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  • Money In The Light Of Eternity


    You Are Created for More.

    Our hearts are filled with all types of longings-yearnings for contentment, satisfaction, and happiness. We all want to be part of something greater than ourselves. Yet our biggest temptation is to try to satisfy those longings by seeking after more money and more stuff. That is junk food for our souls, full of quickly fading pleasure that leaves us unhealthier than we were before.

    We deeply desire God and the good gifts that come from him alone. It’s the way we’re wired.

    Does your heart long to be a part of something greater than yourself?

    God’s most ambitious mission is ready for you to join. When was the last time you used money in a way that brought about deep, refreshing happiness and satisfaction for yourself and for others?

    Money in Light of Eternity helps you see money the way God views it. When you follow God’s design for your life, you will find what no large bank account, big house, or fast car could ever provide. You will find your true heart.

    You were created for so much more.

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  • Can I Borrow A Cup Of Hope


    When the pain and problems of life barge in, hopes and dreams run out. In these uncertain seasons of personal crisis, national chaos, and global catastrophe, it’s easy to wonder if life will ever be anything but sorrow and despair.

    The apostle Peter knows exactly what it’s like when hope is gone. He watched as the Messiah was arrested, crucified, and buried. And Peter himself failed almost every test of his faith, even with Christ right in front of him. But he also knows that God is faithful and true, carrying us through our harshest suffering and redeeming our heaviest regrets. Bible teacher, author, and speaker Amy Lively dives into Peter’s first epistle, a short letter with a lot of power, to light the way for today’s struggling Christian. In this daily Bible study, she guides readers through the beautiful story of Peter and shows how he embodies the way to set our hope fully in Christ alone. With gentle honesty and a touch of helpful humor, Amy helps readers understand that when it feels like the end of the world to them, it’s just the beginning of the power of Jesus.

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  • Teach Me To Feel


    Many of us suppress our feelings because we’re worried they are ungodly. Others of us are so led by our emotions that we let them dominate everything, including our faith.

    In these honest, personal and uplifting meditations on 24 selected psalms, Courtney Reissig looks at emotions we all experience, ranging from shame, anxiety, and anger through to gratitude, hope, and joy. For each, she shows how the psalms give us permission to acknowledge how we feel before God, and how they can help us to use those feelings productively and faithfully.

    This inspiring book will give women a language to cry out to God in order to help them process their feelings, as well as help them to grow in their faith. Can be used as a daily devotion.

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  • JourneyWise : Redeeming The Broken And Winding Roads We Travel


    JourneyWise: Finding meaning in each step along the path of life and being transformed by the journey as a whole.

    A common thread binds us together: the broken and winding roads we all travel. Most of us carry with us some form of spiritual, emotional, or physical baggage. That type of weight takes its toll. Our paths can be difficult or daunting if we try to journey them on our own. In JourneyWise, noted pastor and author Shane Stanford offers us a different understanding of our life’s path, enabling us to reframe our journey into one that is healed and redeemed. He begins by asking these questions:

    What if you could have Jesus Himself as your life’s companion? What if you had access to His innermost thoughts, tapping into His wisdom? What if your story could intimately intertwine with His and of others who closely follow Him? And what if all of this were possible by purposefully applying only a few paragraphs of His teachings?
    The Beatitudes are more than just poetic verse used to begin Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount. They are the essence of Jesus’s message from beginning to end. These familiar words establish the overall tone of Jesus’s teaching ministry and reveal His most deeply held values.

    To be JourneyWise is to discover and live out the simple yet powerful truths of the Beatitudes. It is through the Beatitudes, which literally mean “blessings,” that Jesus gives us a new definition of significance before leading us to reflect on the deeper meaning of life, our relationship with God, and the interconnections we have with others. They speak to our friendships, actions, fears, prejudices, and joys. They are pragmatic, powerful lessons wrapped in simple words. In their simplicity and accuracy, the Beatitudes yield amazing results when practiced faithfully.

    This book will stir your spirit and touch your emotions to bring healing so you can follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Writing with honesty, poignancy, and compassion about the complexities of our daily existence, Shane shows how, in each beatitude, Jesus provides a foundation for developing a significant and spiritually formed life. Here, you will find words of hope and the infinite possibilities of Christ’s simple blessings.

    JourneyWise with Jesus.

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  • When Shift Happens


    When circumstances in our life change, many of us are left feeling uncertain and uneasy. From pandemics to natural disasters, from personal traumas to workplace issues, we often find ourselves at a crossroads–hurting, blindsided, and confused about what to do.

    Michelle McKinney Hammond knows all about life’s curveballs. She’s caught plenty of them. But when she was visiting England for some speaking engagements and the world suddenly went into lockdown mode because of the COVID-19 pandemic, she was taken by surprise along with the rest of us. It was time for her to shift gears. Again.

    Like a dear friend who’s been where you are now, Michelle offers a calming voice of reason in When Shift Happens: Say Yes to Your Next! Weaving stories from Scripture with tales from her own life, she offers heartfelt lessons, prayers, and reflection questions to help you embrace your next.

    When Shift Happens will:

    *Provide practical tools for navigating change
    *Give you solid spiritual principles for dealing with life’s shifts
    *Enable you to consider the value of mistakes
    *Help you embrace change as opportunity
    *Shift your perspective to expect the best as God redirects

    “Mindset is everything when confronted with unanticipated change,” Michelle notes. “You are never out of options unless you choose to be. Emerging cycles all point to one thing–whether you are ready or not, shift happens. It’s not the end. There’s always a next!”

