Plan de SalvaciónPanorama histórica de la BibliaIntroducción de cada libro de la BibliaArmonía de los EvangeliosMapas a todo colorPlan de lectura anualNombres de JesúsPromesas por tema   With its practical trim size, this Bible displays a beautifully sharp, easy to read and with a font especially created for Holman Bible Publishers. Readers will enjoy the versatility of the special reference system.Features:ConcordanceThe Words of Christ in RedPlan of SalvationHistorical Panorama of the BibleIntroduction to each book of the BibleHarmony of the GospelsFull Color MapsYearly Reading PlanThe Names of JesusPromises by Topic

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  • Bible For Kids Comfort Print


    The NIV Bible for Kids is perfect for those looking for a convenient Bible size and readable text for children.Features Include:Reader-friendly Comfort Print 9.4-point fontPresentation page for gift givingWords of Christ in redRibbon markerCloth-over-board cover with attractive designs

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  • Large Print Compact Bible


    Además de tener un práctico y elegante tamaño, la Biblia tiene una letra creada especialmente para Holman Bible Publishers. Esta Biblia ofrece referencias a pie de página, concordancia, guía de lectura, y mucho más. Características – Palabras de Cristo en rojo – Concordancia temática de 82 páginas – Página de presentación – Sección de registro familiar – 8 mapas a todo color – Referencias a pie de página – Cinta marcadora – 365 citas bíblicas populares   Along with being trim and elegant, it has a font especially created for Holman Bible Publishers. This Bible also offers end-of-page references, concordance, reading guides, and much more. Features – Words of Christ in red – 82-page concordance – Presentation page – Family records section – Full-color maps (8) – End-of-page references – Ribbon marker – 365 popular Bible verses  

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  • Stay The Course



    Pastors and church leaders desperately want to make disciples, but they often find themselves veering off the road of discipleship-or even heading toward a cliff. The many challenges of ministry cause churches to stray from effectively making disciples.

    Stay the Course keeps leaders on the path, so they can help people follow Jesus until the end.

    Church consultant and lead pastor Brandon Guindon uses seven essential practices-or “guardrails”-to guide you along the road of disciple making in your local context. These core practices come from his experience in various church contexts-from church plants to churches in transition-and guard you from danger on your journey.

    Embrace these seven practices as Stay the Course challenges and inspires you. This resource helps you apply them to your personal life and implement them in your church, resulting in churches that faithfully make disciples and disciples who stay on track.

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  • Bible For Kids Large Print Comfort Print


    The NIV Bible for Kids, Large Print is perfect for those looking for a convenient size and very readable Bible text. Features include: Clear, readable Comfort Print fontLarge 11.4-point font sizePresentation page for gift givingWords of Christ in redRibbon markerLeathersoft cover with attractive designs X

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  • God Makes The World My First I Can Read


    The Beginner’s Bible(R) has been a favorite with young children and their parents since its release in 1989 with over 25 million products sold.

    From skies and seas to animals and humans, see the beginning our beautiful world in The Beginner’s Bible God Makes the World, a retelling of the story of creation. Featuring vibrant art from the beloved The Beginner’s Bible, this book is perfect for parents to share with their children.

    This My First I Can Read!(TM) book, with basic language, word repetition, and great illustrations, is perfect for shared reading with a child.

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  • Impact Preaching : A Case For The One-Point Expository Sermon


    This comprehensive and engaging manual aids preachers in keeping the transformative meaning and impact of the biblical text intact through all hermeneutical and homiletical processes. While this approach applies to all sermon structures, the book focuses on the less familiar one-point expository message rather than the more common three-point sermon, or verse-by-verse approach.

    Drawing upon the strengths of their backgrounds as homiletic and biblical studies professors, the authors help the reader identify which biblical texts fit the one-point expository sermon structure, explain how to develop the sermons, and provide sermon samples that illustrate the approach.

    The authors explore the features of each major literary genre and how it helps to shape the sermon. With their shared expertise in biblical studies and homiletics, they offer a book brimming with insights and usefulness.

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  • Making Connections : A Workbook For Finding Your Place In God s Story (Workbook)


    Making Connections is a hands-on aid to learning the grand story of the Bible. It can be used as a standalone resource, but is best suited to be used alongside the textbook by the authors Telling God’s Story (Broadman & Holman) in addition to the Bible. It is designed to be used in the local church for Bible studies, pastor-led studies, and Sunday school.

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  • Biblical Theology Volume 2


    The second of three volumes, this study explores the Old Testament special grace covenants: the Abrahamic, Mosaic, and Davidic. The third volume examines the final and culminating special grace covenant: the New covenant. The three volumes taken together present the covenant as an expression of God’s nature, and show a paradigm of activity by which God works in covenantal relations, first to create the world and then, through a redemptive program after the fall, to redeem what was lost. The proposed paradigm, by which all the divine-human covenants are expressed and understood, is a new and, it is hoped, helpful way of portraying God’s covenant making dynamic, and it also thereby illustrates the divine consistency. The work also develops further the idea that all divine-human covenants are both unconditional and conditional, in contradistinction to prevailing terminology and understanding of the covenants as either conditional or unconditional, or unilateral or bilateral. Ancillary to the discussion of the covenants is a fresh exploration and demonstration of covenant making and covenant sustaining terminology.

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  • We Were Royal Refugees


    Six. That was the number of people killed every minute of every hour of the day, for one hundred days. The dead lay there mutilated, raped, disfigured, and dismembered. They were strewn across the African countryside, piled up in empty churches, and thrown in the lakes and rivers.

    Alphonse and Thacienne had their dream life. They were in love, they had five children, and they pastored a great church in Rwanda’s capital city of Kigali. But in 1994 it all came to a cataclysmic end as almost one million people were slaughtered in an eruption of violence that lasted three months. As Alphonse is trapped in his church fighting to stay alive, Thacienne embarks on a courageous journey to get her children to safety, holding hope that she will be reunited with her husband.

    Written by one of the survivors,We Were Royal Refugees is the gripping and heart-wrenching true story of the horror, loss, forgiveness, and triumph of a family in one of the worst tragedies in modern history, the Rwandan genocide.

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  • Biblical Greek Made Simple


    Diligent study of God’s Word involves engaging with it in the language it was written.

    Learning Greek can be a challenging experience for seminary students but it is a critical piece of their education. Engaging with the Bible in its original language will lead to deeper understanding, new insights, and provide tools to enter into the conversation surrounding God’s Word.

    Biblical Greek Made Simple is a one–semester textbook that teaches the basics of biblical Greek. Designed with the modern student and curriculum in mind, this grammar introduces all the essential elements of biblical Greek while also utilizing the tools and features of Logos Bible Software to help retain and enhance knowledge of Greek. Each chapter includes exercises tailored to its contents as well as additional teaching material for further advancement. Daniel Zacharias provides a solid overview of the entire biblical Greek system, while challenging students to understand how this ancient language is relevant to meaning and translation.

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  • Born This Way


    Lady Gaga’s song “Born This Way” has become an anthem for homosexual rights, asserting in a simplistic fashion that same-sex attraction is a trait much like hair or skin color. In Born This Way?, the author surveys the most common scientific arguments in favor of homosexuality and respond to pro-homosexual arguments. A review of the research will show that, while there are some genetic or biological factors that correlate with a higher incidence of same-sex attraction and homosexual behavior, as of yet there is no proof of genetic or biological causation for homosexuality.

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  • New Apostolic Reformation


    This critique provides a framework for understanding and interpreting the widespread but little-known New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement. As the authors state in the preface: “We write this book with two major goals in mind. First, to give people an idea of the sheer size and reach of the NAR movement. And second, to systematize its key teachings and practices and evaluate them on the basis of Scripture and careful reasoning – . In our judgment, the NAR perspective crosses these boundaries [that is, certain broad parameters, revealed in Scripture and practiced in the historical orthodox church], and it does so in part because of flawed theology rooted in a flawed understanding of Scripture. We wish to warn readers about a possible confusion: Some critics have linked the NAR movement with mainstream Pentecostalism and charismatics. We do not do this. In fact, it is our contention that the NAR movement deviates from classical Pentecostal and charismatic teachings. This movement has emerged out of independent charismatic churches and, thus, has gained a foothold in many of those churches in varying degrees.”