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  • Gods Big Promises Bible Storybook


    Watch children discover God’s big promises and how Jesus keeps every one of them!

    Features include:

    – 92 faithfully-told stories from the Old & New Testaments
    – Simple, memorable language for small children
    – 400+ pages filled with vibrant, illustrations
    – Bright icons trace 5 themes of God’s promises throughout Scripture

    God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook contains both familiar stories, such as Noah & the ark, David & Goliath, and Daniel & the lions’ den, and lesser-known stories such as Jacob & Esau and Simeon & Anna.

    Together, these 92 theologically faithful stories point to the one big story of the Bible: God making and keeping his promises to redeem his people.

    Bright, icons indicate which stories relate to a promise made or a promise kept within 5 distinct themes:

    – Rescue
    – People
    – Land
    – Joy
    – King

    It is the perfect first Bible to introduce a child to the stories of the Bible and the promise-keeping God who loves them. It also provides a trusted starting point for children to cultivate a lifelong love of God’s word.

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  • Christian Manifesto : Jesus’ Life-Changing Words From The Sermon On The Pla


    What does genuine Christian living look like in the 21st century, and how can we be motivated to live that way?

    The answer comes from Jesus’ sermon in Luke 6 (sometimes known as the Sermon on the Plain), which starts, “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God and goes on to lay out God’s vision statement for the Christian life. It is a manifesto that transcends politics, culture and personality, detailing God’s intentions for his people.

    Alistair Begg unpacks this sermon, encouraging Christians to live a radically different life that upends the world’s values and philosophies. It’s a lifestyle that is counterintuitive and countercultural, yet one that God blesses with true meaning and impact.

    As we look at the kindness and compassion of Jesus and ask for the Holy Spirit’s help, we’ll grow in both the motivation and the ability to obey Jesus’ teaching and experience the blessing that comes from that.

    This compelling book will remind you of God’s grace and what it means to follow him, helping you discover the ultimate blessing that is found in him.

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  • Hopeward : Gospel Grace For Weary Souls


    Jesus says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt 11:28)

    Author Dai Hankey is a church planter in Wales and founder of Red Community, a Christian charity that fights human trafficking in Wales. Speaking from a personal experience of burnout, he comes alongside weary Christians to explore what it looks like in practice to really lean on Jesus and enjoy his rest.

    This positive and encouraging book takes readers on a hopeward journey with Jesus from despondency to joy. They will discover how Jesus can restore and sustain them, and they will be re-energized to carry on serving him in a joyful and manageable way.

    This is a great book to give Christians who feel weary, overwhelmed, stressed, or discouraged, or Christians who feel like stepping back from the things they are involved in at church.

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  • Gods Big Promises Christmas Sticker And Activity Book


    Using vibrant illustrations and simple, faithful teaching from God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, this activity book features over 60 stickers and 16 pages of puzzles, games, and other activities.

    It will provide hours of fun for your family, bringing the Christmas story to life for young children.

    Youngsters will enjoy the angel visiting Mary, the journey to Bethlehem, the birth of Jesus, and the visits of the shepherds and the magi.

    Perfect for kids aged 3-7.

    Written by Carl Laferton, author of The Garden, The Curtain and The Cross and God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook.

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  • Gods Big Promises Bible Heroes Sticker And Activity Book


    Using vibrant illustrations and simple, faithful teaching from God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook, this activity book features over 60 stickers and 16 pages of puzzles, games, and other activities.

    Hours of fun for your family, bringing the heroes of the Bible story to life for young children.

    Youngsters will enjoy the stories of Old Testament characters such as Noah, David, Ruth, Esther, and Samson, and see how all of them point to Jesus, the greatest hero of all.

    Perfect for kids aged 3-7.

    Written by Carl Laferton, author of The Garden, The Curtain and The Cross and God’s Big Promises Bible Storybook.

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  • Faithfully Present : Embracing The Limits Of Where And When God Has You


    Most of us feel that life is rushing past us. We reach the end of another day or week or year and wonder where it went. So we double down on trying to do more or do better–or distract ourselves with the many diversions the 21st century has to offer. But often we’re so busy thinking about the next thing that we’re at risk of missing the main thing: the people and places God has put in front of us, right here, right now.

    There is a better way to live. In this thought-provoking book, Adam Ramsey helps us to embrace the time and place we are in and to live each day fully and faithfully present with God and with others. Readers will discover fresh joy in the little things, freedom from the tyranny of time and contentment in every season of life.

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  • What Are Mouths For


    This fun lift-the-flap board book motivates small children to use their mouths in a Christ-like way.

    A helpful and engaging training tool, parents will be able to teach their kids not to use their mouths to bite or lie, but to give kisses, chew, sing, ask for forgiveness and tell the truth, because those are the things that Jesus says are good, and he knows what’s best for us.

    Children will be encouraged to follow Jesus’ example, and they will be reassured that he loves us so much that he can forgive us when we fail, and help us to change.

    This book is part of a new series called Training Young Hearts that addresses the attitudes of the heart that underpin behavior and explains how the gospel of grace enables us to change.

    Parents, teachers, and other loved ones can refer back to these resources when specific behaviors need both to be corrected and to be connected to forgiveness, grace and growth.

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  • What Are Hands For


    This fun lift-the-flap board book motivates small children to use their hands in a Christ-like way.

    Parents will be able to teach their kids not to use their hands to snatch, push or hit but to wave, clap, pray, high five, help and serve, because those are the things that Jesus says are good, and he knows what’s best for us.

    Children will be encouraged to follow Jesus’ example, and they will be reassured that he loves us so much that he can forgive us when we fail, and help us to change.

    This book is part of a new series called Training Young Hearts that addresses the attitudes of the heart that underpin behavior and explains how the gospel of grace enables us to change.

    Parents, teachers, and other loved ones can refer back to these resources when specific behaviors need both to be corrected and to be connected to forgiveness, grace and growth.

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  • Goodnight Jesus : A Children’s Bedtime Story


    In this enchanting board book, Kate Sydnor delights children (and parents!) in reflecting on those they love, God’s blessings, our gratitude for others, and the things we are thankful for – all with the tenderness of a child’s heart. Endearing pages with lines such as “Goodnight, neighbors and goodnight, friends” are placed side by side with lines from the Bible, such as “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31).

    Children will be captivated by the soothing repetition and enchanting images that highlight the importance in their lives of:

    *Faith, family, and friends
    *Teachers and guides
    *God’s many gifts
    *Scripture and worship at Church
    *Their personal relationship with Jesus

    This warm, joyful book will help children learn to praise, adore, and love God in simple but meaningful ways. In page after precious page, it will awaken their young hearts to the consoling joy of God the Father’s love for them and teach them how to draw near to God, rest in Jesus’ arms close to His Sacred Heart, and “be thankful for everything” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

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  • How To Find Hope When Life Hurts


    Heal Emotional Wounds and Free Yourself from the Past

    We all experience emotional pain, but few of us know how to deal with it properly. Our unresolved pain accumulates deep within the recesses of our hearts, in a place Jimmy Evans calls the “hurt pocket.” The more we accumulate, the more we are mentally, emotionally, and relationally crippled. But what if we could reach into that hurt pocket, confront our pain, and experience release and freedom?

    In this life-changing book, Jimmy Evans shows you how to completely remove and resolve every negative event from your past that is compromising your present and keeping you from your God-given destiny. With inspired vulnerability and searing honesty, he helps you forgive others (and yourself) and discover true inner peace and hope for the future.

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  • He Should Have Told The Bees


    Beekeeper Beckett Walsh is living her dream, working alongside her father in their apiary, until his untimely death sends her world into a tailspin. She suddenly finds she must deal with a new part owner of the family business–one who is looking to sell the property. Beck cannot fathom why her father would put her into the position to lose everything they built together.

    When Callie Peterson is named in the trust of a man she’s never heard of, she’s not sure what to do. Her fledgling business has just taken wing and her mother has reentered her life asking for help getting into rehab for her lifelong substance abuse issues, making Callie’s financial situation rather . . . precarious. She’s sure she has no right to someone else’s farm, but the money from the sale could solve her problems and give her the stability she’s always craved.

    As these two women navigate their present conundrum, they will discover a complex and entangled past full of secrets–and the potential for a brighter future for both of them.

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  • Letters From My Sister


    Two Sisters. One Single Event. A Family Changed Forever.

    At the turn of the twentieth century, sisters Emmy and Callie Bullock are living a privileged life as the only daughters of a wealthy Alabama cotton farmer when their well-ordered household gets turned upside down by the arrival of Lily McGee. Arrestingly beautiful, Lily quickly–and innocently–draws the wrong kind of attention. Meanwhile, Callie meets a man who offers her the freedom to abandon social constraints and discover her truest self.

    After Lily has a baby, Callie witnesses something she was never meant to see–or did she? Her memory is a haze, just an image in her mind of Emmy standing on a darkened riverbank and cradling Lily’s missing baby girl. Only when the sisters are separated does the truth slowly come to light through their letters–including a revelation that will shape the rest of Callie’s life.

    Bestselling author Valerie Fraser Luesse weaves a complex and suspenseful tale dripping with intrigue, romance, and Southern charm.

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  • Countdown


    A stalker who wants to finish what he started. A US Marshal who’s vowed to protect his charge. And one woman who is determined to put the past in the past.

    Flight paramedic Raina Price has been running so long it’s hard to stop. To escape a dangerous stalker, she changed her name and disappeared, building a new life with the help of a friend from her time in juvie. It feels good to put her energies into saving people’s lives, but because her stalker was never found, she’s never stopped looking over her shoulder. And one can only run so far before the past finally catches up.

    US Marshal Vincent Corelli’s job is to hunt down fugitives and protect those who are assigned to him. When Raina is almost killed right in front of him, he vows to protect her at all costs–whether it’s his job or not. Together they work to solve the mystery of Raina’s past. But someone is out to make sure Raina doesn’t live long enough to do it.

    Countdown is the breathless conclusion to USA Today bestselling author Lynette Eason’s thrilling Extreme Measures series.

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  • Kingdom Purpose : Discovering Your Calling In God’s Great Design


    Discover a Destiny Designed Specifically for You

    God’s endgame is for His reign to cover the earth. This overarching plan unites the lives of His people, and as you examine what Scripture reveals about God’s kingdom, you’ll become better equipped for the role He created you to fulfill.

    In Kingdom Purpose, Dr. Tony Evans leads you on a journey of embracing your value, identity, and calling as a masterpiece created by the King. This book will help you:

    *abide in a soul-satisfying relationship with Jesus, rooting your confidence in His sacrificial love

    *uncover how your passions reveal God’s direction for you-and witness how He works behind the scenes to prepare you for His purpose

    *obey God’s promptings to serve Him in different areas of your life, both inside and outside your comfort zone

    With insightful questions to spark reflection and discussion, Kingdom Purpose is a powerful guide written for both individual and group study. Get ready to experience God’s peace, provision, and promises in eye-opening ways as you follow His desire for your life.