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  • Shooting Star (DVD)


    Phillip Schuman is a 15-year-old musical prodigy. But real-world pain threatens to overshadow the light of his world-class abilities as a pianist. Filmed in Dutch with English subtitles, this gripping true story of a father and son’s struggles with grief—and each other—highlights the beauty of our God-given talents and the power of forgiveness and healing. Dove approved (12+). 81 minutes.

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  • En Lo Secreto – (Spanish)


    En algun momento todos necesitamos una palabra de consejo, consuelo o esperanza, que nos de fuerzas para continuar. Quisieramos reunirnos a solas con alguien que sepa como ayudarnos, nos guie, y nos de una estrategia para salir de una situacion o entrar en una. Llegamos a desear que alguien nos hable claro, sin mascaras ni diplomacia, ni falsedad, nos guste o no lo que te pueda decir, pero que lo haga con amor y sinceridad. Tal vez deseamos que tan solo nos escuchen sin hablar, sin juzgarnos, y que nos comprendan. O soamos con el momento y lugar donde podamos descansar y sentir una genuina paz.

    Ese lugar y esa persona existen. El te espera ahi, en lo secreto. Ahi encontraras las respuestas a muchas preguntas, direccion a muchas salidas y entradas, consuelo y esperanza. Ahi recibiras una confrontacion sana y constructiva que te mostrara las cosas del caracter y la vida que deberias mejorar o cambiar. Ahi encontraras transformacion.

    Este libro reune 52 consejos y reflexiones por cada semana del ao, pero estan presentados sin orden especifico, para que acudas a ellos segun tu necesidad. Ponerlos en practica tendra un impacto muy grande en tu vida, y encenderan en ti una pasion de buscar de Dios en la intimidad, y dejar que El te hable de una manera especial y personal. //

    At any moment in life, we all need advice, a comforting word of hope, to regain strength to go on. We long to meet with that someone who can guide us, someone who is able to give us a strategy to get out of or into a situation. We wish we had someone to speak to us clearly, frankly, and without falsehood or nice words, even when we don’t like what we hear…but to do so with love and honesty. Or maybe we just need someone to listen in silence, without judgment, but with understanding. We dream of the time and place in which we can rest and enjoy feeling truly peaceful.

    That place and that person are real. He is waiting for you there, in the secret place. There you will find answers to many questions, ways to get out and get in, and receive comfort and hope. You will encounter that healthy and constructive confrontation that may show you character traits you should change or improve. There is where you will find transformation.

    This book has fifty-two lessons and thoughts for every week of the year. However, you also may read them as you need them. They will impact your life and ignite a passion to pursue intimacy with God, allowing Him to speak to you in a personal and speci

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  • Book Of Mysteries


    Jonathan Cahn, who caused a national and international stir with the New York Times best seller The Harbinger and then The Mystery of the Shemitah, now brings us a treasure chest, which contains some of the greatest mysteries of all time. The reader will discover life-transforming secrets, mind-blowing realities, and heart-changing revelations in such mysteries as The Face in the Waters, The Leper King, The Land of Gezarah, The Secret of the Third Prince, The House of Spirits, The Mystery of the Rains, How to Alter Your Past, The Second Scroll, The Similitude, The Mystery of the Eighth Day, and much more. The Book of Mysteries takes the readers on a journey of divine revelation through ancient scriptures, the laws of creation, the deep of God’s Word, the hidden streams of history, the most important keys of spiritual truth, end-time mysteries, and the secrets of life.

    The Book of Mysteries opens up with a traveler and his encounter with a man known only as “the teacher.” The teacher takes him on an odyssey through desert mountains, valleys, gardens and plains, encounters with nomadic tent dwellers, caverns and ancient ruins, chambers of scrolls and vessels, and more. The reader is taken along to partake in the journey and in all the teachings and revelations. The traveler keeps a journal, in which he writes down each of the mysteries given to him by the teacher in his one-year odyssey–365 different mysteries–one for each day of the year. Thus, on top of everything else, The Book of Mysteries is also a daily devotional unlike any other. And each mystery contains a special mission for each day of the year, a mission that takes the revelation and applies it to reality for a life-changing journey.