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  • Mastering Ministry : Key Principles For Every Pastor


    It seems nothing completely prepares you to be a pastor. Education and training certainly help, but some things you simply must learn through the trial and error of personal experience. Or do you?

    Gleaned from real-world experiences, Mastering Ministry was written with today’s pastorates in mind. Within its pages you will:

    *Discover seven ministry-defining values to move from floundering to flourishing;
    *Learn practical time management strategies to flatten the frenzied pace; and
    *Explore over 30 ministry-related topics to face difficult issues with finesse.

    While most traditional pastoral resources assume a one-pastor- one-church model, Mastering Ministry recognizes pastors today are often responsible for multiple congregations and includes pointers from the author’s book The Multi-Church Pastor: A Manual for Training Leadership in a Multi- Church Setting.

    Whether you are a new or seasoned pastor of a single congregation or several, you will find Mastering Ministry to be a valuable resource as you impact your community for Christ.

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  • Any Time Any Place Any Prayer Family Bible Devotional


    This devotional is a chance to take your family on a journey through the story of prayer in the Bible. It is based on the popular storybook by Laura Wifler, co-founder of Risen Motherhood, which explores prayer: from the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve talked with God face to face, through Old Testament examples and the teaching of Jesus, all the way to the promise of the new creation, where we’ll dwell with God .

    These 10-minute devotions are designed to be easy to lead and fun to do. They will help your family to learn to pray with confidence, . They are ideal for kids aged 5-11.

    Each one of the 15 devotions includes:

    – a short opening prayer

    – a starter question

    – a short Bible passage, printed in full

    – two questions about the passage

    – a short explanation that can be read aloud

    – two reflection questions (Usually one is simpler and the other requires more thought. Feel free to just pick one!)

    – a prayer idea

    – an optional extra section that goes deeper, aimed at older or more confident children

    In addition, there are simple, creative reflection ideas as well as bonus puzzles and activities.

    Explore, reflect and grow together as you and your family are encouraged to pray more often, more joyfully and with more confidence in Jesus.

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  • Deep Waters Of The Disciple


    Do you feel as if you’re drowning? As if between waves of doubt, despair, and grief, you’re struggling to stay afloat? Perhaps it’s a crisis in your marriage, the loss of a loved one, or financial problems that threaten to sink you. Maybe you’re facing shame or a scary illness. You’re clinging to life in desperation and tempted to ask: where is God in this?

    You’re not alone. When Peter started to sink in deep waters, he called out to Jesus. Jesus’s strong hand held him fast. He was in control of the storm all along.

    With pastoral compassion, Michael Cassidy comforts people facing deep waters of many kinds. He has lived through over 85 years of life’s ups and downs, including battling Leukemia. He shares stories of colleagues and people he has counselled who testify to God walking them through unimaginable trials.

    Michael provides insight into specific types of suffering, including:

    *Disease and Illness
    *Despair and Depression
    *Marriage Troubles

    When everything is shaken, you can ground yourself in the biblical wisdom of Deep Waters of the Disciple. Not only will this volume help you with your own challenges, but it will equip you to understand and help others with theirs.

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  • Hymns We Love Leaders Kit (Teacher’s Guide)


    Older adults are the fastest-growing age demographic across the Western world, and yet there are few materials to support churches who want to help this older generation hear about God’s love.

    Hymns We Love aims to fill that gap. It is a gentle which uses well-loved hymns to share the good news of Jesus and key truths about God’s character in an accessible way. Many in this generation have grown up singing these hymns at school, church or Sunday school, and they have therefore proved to be a non-threatening and accessible way to connect with seniors and help them to engage with the gospel.

    The series comprises five video sessions. Each one tells the story of the hymn writer, how the hymn came to be, and the Christian message behind it. Across the five sessions, Hymns We Love will help bring the core truths of the Christian story alive in a way that is gentle, warm and clear.

    The video sessions also feature beautiful renditions of the hymns, filmed in a historic English village church, along with testimonies and prayers.

    There are also three introductory sessions: for Christmas and for Easter and a third which can be used at any time of the year.

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  • When God Is Silent


    For Christians, one of our earliest lessons–and greatest gifts–is learning how to pray. And yet many of us believe our prayer lives fall short. In When God Is Silent, John Koessler reassures us that this has nothing to do with motivation or method. Our problems are relational, and recognizing this is the first step to having a better prayer life.

    Prayer is a conversation that moves primarily in one direction: from the believer who prays to the God who hears. If God appears silent, that does not mean that he is unresponsive. We always have God’s attention. This book does more than answer questions like how and why we should pray–it also invites us to gain a sense of God, of his goodness, and the rich welcome that is waiting for us every time we approach him in the name of Jesus Christ.

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  • Girl With The Special Shoes


    Hilda’s family didn’t know she had muscular dystrophy. They just knew their preschooler was losing her ability to walk. But they were determined to find a cure.

    Being disabled in Cameroon meant not only obstacles to transport, but visits to diviners and evangelists, threats of sexual assault, discrimination, and a crisis of faith. Despite the hardship Hilda has faced, her family’s unwavering support and God’s unwavering grace have helped her persevere to become a national broadcaster. Her inspiring triumph over adversity will give you hope, no matter how dark your trials. Walk a mile in Hilda’s shoes and learn how:

    *She lost her mobility and found her purpose.
    *A gutsy girl broke the glass ceiling of disability.
    *People saw her broken body, but God saw a worthy vessel.
    *She and her family searched for healing, but God had other plans.
    *She didn’t need to stand to be outstanding.
    *God was on the move when she was stuck.
    *Her hope overcame hardship.