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  • Sermon On The Mount Pamphlet


    Rose Publishing pamphlets are known for their accessibility and concise presentation of in-depth topics for Christians of all walks of faith. The Sermon on the Mount pamphlet offers Jesus’ best known teachings from Matthew 5-7, and easily fits into most Bibles as a handy reference. This pamphlet includes:
    *The Beatitudes
    *The Lord’s Prayer
    *Teaching on believers as salt and light
    *Fulfillment of the law
    *Storing treasures in heaven
    *The wise and foolish builders
    *And much more!

    Perfect for individual use, Bible studies, and new believers classes. Jesus’ beloved teachings on finding hope and joy offer a true picture of God’s blessings for believers.

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  • Scripture Journal Romans


    ESV Scripture Journals pair the entirety of individual books of the New Testament with lightly lined blank pages opposite each page of the biblical text, allowing readers to take extended notes or record insights and prayers directly beside corresponding passages of Scripture. This edition features the book of Romans, and is thin and portable–great for personal Bible reading and reflection, small-group study, or taking notes through a sermon series.

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  • Journal The Word Bible Comfort Print


    Do you underline Scripture, take notes during sermons, or express your thoughts through journaling? The NKJV Journal the Word(TM) Bible is a trustworthy and indispensable resource for anyone who puts pen to paper for deeper engagement with God’s Word. The extra-wide lined margins make this Bible ideal for note taking or journaling.

    The NKJV Journal the Word(TM) Bible is truly inspirational from cover to cover and sure to make an excellent gift as a treasured personal keepsake. The Thomas Nelson NKJV Comfort Print(R) typeface is designed to honor the beauty of the New King James Version, providing a particularly smooth reading experience for longer engagement in God’s Word.

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  • Thinline Reference Bible Comfort Print


    The slim design of the NKJV Thinline Reference Bible means you can bring it along, wherever your day takes you. When you open it up, you’ll discover Thomas Nelson’s exclusive NKJV Comfort Print(R) typeface, which is designed to provide a smooth reading experience for deeper engagement in God’s Word. And with features like a complete cross-reference system, book introductions, a concordance, and full-color maps, you’ll have the tools to get more out of God’s Word without having to pack more.

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  • Thinline Reference Bible Comfort Print


    The slim design of the NKJV Thinline Reference Bible means you can bring it along, wherever your day takes you. When you open it up, you’ll discover Thomas Nelson’s exclusive NKJV Comfort Print(R) typeface, which is designed to provide a smooth reading experience for deeper engagement in God’s Word. And with features like a complete cross-reference system, book introductions, a concordance, and full-color maps, you’ll have the tools to get more out of God’s Word without having to pack more.

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  • Reference Bible Center Column Giant Print


    Thanks to the exclusive Thomas Nelson NKJV Comfort Print(R) typeface in a giant print format, your eyes will discover a whole new level of comfort. But with the NKJV Giant Print Center-Column Reference Bible, you won’t have to sacrifice study features for readability. Center-column references, book introductions, a concordance, and full-color maps make this the go-to Bible you’ll look forward to reading.

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  • Personal Size Reference Bible Large Print Comfort Print


    Let Scripture explain Scripture Featuring a generous 12-point print size; a new, exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface; and an end-of-paragraph reference system – this Bible provides a clear, smooth, and easy reading experience for readers of all ages. Expertly designed for the New International Version (NIV) text, Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface delivers a smooth reading experience that complements the most widely read contemporary-English Bible translation. Ideal for anyone looking for a Bible that is gentle on the eyes yet easy to carry, this NIV reference Bible includes:End-of-paragraph referencesComplete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International VersionNIV dictionary/concordanceEight pages of full-color maps in the back of Bible for helpful referenceWords of Jesus in redTwo ribbon markersThumb-indexed editionExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typefaceEasy-to-read 12-point print size

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  • Personal Size Reference Bible Large Print Comfort Print