    The Girl with Special Shoes is the witty and heartfelt story of a family’s sacrificial love and a God who refashions pain into purpose.

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  • Everyday Prayers For Patience


    Moms have their patience tested on almost a daily basis. How many times must we pull apart fighting siblings or listen to the same complaints over and over? How often do we need to encourage our kids to endure without complaining when we feel like our own patience has run out? And how do we find patience to wait for Goda(TM)s timing when it seems like wea(TM)ve been waiting forever?

    In this thirty-day devotional and reflective journal, author Brooke McGlothlin invites you to:
    consider that patience is:

    *Getting to know Jesus
    *Knowing the cost of salvation
    *Loving through the hard
    *Seeing God in all things
    *Confidence in what we cana(TM)t see
    *Waiting with expectation
    *Trusting God with the fight
    *And so much more.

    Everyday Prayers for Patience: Giving Yourself and Your Kids the Grace to Grow includes Bible verses on patience, space for journaling, and questions for deeper reflection. The prayers will help you seek Goda(TM)s heart to discover surer ways to have patience with your children and yourself. Your life and theirs can become beautiful reflections of His great patience with us.

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  • Recipes For A Sweet Child


    Practical Help for the Overwhelmed Mom

    Searching for answers to your toughest parenting problems, like how to turn your children’s grumbling into gratitude? Are you trying to navigate ongoing issues like sibling rivalry, tattling, unforgiveness, peer pressure, or bullying?

    Author Katie J. Trent combines her counseling and ministry expertise with her own parenting experiences to provide you with a creative guide to work past challenging childhood issues in a winsome way.

    Recipes for a Sweet Child will help you:

    *Teach your kids, from toddlers to teens, how to apply biblical wisdom in any situation.

    *Gain invaluable insights to help your kids overcome thirty-six of the most pressing emotional, behavioral, and relational battles that they face.

    *Discover simple tools to bring peace and joy into your home with easy, interactive activities and Bible lessons.

    *Engage the whole family in fun games and in-depth conversations.

    *Build kindness and character in your children so that they become the young ladies and gentlemen God wants them to be.

    *Enjoy making delicious recipes with your kids. Full-color photos are included.

    Katie J. Trent, a licensed clinical social worker, has over a decade of experience equipping and encouraging families through counseling and ministry. The author of Dishing Up Devotions: 36 Faith-Building Activities for Homeschooling Families, a popular blogger, and speaker, Katie loves to create resources to simplify life for busy moms by infusing faith and fun to build strong families. Katie puts the fun back into the fundamentals of family discipleship.

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  • Christmas Promise Sunday School Lessons


    This three-session Sunday School curriculum is based on the best-selling storybook The Christmas Promise and shows children what God promised centuries before the first Christmas: a unique forever rescuing King (King Jesus) and joy for all who live under his loving rule.

    Featuring age-differentiated lesson plans for 3-5s, 5-8s, and 8-12s, this flexible resource will work for any size of kids’ group and is easy to use for any leader. Also perfect for Homeschool Co-ops.

    Includes activity, craft, and game ideas, along with an exclusive link and password for free downloadable resources.

    There is also an outline plan for a family service that can be used during Advent or at Christmas.

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  • How Can I Be Sure Whats Right And Wrong


    How can I be sure what’s right and wrong? Is it all just a matter of opinion? Do we really need God to tell us how to be good people, or can we just figure it out for ourselves? What about situations where there is no one right answer, or when we disagree with others about what the best thing to do is?

    In this fun and fast-paced book, Christian Studies teacher and school chaplain Chris Morphew walks 9-13-year-olds through various questions about morality. He makes the case that there is such a thing as right and wrong, and that we need to go to God for solid and satisfying answers.

    – An apologetic case for objective morality which connects with the culture today’s children are growing up in

    – Points children to the grace and truth of the gospel message

    – Includes chapters on disagreeing well with others

    – Written for kids who don’t yet identify as Christians as well as those who do

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  • Hymns We Love Songbook


    Older adults are the fastest-growing age demographic across the Western world, and yet there are few materials to support churches who want to help this older generation hear about God’s love.

    Hymns We Love aims to fill that gap. It is a gentle which uses well-loved hymns to share the good news of Jesus and key truths about God’s character in an accessible way. Many in this generation have grown up singing these hymns at school, church or Sunday school, and they have therefore proved to be a non-threatening and accessible way to connect with seniors and help them to engage with the gospel.

    The series comprises five video sessions. Each one tells the story of the hymn writer, how the hymn came to be, and the Christian message behind it. Across the five sessions, Hymns We Love will help bring the core truths of the Christian story alive in a way that is gentle, warm and clear.

    The video sessions also feature beautiful renditions of the hymns, filmed in a historic English village church, along with testimonies and prayers.

    There are also three introductory sessions: for Christmas and for Easter and a third which can be used at any time of the year.

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  • My First Year A Memory Book For Baby Boys


    Create a timeless keepsake of your baby boy’s first year with the My First Year Hardcover Memory Book for Baby Boys. Cherish these precious memories for years to come as you document the special moments and milestones of his early life.

    The memory book’s blue hardcover showcases a delightful lion illustration on the front cover. The eye-catching title is elegantly accented with red foil.

    My First Year

    A Memory Book for Baby Boys

    A red elastic band securely wraps around both covers, ensuring the book stays closed and your precious treasures remain safely tucked inside. The back cover showcases a lovable group of fun forest friends, and this charming theme is continued throughout the full-color printed book. Within its pages, you’ll find ample space to document unforgettable moments and milestones, from his first tooth and the first step to his first Christmas and first birthday, creating a cherished keepsake of his life.

    There is ample space for photos, meaningful notes, hand and footprints, and dental and immunization logs, making it perfect for preserving precious memories. Additionally, the memory book includes two special envelopes designed to collect a lock of hair and a hospital bracelet, ensuring that these sentimental keepsakes are safely stored and cherished for years to come.

    Throughout the pages, you’ll find a collection of uplifting quotes and heartfelt poems that beautifully capture the joy of welcoming this new life.

    Include the My First Year Hardcover Memory Book for Baby Boys in your daughter’s or daughter-in-law’s baby shower gift. This charming My First Year Hardcover Memory Book for Baby Boys will be a cherished keepsake, allowing her to preserve the precious moments of her baby boy’s first year and create lasting memories to treasure for a lifetime.

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  • They Will Soar On Eagles Wings Journal Isaiah 40:31 Gray With Zipper


    Classic journal, faux leather flex cover.

    336 lined pages with Scripture

    Ribbon marker; zip closure

    Foil debossed cover

    They will soar on wings like eagles. Isaiah 40:31

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  • Amazing Grace Journal 2 Corinthians 12:9 Cream Floral Print With Zipper


    Capture the blessings in your life and reflect on the faithfulness of God with the Amazing Grace Natural Canvas and Brown Faux Leather Classic Journal with Zipper Closure. By journaling about God’s past faithfulness, you bear witness to His faithfulness in the future.

    This journal features a durable, tawny brown faux leather cover that wraps around the spine and meets a natural canvas front panel adorned with a delightful floral pattern. The back panel also includes a heat-debossed floral design. The sentiment is framed and presented in black on the front panel, and the Scripture reference is incorporated into the frame.

    Amazing Grace
    2 Corinthians 12:9

    A gold-toned metal zipper pull slides closed easily to keep the journal’s contents secure and allows it to fit in tight spaces. Additionally, a satin ribbon marker allows for easy location and page marking.

    With 366 lined pages, each containing a series of repeating Bible verses stamped at the base, this journal is perfect for recording your thoughts, prayers, and reflections. Furthermore, each page has a small dotted line for recording dates or titles in the top right corner, and a presentation page that can be personalized can be found in the front.

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  • She Is More Precious Than Rubies Journal Proverbs 31:10 Pink Floral


    Express your heartfelt appreciation to your mom by giving her the More Precious than Rubies Pink Floral Large Wirebound Journal on Mother’s Day. This beautiful journal will serve as a tangible symbol of your love and admiration. She will be reminded of the special bond you share each time she writes within its pages.

    Pretty pink flowers bloom against a pink background on the covers of the wirebound journal. In the center of the cover, a white frame edged in gray holds the gold-foiled sentiment.

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  • Q And A Journal For Christian Women Taupe


    The Q&A a Day: 3-Year Journal for Christian Women, a unique 3-Year Devotional, serves as a tool to gauge your personal growth over the next three years. This Christian women’s journal acts as a self-reflection resource that can also inspire deeper conversations with your loved ones.

    Its elegant taupe faux leather cover is adorned with scattered, heat-debossed fronds on both sides. The front cover boasts a gold-foiled frame, complemented by a heat-debossed arch design that highlights a sleek panel displaying the title. The title is presented in heat-debossed letters, further accentuated with a gold-foiled script.

    Q and A a Day for Christian Women
    3-year Journal

    The journal’s gilt-edged pages beautifully harmonize with the gold-foiled accents on the cover. The single-color interior offers an arched frame on each page, enclosing a lined space designed for recording answers to the same question over three consecutive years. This layout is designed for a three-year response cycle to the same question, making this a personal growth journal that follows the calendar year, starting on January 1.

    By devoting five minutes a day to answering the thought-provoking question of the day, you can track your evolving thoughts over time. Deep reflective questions, such as “What are you waiting on God for?” and “Which of the disciples describes you?” are part of this Christian women’s journal.

    Lina AbuJamra, a pediatric ER doctor, telemedicine practitioner, and the founder of Living With Power Ministries, has devoted her life to offering hope by connecting biblical answers to everyday life. A sought-after Bible teacher, podcaster, and conference speaker, she has authored several books, including our very own Rest in Me Pink Faux Leather Devotional.

    The Q&A a Day: 3-Year Journal for Christian Women can be used to chronicle your personal three-year spiritual journey or as a shared family activity. It also serves as a valuable tool for maintaining accountability and makes a thoughtful Christmas gift for the cherished women in your life.

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  • Blessed Journal Jeremiah 17:7 Blue Peacock


    Let your grandmother preserve her extraordinary legacy within the pages of the Blessed Blue Peacock Hardcover Journal, making it an exquisite birthday gift that encapsulates her remarkable life. These pages will serve as a treasure trove of her admirable experiences, inspiring generations to come with her wisdom and profound insights.