    Let Scripture explain Scripture Featuring a generous 12-point print size; a new, exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface; and an end-of-paragraph reference system – this Bible provides a clear, smooth, and easy reading experience for readers of all ages. Expertly designed for the New International Version (NIV) text, Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface delivers a smooth reading experience that complements the most widely read contemporary-English Bible translation. Ideal for anyone looking for a Bible that is gentle on the eyes yet easy to carry, this NIV reference Bible includes:End-of-paragraph referencesComplete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International VersionNIV dictionary/concordanceEight pages of full-color maps in the back of Bible for helpful referenceWords of Jesus in redTwo ribbon markersExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typefaceEasy-to-read 12-point print size

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  • Reference Bible Giant Print Comfort Print


    Let Scripture explain Scripture Featuring a giant, 13.6-point print size; a new, exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface; and an end-of-paragraph reference system – this Bible provides a clear, smooth, and easy reading experience for readers of all ages. Expertly designed for the New International Version (NIV) text, Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface delivers a smooth reading experience that complements the most widely read contemporary-English Bible translation. Ideal for anyone looking for a Bible that is gentle on the eyes, this NIV reference Bible includes:End-of-paragraph referencesComplete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International VersionNIV dictionary/concordanceEight pages of full-color maps in the back of Bible for helpful referenceWords of Jesus in redTwo ribbon markersExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typefaceEasy-to-read 13.6-point print size

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  • Reference Bible Giant Print Comfort Print


    Let Scripture explain Scripture Featuring a giant, 13.6-point print size; a new, exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface; and an end-of-paragraph reference system – this Bible provides a clear, smooth, and easy reading experience for readers of all ages. Expertly designed for the New International Version (NIV) text, Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface delivers a smooth reading experience that complements the most widely read contemporary-English Bible translation. Ideal for anyone looking for a Bible that is gentle on the eyes, this NIV reference Bible includes:End-of-paragraph referencesComplete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International VersionNIV dictionary/concordanceEight pages of full-color maps in the back of Bible for helpful referenceWords of Jesus in redExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typefaceEasy-to-read 13.6-point print size

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  • Favorites: Revisited By Request


    SKU (UPC): 617884939229Artist: IsaacsMedia: CDReleased: June 2018Capitol Christian Music Group Manufacture On Demand ProductSongs

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  • Scripture Journal Acts


    ESV Scripture Journals pair the entirety of individual books of the New Testament with lightly lined blank pages opposite each page of the biblical text, allowing readers to take extended notes or record insights and prayers directly beside corresponding passages of Scripture. This edition features the book of Acts, and is thin and portable–great for personal Bible reading and reflection, small-group study, or taking notes through a sermon series.

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  • Value Compact Bible


    The ESV Value Compact Bible retains many of the components of the ESV Compact Bible. It features a quality TruTone cover, but is made more affordable by not including gilded paper edges or a ribbon marker. The Value Compact Bible is a conveniently sized and affordably priced edition, making it a practical option for anyone who wants to take God’s Word wherever they go.

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  • Scripture Journal John


    ESV Scripture Journal: John positions the full text of John opposite lightly lined blank pages for recording notes and prayers–great for personal Bible reading and reflection, group studies, or sermon notes.

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  • Scripture Journal Matthew


    ESV Scripture Journals pair the entirety of individual books of the New Testament with lightly lined blank pages opposite each page of the biblical text, allowing readers to take extended notes or record insights and prayers directly beside corresponding passages of Scripture. This edition features the book of Matthew, and is thin and portable–great for personal Bible reading and reflection, small-group study, or taking notes through a sermon series.

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  • Reference Bible Giant Print Comfort Print


    Let Scripture explain Scripture Featuring a giant, 13.6-point print size; a new, exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface; and an end-of-paragraph reference system – this Bible provides a clear, smooth, and easy reading experience for readers of all ages. Expertly designed for the New International Version (NIV) text, Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface delivers a smooth reading experience that complements the most widely read contemporary-English Bible translation. Ideal for anyone looking for a Bible that is gentle on the eyes, this NIV reference Bible includes:End-of-paragraph referencesComplete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International VersionNIV dictionary/concordanceEight pages of full-color maps in the back of Bible for helpful referenceWords of Jesus in redTwo ribbon markersThumb-indexed editionExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typefaceEasy-to-read 13.6-point print size

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  • Personal Size Reference Bible Large Print Comfort Print


    Let Scripture explain Scripture Featuring a generous 12-point print size; a new, exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface; and an end-of-paragraph reference system – this Bible provides a clear, smooth, and easy reading experience for readers of all ages. Expertly designed for the New International Version (NIV) text, Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface delivers a smooth reading experience that complements the most widely read contemporary-English Bible translation. Ideal for anyone looking for a Bible that is gentle on the eyes yet easy to carry, this NIV reference Bible includes:End-of-paragraph referencesComplete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International VersionNIV dictionary/concordanceEight pages of full-color maps in the back of Bible for helpful referenceWords of Jesus in redTwo ribbon markersExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typefaceEasy-to-read 12-point print size

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  • Masked Saint : Husband Pastor Hero (DVD)


    * When World Federation wrestler Chris Samuels is injured, he leaves the ring for the pulpit—but he can’t seem to shake his violent past. As he witnesses rampant crime in his small town, he decides to seek justice as a masked vigilante. Can he evade the police—and reconcile his secret identity with his calling as a pastor? Dove faith-friendly (12+).

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  • 1 And 2 Thessalonians Verse By Verse


    When we overlook Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians, we miss out.

    Paul’s letters to the church in Thessalonica are often considered two of the less important of his letters, but they were written to a very important city with very important issues. In addition to addressing the issue of Christ’s return and the problem of people who refused to work, these letters model a truly loving relationship between a pastor and a congregation.

    In 1 & 2 Thessalonians Verse by Verse, respected New Testament scholar Grant R. Osborne shows us that in a world that centered on the divinity of the emperor and the demands to participate in the worship of the gods, the Thessalonians desperately needed to be given resources that would help them withstand the pressure to conform. These letters provide us with a thrilling example of affection among believers in extremely hard times and help us see how that affection can make severe trials bearable.

    The Osborne New Testament Commentaries, by respected professor and author Grant R. Osborne, are for people seeking a straightforward explanation of the text in its context, avoiding either oversimplification or technical complexity. Osborne brings out the riches of the New Testament, making each book accessible for pastors and all who consider themselves students of Scripture.

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  • New City Catechism For Kids


    The New City Catechism: Children’s Edition is a modern-day resource aimed at teaching the core doctrines of the Christian faith to children ages 2-11. This 64-page booklet contains each of the 52 easy-to-understand questions and short answers found in The New City Catechism designed to help children understand who God is and what he has done. With answers that are short enough for children to read, understand, and memorize, this low-cost booklet is designed for bulk distribution and is ideally suited for Sunday school classes, Christian schools, and homeschooling families. This resource is sold individually and as part of the curriculum kit.

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  • Personal Size Reference Bible Large Print Comfort Print


    Let Scripture explain Scripture Featuring a generous 12-point print size; a new, exclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface; and an end-of-paragraph reference system – this Bible provides a clear, smooth, and easy reading experience for readers of all ages. Expertly designed for the New International Version (NIV) text, Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typeface delivers a smooth reading experience that complements the most widely read contemporary-English Bible translation. Ideal for anyone looking for a Bible that is gentle on the eyes yet easy to carry, this NIV reference Bible includes:End-of-paragraph referencesComplete text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International VersionNIV dictionary/concordanceEight pages of full-color maps in the back of Bible for helpful referenceWords of Jesus in redTwo ribbon markersThumb-indexed editionExclusive Zondervan NIV Comfort Print typefaceEasy-to-read 12-point print size

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  • I Can Only Imagine (DVD)


    Revealing the true story behind MercyMe’s smash hit song, I Can Only Imagine details lead singer Bart Millard’s abusive upbringing and path to reconciliation and forgiveness. This touching story of hope and redemption stars J. Michael Finley, Dennis Quaid, Madeline Carroll, Priscilla Shirer, Cloris Leachman, and country singer Trace Adkins. Rated PG. Approx . 110 minutes.