    The pearlescent cover of the journal, with its subtle sheen, exudes an enchanting charm. It is adorned with a stunning blue peacock set against a lush green backdrop. Delicate pink flowers and intricate golden swirls gracefully surround the peacock, hiding an antique key and evoking a sense of beauty, mystery, and wonder. Enhancing the elegance of the design, a lacy frame in antique gold borders the edges of the journal, flawlessly complementing the sentiment expressed in gold-foiled letters.

    Jeremiah 17:7

    To elevate the design further, elegant metallic corners have been added, enhancing its visual appeal. The back cover gracefully repeats the green background, while a lighter green band in the middle holds the sentiment, beautifully foiled in gold.

    Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD,
    and whose hope is in the LORD.

    Jeremiah 17:7

    The interior pages of this journal are thoughtfully lined, providing a structured canvas for writing. Moreover, each page features a carefully chosen Scripture verse, serving as a source of inspiration for meditation or prayer.

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  • Hope Journal Isaiah 40:31 Teal Butterfly


    Channel your hopes for the future into the pages of the Teal Hope Butterfly Hardcover Journal and take comfort in knowing that God will restore both your strength and faith, infusing you with a renewed sense of purpose.

    The journal’s pearlescent hardcover exudes a subtle sheen, elevating and enhancing the various design accents. Its secret garden theme unfurls before your eyes, centering on an Eastern Tiger Swallowtail butterfly in shades of cream and charcoal. This intricate creature, flanked by vivid red and yellow roses, harbors an intriguing lock on its thorax, implying there is a key to unlock a mystery. A delicate, gold-foiled crown is poised atop the butterfly’s head. The teal backdrop, embellished with gold-foiled calligraphy, perfectly complements the heartfelt sentiment that grounds the design at the lower edge of the front cover.


    To enhance its appeal, the journal features stylish metallic corners. This small detail adds to its overall attractiveness. The back of the journal maintains the same teal color scheme, with the sentiment displayed in golden letters at the center.

    Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength
    They will soar on wings like eagles
    They will run and not get weary
    They will walk and not faint.
    Isaiah 40:31

    The pages within this journal are lined, offering an organized space for your thoughts. Further enriching the experience, each page includes a handpicked Scripture verse that will act as a beacon of inspiration for reflection or prayer.

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  • Faith Journal Romans 5:1 Mint Green Bee


    Discover the purposeful elegance of the Faith Bee Hardcover Journal, designed to guide women on a journey towards finding peace with God. Within its pages, blank slates await, inviting contemplation of the mysteries that unfold when faith is placed in Christ. Drawing inspiration from the Bible’s promise of a peace that surpasses all understanding, this journal becomes a conduit for study and prayer, nurturing a profound connection with Christ.

    This journal not only captivates with its mottled green cover, boasting a pearlescent finish that bestows a delicate sheen but also intrigues with a hidden lock nestled within a resting bee’s thorax. As your eyes wander across the decorative flowers and gold-foiled swirls, a secret key awaits your discovery, inviting you to unlock the mysteries inside the covers. The sentiment is beautifully displayed below the image in gold-foiled letters, grounding the design.


    Romans 5:1

    To elevate its design, the Faith Bee Hardcover Journal incorporates exquisite details such as elegant metallic corners. These additions infuse the journal with a touch of sophistication and enhance its visual appeal, making it a true delight to behold. As you turn to the back cover, you’ll be greeted by the same mottled green background, adorned with the whole verse beautifully presented in gold-foiled letters.

    Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Romans 5:1

    Within the journal, each interior page is thoughtfully lined, providing a structured canvas for your musings. But that’s not all – every page also features a carefully chosen Scripture verse, offering inspiration for meditation or prayer. This deliberate selection of verses nurtures your spiritual growth and deepens your connection with God.

    As part of the Green Secret Garden Faith Collection, the Faith Bee Hardcover Journal harmonizes seamlessly with a range of complementary items, including a reusable tote bag, gift bag, and coaster set. Together, they create a captivating ensemble that embodies the beauty and serenity of faith.

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  • God Gives Us Heaven


    An easy-to-read, rhyming picture book teaching kids about salvation and Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.

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  • Footprints In The Sand Coloring Books


    When times are tough do you sometimes feel alone, like a small boat in an ocean of cares and concerns? In times like these, you need the gentle reminder that God is always with you and that you will never walk alone.

    Footprints in the Sand is a coloring book for adults that will help you calm your fears and strengthen your soul knowing that God is right beside you. Pair your creativity with the enduring words of the classic poem Footprints in the Sand to create a well-deserved moment of peace amid the hustle and bustle of life. Encouraging Scripture verses will remind you of God’s promises to guide, protect and give you rest when you need it most. There are also beach-themed illustrations to color, which will create a relaxed and calm state of mind.

    *40 full-page designs to color.
    *12 bookmarks, 15 cards, and 18 tags to color.
    *Includes the enduring words of the classic poem Footprints in the Sand by Margaret *Fishback Powers that has inspired countless readers for over 50 years.
    *Encouraging Scripture verses on God’s promises to guide, protect and give you rest.
    *Thick cardstock pages allow you to use any medium you like.

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  • Mission Possible A Daily Devotional For Young Readers


    This 365-day devotional from the New York Times bestselling author and athlete inspires young Christians to find their mission and pursue a bold, bright, fulfilling life–every single day (previously published as Mission Possible One-Year Devotional for Young Readers).

    Tim Tebow believes that the greatest impediment to success is not any external resistance or roadblock we might face; it’s living with a mission impossible mindset. But even young Christians can embrace their God-given purpose and adopt a mission possible outlook.