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  • Growing In Gratitude


    As women, we are often encouraged to “count our blessings.” But truly biblical gratitude is much more than this. Mary K. Mohler unpacks Scripture to help us grow in gracious gratitude (thanking God for who he is) as well as natural gratitude (thanking him for his blessings) and to identify and deal with some of the things that hinder us to help us rediscover the joy of a thankful heart. This thoroughly Bible-centered unpacking of the reasons for gratitude builds on Mary K. Mohler’s 25 years experience in mentoring seminary wives at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Discussion questions at the end of each chapter make this book ideal for group use as well as for individuals.

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  • Honoring The Son


    Before the New Testament or the creeds of the church were written–the devotional practices of the earliest Christians indicate that they worshipped Jesus alongside the Father.

    Larry W. Hurtado has been one of the leading scholars on early Christology for decades. In Honoring the Son: Jesus in Earliest Christian Devotional Practice, Hurtado helps readers understand early Christology by examining not just what early Christians believed or wrote about Jesus, but what their devotional practices tell us about the place of Jesus in early Christian worship.

    Drawing on his extensive knowledge of early Christian origins and scholarship on New Testament Christology, Hurtado examines the distinctiveness of early Christian worship by comparing it to both Jewish worship patterns and worship practices within the broader Roman–era religious environment. He argues that the inclusion of the risen Jesus alongside the Father in early Christian devotional practices was a distinct and unique religious phenomenon within its ancient context. Additionally, Hurtado demonstrates that this remarkable development was not invented decades after the resurrection of Christ as some scholars once claimed. Instead, the New Testament suggests that Jesus–followers, very quickly after the resurrection of Christ, began to worship the Son alongside the Father. Honoring the Son offers a look into the worship habits of the earliest Christians to understand the place of Jesus in early Christian devotion.

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  • Soul Rest : Reclaim Your Life, Return To Sabbath


    In the midst of a cacophony of noise, finding true soul rest is nearly impossible.
    With so many responsibilities and distractions vying for our attention, too many of us have built unhealthy cycles of rest. As a result, we burn ourselves out, striving and straining against God’s intent for our lives. We can only sustain a life of purpose if we learn to truly rest.

    In Soul Rest, Curtis “CZ” Zackery reveals how our misaligned view of rest has its roots in an identity that is out of rhythm with God. Taking steps toward understanding Sabbath in the way that God intends can dynamically affect every aspect of our lives. This thoughtful reflection on rest calls us to the hard work of self–examination, helping us move towards a purposeful and sustainable life with Jesus.

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  • Dreams And Memories Of Where The Red Fern Grows (DVD)


    A restrospective look at the Classic 1974 film Where the Red Fern Grows, with interviews, insights and never-before-seen images and newly transferred HD footage. The producer, Lyman Dayton, leads us on a personal, incident by incident tour of the creation of the original film production. Alongside his factual remembrances are entertaining accounts of struggles and relationships he endured throughout the entire process. Dreams and Memories of Where the Red Fern Grows is a scrapbook of memories that birngs us back to a time of filmmaking that celebrated Judeo-Christian family values. Dove approved (all ages).

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  • Punto De Partida – (Spanish)


    El mensaje es claro: no podemos darnos el lujo de esperar a que el futuro sea presente para darnos cuenta de que no es lo que soabamos. Tampoco podemos sentarnos a esperar que tan solo “ocurra”, mientras hacemos hoy lo que no nos va a llevar a donde queremos. Mucho menos podemos planear el futuro soado, contaminados con lo que ocurre en nuestro presente, y lo que llevamos en la mente. El tema es: el punto de partida para disfrutar tu maana es tu futuro. Asume tu derecho a descubrir tu futuro, y disealo hoy desde la perspectiva de maana.

    The message is loud and clear: we cannot afford to wait for the future to become our present in order to realize that it is not the future we have dreamed of. Neither we can sit down and wait for the future to just “happen,” especially when the things we are doing today will not take us to the tomorrow we desire. We are not able to plan the future we wish because our minds are polluted by our present-day thinking. The issue is this: the starting point to building a better future is to enjoy your tomorrow. Claim your right to unveil a better future, and create it today with a vision that starts tomorrow.

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