    This inspiring resource draws on principles from Tebow’s Mission Possible to help pre-teens and teens discover that the secret to a more fulfilling, meaningful life is not more comfort or ease, but a clear mission. Covering 52 weekly themes of a mission possible life, these inspirational readings help readers identify their priorities, align their responsibilities, and make decisive, impactful choices. Embracing their God-given significance will bring young people a lasting sense of purpose. It’s never too early to start living a mission-possible life!

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  • Beginners Bible 100 Bedtime Devotions


    Snuggle up for some special time with God and your little one! The Beginner’s Bible 100 Bedtime Devotions contains sweet, meaningful devotions that are fun and accessible for young children, so you can end the day by reassuring your child of God’s amazing love for them.

    The Beginner’s Bible 100 Bedtime Devotions is a cozy, faith-filled addition to any bedtime routine. With devotions organized by theme–including gratitude, courage, friendship, peace, and more–it’s easy to find the perfect message for anything that’s on a child’s heart or mind.

    The Beginner’s Bible 100 Bedtime Devotions:

    *Is part of The Beginner’s Bible(R) brand, the bestselling Bible storybook brand of our time, impacting more than 25 million families for over 30 years

    *Features 100 original devotions perfect for sharing with young children

    *Organizes devotions by topic, so you can easily address anything your child is thinking about

    *Is a fun, accessible way to deepen your child’s faith

    *Features vibrant, three-dimensional art

    *Is perfect for Easter baskets, Christmas stocking stuffers, birthdays, and child dedicatio

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  • 101 Blessings For A Man Of God Box Of Blessings


    Gift the inspiring messages of the 101 Blessings for a Man of God Box of Blessings to a son, father, uncle, or friend to ground them in God’s truth. Let the 101 Scripture verses within this box be a reminder of the power and strength that God gives to his children.

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  • 101 Blessings To Strengthen Your Soul Box Of Blessings


    Take a few minutes to immerse your mind with truth from God’s Word and ground your day when you pick a card from the 101 Blessings To Strengthen Your Soul Box of Blessings. The 101 encouraging messages within this box will inspire you to draw near to God and trust him to give you strength for whatever your day holds.

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  • 101 Blessings Delight Your Heart Box Of Blessings


    The To Delight Your Heart Box of Blessings gives you a beautiful way to start or end your day with uplifting quotes and Scripture verses. Each card will offer a hopeful reminder and encouraging truth that God is with you no matter what.

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  • Bible Promises Cards In Tin


    Decorative tin with hinged lid

    75 Double sided Scripture cards inside

    Bible Promises ; floral

    Devotional cards with Scripture

    Tin size 5″ x 4″

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  • 101 Favorite Bible Verses For Men Box Of Blessings


    The 101 Favorite Bible Verses for Men Box of Blessings is a small box filled with encouragement for your daily journey. Use the cards in this Box of Blessings to memorize Scripture, inspire a prayer, or grow your knowledge of the Bible.

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  • 101 Favorite Bible Verses For Teens Box Of Blessings


    The 101 Favorite Bible Verses for Teens Teal and Blue Box of Blessings is the perfect gift for all the teenagers in your life. This inspiring box of cards is filled with 101 Bible verses to help teenagers deal with faith, life, love, and God.

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  • 101 Blessings For A Great Teacher Box Of Blessings


    Share a blessing a day with the hardworking and dedicated teachers in your child’s life when you give the 101 Blessings for a Great Teacher Box of Blessings as a teacher appreciation gift to the teachers that help shape the minds and hearts of little ones.

    The soft green body of the Box of Blessings is topped with a dark teal lid that is decorated with an open book bursting with bright tulips. The tulips spill over onto the body of the box, where the title is presented in a multi-colored, multi-font design that is sure to catch the eye.

    101 Blessings for a Great Teacher

    Inside the 101 Blessings for a Great Teacher Box of Blessings, you will find 101 double-sided cards with an inspirational Scripture verse on one side and an uplifting quote or phrase on the other. The small cards inside the box cycle through 3 designs that include bright pastel crayons, florals, and floral swags. Each of the 51 double-sided cards has an inspirational Scripture verse on one side and an uplifting quote or phrase on the other, providing a variety of beautiful designs and sentiments to choose from.

    Teachers can use a card a day for inspiration, share them with their students as a small treat to inspire them or keep a card tucked away in a book as a bookmark. The possibilities are endless!

    The 101 Blessings for a Great Teacher Box of Blessings is part of the Teal Best Teacher Collection designed to celebrate the best teachers! This collection includes a ceramic coffee mug, an epoxy-filled metal keychain, a perpetual calendar, and a gift book.

    This Teacher Appreciation Day, let them know how much their hard work and dedication mean to you and the children they inspire every day. Share a blessing with one teacher of the whole staff when you give the 101 Blessings for a Great Teacher Box of Blessings as an encouraging gift.

    *Bright pastel tulip design
    *Multi-colored text
    *101 Blessings for a Great Teacher
    *Teal Best Teacher Collection
    *Full-color printed cards and box
    *51 double-sided cards
    *Inspirational message on front
    *Scripture on the back
    *Sturdy box with lid
    *Card size: 3.4″ x 2.3″ (87 x 58mm)
    *Box size: 3.8″ x 2.7″ x 1.1″ (97 x 69 x 28mm)

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  • Power From The Word Cards In Tin


    Decorative tin with hinged lid

    75 Double sided Scripture cards inside

    Power from the Word for Men

    Devotional cards with Scripture

    Tin size 5″ x 4″

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